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It was a well-known fact that decades ago, before there were televisions, radios , or computers, men only had

one form of leisure, reading. Our ancestors just re ad to keep themselves abreast with what is going on with their surroundings. The y read so they can travel and experience the world. But with the influx of moder n technology such as the Internet, cell phones and electronic games, the younger generations have somehow placed the skill and virtue of reading at a back seat . Many young people have lost the passion and skill to read and, instead, they waste their time and resources by playing video games or hanging out in the mall . It has been observed that children and teenagers who love reading have c omparatively higher IQs. They are more creative and do better in school and coll ege. The children who start reading from an early age are observed to have good language skills, and they grasp the variances in phonics much better. But while other kids developed the love for reading and learned it easil y, there are others who seem to have difficulties in engaging in this type of no rmally stimulating activity. These children are often diagnosed as suffering fro m a form of disability called dyslexia. Dyslexia is an impairment in the brain' s ability to translate written images received from the eyes into meaningful lan guage. Also called specific reading disability, dyslexia is the most common lear ning disability in children. It is affecting 5 percent or more of all elementary -age children. A child who has dyslexia might start out doing fine in school. But gradu ally, it can become a struggle, especially when reading becomes an important par t of schoolwork. A teacher might say that the child is smart, but doesn't seem t o be able to get the hang of reading. If a teacher or parent notices this, the b est thing to do is to go to a specialist who can help figure out what's wrong. Dyslexia can be difficult to recognize before a child enters school, but some early clues may indicate a problem. If your young child begins talking lat e, adds new words slowly and has difficulty rhyming, he or she may be at increas ed risk of dyslexia. Dyslexia may occur in children with normal vision and norma l intelligence. Children with dyslexia usually have normal speech, but often hav e difficulty interpreting spoken language and writing. The cause of dyslexia seems to be a malfunction in certain areas of the brain concerned with language. The condition frequently runs in families. Treatm ent plans for children who have a specific reading disability should follow a se quence. The first intervention that should be tried, particularly with young chi ldren, involves systematically teaching word decoding skills. These are generall y called phonics-based intervention approaches. There are many variants of phoni cs-based approaches and no research indicating that one approach is superior to another. Dyslexia, as a learning disability is a condition that produces a gap be tween someone's ability and his or her performance. Most people with dyslexia ar e of average or above-average intelligence, but read at levels significantly low er than expected. It has nothing to do with IQ; many smart, accomplished people have it, or are thought to have had it, including Winston Churchill and Albert E instein. Dyslexics are unusually insightful, who bring a new perspective, who th ink out of the box. Without the needed support for dyslexics, dyslexia can snuff out dreams at an early age, as children lose their way in school, fall into depression, the n lose their self-esteem and drive. Dyslexics don't outgrow their problems, and reading and writing usually remain hard work for life. However, with proper teac hing, counseling, and adept tutoring, they do learn to manage.

The First Ever Online Dyslexia Screening Test For Adults (16+). Endorsed By The British Dyslexia Institute. Visit

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