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Starting in England during the 1700s, the world began the Industrial Revolution, advancing their technology and the thinking of the modern day person.
Industrial Revolution Newsletter The Problem The Big problems that all countries involved in the Industrial Revolution faced. Including poverty, pollution, and clashing government philosophies. Page 2 Karl Marx The problem Marx is facing is attempting to get Communism spread as an idea. Page 2 The Goals Some of the ideas and goals Karl Marx wanted for the future and for the present, his ideas of communism and his book the Communist Manifesto. Page 3 The Events What some of the major events leading to Karl Marxs ideas downfall or to the end of it. Page 4 The Ending Marxs ideas inspired many later revolutionaries such as Russias Lenin, Chinas Mao Zedong, and Cubas Fidel Castro. Page 5 Issue No 1. - Fall 2011 Modern Day Marxism was the greatest form of communism, his ideas kept going even to modern day. Page 5

The Setting
During the mid 1700s there was a sudden outburst of technology advancing and all aspects of life improving, this time was called the Industrial Revolution. It began with the Agricultural Revolution in England And slowly progressed into the advancement of industrial needs.

advanced in technology and manufacturing. Society began to improve but even so, pollution, poor people, and unhealthy living conditions did as well.

New Ideas
There were many new Ideas presented during the Industrial Revolution. The three big Ideas were Industrialization made many new factories the economic ideas of Capitalism, pop up all along the countries creating new Socialism and Communism. Adam jobs, and new manufactured goods. smith was a popular writer who defended the ideas of Capitalism. Other reformists went against it with Steam engines and Boats were created the idea of Socialism, and Karl Marx for easy travel and cargo carry. introduced his own idea of The Industrialization Idea soon began Communism through the Communist Manifesto, a pamphlet he wrote. to spread to all countries in Europe and to the United States. Soon enough, the whole world was more

The World Advancing

The Industrial Revolution began in England and technology began to produce even more and more. More and More inventions were being created everyday changing the way people lived, worked, and travelled.
Industrial revolution

In a place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all -Karl Marx

The Problem
The problem that Karl Marx is facing is the government. The Capitalist thinkers of Smith, Malthus and Ricardo opposed government efforts to help poor workers. They thought that it would only upset the free market system and undermine production of wealth in society. These two beliefs brought the societys

underclass down in to the gutter while the big company owners and upper class was sitting gaining even more money, not helping the poor. Along with the horrible economic and social status, there was a huge pollution and health problem developing. Due to the large poverty from the capitalist government scheme, there were a lot of problems having to do with living and working conditions for the lower class. Marx was working together along with Friedrech Engels in an attempt to spread his

communist ideas. According to both of them the Industrial Revolution had made the wealthy richer and the poor poorer. They predicted that the workers would overthrow their owners. This is exactly what Karl Marx wanted to do so that his form of communism could come into play.

Karl Marx was a journalist and economist. he joined the ood of radicals who ed for continental Europe for England. His theories made him little money and made a meager living off of his Journalism, His german coauthor, Friedrich Engels Helped him out.

Industrial Revolution

The Goal
Marx believed that Factories would drive small artisans out of business making a small amount of people controlling the wealth. Then the big amount of workers would strike against the rich factory owners and create their own economy. This new economy would create equality for all. Soon after the government would cease to exist as a classless society was developed. Marx called this pure communism and described it as a form of complete socialism in which the means of production would be owned by the people.

Private property would soon be imaginary and everything including all goods and services would be shared. His book, The Communist Manifesto, only created short-term affects. Marx Believed that economic forces dominated society. Even though, time showed that religion nationalism, ethnic loyalties and desire for democratic reforms may have as strong as an inuence. The gap between the rich and poor within industrialized countries failed to widen like Marx and Engles predicted.

Friedrich Engles was the co-author of The Communist Manifesto helping out marx with his studies. He was a German social scientist, author, political theorists, industrialist and philosopher. Friedrich is also considered to be the father of the theory of Marxism. He supported Marx nancially and was also a good friend of his.

Industrial Revolution

Barricade of rue Soulout, an 1848 painting by Horace Vernet.

The Events
The Communist Manifesto did not spark much interest in all of Europe. It only produced some short term effects and Caused many revolutions during the widespread revolutions in Europe in 1848. This time is known as the European Revolutions of 1848 also known in some countries

as the Spring of Nations, Springtime of the Peoples. It was a great revolution affecting over 50 countries. The people of many European countries wanted change of their government, reform for the workers, and an uprising of nationalism The Communist Manifesto and Karl Marxs ideas were most inuential in Germany and Belgium In germany, the March Revolution in the german states took place in the South and West Germany. These were led by well educated

students and intellectuals. They demanded German nationaly unity and freedom. Following this The Communist Manifesto began to irritate Germany. After the March Insurrection , their demands were greatly reduced. The pamphlet only urged unity of Germany, universal suffrage abolition of feudal duties and similar middle class goals. In Belgium a threat was coming in from France during the time of revolution. Seasonal workers began to spread Communism by the small Communist clique of Beglium. Theses people were

brought to Belgium being promised a free ride home and money. The planned to overthrow the government. The Belgian leader would invade Belgium by train and travel to Brussels where the government and monarchy would be overthrown. Belgian border troops were able to split apart the large groups of this legion. The invasion came to nothing. The Communist ideas werent very popular and didnt spread much during these times. However, later on they will.

Industrial Revolution

The Ending
Communism wasnt a very popular or strongly supported idea during the time of the Industrial Revolution. It failed to spread and carry out its ideas. Many followed it but didnt make much progress anywhere in Europe. Later on though, country rulers adopted the idea of Marxism and use it to this very day. An example of some of the communist leaders are Vladimir Lenin of Russia, Mao Zedong of Russia, and Fidel Castro of Cuba. All were very strict, cruel leaders who caused internal war in their

countries and radical political reform. They all made their own political parties with the same goal of communism. Communist ideas were spreading about in newer areas, such as Cambodia, China, Korea, Russia and Cuba. Communism was not viewed at this time as a very good idea to help the people. The only thing coming out of it was war and revolution and many attempted to stop it. The United States and Russia had the Cold War or the American ght against world Communism. All of the Communist leaders of the world created their own political party. Lenin was one of the rst to adopt Karl Marxs ideas and Joseph Stalin after him who led the Soviet Union or The Union of

Soviet Socialist Republics. This Party was a socialist party in Russia. Communism was just another form of extreme socialism. This party also worked with Cubas Fidel Castro during the Cold War and Arms Race. Castros ideas were built of Lenins and Lenins were built off of Karl Marxs ideas. Cuba also had an alliance with the soviet union. Castro became very reliant upon the Soviets after the Cuban missile crisis. Communism after Marx was viewed as a bad political idea and had to be put to a stop, currently only a handful of countries are communist, the Soviet Union dissipated.

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Lenin Adressing The People in Sverdlov Square in 1920

Industrial Revolution 5

Democratic Reform
The Problem What the big problem was at the time for all of the people and how they wanted it to change. Page 2 Emmeline Pankhurst This Woman was very important at the time, she fought for womans rights to vote and formed the WSPU. Page 2 The Goals The goals of Emmeline Pankhurst and what she wanted to get out of ghting against the government. Page 3 The WSPU What is the WSPU? These are some of the facts about them and what they were trying to do Page 3 The Events What Emmeline had to do in order to get all of her goals achieved. Some of the biggest speeches and such were made. Page 4 The Ending What happened after all of the protesting to get the womans rights. Page 5

The Setting
During the 1800s people wanted reform to the democratic government that they were living in. Voting was limited to men who only owned a substantial bit of land and women were excluded from the right to vote. Beginning in 1830 protests began to occur in England in favor of a bill in Parliament that would extend suffrage, or the right to vote. of the picture though and some men were still unable to vote. The revolution of 1830 in France scared Parliament leaders, they feared that the Another movement arose among the violent revolution would spread to workers called the Chartist Movement. Britain. They passed the Reform Bill of They wanted suffrage for all men. They 1832 which ceased the property also wanted Parliament to be more requirements so that some men in the responsive with the lower classes lled middle class can vote. It also modernized with factory workers and other groups. districts for electing parliament members Parliament rejected their demands and gave industrial cities more though but they continued to protest. representation. Women were still left out They continued to protest for Political

reform and Parliament nally made their demands law. Queen Victoria was the monarch over Britain at the time with all of the protests and movements going on. She was considerably less powerful and inuential due to Parliament. During this time Britain was at its height for wealth and power. The monarchs before her however, had great inuence over Parliament giving almost all of the power to it and the house of commons. Even after all of the reform going on in Britain still no country allowed woman to vote, as more men were allowed to, more women started to protest. Small reform parties began to form and more and more women demanded the right to vote, causing parliament to be in high demand.

England had many protests during this time in order to give universal suffrage to all in England. This is just one of them so that men could get suffrage.

The Problem

protests began to rise, making the government worried and fearful that it might get out of control.

The amount of the population in the very beginning of the British The problem at the time parliament was only 5% of was that the government was not giving their people the whole population. This the representation that they was a very small wanted. Woman still had no percentage and amount of the population. People still suffrage and most of the working class did not have wanted more representation and were the right to vote as well. getting mad at the Because of all of the rights that the government wasnt government. giving more and more

Because the government was not abiding with the peoples demands, more and more began to rise against it, Emmeline Pankhurst was a woman who fought for womans suffrage, she had formed the WSPU that peacefully fought for womens rights. The WSPU became the most militant organization for womans rights and was the biggest inuence for getting reform in the nation.

This is Emmeline Pankhurst, the founder and one of the leaders of the WSPU (Womens Social and Political Union)


The Goal
The Womens Social and Political Union (the WSPU) was the leading militant organization campaigning for Womens suffrage in England. Their members were known as suffragettes. The WSPU was formed by Emmeline Pankhurst on October 10, 1903 by six women who became the group leaders. It was a womenonly organization that campaigned for social reforms and for an extension of womens suffrage. They believed in sexual equality. They had a slogan that better described their militant behavior that was deeds not words. At rst the WSPU only had peaceful campaigns in the beginning, being part of the non-militant National Union of Womens Suffrage Societies. The members of this group however broke apart into the WSPU in order to

become more militant and get more of a reaction from the government. At rst they had a lack of success by what they were doing by persuading politicians through meetings. The WSPU also convinced a member of Parliament Bamford Slack to introduce a bill for woman suffrage. This bill however was quickly talked out and ignored. The publicity of it greatly increased the growth of the group leading to be more popular, powerful and inuential in their ght to gain Womens suffrage.


The Events
In order to gain more signicance in their ght for suffrage, the WSPU led by Emmeline Pankhurst had to ght for their rights. They began a series of demonstrations in lobbies of Parliament causing multiple arrests of the growing numbers of the group. They mostly focused on attacking which political party that was in government and refused to support legislation. There was a split in the group which caused the Womens Freedom League

to form. After the split a new newspaper for the group was made, Votes for Women which was the groupss own newspaper. The suffragettes became even more militant in leader years bringing the protests into prison even. Their protests also included breaking of windows of shops and buildings in order to gain more attention. They also had multiple public speakings from Emmeline Pankhurst and other WSPU leaders in order to get more attention on womens suffrage. A new suffrage act was introduced in 1910 but this just led to even more destruction in public areas because it

was delayed in its purpose. This led to burning of stately homes and bombing of public buildings, also to the famous death of Emily Davison who was trampled by the Kings horse. This quickly got out of control and was a dangerous protest against the government. Many of their protests included violence, burning of churches, destruction of railways, smashing government windows, and spitting at politicians. In one case Mary Leigh, a member of the WSPU, threw a hatchet at the Prime minister. In 1913 54,000 pounds worth of damage was caused 34,000 in April alone.


The Ending
The organization suffered some splits causing disorganization for protests. The editors of Votes for Women were expelled in 1912 causing the WSPU to launch a new journal. Another group of the WSPU the East London Federation, made up of mostly working class women led by Sylvia Pankhurst was expelled in 1914. With the approaching World War Christabel Pankhurst, the daughter of Emmeline, lived in Paris in order to be without fear of arrest was the

leader of the WSPU at the time. She ordered for the group to abandon its campaigns in favour of a nationalistic stance supporting the British government in the war. The WSPU stopped publishing their newspaper, The Suffragette, and started a new one called Britannia. Most of the members supported the effort to ght in the war but a small amount started the Suffragettes of the Womens Social Political Union and the Independent Womens Social and Political Union. Theses groups however, were less inuential in their ght for womens suffrage and didnt have much say in it.

The WSPU lost public attention and was dissolved in 1917, and Christabel and Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Womens Party. Which was a minor political party in the UK. This group claimed that the ght for the World War was more important than the ght for womans suffrage at the time. Not until after the was womens suffrage recognized. In most countries, full universal suffrage with the inclusion of woman followed universal male suffrage by ten to twenty years in the early 1900s.


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