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EXISTENTIALISM - philosophical thinking begins with the human subject not merely the thinking subject, but the

acting, feeling, living human individual. PERSONALITY the traits, modes of adjustment, behavior relations with others that characterize an individual. MOTIVE- is the reason for certain course of action, whether conscious or unconscious. LIE DETECTOR is a machine used to determine whether someone is lying. HOMEOSTASIS - is the process of maintaining internal equilibrium, that is keeping all the bodys metabolic and chemical processes in good functioning order. UNCONSCIOUS MOTIVATION - refers to hidden and unknown desires that are the real reasons for things that people do. MOTIVATION- is the process that arouses, sustains and regulates human and animal behavior. ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH - An instrument used in the detection and diagnosis of heart abnormalities that measures electrical potentials on the body surface and generates a record of the electrical currents associated with heart muscle activity. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (GOLEMAN) is the ability ones own and others emotions, to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide ones thinking. MENTAL MODES- are clusters of propositions that represent the understanding of people of how physical things work. UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS- any stimulus that has the ability to elicit a response without previous training. CONCEPTS - refers to the general idea or unit of knowledge which is a result of many experiences. AMNESIA is loss of memory, either total or partial, for the past events in a persons life. MEMORY is the totality of the past experience that can be remembered. FORGETTING inability to retrieve previous information. FANTASY is a free association coming from the persons inner world of feelings, desires and wishes. PSYCHOLOGICAL AMNESIA the person suddenly represses almost everything about the self; involves functional inability to recall his personal past DELUSIONAL THINKING are false beliefs and thoughts that are irrational but are usually have specific meaning to that person. CONDITIONED STIMULUS refers to a stimulus which initially does not elicit the response under study but comes to do so by being paired with the unconditioned stimulus.

NEUROSIS is a mild form of mental disorder, an abnormal reaction pattern that lowers efficiency. REPRESSION is a process of completely excluding from consciousness thoughts, feelings, experiences, or impulses which are psychologically disturbing because they arouse a sense of shame, guilt or anxiety. RATIONALIZATION is a defense mechanism in which plausible but false reason are devised by the individual to explain and justify his behavior that is deemed to result in loss of self-esteem or social approval. SCHIZOPHRENIA - is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness. ADJUSTMENT is the continuous process of attempting to overcome the inner and outer obstacles to the satisfaction of needs. REGRESSION is an unconscious return to an earlier and less mature level of adaptation. WITHDRAWAL REACTION the individual goes to actual physical flight or takes cover by going into a shell of psychological defense. DEFENSE MECHANISM - are unconscious psychological strategies brought into play by various entities to cope with reality and to maintain self-image. PSYCHOANALYSIS a theory of an approach to psychology emphasizing dynamic conflicts within the personality and unconscious motivational processes JAMES LANGE THOERY (1884-1885) argued the emotional feelings follow bodily arousal. PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLNESS a bodily sickness precipitated or aggravated by emotional disturbance. EMOTION a stirred-up condition in which the body id prepared for a strenuous effort. LOCUST OF CONTROL is a theory in personality psychology referring to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. CANNON BARD THEORY proposed that emotional feelings and bodily arousal are both organized by the brain. INTELLIGENCE is the ability to perform a simple or complex task with ease, accuracy and efficiency. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY (GARDNER) intelligence is a psychological potential, that is, all members of the species have the potential set of intellectual faculties of which the species is capable. IMAGES are visual mental presentations or physical objects, events and scenes which are not physically present at the time of imagery. TRACE DECAY THEORY assumes that learning leaves a mark (trace) on the brain. CLASSICAL/RESPONDENT CONDITIONING by Pavlov & Watson, involves the formation (or strengthening) of an association between a conditioned stimulus and a

response through repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus together with an unconditioned stimulus. THINKING is a manipulation of the persistent thought processes in the form of symbols. It is the organization of image and ideas which represents aspects of the environment of people, things and events. TRIAL & ERROR LEARNING (Thorndike) is an association theory of learning were sense impressions and impulses are associated with actions. LEARNING is a process which brings out permanent change in behavior as a result of experience trough the effort of the individual. LEARNING BY OBSERVATION/SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY (BANDURA) it emphasizes observational learning. It views learning as occurring in the absence of reinforcement. INTERFERENCE THEORY states that items never fade away but what is responsible for forgetting is the confusion among different items stored in the long term memory which is caused by interference. INCUBATION called brainstorming, this activity figures out all possible ways to solve a problem before narrowing down the alternatives to a few possible courses of action. PROBLEM SOLVING the process of arriving at a particular goal which at the moment is not available. OPERANT CONDITIONING (SKINNER) is conditioning whereby the frequency of a response increases if followed by reinforcement. PHOBIA is an overwhelming and irrational fear of a specific object or situation. AGGRESSION hurtful or destructive behavior. APPROACH/ APPROACH CONFLICTS may cause frustration if a person is attracted to two things but can only have one. PSYCHOSIS severe mental discover that usually requires hospitalization. FRUSTRATION is the condition of being thwart the individuals aspiration. CONFLICT when a person is made to choose between two opposing desires but finds it difficult to make a choice. SCAPEGOATING hostility is expressed against a person or an object other than the original source of frustration. PROJECTION is a defense mechanism wherein the individual attributes his unacceptable thoughts or desires to others. Filipino Personality Traits Manana habit Ningas cogon

Utang-naloob Hiya Hospitality Pervasive sense of inferiority Leveling Subsistence Amoral familism Campadre system Submissiveness Amor propio Approaches in Viewing Personality Psychoanalytic model (Freud) Behavioristic model (Watson) Humanistic model (Allport, Maslow, Murray, Rogers) Existential model Theories of Work Motivation Expectancy theory Goal-setting theory Determinants of Intelligence Test Scores Hereditary determinants Social determinants Educational determinants Maturation Physical factors Personal factors Response tendencies Types of Cognitive Learning Insight learning Sign learning Characteristics of a Creative Person Intelligence Independence Sense of humor Interest, Novelty, and Complexity

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