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WithPeter Lindemann
Tbjr lr thtult oq bopctulv,s codtiduou 8ris of aldcle3 tbejourml ftJr to tccp ,ou bacL,ad crPeriEcDtcas out of thedadcolog Uqircrsityphrsics dcpltdclt! alalin)our shopswhqe a! lcstyouk got a cb&c. of lcsmlog lomclbln& &rcpt ft)r tbt8 opcojlg 8i8trE.trt,I probiscto keepthc potdoalcuaHb a mlllEuE ald tbc frcr! !o of Bord.rLardSalcncc a h"nnudto Your cditor,ToE Brow4 brs repcs! cdlyalkcdmc to conEibutc srdclca foa ticjoumal ooa rcgularbasb.Tlts thcn i! llc bcgjtrdlg of Ey aosw.r !o btr pledhF. Ar rnaryofyou hoc,, I tave htcrcatedltr tbc pcdbtltty of.TREB ENERGY" for 15 }!8r& Flch jouiD4I will prcatrt a lsq sihplc c+erincnt tbat you coabuild Eadrun casily r*tic.h dcmod,rat!t| lomc phaaoEcnallrat actcouDtcr to ttrc so-callcd "LAWS' ofphyslc& ThbcoluED wlllbc 3trictlyfor "baodc-on, h.rctic& Philsoptt caly, Borderbnd suF por6 th. qustiotrjog of autborlly. Thcrciorc, doDt bellcvcwblt I *iite ia tbis columD! Build the!1acbhcatrdscicr yourscli whetryousctbecrperidcnt auming itr ftont of you oa your orr! rorr bcmb, youll hos, rhc 'l|Iut}ln. Herc'8 what beppoed our *!rk on TEE INCREDIBI,E BALL BEAIUNG MOTOR Oocof thc UDs logicthatD3l1y of ofthc'te eaers/' eothujasts folale lo*,lngb that thc etrciency ordinary ot motor! aodglerato$is rclate4Dotto tbc Buppoc.d "IAW OF TIIE CONSERVATIONOPENERGY,,,but to thc palticulrr gcoEctryof tbc dsvlcc, Boough tctrhavcbcc! ruEto saywithoulhcattldm tbat746i/atl8odly.quats 1 ioncpoc,lr lDrtsldald drvtc.( Tbc lat!5t N-MACHINE Btticgcacrstorof P8ra6ohslllaTc*tdb clesrly gcD.ratingotr |500 xatt! pr horscpowcr. It 4 thcrcfon, rcry reor&\rtitc !o caanEcDt witb ady codguradotr of naterNab crcatcraithetgetrclatllg that or o oloringcftct! tbat b lot parstEs s c.rlrrc!! canyilg *tc b ftont of a nugneiwtilcb'ofcou6!, k rhesrandad tYm$ placcdoa a rabtc. A! aDtEcter capablcof DerurlEghigh current vr"l placcdoo oac of the batlcrycabler A oulti-6ete. wr ctippcd acl63 thebcriDg race3 Eeasurcthc !o loltagcdropacrds tt. ,blotof'. vben thc drcuit l! co6plctD4 about85 aopcrs acgbt4rd our aemelet atd on ihc bcadrgr3rookldbur rhc sb!ft did not rotalc, A3paccllcte4 dcvico the bss 4RO 3tartiDg torquc. Nen, doEconcspunthe shait R beodaodbcioreit stopF4 tbc c1rrre[t tlas sppliedaSaio-Tbjs ttEe rhc sbsft 8cc4lGtcd biShspe4d, io dfsirbS 85 adPcrcaacrds 2^5vrLrs,tlr a pow.r co!8uopdotr 2lj5 *att!. we raattc of udt muldplctiE3for about 5 da4oddr a at time. Oac 8 gccoDd rurrmclled thc ilrlulaUo! ioE ou! clip Ic{d& Thc EotoaruD! h lic dircdotr lt ls sL3nd pithout cbargiogthc dircdiotroflle applicdcunenl Msri" nov Bt8t.3|!at lubrlcad.Dgthe bcarilgs foulr tbccftuc! but \,,e ulcd a lighloil or ours julr sld it ra.o firc. Tberc ir oo cLr cuteplabatiotrfor irty tbebal bqring motorruo&It'sjult oneoftbse 6dsof BorderlaldScieDce. This pheooEcra mult b scetrto bc apprectare(L i! Ir deffritelyoperating a ditrered prtdon ciplethAnsnyotherEotor I bavcsccrj. Nowife,trur turtr. Build aadrutr this casy, ine4e[live speriEeft. Watchit opelate lbriDk a.od aboutiL AI$, ifyou havea ftrorire e+eriraelral oddity,lell U3atroutiL trtayb w'[ put it in a turure FIZD( KORNER

I do oot lro\ir who ffrstdjsorcred tbBta siEplcsbrft ridingh bal bc{riogs will rotatewbc! qrlleot ir appllcd lb to outef b{ing mcca.It lrrs broughtto Ey anndoaorc day at Bluce DcPalE 's hourewheo hc sbour.drde a cW ofTHETHORNYWAy TRttTH OF q St!fitr Maritrolr. Out te$ rt up look aboutl0 oiDutca to cooltruc! W had a D volt balre.ycapable deliirring hjgh curof rent - (a car batteryIr perfe.t) aDda couplc ofciip leaah a shafr anat siningir

Page18,May-lunelgqg TheJoumalol Botde andRca.rch

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