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roaring twenties http://onlinedictionary.datasegment.

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roaring twenties - Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 (?)
Roaring twenties \Roar"ing twen"ties\ The decade from 1920 to 1929; -- so called because of the occurrence of a prosperous economy and rapid changes in sociological mores as exemplified by speakeasies, the popularity of fast cars and jazz, and the boisterous unconventional behavior of young adults in that period. See also flapper, speakeasy, and second prohibition. [PJC]

speakeasy - WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) (?)
speakeasy n 1: (during prohibition) an illegal barroom

speakeasy - Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 (?)

speakeasy \speak"eas`y\, (sp[=e]k"[=e]`z[-e]) n. An establishment where alcoholic beverages were sold and drunk illegally, especially one operating during the prohibition era in the U.S. (1920-1932); a tavern or nightclub illegally selling alcoholic beverages. [PJC]

speakeasy - Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (17 December 2009) (?)

Speakeasy Simple array-oriented language with numerical integration and differentiation, graphical output, aimed at statistical analysis. ["Speakeasy", S. Cohen, SIGPLAN Notices 9(4), (Apr 1974)]. ["Speakeasy-3 Reference Manual", S. Cohen et al. 1976].

speakeasy - Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 (?)

31 Moby Thesaurus words for "speakeasy": alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blind tiger, cabaret, cafe, cocktail lounge, dive, dramshop, drinking saloon, gin mill, groggery, grogshop, honky-tonk, local, nightclub, pothouse, pub, public, public house, rathskeller, rumshop, saloon, saloon bar, taproom, tavern, wine shop

The 1920s in the United States, called roaring because of the exuberant, freewheeling popular culture of the decade. The Roaring Twenties was a time when many people defied Prohibition, indulged in new styles of dancing and dressing, and rejected many traditional moral standards. (See flappers and Jazz Age.) Read more: The novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald coined the term "Jazz Age" retrospectively to refer to the decade after World War I and before the stock market crash in 1929, during which Americans embarked upon what he called "the gaudiest spree in history." The Jazz Age is inextricably associated with the wealthy white "flappers" and socialites immortalized in Fitzgerald's fiction. However, the era's soundtrack was largely African American, facilitating what Ann Douglas has described as a "racially mixed social scene" without precedent in the United States. Postwar U.S. supremacy and a general disillusion with politics provided the economic base and social context of the Jazz Age. In his 1931 essay, "Echoes of the Jazz Age," Fitzgerald referred to "a whole race going hedonistic, deciding on pleasure," a rather glib exaggeration, as 71 percent of American families lived below the poverty line during the Roaring Twenties. Nevertheless, a young white elite put this pleasure principle into practice by embracing jazz. As the historian Lawrence Levine observed, many whites identified this black music as libidinal and "primitive," the liberating antithesis of main-stream, middleclass conventions. White New Yorkers went "slumming" at jazz clubs in Harlem. Boosted by the emergence of radio and the gramophone, black singers like Bessie Smith and Clara Smith became stars. The motion picture The Jazz Singer (1927) brought the music to the big screen in the first-ever "talkie," although the eponymous hero was the white performer Al Jolson in blackface. Read more:

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