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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? It's 8pm and it's time for #ukedchat. We're discussing 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" #ukedchat Welcome to this evening's discussion on feedback! Is it an art or a science and should it be taught?" RT @ukedchat: It's 8pm and it's time for #ukedchat. We're discussing 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" Feedback so important as long as it has clear steps for improvement. Got to make teacher feel that it's important too. evening all RT @ukedchat: It's 8pm and it's time for #ukedchat. We're discussing 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" I've given it & received it. Sometimes it was not nice! What should it be like? I would love to know what makes effective feedback RT @ukedchat: #ukedchat begins in 4 minutes. Discussing 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?' with @TheHeadsOffice" RT @primaryteacher3: evening all #ukedchat -Welcome!" RT @PivotalEllie: Teenagers struggle with GCSE maths - they need my active maths ideas! #ukedchat #mathchat" There's two issues here: feedback from teachers to students AND from observers to observed RT @primaryteacher3: I would love to know what makes effective feedback #ukedchat i was observed this week and the feedback was constructive so good!" RT @ukedchat: It's 8pm and it's time for #ukedchat. We're discussing 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" It's that time again...please vote on my poll #ukedchat #inthepicture @plymuniprimary" @ukedchat #ukedchat - both, and yes..." @ukedchat The better teachers understand & value AfL, the better they can affect progress in their students learning. RT @primaryteacher3: I would love to know what makes effective feedback Feedback is important when both parties involved feel that there is value to the process. Remember to use #ukedchat hashtag. We're discussing 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?' with @TheHeadsOffice" #ukedchat feedback is good for everyone if it is delivered in the correct way!" @TheHeadsOffice: RT @SheliBB: Join us for some #DLchat after #ukedchat to share digital leader ideas-Thanks for RT - hope to see you there" RT @SheliBB: Join us for some #DLchat after #ukedchat to share digital leader ideas"

@ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @MrWaldram @primaryteacher3 @ICTmagic @TheHeadsOffice @primaryteacher3 @chrissinerantzi @TheHeadsOffice @Iriestar77 @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @Afwels @Mr_A_Smith @davidwebster @jamesmichie @nickotkdIV @jwinchester25 @ukedchat @nickotkdIV @SheliBB @chrismayoh

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? These are my thoughts on effective feedback: #ukedchat @primaryteacher3" Giving feedback is a Science, but giving useful feedback is an art Giving feedback is a Science, but giving useful feedback is an art @ukedchat Moreover, it allows for the development of meta-cognition if done correctly. Therefore, it needs to be learned. @jwinchester25 how to you ensure both feel needed/valued RT @HettonLDG: Giving feedback is a Science, but giving useful feedback is an art RT @HettonLDG: Giving feedback is a Science, but giving useful feedback is an art #ukedchat feedback should be a stimulating conversation about and for learning" RT @chrissinerantzi: #ukedchat feedback should be a stimulating conversation about and for learning" @TheHeadsOffice: RT @HettonLDG: Giving feedback is a Science, but giving useful feedback is an art agreed" #ukedchat Imagine good feedback gets the subject to identify issues and suggest next steps. That's coaching, which certainly is taught." @NuttyA10 Yes. Hence this post: What's the point of lesson obs? Is it all about the praise sandwich? #ukedchat what happens if the feedback is an art that has not been mastered?" @chrissinerantzi: #ukedchat feedback should be a stimulating conversation about and for learning how?" A feedback is always important, be it from the teacher to the student or vice versa I strongly recommend it #ukedchat both, yes it should be taught." RT @primaryteacher3: #ukedchat what happens if the feedback is an art that has not been mastered? - good question" @primaryteacher3: #ukedchat what happens if the feedback is an art that has not been mastered? is there training ever given?" Is enough time given to learners to respond to feedback? #ukedchat feedback should not be didactic and should stimulate reflection." @nickotkdIV It's not so much about how it's delivered, it's more about how (or whether) it's received RT @MattOswin: Is enough time given to learners to respond to feedback? #ukedchat -How do we ensure that?" Feedback maybe 90% abt i-personal skills/hitting right tone, 10% abt content/details of topic. If former wrong, latter irrelevant?

@LearningSpy @ckzebra @HettonLDG @jamesmichie @nickotkdIV @TheHeadsOffice @chrismayoh @chrissinerantzi @jamesmichie @nickotkdIV @geraldhaigh1 @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice @primaryteacher3 @nickotkdIV @bucharesttutor @Afwels @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @MattOswin @mrpeel @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice @davidwebster

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @nickotkdIV when receiving feedback I always feel valued when I made to think about solutions and improvements to my own practice #ukedchat agree with @jwinchester25 both parties need to value process. And understand process." When they know what they are looking for, I find that students can usually give excellent feedback. It helps to have established a positive relationship with the person you are giving the feedback to, will mean a great deal more @LearningSpy allowing time for it to be recieved and acted upon RT @ukedchat: #ukedchat begins at 8pm - 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?' with @theheadsoffice in the chair." @HettonLDG Giving useful feedback is relatively easy. Giving feedback that's is USED is hard @Porkpiebaby meet and follow @ukedchat RT @HettonLDG: Giving feedback is a Science, but giving useful feedback is an art @LearningSpy agree, to stimulate reflection, what if reflective skills are not there yet? @LearningSpy: two issues: feedback from teachers to students AND from observers to observed and 3rd feedback from students?" #ukedchat noone responds at once - reflective dialogue allows for feedback to be assimilated by both parties" @jwinchester25 good. i do to. Always feel thjat they liked what the saw etc then tell me what i could improve etc. I hate marking, but love giving feedback because of the response it gets from students #ukedchat should all feedback be put postiveily?" @TheHeadsOffice Built into the start of the next lesson? Or should they respond and progress through another lesson? Sutton report says effective feedback is best way to enhance progress of kids. adding 9 months to a years progress. But how? What about the amount of feedback? Less is more? I think the quality counts. Research shows too much - confusing and overwhelming Giving relevant and helpful feedback is key KS2 teachers - feel free to take the QR Codes from my worksheets and use them in your own #edchat #edtech Is there ever a discussion about what feedback is to either grown ups or children? #ukedchat not all positive, sometimes the truth hurts and is ignored if hidden in false praise" @nickotkdIV @primaryteacher3 feedbacks something which can be learnt when someone sees, hears someone bein commended or condemned #ukedchat a question to senior leaders out do you develop the skill"

@jwinchester25 @LearningDomain @MsKateRyan @nightzookeeper @nickotkdIV @Spencerayres @LearningSpy @MrWaldram @damoward @chrissinerantzi @mr_chadwick @mrpeel @nickotkdIV @ckzebra @nickotkdIV @MattOswin @Educationchat @chrissinerantzi @ICTwitz @tmeeky @TheHeadsOffice @mrpeel @bucharesttutor @primaryteacher3

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @TheHeadsOffice when I receive feedback I take time to think how I can put it into practice, we need to give the same to children RT @primaryteacher3: #ukedchat a question to senior leaders out do you develop the skill" feedback must provide chldrn with 'the next steps' its about helping them to progress in their learning Students also respond to peer feedback very positively, sometimes they want to impress each other more than impress us! @MattOswin I would say not in a lot of cases unfortunately. There is a lot of pressure on teachers due to packed timetables Giving feedback has 'scientifically' provable benefits-Methods for providing it are teaching 'art'-Ignored feedback has no value#ukedchat how do you ensure the teacher feels the feedback is not just an attack" @chrissinerantzi Then these need to be taught @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat Praise sandwich is a useful tool, but the bread must be as useful as the filling." @nickotkdIV I was taught University marking was about making a 'shit sandwich'. All negative comments between two positive.. Do forgive me. It's not so much about feedback as feedforward. @TheHeadsOffice @MattOswin In SEN it is particularly important to give stud time to respond to feedback, important 2 plan for this @MsKateRyan how do you get this postive ethos? @mr_chadwick Yes. Fdbk from Ss to teachers is essential for effective AfL What is the #ukedchat about this evening?" #NoteTakerHD powerful app to organize you notes and diagrams on #iPad #edtech20 #mlearning #edchat #ukedchat #ipaded" @ICTwitz: Giving relevant and helpful feedback is key -any good tips?" Verbal and supportive feedback is an important element RT @RachelClarke13: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat Praise sandwich is a useful tool, but the bread must be as useful as the filling. -Excellent!" @mrpeel I think feedback should be written in a positive language. Important how we say things! To boost confidence, motivate NOT providing written or (accurate) verbal feedback is the greatest barrier for students making any kind of progress. Feedback or feedFORWARD,? sSurely it should be about moving forward not just giving reflection @LearningSpy agreed. Is the best feedback the type that comes from the learner? We need to help students become more reflective @jwinchester25 Why specifically SEN?

@PeterSpencer88 @TheHeadsOffice @TeachToAll @MsKateRyan @nightzookeeper @teachitso @primaryteacher3 @LearningSpy @RachelClarke13 @davidwebster @mberry @jwinchester25 @nickotkdIV @LearningSpy @DeputyMitchell @web20education @PeterSpencer88 @ICTwitz @TheHeadsOffice @chrissinerantzi @TeacherToolkit @Spencerayres @ckzebra @TheHeadsOffice

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? #ukedchat feedback should only be done if the reciever and giver is empowered by it? Feedback is an extremely important tool in education the actual content of the feedback is the science the delivery is art @LearningSpy yes, students and teachers need to know how to provide meaningful feedback #ukedchat Marking versus effective feedback. Wish people could see they are different beasts." @LearningSpy Exactly the point I was making RT @mberry: Do forgive me. It's not so much about feedback as feedforward. #ukedchat -I like that but what if they are full up or on a diet?" @MattOswin It is easier to give feedback with new tech that allows time for their reflection @nickotkdIV through ongoing conversations about learning. Feedback for learning is vital @primaryteacher3 #ukedchat. I coached a teacher through obs and feedbcak today. This seems like a good model to me." @TheHeadsOffice Praise and feedback should NOT mix: @nickotkdIV Regular use of feedback helps. It gives them more experience and confidence to do it. @NuttyA10: @ICTwitz can we make reader respond when they dont want to." @Spencerayres it's all about 'next steps' @DeputyMitchell You obviously didn't do your homework! Tut tut. Detention! @DeputyMitchell its about is feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? #teamwork best Online Project Management in the #cloud #edtech20 #elearning #edchat #itsc12 #blogchat #tlchat @primaryteacher3 Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better #ukedchat gave v positive feedback to teacher she asked me if I had been taught how to do it- no was just a superb lesson + she deserved it" @ManYanaEd Yes, but you must add #ukedchat (the hashtag, for people to see your comment)." @chrissinerantzi i agree i alway allow time for feedback. its vital for AfL and developement of relationships RT @LearningSpy: @TheHeadsOffice Praise and feedback should NOT mix: #ukedchat -Do you all agree with this?" Reminder of #ukedchat topic - 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" Does anybody else use Hot Potatoes (Multiple choice question generator) and make the feedback instant for every question? @NuttyA10 Indeed. You've got to be the right mood for feedback sometimes

@nickotkdIV @TommyTeachPE @chrissinerantzi @normal_for_jp @mr_chadwick @TheHeadsOffice @syded06 @chrissinerantzi @RachelClarke13 @LearningSpy @MsKateRyan @nickotkdIV @PeterSpencer88 @TheHeadsOffice @DJTom3 @web20education @LearningSpy @ePaceonline @B_Sharpie @nickotkdIV @TheHeadsOffice @ukedchat @eslweb @ICTwitz

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @MsKateRyan do you allow two-way feedback @TheHeadsOffice did not just mean SEN,but from own experience SEN learners sometimes struggle to verbalize wht they are thinking #ukedchat feedback should make receiver and giver reflect on practice. If it doesn't it is pointless. Don't tell. Ask." @ckzebra Yes. But we also need to give them a shared language so that feedback is meaningful and understandable When asking pupils to give feedback to each other I ask for 2 stars and a wish (ks2 & 3) - has to be some constructive criticism #ukedchat should we offer training on how best to receive, react and respond to feedback?" @NuttyA10 @ICTwitz do you do verbal or written feedback? @PeterSpencer88 Reflection of past work in order to improve and progress! Exactly! #ukedchat does teaching styles come into feedback...if it is you style great if not....?" @Spencerayres Yes and that is one of the challenges - to move forwards we sometimes need to give tricky messages. What is this evening's #ukedchat about? Thought I'd join in for the first time! Excited!" #ukedchat As Dep, I often have to give feedback. Is about respect, trust, a known format and is constructive. Then you will see it's impact." @ManYanaEd Hi Peter! Welcome! @bucharesttutor yeah i totaly agree with that. what about teachers to teachers? @TheHeadsOffice more so due to cognitive difficulties Feedback with visual evidence is very effective - new tech is allowing this to become easier An open mind and lack of pride help when receiving feedback - for both students and teachers! RT @LearningSpy: @nickotkdIV It's not so much about how it's delivered, it's more about how (or whether) it's received @ukedchat -It's a definite science! Half of the workforce don't know how to give #feedback accurately to aid student progress #ukedchat key to giving feed back is genuine, trusting human relationships, plus I think you have to have respect for person giving it." @primaryteacher3 I've found that the skill of giving feedback is developed part talking to students about what works for them... @nickotkdIV @NuttyA10 @ICTwitz Both @TommyTeachPE peer feedback vital also self-evaluation. Students too often compare themselves with others! @NuttyA10 @ICTwitz both?

@nickotkdIV @jwinchester25 @mrpeel @LearningSpy @TommyTeachPE @tomboulter @nickotkdIV @Spencerayres @primaryteacher3 @RachelClarke13 @AliceBakesCakes @QueenyPrior @TheHeadsOffice @DJTom3 @jwinchester25 @syded06 @MsKateRyan @HilaryNunns @TeacherToolkit @ePaceonline @ckzebra @MattOswin @chrissinerantzi @nickotkdIV

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @TheHeadsOffice @primaryteacher3 I went on course to develop effective feedback skills. It was helpful & made me reflect own prac RT @tomboulter: #ukedchat should we offer training on how best to receive, react and respond to feedback? -Should we?" Respect is the key @B_Sharpie Thanks, Bev. I am doing that as far as I know. #ukedchat I forgot the #" Ooops,

@cherrylkd @TheHeadsOffice @PhaedScho @ManYanaEd @jwinchester25 @nickotkdIV @Lallysticks @MsKateRyan @MrsMyers_ @wildblu @chrissinerantzi @ePaceonline @steedie1980 @ckzebra @mrmaldini2 @LearningSpy @Heatherleatt @nightzookeeper @ManYanaEd @MrWaldram @primaryteacher3 @narthernlad @DKMead @TommyTeachPE

@syded06 agree the use of video evidence for feedback is extremely useful @cherrylkd @TheHeadsOffice @primaryteacher3 what was the main points? Found @LearningSpy's digest of Hattie's 4 types of feedback really useful 'Process' good 4metacognition...1/2 @nickotkdIV do you mean when they both feedback to each other? Or when someone can feedback on the feedback?! #ukedchat definately think there should be training on effective FB, sometimes I feel repetitive..sometimes like I am just looking for fault" Blogging feedback great way to teach Ss to become critical friends, to work collaboratively, to support their learning experience. @cherrylkd staff development? It is about recognising the values and yes, also developing the skills how to do it properly #ukedchat, feed back is very important but if not delivered in correct manner can be destructive and detrimental." giving feedback to colleagues is an art. difficult to build that trust so they know you're not there just to be critical @primaryteacher3 ...part practice, part observing how colleagues have been successful Feedback theory is all well and good, and certainly enhances progress, however, it is ridiculously time consuming! @nickotkdIV For us or them? #ukedchat feedback needs to be clear & constructive; pitched at level pupils can understand and help them to move forward. Giving next steps" @nickotkdIV @nuttya10 @ictwitz much easier and more effective to give verbal feedback, but not enough hours in the day @TheHeadsOffice Thanks #ukedchat This is rather full on. A lot like a very noisy, crowded pub." I find that people just want to know the grading first. Depending on that depends on how well they listen afterwards. RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat, feed back is very important but if not delivered in correct manner can be destructive and detrimental." @NuttyA10 do u not think verbal is better for most kids? Bergers feedback norms are essential for students to give high quality critique Feedback is an extremely important tool in education the actual content of the feedback is the science the delivery is an art

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @MsKateRyan When you allow them to feedback to you about what they thought of the lesson/ activity. @MsKateRyan but also when they have lesson feedback after it #ukedchat No point giving ANY feedback if kids haven't time to respond to it & it's not followed up. But in an already crowded timetable..." #ukedchat @primaryteacher3 yes but correct way differs for all - age, status etc... be adaptable and read the signs!" @mrpeel agree honesty is vital! But I still think that the language we use should be positive 70% of feedback given by teachers to students is misunderstood or ignored @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice So where does praise come, if not in feedback? RT @primaryteacher3: RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat, feed back is very important but if not delivered in correct manner can be destructive and detrimental." RT @steedie1980: gving feedback 2 colleagues is an art. diff 2 build that trust so they know U're not thr just 2 B critical #ukedchat-Agree" the feedback on my yr3s blog is proving v valuable to the chldrn Using webcam to record spoken feedback for individual students can be powerful - they watch and tell you what ypu told them! Differentiation helps with feedback: the 'less able' need more target setting while G&T can be coached to find their own solutions @nightzookeeper @nuttya10 @ictwitz record keeping? @Educationchat yes, timing is important. when is feedback most valuable? @DJTom3 @bucharesttutor this is a tricky one, as teachers we must be open to receiving feedback from our peers @LearningSpy us? #ukedchat and what about feedback for the person giving feedback?!" By teaching students how to give feedback with use of Afl and peer assessments they gain better understanding of process @LearningSpy 50% of all statistics are meaningless. @LearningSpy #ukedchat is that a provable statistic?" #ukedchat how about getting feedback on students projects from outside the classroom walls, asking feedback from a pro. Any experience ????" RT @ManYanaEd: @TheHeadsOffice Thanks #ukedchat This is rather full on. A lot like a very noisy, crowded pub.-No beer I'm afraid!" #ukedchat time also needs to be given for pupils to ACT on feedback - so that they value it and get something out of it." #ukedchat trainee teachers should definitely receive input on marking methodology.Positive and a next step with the option to respond =good."

@nickotkdIV @nickotkdIV @Educationchat @mrpeel @chrissinerantzi @LearningSpy @PeterSpencer88 @mbrayford @TheHeadsOffice @TeachToAll @tomboulter @MsKateRyan @nickotkdIV @chrissinerantzi @nightzookeeper @nickotkdIV @ePaceonline @jwinchester25 @Educationchat @mrpeel @Afwels @TheHeadsOffice @Heatherleatt @OlympicICT

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat No point giving ANY feedback if kids haven't time to respond to it & it's not followed up. But in an already crowded timetable..." New post #SpiderScribe #startup free app to #MindMapping and #Brainstorming #edtech20 #edchat #elearning #elt RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat No point giving ANY feedback if kids haven't time to respond to it & it's not followed up. But in an already crowded timetable..." Don't know about you, but I hate three stars and a wish.... RT @LearningSpy: 70% of feedback given by teachers to students is misunderstood or ignored @Cherise_Duxbury: RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat and what about feedback for the person giving feedback?!< YES! Indeed!!" RT @TeacherToolkit: How do senior leaders get their jobs?--#ukedchat" @njthurly joining #ukedchat tonight?" @PeterSpencer88 Praise is just a type of feedback - it's aimed at the person therefore is hard to separate ME from TASK @Educationchat using a platform to receive and give feedback can help without taking in and marking paper @nickotkdIV #ukedchat me too, often ends with platitudes simply to fill the page." @nickotkdIV @primaryteacher3 start with what u think went well. Ask what they think went well. Sug ways 2 improve &agree target @NuttyA10 easier the further down the school u work I find! @Educationchat time is a huge issue when wanting to give verbal feedback. @mrpeel It's quoted by Hattie in Vis Learning for Teachers. I'll find the ref later if interested #ukedchat feedback comes in various ways, comments on a blog can inspire further effort- can be instant, and a far wider audience" @MissMellor84 i know of school where all feedback is postive which is good but where is the points of improvements? #ukedchat no point in giving feedback that is glanced at and ignored. Leave some time in class for pupils to digest & make improvements." @nickotkdIV @nuttya10 @ictwitz keeping regular notes on lesson planning helps, the old post-it can also be very useful #ukedchat What to say is a science, generating engagement in the process is an art." RT @LearningSpy: 70% of feedback given by teachers to students is misunderstood or ignored Belief in change: reconstruction rather than destruction - but do you have to one and/or the other to make progress? RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat and what about feedback for the person giving feedback?! -Interesting idea!" @HettonLDG yeh thats totaly right in a way as to give the right feedback it has to be useful and if it its an art.

@mrmaldini2 @web20education @TheHeadsOffice @Educationchat @LearningDomain @nickotkdIV @kieran_earley @MrWaldram @LearningSpy @syded06 @mrpeel @cherrylkd @narthernlad @mbrayford @LearningSpy @ICE2911 @nickotkdIV @Heatherleatt @nightzookeeper @CarpenterMat @HilaryNunns @PhaedScho @TheHeadsOffice @DJTom3

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @Educationchat So that means half of statistics have meaning? I think feedback should enable learners to move forward RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat No point giving ANY feedback if kids haven't time to respond to it & it's not followed up. But in an already crowded timetable..." @LearningSpy #ukedchat I'll follow the link later. Thanks" @nickotkdIV Teachers @nickotkdIV Ah yes - I don't do it formally as much as I could, but we do have informal chats, I should allow more time for it... @MissMellor84 also important that the person feedback know you and so adjust feedback accordingly @NuttyA10 @nightzookeeper @ictwitz do we RT @chrissinerantzi: I think feedback should enable learners to move forward Is it useful to give ks2 children regular feedback in terms of levels, or does this run the risk of denting confidence? Dare I say flip a class and allow time for feedback in lesson time - positive and negative? @TeachToAll #ukedchat Agreed. Feedback to ch must include 'next steps' either coming from them or coming from teacher" feedback to pupils will only have an impact if given quality time. @Afwels an excellent idea and much easier now with the accessibility video chat allows @Educationchat So true. Tried to ask questions, when marking, that kids then had to answer, but didn't manage to keep this up #ukedchat giving feedback new teachers dont judge on way you would do it. Each teacher has own style. Few stars and a wish as with kids!" Session 86 - Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? ukedchat's Space {{#ukedchat}}" RT @ICE2911: #ukedchat feedback comes in various ways, comments on a blog can inspire further effort- can be instant, and a far wider audience" @AliceBakesCakes It has motivated our Y6s and they are keen to get higher scores and levels Is peer feedback appreciated, or do pupils prefer feedback from adult experts? @LearningSpy it's aimed at the TASK carried out by ME. Surely praise can be effective/ineffective depending on it's delivery Good feedback is one of Hattie's drivers... @AliceBakesCakes they tend to just look at the level and not read the feedback @primaryteacher3 Always a positive of some sort, but pupils need to know when they are not making enough effort or grade will get

@LearningSpy @chrissinerantzi @AtkiTeach @mrpeel @LearningSpy @MsKateRyan @nickotkdIV @nickotkdIV @MattOswin @AliceBakesCakes @syded06 @cherrylkd @headteacher01 @nightzookeeper @Lallysticks @Kezmerrelda @ukedchat @ePaceonline @MattOswin @ICTwitz @PeterSpencer88 @Heatherleatt @rashush2 @eslweb

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?

@rashush2 @headteacher01 @mrpeel @DJTom3 @cherrylkd @nickotkdIV @Educationchat @ukedchat @Bectully @LearningSpy @mberry @MrsMyers_ @TheHeadsOffice @nohandsup @nightzookeeper @nightzookeeper @Educationchat @Educationchat @headteacher01 @headteacher01 @LearningSpy @LearningSpy @ePaceonline @chrissinerantzi How much time has been spent over the years marking for parents evenings rather than moving learning forward? @Kezmerrelda #ukedchat all trainees need to reflect - make feedback part of this process and make their lives simpler" @ckzebra @LearningSpy yeah i think it is as harder for them i guess dont you think? yeah in certin schools we do. @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat are we talking children or feedback to teachers?" @nightzookeeper @nuttya10 @ictwitz indeed. What if your book are scrutinised looking at children responding to move on comments @primaryteacher3 You mean at least one negative amongst the positive. Got to be that way round... Reminder of tonight's #ukedchat topic - 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" #ukedchat Can't actually teach without giving feedback, making the feedback ACTIVE + about LEARNING prog, not behaviour/organisation is key?" @MrsMyers_ Yes - part of the answer is to use dialogic questioning when commenting on students' work @primaryteacher3 been reading 'fast thinking and slow thinking'. Evidence that negatives count twice as much as positives. #ukedchat how do we teach giving feedback to students in MFL without being overly prescriptive?!" @primaryteacher3 You sound as though your experience has not been good! @Educationchat Totally agree, assessment only becomes formative if learners respond to it or practice changes as a result of it @primaryteacher3 written should be short, concise and to the point. Very difficult to get students to read long comments @primaryteacher3 written should be short, concise and to the point. Very difficult to get students to read long comments @AliceBakesCakes Our Y6s know their levels and they like it - inspires them to get up to next level. If done right it's fine. @AliceBakesCakes Our Y6s know their levels and they like it - inspires them to get up to next level. If done right it's fine. feedback to staff is an art, you need to act and respond to the situation, not just follow a formula feedback to staff is an art, you need to act and respond to the situation, not just follow a formula @PeterSpencer88 Not according to the research. Obviously last tweet a huge distillation of: @PeterSpencer88 Not according to the research. Obviously last tweet a huge distillation of: #ukedchat I think feedback on blogs is great for pupils imagine having work taken seriously enough for stranger to comment. Very empowering" RT @LearningSpy: @MrsMyers_ Yes - part of the answer is to use dialogic questioning when commenting on students' work

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @AliceBakesCakes depends on year group. And what you expect them to do with that info RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat I think feedback on blogs is great for pupils imagine having work taken seriously enough for stranger to comment. Very empowering" RT @cherrylkd: @TeachToAll #ukedchat Agreed. Feedback to ch must include 'next steps' either coming from them or coming from teacher" @jwinchester25 yeah thats true i went to a SEN school myself and i dont think some could of done it. The importance of feedback is addressed in 'The best bets for raising achievement' The importance of feedback is addressed in 'The best bets for raising achievement' @NuttyA10 @nightzookeeper @ictwitz scrutiny of work/feedback? RT @TeacherToolkit: How do senior leaders get their jobs?--#ukedchat" @Educationchat #ukedchat. Depends on the quality of stars/wishes & whether move on learning" RT @cherrylkd: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat are we talking children or feedback to teachers? -both" @LearningSpy #ukedchat Feedback should stimulate dialogue both with tchrs and chn. Then it is a learning process" RT @ukedchat: Reminder of tonight's #ukedchat topic - 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'" @nightzookeeper ##ukedchat for example, an architecture project from students gets Skype feedback from an architect" RT @headteacher01: feedback to pupils will only have an impact if given quality time. RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat I think feedback on blogs is great for pupils imagine having work taken seriously enough for stranger to comment. Very empowering" Feedback without the chance to respond to it is fairly meaningless. Must build in chances to respond RT @philallman1: feedback is generally meaningless unless it is both specific and based on positive. #specificpraise @AliceBakesCakes #ukedchat don't always give levels. Sometimes dfeedback without levels is important" @mberry @primaryteacher3 and what's the evidence for completely negative feedback with no positive? #CorkulousPro collect,organize,share ideas using cork boards on #ipad #edtech20 #mlearning #ukedchat #edchat #cpchat" RT @cherrylkd: @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat are we talking children or feedback to teachers?" Giving negative feedback is valuable, so long as its accompanied by the pointers as to how to do better next time. I stick to a simple formula for written feedback @ KS5. Grade it, positive comment, what they need to do to improve the grade @MrsMyers_ Of marking? Kind of. Some on this post:

@MrWaldram @jwinchester25 @MrWaldram @DJTom3 @ckzebra @HettonLDG @nickotkdIV @LauraGatling @RachelClarke13 @TheHeadsOffice @mrpeel @fullonlearning @Afwels @MrWaldram @wildblu @dockers_hoops @ePaceonline @LearningDomain @PeterSpencer88 @web20education @primaryteacher3 @Heatherleatt @steedie1980 @LearningSpy

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @nickotkdIV @cherise_duxbury @epaceonline #ukedchat I've also been obs giving feedback by SIP and result was fedback to me. Very valuable" @DJTom3 absolutely, when they get good at doing it it happens almost organically! I have done it online too for homework @nickotkdIV Definitely! My students aren't usually shy about telling me what they like/dislike and I like to hear it from them @nightzookeeper i know alot of my feedback is oral although sometime books are scrutinsied and reaction to move on comments noted @rashush2 how can we engage learners with summative feedback. If they are just interested in the mark.? @mrpeel Can't argue with that RT @mrpeel: @LearningSpy #ukedchat Feedback should stimulate dialogue both with tchrs and chn. Then it is a learning process" How can feedback be taught? RT @cherrylkd: @nickotkdIV @cherise_duxbury @epaceonline #ukedchat I've also been obs giving feedback by SIP and result was fedback to me. Very valuable" #ukedchat Best way to begin feedback on a lesson you have just observed?" #ukedchat so should feedback empower both teachers and learners?" @jwinchester25 @TheHeadsOffice @MattOswin yeah instead of going on to the next part of the lesson. would it go on the lesson p. @DJTom3 from working in SEN I think you have to scaffold the feedback in a way that they can respond and give them time to do this RT @TheHeadsOffice: How can feedback be taught? #ukedchat < isn't that peer assessment?!" @mrpeel agree with u. Reflection needs be be part of trainee process with lots of positive suggestions and praise too! feedback needs to be against the success criteria that have been developed with the children, then it means something @Educationchat @alicebakescakes how do the children on lower levels feel about this? @MrWaldram the referral to more time required leads me to thinking we have to create that time @MsKateRyan again all about respect and trust and buliding the learning together Feedback to the *teacher* often most useful. Can be more effective to use marking to see what to address in future lessons @chrissinerantzi When it's instant and meaningful. RT @nickotkdIV: @MsKateRyan again all about respect and trust and buliding the learning together @nickotkdIV It won't be accepted if this is not the case RT @ukedchat: Reminder of #ukedchat topic - 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?'"

@cherrylkd @TommyTeachPE @MsKateRyan @nickotkdIV @chrissinerantzi @LearningSpy @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @ManYanaEd @primaryteacher3 @DJTom3 @jwinchester25 @philallman1 @Kezmerrelda @ICE2911 @nightzookeeper @syded06 @nickotkdIV @Lallysticks @Educationchat @chrissinerantzi @LearningSpy @DJTom3

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? RT @Afwels: @nightzookeeper ##ukedchat for example, an architecture project from students gets Skype feedback from an architect" @MissMellor84 #ukedchat that's great, good for you." RT @philallman1: RT @TheHeadsOffice: How can feedback be taught? #ukedchat < isn't that peer assessment?!" @primaryteacher3: #ukedchat so should feedback empower both teachers and learners? and bring in the real world" Much to be said for giving time for self-evaluation and reflection, as well as feedback from teachers. @cherrylkd getting the ch involved in process is soo effective and mkes it all so much more real :) @cherrylkd Had you had any training before hand? This #ukedchat is a bit too speedy for my tired eyes! Will catch up with archive later." @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat modelling with students; establish quality learning conversations through questioning" @ICTwitz peer feedback guided by success criteria from teacher is so valuable. Teacher highlighting good feedback v.effective too #ukedchat okay so what if it doesn't empower?" RT @ukedchat: #ukedchat begins at 8pm - 'Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught?' with @theheadsoffice in the chair." Education allows pupils to gain skills for senior leadership roles. Providing feedback in SL roles is key to sparking improvement RT @ICE2911: feedback needs to be against the success criteria that have been developed with the children, then it means something #ukedchat pupil premium toolkit by sutton trust shows effective feedback to be most positive and cost effective impact on learning" @LearningSpy @DJTom3 Developing the shared language is tough. If it is to be done well does it need to across a whole school? @mberry mentoring a GTP student is great for reflection on feedback in your own classes #ukedchat too much bland praise is dangerous surely? Engage with tact and honesty and discuss - don't insist" @LearningSpy agreed. respect and a relationship needs to be there for any feedback to be accepted @nickotkdIV Can always note in books that conversation had taken place! @nightzookeeper @bucharesttutor yeah so from other teachers? RT @headteacher01: How much time has been spent over years marking for parents evenings rather than moving learning forward? #ukedchat-YES" RT @dockers_hoops: Feedback without the chance to respond to it is fairly meaningless. Must build in chances to respond RT @mberry: Much to be said for giving time for self-evaluation and reflection, as well as feedback from teachers.

@nightzookeeper @ePaceonline @nickotkdIV @Afwels @mberry @TeachToAll @TheHeadsOffice @mr_chadwick @fullonlearning @ben_solly @primaryteacher3 @elainewalton @TBSoftcat @ben_solly @davidhunter @ckzebra @syded06 @mrpeel @nickotkdIV @TheHeadsOffice @DJTom3 @ePaceonline @staffbroddyfi @HettonLDG

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? My worst feedback I received Your sentence level work went over by 19 seconds so I'm giving you SATISFACTORY! @ICE2911 Agree - but at the expense of what? Hard enough to fit in everything we're supposed to, let alone enhanced curriculum. @TheHeadsOffice i have a stamper Verbal feedback given @ICE2911 #ukedchat Absolutely. Empowering and meaningful. This should also be the same with teacher to teacher feedback." @TeachToAll #ukedchat agree. Ch have to be involved. It's for them so they should have their say" #ukedchat So... has anyone actually stopped to define what a science is & what an art is? Or is everyone just assuming it's obvious?" #ukedchat important that feedback FROM students used to inform teaching: need to be adaptive to learning needs" @syded06 #ukedchat love working with GTPs and assess also - feedback must stimulate, not dissuade - honesty at all times- from both parties" @LearningSpy I don't think one piece of evidence should stop us praising children altogether, agree praise can be overused though RT @TheHeadsOffice: @nickotkdIV Can always note in books that conversation had taken place! New post #Everwrite #startup tool Create content that users search #edtech20 #edchat #elearning #cpchat #elt @ICE2911 #ukedchat Agree. But do the SCs *have* to be developed *with* the learners?" RT @ICE2911: feedback needs to be against the success criteria that have been developed with the children, then it means something @ckzebra Try using SOLO taxonomy: @AliceBakesCakes Depends why they're making less progress. If it's laziness could be the kick they need! #ukedchat if you set right classroom environment where every child feels valued then peer feedback should be a positive tool not weapon!" @PeterSpencer88 loosely, the notion is that two stars balance one wish @primaryteacher3 #ukedchat also, the last thing gets noticed most" @nickotkdIV @TheHeadsOffice Write 'VF' in the margin if verbal feedback given @LearningSpy Can you resend that link to hattie pls? @MissMellor84 too harsh i know some conversation have to be hard but you are not there to make people cry professionalism RT @MattOswin: @nickotkdIV @TheHeadsOffice Write 'VF' in the margin if verbal feedback given @TheHeadsOffice Which one? As a #physed teacher feedback allows the less practically able pupils to attain high NC levels If tchrs use feedback as a gap analysis for the class, then can learn from it too & plan teaching accordingly addressing probs

@DeputyMitchell @Educationchat @nickotkdIV @RachelClarke13 @cherrylkd @oldandrewuk @fullonlearning @mrpeel @PeterSpencer88 @mrmaldini2 @web20education @ManYanaEd @fullonlearning @LearningSpy @Educationchat @Kezmerrelda @mberry @MattOswin @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @nickotkdIV @LearningSpy @TommyTeachPE @Heatherleatt

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat I had been on a course 2 give effective feedback but felt skills needed sharpening to help me be more effective" @syded06 we do. We've tried to cut stuff out of timetable to do it. Not always successful, mind... @ben_solly @ictwitz I totally agree mini writing ladders or pupil written success criteria peer assessed is much more appreciated RT @ICE2911: feedback needs to be against the success criteria that have been developed with the children, then it means something RT @nickotkdIV: @MsKateRyan again all about respect and trust and buliding the learning together @TommyTeachPE ok thats good i was a bit confufed about the star bit thats why i asked. what do they think it? thats a good idea. @mrpeel and it has taken some time to get that balance right. Teachers react differently to feedback!!! RT @LearningSpy: @HettonLDG Giving useful feedback is relatively easy. Giving feedback that's is USED is hard @TheHeadsOffice:How can feedback be taught?#ukedchat-about quality & pitch of success criteria for me.Provides clear feedback framework" @davidhunter sounds interesting, where can I find the toolkit? RT @nickotkdIV: @TheHeadsOffice i have a stamper Verbal feedback given #ukedchat -Wow! didn't know they existed. Anyone else use one?" Vygotsky's ZPD theory: to make progress chn need to know what they need to do next to move on - best ways to do this effectively? #ukedchat Do any teachers out there allow students to give them feedback on the quality of their lessons?" KS2 apostrophes QR Code enabled worksheet - Feel free to use however or reuse QR code #ukedchat #edchat #edtech" @nickotkdIV @TheHeadsOffice Or just initial the work and add a code, such as V for verbal feedback given. @syded06 #ukedchat agree - encourage a GTP to keep a blog to help the process" @ManYanaEd #ukedchat Begin with the positives, what went well. End on a high note as well" #ukedchat (too add to my previous post) when teachers provide success criteria for giving feedback" RT @LearningSpy: @HettonLDG Giving useful feedback is relatively easy. Giving feedback that's is USED is hard @syded06 been learning so much through our PGCE refllective practice draft essay feedback tutorials. @ben_solly yes using socrative software so it is anonymous but can be displayed RT @Afwels: @nightzookeeper ##ukedchat for example, an architecture project from students gets Skype feedback from an architect" @LearningSpy The one about praise diminishing fdbk RT @mberry: Much to be said for giving time for self-evaluation and reflection, as well as feedback from teachers.

@cherrylkd @MrWaldram @OlympicICT @staffbroddyfi @MsKateRyan @DJTom3 @syded06 @fullonlearning @misterunwin @CarpenterMat @TheHeadsOffice @PhaedScho @ben_solly @tmeeky @ManYanaEd @mrpeel @cherrylkd @TommyTeachPE @davidhunter @mberry @syded06 @Dr_Fahrali @TheHeadsOffice @MrAColley

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? RT @fullonlearning: #ukedchat modelling with students; establish quality learning conversations through questioning - YES Do this!" @ben_solly Not in a million years! Feedback should be part of an ongoing learning dialogue between the two parties. @syded06 @mberry agree mentoring nqt you start evaluating own approach and ideas Couldn't make #ukedchat as being wined and dined in 5 star fish restaurant in Amsterdam #itsahardlife ;)" @jwinchester25 yeah i think thats right. how much time would you think is best? RT @ben_solly: #ukedchat Do any teachers out there allow students to give them feedback on the quality of their lessons?" I did assessment training session with PGCE students on tues eve. They only get 1 day of training on the PGCE course in assessment @oldandrewuk don't confuse me. I can't even get my head round feedback never mind Science or Art! Feedback needs to be closely related to what went before and what comes after - it's part of a bigger but important journey @TheHeadsOffice Here you go #ukedchat teachers giving Teachers feedback on teaching is great as well. Learning how to be open for it is important too." @norfolkshine @TheHeadsOffice how do you do your feedback? RT @LearningSpy: @ckzebra Try using SOLO taxonomy: #ukedchat Prac Strategy/peer pointing fingers after shared perf, Point to ceiling then to best perf group, ask students to explain choices" RT @TeachToAll: @cherrylkd getting the ch involved in process is soo effective and mkes it all so much more real :) #ukedchat -totally agree" Carless's brillant paper shows how a teacher's view of useful feedback may be v. different to student's view #ukedchat" Should there be a school policy about how feedback is given? @ben_solly seen this in action in a few places; incredibly powerful in building affiliation. Sharpens use of success criteria too RT @ICTEvangelist: Feedback should be part of an ongoing learning dialogue between the two parties. #ukedchat learning requires relationship" @ben_solly I have done on a few occasions mainly GCSE, was really helpful for me anyway #ukedchat surely marking and feedback are different things?" Feedback shouldn't be 'done' to people either but part of a collaborative process to enable progress. @MissMellor84 that shouldnt happen as it does treat you like a professional. after all we all are!!

@LearningSpy @Educationchat @ICTEvangelist @Kezmerrelda @janeconsidine @DJTom3 @tesICT @nohandsup @ckzebra @Romaaddict @LearningSpy @Afwels @nickotkdIV @staffbroddyfi @Bectully @ePaceonline @teachitso @TheHeadsOffice @fullonlearning @tesICT @TommyTeachPE @mrpeel @ICTEvangelist @nickotkdIV

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? #ukedchat does feedback relate to results?" RT @ICTEvangelist: Feedback should be part of an ongoing learning dialogue between the two parties. @syded06 like it! @NuttyA10 perhaps - some ppl find it 'natural' but I guess we can all learn @janeconsidine Don't think we need to know that :) Enjoy!! RT @Afwels: #ukedchat teachers giving Teachers feedback on teaching is great as well. Learning how to be open for it is important too." @ckzebra I don't think defining terms is confusing. It is necessary in order to avoid confusion. @ben_solly used to do this each year, now end most lectures with 'what can I do better next time?' no wonder we overrun. @ckzebra @LearningSpy what is the shared language? sorry havent heard of it. i think if something like feedback is done then yes. @LearningSpy: @TheHeadsOffice Here you go ---yes!! Hattie!!" RT @LearningSpy: @TheHeadsOffice Here you go #ukedchat -Ta" @ben_solly Yep. Got an exemplar questionnaire somewhere if you want? @fullonlearning couldn't agree more. Demonstrates to the students that teachers are human and always learning too. Prof Hattie says that feedback is most powerful when it comes from pupil to teacher. That's something for us to think about. #ukedchat Teacher moulds feedback to attain learning and give individuals praise. End with a circle time on improvement reflections." @Kezmerrelda @mberry I also believe the newest members of staff provoke reflection very easily RT @TommyTeachPE: @ben_solly I have done on a few occasions mainly GCSE, was really helpful for me anyway @TheHeadsOffice The problem with policy is it's not practice! How do we make it happen effectively? RT @mrpeel: #ukedchat surely marking and feedback are different things? -Opinions please" RT @teachitso: Carless's brillant paper shows how a teacher's view of useful feedback may be v. different to student's view #ukedchat" @ICTEvangelist: Feedback shouldn't be 'done' to people either but part of a collaborative process to enable progress. #ukedchat--- agree!" @janeconsidine hmm I'm not sure that's an excuse! ;) enjoy!!!! #ukedchat #itsahardlife" @DJTom3 SOLO taxonomy is a theory of learning in which progress is implicit. Unlike Bloom's @TommyTeachPE they are surprisingly perceptive aren't they?

@primaryteacher3 @fullonlearning @ben_solly @Janshs @TheHeadsOffice @PhaedScho @oldandrewuk @mberry @DJTom3 @fullonlearning @TheHeadsOffice @MrAColley @ben_solly @Heatherleatt @Bectully @syded06 @ben_solly @Romaaddict @TheHeadsOffice @Heatherleatt @fullonlearning @tesICT @LearningSpy @ben_solly

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @TheHeadsOffice think a sch policy may help schs be mre consistent in how its carried out..mking it more fair for all (hopefully!) RT @TheHeadsOffice: RT @mrpeel: #ukedchat surely marking and feedback are different things? -Opinions please" @cherrylkd Begin with the positives and you wait for the negatives. Don't listen to the positives. My MAresearch showed teachers give feedback on things other than success criteria given to student-communication needs to be clear @AliceBakesCakes @educationchat it's a concern I have always have with sharing levels, kind of puts people in boxes @ePaceonline well done. i think that would be good for all teachers to do that though what about teach them to do it? @ben_solly might be useful for you, see @ben_solly @tesICT #ukedchat we do, part of teacher evaluation yearly" @ben_solly after the first couple of times the students are pretty honest and it helps with mutual respect I find it amazing that, given the importance of feedback, that it doesn't have a greater prominence in training. I find it amazing that, given the importance of feedback, that it doesn't have a greater prominence in training. @nohandsup but is that AFL or summative assessment? AFL is integral to teaching! @philallman1 I don't see peer assessment as the same thing. Why do you think it is? @nickotkdIV The only purpose of this can be for box ticking. How can this help learning? @TheHeadsOffice @DeputyMitchell i just did just in time lol Leadership Think Tank on @scoopit #leadership #education #edchat #ukedchat #cpchat" @DJTom3 difficult to say an exact time - very much depends on the student!! Feedback shouldn't be telling children what they are failing in across 10 different subjects! Why do ofsted equate marking in books and feedback? @TeacherToolkit: How do senior leaders get their jobs?--#ukedchat to see SLT teaching lesson at interview" @Afwels good for you - how you do get that information and encourage appropriate use of feedback by learners? @Afwels good for you - how you do get that information and encourage appropriate use of feedback by learners? @ben_solly courageous, though. Relies on quality relationships being in place (as does EVERYTHING!) @ben_solly courageous, though. Relies on quality relationships being in place (as does EVERYTHING!)

@TeachToAll @nickotkdIV @ManYanaEd @AmyG2191 @nightzookeeper @DJTom3 @chrissinerantzi @Afwels @syded06 @ckzebra @HettonLDG @tesICT @ManYanaEd @LearningSpy @DJTom3 @apuustin @jwinchester25 @philallman1 @normal_for_jp @RWM_LearningLab @tesICT @tesICT @fullonlearning @fullonlearning

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? Teachers need training on feeding back to staff after lesson obs - so often CPD opportunities are lost though poor feedback RT @LearningSpy: @DJTom3 SOLO taxonomy is a theory of learning in which progress is implicit. Unlike Bloom's @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat I think so. For obs teachers and for teach ch. should be uniform if poss so ch know what to expect" #ukedchat example_ I mark Mock GCSEs and chn see grades. I discuss their papers and question their responses - I give feedback" @mrpeel Marking can provide feedback, but is not the most effective or only way of doing so. #ukedchat one to one discussion is best" #ukedchat Also think feedback is strongly linked to the class size debate, however." In Finland grades and scores are prohibited by law until the final matriculation exam at 16. Yes - by law! Formative feedback only I'm part of a 'personalised CPD' coaching team where the focus is set by the teacher. Been ace so far. @MissMellor84 loses all impact and meaning #pointless @Queen_Claire fab - do you set criteria/boundaries for wnhat is appropriate when doing this? @chrissinerantzi that's a great link, thank you! @ICE2911 All students develop all SCs? How can that be? If not how do all students get the same impact? RT @fullonlearning: #ukedchat important that feedback FROM students used to inform teaching: need to be adaptive to learning needs - Yes." RT @normal_for_jp: Why do ofsted equate marking in books and feedback? #ukedchat -Do they?" RT @Afwels: #ukedchat teachers giving Teachers feedback on teaching is great as well. Learning how to be open for it is important too." Anyone got guidelines for what makes good feedback when commenting on a blog post? Hard to get constructive comments sometimes academic studies show that feedback needs to take place within 5 days max. anything longer and impact is lost @HayesALevelPE: @ben_solly absolutely, we regularly use learner feedback forms to get views from students. iPhone battery dying (for a change) so am bowing out early. Thanks for follows @syded06 & @PivotalEllie What's going on in #ukedchat ? I'm a bit late!" RT @chrissinerantzi: @ben_solly might be useful for you, see @josephinessmith @sajraithatha" @ben_solly you are welcome, let me know if you need anything else linked to this. RT @syded06: @ben_solly after the first couple of times the students are pretty honest and it helps with mutual respect Pupil self reflection & peer feedback are invaluable skills. But appropriate time must be given to training & practising.

@NatashaCowan @davidhunter @cherrylkd @mrpeel @Romaaddict @kennypieper @nohandsup @MrAColley @nickotkdIV @tesICT @ben_solly @ManYanaEd @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice @tesICT @nightzookeeper @steedie1980 @HayesALevelPE @MrWaldram @Lynnewin100 @ben_solly @chrissinerantzi @ben_solly @ICTmagic

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @Afwels it's so easy to take what is meant constructively as criticism! @TheHeadsOffice @mrpeel #ukedchat isn't feedback part of marking? Suggesting ways to move forward, to progress?" @AmyG2191 agree..shared language made more powerful if it incorporates agreed & co-constructed success criteria Best way to develop staff response to feedback is to get them to give paired feedback themselves eg ITT @ManYanaEd #ukedchat I don't do negatives. I ask how they think they could have been more effective. Praise of a diff nature" @MsKateRyan yeah and they improve on there work. RT @Kezmerrelda: #ukedchat if you set right classroom environment where every child feels valued then peer feedback should be a positive tool not weapon!" The feedback you can give via Edmodo which can then be questioned and answered is very powerful I sometimes ask pupils to mark their work before submitting -against objectives . They are often spot on'! @MattOswin Why? #ukedchat This was on E4 a couple of hours ago. Lots of examples of useful feedback... Or maybe not." RT @Romaaddict @mrpeel Markin can prvide feedbac, but isn't most effective or only way of doing so. #ukedchat 121 discussion is best< agreed" @TheHeadsOffice Leadership teams seem to think marking = feedback for OFSTED And parents of course. RT @kennypieper: #ukedchat Also think feedback is strongly linked to the class size debate, however.-Interesting. Can you elaborate?" @ben_solly indeed its amazing why they pick up on voice, body Lang. Little habits, I really looked at how I tried to come across @cherrylkd @ManYanaEd what if the lesson was awful. are you still positive? @primaryteacher3 doesn't it depend on what YOU value as results? The numbers game or the holistic results? @Carlsberg40 #ukedchat not until some form of dialogue exists. Until then it is merely comment" #ukedchat feedback needs to be immediate. The marking of young chns work as feedback is near ineffective.chn dont remember what happened." Is there perhaps a need and an opportunity to build-in more self-assessment? @Queen_Claire I can understand that!!! @MrAColley would be great to share a link on here if you can @LucianeCurator search parteners 4 award winning #etwinning project #eSafety4eTwinners pls rt @Lynnewin100 Hello! Feedback!

@tesICT @Carlsberg40 @fullonlearning @headteacher01 @cherrylkd @DJTom3 @LearningSpy @syded06 @Romaaddict @LearningSpy @oldandrewuk @anhalf @rashush2 @TheHeadsOffice @TommyTeachPE @nickotkdIV @tesICT @mrpeel @davidhunter @chrissinerantzi @tesICT @ben_solly @web20education @TheHeadsOffice

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @ckzebra we're kinda addressing this through students' blogs, modelling and getting them to give feedback to one another. See Shirley Clarke for feedback in the classroom @mberry don't do yourself down, Miles!!!! @NuttyA10 @cerisejoanne maybe with displays in class illustrating how to do this? @ICTmagic totally, we use working prtnrs and spnd much time sharing how to giv effective feedbck RT @ben_solly: #ukedchat Do teachers out there allow students to give them feedback on the quality of their lessons? - ESSENTIAL to do this" @mberry this is great. we are also using eportfolios for peer learning and assessment RT @tesICT: @Afwels it's so easy to take what is meant constructively as criticism! #ukedchat -How can we stop that?" @nohandsup absolutely integral I agree! @MissMellor84 very true! :) @TheHeadsOffice @normal_for_jp Ofsted look for the quality of the feedback and how it enables pupils to move forward. RT @tesICT: @Afwels it's so easy to take what is meant constructively as criticism! #ukedchat -What if a child feels like that?" @DJTom3 @nightzookeeper as an educator myself I always looked for feedbacks by my colleagues and of course peers. Ss welcome too @NuttyA10 It certainly needs to be studied @primaryteacher3 good for you! @NuttyA10 @mrmaldini2 #ukedchat we need to get everyone understanding that it's the way we use feedback that makes it positive & effective?" @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat Stands to reason that if I have five year groups with 30 in each class then chances to feed back become 'precious'" @LearningSpy this is vital! but we also need to reflect and evaluate our session, based on our observations. @NuttyA10 @Janshs @mrmaldini2 Do we get so hung up about feedback because of OFSTED? @tesICT: @Afwels it's so easy to take what is meant constructively as criticism! there's a learning process in this" RT @ColinGoffin: I'm with you David. Links to my post on your blog about task and ego feedback. Ego eases teacher anxiety @TheHeadsOffice @mrpeel #ukedchat Marking is a part of feedback not the whole of it." @nickotkdIV #ukedchat there r always some positives. If it was awful I'd take a couple of key points and work on those. Demoralise otherwise" @ben_solly Paper only atm. Will scan & send when I'm back in next week.

@mberry @PhaedScho @tesICT @headteacher01 @anhalf @LearningSpy @chrissinerantzi @TheHeadsOffice @tesICT @nickotkdIV @Heatherleatt @TheHeadsOffice @bucharesttutor @LearningSpy @tesICT @Janshs @kennypieper @chrissinerantzi @ICTwitz @Afwels @LearningSpy @RachelClarke13 @cherrylkd @MrAColley

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @PeterSpencer88 This is really depressing - formative assessment is probably the single most important tool in raising attainment RT @nickotkdIV: @cherrylkd @ManYanaEd what if the lesson was awful. are you still positive? #ukedchat-I always found something!" @syded06 Do you use IRIS? @RachelClarke13 #ukedchat agree: right way round" @TheHeadsOffice Absolutely crucial - we can't move forward with feedback if teachers/learners feel as if they are on the defensive! @TheHeadsOffice @tesICT @Afwels #ukedchat - you can't, people will take the same comments in different ways - that's just life!" @MattOswin Why write that you have given verbal feedback? Who is that for? #ukedchat what if you and the ta deemed the lesson good and the feedback deemed it dire?" @cherrylkd i would agree but i feel sometime it is unrealistic to say we can be always postive somethings just need to be said @TheHeadsOffice @tesict @afwels Clarify purpose and focus on 'WWW' & EBI' powerful for students to see teachers using afl RT @Carlsberg40: @TheHeadsOffice @tesICT @Afwels #ukedchat - you can't, people will take the same comments in different ways - that's just life!" @cherrylkd @ManYanaEd thats great idea instead of giving negatives. RT @ManYanaEd: @cherrylkd #ukedchat What if you observe something that you do not like? -If it is not helping progress you say!" @TommyTeachPE that sounds spot on. Students can tell so much from body language! RT @ICTEvangelist: Feedback should be part of an ongoing learning dialogue between the two parties. #ukedchat You're not wrong" @mrpeel i agree we need to stay positive #ukedchat good feedback should label what is being commented on and praised. Be specific about what you are saying." RT @LearningSpy: RT @ICTEvangelist: Feedback should be part of an ongoing learning dialogue between the two parties. #ukedchat You're not wrong" @Carlsberg40 and differnet response on different days! what letter dropped on the doormat yesterday can influence how we take it! RT @Janshs: @NuttyA10 @mrmaldini2 #ukedchat we need to get everyone understanding that it's the way we use feedback that makes it positive & effective?" @TheHeadsOffice @cherrylkd @ManYanaEd I agree there is always something! RT @LearningSpy: RT @ben_solly: #ukedchat Do teachers out there allow students to give them feedback on the quality of their lessons? - ESSENTIAL to do this" @oldandrewuk that looks good i will have a watch of that. RT @teachitso: Carless's brillant paper shows how a teacher's view of useful feedback may be v. different to student's view #ukedchat"

@nohandsup @TheHeadsOffice @LearningSpy @mrpeel @tesICT @Carlsberg40 @LearningSpy @primaryteacher3 @nickotkdIV @fullonlearning @tesICT @DJTom3 @TheHeadsOffice @ben_solly @LearningSpy @nickotkdIV @ePaceonline @chrissinerantzi @tesICT @fullonlearning @nickotkdIV @ben_solly @DJTom3 @LearningSpy

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @LearningSpy No I use socrative in the lesson and screenflow. Not heard of IRIS. Help appreciated Finding that it's not the post obs fback that's the change maker. It's the corridor or chats & staying interested after that. Worth looking at how feedback works elsewhere, eg eBay, blogs, FB, Wikipedia, twitter, publishing, peer review and gaming. @mbrayford agreed but should they be? see use of specific praise @ManYanaEd #ukedchat depends what it was that I observed. Never had that situation. Poss intervene if it was against rules or bad for ch" @ManYanaEd and an ability to laugh at oneself through the whole process is essential! currently working on doing less marking, but giving higher quality feedback. The students seem to be responding - time will tell @TheHeadsOffice @cherrylkd #ukedchat Sounds like negatives given another name." @MattOswin #ukedchat annoys me though - I feedback to students not for the benefit of a book check" RT @ckzebra: I find it amazing that, given the importance of feedback, that it doesn't have a greater prominence in training. #ukedchat.-YES" RT @PhaedScho: See Shirley Clarke for feedback in the classroom @LearningSpy because writing something down somehow magically means you did it @NuttyA10 @mbrayford they they are both done properly then i believe there should be a huge overlap. guys, please don't forget to use the #ukedchat hashtag!" Anyone else heard the rumour that school will have to 'publish' all SOW from Sept 2012???? @NuttyA10 @ictwitz @mrmaldini2 good point @LearningSpy ah ok. @Afwels absolutely true @ben_solly @TommyTeachPE sorry used wrong account. Have you tried videoing a lesson and getting the students to feedback? RT @DJTom3: @oldandrewuk that looks good i will have a watch of that. #ukedchat Reading Tweets whilst marking.It takes so long but is worthwhile. I include Comments, Praise,Corrections,Next Step & Verbal too." @fullonlearning @TheHeadsOffice @tesict @afwels We use it for fback on all staff obs and ppl portfolios at KS3. @PhaedScho #ukedchat. She is a marvel. Love her books and love to hear her speak."

@syded06 @MrAColley @mberry @nickotkdIV @philallman1 @cherrylkd @tesICT @ckzebra @ManYanaEd @mrpeel @ePaceonline @RachelClarke13 @rashush2 @nickotkdIV @tesICT @nohandsup @Janshs @DJTom3 @tesICT @syded06 @oldandrewuk @samdfbean @MrAColley @RachelClarke13

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @kennypiper Hv taught gps ranging from 32-16. Fdbk to 16 -1to1 actually possible and love to SEE light of understanding eyetoeye @cerisejoanne ahh but that is feedback! If you throw a ball into a bucket you are getting instant f/back on distance, height etc. @nickotkdIV @cherrylkd Every cloud has a silver lining, every bad lesson has a positive, every piece of work has a glimmer of hope @fullonlearning and so important for learners to see that teachers are constantly trying to improve what they do! @mrpeel Never sure of the difference between feedback and guiding someone who doesn't understand/is not sure When I was a Resort Manager overseas I had to attend a Train the Trainer course learning to give feedback etc - was brilliant @norfolkshine @cherrylkd true! @MrAColley fabulouso! Feedback is essential but as to it must have purpose. #ukedchat nice work" How can we enable feedback conversations? @trinheadmaster please follow my (new) school's new twitter account. --@Greig_City @primaryteacher3 the lesson wasn't for you and the TA. @LearningSpy @ICTEvangelist That's a more eloquent way of putting what I just said! As usual! Think anyone who is going to observe formally in school should be sent on this type of course #ukedchat #trainthetrainer" RT @OhLottie: @nightzookeeper @jacksloan has great guidelines here #ukedchat -Thank you!" @anhalf I think tech allows us to move away from trad'book work' and develop methods of immediate forms,mangahigh etc. @jwinchester25 yeah i guess and the class as some are sort into groups of abitly. RT @galldritt: Feedback is essential but as to it must have purpose. #ukedchat nice work" i feel feedback to and with ch shld be happening continually and shld jst be another aspect of the lesson/day. #ukedchat I don't believe there is a place for any feedback that is destructive or deflating." Dweck research makes it clear that undeserved praise can have a negative impact on progress Feedback should always be about moving the learning forward when given by either teacher or pupil. Never 'well done'/'good effort' @Spencerayres #ukedchat I hate the term feedforward. A real buzzword @ my school. Meaningless term trying to rebrand something we do already" @davidhunter couldn't agree more

@Romaaddict @philallman1 @PeterSpencer88 @tesICT @MattOswin @jodieworld @nickotkdIV @tesICT @galldritt @chrissinerantzi @TeacherToolkit @mberry @MrAColley @jodieworld @TheHeadsOffice @davidhunter @DJTom3 @tesICT @TeachToAll @ePaceonline @headteacher01 @dockers_hoops @nizlamb @syded06

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? Came late to #ukedchat? This session will be archived shortly after 9pm at" RT @danmoorhouse: please help Alan, a trainee teacher, out with his research #historyteacher @MattOswin #ukedchat is there a difference? seems to depend on occasion my fall back is to engage in a dialogue" @nickotkdIV #ukedchat there r degrees of positivity. Effective feedback encourages reflection rather than demoralising & feeling of failure" RT @ukedchat: Came late to #ukedchat? This session will be archived shortly after 9pm at" @ePaceonline can you come and inspect my school Mary ;) @ckzebra #ukedchat. Keep at it." Has anyone told the class about feedback? 'Formally' taught what will happen? @mbrayford whaich one do you use most of the time? #ukedchat Only teaching 6 yrs and never happy with quality of marking, feedback and time to review.Always learning from peers and children." @syded06 @ben_solly I've been videoed but I just watched it was very informative and interesting @TommyTeachPE ah ok. what do they both stand for. @tesICT @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat exactly!" @mberry @primaryteacher3 #Ukedchat at the end of the day, only thing that matters is how the feedback benefits the learners in our class" RT @PhaedScho: See Shirley Clarke for feedback in the classroom Follow the #ukedchat . Pretty interesting conversation right now on #feedback." @mrpeel I much prefer asking questions and getting them to think about what they are doing RT @TommyTeachPE: @syded06 @ben_solly I've been videoed but I just watched it was very informative and interesting Re: Marking - I got my Lit class to level someone elses work today using Criterion Scale - more than half got the right level RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat I don't believe there is a place for any feedback that is destructive or deflating." @chrissinerantzi #ukedchat by basing our response on questions and by encouraging dialogue - admit own weaknesses sometimes - it can help" @headteacher01 but there is a diff between undeserved praise and negative comments too! @chrissinerantzi: blog, chat, forum, postit papers, create a safe environment to talk and give feedback" @Janshs @NuttyA10 @mrmaldini2 OFSTED provide us with such lovely feedback too!!

@ukedchat @freereed59 @mrpeel @cherrylkd @ThisIsLiamM @philallman1 @RachelClarke13 @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @samdfbean @TommyTeachPE @DJTom3 @Carlsberg40 @tesICT @TheHeadsOffice @surreallyno @MattOswin @ben_solly @Referoo @Heatherleatt @mrpeel @philallman1 @Afwels @ICTwitz

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @Carlsberg40 and I'm not telling you what letter arrived on my mat yesterday!!!!!! @cherrylkd very true! I just wondered if i could do that but then it is a taught skill (what this whole #ukedchat is about) :)" Our Monitoring of learning now is through work scrutiny and speaking to students, therefore written & verbal feedback is key. RT @headteacher01: Dweck research makes it clear that undeserved praise can have a negative impact on progress @ruth_parker no matter how much I stress that levels are only important to them, they always ask/tell everyone else! RT @jodieworld: Think anyone who is going to observe formally in school should be sent on this type of course #ukedchat #trainthetrainer" RT @headteacher01: Dweck research makes it clear that undeserved praise can have a negative impact on progress @MattOswin my understanding is that feedback enables ch to move learning on...nxt steps and improvements @TheHeadsOffice I give my classes the assessment criteria and tell pupils if they can prove they meet it they can have the mark. @bucharesttutor @nightzookeeper ok and was it good? were they happy to give you feeback etc. @Afwels agree, positive and safe environment are key Feedback needs to be given not written Me too: far too twee ... RT @Educationchat: Don't know about you, but I hate three stars and a wish.... @norfolkshine @nickotkdiv absolutely agree. Most teachers are good, some just need guidance to be excellent @jodieworld some people I trusted to give me feedback I could trust or act on; others I wouldn't be so sure of motives @MattOswin and smtimes to boost confidence/pat on back :-) @tesICT: @fullonlearning and so important for learners to see that teachers are constantly trying to improve what they do! - yes" chld shld no y theyre learning certain things, wht theyre doing well & how to move on..they shld help identify these points too @mrpeel yes, we can learn loads from Socrates and his student Plato too QAnyone have formal agreement about student feedback to teachers in their sch? Some have mentioned it @kvnmcl: Feedback needs to be given not written why?" @eslweb @TheHeadsOffice Like that idea. @fullonlearning it's so important isn't it zoe!!! @TommyTeachPE @syded06 I've just given SLT & middle leaders an iPad2 - 1 use is filming parts of lessons & review with teacher

@tesICT @nickotkdIV @HettonLDG @PhaedScho @AliceBakesCakes @tesICT @staffbroddyfi @anhalf @eslweb @DJTom3 @chrissinerantzi @kvnmcl @RealGeoffBarton @cherrylkd @tesICT @anhalf @fullonlearning @TeachToAll @chrissinerantzi @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @ManYanaEd @tesICT @ben_solly

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? Wn u see what u don't value, allow that feedbk to come from them - if it doesn't something hasn't happened earlier that should've @TommyTeachPE @ben_solly the ipad has made it easier to do. In fact the ability to give feedback via video is also useful @DJTom3 so the 2 stars are positive comments and the wish is something they can improve on works well with younger ones We try to use 'crank it up' lessons where learners & peers compare assessment portfolios against criteria & improve b4 hand in. After outline of expectations (and reminding them someone else was marking THEIR work!), they focused and enjoyed the challenge @tesICT I know exactly what you mean. @PeterSpencer88 @nickotkdiv I love it! Well said! That's it in a nutshell! @NuttyA10 @headteacher01 it has to be totally honest, or what is the point? But honesty doesn't = negativity. Always some positive @ManYanaEd What's to stop people writing it down when they haven't given it? Photos a better idea? @chrissinerantzi #ukedchat lol -though not about the art of defence in a capital trial perhaps" RT @ukedchat: Came late to #ukedchat? This session will be archived shortly after 9pm at" #ukedchat how can 30chn receive immediate feedback at one time.the ONLY way is peer methods" RT @tesICT: @jodieworld some people I trusted to give me feedback I could trust or act on; others I wouldn't be so sure of motives @PhaedScho @headteacher01 that's why praise has to be specific - why was it good?! we can also learn loads from our own students @tesICT #ukedchat :) Feedback should be taken as advice and worked on. Teaching is a learning process itself, we all have areas to improve." RT @TheHeadsOffice RT @PhaedScho: See Shirley Clarke for feedback in the classroom #ukedchat < working partners r explained brilliantly" @philallman1 of course, although nothing worse being the first to tell a parent the truth after previous school has shied from it! Is the discussion regarding spirituality and being religious simply a matter of/for religious language? #ukedchat #philosophy" Only 15 mins to go! How can we make time for this precious activity? RT @Carlsberg40: @tesICT #ukedchat :) Feedback should be taken as advice and worked on. Teaching is a learning process itself, we all have areas to improve." It also had the added bonus of them seeing the job we have when marking a class set of writing! ;o) RT @Carlsberg40: @tesICT #ukedchat :) Feedback should be taken as advice and worked on. Teaching is a learning process itself, we all have areas to improve." @syded06 we just said the same thing!

@Romaaddict @syded06 @TommyTeachPE @MrAColley @Referoo @jodieworld @cherrylkd @PeterSpencer88 @LearningSpy @mrpeel @tesICT @davidhunter @normal_for_jp @philallman1 @chrissinerantzi @Carlsberg40 @anhalf @headteacher01 @MrChambersRE @TheHeadsOffice @tesICT @Referoo @eslweb @ben_solly

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? #ukedchat find levelling to be motivational for SEN kids as long as they know how to improve immediately, and are given the opportunity" @TheHeadsOffice I explain that receiving negative fback is not always bad, making mistakes is an opportunity, not a failing @dockers_hoops Really never?! Not even when something was just simply fantastic? Or miles better than last time? @nickotkdIV Give feedback to a learner they will respond there and then, give it in writing it is read and forgotten @anhalf Agree Fdbk should be formative n encourage dialogue using comments action points and providing an opportunity for response is essential @ben_solly @TommyTeachPE Great minds!!!! Can you video the SLT first? @Carlsberg40 absolutely agreed - and that is what makes life so exciting = that we can keep learning! the day I stop, I'll be dead @davidhunter #ukedchat actually not only way but teacher cannot do it alone" RT @Heatherleatt RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat I don't believe there's a place for any feedback that's destructive or deflating.< totally agree" RT @TheHeadsOffice: Has anyone told the class about feedback? 'Formally' taught what will happen? RT @kvnmcl: @nickotkdIV Give feedback to a learner they will respond there and then, give it in writing it is read and forgotten Obs go wrong I think when the school sees them as proof that we observe teachers instead of actually how they can support them #ukedchat Arggh! Computer has crashed. Phone not coping :(" @nickotkdIV yes. But we're learning from it. The tweet from @PeterSpencer88 was masterful! RT @jodieworld: Think anyone who is going to observe formally in school should be sent on this type of course #ukedchat #trainthetrainer" @DJTom3 pleasure...good company at #ukedchat tonight !" Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors The problem we're finding is training students to convey their understanding of the feedback they've been given and their progress RT @philallman1: @headteacher01 but there is a diff between undeserved praise and negative comments too! @kvnmcl in an ideal world that sounds good, but with SLT and HT work scruntinies is it practical? #ukedchat my class give me a written comment feedback on their learning at the end of every maths lesson. I then respond. Needs practise tho" Do teachers always assume feedback is going to be negative & out to 'get them'? RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors

@MrFinobi @nohandsup @MsKateRyan @kvnmcl @MattOswin @ferrr80 @syded06 @tesICT @davidhunter @anhalf @tesICT @narthernlad @jodieworld @LearningSpy @cherrylkd @missy_t_k @fullonlearning @kvnmcl @HettonLDG @tesICT @nickotkdIV @QueenyPrior @TheHeadsOffice @mrpeel

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @davidhunter you can give whole class feedback using #mantleoftheexpert though. Too long to explain in a tweet though! @kvnmcl can feedback be provided in different media? @jodieworld SUPPORT being the crucial word @philallman1 sycophantic comments and feedback is completely see through we feel it - and so do our learners @TheHeadsOffice for these chats if so we could do them longer or two evenings. @TheHeadsOffice visualisers really help with modelling feedback RT @kvnmcl: Feedback needs to be given not written @TheHeadsOffice unfortunately that is the impression I get @jackiepowell69: @nightzookeeper Quality Commenting from our old class blog --- #ukedchat @OhLottie" @NuttyA10 @headteacher01 unhelpful feedback is the worst isn't it! Should always show the way forward RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors @TheHeadsOffice By planning task so that this is essential part of it and yes, I do formally teach process to classes @tesICT #ukedchat totally agree. Honest and reflective please." @nickotkdIV It is when you explain to both parties that written feedback policies are ineffective at moving learners forward @TheHeadsOffice @PhaedScho is that a website. @mrpeel #ukedchat what if children are given time to respond to feedback? Does that make a dialogue?" RT @kvnmcl: @nickotkdIV Give feedback to a learner they will respond there and then, give it in writing it is read and forgotten @anhalf @TheHeadsOffice Use them a lot in our Y6 class, especially in Literacy Some reported probs in US schools about narcissism related to inflated praise and high levels of self-esteem because of this RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors #ukedchat totally agree" Another great post from @ClerktoGovernor Evaluating your School Website Written feedback works if the children are given an opportunity to read and act upon it. I make my kids sign feedback given. @tesICT hence the need for specificity! I did my disseration on this 20 years ago! @cherrylkd @nickotkdIV why thank you! That's probably the best feedback I've ever received!

@SheliBB @chrissinerantzi @rashush2 @tesICT @DJTom3 @anhalf @tesICT @syded06 @nightzookeeper @PeterSpencer88 @mberry @Romaaddict @mrpeel @kvnmcl @DJTom3 @Carlsberg40 @mbrayford @MattOswin @PhaedScho @mbrayford @ConsultantHead @jemimaanderson @philallman1 @PeterSpencer88

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @tesICT yes...following shirly clarke confrnce. Regularly discuss peer feedback @davidhunter totally agree, peer feedback using shared success criteria and gambits to support LA from the same criteria @nickotkdIV you're very young and r learning fast. It's a steep learning curve. You'll develop this soon so don't worry @ben_solly sounds great more teachers should do it, but I know how ppl feel being 'judged' need to get past it & see as positive @Carlsberg40 #ukedchat it can if time is given - how many here have time to give say 30 mins of lesson to feedback from previous week?" @syded06 @tommyteachpe definitely, open door policy to observe SLT teach @longfieldmelton #leadbyexample @mberry yeah good idea to pick up tips. Given pupils time to act on feedback = doing less but with greater quality. RT @kvnmcl Feedback needs to be given not written @philallman1 some things don't change! tools may change, but people don't!!! @kvnmcl So, so, so true... and it's not the only thing done for the benefit of those mentioned. @LouiW @nickotkdiv That type of feedback means nothing unless learner can actually demonstrate they understand and react to it Because by conveying their understanding of feedback & progress it makes it real for them. @MsKateRyan Just frustrates me Kate when I look in a pupils book and see ticks then 'well done'. How does that help progress? #ukedchat How about giving students feedback, by giving them feedback in a visual way.... Pictures can say more then a 1000 words ?" @SheliBB #ukedchat I seem to remember this is peer feedback/empowering learners as leaders..." RT @mrpeel: @Carlsberg40 #ukedchat it can if time is given - how many here have time to give say 30 mins of lesson to feedback from previous week?" @PeterSpencer88: @cherrylkd @nickotkdIV why thank you! That's probably the best feedback I've ever received! hehe" RT @tesICT: RT @kvnmcl: Feedback needs to be given not written #ukedchat NO! It needs to be received and acted on" @anhalf fabulous - would be gerat to see resources for howyou do this! @ManYanaEd developed as a class, what they have to do to be successfulgives them a checklist to self assess against at end RT @LearningSpy: RT @tesICT: RT @kvnmcl: Feedback needs to be given not written #ukedchat NO! It needs to be received and acted on" RT @davidhunter: @SheliBB #ukedchat I seem to remember this is peer feedback/empowering learners as leaders..." @kvnmcl @nickotkdiv @TomSale maybe plan deliberate time for students to reflect & respond on comments?

@anhalf @MrFinobi @cherrylkd @TommyTeachPE @mrpeel @ben_solly @DJTom3 @jemimaanderson @mrthomson @tesICT @petestuart @kvnmcl @HettonLDG @dockers_hoops @Afwels @davidhunter @TheHeadsOffice @nickotkdIV @LearningSpy @tesICT @ICE2911 @tesICT @chrissinerantzi @fullonlearning

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? RT @davidhunter: @SheliBB #ukedchat I seem to remember this is peer feedback/empowering learners as leaders..." @kvnmcl @nickotkdiv @TomSale maybe plan deliberate time for students to reflect & respond on comments? @RealGeoffBarton @Educationchat know what you mean. But for blogging (and other things too...), a star and a question? Do you ask pupils for feedback on teaching? How does it impact on practice? Does the majority of feedback have negative connotations from leaders in our schools? RT @kvnmcl: Feedback needs to be given not written @nickotkdIV The powers that be can always see it when the results they also clamber for start to show improvements @DJTom3 @nightzookeeper they were surprised at my idea of exchanging feedback but slowly they all chipped in their own words Am I allowed to say that I actually like Ofsted obs and external cos I feel they have a fresher eye? Is that too naughty? RT @mbrayford: RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors #ukedchat totally agree" Oh, crap! Missed #ukedchat again! #useless" @nohandsup agree totally on that @LearningSpy ok I agree with you on that!!!! But some feedback needs to be considered - and absolutely NOT acted on!!!! @chrissinerantzi Yes - conversations about photos make great feedback #ukedchat when giving feedback 'Do unto others as you would be done by'." @mrpeel Yeah, it's a big if - but something we are encouraged to do! RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat when giving feedback 'Do unto others as you would be done by'." @kvnmcl very well said!! @norfolkshine #ukedchat that's true. We need to guide adults in same way we guide ch while ensuring they are valued for their skills" Is there any difference about the approach to feedback to adults or children or are they the same? Fdbk doesn't necessarily need to be taught but some may need more guidance to ensure it is effective training can help @anhalf @TheHeadsOffice agree with visualisers in all our rooms and used to feedback examples of development opportunities @TheHeadsOffice if that's true, it's a real shame. If the only feedback teachers get us negative that can only be demotivating! @SheliBB Whole class feedback tends to be ineffective. Everyone assumes it's for someones else

@chrissinerantzi @fullonlearning @mberry @AliceBakesCakes @syded06 @davidhunter @kvnmcl @bucharesttutor @jodieworld @wildblu @WithoutMotive @ICE2911 @tesICT @LearningSpy @ePaceonline @Carlsberg40 @tesICT @nickotkdIV @cherrylkd @TheHeadsOffice @ferrr80 @headteacher01 @Heatherleatt @LearningSpy

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @kvnmcl ah you know me Kevin! I can't do in not so many words!! ;) @nightzookeeper yea if you are going to say something a bit negitive say it in the right i think then it can count as constuctive. feedback should not just be bolt on to the end of a lesson it should be used throughout to motivate and give steps to succeed @kvnmcl i suppose its letting the learnner guide you not being guided by procedure @LearningSpy too often we thing feedback needs to be written and written only RT @kvnmcl: @nickotkdIV Give feedback to a learner they will respond there and then, give it in writing it is read and forgotten Question: if you could carry out some research in science education, what would your research question be? #asechat #sciteachjc @Carlsberg40 #ukedchat yes but feedback delivered in a timely manner, targeted specifically is better than blanket comment" @LouiW @kvnmcl @nickotkdiv great! What impact do you think this has? @dockers_hoops yes visual fb develops what Dylan Wiliam calls the 'nose for quality' its not a check list but a sense of quality Do you think the Michael's are watching this week's #ukedchat #iverymuchdoubtit #negativityrules #satire" @PeterSpencer88 @nickotkdiv #ukedchat ha ha! I'm going to use your line in school if I may" @tesICT Well, yes, OK. But hopefully not the feedback we're giving to our students RT @jodieworld: Am I allowed 2 say that I actually lk Ofsted obs & external cos I feel they have a fresher eye? Is that 2naughty? RT @LearningSpy: RT @tesICT: RT @kvnmcl: Feedback needs to be given not written #ukedchat NO! It needs to be received and acted on" @dockers_hoops I agree, books need more than that! It doesn't help at all. RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat when giving feedback 'Do unto others as you would be done by'." @ICE2911 #ukedchat developed as a class. That will mean a few students contribute and many others then agree?" @TheHeadsOffice teachers deserve praise and positive feedback where it's due. #Gove take note. RT @WithoutMotive: Oh, crap! Missed #ukedchat again! #useless -That is negative self feedback!! ;)" #ukedchat It's helpful to phrase feedback as a question. For instance, say Are you stupid or what? instead of You're stupid." @ckzebra There will always be research to support whichever side of the fence we are on. Use what you think works best @TheHeadsOffice Both have to be carefully worded to avoid it being seen as criticism? RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors

@tesICT @DJTom3 @jwinchester25 @nickotkdIV @chrissinerantzi @skoorBttaM @Bio_Joe @mrpeel @fullonlearning @jemimaanderson @philallman1 @cherrylkd @LearningSpy @TheHeadsOffice @davidhunter @MsKateRyan @bucharesttutor @ManYanaEd @Heatherleatt @TheHeadsOffice @oldandrewuk @kvnmcl @Carlsberg40 @samdfbean

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @LearningSpy well, then that is our responsibility to give some GREAT feedback to our learners - they deserve it most! @jodieworld nope I agree.. External obs (even OFSTED) good if feedback is good @chrissinerantzi That's because we're under pressure to PROVE we're giving feedback I enjoy receiving feedback from individuals I consider as experts. What about group feedback? #ukedchat left power cable at school - time to log off" RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat It's helpful to phrase feedback as a question. For instance, say Are you stupid or what? instead of You're stupid." @tesICT For instance Allesio? @AliceBakesCakes #ukedchat Student FB on teaching often. Random kids give student voice then FB to all dept," @tesICT Problem is - most of our great feedback is not received by students RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors #ukedchat <Top tweet" @Mallrat_uk Oh good am glad it's not just me! @TheHeadsOffice be as sincere as possible when giving feedback whether good or bad, so it has to be same for teachers and students The best thing about #ukedchat is picking out new, interesting people to follow." @AliceBakesCakes formal and informal discussions with pupils about lessons can only benefit practice @TommyTeachPE improve on. @TheHeadsOffice #ukedchat absolutely not! I trust his judgment implicitly!!!! RT @anhalf: @TheHeadsOffice visualisers really help with modelling feedback #ukedchat Any examples of how this works?" RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat when giving feedback 'Do unto others as you would be done by'." @TheHeadsOffice that really needs a colleagues...possible future @JamiePortman good stuff, Jamie! Talking about feedback in #ukedchat what's your perspective?" OH found bottle of wine. I have told her well done. To improve..find another one. #ukedchat feedback!" RT @Heatherleatt: @TheHeadsOffice teachers deserve praise and positive feedback where it's due. #Gove take note.

@tesICT @Mallrat_uk @LearningSpy @jemimaanderson @chrissinerantzi @mrpeel @davidwebster @TheHeadsOffice @LearningDomain @LearningSpy @skoorBttaM @ICTwitz @jodieworld @bucharesttutor @Queen_Claire @ferrr80 @DJTom3 @tesICT @LearningSpy @skoorBttaM @anhalf @fullonlearning @normal_for_jp @ben_solly

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat It's helpful to phrase feedback as a question. For instance, say Are you stupid or what? instead of You're stupid." @philallman1 @Mallrat_uk haha can't wait! ;-) @LearningSpy it is a shame that it is so much about policing and evidencing to others who are not directly involved RT @kvnmcl: @ckzebra There will always be research to support whichever side of the fence we are on. Use what you think works best @TheHeadsOffice to me feedback is essential and should be positive but honest. Otherwise how can we ever improve? @Heatherleatt @TheHeadsOffice How about the opportunity to discuss the lesson with the observer rather than receive feedback? @ICTwitz @nuttya10 @janshs @mrmaldini2 #ukedchat For me it's cos I want to do the best for the ch. Feedback is a means to that end" @fullonlearning @learningspy ok whats the link to that? RT @chrissinerantzi: it's a shame that it is so much about policing and evidencing to others who are not directly involved #ukedchat Oh yes" RT @Queen_Claire: The best thing about #ukedchat is picking out new, interesting people to follow." @MsKateRyan I think I know what you mean though... I do think you can praise effort AND give meaningful feedback together @kvnmcl Therefore pupil is very last consideration in the whole feedback process @DJTom3 Google learningspy SOLO why won't the stream stop when i want to retweet one of the best feeback comments I've seen this evening!!!:) @LearningSpy is there anything we can do about this? RT @chrissinerantzi: it's a shame that it is so much about policing and evidencing to others who are not directly involved #ukedchat Oh yes" By that I mean feedback to adults and children I think it is an art and a science :) let's face it the 2 have always been linked Last 5 minutes! Opinions pls RT @chrissinerantzi: What about group feedback? @pablohawkeye @tesICT absolutely! @jamesmichie will host next week's #ukedchat about 'Are schools (as physical spaces) necessary to facilitate learning in the 21st century?'" @mrpeel Many thanks! @fullonlearning thats ok and thanks you too. its my first time tonight. RT @normal_for_jp: OH found bottle of wine. I have told her well done. To improve..find another one. #ukedchat feedback!-found it! love it!" @chrissinerantzi we do a lot of that in guided sessions...hanpicked grps wrking on spcific activty. Easier 2b effective with 6 !

@oldpolitics @jodieworld @chrissinerantzi @TheHeadsOffice @Lynnewin100 @ManYanaEd @cherrylkd @DJTom3 @LearningSpy @ckzebra @dockers_hoops @ICTwitz @LearningSpy @tesICT @chrissinerantzi @rashush2 @Lynnewin100 @TheHeadsOffice @jodieworld @ukedchat @TheHeadsOffice @DJTom3 @tesICT @anhalf

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @LearningSpy #ukedchat student voice provides evidence of teach giving FB. Hod doing this regularly." @ManYanaEd @theheadsoffice should be both, shouldn't it? RT @tesICT: RT @normal_for_jp: OH found bottle of wine. I have told her well done. To improve..find another one. #ukedchat feedback!-found it! love it!" RT @tesICT: RT @normal_for_jp: OH found bottle of wine. I have told her well done. To improve..find another one. #ukedchat feedback!-found it! love it!" RT @ICTwitz: RT @kvnmcl: Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors #ukedchat <Top tweet" RT @normal_for_jp: OH found bottle of wine. I have told her well done. To improve..find another one. #ukedchat feedback! -I'm smiling!" RT @ukedchat: @jamesmichie will host next week's #ukedchat about 'Are schools (as physical spaces) necessary to facilitate learning in the 21st century?'" #ukedchat feedback =peer evaluation; support from a critical friend, honest but not brutal. Constructive" @chrissinerantzi have had success using a google form for peer feedback in student presentations - anonymised then passed on. @mbrayford @kvnmcl Yep, agree with this in some respects. Especially where 'work scrutiny' is concerned Using photostory with my class tomorrow. Anyone else used photostory before? @bucharesttutor @nightzookeeper ok thats good and yeah i think that would be most people reaction to it. @TheHeadsOffice @kvnmcl my students suggest they find it useful to look back to ensure they are not making the same mistakes again @anhalf are there opportunities to provide more group feedback by tutors and peers? @DJTom3 @nightzookeeper #ukedchat well said! Something which appears negative can be put in a constructive way thus avoiding demoralisation" @Queen_Claire the one about the bottle of wine! - found a bottle of wine - to improve... find another... @Mallrat_uk @philallman1 She should run the country! 35 years at 1! @NuttyA10 @cherrylkd @janshs @mrmaldini2 Indeed @jemimaanderson Ah the guru is mentioned. He's spot on as usual, but it needs to be 'real' to move the learning on. @LearningSpy ok i will check it out. @Primary_Ed Plenty of times. Good app, but students need to go back and forth a lot. #ukedchat so what are the best methods of formative assessment & feedback?" @TheHeadsOffice Better to spend 3 minutes talking to an individual student than 3 minutes ticking a book. Needs to be tracked. Does marking books religiously equate to good formative practice - I say no

@LearningDomain @Heatherleatt @eslweb @Carlsberg40 @anhalf @TheHeadsOffice @damoward @mjowchs @mberry @nohandsup @Primary_Ed @DJTom3 @ckzebra @chrissinerantzi @cherrylkd @tesICT @jodieworld @ICTwitz @dockers_hoops @DJTom3 @eslweb @Jen_Kaye82 @matthew_cherry @nohandsup

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? @jodieworld @Mallrat_uk as opposed to Gove - 1 at 35!! @chrissinerantzi @LearningSpy Couldn't agree more! The 'evidencing' can be too much! @DJTom3: @fullonlearning @learningspy ok whats the link to that? David, can you send your best link?!" @mberry this is an excellent idea. RT @nohandsup: Does marking books religiously equate to good formative practice - I say no @philallman1: @jodieworld @Mallrat_uk as opposed to Gove - 1 at 35!! LOL" @Jen_Kaye82 Best method is what is best for the learner RT @kvnmcl Written feedback is basically satisfying SMT, school policies on marking and visiting inspectors #ukedchat I Agree with this" @philallman1 couldn't agree more #ukedchat How about, students posting learning on FB group (open to class only) and asking feedback from each other." @NuttyA10 @ictwitz @janshs @mrmaldini2 #ukedchat I agree. Ofsted is a consideration but ch have to be first or it's pointless" @Heatherleatt @theheadsoffice #ukedchat How about if it was a discussion of the evidence from observer and from teacher?" @Primary_Ed We used it loads - really simple to use. Then we found Animoto... @chrissinerantzi Yes. Train students to give feedback more effectively to each other. Have a look at the flowchart on my blog @MsKateRyan You're not wrong... seen a few things where I just want to scream and can barely manage 'well done' School picks faculty per term 4 review. Uses SurveyMonkey 4 Student Voice re: quality of teaching/feedback/next steps/lesson pace @nohandsup especilly in ICT as it doesn't translate to BOOKS! (much as I LUUURVE books!!!) @ICTwitz @nuttya10 @cherrylkd @mrmaldini2 yep we are there for children however trite that sounds RT @cherrylkd: @DJTom3 @nightzookeeper #ukedchat well said! Something which appears negative can be put in a constructive way thus avoiding demoralisation" RT @nohandsup: Does marking books religiously equate to good formative practice - I say no RT @nohandsup: Does marking books religiously equate to good formative practice - I say no Read tweets from this #ukedchat at your leisure shortly after the chat at" @LearningSpy Thank you, I will. @chrissinerantzi in a group definitely easier for feedback to be directed and time to discuss

@philallman1 @MsKateRyan @fullonlearning @chrissinerantzi @tesICT @jodieworld @MattOswin @svenhall @syded06 @Afwels @cherrylkd @ManYanaEd @Referoo @LearningSpy @dockers_hoops @wildblu @tesICT @Janshs @DJTom3 @Carlsberg40 @ethinking @ukedchat @chrissinerantzi @anhalf

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ukedchat Archive 23 Feb 2012 Hosted by @TheHeadsOffice

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Is giving feedback an art or a science and should it be taught? #ukedchat There are loads of different ways of doing FB via the vle, forums, tasks etc" 100% of 33 KS3 students surveyed via Google Form in 'practical' subject said they regularly receive feedback. All verbal! Wowza RT @oldandrewuk: #ukedchat It's helpful to phrase feedback as a question. For instance, say Are you stupid or what? instead of You're stupid." Kid pick apart flip share moments. That was effective because...Lots of training involved but really works. my goodness - where did that time go?!?!?! I know I was a late starter but THANKS for a great #ukedchat!" RT @LearningDomain: @LearningSpy #ukedchat student voice provides evidence of teach giving FB. Hod doing this regularly.-- Much better" RT @nohandsup: Does marking books religiously equate to good formative practice - I say no @Rob_Crilly cross-institutional, great and even completely open? @mbrayford should it be so? #ukedchat hope u don't mind me crashing in @ end. Looking 4 good lesson plan using LOGO for an interview. Any help?" RT @ukedchat: Read tweets from this #ukedchat at your leisure shortly after the chat at" @jemimaanderson Great idea. Ken is a God as well. We're lucky enough to have @IRIS_Connect at our place for reflection. #ukedchat what is good feedback? Difficult to define. What's easier to define is progress. If you see progress the feedback's working." I have always found Workshop Evaluations so very useful, Teachers feedback is absolutely crucial in the continued development #ukedchat none of the written feedback it is worth it - extend the school day by 1 hour, ban marking and talk to kids more - the go home" And i agree, but quality comments are vg RT @nohandsup Does marking books religiously equate to good formative practice - I say no RT @Westylish: #ukedchat what is good feedback? Difficult to define. What's easier to define is progress. If you see progress the feedback's working." RT @LearningSpy: @DJTom3 Google learningspy SOLO Flip shares capture 'teachable moments' that you can use to move learning on during plenary. Creates ethos of reflection in class RT @ethinking: #ukedchat none of the written feedback it is worth it - extend the school day by 1 hour, ban marking and talk to kids more - the go home" @pulsecsi I agree, especially if you have a thick skin. It's 9pm & #ukedchat is out of time. A huge thanks to @TheHeadsOffice for hosting & thanks to everyone for your ideas & contributions."

@LearningDomain @JamiePortman @wesi72 @jemimaanderson @tesICT @LearningSpy @normal_for_jp @chrissinerantzi @nickotkdIV @ecarsontc @jamestwhitehead @dockers_hoops @Westylish @pulsecsi @ethinking @ckzebra @MattOswin @fullonlearning @jemimaanderson @tesICT @eslweb @ukedchat

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