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Gas transport and gas exchange We already know that respiratory system is a big start from the lungs

then to blood then to tissues of all organs in human body . .. . . so we have interior and external respiration . . . interior respiration : is a biochemistry topic . . the metabolism inside the cell inside mitochondrial . external respiration : which is physiology which is divided to 3 parts : 1 ventilation . 2 gas diffusion b/w lungs & blood . 3 transport of gases through the blood to the tissues .

It's easy to inspiration & expiration . we dont expend a lot of energy and the reason is because when we want to inspiration , we must over come two forces to fill alveoli with air . . . and these two forces is : : : 1 the elasticity of the tissue . {{ you know when u take a rubber & u want to stretch it , u have to spend energy }} . this is the same apply in the inspiration of the lungs . it's a stretchable tissue , if u want to fill it u must stretch it . ( that's feature called the strecthability of lungs or elasticity of lungs ) . 2 surface tension . it means an attraction power b/w water molecules , if u to have water surface wich exposed to the air , there will be an attraction , and that's what make pressure called surface tension .

Since we talk about alveoli and it's surfaces by a small amount of water , so this water make surface tension and it want to collapse the alveoli . Alveoli : normally we want to fill it with air by inspiration . the first power facing us is * the elasticity and we over come it by contraction of muscle equal to that force . the second power that will face us is * the surface tension that means this power will attract the neighbors molecules . so by the end this two powers want to collapse the alveoli and empty it from air , sooooooooo if we want to fill it there's sth's to do : 1 u have to strech it ------ repowering of elasticity 2 u have to over come of surface tension , to keep water molecules far from each other .. and this force is the cause of our first breath after born is beginning very difficult . { because u have to over come huge surface tension inside alveoli } . *** surface tension can be decreased by special substances called {{{ surfactant }}} that produced by alveoli type II cells . this alveoli type II start growing in the triuterone period ( the 3th part of pregnancy ) . so by the 9th month which is mature fetus full pregnancy period , we have enough surfactant secretion and that help to over come the great forces at the first inspiration {{ by reduce { surface tension } 3 5 times

*** if baby has a small amount of surfactant { in case of immature baby } , so baby cannot over come the forces to inspiration at his breath with the maximum contraction of muscle so the new born will die . Immature babies with no or small amount of surfactant called {{ resoiratory distress syndrome }} --- in hospital they put like those babies on artificial breathing . why !!!!!!! --- to push air inside alveoli .. Nowdays .. surfactant become as medicine gives to babies by inhalation , and they will breath themselves within seconds . After the first breath ,, some of air will remain in lungs , why !?!?!?!?!? (( imagin )) .. when u r baby if u want to fill an empty balloon u give it to someone elder cz has a large powerful air flow . But if the balloon is partial fill u can fill it and the same happen in our lungs .. ...... .. ...

If we go back to alveoli , we can flatting it by this forces : 1 transpolumnary pressure ------ causing suction to lungs . 2 muscle contraction . These two forces when we make an equation b\w volume of air getting inside lings divided by delta pressure will get a physiological term called (( I dont know what it exactly !! {{ complines }} which means how easy can u fill your lungs if complines high , its easy to fill lungs and vise versa . If u have some respiratory diseases ( ) like change elastic structure with fibers or connective tissue and like asthema , it will be difficult to breath . respiratory channels two types : 1 respiratory spaces { respiratory bronchoils , alveolar duct and alveoli } here happen the exchange . 2 air conducting . In respiratory when we want inspire we have to over come the surface tension and the elasticity . Other good thing that GOD give to us is we can breath different volume to our lung according to physiological case .

Pressure of gases in internal and external environments : - At normal case : we take .5 liter in inhalation and exhalation .. thats volume called tidal volume . forceful inspiration : maximum inspiration u can fill ur lungs with amount of 3 liters of air . this volume called inspiratory reserved volume IRV .

u can take by forceful inspiration 7 time more O2 than normal case .5 L -------------- x O2 3 L -------------- 6x O2 ---------------------------7x O2 forceful expiration : expiratory reserved volume ERV .

forceful expiration the forceful inspiration can get O2 9 times more than normal case .. review :::: volume in normal case = .5 L { tidal vol } maximum volume air can inspire after normal exhalation by forceful inspiration = 3 L IRV + .5 L tidal . there's minimum volume of air cannot exhale or go out from lung we called it residual volume and is equal 1.2 L .

respiratory capacity : : : the capacity is equal 2 volumes or more . ex : inspiratory capacity = IRV + tidal . vital capacity { max air person exhale after forceful inspiration or verse versa }= IRV + ERV + tidal . total lung capacity = IRV + ERV + tidal + residual . the normal breath / min = 12 so we breath 12 * .5 L = 6 L / min ( at normal ) this volume is called polumnary ventilation rate = tidal vol * frequency breath .. when u inhale . Part of air go respiratory part and part remain at conducting channels and this volume that remain is called Dead place = .15 L in a minute we say that we breath 6 L but in fact we benefit from 6 ( .15 * 12 ) = 4.5 L . and that's volume we called it alveolar ventilation rate and is equal ( tidal - .15 ) * frequency rate ----
) ) :

: ... :

Okayz .. now we'll begin with numbers and partial pressures get ready .. goo ! - atmospheric air = 760 mm mercury If we at sea level theres 20 % O2 and 80 % N2 . So that mean there's 2 partial pressure : 670 * 80% = 500 mm mercury 670 * 20% = 160 mm mercury When we breath this air this partial's pressure will be different and now I'll talk about reasons :! 1 inside lung extra CO2 from tissues . 2 inside lung we have water that have it's own vapor pressure . 3 partial pressure for O2 . 4 - partial pressure for N2 . Now the 670 mm will divide to 4 partial pressure { water , O2 , N2 and CO2 } . Different b\w blood in systematic circulation and blood in polumnary !! 1- Polumnary circulatin : we take blood from tissue to lung to be saturated with O2 and remove CO2 .

Right ventricle Lung

deoxygenated blood oxygenated blood

Deoxygenated blood depends on the physiology case of the body . - If u r at rest the blood partial deoxygenated { O2 : 40 mm CO2 : 46 mm ) - if u r study :pp ur blood is very deoxygenated and u must breath quickly :D .. ( O2 : zerooo mm ) inside alveoli the partial pressure is ( O2 = 100 mm CO2 = 40 mm )

Gas exchange :: In lungs : O2 out to polu. Viens and CO2 to alveoli by DIFFUSION . Rate of diffusion for CO2 is 20 times more than O2 . Cz it depend on diffusion coefficient . That is depand on solubility of gas in plasma . now blood oxygenated and leave lungs .

gd Q : why blood during diffusion O2 not stop when reach equilibrium !?!?!?!?!

because at first ( 40 + 100 ) / 2 = 70 mm .. and then we exhale 70 mm and inhale 100 mm so ( 70 + 100 ) / 2 .. till we reach 100 mm .. then we'll go to heart .. but stop .. the lung is tissue and want O2 .. so a branch will supply lungs so when we reach heart the pressure of O2 = 97 mm and CO2 = 40mm . 2- systemic circulation :by aorta to all tissues . inside tissue .. there's mitochondria that metabolize food and O2 to synthesis energy ATP and CO2 . so O2 inside = 40 mm or less CO2 inside = 46 mm Now exchange will happen b\w capillaries and cells of tissues . Also it's important to know when we breath .. in alveolar O2 = 100 mm , CO2 = 40 mm Outside human body O2 = 60 mm , CO2 = zero Now when we inspire we take .5 L from atmospheric air . Okay ?? till here . u understand .. if not .. repeat :P So see this Q !!

Q . wt's the composition of the dead place after inhale and exhale !?!?!? : At end of inhale ::::: When inhale .5 L atmosphic air .35 go to alveoli and mix with alveolar air and .15 remain in dead space , so it has structure of atmospheric air . At end of exhale ::::: .15 L dead space air go out and .2 L out and remain .15 L in dead space from the alveolar air . The O2 & CO2 exchange by simple passive transport . And it depends on the partial pressure gradient . rate of difuusion . depends on :

1 molecular weight ( Inverse proportion ) . 2 temperature ( Direct proportion ) . 3 the layers which be crossed . Oxygen in lung will cross : phenocyte type I . basement membrane to outside of alveoli . endothelium of capillary . plasma inside capillary . cytoplasmic membranous of RBC's 4 solubility of gas in plasma or tissue .

These 4 factors can be changed in diseases .. like : inflammations { layers will be thicker } . temprature , rate of diffusion . Polumnary edema { layers will be very thick } . Alveoli surrounded by thick layer of water . On the top of water there's surfactand layer of ( lipoprotein , phospholipids , calcium ) which are hydrophobic .. so it decrease the surface tension which collapse the alveoli .

The end ..

Good luck all in ur exams !!!! made by : thank u CR ( akkad ) for ur services .

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