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Changes needed in the foster care system!

Your Name Address City, state. Zip Code

[Insert Date] The Honorable [Insert Senators Name] address City, state, zip

Dear Senator [Insert Last Name]:

My name is [Insert Your Name] and I reside at [Insert Your Address] in [Insert Your City], (State). I am a (Current or former) foster parent. I am also part of the Facebook page called, Fix the Foster Care System. We are all involved in the foster care system in one way or another and would like to see change in the system to help these wonderful children have a better chance at a future. The changes that we would ideally like to see are as follows: The laws are different in every state. Some states go straight to the Termination of Parental rights after 14 months of the case plan not being followed. Some states do 18 months, and some go on longer. Reunification is key, but that being said, the children need permanency. If the birth parents are not working towards the goal, then something needs to be done and not let the kids suffer. Judges are not always following the laws set: o Even if the law is 14 months then TPR, the judges are not always following that. They give chance after chance to the birth parents. It is understandable if there is one item left on their list of things to do before court, but when they have had 14 months and not even completed one thing on the list, it is time to give this child a chance at a new life. o Judges are not using ASFA mandates. They are using extenuating circumstances. Judges need to meet the children that they are making a judgment for. The way the system is set up now, you are licensed in a county. Some counties have a lot of placements and some have very little. For example, a rural area may have very few placements, yet those foster parents should be able to take a placement from an urban area. The urban areas usually are hurting for foster parents. The counties do not like to share placements because of the following reasons: o The case would have to either be transferred to the other county or the current worker would have to work the case from afar and that is not very easy for them with their caseloads. o The children would not be able to visit as easily with their birth parents. This is understandable, but the need is so great for foster parents that something needs to be figured out to get these licensed foster parents that are waiting for placements, children in their homes! There needs to be mandated, longer transition times before a child is moved. Most of these kids have been through trauma and just uprooting them with little to no transition is traumatic for them. There are regulations for this in effect now for most agencies, but they are not always

followed. A separate caseworker for the birth parents, foster parents, and the child all looking out for the common goal of the best interest of the child. Right now, reunification is pushed so much that a lot of times, children are getting reunified when they should not be. We need to work towards reunification with eyes open to the issues, and not looking the other way. We need to simplify the system so it is not so difficult for people to work through. For example, in Texas, there are 474 rules that foster parents are to follow. The CANS assessment needs to be done face to face with the primary caregiver. This is not always happening. Foster parents would like some sort of fund set up that they can put money into for the child(ren) that only the child would be able to access when they are of age. There needs to be more respite availability based on the level of care that the child(ren) need to avoid burnout. If the placement goes over 6 months, more clothing allowance is needed as some states have cold and warm months and children grow fast! Backlash: o Foster parents receive backlash from CPS and/or agencies if they question what is in best interest of the child. This can mean removal of a child or no more placements. o We need the foster parents to be able to express what they feel is in the best interest of the child without fear or repercussions or being told that their job is only to feed the child, provide shelter, etc. Foster parents are way more than a babysitter. They give these children the love that they need, basic needs, stability, etc. Guardian ad litems are not always meeting with the children as they should be. These are the people assigned to fight for the best interest of the child. If they do not know the child or the case thoroughly, how are they going to do that? o GALs should be meeting with the foster parents, bio parents, and child(ren) every 60 days, face to face. o There needs to be an evaluation system of the GALs so that the ones that are not doing what they should be doing are removed. When there is an issue, we need the following set up: o A third party needs to handle formal grievances. o A legal defense fund for foster parents to help them in cases of false allegations. In the foster care system, false allegations against foster parents are very high. The caseworkers are overloaded. This allows things to fall through the cracks. o Emails and phone calls go unanswered. o Important documentation on the cases gets misplaced or not filed in a timely manner. The caseworkers do not always understand what foster parents are going through with the kids. o Suggestion is mandatory annual training for caseworkers: trauma and children under age 3. If a child does age out of the system (which I hope none would), we need to get them better services to help ensure the cycle is broken. Right now, they get help with school, but no basic needs like housing, food, shelter. At age 15, they need to start getting job training to help ensure their success in the world.

I appreciate your help and dedication to the children of (State). I would very much so appreciate a response to this letter letting me know your ideas of how we go about getting these changes in place.

Thank you for your time and considering my request.

Sincerely, [Insert Your Name]

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