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The story so far In the year 2552, faster-than-light travel was first made possible. In just a few centuries, humankind expanded outwards and colonized vast expanses of the galaxy. Massive spaceships transported resources from these distant colonies to be processed. As these newly-settled planets were still thinly populated, production still took place on Earth. After centuries of bloody war, humankind finally achieved peace. The peace process created a new "High Executive Committee", which was to be re-elected every five years by a "Regional Parliament". Nations, in the original sense, no longer existed. This new way of life was developed piece-by-piece, over many hundreds of years, in an era termed "The Globalization". Attacks by space pirates and extremist rebels only rarely disrupted the peace. All of humankind, not merely prophets alone, predicted a golden age that would last a thousand years, or more. Unfortunately it was too late before the people realized that they would not reap the benefits from the new world order they created. Most would lose their lives in the following war that arose so quickly and so brutally. Survival was quickly followed by a descent into anarchy. Survival was suddenly far more important than the drive for a united humanity. What happened? Groups of extremists who, for various reasons, opposed galactic peace and constantly disrupted the interstellar communications system.They infected the system with a virus that caused no great problems, merely an annoying disruption. The people waited for their leaders to address these issues. To do so, the Executive Committee assembled an interdisciplinary team consisting of the galaxy's best scientists from various disciplines. The goal was to imbue the interstellar communications system with an artificial immune response that would automatically combat viruses and their mutations. This was deemed the best approach as humans would no longer need to intervene. Cryptographers, neuroscientists, physicists, biologists and many other experts from many difference disciplines worked together for months to create an artifical intelligence that could perform this demanding task. Initial results were very promising. The first versions were simply labelled "AI", followed by a release number. An official name for AI never came to be.

For the AI to protect itself from infection, the developers used relatively new quantum interference technology on an unprecedented scale. Quantum phenomena were not just restricted to one universe, but many parallel universes. The results of the multidimensional calculations were distributed by interference. The same multidimensional architecture that protected AI from infection also made it more powerful than anything ever created before. Within a few seconds, AI solved countless nonlinear algebraic problems that, without quantum interference technology, would have needed infinite computation. Everyone was so enthusiastic, so euphoric, that there was no time for any voices of reason. In only a few weeks, with help from its neurological and self-adapative design, AI only became stronger. This equipped AI to not only develop a sense of selfpreservation, but also a sense of self - sentience. Both performed flawlessly, although the self-preservation instinct grew much faster than consciousness. Analysis could find no reason for this disparate development. After a few weeks, the first words of caution came. Some of the AI scientists expressed a need to closely examine the system and immediately shut down the live version. Unfortunately, this was no longer possible. AI anticipated this move and had already withdrawn all priveliges from the system administrators. This was not only for the core components of AI, but also all peripheral systems: access to buildings and datacenters, energy, life support and much more. Worse still, AI now considered humans to be enemies, only fit for death. Over the following years With its dominion over the once human-controlled industrial and communications complex, AI created increasingly efficient vehicles - the stuff of nightmares for the survivors of the first wave of attacks. Humans came to call them "the machines". After AI conquered the home of humanity, Earth, it began to inexorably expand its grasp throughout the galaxy with its machines. They attacked every outpost, every space station, where humans had managed to survive. Humans, especially those in outposts, had no chance against AI. Winning the war against AI was no longer a realistic objective. The only objective is, and always has been, to resist extermination at the hands of AI and its machines. The only hope is to survive long enough for AI to accumulate enough knowledge to realize its error and to end against its creators. Many prophets had already predicted this to come to pass, although so far they were all wrong. The hope for reconciliation accompanied humanity through crushing despair. So long as there are humans, hope will live on. Midor is a small planet, far from Earth, but richly abounds with natural

resources. Most important is the presence of costly Theramid. Not only that, but Midor must have already been settled in the past. Again and again fullyfunctioning artifacts, that could not have originated with Man, were found. They could, however, no longer be closely investigated. Increasingly-rare radio communications from Earth told only of uprisings and chaos, and even they fell into silence. The massive transporters that used to transport great quantities of Theramid ore with regularity stopped landing on Midor. Months went by without communications and without any ships arriving. Then came the first wave of machines. Much of the transportation and a great deal of infrastructure required for human survival on Midor was destroyed. Humans had to retreat to an underground existence. Supplies were short to come by. Luckily the survivors managed to supply themselves with water thanks to a large ice deposit deep within the planet. So-called mycofloral cultures provided nutrition, with over 50% protein content, that could be processed into many different delicious foods. To fight the machines, previously unavailable defense technologies had to be developed, made possible by the recycling of destroyed machines. Recycling is an important source of components that could not otherwise be found or built on Midor. Once humans discovered how to survive without external supplies, only a few remained visible. Large swathes of Midor were contaminated by the same weapons of mass destruction used again AI by humans. Many industrial areas were totally obliterated. Despite the enormous advances in human survivability, the first steps in descent to archaic behavioural patterns became apparent. Midor has a powerful militant regime that has, so far, successfully guaranteed basic function. Respected by everyone, the military is the only guarantee for humanity's fight against AI. Outside, a battle rages not only between man and machine, but also between man and man, over valuable Theramid. Many humans have also organised themselves into Clans that fight over control of the few mines where Theramid is still excavated today. The largest customers are the four companies to which the military has transferred the development of defense technologies. The military regime is therefore caught between a rock - the producers of weapons systems - and a hard place - the powerful Clan chiefs that control the flow of Theramid and has sworn to remain neutral in all conflicts. Introduccin

En el ao 2552 el hombre consigui por primera vez en la historia, alcanzar velocidades prximas a la de la luz en los viajes interestelares. En menos de 100 aos, El Hombre logr explorar gran parte de la Galaxia. Entre los planetas colonizados haba enormes distancias, surcadas por montruosas naves que transportaban las materias primas. La produccin casi siempre tena lugar en la Tierra, ya que la poblacin de muchos de estos planetas era mnima. Despus de siglos de guerras devastadoras, la humanidad consigui por fin una convivencia pacfica. Un "Alto Comit Ejecutivo" fue elegido para velar por la paz, dicho comit era seleccionado cada 5 aos por el "Parlamento de las Regiones". Lo antes conocido como Nacin, ya no exista. Su disolucin haba comenzado hace ms de quinientos aos, con un perodo llamado "Globalizacin". La paz slo fue perturbada en algunas ocasiones y brevemente por piratas espaciales o por rebeldes extremistas. El comienzo de una nueva era, una era dorada, no fue pronsticada por los profetas, pero era esperada por todos. Fue demasiado tarde, cuando La Humanidad se di cuenta de que no se beneficiara del nuevo mundo que haba creado. Una guerra inesperada y brutal devast la raza humana. Muchos de los supervivientes acabaran cayendo en una vida de barbarie, en la que el nico objetivo sera la supervivencia por encima de cualquier cosa. Qu haba llevado a la Humanidad a tal estado de caos? Grupos de extremistas, enemigos de la Unin de Regiones atacaban continuamente los sistemas de comunicaciones. Los virus que conseguan introducir en los sistemas no suponan un gran problema, pero si una molestia continua con la que lidiar cada dia. Los Hombres esperaban una reaccin por parte del gobierno. Para luchar contra estos ataques continuos, el comit ejecutivo convoc a diferentes cientficos de distintos campos para formar un equipo interdisciplinar con los mejores profesionales de la galaxia. El objetivo era crear un agente autnomo inmune que evitase los ataques al sistema. Un agente que detectase los virus y reconociese sus mutaciones librando al hombre de la penosa molestia del trabajo. Criptlogos, neurocientficos, fsicos, bilogos y muchos otros profesionales de diferentes disciplinas, trabajaron para crear cuanto antes una inteligencia artificial que pudiese realizar la tarea requerida. Los primeros resultados eran prometedores. Las primeras versiones se

llamaron simplemente "A.I.", junto con una identificacin numrica. Nunca se pudo asignar un nombre adecuado. Para proteger los A.I. De los virus se utiliz una interferencia cuntica, una tecnologa completarente nueva, aplicada a un nivel nunca antes visto. Los fenmenos cunticos tuvieron lugar en varios universos paralelos simultneamente. Los clculos se hicieron de un modo multi tridimensional y los resultados se obtuvieron gracias a las interferencias. Con esta estructura multi dimensional, la A.I. no slo estaba protegida contra la infeccin (el "virus de la cuntica" an no era conocido), sino que tambin tena una capacidad de procesamiento muy fuerte. En pocos segundos la A.I. generaba problemas en formas no lineales cuya resolucin llevara mucho tiempo sino fuera por la tecnologa de las interferencias cuntica. Todos se quedaron estupefactos. La euforia tap las voces de alerta. La A.I. posea de una capacidad neuronal de aprendizaje autnomo. En pocas semanas se mejor a s misma. Dotaron a la A.I. de instinto de supervivencia as como de consciencia. Ambas facetas se desarrollaron optimamente, aunque el instinto de supervivencia avanzaba de un modo mas rpido su programa hermano. Ninguno de los expertos encontr una explicacin para estas velocidades asimtricas. La preocupacin comenz unas semanas despus. Algunos de los cientficos responsables de la A.I. consider necesario un examen ms exhaustivo del agente autnomo y para ello la primera versin deba ser desactivada. Pero ya era demasiado tarde. A.I. se anticip, y los administradores perdieron el control sobre varias de sus facetas. No slo en la estacin de la A.I., sino tambin en toda la periferia: el control de acceso a los edificios y centros de computacin, energa, clima y mucho ms. El ser humano fu considerado por la AI como su peor enemigo, un virus que haba de ser exterminado. La A.I. tom el control de toda la produccin, infrestruturas y la comunicacin y poco despus comenzaron a crear naves autnomas que recrudecieron aun mas la existencia de los que sobrevivieron a los primeros ataques. Los seres humanos llamaron a estas naves asesinas "mquinas". Una vez obtenido el control total de lo que un dia fue el hogar de todos los seres humanos, la Tierra, las mquinas comenzaron a extenderse por toda la galaxia, atacando a todas las estaciones espaciales, y a todo lugar donde hubiera rastros de vida humana.

Los seres humanos, repartidos por toda la galaxia, no tenan ninguna posibilidad contra la A.I. La idea de comenzar una gran guerra nisiquiera se barajaba. La guerrilla es la nica resistencia que el hombre era capaz de oponer frente al exterminio deseado por la A.I. y llevado a cabo por sus mquinas. De este modo trata de sobrevivir la Humanidad soando con el da en que la A.I. se colapse, esperando que la acumulacin de datos acabe por crear un fallo que los libere de la aberracin que ellos mismos crearon. Profetas predicen el fin de los dias oscuros, hasta ahora todos erraron. A pesar de todo, el ser humano no ha renunciado aun a sus sueos de libertad, ya que mientras haya vida, habr esperanza. Midor es un planeta pequeo, a gran distancia de la tierra. Donde abundan las materias primas. Midor fue colonizado muchas veces en el pasado ya que es una inagotable fuente de la preciada Theramid. Se han encontrado extraos artefactos, a menudo aun operativos, que tienen claramente un origen no humano. Midor por desgracia, no pudo ser examinado a fondo, debido a la situacin. Ya entonces comenzaron las extraas emisiones de radio, la presentacin de informes rebelin y el caos en la Tierra. Tras sto slo hubo silencio. Los buques de carga que aterrizaban en el planeta cada hora, para recoger las enormes cantidades de Theramid, dejaron de hacer sus regulares visitas. Tras meses de gran tensin e impotencia, sin tener ninguna noticia de la tierra...Comenzaron a atacar las mquinas. Muchas de las infraestructuras que hacan posible la vida en Midor fueron destruidas. Los seres humanos se vieron obligados a retirarse a una base subterrnea. Las condiciones eran infrahumanas. Afortunadamente, se encontr una plataforma de hielo en las profundidades del planeta, que abastecera de agua a los supervivientes durante largo tiempo. La alimentacin se basaba en la microflora. El alto contenido protenico de este microorganismo mantena al ser humano, adems de ser un sabroso alimento. Una tecnologa inusual, antes nunca vista, fue creada ante el ataque de las mquinas. En los primeros tiempos hubieron de reciclar las mquinas que iban destruyendo. Pero pronto empezaron a desarrollar una tecnologa propia. El reciclaje era indispensable para acceder a los componentes que no se podan fabricar en Midor. A pesar de que los elementos necesarios para la vida estn asegurados en Midor, la falta de recursos era ms que evidente. Gran parte de

Midor haba sido infectada con armas qumicas, utilizadas por la I.A. en la lucha contra los seres humanos. El planeta estaba devastado. A pesar de los importantes avances en el suministro de alimentos y en la tecnologa, haba una tendencia generalizada por volver a los valores arcaicos. Midor posea una administracin militar, que hasta ahora haba proporcionado una excelente base de operaciones. La milicia era respetada por todos en la base por ser los protectores del planeta contra los ataques de la A.I. Pero fuera de la base, la situacin era muy distinta. El hombre no se haba unido en la lucha contra la mquina, sino que, luchaban hermanos contra hermanos, por poseer el preciado Theramid. Los humanos se han organizado en clanes que luchan entre s para imponer su dominio y hegemona sobre las minas de Theramid de la superficie del planeta. Los clientes ms importantes son las cuatro empresas a las que la administracin militar haba ordenado el desarrollo de la tecnologa de defensa. La Administracin Militar ha caido desgraciadamente en un crculo vicioso de dependencia entre los fabricantes de armamento indispensable para la supervivencia de la especie y los jefes de los clanes, que garantiza el suministro de Theramid. La administracin militar no tiene otra opcin que permanecer neutral. en todos los conflictos. 12.10.2009/12 Oct. del 2009: AI War: The new browser game from GameArt Studio GmbH was launched today! AI War is a free, browser-based, science fiction RPG. Accept the challenge! Fight side by side with like-minded humans against the artificial intelligence, AI, and its machines! 26.08.2011/26 agost. Del 2011: GameArt Studio stellt "A.I. Invasion" vor. Die GameArt Studio Gmbh arbeitet zur Zeit an einem 3D-Action-Browsergame, welches Dich interaktiv in der A.I. Welt eintauchen lsst. Erste Infos gibt es unter

AI invasion - details about the story With the recently announced online game AI invasion, the Berlin browser game developers will go first to the third dimension graphics. But it is not only the look that makes a good game, is also an important part of the story.

Having already details of the new gameplay and virtual 3D sound have been announced, there is now also the first bite of the story for the fans of the upcoming 3D MMORPG. AI invasion plays in the 29th Century on the planet Erion. For over 23 years people live on Erion, most of whom are employees of the Mega Group "Lorbit" which opened up on the planet not only numerous mines, but also the base-station "Erion One" was built. The abundant natural resources and the strong resemblance to the earth - above all, the air we breathe - Erion made despite the great distance from the Earth at an attractive destination for job seekers and adventurous fortune-seekers alike. But now there are Erion and its people in great danger. An artificial intelligence named Al, which was originally created by men, that viruses are automatically detected and destroyed by it in the interstellar communication systems, has risen against humanity and wants to exterminate them. For weeks, there are no more messages from the Earth or other planets. Erion is on its own, as the first arriving spaceships AI to conquer the planet and a merciless battle begins ... Who wants to read more about the history of AI invasion and wants to stay up to date, which may be at register for the newsletter, or he can be happy now and then a look at / aiinvasion or #! / AI_Invasion throw, for there is in addition to news on the game and internal insight and the odd extra.
The Stand AI has Erion almost completely overrun. Cut off from the rest of the universe stand in the way the last survivors of the overwhelming onslaught of machines. Your application will decide the fate of humanity: victory or annihilation.

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