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This book is dedicated to all the victims of wars that a small minority of evil and soulless monsters have started and supported for power and profit. Their hubris and contempt for human lives and their perfidious and nefarious use of propaganda against those who refuse to submit to their agenda are the biggest threat to our freedom and liberty.

Release dateSep 20, 2018

Rowald Holt

The author was born in 1939 in Southwest Germany, before WW II started. His father owned a photo studio, but was drafted into the German army in 1941 and sent to the Russian front, where he died at year's end. His mother continued with the photo business until she died in 1949 and he spent his teen-age years at his uncles'. In 1960 he emigrated to Canada where he worked as photographer, then went to University for a B.A and B.Ed. and before retirement in 2000 owned an apple-and cherry orchard in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.

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    History Debunked - Rowald Holt





    How Wars And The Scapegoat For Zionism Were Created




    Rowald Holt

    Copyright © 2018 by Rowald Holt.

    Hardback: 978-1-949804-15-7

    Paperback: 978-1-949804-14-0

    eBook: 978-1-949804-16-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Disclaimer: The writer states that he categorically dismisses any claims that suggest he supports the glorification of Adolf Hitler, or hatred against Jews in general, or any other ethnic or religious group. Spreading the Truth can never be mendacious and associated with spreading hatred or antisemitism. If he is accused of being a revisionist, he takes this as a compliment, as those that accuse him cannot accept historical truth, but have themselves become the perpetrators of hatred and racism. His expressed opinion is solely based on unbiased research, information and comments collected from well-informed sources and individuals found in books and on the Internet, as well as some personal experience. Should any statements in the future be scientifically challenged with new corroborating evidence, the writer will retract those statements. The aim of this book is to lift the veil of misinformation and propaganda and encourage those with an open mind to seek the truth.

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    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to all the victims of wars that a small minority of evil and soulless monsters have started and supported for power and profit. Their hubris and contempt for human lives and their perfidious and nefarious use of propaganda against those who refuse to submit to their agenda are the biggest threat to our freedom and liberty. My support also goes to all those, Jews and Gentiles alike, who have the courage to expose the evil of World Zionism. May their efforts and perseverance enlighten the peoples of the world and prevent the cataclysm that looms over all of us. This book is not meant to spread hatred against anybody. It is lies that promote hatred, because they can be manipulated to suit the liars. Truth cannot be altered and also serves to promote re-conciliation and peace.

    In addition, I hope this book will find its way into the hands of politicians and sanguine leaders, especially of unaligned countries that are not yet in the grip of the Zionist cabal and Industrial-Military-Complex, so that they may prevent this threat to their liberty and sovereignty.

    by Rowald Holt



    Chapter 1     Who We Are

    Chapter 2     Statute Law vs. Natural Law

    Chapter 3     A Life in Retrospect

    Chapter 4     Fascism vs. Zionism

    Chapter 5     Kaiser Wilhelm II & Benjamin Friedman

    Chapter 6     Zionism’s Control & Agenda

    Chapter 7     Back To Russia

    Chapter 8     Who Controls the West

    Chapter 9     Who Really Started WW II

    Chapter 10   Jewish Internationalism = NWO

    Chapter 11   The Holocaust

    Chapter 12   The Cabal that runs the United States

    Chapter 13   What Good Did WW II Do?

    Chapter 14   Patriotism & Warmongering

    Chapter 15   Vladimir Putin the Anti-NWO Protagonist

    Chapter 16   The Bad Guys who dared to oppose US Zionism speak out

    Chapter 17   The Influence of the Talmud

    Chapter 18   Revelations of a Zionist Jew

    Chapter 19   Political Judaism vs. Political Islam

    Chapter 20   The Rothschild Tentacles



    The author was born in 1939 in Southwest Germany, before WW II started. His father owned a photo studio, but was drafted into the German army in 1941 and sent to the Russian front, where he died at year’s end.

    His mother continued with the photo business until she died in 1949 and he spent his teenage years at his uncles’.

    After learning the photography trade and three years at the police academy, he emigrated to Canada in 1960, worked as photographer, went to university for a B.A and B.Ed. and with his wife, whom he married in 1969, moved from Edmonton to the Okanagan Valley where they owned and operated an apple & cherry orchard. Retiring in 2001, he devotes his time to music, painting and studying history. Through the Internet he gained extensive knowledge of how history was manipulated to convey a picture of fighting wars for justice and freedom, and to expose the evil of the Germans, when in fact, all the evil originated from forces within the leadership of the Western Powers and their handlers. The author hopes to prove in this book that we have been lied to, and are still being lied to by a cabal of evil men, devoid of human compassion and of a soul.

    They are creatures from Hell in human form. Their God is Lucifer and their agenda is to enslave the rest of humanity.

    Chapter 1

    Who We Are

    The following account is meant to be a cross-section of my life and how I developed my character and dealt with all the challenges that presented themselves to me. First, there were the war years with all their trials and tribulations, including the loss of my father, who died at the Russian front contracting diphtheria. My impressions of these times are told within the context of a child’s and adolescent’s perceptions. By the time I reached adulthood, I had the urge to expand my horizon and leave Germany. I wanted to learn English, having had some exposure to Italian and French, which I taught myself, but also to find out how people in other countries would think and live. A character is formed through the teachings of one’s parents, and as life progresses, by peers, the community, school and lastly through the m edia.

    One can view life as a circle, beginning at one point, only to end at this same point again. Our body is the vessel, the ship on the high seas – the matter, composed of molecules. But like a ship needs a captain, so does our body, corpus or vessel needing a force, the spirit, or soul that is in command. Without this spiritual control, our vessel would be in peril, would be adrift and eventually perish, ending up as matter and molecules of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and some minerals. That is the process, commonly called giving up the ghost. But what happens to the ghost? Mankind has pondered this question from time immemorial and religions have tried to explain this phenomenon, often with the aim of controlling the believers through fear and benefiting the leaders with earthly luxuries. What I want to say here is that each of us must seek the truth and be guided by morals that emanate from Natural Law – laws of the creator, not of men, as most laws created by men are evil and deceptive. It is a maxim of law that one can serve only one master. If one would try to serve two masters, one would certainly take preference over the other. This is exactly how we unknowingly have been coerced into a situation, where we have accepted two masters and then end up giving preferential service to the wrong one. Our constitution and courts clearly state that the supremacy of GOD is recognized. That means, that the Governments, created by MEN (HuMEN Beings), must be subservient to their creator, but as all MEN are created naturally and are children of the creator, their allegiance can only be to one master, who has no name, but we call GOD. If the universe was created, then the creator is the owner of it, and that includes our planet. That follows, that no Man, company, Government or the Vatican (as it claims) owns the earth or any part of it. HE, GOD, has given MEN dominion over the earth – MAN has become the administrator, or heir-in-waiting, so to speak. The Governments then take the position of Trustee for the Estate. However, as long as the owner of the estate exists (there is no proof that God does not, or is dead), the heirs cannot lay claim to ownership. But they can claim support and the use of the estate. And like the Captain of the vessel, they give their energy to the benefit of the vessel and in turn contribute to the wealth of the owner. We are born without a name and without money. The name is given to the event of the birth and submitted to the Government by the parents in the form of the Statement of Birth. This becomes the foundation document from which the Government creates a Legal Person – a legal entity of (per) the son of the father (creator), person. This entity exists only on paper (capitalized and a Nom de Guerre) and serves as collateral for the Government who owns the name and the vessel (the body). However, the owner has given up control and possession to the captain, but retains the Title (Statement of Birth) and hence, retains full liability. When the captain claims that it is HIS ship and HIS crew, and HIS cargo, etc. then he also takes on all liabilities, and that is the situation most of us have created for ourselves. Claiming that we are the name binds us to our name and makes us the collateral for the Government, rather than the name itself, and since the Government has borrowed money, using the name as collateral, and is bankrupt (it is the Government as Trustee that is bankrupt, not the Estate!), it comes back to us to make us pay the interest, instead of paying out of the General Trust. As long as we lay claim of ownership to the trust, instead of contributing through our energy to it, the roles reverse and we become the Trustee and the name becomes the beneficiary, who takes on all liabilities. The Government becomes the administrator, giving the trustee (us) orders. The roles should be in reverse order, so that WE (the living Man) are the administrator for the BENEFICIARY (the name) and the Government the TRUSTEE. Extrapolating this to an Estate probate, the heir is the NAME which we use and are the ADMINISTRATOR for. We give the orders to the TRUSTEE (the court, or a designated Trustee mentioned in the WILL) who will be the administrator for the Estate. The BENEFICIARY/HEIR is at arm’s length to the Estate, till the Estate has been transferred to the ownership of the BENEFICIARY.To further clarify this, all comes down to commerce, which is based on fiction and a living soul (Man) cannot do commerce – he needs a conduit, which is the NAME over which he has authority to use. So the NAME is the heir-in-waiting. And as long as ownership is not transferred to the heir, all liability rests with the Trustee who administers the affairs of the Estate. However, as long as the Estate’s owner exists and is not dead (the earth’s owner, God, is not dead), we, the heirs-in-waiting (like children) can contribute to the estate through our labour, and make use of the estate for sustenance without claiming ownership of any part of it, i.e. we can use the land for growing food and mine the resources for use, but never to own anything.

    We struggle to make ends meet, because the Governments have an insatiable hunger for more from us, because we also demand benefits and entitlements from the Governments. Instead of contributing our energy to increase the wealth of the Trust, we fall victim to our own greed and so block access to the trust. As an example, there was no shortage on goods during the great depression in the 1930s; there was only a shortage of money - paper with numbers printed on it. And when war became imminent, suddenly there was full employment and business was booming again. Why? If our given energy would have been used to give us credit, instead of payment in Legal Tender Currency, that credit could be used if needed, and no inflation or depression would be manipulated by the world’s power elite. This might be a difficult concept to grasp and takes time to absorb, but it is reality.

    It is then at the end of the life cycle when the captain leaves the ship, that he must face his conscience and determine, whether he was a good, or a bad captain. Evidence of who owns our body (corps) is given by the fact, the Canadian Government pays $2,500.00 towards the disposal of the body, which is an admission of ownership and liability.

    Chapter 2

    Statute Law vs. Natural Law

    Quite early in life I developed a very cautious approach towards authority. I was quite familiar with the Ten Commandments, which are in essence an extension of The Golden Rule, or one might call it Natural Law. When one is given authority over others, it usually follows that the latter’s personal freedom is at some point violated by the one yielding authority and in the end gaining something for himself which he otherwise would not have access to. Governments cannot exercise authority, since they are constructs of men and only exist on paper. However, men in the employ of Governments and acting as agents thereof are made the instruments by which Governments exert power over people who don’t know who they really are. This applies to everyone who believes he/she is a PERSON and has a NAME. There is a distinct difference between a LEGAL PERSON and a MAN. The former is a construct of the Government – a fiction on paper; the latter is a child of the creator, or real being. Governments have NO authority to rule over people. However, being the creator of the fiction, by consent of having accepted the status of PERSON, CITIZEN, RESIDENT, TAXPAYER, etc., we fall into the realm of Government and its STATUTE LAWS.

    For a considerable time, I did not understand the parameters of these differences and had to go through some unpleasant experiences. I was attracted to some Gurus that preached that income tax was illegal to collect. Based on voluntary compliance, which meant that if one volunteered for something, he could at any time unvolunteer. They forgot to understand that one had to sever the strings that bind one to the Legal Person first, before the separation is accepted. We must also remember that the Government carries the title and is in possession of the Statement of Birth from which it created the Legal Person – the one with the all-capital letters name on the Birth Certificate, Passport, Drivers’ License, etc. – and uses that Legal Person as Collateral for its debt. Subsequently, this leads to an obligation of the Legal Person to carry the Liability for the debt and has to pay taxes. This is enshrined in the Statutes of the Government in the form of Tax Regulations, which make it mandatory for every taxpayer (Legal Person) to file a Tax Return. We are thus free to choose, whether we want to voluntarily be in compliance with the regulations, or refuse to comply and face the consequences of being forced into compliance by legal action by the Government or its agency (Canada Revenue Agency).

    I unwittingly tried the latter and found myself in a situation, where both of us had to declare personal bankruptcy in order to escape the claws of Canada Revenue Agency (an agency of the Rothschild empire, not Canadian). We recovered from this ordeal much the wiser and are now free of these burdens so many Canadians are still carrying. We worked hard and accumulated wealth; we thought we needed to own a lot of things in order to survive, especially money. As for the latter, the more one has, the more insecure one feels, being afraid someone might take it, or the notion that money should be invested so one can speculate on an increase in value, or collect dividends. Most investors eventually find themselves being at the losing end by investing their money till it’s gone (Woody Allen’s quote). As for the former, accumulating material goods beyond what is essential places an unnecessary burden on one’s mind. I think of the big homes that require a lot of upkeep and the garages full of stuff that sit there for years without ever being used, and when one needs something, cannot find it. Having ventured into the Stock Market in the end turned out rather disappointing, as more and more irregularities surfaced and it became apparent, that all is a fraudulent game, played by a small unscrupulous elite that manipulates the markets at will and at the expense of the little investor.

    Chapter 3

    A Life in Retrospect

    In retrospect of my life , there is much left in my mind that needs to be exposed: For some time now I have done much research into world history, especially what caused the two world wars that in part affected my early years in life, but also that affected the political and economic life globally. Without the access to the Internet, we would all be exposed to the dissemination of manufactured and controlled history and news information that is manipulated to serve a very powerful and evil minority of bankers, politicians and media moguls operating in concert to brainwash the public. Hateful propaganda is being directed towards individuals and/or countries that refuse to bow to the dictates of the money-changers. Then a false flag scenario is created to attack the enemy and introduce democracy to the victim, resulting in the loss of freedom, security and lives on an increasingly more horrific s cale.

    Michael Rivera gives a detailed account on the Internet, which I highly recommend. It is found under All Wars are Banker Wars; All Bank Owners are Jews. And another Website exposes the question Why are People afraid of the Facts about the Jew?

    Political and religious doctrines have plagued mankind over MILLENNIA. With a world population of seven Billion and increasing, the magnitude of human suffering manifested over the last 145 years and in today’s world has no precedent.

    As we delve into history, the most pertinent factor relating to violence and warfare rests with institutionalized religion. Whether we view the Egyptians, the Romans, the Catholic Church, or Islam, all are stained with the blood of millions of innocent human lives. The next in line are Governments and the money interests that manipulate politicians. This has resulted in Isms that have clashed and wiped out more millions of lives and caused the destruction of wealth, not to mention the devastating impact on the environment and squandering of valuable natural resources. But in the final analysis the perpetrators are found among the big banks and their owners and collaborators seemingly beyond the reach of law.

    Let us put the religious aspect aside and dig into the opposing Isms, such as Capitalism, Fascism and Communism/Bolshevism. Liberalism and Conservatism, diametrically opposed in principal, have many similarities that are reflected in the doctrines of Capitalism, Fascism and Communism. What all of these Isms have in common is that over the years, they have become corrupted and are being manipulated by the world elite, a clandestine cabal of powerful money manipulators and their cronies that are directly responsible for wars, famines, diseases and the loss of individual freedoms on a global scale. They pursue an agenda of creating the New World Order, where a few thousand exert total control over billions. We might ask the question as to who exactly are these people? Most of them sit in the board rooms of the big banks, financial institutions and multinational corporations, located in New York, Washington and London, with branch locations in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Tel Aviv. They determine the price of crude oil, gold, silver and the exchange rate of currencies. They decide what country will be invaded and what leader or Government must be removed and replaced with a more friendly one. When analyzing all these Isms one stands out as the most influential and powerful force that has shaped the course of history since its inception, namely Zionism. It is often confused with Judaism, which is based on religion. Zionism, however, has evolved into a philosophy of superiority, manipulation and deceit with the aim of creating a New World Order. Since most of the Zionists have Jewish background, they hide behind Judaism, and when their actions result in reaction by their victims, the punishment is carried out against Jews in general. Throughout Europe, Jews always occupied a separate place in society. They were exempt from some laws in one respect, and in another restricted. This prevented them from ever being fully integrated. Their loyalty never was completely directed towards the country they lived in, but rather towards themselves. Theodor Herzl, an Austrian Jew, in 1896 formulated the idea of establishing a Jewish homeland, i.e. preparing for one, so when their Messiah would come, a Jewish State could be created. This idea became instrumental and became the basis for the problems Europe and the world has had to face since.

    It all started back in 1870 with the Franco-Prussian war. Benjamin Disraeli is described in the following report as The Father of the World Wars by Rabbi Josef Antebi and made available through

    There is a wealth of deep knowledge learned from the child-like allegorical tales from Aesop’s Fables. For centuries, stories such as The Boy Wo Cried Wolf, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Ant and the Grasshopper and (Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice) were once staples of western school education. But because these classic mini-stories taught critical thinking, instilled virtues, and imparted important life lessons, the thought-provoking tales have, for the most part, long since been banished down the Orwellian memory hole of modern education". Today’s kids wouldn’t know their Aesop from their A-holes. What a gosh-darn shame!

    For today’s lesson in real history, let us first review Aesop’s Fable of The Lion and the Three Bulls. Understand this simple little tale, and you’ll know more about World Wars I and II than 99% of those diploma-decorated dorks who write the official history.

    The Lion and the Three Bulls

    Three bulls for a long time pastured together. A lion lay in ambush in the hope of making them his prey, but was afraid to attack them whilst they kept together. Having at last by guileful speeches succeeded in separating them, he attacked them without fear, as they fed alone, and feasted on them one by one at his own leisure.

    The Three Bulls Unite

    Out of the Franco-Prussian war, imposed upon Prussia and her 300 smaller German allies by Napoleon III of France, a united Germany is born 1871. Kaiser Wilhelm I is the big boss, but his Chancellor, the legendary Otto von Bismarck, is the political architect. The ‘Iron Chancellor’ realizes early on that the greatest external threat to Germany is the Rothschild-influenced British and French imperialists; while the greatest internal threats are the Red revolutionaries (Communists and Anarchists). Wise Bismarck also understands that the Austro-Hungarian Empire as well as the great Empire of Russia are also targets of the same external and internal forces. Indeed, Bismarck, Czar Alexander of Russia, and Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria have all survived assassination attempts by this time.

    In 1873, to check the evil Anglo-Franco-Judeo Empire of the West, Bismarck’s brilliant diplomacy brings the three empires into a defensive alliance – The League of the Three Emperors. The negotiated agreement unites the monarchs of Austria-Hungary (Emperor Franz Joseph), Russia (Czar Alexander II), and Germany (Kaiser Wilhelm I) into a mighty defensive front. The League has three main purposes:

    To serve as a mutual defence against the growing Red movements which have been terrorizing Europe since 1848;

    To avoid war among themselves, relying on diplomacy to resolve any future differences;

    To oppose the expansion of French or British power into Central and Eastern Europe.

    The military and financial power of the three empires forms a Central-Eastern European power base that the Rothschilds and their Franco-Anglo ‘hit-men’ will never be able to subdue. There can be no New World Order until this mighty defensive coalition is somehow broken up and smashed.

    The Russo-Turkish War

    There are two main causes of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78. First, Russia desires to reclaim vital Black Sea territory lost in Rothschild’s Crimean War of 20 years earlier, fought against Britain, France & Turkey. The other objective is to liberate the Orthodox Christian Slavic populations of the Balkan states, currently under Muslim Turkish rule. Russia’s Orthodox Christian and Slavic allies, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, and Bulgaria, all fight with Russia.

    Russia dominates the fighting and advances towards Turkey’s Capital (Constantinople). Dismayed that Russia may one day capture Palestine from the beaten Turkish Empire, Britain’s Zionist Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli pressures Russia to accept a truce offered by Turkey; sending ships to the area to intimidate Russia and force a peace conference in Berlin, Germany.

    The British-Jewish Lion Plots

    Just days before the important international conference is due to take place in Berlin, two assassination attempts are made against German Emperor Wilhelm I, 1878, a Red named Emil Max Hodel fires shots at the Emperor and his daughter as they travel in their carriage. Hodel is captured and then executed in August.

    Three weeks later, another Red named Karl Nobiling fires a shot gun at the Emperor. The 82 year old Kaiser is wounded, but survives. Nobiling then shoots himself and dies three months later. The New World Order’s war against ‘The League of the Three Emperors’ is really starting to heat up.

    Rothschild-owned Disraeli (a Zionist Jew) dominates the Berlin conference, which had been called into session to settle the Russo-Turkish war. Britain, Germany,

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