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Free Form RPG

What more can I say, "I kinda like it." I know you have a programmer in the building that says " These punch cards were good enough for me in the 70s so there good enough for me now. This is for them slip a couple lines of Free Format RPG into their source and watch their heads explode. If nothing else, this will give you a taste of other languages, cause believe it or not, the time is coming/here when those PC type languages are going to slowly replace our beloved RPG. The only two lines of code that must start in a specific position are the compiler directives /FREE and /END-FREE, which begin in column 7. The lines in between can use any columns between 8 and 80, allowing you to logically indent your code as we did here. Notice that even operations like Read, Dsply and BegSR can be used in free format. Each statement ends with a semicolon. That is something you?ll forget many times before it becomes natural to you. You are still limited to one op-code per line, which is probably a good idea, but statements can span multiple lines if necessary.


Purpose Acquire device Begin Subroutine Call Prototyped Procedure or Program Retrieve Record by key Clear Close File Commit Database changes Release Dynamically Allocated Storage Delete Record Do Until Do While Display message Dump Program Else Else If End a Structured Group (where yy = DO, FOR, IF, Evaluate expression Evaluate expression and right adjust result Perform Exception Output Write/Then Read Format from display Execute Subroutine Force End of Data For Force specified file to be read on next Cycle If Retrieve a Data Area Iterate Leave a Do/For Group Leave a Subroutine Begin a Monitor Group Next Specify errors to handle within MONITOR group Open File for Processing Start of default processing for SELECT group Write Data Area Post Read a record Read next changed record Read next record with equal Key Read prior record Read prior record with equal Key

REL Release RESET Reset RETURN Return to Caller ROLBK Roll Back uncommitted database changes SELECT Begin a Select Group SETGT Position database to record with key greater than specified key SETLL Position database to record with key not greater than specified key SORTA Sort an Array TEST Test Date/Time/Timestamp UNLOCK Unlock a Data Area or Release a Record UPDATE Modify Existing Record WHEN Condition test within SELECT group WRITE Write New Record

Simple Example download text file

D* D* Program Info D* D SDS D @PGM 001 010 D @PARMS 037 039 0 D @JOB 244 253 D @USER 254 263 D @JOB# 264 269 0 D* D* Constants D* D CMP01 C CONST(01) D Digits C CONST('0123456789') D* D* Field Definitions. D* D ISOdate S D D DateIn S D Datfmt(*MDY) D Year S 4 0 D Month S 2 0 D Day S 2 0 D FromISO S D D ToISO S D D DiffDays S 3 0 D WorkField S 5 0 D Name S 9 Based(NamePtr) D Name2 S 9 D NamePtr S * Inz(%ADDR(Names)) D Names S 63 Inz('Sunday Monday Wedn+ D esdayThursday Friday ') C*====================================================== C* /Free DateIn = %Date() ; ISODate = %Date() ; ISODate = DateIn ; Year = %Subdt(ISODate:*Y) ; Month = %Subdt(ISODate:*M) ;

Tuesday Saturday

Day = %Subdt(ISODate:*D) ; FromISO = ISODate - %YEARS(1) ; ToISO = ISODate ; DiffDays = %Diff(ToISO:FromISO:*DAYS) ; ISODate = DateIn ; WorkField = %Diff(ISODate:D'1899-12-31':*DAYS); WorkField = %REM(WorkField:7); NamePtr = NamePtr + (WorkField * 9); Name2 = Name; *Inlr = *On ; /End-Free C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=C* *Inzsr - Initial one time run subroutine. C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=CSR *Inzsr Begsr C* C* C Endsr C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=C* Read entire file free format C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/free // Loop through all records of file read file; dow not %eof(file); // Process until end of file if %error; dsply 'Read error: process aborting.'; leave; else; pos = %scan (',': name); if pos > 0; firstname = %trimr(%subst(name:1:pos-1)); update file; endif; read file; enddo; /end-free C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=C* Free format keylist processing C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


// The ProductKeys DS will contain the fields that make up the // key for the Product File (Division, Part No & Version) <1> D ProductKeys DS LikeRec(ProductRec : *Key)


// Read specified record using full key Chain %KDS(ProductKeys) ProductRec; // Position file using first 2 key fields SetLL %KDS(ProductKeys : 2 ) ProductRec; // Read using specified keys Chain (Division : PartNumber : Version) ProductRec; // Position file based on first 2 key fields SetLL (Division : PartNumber) ProductRec; // Position file to specified Part number in Division 99 SetLL ( '99' : PartNumber) ProductRec; // Update only the Cost and UnitPrice fields Update Products %Fields( UnitCost : UnitPrice );






C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=C* Free format call a prototype C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/FREE READ somefile; DOW Not %EOF(somefile); RecordCount = RecordCount + 1; If Hours <= 37.5; Pay = Hours * Rate; Else; Eval(H) Pay = (37.5 * Rate) + ((Hours - 37.5) * (Rate * 1.5)); EndIf; // Concatenate first and last name FLName = %TrimR(LName) + ', ' + FName; //It?s a CALLP (Call with Prototype). The parentheses following the name may have // been a clue, because that?s how parameters are specified on a CALLP statement. Process_transaction(); If RecordCount = MaxPage; Leave; // Max records reached so exit loop Else; READ somefile; EndIf; ENDDO; /END-FREE // Loop back if not EOF


C* Free format elseif process C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

/free Dsply 'Display this message'; If Not %Eof(MyFile); Read MyFile; ElseIf RecordCount > *Zero; ProcessTotals(); EndIf; /end-free

C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=C* Free Format %dec and %decpos C*=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=d character1 S 5 inz('12345') d character2 S 5 inz('1 3 5') d character3 S 5 inz('1234w') d signed S 5S 0 inz(12345) d packed S 5 0 d*---------------------------------------------------------/free // assign characters '12345' to a packed numeric packed = %dec(character1:5:0) ; // packed = 12345 // note in this example the blanks are ignored! packed = %dec(character2:5:0) ; // packed = 135 /end-free

D signed s 7s D packed1 s 7p D packed2 s 7p /FREE packed1 = %dec(signed:5:2); packed2 = %dech(signed:5:2); *inLR = *ON ; /END-FREE

5 inz (73.73551) 5 5 // result is 73.73000 // result is 73.74000

D packed1 s 7p 3 inz (8236.567) D signed1 s 9s 5 inz (23.73442) D result1 s 5i 0 D result2 s 5i 0 /FREE result1 = %decpos (packed1); // "result1" is 3 result2 = %decpos (signed1); // "result2" is 5 *inLR = *ON; /END-FREE


arr1d table mds num


20 DIM(10) 10 DIM(20) ctdata 20 occurs(30) 5p 0

* like_array will be defined with a dimension of 10. * array_dims will be defined with a value of 10. D like_array S like(arr1d) dim(%elem(arr1d)) D array_dims C const (%elem (arr1d)) /free num = %elem (arr1d); // num is now 10 ; num = %elem (table); // num is now 20 ; num = %elem (mds); // num is now 30 ; Eval *inlr = *on ; /end-free

// assign signed to a packed numeric packed = %dec(signed) ; // nice try - an alpha here will crash the program packed = %dec(character3:5:0) ; // *CRASH* *inlr = *on ;


Examples posted by visitors

Posted by: jamie - move data in and out of an array

eval xx_cnfn = *blanks; eval xx_cnln = *blanks; idx1 = %scan(' ' : AuthName); if %subst(AuthName : idx1 + 2 : 1) = '.'; eval idx2 = idx1 + 4; else; if %subst(AuthName : idx1 + 2 : 1) <> *blank; eval idx2 = idx1 + 1; else; eval idx2 = idx1 + 3; endif; endif; eval fNameLen = idx2 - 1; if fNameLen > 10; eval fNameLen = 10; endif; eval lNameLen = (40 - idx2) + 1; if lNameLen > 25; eval lNameLen = 25; endif; eval xx_cnfn = %subst(AuthName : 1 : fNameLen); eval xx_cnln = %subst(AuthName : idx2 :


Posted by: Jimmy - Read a file

/free DailyTotal = 0; setll (MyDate) INVHEADER; reade (MyDate) INVHEADER; dow not %EOF(INVHEADER); InvTotal = 0; setll (InvDate: InvNo) INVDETAILS; reade (InvDate: InvNo) INVDETAILS; dow not %EOF(INVDETAILS); InvTotal += Price * Qty; reade (InvDate: InvNo) INVDETAILS; enddo; InvTotal -= Discounts; InvTotal += Taxes; DailyTotal += InvTotal; reade (MyDate) INVHEADER; enddo; /end-free

Posted by: mike noun - Get the remainder of a division

It's often useful to be able to get the remainder of a division operation. For example, if you want to know the remainder of X divided by Y, you'd traditionally code the following: C X DIV Y UNUSED C MVR R With the %REM() BIF, you no longer need to do division first -- and you no longer need to define a variable that you don't need elsewhere. You can simply code this: R = %REM(X : Y);

Posted by: chris hayden - Sample Free program

// jobdat 8,0, jobtim 6,0 jobdat = %Uns( %Char( %Date( timeStamp ) : *ISO0 ) ); jobtim = %Uns( %Char( %Time( timeStamp ) : *HMS0 ) ); // convert character to numeric

dtseq = %Int(PDTSEQ); // convert numeric to character Rhdate = %Char(Rhjdt@); // no more key lists Setll (wrkCorp#: wrkCo#: wrkCust#) Arlcsmst; Reade (wrkCorp#: wrkCo#: wrkCust#) Arlcsmst; Chain (wrkCorp# : wkrCo# : wrkCust# ) Arlcsmst; // get todays date Date8s0 = %Uns(%Char(%Date():*ISO0)); Date8a0 = %Char(%Date():*USA0); // TodaysDate defined as a "D" field ToDaysDate = %Date(); BirthDate = %DATE(BirthYMD:*USA); DaysOld = %DIFF(Today:BirthDate:*DAYS); DaysOld = %DIFF(%DATE() : %DATE(BirthYMD:*USA) : *DAYS); DueDate = InvDate + %DAYS(30); //convert a date back to a character field DateCharacter = %CHAR(Date:*ISO0); DateNumeric = %UNS(%CHAR(Date:*ISO0)); // retrieve the month MM = %SubDt(SomeDate : *Months); // check the month If %SubDt(SomeDate : *Months) = ReportMonth; // scan for string, check result If %Scan(SomeSrch : SomeString) > 0; // thetimenow defined as a "T" field TheTimeNow = %Time(); // Assuming the 8.0 Field is to be in YYYYMMDD Format: // Assuming the 6.0 Field is to be in HHMMSS Format: YYYYMMDD = %Int( %Char( ToDaysDate : *ISO0 ) ); HHMMSS = %Int( %Char( TheTimeNow : *HMS0 ) ); // You Need V5R2 to use %uns YYYYMMDD = %uns( %char( %date : *ISO0 ) ); HHMMSS = %uns( %char( %time : *HMS0 ) );

Eval DueDate = LoanDate + %Years(YY) + %Months(MM) + %Days(DD);

OutDate = DueDate - %Days( 14 ); EndTime = StrTime + %Hours( 8 ); NbrDays = %Diff( DueDate : OutDate : *Days ) NbrHrs = %Diff( EndTime : StrTime : *Hours )

BirthYear = %SubDt( BirthDate : *Years ); CurHour = %SubDt( CurTime : *Hours );

SomeTimestamp = %Timestamp( CharTimestamp ); SomeDate = %Date( CharDate : *MDY0 ) SomeTime = %Time( CharTime : *USA )

ISODueDt = %Date( EurDueDt : *Eur ) ; ISODate = %Date( NumericDate ) + %Days( 5 ) ; YYYY = %SubDt( ISODate : *Years ) ; MM = %SubDt( ISODate : *Months ) ; DD = %SubDt( ISODate : *Days ) ; count count count count count += 1; -= 5; *= (a+b); /= 17; **= 3; // // // // // increment count by 1 decrement count multiply count by (a+b) divide count by 17 cube the count

string += 'QED.'; ptr += %len(var);

// append to the end of string // increment pointer

date += %years(2) + %months(5) - %days(17); // using procedures in expressions if MyFunc1(string1) = %trim (MyFunc2(string2)); %subst(X(3))= MyFunc3('abc'); endif;

//only update certain fields available v5r2 UPDATE EmpRec %FIELDS(Salary:Status); // no more EVAL dataBaseField = screenField; *inlr = *On; // no more CALLP $CopyNotes( Scr_OrgOrd : Scr_Ord# ); // julian dates

LongJulA = %Char(%Date(DMY:*DMY):*LongJul0) ; // qualified data structure Price = OrderDetail.Part.Cost; // qualified data structure with arrays price = Order(I+17). ItemList(p). Part. Cost; // get the number of elements in the array ArraySize = %elem (Array); // convert string to decimal with positions number = %dec(string:7:2); // for loops For Index = StartVal To EndVal By IncVal; ExSr Process; EndFor; For Counter = 1 To NbrLoops; ExSr Process; EndFor; // Monitor for Errors Monitor; Dou %EOF(TimeRecord); Read TimeRecord; If %EOF(TimeRecord); Leave; Else; TotalPay = (RegHours * Rate) + (OvtHours * Rate * 1.5) + (DblHours * Rate * 2); Update TimeRecord; Endif; Enddo; On-error 1218; // Record locked Dsply 'TimeRecord record locked.'; Leave; On-error 1011:1211:*FILE; // File error Dsply 'Unexpected file error occurred.'; Leave; On-error *PROGRAM; // Non-file error Dsply 'Unexpected program error occurred.'; Leave; Endmon; // Error Extension Chain(E) SlcKey Master; Select; When %Error; MasterIOErr(); When Not %Found( Master ); MasterNFnd(); Other; ProcMaster(); EndSl;

// divide and remainder quote = %div( total : count ); remain = %rem( total : count ); msg = 'total divided by count = ' + %char(quote) + ' remainder ' + %char(remain);

Posted by: using /FREE to access Iseries Tables

// The myFileDs DS will contain the three fields that // make up the key for myFile d myFileDs DS likeRec(myFileRec : *Key)

// Alternative method that I like more d myFileDs E DS extname(myFile : *Key) /Free // Position based on first 2 key fields only // I prefer this method, it leans most against the old klist method myFileDs.keyField1 = 'value'; myFileDs.keyField2 = 'value'; setll %kds(myFileDs : 2 ) myFile; reade %kds(myFileDs : 2 ) myFile; // Same thing but hand", // only type must // EVAL opcode does. SetLL ( value : SetLL ( value : SetLL *START specifying the list of fields "by be identical, length is converted in the way like the getValue() ) myFile; 'ABC' ) myFile; myFile;

Posted by: jimmy octane/reading a file

/Free Dou %EOF(TimeRecord); // Process all time records Read(e) TimeRecord; // Get next time record Select; When %EOF(TimeRecord); Leave; When %ERROR; Dsply 'Error reading time records.'; Leave; Other;

Chain(ne) EmployeeID Employees; Select; When %ERROR; Dsply 'Error reading employees.'; Leave; When not %FOUND; Dsply 'Employee not found.'; Iter; Endsl; TotalPay = (RegHours * Rate) + (OvtHours * Rate * 1.5) + (DblHours * Rate * 2); FedTax = CalcTaxes('FED':EmployeeID:TotalPay); FICATax = CalcTaxes('FICA':EmployeeID:TotalPay); StateTax = CalcTaxes(EmpState:EmployeeID:TotalPay); UpdateTimeRecord(); Endsl; Enddo; *INLR = *ON; Return; /End-Free

Posted by: Use monitor to test numeric in Free form

monitor; myNumFld = %dec(myCharFld: 7: 2); on-error; myNumFld = 0; msg = 'Invalid number! Try again'; endmon;

Posted by: Jimmy - Test date in free form

TempDate = %subst(s2NewOvr:1:8); test(de) *usa0 TempDate;

Posted by: Another keylist example with data structure

Assume a keyed data file ARTRANSACT, record name ARRECORD, has key fields ARcompany, ARcustomer, and ARinvoice, and many other non-key fields.




* D KeyStruct DS LikeRec(ARRECORD:*KEY) * /free . . . KeyStruct.ARcompany = ScreenComp; KeyStruct.ARcustomer = ScreenCust; Setll %kds(KeyStruct:2) ARTRANSACT; // Set file-ptr Dou %eof(ARTRANSACT); // Loop through invoices ReadE %kds(KeyStruct:2) ARTRANSACT; If not %eof(ARTRANSACT); // Process an invoice for this Company/Cust group Endif; Enddo; . . . The above example picks up company and customer number values from another file, possibly a display device file, and puts them in the appropriate qualified data structure subfields. Now, the key data structure can be used on the SETLL, READE, or other operations. A partial key is used in this example to access all invoices for a specified company and customer.

Posted by: Martin Hillier / half adjust in free form

Question: When doing a divide in freeform, how do I use halfadjust?

Answer: Try the %INTH or %DECH Bifs ie, x=%INTH(5/3); Here x will be 2

Posted by: /Free Overflow:



If Overflow; Exsr WriteHeadings; Overflow = *Off; EndIf;

Posted by: /Free Test date

test(de) *iso0 khsdat; if %error; exsr WriteError; endif;

Posted by: /Free Test Time

@Timex = %subst(timey:1:2) + ':' + %subst(timey:3:2) + ':' + '00'; test(et) *hms @timex; if %error; exsr WriteError; endif;

Posted by: / Free Check parameters

if %parms < 4; *inlr = *on; return; endif;

Posted by: chris hayden - really long procedure names

D generalInformation... D Pr D programmerInformation... D Pr // write general information generalInformation(); // write programmer information programmerInformation(); *********************************** * write programmer information *********************************** P programmerInformation... P B d programmerInformation... d Pi P programmerInformation... P E

Posted by: Gurmeet Singh/built-in function : %replace/%check/

var1 have value as '1 '. following code will give the result in var2 as '00001'. eg: if var1 = '123 '00123'. ' then var2 will be equal to

dvar1 dvar2 dvar3 dvar4 /free

s s s s

5a inz('1 ') 5a inz('00000') 5 0 5a

var3 = %dec(var1:5:0) ; evalr var4 = %char(var3) ; var2 = %replace(%triml(var4):var2:%check(' ':var4)) ;

dsply var2 ; *inlr = *on ; /end-free

Posted by: Joe

Anyone know of a good RPGLE free form book for programming?

Posted by: Suresh Babu - SBG - Muscat -Oman

Free Formated sub routine. Using database chain, calculation, Using Setll,Reade, Update file, Print record etc.. *==================================================================* /free BegSr Subr30; //Chain With Accessory Fitment Header file to check the record status Chain (P#VIN:P#FRAN) VhlAfvh10; If %found(VhlAfvh10); If AfhStts <>'P'; //Creating Rec order ExSr Subr41; ExSr Subr42; EndIf; Else; Return;

EndIf; //Dow while VIN/Fran are same Setll (P#VIN:P#Fran) VHLAFVD10; Reade (P#VIN:P#Fran) VHLAFVD10; Dow Not %Eof(VhlAfVd10); //Omit Cancelled If AFDSTTS ='C'; Reade (P#VIN:P#Fran) VHLAFVD10; iter; Endif; //If Processed then skip If AFDSTTS ='P'; Reade (P#VIN:P#Fran) VHLAFVD10; iter; Endif; If Afditty <> 'L'; Reade (P#VIN:P#Fran) VHLAFVD10; iter; Endif; // Spec code/Spec description /spec code/fitment status RrSpDs = AfDsPdS; RrSpCd = AfdSpCd; RrSts = Afdftst; WsRecCnt = WsRecCnt+1; If WsRecCnt = 1; Chain (P#VIN) VhlSto36; If %found(VhlSto36); // get no // from paramater file Chain (P#VIN) VhlStkExt1; If %found(VhlStkExt1); //If SteWoNo <=0; If W1Wono = 0; //Get Work Order No.from Parameter file and Update Chain (StFran:StBrCd:StYdCd:'WORD') VhlVprm1; if %found(VhlVpRm1); VpDoNo = VpDoNo+1; WsWoPx = VpDoPx; WsWoNo = VpDoNo; Update RfVpRm; Chain (StFran:StBrCd:StYdCd) Vhlafbr1; if %found(Vhlafbr1); WsWoFr = Afbsefr; WsWoBr = AfBsebr; Check Work order no is not generated; then

WsWoPx = AfBwopx; Endif; // Update Work order no into stock file SteWobr = WsWoBr; SteWoPx = WsWoPx; SteWoNo = WsWoNo; SteWoDt = WsTmstamp; WsIso = %date(SteWodt); WsWoDt = WsIso; Update RfStkExt; // Update Work order no in Accessory fitment file le // and Create New record into VHFAFVW file ExSr Subr44; //%Found(VhlVprm1) Endif; //SteWono<=0 //W1Wono=0 Else; WsWoBr = SteWoBr; WsWoPx = SteWoPx; WsWoNo = SteWoNo; WsIso = %date(SteWodt); WsWoDt = WsIso; // Update Work order no in Accessory fitment file le ExSr Subr45; //W1Wono=0 Endif; //%found(VhlStkExt1) Endif; Chain (StFran:'FRAN':STFRAN) VhlCode1; Chain (StFran:StMocd:StChcd:StMoyr) VhlModl1; If %found(VhlModl1); RrMoDs = %trim(cddesl) +' - ' +%trim(MmMoDs); Endif; Chain (StFran:WsClTy:StCeCd) VhlClr1; If %found(VhlClr1); RrClDs = CoClDs; Endif; RrVin=StVin; RrWoNo =%trim(StFran)+'/'+ %trim(%Editc(WsWoBr:'4')) +'/'+ %trim(WsWoPx)+'/'+ %trim(%Editc(WsWoNo:'4')); //Subr40 to get Work order date ExSr Subr40; // Print details



//%found(VhlSto36) Endif; //WsRecCnt = 1 Endif; Write RrVm0122; Reade (P#VIN:P#Fran) Vhlafvd10; //Not %Eof(VhlAfVd10) EndDo; //Subr30 EndSr; /End-Free

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