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PROIECT DIDACTIC Obiectul: Limba engleza Tema: Life in Family Motivarea alegerii temei: Am ales aceasta tema datorita

importantei familiei in dezvoltarea personalitatii elevilor. In familie si in scoala, copilul se dezvolta intr-un imens laborator de sentimente cultivandu-i-se omenia, patriotismul, onoarea, descopera lumea si pe sine, munca si pasiunea lucrului bine facut. S. Smiles spunea: Caminul face omul. Educatia primita in camin nu influenteaza numai spiritul si manierele ci si caracterul. Tipul lectiei: dezbatere Locul de desfasurare: sala de clasa Scopul: Dezvoltarea capacitatii de comunicare la elevi a propriilor sentimente, opinii si intelegerea importantei asumarii diferitelor responsabilitati de catre fiecare membru al familiei, respectandu-se reciproc si apreciind munca pentru dezvoltarea morala a personalitatii. Obiective: Elevii sa fie capabili : Sa descrie membrii familiei utilizand o gama cat mai larga de adjective Sa diferentieze trasaturile fizice si morale pozitive si negative Sa enumere activitatile desfasurate in familie utilizand corect verbele la timpurile potrivite Sa-si exprime propriile opinii dezvoltandu-si spiritul critic Sa enunte maxime si proverbe despre munca Sa lucreze in echipa si sa se implice in rezolvarea problemelor echipei Sa formuleze concluzii sistematizand Resurse procedurale: Metode si procedee didactice: dialogul, conversatia euristica, demonstratia ilustrativa, jocul de rol, brainstormingasaltul de idei, invatarea prin descoperire, chestionarul, studiul de caz, modelarea, moralizarea, problematizarea Mijloace didactice: chestionare, fise de lucru, teste, rebusuri, coli de desen si culori, coli flipchart, film didactic pe CD, computer, Managementul clasei: individual- la completarea rebusului si la rezolvarea testului final In grup- la completarea chestionarului Mangementul timpului: 50 minute Resurse umane: relaia profesor-elev Colaborare caracteristici ale elevilor: elevii provin din medii educate fara probleme majore in familie experiena de nvare Bune competene de comunicare ritmul de nvare rapid atitudinea fa de nvarepozitiva motivaia pentru nvare majoritatea elevilor este foarte motivat stilul de nvare 5 vizuali, 3 auditivi, 2 kinestezici, restul probabil mixt

trebuine, aspiraii, interese vizite

Coresponden cu elevi anglofoni,

n ri strine mrimea grupului 23 elevi profilul de inteligen/ aptitudinea fa de limba engleza Puncte tari : lingvistic 6, interpersonal 1, muzical 3, kinestezic 2, vizual 5, logicomatematic 4, intrapersonal 1, naturalist 1 competena psihopedagogic, metodic si de specialitate a cadrului normativ: Profesorul valorizeaz paradigma centrat pe elev, modelul comunicativ-funcional n didactica limbii engleze, teoria inteligenelor multiple, nvarea prin cooperare, evaluarea cu character stimulativ

Scenariul didactic Moment organizatoric: Elevii isi pregatesc manualele, caietele. Profesorul verifica prezenta si temele elevilor, precum si asigurarea materiala a lectiei. Spargerea ghetii: Elevilor li se cere sa descopere titlul lectiei in timp ce vizioneaza 5 minute din filmul Seventh Heaven, profesorul asigurand o atmosfera afectiv-atitudinala corespunzatoare unei bune desfasurari a lectiei. Captarea atentiei si reactualizarea unor cunostinte: Profesorul distribuie elevilor rebusuri, un material ajutator in deducerea temei, astfel elevii isi reactualizeaza unele notiuni despre membrii familiei si identifica titlul lectiei. Prezentarea obiectivelor pe intelesul elevilor : Elevii constientizeaza ceea ce trebuie sa stie la sfarsitul lectiei. Stabilirea unui motto: Work keep us away from boring, need. Dirijarea invatarii: Elevii sunt grupati cate trei si li se distribuie chestionare, fise de lucru spre completare(anexa 1). Dupa 15 minute de lucru, liderul fiecarui grup este invitat sa prezinte raspunsurile a cate doua intrebari, colegii adaugand alte puncte de vedere. Stabilirea concluziilor: Rezultatele concludente sunt scrise pe coli. Elevii sistematizeaza cunostintele si stabilesc concluziile sub indrumarea profesorului. Fixarea cunostintelor: Profesorul prezinta elevilor distribuiti in patru grupe cate o situatie-problema. How is a family in which: 1. nobody has any obligations in the family. Members do what they willl to do. 2. mother had to do everything. How is she? 3. children do everything at home. What is your opinion about this? 4. the parents are divorced. How is their childrens life? Elevii dezbat aceste situatii-problema si constientizeaza situatia favorabila a copiilor care traiesc in familii unite, integrale , cu membrii respectuosi, devotati si iubitori.

Asigurarea feed-back-ului : Profesorul distribuie elevilor teste ce trebuie sa completeze individual. Asigurarea retentiei: Profesorul cere elevilor sa gaseasca maxime, proverbe, eventual glume legate de tema dezbatuta. B Shaw spunea Doar atunci cand sunt folositor simt ca exist si ma bucur de viata. Evaluare: Profesorul noteaza elevii pe baza activitatii desfasurate. Jokes: William: Why do they call our language mother-tongue, daddy? Father: Well, just see who uses it most In a newspaper there was the following matrimonial advertisement: -Gentleman, owner of a car made in 1938, wants wife younger than his car. Why do you employ only married men? Because they are not in such a hurry to leave the office in the evening. What does your wife want for Christmas? All she sees. Which do you love best, daddy or mummy? I can tell you better next week, after my birthday Tell me, father, is a bottle of ink very expensive? Oh, no, dear! Then why is mother angry because Ive split one on the dining-room carpet? In our family, we were three brothers: two intelloigent enough but the third was a complete idiot. And what happened to the other two? A gentleman and a lady were talking in a bus : Have you got any children, madam? Yes, sir, I have one boy. Is he a good boy? A very good boy. Does your son smoke, madam? No, sir, he does not smoke. Does he go to the pub? No, sir, he doesnt. Does he come home late? No, sir, he goes to bed very early. Your son is a very nice young man, madam. How old is he? He is six months old, sir.

To a boy crying in the street: The man: Where do you live? Baby: With mummy. The man: And where does your mother live? Baby: With dad. The man: And where does your father live? Baby: At home. Mother: There was two cakes on the table this morning, Tony and now there is only one. Can explain it? Tony: Well, mum, I suppose it was so dark in the kitchen that I couldnt notice the other. -Love is blind. -A friend in need is a friend indeed. -Speech is silver, silence is gold. -Still waters are deep. -Every country has its customs. -Everything is good in its season. -When you are at Rome, do as Rome does. -First think and then say. -Live and learn. -Promise little and do much.


What is your point of view? o I prefer to talk about my problems with.. because. o I help my family: -my mother -my father -my sister -my brother. o I like these qualities at : -my mother -my father -my sister -my brother. o I dont like o My parents always tell me:.. o My family is for me: a shelter, a prison or a school of love. o If a member of my family has problems, I o What means love?.............................................................. o Which of these words reflects the word love? protect, attention, prejudge, sacrifice, trust, happiness, affection, understanding, help, friendship. o Why is difficult to live without a family?.......................................

o Put in order these words. Begin with the most important for you! Health, Money, Freedom, Family, Knowledge, Power, Happiness. Family test I. Use these words below:
aunt, uncle, niece, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughters, grandsons, nephew, cousins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Your parents parents are yourand your. Your fathers brother and sister are your.and Your aunts and uncles children are your.. Your brothers son and daughter are your..and your.. Your childrens children are your..and your

II.Look at the following short texts and find an example of: a. a nuclear family b. a single-parent family c. an extended family d. a couple with no children e. a couple who adopted a child

1. Were married with three kids. Our eldest son, Simon, has just started secondary school, our daughter, Lisa, is eight and our youngest son, Luke, is only five. 2. Weve only been married for a year. Were not planning to start a family just yet. 3. Im a single mum. I bring up my son Josh on my own. Josh does not mind being an only child but I think hed like a brother or sister one day. 4. We share the hours with my mother and father and my wifes sister and her kids. Everyone helps to look after all the children. 5. We couldnt have children of our own so we decided that adoption was the only answer. Lily came to live with us two years ago. She seems very happy at the moment but we realise that she might want to find her real mother one day. III .Match the beginnings and ending of the sentences below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Were not planning to start They help us take care of We adopted We share She might want to find a the house with my wifes family b. her real mother one day c. the children d. a baby from China e. a family just yet.


IV. Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases below. The whole family, A very close family, A big family, Family tree, A big family reunion 1. I come from.. Ive got four brothers and two sisters. 2. Were.We see each other almost every day and if ever Im in trouble, I know I can turn to one of them for help. 3. Its my sons eighteenth birthday next week. Were hoping to get.together.

4. My wife and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary soon. Were planning to have. 5. When I was researching my .I found out that my great- great grandfather cam over
to England from Ireland 120 years ago.

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