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Drug Ex-Lax (oral)

Drug Classificati on Laxative, Stimulant (By Mouth)

Brand Names Senokot, Dulcolax, Senokot Children's, Cholan-HMB, Nature's Remedy, Femintrol, Swiss Kriss, Phen-Lax, A-3 Revised, Alocass, Alocass 1/2x, Uni Cenna, Innerclean, GeriKot, Senno

Indication Constipation; bowel cleansing for childbirth, surgery, and endoscopic examination

Contraindications Allergic reaction to any stimulant laxatives, intestinal blockage, signs of appendicitis (severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting), or rectal bleeding of unknown cause.

Side Effects

Nursing Considerations

Irregular heartbeat Before giving drug for constipation, Confusion determine whether Muscle aches patient has adequate Skin rash intake, exercise, and Weakness or diet. tiredness If you Monitor electrolyte notice these less levels during serious side prolonged use. effects, talk with your doctor: Drug is recommended Burping for short-term use Diarrhea or only. cramps Nausea Instruct patient to swallow (not chew) enteric-coated tablets no sooner than 1 hour before or after ingesting antacids or dairy products. Tell him not to chew tablets. Suggest other ways to prevent constipation, such as by eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to increase

dietary bulk and by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. As appropriate, review all other significant and life-threatening adverse reactions and interactions, especially those related to the drugs, tests, and foods mentioned above.

Drug Neomycin

Drug Classificati on Antibiotic

Indication To supress intestinal bacteria before surgery To prevent or treat superficial bacterial infections

Action Generally bactericidal. Inhibits protein synthesis by binding directly to the 3OS ribosomal subunit

Contraindications Patients with hypersensitivi ty to other aminoglycosi des and in those with intestinal obstruction Use cautioustly with elderly patients and in those with impaired renal function, neuromuscula r function, neuromuscul disorders, ulcerative bowel lesions.

Side Effects Nausea Vimitung Diarrhea Nephrotoxicity Malabsorption syndrome

Nursing Considerations

Watch for signs and symptoms of infections, such as fever, chills, and increase pulse rate When using drug for preoperative disinfection, provide a low residue diet Instruct patient to report adverse reactions promptly Encourage patient to maintain adequate fluid intake

Drug Ibuprofen

Drug Classificati on NSAIDs

Indication Mild to moderate pain

Action Produces antiinflammatory, analgesic, and anti-pyretic effects possibly by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis

Contraindications Patients with hypersensitivi ty to drug and those with anioedema, syndrome of nasal polyps or bronchospasti c reaction to aspirin or ther NSAIDs

Side Effects Headache Dizziness Nervousness Fluid retention Peripheral edema Tinnitus Epigastric distress Nausea Peptic ulceration Diarrhea Constipation Abdominal pain Bloating Flatulence Heartburn Pruritus rash

Nursing Considerations

tell patient to take with meals or milk to reduce adverse GI reactions because of its anipyretic and antiinflammatory actions. NSAIDs may mask signs and symptoms of infection caution patient to use with aspirin, alcohol or corticosteroids may increase risk of GI adverse reactions teach patient signs and symptoms of GI bleeding, including blood in vomit, urine or stool

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