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Chapter 4 1. Are criminals rational decision makers, or are they motivated by uncontrollable psychological and emotional drives?

I feel that criminals are both rational decision makers and motivated by uncontrollable psychological and emotional drives. It depends on the criminal as well as the crime. I would like to think that to be a criminal is irrational; however the actions you make is what determines whether or not you are a criminal. Criminals are often thought to be unsound, but when the crime is explained and analyzed, it may be determined that it is in fact rational. My belief is committing a crime is irrational, on the other hand planning a crime is rational, that is the ideal to actually think the crime through. There are different perspectives supporting both. The rational choice approach describe crime as an event that occurs when an offender decides to risk breaking the law after considering his or her own need for money, personal values or learning experiences and how well a target is protected. Before committing a crime, the rational criminal would weigh the chances of getting caught, the severity of the expected penalty, the pleasure to be gained by committing the act, and theyre need for that pleasure. The biosocial theory focuses on the interaction between biological and social factors as they relate to crime. Criminals can be provoked to commit crime if they are emotionally unstable. They can feel angry and not necessarily know how to express themselves causing the anger to build up until it cant be contained, causing them to commit an uncontrollable crime of rage or passion. My belief is there isnt one particular situation or drive that motivates criminals to commit a crime.


If you were caught by the police while shoplifting, which would you be more afraid of: receiving criminal punishment or having to face your friends or relatives?

If I were caught shoplifting by the police, I would be more afraid of facing friends and family than the criminal punishment. I would still be afraid of the criminal punishment. However, facing friends and family in this situation would cause more anguish and

disappointment. I feel that I would have let my love ones down by doing something that could have been avoided. I would be embarrassed to have caused so much disgrace and pain. I feel that anyone that has a close knit family will feel the same because usually you would consider their feeling in all of your actions. My family and friends would most likely begin to second guess our relationship being that I never came to them about my problems. Obviously, there would be problems present being that Im shoplifting. The textbook states other influences have an impact on criminal decision making, including social relationships, individual traits and capabilities, and environmental characteristics. (93) I feel that when you make a bad, careless decision that not only affects you in a negative way, but others also, you should be punished. In the case of shoplifting, whatever criminal punishment given would not be enough to take away the disgrace you cause on your love ones.

Chapter 5 3. What should be done with the young children of violence-prone criminals if in fact research could show that the tendency to commit crime is inherited?

If research could show that the tendency to commit crime is in fact inherited, young children of violence prone criminals should be treated as any other child. I dont feel that there should be any preferential treatment because of the parents criminal history. However, I do believe that there should be some type of optional therapy available for children in that category. Everything should be done to alter the childs way of thinking when it comes to crime and the right vs. wrong. If the child is still in the custody of the parent, group therapy should be required to assist both the parent and child. I feel that this is needed to ensure that the proper values are being instilled in the child. I do not feel that the child should be placed outside his or her home, however if the home environment is not beneficial or meets certain standards laid out by local government policy, the child should then be removed. The parents should be involved because it will assist them in caring for the children. Majority of parents have a strong influence on their childs behavior. To some it may sound prejudice, but with crime rates at an all time high, any

solution may help. I dont believe in punishing the children for something they never ask to take part in. I feel that they should be treated as every other child, but the option should still be available. If its found to be inherited, its sad to say but it may be considered a sickness. Usually, when youre sick you seek attention. It would be sadder if a child of a violence-prone criminal began to take on the actions of their parents when it could have been prevented.


Research shows that kids who watch a lot of TV in adolescence are more likely to behave aggressively in adulthood. This has led some to conclude that TV watching is responsible for adult violence. Can this relationship be explained in a different way?

I dont believe that TV is responsible for adult violence. I feel that its a number of things; however the social environment would be the main factor. There are violent TV shows that may entice someones interest in trying to commit a crime and get away with it. The action of aggression that turns into violence is a psychological drive that is present already. Violent TV shows may ignite that aggression to come out more just as much as road rage would cause someone to run a car off the road. This relationship should be explained as if the problem is when children are left in front of the TV with no one to control what should and should not be watched. Children learn from what they see, in the same way that they learn from their parents and friends. TV violence gives children a way to validate their actions as if its okay because I saw it on TV and they didnt get in trouble. But if a responsible party was with them they could explain what is going on in the TV show so the child will know how to interpret what being shown, without having to come to a conclusion themselves. Millions of children watch violence on TV but dont become criminals or participate in violence.

Chapter 6 5. Is there a transition area in your town or city? Does the crime rate remain constant in this neighborhood regardless of the racial, ethnic, or cultural composition of its residents?

There are different transition homes in a certain area in town. This area is known for their transition homes. It gives those that have been incarcerated a chance to live on their own in a semi-controlled environment. The area being known for their transition homes has its advantages and disadvantages. Some people come around to help and talk to the residents. Its as if theyre accepting them and giving them their trust. However, there are those that use it for their advantage, such as drug dealers or people who need help in ding wrong things. This alters the crime rate a bit. Instead of people fining help they sometimes fall to their old habits, which eventually will end in more jail time. The crime in the neighborhood isnt racial. When crime occurs its mainly because someone disrespected you or caused you harm. I dont feel race plays a big part in crime in my town. I feel that people of different race who have been incarcerated become closer, simply because they were at one time one person and now they have a sense of a bond. This helps the transition from being a criminal to a good standing citizen.

6. Do you agree with Agnew that there is more than one cause of strain? If so, are there other sources of strain that he did not consider?

I agree with Robert Agnew that there is more than one cause of strain. According to Agnew, multiple sources of strain interact with an individuals emotional traits and responses to criminality. The major types of strain are the failure to achieve positively valued goals, removal of positively valued stimuli and the presentation of negative stimuli. There is also a mixture of sources of strain. I think Agnew covered majority of the sources of strain, the source link together. If I would think of one more to consider it would be the coping strain. Many have problems in general however, coping with those problems make the problem even worse. That may be one source of strain not fully covered.

Chapter 7 7. Do negative labels cause crime? Or do people who commit crime become negatively labeled? That is, are labels a cause of crime or a result?

I believe negative labels cause crime. I feel that people act the way they feel they should act. For instance if someone is labeled as a trouble maker, people would expect them to get in trouble majority of the time. However, if someone else does the same thing they will be seen as acting out and not a trouble maker. I feel that majority of people that commit crime has a reason that they feel is legitimate for committing the crime and maybe if given the chance, they can make sense of the situation. Therefore, I feel that people who commit crime become negatively labeled. All criminals in prison are not bad people. I honestly believe that because of the negative labeling it begins to shift their thinking and they begin to take on others view of them, instead of viewing themselves for who they really are, despite the crime committed. I feel that labels are a result of crime. Many are labeled and cannot find legitimate ways of providing for themselves or their family because people label them as being corrupt.

8. Once weakened, can a persons bonds to society become reattached? What social processes might help reattachment?

I believe that a persons bond to society can be reattached if weakened. It is possible for someone their belief and commitment. For instance, we are at war now. If the government were to change their minds about bringing our troops home, it will cause uproar in some homes. There may be husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, children, etc. that have been waiting for their love ones to come home and to hear that they are not may cause them to lose their belief in our government, their attachment with the family they have because it not the same someone is missing and stop being involved in activities that supports the government. It could also stop them from believing in the government for justice and things that are fair. It could cause one to become militant, to the point where as they begin to make their own rules and disregard those set by the government. This will bring on a criminal mentality. Becoming reattached is possible, with the right amount of patience. There has to be a changing of the mind set. This will involve the individual learning how to trust things and accepting things that they cannot change and realizing that its not one persons fault.

Chapter 8 9. Is conflict inevitable in all cultures? If not, what can be done to reduce the level of conflict in our own society?

When there is more than one person, there will be conflict, regardless of culture. There are a number of things we can do to reduce conflict in our society. I believe the main factor would be involvement. If people get involved in their community and begin to take ownership, they will not only treat each other being they will be committed to making their community a being place. That not only will reduce the level of conflict, but it will help people understand each other more. We can learn about different cultures which will allow us to value others and their way of doing things.

10. Has religious conflict replaced class conflict as the most important issue facing modern society? Can anything be done to heal the rifts between people of different faiths?

I believe that the religious conflict has become a major factor in society; however I dont feel that it has replaced class conflict. Many now look to religion more than ever because of changing times has brought on things that were not accustomed to. People feel that their choice of religion is right, which is understandable. However, some feel that other religions are inferior to their. This state of mind causes rifts between people because they are unwilling to accept different opinions. There are many ways t heal the rifts between different faiths. We could start by agreeing to accept differences and not under estimate others for believing what they do. Then we will begin to appreciate each others faith.

Chapter 9 11. Someone you know gets a perfect score on the SAT. What personal, family, and social characteristics do you think this individual have?

If someone I know gets a perfect score on the SAT, I feel that they have a tremendous educational geared support system. I feel that their personal characteristics would be one of self discipline. I believe they are determined and motivated. I think the family would

support education among other things. I think they will only focus on things that will benefit them educationally and deem everything else bad and not worth doing. I believe that they surround themselves with positive things that have reason and logic. I feel that their social characteristics are far from the norm, where as they are more grounded and not willing to try thing without considering the consequences. If someone becomes a serial killer, I think their personal characteristics would be intelligent and quiet. I believe that this person would be the person least likely to commit a crime per their involvement with the community. I believe they will have a good relationship with their family, which has underlying problems that have never been fully dealt with. I believe good behavior is explained by multiple strengths. I believe when you do good things , you will continue to do so because the feeling will become more rewarding, causing you to constantly want to overdo the time before, until you begin competing with yourself as if its almost a game.

12. Do people really change, or do they stay the same but appear to be different because their life circumstances have changed?

I believe that people really do change. Every circumstance and situations that were face with each day gives us the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and make the decision to move on or stay and dwell on our defeats. Even though circumstances change, no matter how you try to stay the same you have to change. Its not possible to stay the same and appear to be different. You would then only fool yourself into thinking something that is really not true, causing inner problems because you dont know who you really are. I feel this would be the case because despite circumstances changing many try to appear the same, but cannot.

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