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(a) B C



Combustion / burning Respiration [Write a cross by each error in right hand margin] 2 1

[One error = 1 mark, two errors = 0 marks] (ii) (Willow) coppice / wood / trees / straw / agricultural waste; [do not credit sunflower oil / peat]

(b) (ii)


Increased {enzyme / microbial} activity; [Do not credit increased population]

(Increased enzyme activity / decay) means more CO2 released / CO2 released faster than its being used up in photosynthesis; Due to increased (microbial) respiration; More CO2 (in the atmosphere) therefore more {global warming / greenhouse effect}; 2

2. (b) (ii)

(a) 1. bacteria / fungi / saprophyte / saprobiont / decomposer / suitable, correct organism; reference to respiration; (i) 1. 2. 3. (c) photosynthesis; reference to respiration (of some of the organic material); idea that energy is required; for synthesis of {molecules / eq} / movement / active transport}; max 2 2 (different) {climates / rainfall / temperatures / eq}; 2 1

24 391 37.98; 6 642.2 10 ha; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


(different) {species / types} of {tree / forest}; (different) {ages / maturity / size / eq} of forests; (different) tree density / number of trees; reference to (different) day lengths; reference to (different) light intensity; (different) carbon dioxide concentration / eq; any two other valid reasons;; max 2

Great Wyrley HIgh School

(e) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


idea of less carbon dioxide {fixed / taken up / eq} by photosynthesis;

{respiration / combustion of {fossil fuels / trees}} continues to release carbon dioxide; carbon dioxide builds up in {upper atmosphere / troposphere}; reference to carbon dioxide as greenhouse gas; description of the greenhouse effect; reference to {enhanced / eq} greenhouse effect; reference to global warming / increase in mean temperature (of Earths surface); max 4

3. (ii) (iii) (iv) (b)




decomposition; respiration; combustion; 4

(i) (coal contains) carbon that has been taken from the atmosphere (in the past) / carbon that has been taken out of circulation (in the carbon cycle); (ii) burning wood does not add to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere / does not cause a net increase; carbon dioxide in (roughly) equals carbon dioxide out; burning wood releases carbon recently absorbed (by photosynthesis) / burning fossil fuels releases CO2 trapped a long time ago / eq; 2


not enough room to keep planting enough forest to use up all the surplus CO2; a {mature/fully grown} forest is carbon neutral / only {young / growing} forest is a net absorber / eq; in the end the forest will die and decay / be burnt by humans;




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

reference to {carbon / organic / eq} compounds in plant material; idea that digestion provides respiratory substrates; carbon dioxide released (from respiration); (this carbon dioxide is) available for photosynthesis; reference to woodlice {eaten / decompose}; 3 max

Great Wyrley HIgh School

(b) (ii)

(i) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


1 {wavelength / colour / frequency} of light;

light intensity / shading; temperature; moisture content of {air / substratum / eq} / humidity; {pH / chemical composition / eq} of {substratum / eq}; air currents / wind / eq; texture of substratum / eq; reference to {oxygen / carbon / methane}; 2 max


(i) 8 9 10 3 1 1 1

All three answers correct to 1 significant figure; (ii) 1. 2. 3. (iii) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. woodlice move about / eq; (therefore) difficult to count / eq; some might be {counted more than once / missed out} / eq; for results to be (scientifically) valid; only one factor needs to be varied / eq; other factors need to be kept constant / eq; reference to {many / biotic / eq} factors (in a garden); (these factors are) {difficult to control / eq}; reference to difficult to set test factor values;

2 max

3 max


(a) (taken up from atmosphere) 93 + 121 = 214; (released into atmosphere) 90 + 120 + 1.6 + 0.1 + 5.5 = 217.2; difference = 3.2 Gt (year1 ); [allow consequential error]

Great Wyrley HIgh School


planting of trees; reference to photosynthesis; carbon locked up in trees / reference to lignin or wood or cellulose; trees live for long time / hundreds of years; plants / trees die and become buried in swamps / eq; peat forms; fossil fuel forms; reference to shells / exoskeletons / limestone / calcareous rock; reference to carbon sink (anywhere); reference 93 Gt taken in, 90 Gt released / net of 3 Gt taken up / eq; some carbon, taken up by marine animals; forms calcium carbonate / forms shell / exoskeleton; example of marine animal (diatoms, corals, molluscs etc); used in photosynthesis; of algae / plankton; marine organisms die and form sediment on seabed / settle on sea bed / eq; (sediments form) fossils / limestone / calcareous rock / chalk / oil / gas;



improved fuel efficiency / eq; increased use of public transport / eq; burn hydrogen / ethanol / gasohol / biogas (rather than petrol / oil ); produce / use (electricity) from nuclear / solar / wind / water / geothermal / wood / energy crop / straw / renewable energy; burning gas / methane in power station rather than oil / coal; reference to planting trees / forests / afforestation; 3


(a) B C D

Combustion / combusting / burning

Respiration / respire / respiring Respiration / respire / respiring Photosynthesis / photosynthesise / photosynthesising

[breathing negates B or C once] [1 for each correct pair] 2

Great Wyrley HIgh School


(i) 2. 3. 4. 5. (ii)

1. Increase in {temperature of earths surface / mean global temperature / eq}; Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas / due to an increase in greenhouse gases; (Which) {trap / reflect back} {heat / long wave / infra red} (in the atmosphere); Reference to an {increased / enhanced} greenhouse effect; Reference to valid {effect / consequence} e.g. melting ice caps, flooding, climate change; 2 Methane / CH4; Nitrous oxide / N20; CFCs (or related gases such as HFC and HCFC); {Water / H2O} vapour; Ozone / O3; 2

Great Wyrley HIgh School

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