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Newt Gingrich
Gingrich stated that, if he were in the House, he would have reluctantly supported the bailout -- and supported prior bailout of Savings & Loans under Clinton. Gingrich made comments expressing that he supported the general idea of a stimulus, but not the one that was enacted.

Mitt Romney
Romney said in March 2009 that the bailout was necessary, and in 2010 that It was the right thing to do. He declared in 2008, this is surely the time for economic stimulus. Later writing in his book that The all-Democrat stimulus that was passed in early 2009 will accelerate the timing of the start of the recovery. Did not think the Fed should be audited. In 2011, said (Fed Chairmen) Bernanke is doing a good job." Now says he agrees with Ron Paul that the Fed should be audited.

Ron Paul
Ron Paul strongly opposed the bailout and the stimulus, voting against both. Paul stated that it was just propping up Wall Street by dumping the bills on Main Street. He argued that you dont solve a problem caused by printing money and debt with more printing money and debt.


Said "Ron Paul, on the issue of money and the Federal Reserve, has been right for 25 years." Agrees with Ron Pauls position to audit the Federal Reserve (the Fed.)

A partial audit that Paul pushed for revealed the Fed gave out $16 trillion in secret loans to U.S. and foreign banks. Paul has introduced legislation to bring full transparency to the Fed.



Supported several antigun laws including the infamous Lautenberg gun ban as well as "safe zones." Refused to return National Association for Gun Rights presidential survey.

In 1994, said "I don't line up with the NRA." Signed the nation's first ban on assault weapons in Massachusetts and steeply increased fees on gun owners by 400%.


Has the highest possible score from the GOA, who say Ron Paul is a "powerful advocate for the 2nd Amendment" and that he has been one of the most consistent defenders of the 2nd Amendment in Congress. Paul accurately predicted the housing bubble in a speech before Congress in 2001. Stated that government backed loans, such as those from Freddie Mac, were responsible for the bubble. His warnings went unheeded and were considered fringe ideas -- every expert now agrees that Paul was correct.



Said he was aware of the bubble prior to the collapse, but did not notify the public. Instead, was hired by the head of Freddie Mac's Lobbying Operations and was paid $1.8 million for his consulting between 2000-2008. Just after his contract ended Freddie Mac received a $170 billion taxpayer-funded bailout.

As Governor, Romney aggressively promoted policies that were contributing to the bad assets on the books of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He proclaimed in a 2004 press release "fair and affordable housing should be a right, not a privilege." He then pledged roughly $350 million in state and federal funds to assist low-income borrowers with special mortgage financing.

Newt Gingrich
Fully supports the Patriot Act, which violates the 4th Amendment by allowing unwarranted search and seizure, and illegal secret surveillance of U.S. citizens. Has said he would further strengthen it.

Mitt Romney
Supports the illegal secret surveillance of U.S. citizens with the Patriot Act, and has said he would have signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which allows for indefinite detainment of U.S. citizens without trial. Romney would like to increase the size of the military by at least 100,000 troops. Romney has expressed no intention of reducing Americas nationbuilding and worldwide military presence. He has not offered an explanation for how he would pay for these large spending increases.

Ron Paul
Voted against the Patriot Act and has vehemently condemned Obama's signing of the NDAA. Says that when we give up our liberties for an increased sense of security we are ushering in a police state.


Gingrich voted numerous times in Congress to increase and expand unconstitutional foreign aid. Now says he would rethink it in some cases. Says Ron Paul makes a good point on closing overseas bases, that they are a Cold War mentality and need to be reassessed.

Paul says no nation-building; dont be policeman of the world. Stated that overseas bases and troops benefit foreign economies at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. Believes restoring domestic bases as well as providing security for our borders would be a better use of our military.


Gingrich's top campaign contributors are: Rock-Tenn Co Poet LLC First Fiscal Fund. Receives the large majority of his money from his Super PAC, where his largest single contributor to date, casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, has contributed $10 million to his campaign
Gingrich supported Obama's individual mandate as well as Clinton's universal health care. Now claims he is against individual mandates. Had 84 ethics charges brought against him while serving as Speaker of the House; was fined $300,000. Charges were dropped just before his resignation from the Speakership. Gingrich also has promoted the idea of a "cap and trade" carbon trading scheme.

Romney's top contributors are: Goldman Sachs Citigroup Merril Lynch Morgan Stanley JPMorgan Chase Bain & Co.. As well as receiving millions of dollars from anonymous donors through his Super PACs.

Paul's top three contributors are active duty personnel of the US Army, Navy, and Air Force. Receiving more than twice the donations from military as all the other candidates combined. Paul generates nearly all of his campaign contributions from small donors, and has raised the most money in a single day in U.S. History ($6.2 million.)
Committed to cutting spending, will eliminate five government departments and will only take a $39,336 Presidential salary (The Presidents base salary is normally $400,000). He has vowed to honor Social Security and Medicare, stating that they will remain funded using savings from halting foreign aid and ending our overseas conflicts. Has the only plan to cut $1 trillion his first year, and balance the budget in his first term.


In 1994 supported a federal mandate to force acceptance of homosexuals in the work place. Helped write the health care law which became the blue print for Obamacare. In 2006, supported amnesty for illegal immigrants. Now claims to be against it. Refused to sign a "no new taxes" pledge; raised taxes/fees seven times as Governor.

* Rick Santorum will not be on the Virginia Ballot.

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