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Introduction The Philippine Normal University Department of Field Study and Practice Teaching in cooperation with Manila High

h School are one in their commitment to promote quality education by providing future teachers the optimum field experience. In this connection, PNU practice teachers were sent to Manila High School for the internship program. Practice teachers were deployed to serve during the Second Semester, School Year 2011-2012, from January 20 to March 2 in the Fourth Quarter. The program allowed practice teachers to have a one-week observation of different English classes and to prepare journals to record instructional events for conferences. After the observations, the practice teachers were immersed to gradual actual teaching. Practice teachers were also required to render services that are related to a teachers immediate task. And as a final requirement of the program, a final demonstration teaching will be evaluated by the Cooperating School Principal, Cooperating Teacher and the College Supervisor to culminate the series of classroom teachings.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Rationale for Practice Teaching Since practice teaching is the first actual teaching experience that we will have, this program will help me understand the education system that we have in the Philippines. It will help me understand the true nature of the profession that I have chosen. Specifically, it will help me: 1. Know the old, on-going and new rules and regulations relevant to the field of education; 2. Understand the importance of managing and maintaining a good smoothsailing working relationship between and among other school officials and students; 3. Understand the importance of exhibiting and improving the learning environment; 4. Understand the importance of understanding differences between students; 5. Improve my lesson planning skills; 6. Improve and gain new teaching strategies suited for different learning styles; 7. Develop and improve necessary instructional materials to further facilitate learning; and 8. Know and develop evaluation materials to assess learning.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Readiness for Practice Teaching The field of education has always been a part of my familys tradition. Most of my relatives have chosen teaching as a profession. Basically, teaching was treated as passion rather than as a profession. By taking this, I can widen my knowledge and my experiences. And, I can share everything that I know to anyone who needs it. I have always wanted to impart my knowledge on thins, to educate and train my students in a way that they are most benefited. And lastly, teaching is always considered as a noble profession. This is the only thing that I could give to the society. Hopefully, as a teacher I can help in improving and developing the society into a better one. I was professionally ready to have my practice teaching! I believe that the knowledge that I gained in the University for four years is enough for me to be confident in my immersion to actual teaching. I believe that the skills I gained in managing student learning will help me be successful in my stay in the Practice Teaching Program. And YES! Because of my readiness, I successfully finished the program.

The School Environment

The Classroom Environment

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Meeting the Pupils/Students In my stay in Manila High School, I was assigned to teach and handle five Third Year sections namely: III-Diamond, III-Emerald, III-Coral, III-Jade and III-Moonstone. Each section contains students of different learning styles, different behaviors and attitude towards learning. Admittedly, I was so nervous on my first day with my students. It was very difficult for me to understand every single student that I have. But, in the end, I enjoyed every single day I have with them. My days in Manila High School always started with my III-Moonstone. And truly, the first class will set the entire mood for the day. This section has always been LATE in my 7 oclock class. There were times that I have to teach with only 8 students. And, it was so disappointing knowing that the class becomes complete on their afternoon classes. Even if I get disappointed and angry at times with my first class, I always make way in which they could gain the target lessons they missed. It is by giving them relevant learning activities. Though my students from this section find it difficult to understand the lessons, I appreciate the fact that they try to ask things to give them ease on understanding the lesson. A smile from my Moonstone students takes the anger and the disappointment I have on them. A simple greeting from them inspires me to continue teaching them early in the morning. The most challenging and the most difficult section to handle is III-Coral. This section is part of the mainstream program of the school that combines regular students with special students in this case, hearing impaired students. When I first met them, I refused to handle the section for two main reasons: (1) I do not know how I would be able to handle mute and

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

deaf students and (2) I dont know how to communicate with them. But because of the support of my Cooperating Teacher, I tried to teach them as normal students and it felt fulfilling. Even if they do not understand what I am saying, even if I do not understand what they are trying to tell me, they became as active as my regular students. Handling this section made me realize the importance of visual help in learning especially to those that are hearing impaired. The most intimidating class is III-Diamond. I always found them intimidating maybe because they are the best students among the entire year level. The first time I taught the class, I was so nervous not because I did not master my subject matter but because I was afraid to make mistakes in front of them. This section was special from me because they treated me not only as a teacher but as a friend. They have always shown appreciation in our lessons, and they always treated every lesson as a Final Demonstration. Both teacher and students in this class enjoy each others company not forgetting the objectives of teaching and learning. The next class that I had was III-Emerald. Like Diamond, this section was a bit intimidating. They are second to the best. But this time, the classes I had with them are much enjoyable. The experiences I had with them were not that serious but still meaningful. In this section, you would not really feel the competition between and among the students. The last class is III-Jade. This section would really complete my day. The naughtiest students were in this group. I would always shout in front of them just to call their attention.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Even if they are like that, the respect and the appreciation that they gave me in my stay with them was exceptional. They were naughty, hardheaded and stubborn but they are thoughtful. Meeting my students everyday completed my stay in the program. Even if I found it difficult to teach them because of their differences, I still enjoyed their company. Even if I had to punish them at times, I still find reasons to appreciate my students. And surely, I will miss my lovable and loving students. I will forget my favorite line Stand up! And, Face the Wall!

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Lesson Planning Lesson planning is important because it contains learning that is planned, guided and implemented by the teacher. These elements will help in maximizing student learning and achievement. Lesson planning entails what the student needs to know, understand, value, and be able to do. A well-planned lesson structures the learning environment that will influence and enhance student learning. It further helps in encouraging and modeling positive relationship and interactions between students. It also benefits the responding to students needs and teaching-learning moments in a dynamic teaching and learning environment. It also includes assessing the learning achieved by the students. For daily teachings, my cooperating teacher required me to prepare Semi-detailed lesson Plans. At first, I found it difficult to prepare this kind of plan because I am at ease with a Detailed Lesson Plan. But as days passed, I realized that it was easier to prepare this plans because I do not have to go into details. Not much was needed to be changed in my plans except for some problems on the mechanics. Since I was assigned to handle Third Year students, I have to create traditional lesson plans for my daily teachings. It was advantageous for me since most of the teaching strategies and approaches that I know are suited for traditional lesson plans. The only problem that I had was with the subject matters. Since we are on the Fourth Grading Period not much has been left to be taught. Only few grammar items were left and the remaining lessons are on literature and on reading. Creating lessons with various activities to develop grammar, literary and reading skills need creativity and a wide range
My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

of strategies. It was a challenge to make grammar lessons easy to understand. And, it was more challenging to make reading lessons not a boring one. Fortunately, I was able to overcome lesson planning difficulties. In the end, I was able to develop well-planned lessons for both grammar and reading skills. The lesson plan is the backbone of the learning classroom. Everything that would happen inside the classroom is controlled by the plan prepared by the teacher from motivating to evaluating the students. It guides the teacher on the flow of the lesson which results to a smooth one.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Teaching Strategies The strategy to be used in a lesson should be based on the learners. Since the main objective of the teacher is for the student to learn, the strategies and the activities should suit the needs of the learners. Based on my teaching experience, the teaching strategies should: 1. Prepare students to engage during the teaching-learning situation by activating their prior knowledge and by focusing their attention to important concepts; 2. Condition students to organize information given; 3. Promote discussion and cooperative learning; and 4. Develop study skills.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High

Instructional Materials Instructional materials are aids to learning.

The Art of Questioning

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High


Working with Cooperating Teacher I was given as a student teacher to Mrs. Corazon R. Posadas. I think it was my attitude of putting a bit of humor in teaching that made my CT like me. I went of the traditional serious type of teacher because I found the classroom environment dull. Another thing which I think my CT liked me was the way I discipline my students. Some say that I became so strict with my students, but I tell them that I have valid reasons. In my stay, I think I had a healthy relationship with Mrs. Posadas. Classroom Management/Discipline In a usual classroom, a class begins with the daily prayer led by a student. It strictly emphasized the importance of religion in the classroom and the students. After this, I ask the students to roam around the classroom to look for pieces of trash. This helps in maintain the cleanliness of the classroom. Once done, I ask them to pass some requirements such as homeworks and portfolio entries. This helps in maintaining records and projects for grading purposes. Before beginning with the lesson for the day, the class recalls the past lessons that had been taken. This helps in connecting previous lessons to new ones. In terms of behavioral problems, it only takes a loud voice to catch their attention. But if in case they do not listen, with the help of Mrs. Posadas, the students are reprimanded. If reprimanded for several times and there are no changes, students are ordered to stand up and face the wall at the back part of the room.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High


Giving punishment should be part of teaching. Punishments should be given if necessary. It is part of learning. At first, students should just be reprimanded by the teacher. If there is no change in the students behavior, teachers should give the students heavier punishments but not physical punishments. Auxiliary/Ancillary Services

Literacy Activity: Improving Students Communication Skills. I was assigned to

accompany and guide the students from III-Diamond in the activity led by Dr. Michelle Ecce and Assistant Professor Randy Ding held at Colegio de San Juan de Letran last January 27, 2012. This activity focused on improving communication skills through literature and speaking. Dr. Ecce gave emphasis on the importance of reading, vocabulary building and comprehension check in developing communication skills. Prof. Ding developed students speaking skills by encouraging students to read and acquire knowledge, to be self-confident and to practice speaking.

Final Achievement Test. Since Manila High School teachers were assigned to be at
Araullo High School to administer the test, we were requested help Mrs. Normita Casal together with the other teachers in the distribution of test materials. The test started February 21 and ended February 23, 2012. In case test proctors from other schools were not able to come on time, we took their place with the Heads permission. The activity gave us first hand experiences in administering evaluations like this. On February 24 and 27, we were requested to check the papers. On February 28, we were requested to prepare a frequency of errors.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High


Mr. and Ms. Junior 2012. Last March 1, I was requested by Mrs. Posadas to assist the
third year students in their event for the Junior and Senior Promenade. I was also assigned to train the Masters of Ceremony for the event. Getting Acquainted with School Forms Conference Insights Gained from PE15 The program was the most challenging experience I ever had in my four-year stay in the University. It entailed happiness, hardwork, sadness and sleepless nights. I was immersed to real situations regarding the education system. I was able to apply the things that I learned in the university. I acquired more techniques and strategies in teaching. And this will help me be a better educator.

My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High


My Practice Teaching Experience: A Aiming High @ Manila High


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