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Extenuating Circumstances Form (Academic Regulations & Procedures F17) Instructions to students: 1. 2.

All requests for consideration of extenuating circumstances must be submitted by students individually.

EC1 March 2011

Complete this form clearly. Explain your circumstances fully, stating why and how they affected your performance on any assessment. You are advised to refer to F17 of the Academic Regulations and Procedures ( and the following guidance notes before completing this form. You should also send the originals of any relevant documentary evidence, e.g. doctors letter, and retain a copy for yourself. Failure to forward documentary evidence will result in a delay in the consideration of your extenuating circumstances and/or your application being rejected (F17.2R). Submit this form by e-mail to your Faculty/Department office, titled Confidential for the attention of the Chair of the Award Board, c/o Faculty Academic Registrar, or submit a hard copy with any original documents in a sealed envelope addressed to the Chair of the Award Board c/o Faculty Academic Registrar. Mark the envelope with the name of the award for which you are registered, the name of your Department and the words Submission of Extenuating Circumstances. Retain the e-mail and a copy of your EC1 form for your own record. If posting the EC1 form and/or evidence, you should retain proof of posting. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Faculty/Department has received your submission and supporting documentation. The originals of any evidence submitted will be returned to you if you indicate this on the form. If your extenuating circumstances are ongoing you should submit a completed EC1 form to cover each assessment period affected by the circumstances. You must indicate on the form all assessments that have been affected by your circumstances.



5. 6. 7.

Important guidance to students: Academic Regulation F17.3R states that requests by students for consideration of extenuating circumstances shall normally be submitted prior to the assessment activity for which the request is being applied; The examining board will only take into account circumstances that are of a serious medical, personal or family nature, supported by documentary evidence, which you can show have had a demonstrable and significant impact on your performance; You are expected to organise yourself and your preparation in a timely and planned way in order to comply with deadlines and to attend for assessments as required; Self-organisation includes taking sensible precautionary measures such as copying or backing up assignments, allowing sufficient time for access to IT, printing and copying, and planning your personal schedules to take full account of assessment requirements. Under the Academic Regulations and Procedures, F17, accepted extenuating circumstances cannot result in a student being entitled to reset or retake a component where a pass mark has been achieved, or, result in the addition of extra marks for the affected assessment.

The following will not normally be accepted as extenuating circumstances by examining boards: personal illness or disability for which reasonable adjustments are already in place colds or known conditions such as hay fever normal examination stress or anxiety experienced during revision or the assessment period (unless corroborated by medical evidence as a chronic condition and undergoing treatment) non serious domestic or personal disruptions (e.g. moving house, change of job, holidays, weddings, normal job pressure, failed travel arrangements, financial difficulties, oversleeping) study related circumstances (equipment failure including computing/printer difficulties (unless they occur in the examination itself), failure to have taken back up copies for work stolen or corrupted, bunching of deadlines/examinations, missing books, poor time management, misreading the examination timetable, taking the wrong examination)

Finally: You are reminded that it is not sufficient to describe a condition or problem. You must explain how the circumstances you describe have affected your performance in the assessment(s) indicated, giving dates where relevant. It is also important to note that if your circumstances continue beyond one assessment period, so that they affect further assessment, a separate application must be submitted for all affected assessments, e.g. Extenuating Circumstances submitted for the first sit will not automatically be considered to apply to the reset assessments. Fees: You should also note that acceptance of extenuating circumstances by an examining board does not absolve you from module fees payable for a retake, as permitted by the board, whether or not the board uncaps a retake mark.

Extenuating Circumstances Form (Academic Regulations & Procedures F17)

Revised March 2011

Family name: OMER Student number:11041847 Faculty: Bristol institute of Technology

First name(s):OMER Award Title: Mechanical engineering BSc Department: Engineering

Give details of the extenuating circumstances and show how these have affected the assessment(s) indicated:

During the start of this academic year my father was diagnosis as needing a triple heart bypass. After that operation I was caring for him full time. 3 weeks after his operation he suffered a massive stroke. This had resulted in him being totally bedbound and unable to eat, am feed via NG tube. I care for him and clean, him while he totally paralysed on the left side and physically now frail. To compound matters I have learning difficulty dyslexia as well as suffer from depression and bi-polar disorder. I have fallen behind on my course in all my modules and have yet to do any for university this academic year. To further complicate matters, I have had 6 years out since completing my first year at Birmingham university, so my maths, computer literacy and general ability are somewhat diminished. In February this year I adopted my cousin 6 years old as her mother has mental disability, I have to balance the above and numerous other responsibilities and my education. I feel that I do have the ability to cope, but I can not catch up on specific courses. I have spoken to the lectures to help my attain the level of other students but have been advised to contact yourselves. I was advised by the lecturer that is would be too much individual work from the lecturer at the expenses of other students for me to reach the desired level. I have spoken to Alison and am open to various possibilities.

Type of documentary evidence provided (medical certificate etc): Please indicate if you wish to have the originals returned.

I wish to have the originals returned to me (please tick if appropriate) ENTER THE DETAILS OF THE ASSESSMENT(S) AFFECTED Enter the type of assessment (e.g. Module Code Module Name coursework, exam or presentation) UFMEEN-20-2 Design embodiment Coursework and materials selection Group project and Coursework Ufmenx-20-2 management UFMEAP-10-2 - Stress Exam Ufmeap-10-2 analysis Maths For mechanical Exam Ufmeab-20-2 engineering

Enter the date assessment/ submission deadline


For office use only Accept/Reject

End of year Nov, May January, May January, May

I understand that this form and any information I have submitted with it will be held in confidence by the faculty and filed securely in accordance with arrangements determined by the Faculty Academic Registrar; that it will be considered by the extenuating circumstances panel, solely for the purpose of academic assessment; and that the extenuating circumstances panels decision, but not the information I have supplied, will be recorded in the student record system (ISIS) as part of the Award Boards formal record.

I declare that the information above is true, that the supporting evidence enclosed is genuine and that I have read the above statement on confidentiality.

Your signature (e-mail taken as authentication):



Application reference Application entered in ISIS: number: Extenuating Circumstances Panel decision entered in ISIS: Initial Initial Date Date

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