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The Daily Tck: 5th December 2011

We have five or six days left in which we need to ensure that we do not close the door on the possibility of a global increase in temperature greater than 2 degrees. At a press briefing today, the heads of Greenpeace, WWF, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and Oxfam sounded a that the climate talks are on track to deliver no increased mitigation, no deadlines for a new deal and we are heading for a four degree world. The US was criticised for their obstructive behaviour at these talks and urged to get out of the way and allow others to move forward. Practicing the Art of the Possible, Chinas more positive tone and messaging saying that it will agree to discuss binding emission cuts after 2020has created a buzz in the halls today. Contrast this with the intransigence of the US on almost all issues in these negotiations. We dont yet know what this shift will mean but it certainly is a signal that the US should stop blocking and the EU should step up. Brazils puzzling reluctance to avoid a strong decision here is causing concern. It is a puzzle as this contrasts from the leadership they have shown in the past and it would seem to undermine their interest as a bad outcome in Durban will land on their doorstep at the June Rio+20 conference. Last weeks Fossil of Day Award given to Brazil as a result of the pending forestry law received significant domestic media coverage. President Dilma has not upheld Brazil's important rolesupporting the massively destructive Belo Monte dam project and allowing changes to the forest law that weakened our environmental progress at home. Meanwhile, at international talks Brazil has sided on important issues with countries like the USA, India and Saudi Arabia who try to block progress and shirk commitments to reduce pollution. New Zealand appears to aspire to be the new Canada as they have been behaving badly on many fronts. New Zealand negotiators may really want to leave Canada alone in their exclusive club of embarrassing retrogrades. Finance remains a priority with the US being a big fly in the ointment preventing the adoption of the report at the last Transitional Committee meeting of the Green Climate Fund that took place a few weeks ago. The latin American ALBA countries piled their objections when the report was tabled. We dont know if there will be any way forward.

Message of the Day

A delay to 2020 puts us on the path for a 4 degree world, that is unacceptable. If the U.S. cannot make a contribution here they need to get out of the way. Governments need to move on without the US in order to get a final agreement which has any chance of protecting the climate.

What is Happening?
On Saturday civil society in their thousands took to the streets of Durban in a United against Climate action. Then this morning Greenpeace continued with their Listen to the people not the polluters campaign with the release of the Whos holding us back report and a protest at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) conference where many of the dirty dozen were meeting. The halls of the DEC and ICC are flooded today with I (heart) KP t-shirts, ties, buttons and stickers as campaigners put a big push to support the Kyoto Protocol for a 2nd commitment period. However the KP is only worth retaining if it

has environmental integrity. On that front the African Group presented an excellent submission on closing forest emission loopholes. Brazils President Dilma is considering the unthinkable and joining the US and other big polluters. Avaaz has just launched a campaign to flood Dilma's inbox, twitter and orkut pages with a call not to sell out to the US, and to stand with the planet, the global South, and the Brazilian people to fight for action on climate change. Meanwhile on Finance, youth groups presented the Robin Hood of the Day Award to Pakistan. On Friday they unfurled a target and invited delegates and observers to aim for an FTT, shoot a suction cup arrow at bullseye and win a Robin Hood cap. The Adopt a Negotiator trackers continue to post great content you can share, including: Alex Lenfarna digging into Africa's role in the talks Marvin Nala dissecting the complexities of China's role While Farrukh explains - Its not just Drones that Kill, Climate Change too!

What can you do today?

There are plenty of ways to share resources, ideas and amplify each others' efforts. Here are a few: Dilma cannot afford to ignore the call of thousands of Brazilians who care about a climate future for all of us. Join the call to return Brazil to its place as a climate hero. There is a sign-on the letter to President Zuma in support of the FTT (Robin Hood Tax) for organisations the deadline is the end of business today, Monday, Dec 5th. The text is available here. Contact Alex Kent. If you are in Durban the C17 is finalising the programme for The Peoples Space. If you're available, attend the Daily Tck meeting at 10:15am tomorrow in Berg River. If you're tweeting about COP17, we want you on our official Twitter list! Please send a message to @tcktcktck on Twitter or an email to to be added.

Resources & Tools

Visit the & our COP17 Hub for an up-to-date calendar, fresh news & stories and media resources - all available for reposting and sharing through Creative Commons. Watch the UN talks live with OneClimate TV: Every day OneClimate broadcasts live from the Durban climate talks from 3pm - 6pm daily local time. Follow their livestream, embed the code, or, for those who prefer their live content in text form, follow the live blog.

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