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Affirmative: Mary plays basketball every Sunday He lives in that street I always get up at 8 o'clock We visit my grandmother twice

a week Negative: She doesn't play football every Saturday Peter doesn't live in that street I don't live in England Mary and Peter don't play the guitar Interrogative Does Mary play the piano everyday? Does he drink tea? Do you speak Chinese?

en espaol

afirmativa: Mara juega al baloncesto todos los domingos l vive en esa calle Siempre me levanto a las 8 horas Nos visitar a mi abuela dos veces por semana negativo: Ella no jugar al ftbol todos los sbados Pedro no vive en esa calle Yo no vivo en Inglaterra Mara y Pedro no tocar la guitarra interrogativo Tiene Mara tocar el piano todos los das? Bebe t? Habla usted chino?

ORACIONES INTERROGATIVAS Hay dos clases de oraciones interrogativas: Las Yes/No questions y Las Wh-questions. Yes / No questions Requieren una respuesta del tipo s o no. Does she live abroad? Vive en el extranjero? Can you speak English? Sabes hablar ingls? Wh- questions

En este tipo de preguntas siempre hay un adjetivo, pronombre o adverbio interrogativo: what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how. Who's talking? Quin est hablando? What does she do in the afternoons? Qu hace ella por las tardes?

Did you like the film? Te gust la pelcula? Did he smoke? Fum l? Did she sing? Cant ella? Did they have a good time? Lo pasaron bien? Veamos las mismas frases del punto 2 de la unidad 68 convertidas en preguntas: When did you begin to work here? Cundo empezaste a trabajar aqu? How did he break his leg? Cmo se rompi l la pierna? When did she buy her car? Cundo se compr ella el coche? What did you eat and drink? Qu comisteis y bebisteis? Where did they fly to? A dnde volaron? What did he give her? Qu le dio l a ella? When did they leave? Cundo se marcharon? When did you see that film? Cundo viste esa pelcula? Where did he sleep? Dnde durmi l? When did she speak to you? Cundo habl ella contigo? What did you tell her? Qu le dijiste a ella? Why did they write? Por qu escribieron ellos? 3. Respuestas en Simple Past 3.1. Ejemplos de respuestas afirmativas en Simple Present: Do you play basketball? Yes, I do Juegas a baloncesto? S

Does she dance? Yes, she does Ella baila? S 3.2. Respuestas negativas en Simple Present: Do you speak Italian? No, I don't Hablas italiano? No Does he drive to work? No, he doesn't l va en coche al trabajo? No 3.3. Ejemplos de respuestas en Simple Past: Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes, I did Jugaste a baloncesto ayer? S Did she dance? Yes, she did Bail ella? S Did you speak Italian? No, I didn't Hablaste italiano? No Did he drive to work? No, he didn't Fue l en coche al trabajo? No

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