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Leighton Taylor

Mr. Borrero
English 1101
August 25, 2011
'Literary Experience Account
Since I began reading and writing, various texts and pieces oI literature have had a great
inIluence on my liIe. Throughout my earlier childhood I can recall times where readings
impacted my liIe in a great way. From the innocence oI picture books that I was introduced to as
a toddler, to the advanced analytical pieces that I now study, I can see a personal growth oI
character and overall intelligence. Composition has also had a great inIluence on my liIe as well.
Writing allows me to express various emotions and silently proclaim what it is that I am Ieeling.
As I`ve matured I`ve seen many diIIerent types oI Literature and compositions. To be
honest I`m torn between choosing a single Iavorite type. For the sake oI the assignment I would
have to conclude that non-Iictional writing has had the greatest impact on my liIe so Iar. This is
due to the Iact that the inIormation in these writings is strictly Iactual and provided a straight
path oI learning. However that goes without saying that Fictional pieces have helped me a lot as
well. With Iictional writing I am allowed and entitled to my very perception oI the piece. I guess
it`s just a 'Best oI Both Worlds situation where Iactual inIormation is just as important as the
perception that is available with Iictional readings.
I preIer writing Iiction over non-Iiction due to the Iact that the material that I cover is
completely my own. I also Ieel that with Iictional text the writing has an individuality that can`t
be equaled by strictly Iactual writing. Whether or not it`s Iiction or nonIiction, I still love writing
and composing pieces oI texts. With writing, any individual has an unlimited source oI power by
using words alone. I guess it really is true when they say; 'Words are Iorever. I am amazed that
writing has had such a large and positive impact on my liIe. It seems like every time I can recall
a major incident oI my liIe, I remember writing about it like a memoir. Autobiographies are also
a style oI literature that I love reading. With a well written autobiography, the author will allow
you to take a walk in their shoes with the readings. The way that a composer oI literary art can
take a reader, introduce them to something they`ve never seen beIore and submerge them in a
topic like they`re actually with the author as these thing are happening is a mesmerizing Ieat. I
hope to one day write an autobiography as well. I believe that since a text is a grouping oI words
and/or phrases that convey emotion and evoke a response, an autobiographical piece would Iit
perIectly into that.
However though, still being early in my years, I`ve not even began to discover some oI
the great pieces oI literature and other text pieces out there. Anytime I can get a hold oI a new
work or something older that I`ve never heard oI, I love it not only because oI the reading, but as
well the beneIit oI maturing my knowledge oI English composition. To be quite Irank with you I
would much rather read a good book or indulge myselI with a new piece oI literature rather than,
watch the newest episode oI 'Jersey Shore. You`re probably reading this like 'is this young
adult out oI his mind? Honestly though, TV doesn`t allow me to explore my own realm oI
thought and perceive the inIormation any deeper than what is right on the screen. With words,
however, anybody can literally get lost in a text. You really have a sense oI accomplishment
when you discover the perIect analytical response to what the author was saying. English
Composition is really a magniIicent tool. Writing and reading alike are both art Iorms that are to
be mastered over the years and can evoke personal growth in whoever gives it a chance. I can`t
wait to see how this class allows me to grow and learn tools that I can use Ior the rest oI my liIe.
?our name LelghLon 1aylor
Course #
Project #1 Mu/tiModo/ Literocy Norrotive Port 2 cu/turo/ uomoin 4no/ysis

Instruct|ons (art 1 Doma|n Ana|ys|s Chart) When lnLroduclng Lhe MulLlModal LlLeracy narraLlve pro[ecL we
esLabllshed LhaL your mlnd ls lnfluenced by dlfferenL culLural/soclal sysLems LhaL work boLh separaLely and
LogeLher Lo shape your ldeas bellefs and pracLlces as a reader and wrlLer 1o analyze Lhese sysLems your flrsL Lask
ls Lo compleLe Lhe domaln analysls charL ln whlch you musL reflecL on each of Lhe four domalns llsLed below and
ldenLlfy as many pracLlces ldeas/values/bellefs ob[ecLs or slgnlflcanL deLalls from each culLural/soclal sysLem LhaL
you Lhlnk has lnfluenced your llLeracy and composlLlon skllls

nome work

O eadlngs aL nlghL wlLh famlly members
O s a ChrlsLlan Lhe 8lble has played a cruclal
role ln my llfe
O anglng ouL wlLh my frlends has allowed me Lo
expand my communlcaLlon skllls
O Muslc has had a greaL lmpacL on my llfe My
muslc allows me Lo blend LogeLher Lhe many
aspecLs of llLeracy and preformlng ls Lhe besL
way Lo communlcaLe my LhoughLs and ldeals
O grew up ln CharloLLe nC
O have one younger slbllng my broLher he looks
up Lo me as role model of sorLs
O 8elng from Lhe souLh you would Lhlnk would
have a draw Lo Lhe Lone of my volce buL
surprlslngly enough do noL for Lhe mosL parL
O love soclal medla slLes onllne 1hey're qulLe
lnLeresLlng and allow me Lo meeL so many new
O would always play plano and slng wlLh my
moLher before she passed away several years
O 1he loss of my moLher hlL me preLLy hard and
had a large lmpacL on my wrlLlng would flnd
myself wrlLlng Lo venL my feellngs WrlLlng
really became a coplng mechanlsm for me
O My faLher ls really blunL and Lo Lhe polnL e
llkes Lo keep Lhlngs shorL and slmple
O My moLher on Lhe oLher hand loved Lo Lalk and
was qulLe flamboyanL from Llme Lo Llme
Crowlng up wlLh Lhese conLrasLlng vlews really
shaped me as a wrlLer and gave me LhaL sense
of lndlvlduallLy everyone searches for wlLhln
Lhelr selves

O My flrsL [ob was aL Chlcklll 1haL [ob baslcally
broughL me ouL of my shell Cn a dally basls
would communlcaLe wlLh people 'd never meL
before and meL a greaL deal of people along Lhe
O Whlle worklng Lhere plcked up on Lhe llngo"
LhaL was used Lo more easlly descrlbe Lhlngs
O now work aL CocaCola 8oLLllng Company
ConsolldaLed Lake lnvenLory of coke producLs
and run programs such as S9 Lo record Lhe
lnformaLlon 've memorlzed llLerally 73
numerlc codes used Lo descrlbe dlfferenL
O have a cublcal LhaL compleLe my work ln noL
sure how LhaL perLalns buL Lhlnk lL's preLLy
cool so added lL Lo Lhe llsL
O My faLher ls a compuLer programmer and has
had several dlfferenL poslLlons aL CocaCola
O My moLher was a sLay aL home mom and she
Look care of my broLher and me


choo/ Neiqhborhood / community / Peers

O always haLed havlng Leachers force feed me
llLeraLure belleve llLeraLure has lLs own sense
of lndlvlduallLy wlLh every slngle person
O plcked up on a loL of poeLry whlle ln school
and LhaL has conLrlbuLed a loL Lo my wrlLlng
O always had a Lhlng for nonflcLlon books love
learnlng abouL facLual lnformaLlon
O n elemenLary school and mlddle school we
had (cceleraLed eader) whlch was a
program ln whlch we had Lo read dlfferenL
books and Lake onllne LesLs Lo galn polnLs for
Lhe class
O L flrsL dldn'L have a cholce of whaL book
would read for buL by Lhe Llme was ln
slxLh grade could choose any book pleased
O lgh school was more focused on Lhe Lechnlcal
slde of wrlLlng and readlng as opposed Lo an
open lnLerpreLaLlon
O s a whole hlgh school Lngllsh was llke one
huge Lngllsh comp course
O n hlgh school was Lhe Covernor of Lhe CS
Club whlch was our CovernmenL and sLudenLs
club ln whlch we would hold mock sesslons of
congress and make bllls and aLLempL Lo pass
Lhem lnLo laws

O s a young chlld would always go Lo Lhe park
Lo play wlLh my frlends
O compeLed ln a spelllng bee LhaL was hosLed ln
our clLy's recreaLlonal deparLmenL
O currenLly longboard wlLh my besL frlends and
we Lry Lo rlde every day
O 8elng from MounL olly 've heard a loL of
counLry saylngs" ln my llfeLlme Lhlnk Lhey
are Lhe funnlesL Lhlngs 've ever heard
O n my younger years was really lnLo vldeo
games and would raLher play Lhem Lhan go
O Whlle loved playlng sporLs Lhose games [usL
goL me hooked and would play Lhem for hours
on end
O llve ln a peaceful nelghborhood my
lmmedlaLe nelghbors are really cool and we
have dlnner wlLh Lhem on a regular basls
O s for Lhe resL of Lhe hood" can counL on a
frlendly wave as drlve by
O played sporLs for my communlLy as a small
chlld and my dad coached me ln llLLle league
baseball for several years
O was a 8oy ScouL for several years however
dldn'L sLlck wlLh lL and geL my eagle

Instruct|ons (art 2 Doma|n Ana|ys|s Narrat|ve) now LhaL you have compleLed Lhe charL and generaLed some
ldeas abouL Lhe culLural/soclal sysLems you engage wlLh lL ls Llme Lo flesh ouL Lhose ldeas and analyze/explaln
how you Lhlnk each domaln has lnfluenced your llLeracy and composlLlon lor each of Lhe sysLems llsLed below
wrlLe between 75 ond 100 words Lo explaln Lhe ma[or deLalls of each culLural/soclal sysLem and how Lhe quallLles
of each sysLem have lnfluenced your llLeracy and composlLlon (Lhls means you wlll compose shorL analyses
LoLal) ?ou may compleLe your essays below Slmply Lype your essay nexL Lo each of Lhe headers

1 nome
My moLher passlng away lmpacLed my llLeracy very heavlly 8efore she passed she and would slng
LogeLher for hours aL a Llme Slnglng was her passlon and ls sLlll mlne Lo Lhls day learned a greaL
deal abouL boLh slnglng and wrlLlng from her My faLher ls a huge supporL of mlne Whlle he ls shorL
wlLh hls words Lhey are qulLe meanlngful feel llke am a role model Lo my younger broLher who ls
aL an lmpresslonable age opefully can be a poslLlve lnfluence on hlm and Lherefore bulld hls

O work My flrsL [ob was aL Chlcklll 1haL [ob baslcally broughL me ouL of my shell Cn a dally basls
would communlcaLe wlLh people 'd never meL before and meL a greaL deal of people along Lhe way
would plck up on dlfferenL llngos" LhroughouL Lhe workplace and LhaL helped Lo bulld my
communlcaLlon skllls

choo/ always haLed havlng Leachers force feed me llLeraLure belleve llLeraLure has lLs own sense of
lndlvlduallLy wlLh every slngle person plcked up on a loL of poeLry whlle ln school and LhaL has
conLrlbuLed a loL Lo my wrlLlng s a whole hlgh school was llke one huge Lngllsh comp course

O Neiqhborhood / community / Peers llve ln a peaceful nelghborhood my lmmedlaLe nelghbors are
really cool and we have dlnner wlLh Lhem on a regular basls s for Lhe resL of Lhe hood" can counL
on a frlendly wave as drlve by played sporLs for my communlLy as a small chlld and my dad
coached me ln llLLle league baseball for several years 8elng from MounL olly 've heard a loL of
counLry saylngs" ln my llfeLlme Lhlnk Lhey are Lhe funnlesL Lhlngs 've ever heard

|terary Archeo|ogy Ass|gnment
1r|p|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

Cb[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle 9lano
Soclal/CulLural SysLem Cb[ecL epresenL (le ome Work School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) ome

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O Dse evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O nswer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

bouL 3 fL long and 4 fL deep

wanL Lo slL down and play lL
1hls ls a fanLasLlc plano
1hls ls more Lhan [usL a plano lL's a
way of llfe Muslc ls a way of llfe
1he plano has been a very
lnfluenLlal parL of my llfe

1he plano has LaughL me how Lo read
When slng am worklng on my
communlcaLlon skllls
SongwrlLlng has a glven my wrlLlng flavor
and really broughL me ouL of my shell

road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

9osslbly ncludes
O eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above Dslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1he plano whlch ls an obvlous reference Lo muslc ls one of Lhe key facLors LhaL have lnfluenced my readlng wrlLlng
and communlcaLlon skllls Muslc alone wlLh my moLher has lnfluenced me as well

1r|p|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

Cb[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle Cash eglsLer
Soclal/CulLural SysLem Cb[ecL epresenL (le ome Work School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) Work

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O Dse evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O nswer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

Llke a compuLer screen
Swlpe for credlL cards
Cash reglsLer aLLached below Lhe

1here ls a loL of buLLons Lo press
MusL know Lhe shorLhand name of
Where are some of Lhe producLs
Whlle challenglng aL flrsL afLer
geLLlng used Lo uslng Lhe sysLem lL
wasn'L hard Lo Lake orders

had Lo learn Lhe shorL hand verslon of
numerous producLs

1he cash reglsLer helped me Lo expand
my knowledge of readlng and

road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

9osslbly ncludes
O eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above Dslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

1he cash reglsLer aL work was my way of learnlng new llLerary Lechnlques and communlcaLlng ldeas Lo oLher people

1r|p|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

Cb[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle 1he obblL
Soclal/CulLural SysLem Cb[ecL epresenL (le ome Work School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) School

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O Dse evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O nswer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

raLher large book
WrlLLen by ! 1olklen

1hls was my favorlLe book all
Lhrough mlddle school and even up
lnLo hlgh school
1hls book really helped me become
a more ln depLh reader and
honed my wrlLlng skllls as well
Lhrough chapLer summarles

1hls book changed Lhe way read and
wroLe for Lhe beLLer
L Lhe Llme read Lhe book lL was more
maLure Lhan however feel LhaL
readlng lL aL a young age allowed me Lo
experlence flrsLhand a new way Lo learn

road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

9osslbly ncludes
O eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above Dslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

eadlng Lhls book aL a young age helped me Lo beLLer comprehend llLeraLure and lL allowed me Lo wrlLe more
advanced summarles on Lhe readlng

1r|p|e Lntry Iourna| Iormat

Cb[ecL uescrlpLlon/1lLle Loaded uervlsh Longboard
Soclal/CulLural SysLem Cb[ecL epresenL (le ome Work School CommunlLy/nelghborhood/9eers) C/n/9

9osslbly ncludes
O LlLeral vlsual descrlpLlons
O LlLeral facLs
O ey Lerms LhaL pop ouL
O uescrlpLlons of conLenL (Lhls applles
parLlcularly for llLerary LexLs)

9osslbly ncludes
O mmedlaLe reacLlons
O ;uesLlons
O LmoLlonal response

9osslbly ncludes
O Dse evldence Lo declde whaL ls
reasonable Lo conclude abouL how Lhe
ob[ecL has lnfluenced your readlng
wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls
O nswer quesLlons you had
O 9ose posslble Lheorles

1an color deck
1he deck ls made of bamboo
have 9arls 130 mm Lrucks whlch
are black on black
1he wheels are purple CrangaLang's
9rlnLed on Lhe deck ls Lhe Loaded

Cne of Lhe besL longboards made
anglng ouL wlLh my besL frlends
bomblng hllls and learnlng Lrlcks
Cool summer nlghLs rldlng Lhrough
1he paln from falllng whlle
bomblng a hlll
!usL how scary speed wobbles
really are!

would always rlde wlLh my frlends so
we would be communlcaLlng consLanLly
Learnlng ways Lo communlcaLe wlLh
oLhers whlle rldlng
WlLh Lhe assembly of Lhe board Lhere
are a loL of deLalls LhaL you musL pay
aLLenLlon Lo

road Conc|us|on About Cbservat|on

9osslbly ncludes
O eflecL on Lhe daLa responses and concluslons you have documenLed above Dslng Lhe concluslons you have drawn
abouL Lhe ob[ecL declde whaL broader concluslons can be made abouL how your ob[ecL has lnfluenced Lhe
developmenL of your readlng wrlLlng and communlcaLlon skllls (remember LhaL Lhese concluslons can speak Lo how
you have been lnfluenced boLh poslLlvely and negaLlvely)

Longboardlng wlLh my frlends really gave my llLeracy an expanslon ouLslde of Lhe normal realm ln whlch mosL
people learn how Lo read wrlLe and communlcaLe ldeas

enerat|zed Narrat|ve econstruct|on Memo


1hls ls a dlrecL llnk Lo my llLeracy narraLlve creaLed an orlglnal song and
uploaded lL Lo my channel WaLch ln u!

enre DeIense Essay

Seeing as how music makes up such a large portion oI my liIe, I thought it best to
write an original song and preIorm it on video as my genre Ior my literacy narrative.
From this I hoped to convey my personal expression oI reading, writing and
communication. From a writing standpoint, it was beneIicial to actually write my own
lyrics because that was a personal reIlection oI my learning style. As a reader I developed
even Iurther through the narrative by actually putting emotion to the lyrics oI the song
and actually giving the text meaning throughout the perIormance oI the song. I Ieel that
the perIormance itselI is the ultimate communication aspect oI the project. As a singer
and songwriter it is crucial to capture the emotions and mood oI the piece through video
or an audio recording. I Ielt that this video would correctly and more importantly,
personally, reIlect my interests and give legitimacy to my deIense in my literary
archeology assignment. I also was compelled to write a song because essays are getting
to the point where that`s all I ever write anymore. At least with a song I can put my own
twist on the content oI the piece and have more creative control when it comes to the
physical substance being produced.
As I mentioned in my literary account and throughout this multi-modal project,
music has been a very inIluential part oI my liIe and I owe a lot oI what I know about
reading, writing and communication to knowledge gained in this Iield. As a child I
always loved to hear others sing, especially my mother. Once I became older I discovered
that I was blessed enough to have a voice oI my own and since then I embrace that
blessing every day that I am alive. BeIore my mother passed I recall times when she and I
would sing together Ior hours on end just practicing. This oI course got on my Iather`s
nerves aIter a while, but he knew it was just what made us happy.
My literary account is all about my progression as a reader, a writer and a
communicator oI ideas and emotions. I believe that the Iact that I chose to write a song as
my genre exempliIies my progress in the literary Iield. During my younger years, I
would`ve taken the easy way out simply by writing an essay as my genre. Well, that is
somewhat accurate; I shouldn`t reIer to an essay as an easy way out due to the Iact that I
hate writing essays (especially those around Iour pages in length). Being that music is
such a central theme oI my literary development, writing a song seems like the easiest
choice and the most sensible as well.
I really Ielt at home with this project due to my choice oI genre. I was
comIortable writing a song, learning the lyrics, then perIorming and uploading the piece
to the internet. This shows one advantage oI choosing this genre over any other option. I
named the song, 'PerIectly Flawed. I Ielt that the name oI the song really encompasses
my journey as an individual reader, writer and communicator. The song title symbolizes a
tailored experience that is speciIic to the individual and communicates that my journey
has been my own. The lyrics to the song are talking about two things mainly; the
continuous process oI growth within individuals and I Ielt myselI tend to include my
mother into parts oI the song as well.
The lyrics to the song are as Iollows: 'Throughout this long and winding road,
you never once let me go. My Iaith, constantly restored, always leIt me wanting more.
The journey continues on, with growth and prosperity. Molded Ilawlessly, sculpted so
beautiIully. Take me as I am, Ior I am nothing more. My soul is a conduit, that is destined
to soar. At times there was joy, at times there was turmoil. But when the dust settled all I
saw was you. Take me as I am, Ior I am nothing more. At times there was joy, at times
there was turmoil. But when the dust settled all I saw was you. But when the dust settled
all I saw was you.
As you can tell Irom the lyrics, the song is talking about the continuous
development oI me as an individual. I Ieel that the growth conveyed in my song directly
correlates to the growth expressed in my original literary account. Just as the song says,
'The journey continues on, this simply means that every day I progress in my search Ior
more knowledge about reading, writing and communicating my thoughts and ideas. The
lyrics really are the prooI to my choice oI genre. I really Ieel that I went above and
beyond with my song and I am willing to say that it`s the best song I`ve written yet. This
project has given me pride in my work and I have a newIound conIidence within myselI.
In retrospect, this project itselI has provided me with more personal growth than any
other assignment I have ever completed or attempted. While I thought I was conIident in
my reading and writing beIore I started this project, I`m Iinding out that no matter how
advanced I Ieel I am, there is always room Ior improvement and more ways to Iind
yourselI in your writing.
The tone oI my song was that oI an upliIting one. I have had quite an ambitious
style oI learning over the years and I really Ielt that the song gave a sense oI hope. The
song`s main theme or message is that no matter the degree oI diIIiculty in the journey or
the immensity oI the obstacles in Iront oI you, you`ll make it through the storm a stronger
and more knowledgeable person than beIore. The song also promotes individuality by
saying that the mistakes you make along the way aren`t actually mistakes but rather
experiences that you learn Irom.
Like I said beIore, I am proud oI my work and I hope that I have comprehensively
deIended my genre by completing all oI the required Iields oI the essay. This project was
actually a very resourceIul tool in growing my literacy and this is one project that I am
not soon to Iorget. I can honestly say I have never done anything else like this in my liIe
and this tool has provided me with knowledge that I didn`t possess beIore.

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