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Biography of Sultan Abdul Hameed II

And 1he Iall of the Islamic Khilafah

Sultan Abdul lameed II

1he Logo of the Ottoman State

Sultan Abdul lameed II was born on \ednesday, the 21st o September 1842.
lis ull name is Abdul lameed Khan, II Bin Abdul Majeed Khan. le was the
son o Sultan Abdul Majeed ,rom his second wie., lis mother died when he
was seen. Abdul lameed spoke 1urkish, Arabic and Persian and he studied
seeral books in literature and poetry. \hen his ather Abdul Majeed died, his
uncle, Abdul Aziz became the Khalia. Abdul Aziz did last long in power. le was
orced out o power and then assassinated by the political enemies o the
Ottomans. lis successor was Sultan Murad, the son o Sultan Abdul Aziz, but he
was also remoed rom power ater a short period because he was not it or

On the 31st o August, 186 ,1293 l, Sultan Abdul lameed was gien the
Khilaaship, the people pledged allegiance and loyalty to him. le was at that time
aged 34. Abdul lameed realized, as he explains in his diary that at the time o the
assassination o his uncle, and the constant change in leadership was some sort o a conspiracy against the
Islamic state.

Abdul lameed had a character historians looked deeply into. le was gien the leadership o a huge state that
was in a tense and critical situation. le spent more than thirty years ull o interior and exterior conspiracies,
wars, reolutions, eents and constant changes. Abdul lameed himsel expressed these eelings in his writings
and poetry. lere is a sample o his handwritten poetry, which was taken rom the book "My lather Abdul
lameed," written by his daughter Aisha.

1he poetry translates:

My lord I know you are the Dear One (Al-Aziz). And no one but you is the
Dear One. You are the One, and nothing else. My God, take my hand in
these hard times. My God be my helper in this critical hour.

1he irst trouble Abdul lameed ran into was Midhat Pasha. Midhat Pasha was secretly inoled in the remoal
o Abdul lameed's uncle. \hen Abdul lameed came into power he assigned Midhat Pasha as 1he lead o 1he
Ministers council because Midhat was ery popular at that time and Abdul lameed needed any kind o insurance
to stay in power. Midhat Pasha was a good goernor but he was opinionated. Midhat Pasha was supported by a
strong stream in the Shura council ,parliament,. \ith the help o these people he was successul in passing the
resolutions to go into war against Russia. Abdul lameed could not stop that stream. lad he tried to he would
hae probably been remoed rom oice. Still the stream wanted to blame him or all the losses that resulted
rom these miscalculated wars. Abdul lameed did not want any wars at that time. 1he Islamic state was too
exhausted to engage in warare. Abdul lameed was able to use the dierences between him and Midhat Pasha
to decrease Midhat's popularity. le inally was able to break lose rom his chains and he exiled him to Lurope.

1he people and politicians welcomed that moe greatly.

Aterwards, Abdul lameed turned to the oreign enemies o the Islamic Ottoman State. le was able to
somehow predict the Communist Reolution in Russia, and that it will make Russia stronger and thereore more
and more dangerous. At that time, the Balkan parts o the state aced two dangers, Russia and Austria. Abdul
lameed tried to awaken the Balkans and make them realize the coming danger. le came close to an agreement
with the Balkans, but when the agreement was in the inal stages, our Balkan states made a separate agreement
and excluded the Ottoman state. \estern and Russian inluence was the reason or that change.

Abdul lameed realized that the conspiracy to destroy the Ottoman state was bigger than anyone thought. It was
both interior and exterior. le thought he got rid o Midhat Pasha and his likes or good, but he was aced with
Awni Pasha, head O the Ministers Council ,Alsadr Alazam, and one o the leaders o the army. Later Abdul
lameed discoered that Awni Pasha took money and presents rom the Lnglish, and his role in the remoal o
Abdul Aziz ,Abdul lameed's uncle, was exposed to Abdul lameed. Awni Pasha pushed the Ottoman state into
the wars o Bosnia against the will o Abdul lameed. Abdul lameed knew that i the war took place Russia,
Lngland, Austria- lungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy and lrance will all attack the Ottoman state and make sure
Bosnia is snatched. Awni misinormed Abdul lameed about the size o the Ottoman army in Bosnia. le
claimed to hae 200,000 soldiers ready. loweer, Abdul lameed checked with other generals o the army and
discoered he had only 30,000 soldiers, aced by more than 300,000 soldiers. 1he people at that time loed Awni
and Abdul lameed couldn't remoe him rom oice because that would endanger the interior stability o the
state. 1he western powers, realizing that they had outnumbered the Ottomans attacked under the coer o our
Balkan states ,Romania, Montenegro, Serbia, Austria-lungary,. As a result, Bosnia and Greece were lost and
separated rom the Ottoman state. Abdul lameed exposed Awni and his mistakes aterwards and got rid o him.

1he public accepted this moe. 1he court ound him guilty o the charges o conspiracy against the Ottoman
state and aiding oreign powers, such as Lngland.

Yeildz Palace, the government headquarters of the Ottoman Islamic Khilafa
1he all o the sick man o Lurope appeared to be eminent. Leryone wanted a part o it and that doesn't
exclude the Jews. In 1901 the Jewish banker Mizray Qrasow and two other Jewish inluential leaders came to
isit Abdul lameed, they oered to gie him:

J) Paying ALL the debts of the Ottoman state
2) Building the Navy of the Ottoman state
3) 3S Million Golden Leeras, without interest to support the prosperity of the Ottoman state

In Lxchange or:

J) Allowing Jews to visit Palestine anytime they please, and to stay as long as they want "to visit
the holy sites."
2) Allowing the Jews to build settlements where they live, and they wanted them to be located near

Abdul lameed reused to een meet them, he sent his answer to them through 1ahsin Pasha, and the answer

"1ell those impolite Jews that the debts of the Ottoman state are not a shame, Irance has debts and
that doesn't effect it. Jerusalem became a part of the Islamic land when Omar Bin Al-Khattab took the
city and I am not going to carry the historical shame of selling the holy lands to the Jews and betraying
the responsibility and trust of my people. May the Jews keep their money, the Ottoman's will not hide
in castles built with the money of the enemies of Islam."

le also told them to leae and neer come back to meet him again. \ith the Jews and Zionists in the game the
set was complete, and the play o the end o the Ottoman state was about to start. 1he Jewish money was an
important asset to inance the destruction o the Ottoman state to build the Zionist state in Palestine, the state
that Jews wanted so badly they were willing to risk anything or.

Al-Aqsa Mosque burning after the Zionist Hands got hold of it

1he Jews did not gie up on Abdul lameed, later in the same year, 1901, the ounder o the Zionist moement,
1heodor lertzil, isited Istanbul and tried to meet Abdul lameed. Abdul lameed reused to meet him and he
told his lead o 1he Ministers Council:

"Advise Dr. Herzil not to take any further steps in his project. I can not give away a handful of the soil
of this land for it is not my own, it is for all the Islamic Nation. 1he Islamic Nation that fought Jihad for
the sake of this land and they have watered it with their blood. 1he Jews may keep their money and
millions. If the Islamic Khilafah State is one day destroyed then they will be able to take Palestine
without a price! But while I am alive, I would rather push a sword into my body than see the land of
Palestine cut and given away from the Islamic State. 1his is something that will not be, I will not start
cutting our bodies while we are alive."

Ater this, the Jews turned to the British to turn their dreams into reality.

1he British and lrench were ready to inish the Ottoman State, still the word "Jihad" was powerul enough to
make all Lurope tremble. Lurope still eared the Sick Man o Lurope. 1he British decided to use its most
important oreign policy, diide and conquer. It supported new groups like \oung 1urkey and \oung Arabia.
\hen \oung 1urkey became strong in the Ottoman state, Britain did not need to do anything anymore, \oung
1urks did the rest, they started a national and prejudice stream within the 1urkish citizens o the Islamic State. In

response, Arabs, Armenians, Kurds and other races deeloped their own national brand. People started eeling a
part o their race not a part o the state, and that was the beginning o the end o the Islamic state. Later in \\I,
Arabs collaborated with the British and lrench and reolted against the Ottoman State. 1hey were betrayed by
the British and lrench and later inaded.

Abdul lamid did not orget the deelopment o his state, he built many institutions and serices to the public
like lamedi market, Alazm palace in Damascus. le also built many mosques, public bathes, markets and
hospitals in Cairo, Damascus, Sana, Baghdad and the rest o the Islamic cities. le also worked on the
deelopment o the educational system. 1he Ottomans tried to imitate the Luropean educational system but they
ailed, except in two areas, Medicine and Military. 1he Ottoman army was not as weak as people today think it
was. 1he Ottoman artillery was the strongest in the world. 1he Ottoman Nay was ery well organized and was
ranked the world's third most powerul leet ater the Lnglish and lrench. Many industries such as weapons
manuacturing, weaing and Sugar appeared. 1he road system was updated, and seaports were expanded. Many
new newsprints were established and beore the irst world war Lgypt, Iraq and Great Syria had more than 1300
newspapers and magazines.

lor a little time it appeared like the Sick Man o Lurope will inally stand up, but the western allies were
determined to destroy the Islamic Unity at any cost. 1he non-Muslim minorities in the Ottoman state were used
by the \est to create trouble and instability, especially the Christian citizens o the state. 1he western states
always interered in the Ottoman domestic policy under the excuse o "protecting the Christian minorities." 1he
west also launched a campaign o Christian preaching in the Islamic world by building Christian schools and
churches. 1he target was snatching Muslims away rom Islam and spreading un-Islamic social habits and ideas.
Many newsprints were also established or the same reason, to poison the minds o the Muslims and spread
destructie ideas and misconceptions between them. 1he west also wanted to make the Ottoman state busy and
or that it used the minorities again. 1he west encouraged the Armenians and inanced their reolution against
the Ottoman state. Lngland helped the Druze and lrance helped the Maronites in Lebanon and they both
engaged in a big battle that was soled by the intererence o the Ottoman army. More troubles between
Muslims and Christians took place, and at some time the Muslim population o Damascus was about to wipe the
Christian population o the city. 1he Ottoman army interered in the last moments and preented a massacre
rom taking place. 1hat era was a constant battle between the conspiracies o the west and the deense o Abdul
lameed and the rest o the aithul Muslims.

It is important to mention that the debts o the Ottoman state, when Abdul lameed came to power, were 2,528
Million Ottoman golden Leeras. \hen he was remoed rom power they were only 106 Million Leeras, which
means he cut the debt to about 1,20 o its original alue.

1he \oung 1urks, who came ater Abdul lameed, raised it back by 1300! Such an achieement o Abdul
lameed would gie the impression that he could not spend on deelopment, but that is untrue. Abdul lameed
established ax lines between \emen, lijaz, Great Syria, Iraq and 1urkey. 1hen he connected it to the ax lines
o Iran and India. le managed to earn back the cost o the project within only two years because o the
extensie use o these lines by the lujjaj ,the people who go to Mecca to do the pilgrimage,.

1he Signature of Abdul Hameed

Abdul lameed realized that the only hope or Muslims is a orm o a strong Islamic Unity. Abdul lameed was
able to see that the \est will try to separate the Islamic state and then deal with each part separately. 1he only
way to preent that is through Islamic Unity. Abdul lameed decided to present the Ottoman Khilaaship as a
leadership to the Islamic \orld. Abdul lameed was able to touch and aect the Muslims o India and Pakistan
and he caused many troubles to the British in these areas. Similar results were established with the Muslims o
Russia and the southern USSR republics. Abdul lameed also used these Muslims to pressure Russia. At this

time, Abdul lameed mentions in his diary that he eels the walls alling on him, and that he eels he is alone and
he can not ight the enemies o the Islamic Nation alone. le later started an alliance with Germany, but that too
seemed to be insuicient, because the Germans wanted a part o the Ottoman state as well. Sultan Abdul
lameed elt at that time that the big war is ery close. And it was obious that the remains o the Ottoman state,
was what the ighting actions would ight or.

Abdul lameed needed something big, something strong, something to awaken the eelings o the Islamic unity
in the hearts o the Muslims all around the Islamic world. Abdul lameed searched and searched and inally
decided to establish the lijaz rail road ,1900,. 1he rail road ran rom Damascus to Madina, and rom Aqaba to
Maan, the line symbolized the Islamic Unity, all the Muslims who used to do the pilgrimage elt that the
Ottoman Khalia was trying to bring them closer, with a new rail road system and one o the most sophisticated
ax systems. Muslim started getting the eeling o gratitude and appreciation to the Ottoman State. 1he rail road
paid or its expenses in a couple o years and it unctioned as an important tool to connect the parts o the
Islamic state, it also was to be used as a ast line to transport and deploy military units. Abdul lameed also
launched a campaign to spread the idea o Islamic Unity and Islamic support in southern Russia, India, Pakistan
and Arica. le started initing many Muslim scholars rom Indonesia, Arica and India to the Ottoman state,
and he established a program to build mosques and Islamic Institutions all around the Islamic world.

A sample of the great Ottoman Arabic Art
1he western teeth reacted quickly and encouraged the Bay o 1unisia to reolt against the Ottoman state in 18
and so he did. In 1881 lrance occupied 1unisia, in 1882 Britain occupied Lgypt. Later the Netherlands inaded
Indonesia, Russia inaded central Asia, Britain expanded deeper into India and Sudan... it appeared like the west
was about to crush the Islamic \orld.

linally, on 1uesday the 2th o April 1909, the 240 members o the Ottoman senate agreed under the pressure
o the National \oung 1urks to remoe Abdul lameed rom power. Senator Sheikh lamdi Aandi Mali wrote
the latwa o the remoal. 1he Ottoman Senate approed it. lere is the translation o that latwa:

"If the Imam of the Muslims took the important religious issues from the legislative books and
collected those books, wasted the money of the state and engaged in agreements that contradicted the
Islamic Law, killed, arrested, exiled the people for no reason, then promised not to do it again and still
did it to harm the conditions of Muslims all around the Islamic world then this leader is to be removed
from office. If his removal will bring better conditions than his staying, then he has the choice of
resigning or being removed from office."
1he Sheikh Of Islam Mohammad Dia' Aldin Afandi

1he latwa is ery strange and any person can see that the conditions set in it do not it Abdul lameed's deeds
and actions. Aterwards the lead O 1he Ministers Council, 1awiq Pasha was called to tell Abdul lameed
about the decision. le reused to do so. So they sent him a group o our people: Are likmat, Aram Aandi
,Armenian,, As'ad 1obatani and Lmanuel Qrasow ,Jewish,. As they entered his oice, they ound him standing

calmly, Are likmat read the latwa to him, then As'ad 1obatani came orward and said "1he nation has
removed you from your office.", Abdul lameed became angry and said "1he nation has removed me from
my office, that is okay ... but why did you bring the Jew to the Quarters of the Khilafa?" and he pointed
to Qrasow. Obiously that was the point o payback, Abdul lameed rejected selling Palestine to the Jews, and
now they showed him that they were a part o his remoal. A challenge in the ace o Abdul lameed and the
ace o the Islamic Nation.

A rare picture showing Abdul Hameed and the four people when he was told he was removed from office.

Ater Abdul lameed's remoal rom oice many writers started attacking him and his person, one o these
people was John laslib, his book "1he Red Sultan" became ery amous, and was translated into many
languages such as Arabic and 1urkish. A 1urkish book titled "iki me rin perde arkasi - yazan : naiz tansu" by
Ararat \ayinei was also a part o hateul propaganda that draws the Ottoman state sinking deeper and deeper
only to be saed by the \oung 1urks who remoed Abdul lameed. Another one is by the amous Arab
Christian writer Georgy Zaydan in his book "Stories o 1he Islamic listory - 1he Ottoman reolution". 1hese
books are nothing but a bunch o lies written by people who hate Islam and Muslims deeply. It presents Sultan
Abdul lameed as a man sunk into pleasures o lie such as women and alcohol, and a icious merciless tyrant
towards his political enemies and his people. 1hese lies did not stand because the truth always preails.

Some of the books against Abdul Hameed
linally, ater Abdul lameed came a bunch o weak leaders. 1hey couldn't maintain the state and they lost their
powers easily. As Sultan Abdul lameed predicted, \\I took place and the Ottoman state was diided. Arabs
reolted in lijaz with the help o the British and lrench, who later on betrayed them and put them under
occupation, and gae Islamic Palestine to the Jews. I only they had listened to Abdul lameed.

1he National \oung 1urks got power and Mustaa Kemal Ataturk canceled the Islamic Khilaa in 1924. 1hat
was the end o a united leadership or Muslims or 1300 years. 1he \est had succeeded ully.

1oday Muslims started to wake up rom the ashes o the Arab-Israeli war o 196, rom the ashes o the Bosnian
war, the Chechnya war, the Kashmir wars. Muslims are starting to realize that they will not stand unless they are
united and attached to the bond o Islam. Muslims are starting to return to Islam and the \est is alarmed again,
ater seeral years o 1urkish Athan the mosques o Istanbul returned to declare "Allah Akbar" in clear Arabic, a
sign o the coming back o a great ciilization.

\e kindly ask the Muslim reader to read Al-latiha on the soul o Sultan Abdul lameed and the Muslims who
dedicated their lies or the well being o Islam and the whole Islamic Nation. \e hope we hae been able to
present you with something that will make you see things more clearly and strengthen your belie in the Islamic
Dream and remoe any misunderstandings or misconceptions i you hae had any. Unite to the bond o Islam,
may God bless the Islamic Nation and hae mercy on the soul o Sultan Abdul lameed and the rest o the
sincere Muslims.

1he Sun May Have Set, But It Will, God Willing, Rise Again

1his section was a contribution of brother Hakan Doganer, many thanks to him.

Iurther reading:

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