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Quiz One Study Guide What is history? History is an interpretation of written documents or records When did History begin?

After enough time for sources to become available and analyzed Why do we study history? To know who we are, where we came from, learn from the past and not repeat past mistakes. Pseudo history- is the manipulation of history to fit a political agenda Sources are Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Archaeological sources- are not written and are not considered history, but add to history. Types of Archaeology- looting, excavation and ground penetrating radar Garbage dumps or Middens- are a good place to dig Pseudo archaeology- unreasonable answers to archaeological problems, aliens did it

When did we begin? Bishop James Ussher believed 4004BC Big Bang Theory- start of life 13.7 billion ago Olduvai Gorge- many skeletal remains have been found, most found by Mary Leakey and Hadar EthiopiaLucy was Australopithecus Afarensis- 3.2 million years old, Found in Hadar Ethiopia by Donald Johanson, named after Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles, was playing on the radio. Laetoli footprints- 3.5 million years ago, created after a volcano erupted and lava cooked the soil

Where do we come from? Out of Africa theory- We are all very distant cousins Mitochondrial DNA- all descend from a single female Eve 140,000 years ago Neanderthal- questions as to if we are related. Now based on modern DNA analysis we are probably 2-6% same DNA

Language- Major Language group is Indo-European- people were from above Caspian Sea in Steppe of Russia Bantu- major language group in Africa clicking Paleilithic- Old Stone Age- hunter gathers- primarily family units Neolithic- New Stone Age- villages family units with some outsiders John Lubbock- first distinguished between Paleo and Neo lithic Jericho first city Mesopotamia- Land between Tigres and Euphrates Rivers- Fertile Crescent Sumer- area in southern Mesopotamia first civilization Ur- was there (home of Abraham) Cuneiform-writing developed in Mesopotamia Behistun Inscription deciphered by Sir Henry Rawlinson Gilgamesh- was epic poem Ziggurats- were temples Ziggurat at Urrestored BabylonHammurabi was kingLaw Code of Hammurabi. Lex Taloniseye for and eyeContributions Sciene, Astronomy, Mathematics, Architecture Sargon conquered first empire

The Assyrians were another major empire in Mesopotamia Their king Tiglath Pileser III captured the Kingdom of Israel in 740BC The Assyrians were followed by the neo-Babylonians. The leading king was Nebuchadnezzar who captured the Kingdom of Judah (Jerusalem) in 586. He is also the king of Daniel and the Lions Den, etc.

India Indus River Valley Harappa and Mohenjo-daro- no written recordswhat written language that does exist may not be enough to attempt to translate. Have to rely 100% on Arch Cities had large walls, areas for grain, homes, plumbing, indoor and outdoor kitchens

Traded with Mesopotamia and Egypt Religion unknown, but some pools lead archaeologist to believe they had religious significance Disappeared about 1900BCWhy? Probably some natural disaster, perhaps people migrated into India Dravidians lived in southern IndiaAryans of Indo-European descent migrated into India

China Civilizations appeared along Chinas riversYangtzi and nickname Yellow River Many archaeological sites have been lost because of the Three Gorges Dam China had trouble with flooding from the Yellow River.Chinas Sorrow Emperor Yu- was able to dig flood ditches and control river Early Chinese kingdoms always faced invaders. The three dynasties were: Xia, Shang, Zhou. After period of Warring States, Qin Dynasty took over Qin are today remembered for Astronomcial obervations and the Terracotta Army Lack of early written records. Records were first written on silk and bark, which didnt last. Later Oracle Bones and inscriptions on Bronze have been found

Egypt People lived in Sahara until it dried upmoved along Nile for water Nile flooded yearly People built agricultural communities, which became city-states, that become kingdoms, and eventually became Egypt Menes or Narmer was first Pharaoh Early Dynastic periodperhaps best period Old KingdomPyramids Mummies

Khufu (tallest) and Khafra (Sphinx) Earlier step Pyramids Zoser Sneferu built Bent Pyramid and Red Pyramid First Intermediate Middle Kingdom Second Intermediate New Kingdom Pharaoh Thutmose IIIbest of period King Tutburied in Vally of KingsHoward carter found him Ramessess II Perhaps Pharaoh of Moses. Wife was Nefertari or Beautiful Companion Temples at Abu Simbel..had to be moved in 1959 for Aswan Dam Cleopatra was last Pharaoh HieroglyphicsRosetta Stone Jean-Francois Champollion deciphered hieroglyphics Rosetta stone was Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphics Identify: Behistun Inscription- Mesopotamia or Iran, Darias, King of Kings, thus different languages, 500BC Terracotta Army- Qin Empire, Empire died, built Terracotta Army, discovered in 1974 Menes- First Pharaoh of Eygpt 3000BC, killed by a hippo, Eygpt one Kingdom Temple at Abu Simbel- Built 1300BC, Ramses II, built for wife Defitari, translates to beautiful wife. 1959 moved for dam Lucy- 74 or 73, found in Hadar Ethopia. Orginially only found foot bone, named after song Mito

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