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His Heart His Hands

Volume 1, Issue 2 by Martha L Shaw June 2011

Who Is Your Judge?

Martha L Shaw

Change Is Good!
Same Author and Publisher New Newsletter Name
Martha L Shaw

Judgment is something we face almost every moment of every day. We talk about it. We lament it. At times, we glory in passing judgment, and for certain we conform to it. That last part, conforming, will upset some who read this. I challenge you to prove me wrong. Judgment is a huge part of our lives in our homes, our schools, our workplace, and our social environments. Turn on the television and you will find an endless and every growing number of programs lumped together under the category of reality TV in which judgment is the main theme. We see what we are to believe are folks in their day-to-day living surrounded by cameras which hide little. We see talk shows which bring on folks in challenging or even dangerous relationships fighting it out for all the world to see. We see shows on modeling, singing, dancing, and more in which we are to watch and participate in judging their performance.

This is the second issue of my newsletter and its been expanded and now has a new name! My first issue shared the name of my blog: In Love With The Lord, but this one has its own unique name as you can see. I chose this name as it describes my personal goal in my faith journey as a Christian, which is to be His hands and to have His heart. I hope you like the new expanded newsletter and I hope you share my goal in your own faith journey!

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Top 10 Reasons Not To Follow Christ!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My life isnt so bad Ive got it all under control I dont need help Being lost isnt THAT BAD Sinner? Me? I dont trust anybody I have my OWN PLAN Im no dumb sheep But what if . . . I dont need peace, joy and love


Who Is Your Judge? Change Is Good! Top 10 Reasons Not To Follow Christ Are You Expectant? About Martha L Shaw

\\Copyright 2011 - Martha L Shaw, Author View and Subscribe to my blog Contact the author at

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Looking further into the topic of judgment, Im reminded of the words in the Bible on judgment. In 1 Corinthians 11:32 we read that When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world. Personally, I believe that I am my own worst judge. I hesitate to admit it, but I know that I am not alone when I say that at some level of my being my own words, choices, actions, and reactions reflect critical self judgment which is influenced my the desire to be favorably judged by society. I thought of judgment in a new way recently when a talent competition program came to television in which initial judging of the entrants is done blindly. Those who make initial choices of who among a group of singers may continue on further into the television program in the hope of winning a prize and a great opportunity for a new life are selected by celebrity judges who have their backs toward the persons on stage. A unique approach compared to other television programming. A friend of mine who is loving, kind and encouraging has frequently said the following words to me in the hope of uplifting me and setting me free from the bondage of false judgment both felt from those around me and from my own internal self-limitation. He tells me may your soul dance as though nobody is watching. Think about his words for a moment and be completely honest with yourself. If you were capable of taking that advice, and few of us could easily do so, how life changing might that be? Oh, there are many who would say that nobody can stop me. There are still more who, if they are truthful, will say that they feel a need to live up to societys expectation and feel that its necessary to succeed. Is that living up to the worlds view truly successful? Does it truly give you life? Does it set you free? I think it sets you up to crash miserably when your moment passes on to another. All that time and energy you spent focusing on and in truth relying on the opinion and judgment of an unstable and often unseen panel of judges from society leaves you empty and alone and utterly lost. I find I am more and more drawn to people who seem quietly confident in the choices that they make. Their actions dont seem intended to impress an audience whether seen or unseen. They are humble and yet strong. They reflect an internal light that draws me not to them specifically but to the source of that light.

While happiness is like a drug and leaves a body needing more and more of that stimulus in order to produce the desired feeling, they actually seem full of joy regardless of their momentary circumstances. While others may reach incredible heights; they also tend to fall hard and find it difficult to rise up again. Some people seem rather pretty to look at for a time, but that attraction, like hair dye, seems to fade. These quiet ones I find myself drawn to, though, have a beauty that comes from their soul and a strength that comes from something other than their own physical body. I want that. How can I obtain that strength for myself? How can I tap into that endless joy that never leaves me? How can I actually do as my friend suggests when he tells me may your soul dance as though nobodys watching" . . . so many questions. I looked to the Bible for answers and in the Old Testament I found I hearken unto wisdom and I dwell securely and in confident trust and I am quiet, without fear or dread of evil. Proverbs 1:33. Faith in God is my source of this strength which this world cannot give me. The Old Testament also tells me that The Lord is my light and my Salvation-of whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the strength and Refuse and Stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1. Wow! Those are powerful words which leave me wondering. I recall the many stories from the Bible of saints and prophets and amazing things they were called to do for God. Do I have what it takes to do the things He will ask of me? That wise friend of mine has words of encouragement about the question of faith and ability as well. God doesnt call the enabled my friend reminded me, He enables the called. I can have that inner joy! I can find in me that strength and light that shines through just like those I admire. How can this be? Again, I found my answer in the Bible where I read I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. Philippians 4:13. Amen.

May you feel His love Like a tender kiss And be surrounded by His Holy Spirit Like a gentle breeze

\\Copyright 2011 - Martha L Shaw, Author View and Subscribe to my blog Contact the author at


What do you expect? This phrase has come to reflect negativity. It neednt. It never used to. It is time to restore expectation to what it should be. The word is synonymous with hope and belief yet we seem to have lost sight of this definition. Expectation has always held a close relationship with the joyful anticipation of things not seen. Not of something painful . . . nor of something to be dreaded, and not even something somewhat pleasant but fleeting, but something joyful! I was reminded of this a few moments ago during a time of reflection on scripture and prayer. First I prayed with words and then in silence. I am finding that this silent time with God is invaluable to me. It is in the silence that He reveals Himself to me. He will not shout over me. He is patient. He will wait for me to invite Him. When I ask Him to fill me with His Holy Spirit, to use me, to lead me, and then wait in silent expectation I am never disappointed. I am never left alone. He is present profoundly present. He never leaves us even when we take our eyes off Him, but waits for us to use our free will to extend the invitation and then He will fill us with His grace. In our silence, He can be heard. In my silence I just felt the most amazing sensation overcome me. One I hadnt felt in many years but which I recognized immediately. It was expectation as it truly is and as I knew it as a child. I suddenly, in my quiet time holding hands with God, felt all at once a peace wash over me! I felt full of joy and excitement and the knowledge of Gods presence in an amazing and profound way and felt in that instance the knowledge of His promises for me! It was the same joyful expectation I knew as a small child protected from the so-called realities of life by my earthly parents as I ran out to play with my friends. In the book of Psalms 62:5 KJV the Psalmist tells us what I knew as a child yet had forgotten as an adult: My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. In Romans 8:19 we read that the creation waits in eager expectation

and then again we see in Philippians 1:10 according to my earnest expectation and hope. As a child I knew expectation and hope from my earthly parents. I knew that I could approach them with anything and that they would listen, consider, and provide. No, they would not always provide what I asked for, but they did provide what they felt was best. I had faith, trust, belief, hope . . . I knew good things would happen at the appropriate time. I was not always patient nor am I now, but I did wait in hopeful expectation in my relationship as a child with my earthly parents. Why then is it sometimes absent when I turn to my Heavenly Father from whom all grace and blessings come and who is all powerful? Psalm 5:3 tells us In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Do I always? No. I ask, I beg, I plead, I persist not in hopeful expectation of blessings, but rather sometimes in doubt, sometimes feeling as though God isnt listening. He is. Psalm 40:1 again reminds us of this, saying I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. I relied on my earthly parents as a child and and I knew they heard me. Surely as well, the Lord also hears me, and knows what is best for me. When I persist in pleading and dont take the time to listen, I am unable to hear what Has for me unable to receive. Then, I wonder why He didnt answer. He always answers in our silence and knows what is best. Luke 18:1-4 reminds us then Jesus told His desciples . . . . that they should always pray and not give up. Pray expectantly. I am again reminded of the phrase so often spoken these days and especially in reference to struggles in this time of economic strife: What do you expect! I realize that Ive come to relate expectation with hopelessness. I was wrong. Our faith carries us through trying times. Our hope and expectation are in the Lord. In Him there is hope and only in Him. Looking again to the book of Psalms I find words that speak of this very clearly in Psalm 145:15 The eyes of all look expectantly to you, and you give them their food in due season.

continued on page 4 \\Copyright 2011 - Martha L Shaw, Author View and Subscribe to my blog Contact the author at

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As a child I was full of hope and expectation. As an adult I lost sight of it for a time, but as I reflect on the amazing sense of expectation, hope, peace and joy that came over me while I was holding hands with God moments ago, I realize that I felt exactly what I experienced as a child I became that child again. As I wondered about this, I suddenly found my answer. In Mark 10:15 we read truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it. Hope . . . expectation . . . in the kingdom of God . . . again Marks Gospel says it best Mark 1:15: The time has come, he said, the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! In these trying times our hope and our expectation are in the kingship and the kingdom of God and this is good news, indeed!

You see, it was Nov 9 , just 42 months ago, that I closed on the sale of my home in MA and excitedly packed up for a new life in SC. I love it here and always have. I couldnt wait to belong to St Georges and knew it would be a positive and live changing time for me here. I knew. God placed it on my heart a long time ago perhaps 15 years ago, that He had big plans for St Georges and I knew I was to be a part of this amazing place and knew He had plans for me . . . fast forward to a year ago this month, and I sadly wondered what the delay was? It was about that time that I was at an event at church and somehow something changed in my heart for suddenly I had an inquiring heart and I cant say that this had been true before that moment. I dont know what the exact words were that were said to me which caused me to change my focus. I only know that it was a year or so ago this month that I stood outside here in the rain and a friend spoke to me and suddenly I was looking at life differently and wanted more . . . I saw in that moment that what was missing from my life wasnt so much a job or a paycheck or a good nights sleep free of worry about what if I lose everything? What was missing from my life or really from my heart was Jesus. Oh, He was there. I knew about Him. Id been in church all my life. I knew . . . I held leadership roles of all sorts in church . . . many of them including teaching, so I really did know about Him. It never occurred to me that something was missing until that moment. I realized that others KNEW HIM and I only knew ABOUT Him. I realized that while others had a personal relationship with a real Jesus, I knew Him as a character in a history book. . . So, my life changed course at that moment. Thereve been many changes since and I continue to pray for a trusting heart and continue to grow, but at that moment in May 2010 my prayer became I want to know you personally and that was a first for me. My life had BEGUN. My path had CHANGED. My FOCUS changed. I didnt have everything right at that moment and still dont completely as none of us can this side of heaven, but I DID stop looking BACK so often. There are other remarkable changes that have happened inside me at other dates and times since and they are stories for another occasion, but mark this one down as the time it all began. It happened at that moment and because a caring soul stood outside in the rain with me and placed his hands on me and woke me up and changed the course of my life forever!


About Martha L Shaw

I was urged recently to write my life story . . . not because the world needed to know . . . certainly not because it would be a best seller . . . but because a friend thought it would be of value to me to do so. I thought it was a crazy idea. I actually thought he was nuts. I was sure he was, but I must admit the notion has been with me ever since in small ways as I keep realizing things in my life that I was unaware of and these small realizations fit together like pieces of a puzzle and as the tired clich says good things come in small packages . . . so the story that is me is about to begin. It wasnt what I expected. It didnt begin in the 1960s as Id really thought. It began a year ago in the month of May 2010 . . . May 10 marked my late fathers 85 birthday. The month of May holds a number of significant events in my world. th My late grandmothers birthday was May 12 , naturally there is Mothers Day, and my very much loved God Child th was born on May 11 . . . as I thought of the important events in my life in the month of May, I also realized that something else began in me a year ago in the month of May. I can vividly recall that during this month a year ago, I was discouraged that Id not gotten anywhere in my life while it seemed Id tried so hard and really did everything I could to excel in everything Ive tried in my life, yet I looked at the lives of others and at my own and it seemed Id always fallen short.
th th

\\Copyright 2011 - Martha L Shaw, Author View and Subscribe to my blog Contact the author at

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