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Books by Rev. W. V. Grant

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A gray-haired, pleasant looking gentleman asked a young miner where he worked. "I work in the mine, eight hundred feet under the ground," answered the young miner. "How much did it cost you to come out of this mine?" asked the other. "It didn't cost me anything." answered the miner. "I don't believe it," said the other, "I don't believe anyone can come that far without it costing him something." At this point the young man flew into a rage and stormed out, "I would have you to understand that my company is not bankrupt. It has spent thousands of dollars to sink a shaft down to this mine. They have the power connected to it. All I need to do is step on the elevator and push the button, and this elevator brings me out." At this point the elder of the church said, "You told me that you could not see how salvation is free. I would have you to know that heaven is not bankrupt. It cost heaven a lot to sink a shaft into this sin-cursed world. All you need to do is to step onto this elevator. It is connected to the .power. You will be lifted out of your sins. It is already paid for. Jesus is the elevator. He has purchased your salvation. There is no other way to get out. Your works won't do it. Joining a church won't do it. There is none other name given among men whereby you maybe saved This young man saw the point, accepted Jesus. He repented of his self-righteousness. He had tried to get by so long on church membership and failed. A pastor of a church recently stopped his young people from having street meetings. He said his church was the place for people to become Christians. He said all others were illegitimate children. He said the hospital was the place for babies to be born, not out on the street. According to that logic aU of the New Testament converts were illegitimate children for they had no church house as we know today. Fellowship among imperfect men cannot be based on doctrine in an points. It must be based on what is in the heart rather that what is in the head. A man and his wife may not see eye to eye on every detail. One may like red and the other may be like blue. One may like sugar in coffee. The other may like the coffee black. They may differ on how the bedge is trimmed. Yet, they are one. Little things like that must not make them separate and begin two homes instead of one. Men of God may agree on doctrine and still not have unity. Unless they are bound together by the spirit of God, there is no unity. Spirit-filled of other denominations met me in Chicago and

asked me what we can do to have unity between all believers. f told them that we already have it. The Lord knows those that are H is. (II Timothy 2: 10) "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another. (John 13: 35) What about the people that persist in false doctrine? Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. That which my father has not planted shall be rooted up. (Matthew 15: 13-14) The disciples were arguing over who should be the greatest. They were about to side into denominations when Jesus stopped tbem (Luke 9:46) That is what begins new denominations. Men want to control people and they want to call people "My people." They are God's people; they are not our people. John saw some people casting out devils in Jesus' name. He commanded them to either join his party or cast out no more devils. God's work was about to be divided into two groups. Jesus stopped them. He told them to forbid them not. He did not say that the other group was not right. Rather he said that they were not against him. He said He had other sheep that were not of that fold (John 10: 16). "For he that is not against us taketh our part". They had joined a common war against the enemy. Men today brand people devils that won't follow them. Jesus says Satan does not cast out Satan. (Matthew 12:26) Because a man does not belong to our organization, yet if if he is doing a good work he must be recognized as a follower of Christ and a fellow-worker. He is a member of the body of Christ. We must not say, "I have no need of thee." (I Corinthians 12: 21) Paul was not the leader of a certain sect or clique. He was a leader of all the body of Christ. He did not spend his time building walls to divide the body. He asked the question, "Is Christ divided?" (I Corinthians I: 13). The woman at the well of Samaria had been married five times. Yet Jesus gave her that living water in her soul. She may not have had license to preach, yet she won a city full of people to God (John 4). The disciples could not understand how Jesus could stoop so low as to waste his time preaching to a woman of another denomination. Yet He loves all people. He tells us to go into all of the world and preach the gospel to every creature and not to just our own special group. This little woman did not leave all of her water pots and run downtown to teU people about her denomination, her fine church house or her big Bible school. She said; "Come and see a man who told me all things that I have ever done." That is what convicts people preaching to them Jesus. We point to them some one that can take away their sins.
W. V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Texas Send postage for free book. How To Keep Calm lind Cool In Crisis.


A well dressed salesman walked into a crowded train and sat down next to a fourteen year old girl. After getting acquainted with her, he asked, "What kind do you smoke?" You should smoke this brand. There is not a cough in a carload. They do not bite the tongue. This is the only real tobacco." He has another customer so he walks to the next coach. He has ten thousand like her in mind. He wants to sell them on his idea that the other brands are not as good as his brand. His brand will make her slender, beautiful, and charming. What the salesman does not tell the girl is that she may develop lung cancer, T.B., and a dozen more killing diseases. Regardless of the brand, it is all tobacco. It all stinks. It all comes out of the same tobacco field. Companies put their own labels on the same poison. They use their own propaganda. There is a striking contrast here. All Christians have the same Christ. They are all washed in the blood. They are all born in the spirit of God. They belong to the same .church. They .are going to the same heaven. They are filled With the same JOY, peace, love, and life. . .. Yet, some Christians put their own brand on t?elr religion. They use their own propaganda. They send out their own salesmen to try to prove that their denomination is the best, and that all others are bad. They prove that their own brand is the only kind. They do this for commercial purposes, so that they can feel larger. They use power, influence, and prestige, that they are given to convince members of other groups to come and join their group. After they get them, they are two fold more a child of hell. (Matthew 23: 15) The right brand is the blood-washed way. All born-again Christians regardless of the name or denomination have the right brand. The Lord knows them that are His. Every spirit that believes in the virgin birth and a born-again experience is of GOD. (I John 4:2)(John 3:3) You must believe with your heart and repent of your sins to accept the true salvation (Luke J 3: 3 and Romans 10: 10) If you believe with your heart, you become a new creature, in Christ. Old things pass away and all things become new. (2 Corinthians 5: 17) One pastor told me that he had fine classes of people in his churches. I thought that all people that are blood-washed belonged to the same family. They belong to the same class. There are no big "I's" and little "you's" in God's family. If you have no clothes but overalls, wash them and come

right on to church. God loves you as much as He does the banker. What God has cleansed, call not thou common (Acts 10: 15). Why do people argue and preach one another into hell because of certain words or ceremonies they say while serving communion or say marriage ceremonies or dedicating children? Why do they argue, hate one another, and preach the other group into hell because of certain words they say over the converts, Go down to the water. Water doesn't save. The convert is already saved when he is baptized - or should be. It is the blood that redeems from sin and not water (t John I: 7) . There is no ceremony in the Bible on water baptism. At one place we are commanded to baptize in the name of the Lord. In another place, in the name of the Lord Jesus. In another place in the name of the Son. They all mean the same. They all mean Christian baptism. There is none other. There is only one true baptism and that is Christian baptism. We do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3: 17) That does not mean that we are compelled to say a certain ceremony over all we say or do throughout the thousands of things we do each day. We live in the name. We run into the name. (Proverbs 18: 10) If we follow men and groups, we are carnal and walk as men. (I Corinthians 3: 3-7) Paul said for people to follow him as he followed Christ. It is all right to follow men if they will lead you to Christ instead of spending their time dividing the body of Christ. Each side may say that the other group is going to hell. None of them are on their way to hell if they are born again. (John 3:3) God will claim everyone whose name is in the book. (Daniel 12: I) That book is in heaven. We don't keep the Lamb's book of life. Your name may be on the church book, but is it on God's book? If you live in sin, your name will be blotted out of John's book. (Exodus 32:33)(Rev. 3:5) If your name is not on God's book, you will never enter heaven. (Rev. 20: 15) Paul said if an angel from heaven preach any other doctrine let him be acursed. He preached that we are all in one body (I Corinthians 12: 13) and that we are saved by our belief in the virgin birth. That is the basis of fellowship amongst God's people. By one spirit, we are all baptized in one body. If a man is saved, he knows it. If he has the spirit, he knows it. The spirit bareth witness (I John 5: 10). If he does not know he is saved, then, he is not saved. You can know. You can have the spirit to bear witness. You can be sure. Invite him in now.

I was amazed in Seattle, Washington to find the sidewalks were filled with bookstands in plain view of the children. ~n nearly all the bookstands were pictures of entire nude familtes. J phoned the members of the city council an~ asked them ab~ut it. They said, "It is legal." I phoned the policemen. They.sald, "It is legal." I phoned the heads of the .churche~. .The b_'sho of one of the largest churches said, "If it IS legal, It IS. all nght: I thought for a while and J could not help from a~kmg. certam questions. Suppose liquor is legal. Suppose IS le~al. Suppose prostitute houses are legal. ~ou. c~n .Iegallze anything. You can legalize a rattlesnake, but still It IS Just as po~son as if you bring it out of the woods and put it out on the SIdewalk and put it among the children. The Pharisees counted certain things legal, but Jesus told them they were not right. The theology you study may not always be right. . I was in a cave where a guide explained to us, science had proved that it took certain fossils sev~ral millions ~f years to form. They are explaining away the miracle of creation. . They would have explained Adam's body after they examined it, to be contrary to Scripture. They wo~ld have declare~ that he was born as a baby, that it took thirty years for him to grow into that fully matured man. The Bible. de~lares that God created Adam a full-grown man. These SCI~ntlsts would have declared that this bread that Jesus created instantly was not a miracle (Matthew 14: 19). . They would have proved that a grain of wheat IS planted, and then after four months, it became fully grown and matured. Then it was harvested, ground into flour, and baked i~. an ove?,. But the Bible says that Jesus created that bread instantly". He created the earth instantly also. You can become a new creature in Christ Jesus instantly without learning all the church doctrine. Science proves that a bumble bee can't ."y. It flies anyway. Men prove that one cannot be healed instantly by God's power, but it happens anyway. .' . The natural man tries to prove that no one IS a Christian beyond the organized church. God sa~s that He ~as ~et the ~embers in the church as it has pleased HIm. (I Connthlans ~2. 1.8). By one spirit we are all baptized in one body (I Corinthians 12: 13) . In or out of denominations, all of God's people are III one body; that of Christ. God knows those that are H~s. Man can not add to the body of Christ. Jesus IS the door. (John 7:9) He opens and no man shutteth. He shuts and no


V. Grant

P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Texas Send postage for free 'book, How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.

man opens. (Revelations 3: 7-8) Theology is not salvation. Theology will not save you. God has no grandsons. You are not a Christian by inheritance. You are not a Christian because you belong to the same denomination that your mother joined. You will be born again or you will be lost. We can organize our efforts to evangelize the world, and to build churches, but we cannot organize the body of Christ. God alone does that. (1 Corinthians 12: 18) We recognize what God has done. We recognize the body of Christ. I know some good personal workers that win souls. I know some that calls themselves personal workers. They spend their time taking members from one denomination and building their own denominations. What have they gained? Are they working for God or confusing God's people? They teach for doctrines the commandments of men. (Matthew 15: 9). The traditions of the elders has made the word of God of none effect in people. Let's spend our time getting men saved whether they are in our church or not. Some children are brought up to really believe that the neighbor's children across the fence are lost because they do not belong to the same denomination that they do. So they are really sorry and have pity for the neighbors children across the fence. In World War II the Germans killed American boys with bayonetts. There were Christians on both sides. The war lords had taught them to hate us. We should not have war lords in our denominations to teach Christians in one group to hate those Christians in another group. Let's love and not fight. The hate groups try to turn the whites against the blacks, the Catholics against the Protestants, the Hindus against the Moslems, Capital against Labor, and the Democrats against the Republicans, the Jews against the Gentiles, and even one denomination against another denomination. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that all men should come to repentence (John 3: 16; 2 Peter 3: 9). He did not give His Son for just one nation, one tribe, or one denomination. Whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Everyone that asketh rcceiveth (Luke I I : 10). The Holy Spirit is for all that is afar off. He has no respect of persons or organization. Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Acts 2: 21 ). Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Whosoever means me. Whosoever means you. When the door to Noah's ark was open, everyone and every creature could come in. Jesus is the door. He invites all people. We must go out into the highways and the hedges and bring them all to Jesus.


For about twelve years I was in the grocery business. We moved a lot of groceries. There were many chain st~res. A good friend of mine was the he~~ of a ~ell-known cham store that branched out into many Cities. This man had many advantages over me, because he had stores scatter~d everywhere. I had some advantages over him because I was Independent. I was where I could watch my employees and cut down expenses. I knew my customers. 1 gave more attention to them becau~e I was not just a clock watcher as some managers over the cham stores. Many customers came by and told me how good my groceries were and how bad the groceries were t~at they had bought from the chain store. My. fri~nd w~s letting m~ have groceries at that time. I was buying from him. Many of them came from the same company. We did not tell people that we had the only groceries and all other groceries and fruit that they bought othe~ were bad. Regardless of what denomination you are In, If you are a born again Christian, your salvation comes from the same place, Calvary's tree. We must look backward to the cross where salvation was purchased by His blood. Men use propaganda trying to prove all other Christians arc wrong. A great pa~ of what some preachers preach is only propaganda - doctrines of men. We are all Christians. Our fellowship is not based on denomination. (Galatians 2: 12-13) Our fellows~ip is ~t .based on eating meat. (Colossians 2: '16-17) Our f~lIowshlp I.S not based on keeping a day. (Romans 14) Our fellowship IS not based on leaders and personalities (I Corinthians I: 13-17) .?ur fellowship is in the Father and in the Son. (I John I: 3) By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if ye love one another." (John 13: 35) That does not mean that men have principles or ethics. It means that they have love. It. means God. God is love and love is God. "He that loveth IS born of God." (I John 4:7) If your heart is as my heart, you ,are my brother. .. T~.ere were other groups in Paul's day that fought Paul. (PhilIppians 1: 15-19) Paul did not spend his time preaching about them .. He was too busy preaching Christ. He just rejoiced instead of lighting. .. Church history records that certain over zealous. leaders plac~d an exaggerated emphasis on some parti~ular to Win disciples for some selfish reason. Even If some of those people are saved, they are saved just like I am. They are blood-washed and born of the spirit.

w. v.

P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Texas Send postage for free book, How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.


Many members of certain organizations do not know what their church doctrine is. They are not interested in it. They don't care. They are hungry seeking after God. Maybe we neglected doing our duty in teaching them so some false cult can capture them. Some of these people pray. Some of them are born again. If their name is in heaven they belong to Jesus. As 1 was ministering in the Philippines, about one thousand Catholics were baptized of the Holy Spirit. I don't suppose their church teaches the Acts 2: 4 experience. They did not know it. They were so hungry that they received the Holy Spirit. Paul saw some of John's (the Baptist) converts who had never heard of the Holy Ghost. He laid his hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost. (Acts 19: 1-6). I laid my hands on a Jehovah Witness and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He happened to be born again. I met a nice lady on the train. I 1earned that she was a Sunday School teacher. "What do you teach in your class?" I asked. "Oh, I teach what my church believes," she answered. "What does your church believe?" I asked. She smiled and said, "They believe what I teach, of course." That is all millions of people know about God today. They are more faithful to their church than they are to Jesus. Their leaders teach for doctrines the commandments of men (Mark 7: 7) . They are blind leaders of the blind. They will all fall together. (M atthew 15: 4 ) Jonah was a good man, it seemed. He loved his denomination. He was very loyal. He was a man of reputation. No doubt, he was promoted to honor in his group. Look what happened when God sent him to another denomination to preach. He became angry because the other denomination received God. When the people became converted, Jonah became mad. (Jonah 4;1) If people of other groups want to fast and pray three days and nights and get saved, if God hears their prayers, I don't want to become prejudiced as Jonah did. r want to encourage them to desire the sincere milk of the world and learn more and receive more of God. It is easy for tradition to slip in the church. If you have found Him, you have found the way (John 14:6). Let's remember that there is none other name given under heaven by which men might be saved, than the name of Jesus. (Acts 4: 12) If you are a member of the church and not a member of Christ, then, now is the time to pray. It is important to be sure. Unless you are born of the spirit, you are not going to be lost; you are lost.
W. V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21, Texas Send postage for free book. How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.

Gopher matches are the matches ,that give you a lot of trouble. You strike one and "go fer" another one. They are not very dependable. 1 have seen people use up a whole package of these matches before they found one that would fire. I don't like this kind of matches that will not strike anywhere except on their own box. if you ever get them away from their own box, they will never fire. All they will do i~ to just make a smoke to blow up and fume around. Then they Will go out. They are never any good any more. r like a match that will strike anywhere at anytime. You don't know when you are going to have an emergency. You feel safer if you have a match that you can depend on in all circumstances regardless of the weather and regardless of the place, . I like a Christian that will pray anywhere regardless of where they are. 1 like a Christian that will be ready to fire .regardle~s if he is in a tent, auditorium. schoolhouse, street service, or In someone else's church. There is something wrong with the Christian who can pray in his own church, but can't pray in a street meeting. There is something wrong with a man who will profess reli~ion in. his own church but will not stand up and be counted III a revival in the next city. I have no confidence in a member who can testify in his own church, but will clam up and be ~um? in a tent revival. He is a hypocrite that will only pray III his own denomination. A real Christian will pray, testify, give, sing, preach, and win souls anytime and anywhere. Ther~ i,s somet~ing wrong with a man or woman who is not a Christian anytime and any place. If a man is saved, he is saved anywhere and he is saved anytime. Some people argue which denomination is the be.s~. God, does not look at denominations. He looks at the conditions of the individual's heart. The individual will be judged at judgement according to the things that are written in the .sixty-six books ~f the Bible, according to their works. (Revelation 20: 12) Their lives must measure up to the Bible instead of their church book. God will judge individuals instead of nations. It is the individual that will be lost instead of nations. (Matthew 25 :48) In every nation there are people who are saved. God has no respect of persons, In every nation there are people that are accepted of Him if they live right. (Acts 4: 12) God loves me as much as He ever did love a Jew. He loves a Jew as much as He loves me. He loves the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyter-

ians, and Pentecostals all alike. In some cities we find the Baptist church is more spiritual. In the next town the Methodists shout and pray more. In another town, it is the Church of God. In another town, it is the Assemblies of God. It depends largely how the pastor is living and how he prays. Are the Pentecostals spiritual? Yes, but it still isn't the name that counts. God is not concerned about the name. I can show you some Pentecostal-Presbyterians, and I can show you some Presbyterian-Pentecostals. Pentecost is not a denomination it is an experience. You are not Pentecostal if you don't act like they did at Pentecost. They did not meet together, sing two songs, spend thirty minutes taking prayer requests, pray thirty seconds, and let Flapper Fannie squeal a little, and the pastor give a book report. Then serve refreshments. They prayed down the power, saw people saved, healed, delivered, and filled with the spirit. When God called Moses, He did not call an organization. When He spoke to Gideon, He did not talk. to the whole denomination. It was Peter's shadow that fell on the sick causing them to be healed. It was Philip that prayed until devils fled. God uses individuals today men and women from every denomination. Whosoever will dedicate himself to the Lord. The man or woman who will dedicate himself to the Lord will see results regardless of what church they belong to. Peter heard the Gentiles speak in tongues. He said "We know they received the Holy Ghost for we heard them speak in tongues." (Acts 10:46-47) He did not say that they would have to be circumcised, quit eating meat, and study the church doctrine, before he pronounced them with the Holy Ghost. He did not say that they had to belong to his church, believe exactly like he di~;.he knew they had the Holy Ghost there and then. The Holy Spirit comes to teach us and to guide us into all truths. (John 16: 13) He puts the supernatural gifts and the ministeral gifts into the church for the perfection of the saints. He is our teacher. All these gifts are for the perfection of the saints. You first get the spirit of God, then join the most spiritual church in your part of the country regardless of the name. Work for God and win souls. None of them are perfect. God uses the best material He has. Ask Him to always keep you free from the sectarian spirit that says to part of the body of Christ, "I have no need of thee." (I Corinthians 12: 21 ) If you will find Jesus, then you can sing, "I have found' the way that leads to the endless day." Regradless of the church you are in, you can brighten the corner where you are.
W. V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Texas Send postage for free book, How To Keep C ..lm and Cool In Crisis.


I was on an airplane high over the United States when I met a g~~tle~an who told me that he was an executive in a large air conditioning factory. When I asked him which brand of air conditioners, this made him laugh. "I make them all," he said. I could not understand as I was ignorant of such an arrangement. Then he explained that each company purchased their air conditioners from him. They simply put their own case around them. They labeled them by certain names. I hear over the radio almost every day that such and such is the best brand of air conditioner; that is all propaganda. Big signs and newspaper ads furnish much propaganda, telling why the other make is not as good. The customers spend hours telling how they have the best kind of air conditioners and that they would have no other brand. They are ignorant of the fact that the same company makes the air conditioners. Men put different shells on them. I saw a group of men around a small country market place. They were all arguing why they thought that their particular denomination was the best and why others were wrong. They had allowed someone to pump them full of propaganda. They were ignorant and they did not stop to think that all people are saved aJike. Regardless of your denomination, if you are saved, it is the blood of 1esus that saves you. God's son cleanses you from all sin. There is no use arguing over religion that you do not have. No one can have a monopoly on the power of God. Yet some people pray, "Lord, save me and my wife, my son, John, and his wife, us four and no more." I know a lady who went to a bank to get some money wrappers. "What denomination?" asked the banker. She told him the church that she belonged to. The banker said, "Oh, I mean which wrapper do you want - dimes, nickles, or pennies?" It is that simple. They were all money wrappers, regardless of denomination. If you are saved you are in the church regardless of your denomination. 1esus said, "Everyone that asketh receiveth" (Luke I I: 10). He did not say you had to belong to a certain organization before you could be saved or healed. "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together." Everyone should have a place to worship the Lord. If you are not in the Spirit, you are not worshipping the Lord. (John 4:22-24) You can't be saved by trusting in a denomination, creed or doctrine. You are saved by trusting in the Saviour. It is He that will get you by at the judgment. He took your place. It is He that will plead your case in that day. Some people join a church thinking it will help their business. Some look at a denomination as they would politics or a lodge. They are seeking promotion. Promotion comes only from God. (Psalms 75:6). He is the one that puts up

and He is the one that puts down. A man's gift makes room for him. (Psalms 18: 16). Promoters cause men to set up a political machine, deal in politics, and turn God's Church into a political warfare. Democracy does not belong in God's Church. Had the people ~oted on Moses, they would have voted him back into Egypt. God IS not always in the majority. God has set the members into the church as it has pleased Him. (I Corinthians 12: I8). Carnal members can vote in other carnal members. The Holy Ghost will call people into God's work. (Acts 13:2). The Holy Ghost makes us overseers over God's church. (Acts 20:28). We should fellowship all of God's people. All Christians are part of the body of Christ. (I Corinthians 12: 13). We should say to none of them, "I have no need of you." (I Corinthians 12:21). The doctrine of Christ is the virgin birth. To believe this is the only way to be a Christian, Paul said, "AU others are cursed." All others are antichrists. (IT John 7:10). We are not to bid him "God's speed" that denies the virgin birth. That is where we base our Christian fellowship. This is the only way that we can really repent and be forgiven of our sins. We must repent or perish. (Luke 13: 3 ). If vou join a church without repenting, you are twofold more the child of hell than before. (Matthew 23: 15). Jesus is the only way. (John 14:6). We can't base our fellowship on men. Paul said "Christ is not divided." (I Corinthians 1: 13). If one says, "I am of this man," and another says, "1 am of this man," then, you are carnal and walk as men. (I Corinthians 3: 3-6). All who belong to Christ belong to the same church. Paul refused to baptize ANYONE because he did not want to divide the body of Christ and have people following bim and becoming "Paulites." (1 Corinthians 1 : 17). He felt like he was an apostle of all the body of Christ and not just a branch. We can't base our fellowship on baptism. The Lord told Zacharias that his son should be named John. (Luke 1 : 13). People began to reason with Zacharias. They said, "None of your kinsfolk were called by this name." This priest wanted to follow traditions of men and be called some name because his kinsfolk Were called by that name; he was struck dumb. He couldn't talk for nine months. Finally when he acknowledged the name, his tongue was loosed. He began to talk and to preach holiness. (Luke 1 :63). Forget about joining the church long enough to take an inventory. Search your heart and see if you have been really freed fr?m si.n. There is only one way. Jesus said, "I am the way." Find HIm. Then, you can sing that song, "I have found the way that leads to endless day."

It has been said that competition is the life of business. If it were not for competition, you could get no service in any business. businessmen would spend their time hunting, fishing and visitmg. You would pay many times as much for the article that you bought. You would receive inferior merchandise. I~ must be fair competition. Unfair competition is wrong. One businessman should treat the other businessman in the same type of business with respect and courtesy. He must remember the golden rule. He must not go by the rule of gold. He must do un~o others as he would have them to do unto him, instead of doing to them before they get a chance to do him. Fair competition will even help a Sunday School class. Unfair competition is sin. If it is dirty, it will not payoff in the long run. If you have unfair play, you operate at the other man's expense, and run on his demerits instead of running on your merits. Lift yourself up instead of knocking the other fellow down to your level. The best motel with the most business is in the midst of a lot of other prosperous motels. They help one another. I live in a city where there are many hundreds of churches. There are many Sunday Schools - from 500 to 5,000 in walking distance of our home. Where the churches are the thickest, they are the largest. In other cities where the other churches are scattered they are small. There, the ministers fight one another publicly and should learn that they should fight the enemy which is the devil. They teach that their church is the only one going to eaven. How thinly populated heaven would be! They would be lonesome up there. Good competition is well and good. Bad competition is from the devil himself. One denomination is only a part of the body of Christ. Each denomination can do something to cause the other church to have revivals. It will set the example before them. A denomination can do great damage to the kingdom if it teaches that all other Christians arc going to hell. All Christians are on their way to heaven whether they belong to their church or not. Most businessmen, especially the good businessmen that are prospering, are clean-cut. They do not resort to dirty methods. They recognize another businessman as their colleague. It is the same with God's real children that are really saved. They have no bitterness, hate, or criticism. They have no backbiting. They recognize that each other is in the body of Christ



V. Grant

P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21, Texas Send postage for free book. How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.

even if they belong to groups. They are not so narrow minded, or so narrow between the eyes. The children of the world are wiser in their generation than the children of men. Yet some pastors make their members believe that all groups are wrong except their group. He isolates them. He does not want them to associate with the "lower class of people." It is because he has a spiritual inferiority complex. The day is fast approaching that he cannot keep the people in darkness and superstition any longer. God will pour out his spirit upon all flesh (Acts 2: 15-20) . This means all races and all groups. You have no message from God if you preach of your organization instead of salvation. Someone asked me what branch of Pentecost I was. I said, "I am not on a branch; I am on the main line."lf your name is written in heaven, you are on the main line. Heaven is your headquarters. Jesus is the head of the church. Some wondered how God would ever fill the ark. He did it by a miracle. He even used the foxes, bears, and skunks. Some do not think that God can pour out His spirit upon other groups. They teach that everyone else is a skunk. The Lord knows how to bring them in too. It will make some people jealous. When God begins to pour out his spirit he pays no attention to race. He is only concerned about grace. When I am under the anointing of the spirit, I am color blind. I am blind to races, creeds, colors, and denominations. That is why the Pharisees could not be under Jesus. He healed all people. He loves all people. When Philip preached Jesus, unclean spirits came out of people. The people had great joy. They were healed and filled with the Holy Ghost. (Acts 8) They were of another group. Had he preached church creed to them, no one would have been delivered then. I think it is nice to become a member of a good church, if it believes in a born-again experience and the supernatural power of God. If you don't know you are saved, then, you don't need to belong to a church. You may be tricked, trapped, and fooled into thinking you are saved. You .may be and do as Simon the Sorceror in the eighth chapter of Acts who believed with his mind and was baptized. StilJ, his heart was not right in the sight of God. If you believe upon the Lord Jesus Chr~st with your heart, you will be saved (Romans 10: 10) You will be a new creature in Christ Jesus. Otherwise you are just joining the church and not saved. The Bible says you are standing in the door and won't go in, and won't let others in.
W. V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Texas Send postalC for free book. How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis,

BRED AND BORN In the country where I was raised, there were many thousands of cattle which ran on the open range. There were all colors and kinds. Over the big mountains and across the rivers and creeks, through the hundreds of acres of woods, cattle were scattered - grazing. There were groups here besides our cattle. How could we tell our cattle from the cattle that belonged to our neighbors. As we started through those many acres of woods, we were on the look-out for one thing - that was our brand. My Dad was a blacksmith, so he made the iron, heated it red-hot, and burned a certain letter on the hip of each of our cattle. We knew the cattle which belonged to us. Out of the hundreds and thousands of church members all over the world today who claim to be Christians, how can we tell God's people from all of the counterfeits? By this shall aU men know that you are my disciples - if you have love one for another (John J 3: 35). This is not talking about puppy love. This is talking about God because the Bible said, "God is love. He that loveth has God and he that loveth not, has not God." The genuine love of God will stand the test. There is a brand the Lord has put on His people. He knows them that are His. Every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. All born-again Christians, aJl people of God, know and believe in the virgin birth and the divinity of Christ. They believe in a born-again experience. They are covered by the blood that takes away the sins of the world. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. (Hebrews 9:22) We have fellowship and unity now. That fellowship is in the spirit. (Matthew 7: 16) The more of the spirit we have, the more fellowship we have. The less of the spirit we have, the less feIJowship we have. We know a Christian by his fruits. No one can have the fruits of the spirit without the spirit. The fruit of the spirit is not ethics or principles that you learn from a book or a training course. The fruit of the spirit is the true response that comes from a heart that is full of the love of God. We can not have this fellowship put down on paper. You can't legislate the power of God. You cannot put it in minutes or bylaws. We cannot fence it in. We can't join it. It is not being joined-again, but it is being born-again. (John 3 :3) In the great commission, Jesus tells us to preach the gospel

to every creature. In this commandment, He did not say for us to go to a privileged few and spend our time building a denominational school to spend God's time to divide God's people. People spend their time doing what 'Jesus did not command them to do. They leave off the main commandment. The world is the field (Mark 16:16-18). Jesus did not tell us to spend our time preaching for or against organizations. A man does not have much of a message who spends all of his precious time blasting other Christians because they belong to other denominations. An independent usually has more of a sectarian spirit than anyone else. Some of them say that no one can be right unless they join them and become independent. Fighting is not of God if it causes us to say that 'we are right and all others are wrong. We are not independent we are inter-dependent. The Bible did not say that the people on the day of Pentecost were in one mind and one accord. They were in one accord in one place. Their minds may not have been running alike, but they had their hearts together. A man and his wife do not see alike on every little non-essential point, but they are bound together in a love and union that makes them one. (Genesis 2':24) At Pentecost, they were in one accord; their hearts were bound together in unity, but their doctrine was not right. They believed that their group could receive the Holy Ghost, but I could not. They believed that the Gentiles were dogs. Years later, the Lord had to really work Peter over before he could see that other denominations could receive the Holy Ghost. (Acts 10) That proves that just because the group received the Holy Ghost does not mean that all their theology is right. That means that they have received a teacher that will guide them into all truths if they will not bind themselves by setting up a kingdom of their own. It teaches that they are all the body of Christ. Their mistake is when they think that they have all the truth because God is good enough to give the Holy Ghost Baptism. Who shall we teach doctrine? It is not the sinners. (Isaiah 28:9) We are to teach Christ to sinners. We are to teach them that the blood of Christ cleanses them from all sins. Though their sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. (Isaiah I:] 8) The blood covers. The Lord knows them that are His. At the judgement it will not be what you belong to that gets you by. It will be the right brand. It will be the blood. Will He know you? Do you know Him? Have you joined the Lord or have you only joined the church?
W. V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21, Texas Send postage for free book, How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.


During World War IT I was in business. Many sincere men men used my general store and service station for a hang-out place. They did this while they were on furlough. They learned to use their guns and knives while they were in training. They were anxious to put into practice what they had learned. The sailor boys and soldier boys did not seem to like one another. The soldiers wanted to use the judo holds on the sailors. The sailors wanted to use their large belt buckles on some of the soldiers. One time the war became so serious that these boys learned that the Japanese were their enemy. Thev stopped fighting one another. They all began to fight the enemy. Then they won the war. About this same time, near this same business, I have often heard many religious people slurring other people because they did not happen to belong to their denomination. They have not learned who the enemy is. If they would find out that the devil was the enemy, if they would stop fighting among themselves, and besin to fizht the devil and sin, then we could win this war for righteousness. You can't join God's Church. You are born into it by a spiritual birth after you repent of your sins. If vou get out of the church, you sin out. All Christians belong to the true Church. They all have their names written in heaven. If you are born of the Spirit, then, you are my brother or my sister. One time some, people told the Lord, "Your brethren seek you." Jesus said, "Whosoever doeth the will of my father which is in heaven is my mother, my sister, and my brother." If Jesus said that, then, I think I can say it. I can shake your hand and say, "If you are living for God, you are my brother." The gifts of healing are set in the church by the Lord. It is something supernatural. That same verse says that governments and ministerial gifts are supernatural and are set in the church by the Lord (1 Corinthians 12:28). We don't elect whoever we want to have the gifts of healing. The Holy Ghost makes certain God-called men overseers over a body of people. (Acts 20: 28) . God sets the members into the church. The church may have many enterprises to carry on the work of the Lord providing that we all recognize one another. Peter had a ministry to the Jews. Paul was sent to the Gentiles. It was hard for them to understand one another. They did not try to divide the body of Christ into cliques and classes. They did not capitalize on God's work. Each one did not begin a new denomination. They both recognized the headship of Christ. The headship of Christ was not abandoned for a centralized earthly headquarters.

Jesus prayed for all of His people to be one. (John 17: 21) . We must do this willingly or else we may do it as the Christians are forced to do in the Communist countries. They hide out to worship the Lord. We must do like the disciples did in the ship when they caught so many fish they had to beckon for another ship to come over and help them pull the fish out. We need a revival where we can do the same beckon for some other denomination to come help us in a revival, like people used to do in the early days. We will have plenty of converts for all. Jesus wants to present His church to His Father, not having a spot or wrinkle or any such thing. They must be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:27). He does not want to present only one denomination to His Father. We are the same body regardless of the denomination. There is a United Modernist church that claims to represent all reli9;10ns. If they can co-operate with one another, then the people that believe in the virgin birth should really get together. There will be a universal true Church under Christ's leadership. Rome has proved long ago that a centralized power on earth le=ds to an apostate church. Our headquarters must be in heaven. There must be no schisms in this body of Christ. Christ is not divided. (1 Corinthians 12:25). There were certain people in Bible times that thought that you could not be saved unless you were circumcised. (Acts 15: 1). Paul refused to let circumcisrn be a basis of fellowship. He knew Jesus only had one body and not two. He told them that was a matter of conscience and was not essential to be in the body of Christ. Some people thought that you could not be saved if you ate certain meats. Paul refused to allow that to become the basis of fellowship. That was a matter of conscience also. (Romans 14:5). The basis of fellowship was the virgin birth and a born again experience. In fact tbe Holy Ghost narrowed it down to four things. (Acts 15:28-29). When Thomas . finally had the experience, he threw up his hand, and said, "My Lord and my God." Friends, that is what you need to do. Instead of relying on the company you are in or the denomination you belong to, you shouldn't be satisfied until you get a personal experience with the Lord. Instead of saying, "My mother's God," or "My mother's Lord," come in contact with Jesus for yourself and look up and then you can say, "My Lord and my God."

BEST GASOLINE 1 was in business in Arkansas several years. I bought gasoline

from the Lion Oil Company. Our selling point was that the Lion Oil Company was the only major company that refined gasoline in Arkansas. We made much of this propaganda. Many of the people that bought groceries from me had been sold on the idea that some of the other major brands were the best. So they went elsewhere to buy their gasoline. Other companies had convinced them that the gasoline refined in other states was much better. Some people said that other gasoline made their car run so good, and get more miles per gallon. Others declared that the Lion gasoline got more mileage and kept the carbon out of the motor. They had long heated arguments about which was the best gasoline. The real truth was that all the gasoline was drawn out of the same tank. Other companies bought from the Lion Company to save transportation and interstate tax. People were sincere, but their imagination was running away with them. Also while 1 was in business I heard many heated arguments about religion. Each man told why his denomination was the best. The truth was He knew no more about his denomination than he did about the gasoline. All born-again Christians are saved just alike. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin. Jesus told a blind man to go to a certain pool and wash the mud out of his eyes. He went, washed and became healed. It was not the pool that healed the man. It was the power of God. Yet I can see some man down the road beginning a new denomination calling it the "Bethesda Church." This man spends his life and ministry telling all the people that they should join his church. His main aim is to prove the other denomination is wrong. 1 got married. I did not marry a religion. 1 married a person. When I was saved, 1 did not get religion. I received a person into my life. To be a Christian is to be Christ like. Moses told people if they looked at the Brazen serpent on a pole they would be healed. (Numbers 21 :9). Everyone who looked lived. But those who would not look died. Had this been in our day most of the people would have refused to look. They would have died and let their children die. They would have said, "You're not going to get me to join that brazen serpent church. I'm going to stay in the church my poor ole' mother belonged to." The main thing is to get the Savior. Then join a church where you can win souls, instead of a church where you spend aJl of your

W. V. Grant

P. O. Box 353 Dalla.. 21. Texas Send postage for free' book. How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crjsis~

precious time telling how your organization is the only one and all others are wrong. I know a man who is a Republican. He sticks to his party regardless of the platform. He believes his politics is right and the Democrats are wrong. Suppose both of them are wrong, or both of them are right, what would you do? Mr. D. can only be one man's friend at a time. - He is not a friend to .my family because we are a friend to a family he does not like. So he and the other family begins a little church of their own. They think up some little non-essential thing to use for propaganda and use this to prove that we are wrong and they are right. He gets a few unstable people that want to. prove that everyone is wrong. That is why some people don't WJn souls. They Jove to argue. We should recognize that both groups are Christians. We should win souls and not spend all of our time trying to win somebody else's member. If you try to fellowship all Christians everywhere all people everywh~re w~ think. that you are an off-brand because you fellowship their enemies. Like some candidates for office, they run on the other person's demerits instead of their merits. All of the sermons they have are to prove that the other fellow is wrong in order to prosvlite. They tell how big their church is, how much it cost, and spend most of their time telling that they belong to the "fastest-growing" organization in the world. Christ only built one church. He tells us that He is the Door. (John 10: 7). He opens and no man shuts. He shuts and no man opens. (Revelations 3:7). No man can open the door to the Church. No d.enomination is all the body of Christ. The only way you can get into the church is by Spiritual birth. The whole church is baptized into one body. God has set the members into the church as it has pleased Him. (I Corinthians 12: 17). The Lord adds to the church daily. (Acts 2: 47) . Begin a local assembly. If you are in the will of God the Lord will automatically give you certain helpers. The teachers, d~acons, and even the janitor, will feel a special calling. God WIll place them there. There is not a hypocrite in God's Church. No hypocrite has his name written in heaven. If you are not saved your name is not in heaven. If you are saved, your name is in heaven. Then you can be sure. Don't let. the sun go down until you are sure. Before you join something, you should be sure. If we confess our sins He is faithful a.nd just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (l John 1: 9). The confession must come from the heart. (Romans 10:10). You must have true repentence (Luke J 3 : 3 ~. You must forsake your sins or you have not repented. (Isaiah 55:7). If ~ou keep sinning, you have not repented.
W. V. Grant
p. O. Box 353 OI\Uas 21, Texas Send postage for free book, How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.

I know a man in an airplane flying over the country. He looked down and said, "That is the largest com patch I have ever seen." When he landed, he asked, "Who owns such a large corn patch?" "That is not just one corn patch," he was informed. "Many farmers have corn patches. This is a good crop year. So this year the corn has become so high you can't see the fences between the corn." While the com was small, you could see the fences and could see that there were many com patches. But now the fences were hidden because the com had grown so tall. About all some people do is to build fences. They are so busy building fences, that they have no time to cultivate the com. We need a heaven-sent, devil-chasing, sin-driving revival that will cause all Christians to grow up in the Lord. They need to become so big in the Spirit, that men will see the revival instead of denominational fences that divide men. After all, we are in one great harvest for God. Recently, we have seen Christians begin to grow up. I know about a thousand Lutherans, a thousand Baptists, a thousand Minnonites, a thousand Episcopalians, a thousand Presbyterians, a thousand Catholics that received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Three hundred thousand Methodists in Chile have been filled with the Holy Ghost. We saw fourteen different denominations in one room being filJed with the Holy Ghost. Revival tides become so high that the fences are about to be hidden. We only see Jesus. God declares that in the last days just before the moon is turned to blood that he will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh just as he did in the early church. (Acts 2: 15-20). It is coming to pass now. We try to get people converted in China. We try to get them to forsake their many gods. They say, "You people in America have more god's than we have." You have a Baptist god, a Methodist god, a Presbyterian god, and a god on every corner." People become confused in our country. They say, "There are so many ways that I don't know which way to go." Neighbor, that excuse will not get you by on the day of judgment. On that day you will not be judged according to your feeling or belief or even your excuse. You will be judged according to the things written in the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible. (Galatians 20: 12) . You do not know the way? Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man cometh to the Father, but by me." (John J 4: 6) . He came to seek and to save that which is lost. (Matthew 18:11). You shall seek for Him and find Him if you

seek Him with all of your heart. He is the way. When you find Him, you can then sing, "I have found the way." God says that the way is so plain that a fool or wayfaring man need not err therein. It is the way of holiness and no unclean thing shall walk thereon. (Isaiah 35: 1-10). You may belong to a church here on earth and you may have been baptized in water. You may have lived a good respectable, moral life. No doubt, you provide for your family, attend church, and pay your honest debts. You may be a good citizen and treat your neighbor right, but if you are not born again, you can't be saved. (John 3: 3). You must find Jesus for yourself. You and your mother may belong to the same denomination. She may be in heaven. You could belong to that same denomination and be lost. You must become acquainted with Jesus for yourself. All of our righteousness is as filthy rags in the sight of God. It is not enough for us to live good. It is only His righteousness that will get us by in that great day. I am not asking you to change churches. I am not asking you to learn my doctrine, but I am asking you to get alone and seek God until you have the assurance that He has forgiven your sins. Take Jesus as your Savior. No church can save you. Talk to Him each day. It is not enough to sing, "The old account was settled long ago." You must have all the new accounts settled as you go along. One time there was a group of people who went along supposing Jesus to be somewhere among the kinsfolk and acquaintances. Finally they discovered that they had left him. They went back sorrowfully to seek Him. They found Him right where they had left Him. (Luke 2: 14-46). Neishbors, that is where you will find Him. Don't suppose that He is somewhere in your denomination. KNOW Him for yourself. Maybe you once knew Him. But you haven't felt His presence lately. Maybe you think He is somewhere among your family or church people. If I were you, I would be sure. Take no chance. You are not going to be judged by your church book in that day. You will be judged out of the Bible according to your works (Revelations 20: 12). Get a personal acquaintance with Him now. Receive the assurance in your soul. Then, you can say as Job, "I know my redeemer [iveth." (Job 19:25).

Four ducks were swimming in four pens. A nice little fence separated one pen from another. One day it began to rain. Day after day it rained. Then the water slowly began to rise. There was a great flood. Soon the water covered the fences. Not a fence could be seen. Soon all the ducks were swimming together. The lower the water is, the more the fences are noticed. The greater the flood, the less the fences show. A great revival flood from heaven can hide the denominational fences that have the people of God divided. The lower the revival tide is, the more people argue over the fences. The greater the revival, the less we care about the fences that divide us. One time a little woman came to the Lord and wanted her daughter delivered from a devil. The sincere disciples wanted to send her away. (Matthew 15:23). Jesus delivered her daughter and told her that healing was the children's bread. (verse 26). If one of your children asks you for bread, you will not give him a stone. (Luke 1 1: II ) . It is encouraging to know that Jesus will not withhold bread from His children. Jt is really encouraging to learn that Jesus will heal people. He will heal people that are not His children. (Mark 14:47-50). If you need forgiveness for sin, or if you need divine healing, Jesus will answer you if you will pray. He says the law is written on our hearts and on our minds. (Jeremiah 31 :33). He does not need to go look in a book to see what chuch you belong to before He forgives you or beals you. If a little farm girl in a cotton patch is sincere, God will answer her prayes and save her. If a soldier boy in the fox hole earnestly prays, God will heal him and add years to his life. Their denomination is not considered at all. 'One day Jesus went home with a Pharisee to eat dinner. (Luke 7: 39). A little, low-class woman came along; she was a streetwalker. She had gone to the depths of sin. Jesus looked and saw her tears. Before she prayed one word, Jesus said, "Thy sins be forgiven thee." Simon, the Pharisee, did not understand how Jesus could waste time with the poor sinner woman. You see, she did not belong to his denomination. It did not make any difference with Jesus. He looked at the repentent sinner who had a hungry heart and suffering soul. He forgives and forgets. He does not have to look at a book to see the name of the denomination. We are saved by grace and not by race. God gives us salvation and not merely another denomination.


V. Grant

P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21,. Texas Send postage for free book, How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.

One man overseas said, "I am here for one purpose, and that is to build a church over here for my denomination. If that was all he was there for, he should have been home plowing. Then he could have supported ministers who are filling up the Kingdom of God. One lady said, "My husband and I have built this church for our own special benefit. We don't want anyone else bothering it." If you are building a church for your own benefit, you are not called; you are not sent. You only "packed up and went." Last night 1 made an altar call. Many people started to the front. So many of them started that I said, "If you are a Christian, please sit down." One hundred and seventy eight people came forward and prayed. Then they all testified that they were not living right until last night. But they said they all accepted Jesus. [ did not get any members out of that number. They were born into the heavenly family. One sincere pastor said, "That evangelist comes into this town without an invitation." Well, Jesus went into the land of the Gadarenes without an invitation. He delivered a man from a legion of devils without an invitation. (Mark 5: 13). All the people asked Him to leave. So He left. The work that He did shall we do. (Mark 14: 12). Jesus says, "The world is the field. The field is white unto the harvest. (Luke 10: 2 ). He said if we would go into all the world and preach the gospel, we would have signs to follow (Mark 16: 16-18). Jesus prayed, "Make them one as we are one." (John 17:21). That prayer is being answered. We will come together by consent or conquest. In Russia, the last few years, the believers walked sixty miles through the snow with hickory bark wrapped around their feet. They hide out under an old house so they can pray. They don't care what church the other man has joined. The thing that matters is, "Can he pray? Does He believe in the supernatural power of God or does he just believe in a denomination." Anyone can join a church. Millions of people join churches but they have never been saved. They are lost. The prodigal son joined something when he was in a far country. (Luke 15: 15) . If you are not saved, it would be better to join a lodge than to join a church. Then you would not be a hypocrite and a stumbling block in another person's way. If you must join something, first join yourself to the Lord. Then you won't be a hypocrite. Come and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten. (Jeremiah 50: 5). If you will confess to him in Jesus' Name, He will forgive you now.




P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21, Texas Send postage for free book, How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.


I was told that several horses were out in a pa=: re where there were wolves comi~g to attack. them each night. Each night they would get into a nng with their heads together. Their heels were on the outside of the ring. When the wolves came all of the horses began to kick and protected themselves. The wolves could not get them. A young mule decided to change the plan. "Let's all turn around," he said. "Let's put our heels together." "Let's put our heads on the outside of the ring so we can see the wolves as they a ttack us." W~en the wolves attacked them that night the horses all began to kick as usual. Naturally they kicked themselves out. They crippled one another. The result was that the wolves got them all. Horse sense is better than mule sense. I saw two horses in a pasture one time. One was turned one way. The other was headed in the opposite direction. They were looking in opposite directions; yet, ~hey co?perated with one another. Each of them was using hIS all to whip the flies out of the other's face. Christians. may not always be headed the same way as they go about own work that God has called them to do. They may belong to different groups and they may be irl different fields of labor. We're not to fight one another. A fighting spirit is not of God. If we even have common horse sense, we will get our heads and wil~ n~t put our heels together. We will fight the devil instead of fighting one another. .There arc many flies and wolves trying to attack God's people today. There are many young mules just out of the seminaries. They are anxious to debate. They arc trying to put their feet into th~ ground and turn the members' heels toward one another. They think they are to fight one another instead of fighting for one another. A man does not have much to preach about if all he knows is to preach against organization. Likewise a man docs not have much of a message if all he has to do is to preach for organizanons. Many organizations arc organized for the soul purpose of preaching everybody into hell except their own group. The horses were organized,. but they were organized to help one another. They were not organized to kick everyone out - until the young mule came along. A young mule is never to organize horses. There is something wrong with a man that thinks everyone is wrong but himself. "Judge not yet you be judged with the same judgement." (Matthew 7:2)

We're men of like passion as Elijah. (James 5:17) After Elijah called fire down from heaven, prayed down the rain, destroyed the devil's preachers, and brought a revival, he weakened and ran from a little painted up woman. Jezebel got his victory. She has influenced many preachers to compromise with the world and stop preaching against worldliness and sin. Soon Elijah was in a cave feeling sorry for himself. He told the Lord that he was the only one that was living right, that everyone else had gone wrong. Then the Lord set him straight and talked to him. He explained to Elijah that he was not right by feeling that everyone else was wrong and off of the track. He told Elijah that he had 7,000 more people that had not compromised with sin and the devil. The next thing God did was to tell Elijah to anoint another man to take his place (1 Kings 19: 14-18). He did not use Elijah much after then because he had disfellowshipped all the people of God but himself. If we have the love of God we will recognize all the body of Christ. If we have the love of God, we will not say to any of the other Christians. "I have no need of thee." (I Corinthians 12: 21 ) A man of God may be used of God in a great way. He may have some of the greatest revivals in the nation, but when he settles down to build fences and fences all of God's people out except his group, God will put someone else in his place and he will turn out to be a "used to be", telling how God used him fifteen years ago. Anyone that is having great revivals .feels that God has sent him to "every creature." (Mark 16: 18). That is. why the signs follow his ministry. He knows that the world is the field. (Matthew 13:38) He recognizes that all people that believe in the virgin birth and are born of the Spirit are God's children. (John 3: 16); I John 4:2) Wc may not get our heads together but we can get our hearts together. By all means, we must not put our heels together. I was a butcher for several years. I cut and sold beefsteak. My customers were not interested in which packing house delivered me the steak. All they wanted to know was, "Did 1 have good steak?" When we meet the Lord he will not be so concerned which church book our name is on down here in this world. He will go by one thing, "Is your name written on the Lamb's book of life?" (Revelation 20: 15) If it is not, you will be lost. If it is there, you know it. (1 John 3: 14; I John 5: 13.)
W. V. Grant


I. was raised in Arkansas. I was told that three men were on their way to tOWII one day with a bale of COlton. There they were to have the Cotton gined and put it on the market. On~ of the men was wiser than the other two, He said. "You know when we g~t to town. the man that buys our cotton will not care by which road we came. He won't care if we came on the rocky roa.d, the lower road. or the upper road. Whut he wants to know IS, do we have good cotton; it must be clean and fee from trash. It must be of a good quality. When. we meet our Maker at the judgment. the Riahtcous Jud~e will not be so much interested in which denom~inati(ln we. joined. The thing that will count is this: Is your soul washed white by.the blood of the ~amb? Arc you born of the Spirit') Do you. hv~ . a clean, holy life? Arc you free from sin? It will be an l.ndl.vl~ual affair. Each man, woman. boy or girl must answer. individuallv No one else can go there for you. Your church cannot answer for you. Your name may be on the church book, but if i~ is not on the Lamb's Book of Life. you will be turned away forever. (Revelation 20: 12). Tradition of the elders has made the word of God of no effect .in the lives of many people. (Mark 7: 13). Their eyes are blinded to the gospel light. I'v!~ch .tradition is taught in m.any local churches. It is only tradition and custom. They use this to hold their members. Thev use propaganda to teach the members that thci r church is right and all others are wrong. Some people arc like the Phari:-ee:-. They ae more faithful to their own denomination than they art' to Jesus. In the last days a brother will betray his brother to death. (Mark 13: 12). They will kill you thinking that thev are doing God's service. There will he a world confederatil;n III churches which will put to death the saints of God. (Revelation 17 17 and 13). tells us to pray for all the saints. (Ephesians I: 15; Mo!">t people arc so one-sided and selfish. They pray tor their own dcnorninauon only. They arc made to believe tha~ all. the Christians in other churches arc otT-brand. halt-breed or illigitirnatc children.
~ irnothy 2: I ).

The Lord

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Dallas 21, Texas

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All of our ta.g!">w.ill be cut oil us before we get to heaven. I read a . little piece 111 the "Pentecostal Evangel" one time that I appre(,late~. I shall new!" forget it. It said some lady had ;1 dream. In this dream she was in heaven. She asked if there were any Baptists up there. '1 here wc rc none. Sh asked if there Wl'I~' any ~eth(ldish. Th~y Wert' nut round there. There were no Prcvbytcrians. :herl' was no denomination. They were not segregated 111 heaven. fhey Werl' all children Ilf God washl'd in th~ blood.

In this same dream this lady visited hell. There she found all denominations. We are living in a day when people of many denominations are breaking loose from traditions, from the bonds of religiou-, segregation. They are refusing to be kept under the bondage of superstition any longer. They learn to think for themselves. They can be guided by the Spirit. They learn that the anointing teaches them. (I John 2: 27). The man that says that he is right and everyone else is wrong may have something wrong with him. If his denomination is all that will he in heaven. he will be very lonesome up there. We saw twelve denominations in one service. They were all being tilled with the Spirit. Everyone that is joined unto the Lord is of one Spirit. (I Corinthians t): 17). If you have joined a church without having your sins forgiven. you are in the devil's church. You are a member of a harlot. All those churches will go back into the mother church. She is called the mother of harlots. (Revelation 17). You need to know Christ for yourself. A jailer asked Paul, "What must I do to be saved?" Some preachers would have answered, "Join my church. Be baptized. Pay your tithes. Learn my church doctrine." Paul had one answer, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16: 31 ). He also said that you must believe with your heart (Romans 10: 10). Some oeoolc only believe from a historical standpoint. The devil believed and trembled. (James 2: 19). Some church member, don't have as much religion as the devil. They have never been under conviction enough to tremble. Simon, the Sorceror. believed. was baptized. but yet hi, heart was not right with God. (Acts X:21 ). With the heart man believes unto righteousness. (Romans 10: 10). If you believe with your heart. you are a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things are passed away. All thing, have become new. (II Corinthians 5: 17). The song, you used to sing. you don't ~ing any more. The places Y()U use to go. you don't IW anvrnore. You tell all the filthy jokes you want too, but all the "want to" is gone. If you still have the "want to". you are not saved. You can be baptized in every pool between New York and Los Angeles, until every fish knows you, hut if you are not born again, you cannot see the Lord. If water saves a man. many people ought to be held under until they bubble. It is the blood that saves ( I John I: 7; Hebrews l.): 22). If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins. If we walk in the light. the blood of Jesus Christ. God's Son cleanses us from all sins. W. V Grant

The ,;hole world is stirred over Civil In fact, It ~as become "Civil Strife" instead Rights in Our of Civil Rights. time,


.~le are. belll?, hated, kicked, shot, and killed. Everyone wants . equal rights. . People have become conscious of segregation and integratron. It IS wonderful to be equal as far as race is concerned bu~ the~e same people who believe in integration, many of them belle;e III segregation in the body of Christ. They try to divide God s people inro cliCks, clans, and classes. They make certain "off-brands" and certain denominations. The Bible teaches that we are all equal in God's sight, regardless of the organization If you are in the family of God, you are clean in God's sight: What God has cleansed, call thou not common. Paul said "There ~ust .be no schisn:s in the body." If you are saved, you a~e saved Just h~~ I am. It IS not b~ power and. it is not by might. Jt is by the Spirit of God. (Zachariah 4: 6). It IS not by education, baptism, psychology. or by organization. Salvation is by the precious blood of Jesus.

I get ar:nused at. some people who gather around a country store, sucking ~n clg~rettes, bragging on their cars. A few years ago they all said their horses were the best. Now, they all try to make each other think that their car is the best. It will run faster and get more miles per gallon.
I have owned a Cadillac three years, a Chevrolet three years, a Ford three years, a Pontiac three years, an Oldsmobile three years, a Rambler three years, besides many other brands. They all have their good and bad points. If someone would offer me a new one to keep and usc, I don't know which one I would choose. If it gets you there. what difference does it make about the brand. A man took me from the airport to a motel the other night in a car. He left the key for me to drive the car. I went out to get in the car after he left and didn't even know the make of the car I was to drive. I had to try the key in all of them before I found the right one. r reme~ber when all churches met together and had brushar~or, u~lon, meetings. They would all shout. They prayed a neighbor s boy through to salvation, without stopping to think about .the church he would join. Recently I went into a big campaign w~ere they asked people to make decisions. I followed the workers into th~ prayer room. It was really a "decision room." There was no praylllg. A worker asked which church the seeker belonged to. Then the worker wrote the individual's name down They made a decision. Then they had as much as the worker did: You must have a new heart (I Samuel 10:9). You must become a new creature. I care not what church you belong to

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just as long as for God you may stand. If your heart today is as my heart, you arc my brother, so give me your hand. They that worship the Lord must worship Him in Spirit and in tuth. The Father seeketh such to worship Him (John 5: 23). If you are not in the Spirit, you are making a mock. You are like a little child playing in the playhouse. All Christians are in the body of Christ. If you can't see this. you don't rightly discern the Lord's body. You say to part of the body, "I have no need of thee." (I Corinthians 12:21). If you don't rightly discern His body, you may be sick and even die before your time. (I Corinthians 11 :29). If you want divine health, then learn to recognize and fellowship all the people of God everywhere. Know that they are in the body with you. I know some of the greatest men of God in our day. They heal the sick, cast out devils, even raise the dead. Men such as William Branham, Smith Wigglesworth, and others never belonged to any certain organization in their latter days, but they did more to unite the body of Christ than anyone I know. There are men that do equal jobs to these men that belong to denominations. They are in the same body. Jesus says, "These signs shall follow them that believe." He did not say, "These signs shall follow a certain denomination." When God called workers, He called individuals. He did not call a whole denomination. Peter was heavily anointed with his own spirit when he. fought for the Lord and cut off the man's ear. Jesus stopped him. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down of strong holds. Many good people today become heavily anointed with their own spirit and begin to light for their Lord. Instead of fighting powers and principalities, they begin to fight churches and personalities. The prodigal son joined himself to a citizen when he was in a far country. (Luke 15). Finally one day, he carne to himself and went back to his father's house. He became one with his brother that he had refused to fellowship. Even his brother looked down upon him. He wanted to withdraw and begin a clan of his own and say, "I don't act like him." Jesus said that they could both have the same thing. Friends, if you are in a far country, if you have strayed away and gone down into a far country, even if you have joined something, you can come home right now. The table is spread and the Feast of the Lord is going on.
W. V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Tens Send postage for. free. book. How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.

After I had built a new home, a salesman from a fence company came along one day and wanted to sell me a fence. I looked and said, "When you build a fence, you fence more people out than you fence in." He looked at me. He was puzzled as he asked, "How did you say that?" I repeated the statement again. "When you build a fence, you fence more people out than you fence in." As he left he murmured to himself. ' We are all commanded to go into all the world and preach the every creature. (Mark 16: 16-18). Yet many people do .eve.rythmg. that Jesus did not command them to do, and spend their time doing what He did not command them. . ':' ou say, "Are we not all to speak the same thing?" Yes, that IS fight. If we speak the same thing, we will all do what God say". He says, "For by one spirit, we are all baptized into one bodv." (I Corinthians 12: 13). If we have the Spirit of God, we ~elong to the same body. None of us will say to another member, . I have not need of thee." (verse 21 ). There must be no schisms m the body. (~erse. 25 ). There is only one body. (Ephsians 4: 34 ) . No denomination IS all the body of Christ. The Lord will bless you whether you are in or out of the denomination. He does not look in a book to see what church you are a member of before He heals you or tills you with the Spirit. I admit in these last days, men have a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof. (I Timothy 3). A form is all right if people do not substitute it for the power of God. A concrete must be poured into a form or it is no good. It must not be thrown anywhere out on the sidewalk! A form IS no zood without the concrete. The Lord first formed man. Then, He breathed into him and he became a living soul. If he were a form only, he would be ready for the graveyard. A church with merely a form is dead. My bo~y is organized. My foot is not on the side of my head. My nose I.S not down on the end of my leg. My ear is not where my nose IS. ~II the parts are necessary. (I Corinthians 12:22). My body, being organized, would not help if there were no organism. I would be dead. We. do ~ot find any fault against organizations if they have organisms, If they have the breath of God breathed into them. A N~w Year Resolution will not avail much without a complete revolution. A new creature is better than a New Year's resolution. Too many people get a good case of conviction and call it conversion. They continue to live in their same old sin. ~n organization may involve two people or two million people. It IS only a working agreement between people. A man and his


wife may be organized. Just because you are in an organization should not mean that each member is saved. You may belong to your mother's church, but do you have the experience that your mother had? People will make excuses at the judgment. They will say. "When did we see you a stranger and took you not in?" Some will say, "Lord, 1 belong to the church." But that will not be enough. If your name is not on the book of life, you will be turned away forever. (Revelation 20: 15) . The chafe will be burned with unquenchable fire. You may be "joined again," but unless you are born again, you will not enter heaven. (John 3: 3) . Men may join organizations, but unless they become members of the body of Christ, and receive the baptism of the Spirit into the body, they are lost. (I Corinthians 12: 13) . In olden times priests could go into the presence of God for an individual but now Jesus is our only mediator. (I Timothy 2: 15). You must pray directly to God. You must pray in His name or you will be lost. Don't risk letting another do it for you. You must have the personal "know-so" experience with God and know that your sins are forgiven. We know we are the children of God by the Spirit He has given to us. (I Corinthians 2: 10) . We are not saved by race. We are saved bv zrace. We are not saved by denomination. We must be in the holy nation. God has no respect of persons. In every nation. he that fears God and Jives rivht is accepted by Him. (Acts 10: 38). It is an individual affair. Men argue today about saying prayers in school. They have lone: left Jesus out of those prayers. If Jesus is not in those prayers, they are anti-Christ prayers. Men today argue over leaving off the words, "In God We Trust" from the coins. They should put on those coins, "We trust in Jesus," for there is no other name given among men whereby we may be saved." (Acts 4: 12). If you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ from your heart, you are saved, regardless of your denomination. Jesus prayed a prayer to His Father, "Make them one as we are one." (John 17:21). We will do it willingly Or we may do it through persecutions. As the Titanic went down, men were praying. Thev were not concerned about what they had joined years before. They knew that they must meet the Lord with their sins forgiven, or they would be lost forever, Friends, is your heart right with God if you should meet Him today or tomorrow? It is time to seek the Lord. You must prepare to meet your God. If you meet Him unprepared, you will be turned away forever. w.
V. Grant P. O. Box 353 Dallas 21. Texas Send postage for free book. How To Keep Calm and Cool In Crisis.




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