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Wings 2 Fly

December 2009

A Reader

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the conversations at times, it had a draining effect on me. I looked at the fruit and it seemed dead on the vine to me. It was all about not doing, do not touch, etc.

deny the flesh and the ego and love their neighbor as themselves since love produces true fruit on the vine. I believe that there have been a great many people who have embodied love and compassion and pointed to this message which Jesus fulfilled. Love is what endures. Love is what changes another person. Love is what denies obeying ones own flesh and ego. Love is the opposite of fear and casts it out. Personally, I believe Jesus life was a picture of salvation his life shows us that love and compassion will cause us to crucify our flesh and ego and when we embody these qualities, we will live our life as a sacrifice for others. I dont think Jesus came to save us from a place called hell. I see his life was more a picture showing us how to deny the ego and flesh while we are living on this earth (showing us that crucifying our own flesh and ego is the means of saving or delivering ourselves from obeying our flesh/ego response) by walking and abiding in love and compassion. Jesus embodied love and thus he was both a portrait and a messenger to show mankind how to bring peace upon this earth. Love is the answer and all else is merely an illusion. Perhaps, in some ways, this earth is a prison and a place of hell state where one lives in the confines of ego and where one learns to overcome the ego by walking in love and compassion. We learn to walk out our own salvation by crucifying our flesh while we are living on earth. Jesus said the greatest commandment was loving God and your neighbor as yourself. When you do that, you will be keeping all the commandments. I believe that it is as simple at that and we have made it very difficult. I am not saying it is easy to deny the flesh and ego but profoundly beautiful salvation is all about learning to

From: Doug
What follows is a combination of 2 emails I received from Mary Ann Ohlman in Michigan. We met Mary Ann and her husband a few years ago. Her words seem to fit in with some of the articles included this month so I asked her if I could include what she wrote in this newsletter. I was delighted that she was willing to let me publish her thoughts. We are certainly open to including more comments etc. from readers. You can send your comments to

It seems to me that many are realizing that love and compassion (which Jesus embodied) made up the great commission that was to brought into the world as those beliefs put into action would change the world.

It appears to me that somehow Christianity got the messenger mixed up with the message.
It appears to me that somehow Christianity got the messenger mixed up with the message. In clarifying this, I mean putting so much emphasis on this doctrine accept Jesus as your Lord & Savior while ignoring the message of embodying or putting on LOVE and COMPASSION. Something seems to have gotten confused along the way. I believe Jesus life pointed us to and showed us how to deny the flesh and ego and live a life of love - the point of giving up his life. When we put on LOVE and COMPASSION, we will love our neighbor as ourself and fruit will develop in our life. I dont believe we are saved from a place of hell and damnation but that salvation is a picture of how we deny our flesh and ego through putting on the garments of love and compassion. Im at the point that whoever puts on LOVE and COMPASSION obeys the Spirit of the Creator whether they ever heard Jesus name or knew about his life. And those who embody love will


Mary Ann wrote: It has been a rather hectic summer but Ive been reading your articles. I wanted to respond and let you know that I am tracking with you and am coming to the same conclusion. Ive been frustrated with both movements (Christianity and Messianic) and felt the fruit was missing there (and not much exhortation in how to deny the flesh, become a more loving person and how to overcome struggles).

Both of these movements focused so much on following rules, dogma, doctrines, dotting every T correctly, and arguing about petty issues. There were so many fragmented groups dividing There was so all the time everyone much negative thinking they were right energy... It and the other group wrong (and so it went on had a draining and on). There was so effect on me. much negative energy in

December 2009
walk in love and compassion (not having to be perfect but following ones heart and extending love towards others). The loving habit of walking in the path of love produces growing fruit in our lives. When we water our gardens with love, when we nurture our gardens with love, we will grow trees that will produce delicious and healing fruit. Lately, it feels like light bulbs keep

Wings 2 Fly
Solstice & Galactic Centre/Dark Rift, I am familiar with the concept and agree with this also (Ive done a tone of reading in the last couple of years) plus I have so many friends on Facebook that helped enlighten me. Ive watched many wonderful videos which helped clarify and confirm to me this message which resonated in my heart. I listen to it closely in my life now! Have you ever heard of Bruce Lipton? He also is a great communicator about the way our DNA is wired. Gregg Braden is also another wonderful communicator of this message, and I believe you are aware of his books. Ive read a few of Neale Donald Walschs books as well and am on his mailing list. I got a few e-mails telling me this is a terrible person who is leading the fold to hell (it was rather funny in retrospect because it really exposed the illusion to me in a way that showed the ignorance of how fear has taken hold of peoples minds in a way that has caused a delusion it seems to me that the anti-Christ message has been around for sometime if you know what I mean). Anyone who opposes love and presents a gospel of a fear saturated God is showing a counterfeit creator. Whatever the case, it seems to me that astrology has been pointing to this picture of re-birth through various pictures over the ages (12 houses or ages of time). In reference to the goddess part of God, I agree with you on that point also. As I said, Ive done a ton of reading and research, especially during the last year. I also now really listen to my heart very closely. If a doctrine, dogma or opinion that someone suggest to me is true and in my gut, it feels or seems off to me, I listen to my heart very closely. At this point, I try not to be dogmatic at all but to be openminded and willing to listen to others. In mainline Christianity/Messianic teaching, we were not taught to question any doctrine (because if we did, we might just go to a place called hell). And that is what has kept so many people en-

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slaved over the years (fear of damnation if they even question something). It is very sad actually and for this reason, I do have compassion on people in this situation because of all the fear indoctrination they have been taught to believe over the years. They really need to be saved from this message (smile). Im using the pun to make a point!) It is my sense that people that do see this truth need to keep speaking up (in love of course) and not take offense if people write us and say terrible things (seeing it more from the perspective that they are blinded and are bound from a fear based perspective which has caused them to buy into an illusion). So I try to be tolerant and love people who are still buying into this fear based system. I have received so many positive responses from people over the last year that it has further convinced me that LOVE is really the message which changes people. People are tired of dead religion that has no fruit on the vine. They are searching for truth. When you find truth, you will find love and when you abide in love, you will find truth (that is how I see how this law operates) And that is how I see it at this point but Im still growing Namaste...have a wonderful day, Mary Ann Ohlman The End

Light bulbs keep coming on brighter and brighter

coming on brighter and brighter and Im coming down the track very fast plowing through all the barricades. In the last year, I feel like so many layers have come off me as this message of centering on LOVE becomes more imprinted on my soul. Love, gratitude, sowing acts of kindness and compassion these qualities are what change us and our world. Then we naturally fulfill and obey the commandments and the flesh and ego will fall off from us as we abide in LOVE. It appears clear that Christianity got it backwards by putting so much emphasis on believing Jesus existed etc. while ignoring the message focusing on LOVE. It appears to me that this was the great commission (not accepting that he died and rose to save us from a place called hell). In many ways, it feels like my soul has been awakened from sleep and a long dream and suddenly everything is making sense to me. It has always been about clothing ourselves with the garments of LOVE As far as the Mayan Calendar, Winter

Love is the answer and all else is merely an illusion.

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