Está en la página 1de 92

ItitQjel1 Ptm.'ei' l:1 fG.'Dfirl?1' Pl:iif;e.'f.!§ i~ a~ O[~nal 'i/lQrk, tfilS;;; p1JblEhea if! 2iXI91:P, ~ (hapo?ll'1Jhl~hiltl1!

1 om pa rrt IJ:K Ihe paltern~ cont.airtfd herein arE'~ C h1N !:I!Ilhe i:AJit»-~ ~i!.offi ~. rna}:e,,~~ ofthe5e pilmerl"i~for p;ilwn~~ -.!~, TtEopattelTi~' ijhem~IIfe'5, ihQ'~r; are I"I!lI: ID be ~cate.rllCf i'ffile Qoi' .d~ir!t"llliOi"I [.,~ ;my(I'{lJm:ltGl1(e1l1l'1f ~Jdl~i"l~ fl. ~
~[Ioi'l Or(~(I'Ci~I~ kl\li,

tm.'\I ~!l,i~:tl

.;;29 'I

P.!il1.l!;hPllFi atJb;J~·if'l-iklbli(~rOO

~ I :l,I',!M:I



'r~l~~lPiOlel:I~ bih;llt!,!!lt~rn~


F'@[~ j!}ur~, P'A

ffi« OiJpeI ~l.Il:i1l~hli'lg" r.2ID.

(The best af!:.crol.:i.:lW 'o'!IXid",:,::llng & (rahli]

1~9N '9i&-1·5~2 ~~~l9i

CCflilllloo 11; ~
'I. ~~ .....JIJOO I

tl?Jl1er~ o(·~rdI s1iw ~'W;O:h!jOIIn(;!.&ailJI5~


2.. Jg

:!iJW1-- rI111=~.

3. 'l!.'badlt.!crl.;-P;merlli5.,4, J\Jzi:es.I, Tab. I L Sene§" III. llite_



wod1H(l1i.,g & OI!ih.

:2 009
boot! i!.um FIX"!Chapel ,pub"l~or 10 fmd alNWa:ier F81F Ilt~$;t·Qll.2 Ci~"\Iliit i,p;; a~ i>lW1¥/~~bli!;,~(ti'jj,{Q'll,

TTl e6.. W&:i l(([,I l-l ~,S,11J-- dc.21 To leam rnor~·a boo,o' thl!' oth0.r~'
)!C!.I, call


Oe;>t;rll;Hl'ro;l mr I'.I!;!~Iil),/!r,;:(iIYr:.I~

IM!J'.;e.'!~PtiliU19r:5.;lli.t!-d~ .il'w1ly.! ~~I'"Ig ~Ol !J1ft~cd al.J~l;o;)"!! 00 ~n~[!- f1G'W Ixiok:I In Our riI~, of 'NC<J~blng, dlt!:!igtl ~nd rl!\d!let:i (rd~l:!.. il~&! ~E'tl;jill ln ¥J i:Rt!r [dll)t'l~

197<1~" ct~·~1I(i.

Slreet, E.ila F'ie"Ie:J~~I;I!9. 11'5020. 1';0.

PnnOCo(i i!'l

Fint p-if'l'irg.
~ ~h" ~tllo'II;!




<liJ ~Ji.:I 1'1.::1i:rlllls1rl'i:1d"Cj I~<:l fI~ L.I. (lf~ul~ ,nJ ~1iI¢.lJjl~ l.oiHlI; """ r"ld g~~I~ ~ "'lhi>b:cl:I~m fn·..... ,(CnI', ro:<'" ~tht<looc~ th;. ~;cki .....101 ",-It...." ,5!t .., D' ;;r.&.'lOJntr.-<l'I d'r>J !~;:.1i!o:-:I01 II j1IEd.di'rCIlM p,W!ii ~ oj It.... (;<!J::I!t::illrn ~.~ !;,D1I1lf I:li ~1"tJ Ii'1LlIi!!)!:b:!5,'~ ILll 1L5<11iI1,1!!1 CJ!J5I:d

~1l:i!~'N?I' ~ 1I.:loMI~1 .i'lje ~ :!U1lI1t!1> ~~I'ojQ,~" l'Ho9'(]"-ii'lg !'f'\~'1"1i"~1'


"I tITI ~


eft"" :o:oI! "."m:; m [::n'i'~'" '~~-eao:JI ~tCl !Iff.' 1.O..! ~~


Ilro,:oc:. P'M-<rNrl....".-n-., !':! d.e cr,il oo~ I:tlll\i~

BIi! 9 i'lilne II' P'UZz,I'Ei S •~ •••••"•••".'••'•••'. "."'.,. ~11 •••'.'.'

Allph;a.~5niilkf PUD
ill' .. ".,." ... " .... , , •••
n .... " ... ,.,"".,""" ." ... ", ".,.


l~<i:ki!!t.·:s:ii!e T>i!!!Ilgrilml PI.:J_lzde".",,, •• ".,"'" ...aaaa. .... H"'..·" ·, :5' 1 CJeil!rt'~';Th~ 'Word 'G;[!!:!T!Ii~ •• " ., .. ,"'" ", .. , " ... , , World'S, MO:5t' D~lififi!i:!lII~' F!!!Iuf-"Pleoe P!!lllll,e'" A,ppl,1il AJplbbt~"t iP,ilit1h~' ,.~"
I~allill D Un~,i!lJil'[fa"
""." ,,, ,,,,.. , ",,113:

Layef'ie'dl Marql.l.l(ftJrV P!.l!~,'es W'I)·lJideli!J P1J211"~V~ilitrt••,•...."

w,oO:~~iM!!1lfnmothl PtIIZlr,e:, , MJOM,Klc!l'!f: PUl1l'iicS Hliditifll1lloH!lil " ,,,••" •

,'"' ~••.•'" ,,

".,.,., .. , ,,, " ,." ,'" .. ,"""', "

,,, ,,,,
' ·"



" ,."•••.•~..•, ,.,.12 " ".". 88 ".. "".

" ,,
~ ,



,2;1 21
26, 3;n



Puzzle .'".".""
,1 .. ,,1 "


L!i,t'~!"ral L-g~~ing Ul~~jid ,P.i;iI;t!1:le.""

". 96

ucu .. ""."




",,, ,,,,,,••.,,,, ,.

l~anyDeligti'l P!.!i!zz~e ..'.""

'inliIe '~~~:urnateP'L121Ie 1
Clim bilil',gl.(,a,t;S.,...... " ."., .


·""H ·
" "I" .. I, 1,

,"',,.' 28 .
1 ""

es IP\uinh~ '
PuDI e ,

·' ,

·1'1' ....




Ele,phan't Wlli!Gdlmail,~ '" Owll~mlly

,•.,,.,••.•••••,,,•••"', •



'.· .....



'.';,;" ,]3 '..

,;. , "
•• ' •••

', "
P,. " •• ,

..1 0'4

m~RJ~'xDi!1!iIil,s.!!illrPuzlhl: .",.,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,,,, 11;li1gendDiUts,lInllrmal Family Puz:zi' e!S ..


...,,<+.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 34
•• "1,." .... ru .... ;" .. ,,1 .... II,


'~he,"l!i~ltle AJt {If P'aru:Er 'O'cs~maJll, ..•,.. ,,'



e di ate fuzz Ie's o,,~

'" '" "
,i " ,,,.,,

,••.•'•• ~•• '•• ,.,.,••


'lI5' of Co l'irir,ib u'to t$"" ••• ,P"o ••


i, ••





Sou~h!i'l!\ll:s~II!',liinP!!llzzl!!!"I.,"'.,r" " .••,•••.••" ,',., "' ,.,•••." 47' miea[bB;!s~eLiUll e..._.~~_.~ ~.....~~_.~_.~__ ~~_ .._~~_... '501 _ _
,IMn~h:(llrk 1~l!.Iz%le. ,11f=:]:!l! '5'l1l'i ogwji!1l Q! Pl!!:ul'i:!' ~-""'T··'··' . 52,
,.' _., _."

56 001


"1*., .. _

,An! mal '~l:J!nlil!'!£·.

.. "" ,,""""'"


JIH'IilllliJ al!'!idtlh!!! Whale IPuzzle,,,,,, ",",' """ , "EO " WO'QdinN!lJI .Moo1s'e ',"' , ;';,
,,'''',.,., •• "",'

, .. ""., .. ,

1~g:n!J3ro@ IPu2llf!:....eaa .... saa .....





.. '


his Boo:k

Alph!\iSk~ fill.l.z:fie ~}e)ge12

P'(IiI:~e~-Siil;E!; an:mlf,am T

P.a9~ 1:$


(reatf': 'TiAeWl!:fI!dJ6i3illm'1'

iP~g'~ '18,

W,firrllfs: Most irJi'IOClIJU

F()!JII"-P~'~'C~ Pl!I:m:!j!' r~9~


II.pp!I'~Alpililaiin!t~l.Izzlc fi.lge~

PauIIIlJl!:l)l'3111 fr,ar]" I~Ui:m@ Page',~

[)alry D'E!n~J~t l?l.Iulc J

iIlheUlt~lminif! Filj~I!~

'~'~,g'~ :28


(lim bin~:C~~;~ I fag,e 33,

,lngan'~OiY~ !nim~1 A :PU211es: Page 36

ril roily




S'i:i:!lIth,We'Sit:em Jl\llilzle P~g!i:'4]'

Teac;ller's f!u;lz1:e l~;ag'eSO

Noahi's Ark



Page 5'6


'Freestamlinrgl ,I\rilimal

Pu~l~ Pag~ 6,2

Jomh and' nile' Wihaile


Pag~ 66

WODdim,a~~ IM:O!llliS:@' fi.lge'~

Kangla'rml; PIIJ!U~@



W(!:[);d@n PU2J!le'ValilU


'P,~,g'~ 4 1


WQoly MilIi1ill1!l!~th PYL~~ fag,e a;s:

MOi~tJi~~;;ydtl PYlzd~,
Ifag'li! 96

Page 98

HhNI!! n II'mag'l\ls Pu:U~~

lE~ephaliit oodlimiil~ W


IOw'1 If :~uz21e P~g~' 04, 1


The Pume .An ~f Riilitndy (fQ~ltt'!laIPi 1P''l'9 t;: 10~


5mIJ Scl!w' WQ.omwr.k{i,,~'& (mtf:s ma~azI!lfIe b proud:



this (lOl~I@'Ulonl!!li~iome S

Qf'o~r bes!t pl;.l Z2ll!e Jll, puZll1:e:m~lke;rs pf,~'mskiill' ll\eve~s.. 5 Wh,etheryou enjoy pain~ed

the: look ,i!dIn!ltllU!ral




cl1i1dr@lil~,or pUZ1]es 'th:at lilin1l!PiIIOY:SOIl1l.i!!'

W'~~dWQ~~ifJ;91 'led1rn'~ ~~~ f9u~' boullld I'~ 'f:ilfJd ju~the :~ight ptliject ~!'i~i~, bo@k, MA1Irehan just t
!31 ~~Uem

boclk" tnlZifllfe'j!'e;r~the"r1Qmlowing'

pl2i'Sles alSi~IC:Gn]'ailil:,Jttip~;

t;ern'ifi~ques~,and stl!l:iiillii:$ Ilfum marn"

'Df oUr corn,tributer\!: 'tiTIat 'W\III, IliIo,pel\\JilAyifil~p:1 re ~1IiI~

punle illulk:ers:

to'~1'I1 both ilihese IPI.IH'~e:s: yo!.!!rown 'rN~ili!!l!Is.For' instance\!, ma~r and

Stie~ ,Mailamlta ,iI.'nd Ri!lIii!~ C!fNil~m'i!ln:stiafe 'tilel if IPIlI~i!M:,~tip~~ nOiiM. whHI!e ]IU:d)I' (lrnoi

~Ild ID~lie IP,eterSlOn'Differ jll!,st w'hwt }lOll l'1Ieedtoue~te th~lJ; :£!illllp~'e' bUil ,e4,e!!lil:illll lIfe:!!1 gm., mile ptl1lZles, il'if! tinis book i!lr'@ b:rliJ'~lel"ldown ilifrio Stdiofi$
begl!1fI11U!r lP!!IzzJes;,illtii!!!1.IIte. plIln:rfS

iiU:,cof'dij!figI'iii;5-lkm !leJ!Itl= ~t1.<S;Jl! ~~, 'fi IlId ~

and rnl!:1lS'tii!f' IP!!lI.zJ,6-rnli~klTliIg :skmeJd

pro~,e(~31Jhillt slIit you" ilihb 'fb'rmat oalsQ~IIIIII)-W5 )"I1Itli ~:o'gJil)'W i!!lld dl~:IIIe:l1g·~ yourself~ as YOU! b I!!Ciil!ml~ mOf\i!' CI!lIiflI('OIrtablll!!:
,i!U;li!l fIllOI[ii! in

Plil IU111!m,llikilitg.

w~tioPEi' tol5 oo.~lertiofill ,alm~i!J,'iii1t5 ylJiu~o !bTiIP,r'IJ;)f"e!ilIIf


!';kll:i.Us and Uei!lt'lf! beiliu~~frulll

tlQ' ~eep,olrm'gi'll',e' as g Ifu:.

If:Il!1idlErj,rnuJ.e Illy j'ilidly lP,ct",non., [pa!!Jtl so.


'ThI~H.glh 'the5f! PWX~t.51ar€' l~a5)! to mlill'ke"lNl'tll~111 stillend

llI;p wi~hi

IIt~rac!niVe p!1l:UII~5.M!lny (ill thiem, 1TiI,!i~,e:reiilt g

gffit:s. ,All oif UI.E!'IP~ojed!j; 'f~,a,t!lUIredharll@thE' ~nf:Orm,a,tJiG,n y,ou IIiI@eifil

,t~iOi1I'mt [p'11 e.te




ulllcIIUd"i!!' '!!IIII step·b~t·:5tep

,1115tfUctioIUU:;' fu:~ ,O'tl!i:E!rs~ all ~ou11l1i1eemlis


~I:rrnp'~ 1ll111!! p!Elttf:rIi1!, 1lfIili1llto~


r,l!iii~ II!aj~jjfili"'jj1I'ii.lm~ by R!.lI~111

GlnliiCflfJildi!i', Pili;,!: :211$.

,1?~.zzie.5Ji]:t"ll-.1!l!'g:re-~l gi.ft.... fm. ch il.drl2I1. 1S one ls .p!i,li.r[c:uia~y~(ld, t r\(lf.' .kMiI: Ibl!l!c!l.u~l'i!· ~i!ll$,t:hli!!l h~tl:l H ~ tllil~ alph,[lhet-'l;I.~ :2liS letters, As prr.ljel<t!;" lPuz.:zle.s<i!l!C ~N~~ f~).r·bt;;gijufll ~I ;\:crf~lil!?rs b!~~ca,u:;,;~1!;l1cy:alh.i<,\Yy.ou · to. pr.ilIcHceiCu~ti[l@;.~wistsnd tu:rlfl8. and they aee a forg~viif;lg. On(ilil It'~~!Il :p3iU~r.n Is: r~ml~nredl. n ·m'!:~ca n, i~~ n I .it yml :!l'tr.a.yed. Qff lll"!" ]li11!",.Ii:tt~e,PWI.:zzlll!' projIf!Cti;; can ,a~:'io b~ ;a :gpod ?n1l1 w, tUise~(;r'liI~ '!NtHJdJ-~i.mpic~, ~IIL1l~f lUI"
ru1iili~@ria! ibiJi :s;i:l~. :1ll'f![tH~' sta II"t i11;1:1,

Turrn ser ap wiood ~nto

,iIn idE!lail, 'I!njoyab-I:e lbegirn.nerfSI p,ra:ied:
By John' A.. M~oll


S:t!!!!p .,:, CUt one .p·iece ;0" wood" LOGL'I!I:e a piece Oi~ woad ~,~ thi(:k :ii:. 116~lal1l9 ;.::,~~ \Nld!! ..if ltOILl c:anfiIQ;t mnd! a piece ,of wooti[mis, :sIze, .s.iIn ply gliU~ UlPSlemp wooo t)O, ~hie (JI!ter,a'1lsj:re.

s't, p 2;' 'Safridl 'lI:be''iNl)od', U:l:lng m,edrYm~gr~t ~ndllPaiPoe r; 'silll'lidrn@ ~:opand bD~:to.ITI surfaces, W~pi2: dl e woad with tili dean., d!l!mJl (Ile/ttil. Sti!! P 3;' At!ta(h the iP~!lteti;'i '~g. w,o,od us!~mg 'tlh,!I!' lil!l!!m-pOf"lllIlIi'lI bG'flIjd :sp,rillY .~ld"u!iSi;'!i!"i!!~, PhOitocDpy d'if! pane:r,1i'Ii fOiJ'ild on page ~4. :Be :lj,LJlre' :iipray 10'.n1)! the to parl!l!!rriJ and Itltot liIl@ w,Qad,

Is c~,acfl:f


or :s;q 1!I:i:\~~"

a rI Y PUlllik~. be-sum tht!



~:I!:!' the lIilM12'.. :~:[ !t~'lI!


i:!i; not sq III :ilir(!:~!J t:he tab~i[!·. (h!1!' pieces, will t!l.!g'il:~ h~r pr.Ppllili~:!,.

,11.'i:l,t ~)O

Stil,p 7,; ,('gt the, ,teiflll~iii1Ii19 'pi,ece;!i", Continue Y:sin,g 't~e il!!2b'1~de't,Q"~Uif~h)~r@maimlng pi~(€!'!jii Tr~'~o k~~p WUI,Jio ,the liiii~.s.but: IfYOi!.j;,:m~y !;IIbl:~. it. will nO'~matteii'; 5tll!lp 8: R'~i1I~8@\mlbil@ 't,hi@':5f1i11

k8. A$, ~OJUI (jU~ tltlJt~, ILIl,Jt

~iee:~$j'Ire~$eli'il1bl~e the sn~ke baok ~ii'lt~ t1l!Je;S!OJ,iilp bo'ar;dL p 9: Re'mGv'e IIb,uliToI.Attf!f all the lp'i@iO@'S cut. om i3lire andi pl\aoed ba c:k il1wth;e s.-r:rap.board, sand the lpo'leces, withl, 'nnf!~gfDt ssndpapertn r{@~10'\l@' alFliY bUIili'5>

... SteiP 4:: ICI!.!i't:~lhe :snill'k.tiJ bod!!,' U:sing'


Ill:; 5kip-10D~h

bl'~de,iOy~ out rtl'Qe''I;H1!tllre ood'iy" 'f~~o keep the Qy~~,'lde' !1I~!1llj:rI!gin p~i;1~.

... 5t'll,p '1O~V-UM the 'l!!lDtire il Wl1l1!llbly ,Qve;r., Usi~."g f!lI~dil1m'9tril :;;,:lIndlP\Ol!~r~ sand lh~ ba:c:k .I f'th~J!!El'·1)!r~

any mOTE' burrs,. Irwn'ove ~he :snake fmliln ~lheboard arrl'C:i


t.llle' body.

St.,p1 1::lRiem.grye ,aU dl!lsi'., ~.!iing. ~l.!llilPm~ilile piflili!t Qr, thinner on1ta cl:e-i3'1"!(I!:;nJlI~ WipE! :all' pieces llIntil!1 e~h piece is. dlUiSt:~rH!~' •
• SteiP 5~ IRemCNe il:l'nie5nal!:c~s 'bDd)'~ Once tlte bOOy ls eut, lfe'rlfIO'IIi! iloom the' SGf.tip w,oodl ilnd :!ii1M lilt!!! SCfli1lP

'Wood aside


ih~ Ipl~!!:iI!!s_, S~lhg ~~ryn~iPili~n<t U (;ho ose t h e (olou: you w()i!J~dIlik:eooli' each pleGe Oif the pl,!lz:zII~'.5~r;~ Wl~~l th~ !fi rst teaI,eryou hil,'!,l\~ ehesen and
.. Step 1':2:.IPf!i~"t

apply a tiny bitt o/r ~aint tc! 'tflle topp!ece (l'ftlhe sna!k,e''s: h!!4id, (Il!!r.·e:f~ :SiP!",e~d 'thli! (:!ttl 111M' Ily w]tilh ~ 'soft doth
,,," StuiP 16~IQl!llt,tlhe II:ullIdy wmlhal:f.,Usang! a #2. r~gtlli3ir.' tooth blQ<d\e,CiUt: 'the body at aJ j(iiilt'it appr,oil!;;im~I'~~ly in '~hii!! m idd ~Q' ii~'WiU lOt!e\i}Sit~r'to! o,It:into '~Ih~ :26 pie-(@s. 8y !a!oiJ.ilg tl1i[$, :YCy iMlliIi;Ot 1I1I'av,e bJ! ~wiifl'g ,ill big pr.-e,c:e !Or of

ibrLl:5!rn. Uisin91 ,i!J, cloth enables YOUI hI! bette r


(:gtiJ~;liIg:1the ~,11:'i!1:f ~Q 'th~~ it dQI1!$r(:t: fUn dt)'Wii'l1 th~ ~icll~:!! of ~:t1N~; PiJi,l~e lP,t~c:e Tal!;:'e' c:.are m01:00, get i1lny paint on

WOQd ~rQ<l,!lifld..

'~he' eclg,~:!;; B~ ::!me is ,at ch~ld'5project

'~Q ,~~/@

"ol!1i~(;i)i;ir; IP~Il!it:lb>9;w~$~


Sfil p" ,): Apipl" :th@~'lph~b~t, U~ing a 'Vl,~ !ili~!il,[jll or nib .., '0 11I11,et!Je\~, ,a:pp'ly tln!il ,i!!lph~~b-et.IPI'a~e: IP:uuJl~ back 'i i'iIt'O the

dlJ~ ~~r,flp bQi\3mdij!f~ yo!"l wo:n'k :~ th~',ilph~b~; p~iI;;edl Ql'!i i:i; tllieo $n~ke~body in ilMUmabetit::iIIl Qt"!;l'et,''ltty'tQ II~iile' up,!j'1I hm:ers~h~ ~i;I'l'f!il2 W~f' StI!! p" 41; Drniw t!!nd p~IIM: the sn:!!I!~erJ 'ey)!, Usill1g ,ill pe-liidl, liglhitly drillWthe eye ~rliplace. Then, U:liilii£]1 blladk
Pl!!ltnt, t~refylly 'p~lntthil! eye 'W'iith ~ 1100 l'Q~nd bJ1l,.!s!"h"

1M ill ",J!ldl',!s , ·,1 pi ere, ~" '~Uln!i! ., WCi!lId,!!1~


f6":I: '9" mori ~ft MO~ iii ben bu!'~;ud 'W(iiIId

(t]lu,h;J Ibll' iJ~edI)

• S~I!i;;!'~~et, ~~i!.!11Ii ~J!i!

• Tu~"ljrW!ilf

p<illll: ilNIlLIlICf

• (lear! dod!
• f~lI]pl]!'Jiry ~rlI .,p~htil


Step" 5 (Opt iOI1!!lI~~AplP,ly

im..Cijne':y~I;1 a ,~pp.y

·,~t~~lk • oIIOI!I'II'!JlwWfl!ilmblu~1tr • ii.(JyIIC pall'lt 11'1 (i1~i'!'!~~ gr'!ll\II, light $1l'!I~i IiIglt~~lmPEtilli'Ii;' gl'eet1 • .all1liquegtlhl, yelilorw. 5!'II'!~rTgh.; !feiki-w, 1!1!1')l!ie-,dw5ili. ~I'HI:lJii:lIPIl1P'I!1'. M<iri;o.. p!ll'l1p~ln,ri:ilrlbboon bl\j(1il.IlCIua~rlll1t.. i rose petailiiini .. rtrytll pll!ilJl; d.ambr3'f blue'. r~i~:rT:11n b1!:JE';i pfnllp;;;lrf~it (inIl101!111orl, bt!re 1.o"!i~nr.I(j~eill'Ii mist Ib'lue. ulJl:r teaL, Iilmrl!irwJ;,gl~. ~ .g1\m.lIlu!lm!J~~f], ~pFIf]gl!1I~~n"blMli: ·!il!m !ml~i:(lJ' 'I.aml!lfl 'I1J 5lmIJar J!!I~UCt

tcr~Qiiift of !l;le~r ,gjo~, L!l~~ri01" vi3IlFl!i~hl Qr~':i'nlniJI~r p rod'Wl~ Jtif~t: oill me' 'lOpI~lmed ,~I',e:[j 'liJIf thi!!ii' t,tilake_.

., 11'2 r~w!\iif.;fCOOf'i bloo!~'


Pocet-Size Tan ram P zze

C~ever pU:lzlre -i tihi-b,ox IPr,ovide,jij, ,al P !D,rta b~,el str,a diun di
By C(uJHn.:Hf,'f Tangram

whJd.l the ChinesiI!' iThl:!loeaU

Cftl;li!;!:r;1< an a!]l~:;.;,~n~.

t1:l.0 Si1F\!~J]

~~Oilrdr;:of'C~.!1I:1lL1 01g_.. can

of d,~~ib~:!l msing
jrlJ:!l:t: ~W(l' sets 'Or'~,U!l!:'O ~H~ you !!i~,ll1g !lJIi1Je' et. s


seven tl ~-8. This PTojCC:~ :inelud'!ils can.'tlUIl:g ,!fll{D!"C a!'l:t:.c: dI.e:sigIll:5', or ~"h[l}'ug<l!i:nst an Oppoail,UllIt. ea'Ci]

The :!H~III:1[)le rules: Ji~q'LLi re yuu to 'iJ.i;S~ ,a'll~ ~V(!1:1 tlil':!p" Olil1!d eachtile Illl!!!OttO'Lmh aIlt!O~heL~' tile" "Iti1:iJ: IProjicct bi. built ln tfi'!l\ill' !i"-~;bick l:aycu", and, it
can ("":!lily Ibc!IIL~!i!: l,liI, n C'l,l'JII!I'IiII1g, Cut tn!!!' ~~iecesIt,D a [hill' nJU;[!;h ;Ii]:!.i12[isti:l~ iJI. N~.c IllmtillirialL5. Smld aDI of. ~:hl;!' 'II'O\Ood, S!ILu:rate!lwitlil p:m;gJe&,>uvcly ,~rler. gr'ii!::» of SruJ1.dpijrper. !l.I!p'00, 220 grit • .iPe.r,r111Ilnl1!mly attock the rrolll't, :and b~k IPiNl~iI;'rnqS '~;ij t~~~J ,rcs:~~cU!J12' r blanks

(sea' Atro.c:h:ul'liS, thi] Frunt: and ,~hd; Pan::iIems), At:Each ~h~ l)lI z:l;lc drili\/!'cu Pi1lt'!/l;.:t'f1I U)'OiI:lC Ij)f thr.: bhnl'ks. Usc g;J1Io'li!likh!!l rttape orr' i:Ifl.v.i:iuMii: 't~,e '1;'0 prepare a stack wiflil the ];IU zsle d:rral~t:rP!ittlli:[,l~ 'bJiiIlfuk~J1!d 'I,WQ I'CliIf!iiJjjDing MilI:rIiks" Cut: al:11 three :~2iy([!tSof the dra,,,,,"e{f," 0c[ion: at the &
same I!.imc"


(.tU"til1e tsiU:ilfIiillg ,!ill~ wer :Sl!d!lilUlI. 'ia5@~,I!:lI1!U5!1!·!j)tr(Jill .. ~Ili'f"l:in :thl!! aiu:sid!!,! '~gl)!,,~md ~i;il::,r.mJlltd! ~Ii'i!!lIl1I'im!l!ttr a

i;lrt~ dr;jiNH (Ole 1lIiU!!1' ~1.1orij.IIbem!)'l'~iIhe gr'1!¥:lh*'=lIPt~~ in .:l~IIli~the d'I'.:rwe~ ki!llid~ itil ~ncllIlIli1! !f!!f'i!Jl1!'·Ha.d:; ~~pi!l',~lC'!iJe :i'!~L., ~~~ ~ ilolnom '~i!:M: ~~id~.

(lilt 'IJrn&pUIl~'!Qi 1Ili18'1Il;;'IFb!i~t<1i(k il1iH~1I h\~ !lflxi2~i.IDrll ,a tJbd~ I2rnt~~ l~ [111 ~ 1J1t1e!l'J\II1'!t ~lliflflSf!(lf il'le :5q~ ,Iie'. ('lJi: t ,~hm9i itl~ 1U!,eiiW ike;;: OIl1l!l1"ffll!i:tik.'5. ~k<: 'w~',i!!l o:Ii dl<e<cum Cf:l, r!l'millr.iJ;1mp. 'C:~mruI11pl.:1a!~hillllf~0:~ III !lI~d~r to ll'I1J.llaolit oaQ'Soor

~a_(~tltm :ba{]:t: i~

tbi! l[r,1I1_

pa-Uerrn rr,tmi. h!"w!iiOOlL Cut Illulsirle 'IBI!' lime 0I:i eYerylhcn.'9 linn iIU:50:1; t!'t.;ffl~,W!-oe"~fil~hi"g n (;\J!'wijll be ®AIl: enee th.~ p~~Jet:i:t~,oM~~!!d.

Outtfto tOi!'lnd '1iMiItmmlll'il~nis\;, UJ!liI] ill reglllar"~Oo:t" 'biMle b$(;ilUW !llti1upTllfFliedi i~!?,b'h ~ a lf~se--~~[iDh bl.J1i!e ~I~I iU. hfEi tg

A~~!f!bm~ 'iJ~!!l'd~~\~~, Al'!pi, '!'I'gfild 91l!i~ 1-fl~ll1giy t~:t~ bt!1:~i;im ~h~e ~'!.\I~ 1P'ie;:;~'!I!,i!t hwld ,tf!~'til!i:5. PJ~ i~~'I: iple-;;e 1I}IIIJ[jp,()hl~ d~'~!81lr DO'i'lr!Jm.ClIiiC_Wltili IpliM~' iiII~ i'i1l~nM.. d.l! III P' 'iheEll'm [!I Ia Oil'ilitld allo'w ii;lM!rn 'il) !illY,' HmO-lIE! ,i!my i?l)[(l:i~ ghoo''iJlIi!t ijIi'lI~~rll_"ot~e~:roi!'NIN.

jCI.;!,~Bmb~,'jjh~ df.i!i~r :!:1(l1!!~.~lI W(ii(ldi gll~ ~Ilnlj~~ ' 0 ~h~'b!!ri:~i1If!1' i;J~,i!.Ii I,iuwdr~'~icle J!iielli~ (Uh~ l~''5e!:li~~~ ,-ei Lli.~"IIl(!OOtiriMlI*(!Oil- ilillittflii ~~~rdO!N1"Itirid ~1[gl1oItiil!!'1l:iroo I~aor~ IJrii 'tD'p- Ua.llil,p 'thil!! tau~Ill)'m iili plaoo an dI,alJm tl1Nlm t~ diy., ~EiVIl:i!fE!allY gl:lJll!' tfuilt ~,U!!I!'n.~ mllil:lnt!! ifill! dr,a,'i're:f'iiE'Gil!,.

DiI'M'if,J'!: tlfl!! ,ilI~iiWil!!f. ~ilid ihe erJge.~ MitOOi:!DJI'L Ia~ ad' illt IIi'to!'!Wet,li<1l' df.)li;l,\(!r !1IHjj~ ~ ~1igtui)'Ql1lr!lfl~'t~¥I t~~dl'al\~ ~'Ida. lfllll1~ ,t~llliilifflll1! Iil~l~amll roe-te-;;I' ilJJedr~--er~Si'l1'i~11:i!1l ~'1l;:jln If Ine!l'dc!ll" Wliirlih!'ldr,DI1I[e1I!l1 pl!:li{~,;Iue liIrI~ -clampl il'lc t!lqllpiW~ illr'i '[lite !il~biy, ~~e; Ihe i!l'r,!!,'j\jE'i !jjIwlryjjes f.ll)m,lit~, C<I~~

'f.ln~~ij ~il!!: p~n!e.!1P !!tle :5iltes(If t~ii' 00((Md~hl!' End l Dftle dri!!,'i\e~.IFIE'du!eliie d1Mn~\i,~f Ih-~ Ille~: bJ.! 11I111'11~9 Mrn t ~ ~JI! '!iii IIIa1 01 :2 M·'1l Iii ~ndpi:@ll" O,l).lll ~i:!lf g~it!i:i..~ rlDl j;)lJlIitd 'nlieo~ljirliie;r5:; F.lul !ne 1Jl1es: in pilslll11'n,. .and! ol!f!~e lihe Idlf;ilrwet~

'. ""'< __ ,_;"-.'-....---'" ' ' ... --.-_., ···a-.. -.QM -.-. T, : 31.

Alta dh iIilIlg 'the [Frofilt and





[P,attefn s




!'?t/(Mh fhe' pe!ffit/pen1'pa'lter]IJS ,ij ro print in!ilm IlIli admt ~nt !lI'i!f!':ffiq;j~

me ~lJe~t l~!\'l

flle~~"~!ve.' i\lII~ WMk-en. f(Jt!l (@ prlnUl!e froilli~ 1:1!id: br:rr*"rhJif)ru !li'JJi ardfnrNy ptJpenr ridJum rInd appJj!li!'Miit ~.rM'o/sp:royoo~~ ttl ~t}J


mr! iVllIilllf,

WON lIiI'fcl'V~'fW.l'l\lifx ~llI'1.i'1

theddhe:!\!ve'J~ ~~' iJte:5~ the llt1lte1lfl ilI,I\Hti lill?~Wllt-d,. ,lTiI'alli'-i!if ~rh!Wi\l'll'i?.1q1p1y asmr~t :filltli afMJ!idfod~itfi!l! Ui'tt7MJto.f~h~ ~rlie\i'J'J; {)rJ5~f1Mlt (){! rl!.e ~~t, !i!lld (-o.veJ' n"w!~
ti-n ,r:ff!;rt;,tfuna/,f,Q,ah!l mikr:,

t,J!roiIfflmf-n:-d' wing dadr !f"5hJ{nm1il'.rln:.lile~

r/~ tift Il~\!1i5f-rr~9'e"slde-~p ,o:nlo ~h~lW"CIflti': ,App1y,MI'I' ~rf.' QflI-d ~tlt mlh IltlfJ.rhfl jWij ror,f§=60,~~,ooasto w1el1:,l:e. tlte ,tNMJiN frlmii th~ iltlldrll!l'9 fll1pi!l •.A ll'ilMiIIr.rm :§">i!J'tin9 oolhf'lmn 'WOl'b !!rat: ,(}arit. T·shrrt jlfMJW fJ~ iJ (tv.~,1e iiI' o'Rire :wppJy II'iII'lQ (raft j~f~5.

thl!"ifl'KITUd'iIilJJ!j bff-tUtl"iI1' ~

,llfQ1lQ'is diffmnt.

mf! ~lJc

~ t~ Ih~lW(l',W:J: ~frll~ sqalll~ p\1l\l~Jl!If.!t rtt

pdli!i'/'ili\!d wj'~h~n\r:Illu.'~mrh(fje:,~ ~a' /jun~Up.lfJt:i'U QPrJy·~~~ udr pai~; ,lie df~r m rNiff) J!1ti'l'd(ij"i'rm:tpaly; Sand ti'i'iI'ptiff!';I'OI'l' fbc ~ Of 0,0: ria iIii'$ lr1f fltefiles.


• 5 P!m-:: !i1I" iii 3-" l 4ti·

,.A .[L.,"

~ ~


R.a!tlt IMr~h IPW'i'lWd • S;!f]irllli!l~, i!i~D!~d !lJlri~ upto 2liil'!illit • ~ra,:t .adMi!~ (10 .atl~1! d'rOl'INN p~~tem) • Larg~'~,d~~ ilaliicll,l' dlar k. T-sII trt I].aln"[~~~ .. iilrllllkJ:iui'!:lit"~:'~J, lUi· !j:ie1IrnIlllen~l:; :lilti!~h'!Ile ttill' and bcn:rom Ila/UI,ern~ 'WQ~gll,,!il'

,; I'i.tll i[J;'IOf !Jr.' P.aliM ,. Mil!lllll'lg !IIPI!' ~r



'.n h!m:~..,t~ih




N~i~'UI.a""'6o!ilJh b~.ilriI~III .bl~ o.flllinillire

~~J1·!illlilrrull!1'1 IlIiD' , iIk'5&orted~mall damp~

r""t.m·":Pi~iii! Fl:rn~1D.

Ih~I!ti'.j!jI!i'Ii!Mioc~'OIi~-'idl~~ Or.JW.I~:tII!'Jj.o~ c;i'il'l\!'i!fi!!M !:Ipti'4!lP ".I~!Itf"'';'''[iJ,IN!;!IiI, Llt-Id,.-!l ",,:D.. wed fr .... ~'£Ii·8'I!iil'd !!li[Iu_g_k~.·!li'I!l,fId~'~t.1 IIII~ ;:i.IlIRp;!:l'!Srtllll~ ChIUn.ll'[1l'9!:i-l-!H)"

'1J';,j: o.Il1t~~~ilI!hll'R~;jg,.;s!!i

The Word 'Game

It ,djever~ealsy, .to ..make pltzz:lle .
By C'ilw(e$ ,B'o~n
tno :good tal be it;ri[uC'"it l PI)liVt,,'"\,1.'!I\ deliv~,t,ijl,:1'1w"t~r~dlli'iiie:it p:mrn i:!ies.~t is e~&}' to hulld, fun to [];i;:[,y; nd p:r'O\~i des hours oJ' crut;crtniJI:mmt Gi~"'Cu]to {I, ch !I,d.'this d~'iVU!'f '!.mrdl g:;1iJli'llC Kerv'l!~ as a lear[!Ji Ilig trIO I., Toa bU!l-Y ,e-:t'CcI1HvoC; it· 'i:s' seen ,IjIS a. :~~ndeway to [d~;~'!I!cstress,

-'I. . C"RElf.1E
. ' , '. , , I, ',' ,

'WI hen sernethlng

u":)~I:r1[~Y Thiis 'rooj~c'~, i~,

I, dll[.'CliI!!!(iJ to :s:1J1!!ep 011;'1, lt, and sure efiiO'ugll, I wok!!!' i!.!IP ill fresh :t'd.ea., :5dneeI W,iia:litcd. to create ;sai1Ul'[~ iog iIlp E!d iiII I. ~ Ih(J'H~:~ftn~ 'why JHJ~[i.filcgl.U~ the wart! Hc;1rNte" hIt)!] the p,roj~e' [ ,cQuM CI1t; out: the &iJx: letters tlm~ spell t Ifle '\V(l'~darnd p!j),~uti(~!fl 'l.hcun 0(11 il:f.in1elhi,ng '~h:at '!,v,i'UJlJd


:~ca'mc up w~~:hII~idea ~.Ir 'I:he 1::'

5Ornc'LI,r'hal" a;tfess;r-Ii_I'~ ,ool1ldi,tioJ:1!S'.


ga'!if;I.e' limdl!r'

l)i!:;S'pite thil:' r~Gllurtn.S: u:21w:re {if bi,fltJnd;;ty:,;, I :g,ulfiJth:1l1y ~butrld. 1:11;>.'$e~f' with }U'Sit on£! '\vet"~ellid to mme IJ:IIp'!i,'I'ii.c:h I!mique a 'fOE'

''!NIOode;n pU:i':.z'le ifc(f;' Iri i~T.I.. lhen Ilf;'e,i}'~i'zed :1iI~dlahcillll}' I 'mi!d() h 1m ,~ p'iittidt:l fa!: (!"'~i"rbiiUhday '1:l'1e't)' holi{hll~ II '~~.ili ille for iSO'ITH;:iIln iI~lig,dtiIiTel1i1:I1I,I:. 011.1[[~1IIi!l d I



My i5irn!t th!,Ji:i:~t


'\!,'.i:Si to 'ma~ld iii, :rimp'lti'

al.lo\"" UriC leU~r'~m be c;[i&i~'~ rearranged. OI1Le:e l :had tn,c 'I' Wt,'lIU tit! :fiI1IiY s'h(l!p,:!!il'l!!ll began woiJf:klog. seon ~ h;:vdjthe iCom.]lIlct~dIgnmne" WlrikJl J \1;''[;]ppcd up end g;ilve ~o fi'lY g.rnft~H1L, ''V:Q il] !d. h~ ~ikt::~~~ y !ll!Jlefillon. Wilts M answer.1f:dw.l'TifiU1, he 'iDO[\i1:tlhll'O'l'lgh the P8pe;t'; puJlcd OIl.U' t~!: ~k!!des; lind 'beg_lttipl:ili)lblg with :it, figb~ aW!iy, :ponmY' tine$~ shl1lplc illlSU l1C'[ij}J'l:!l, and! ~!Q1I.(il!1'!I c'rNi~ a

spjjJ'Cii!!!. gift, too"

d ti!t'!il.r.ii:'iS tlli!.! V!l:'o"llt:.:f.hi,il blank: a!51 ~U;II.!SS~~tJ h.ii I;l)fiiI'l:! u:r;;. 'Wit:l~ [be [rae!.\!' '"thi:DlI:g:"'

Sh the


1: Giiii~iheli ',he

W'(I!;gd.. ¥O'I.!! wTII ni!ed

six pil!'(:i!$ 'for


now tt:i'f~fff:n the Ibi!lsh: :s,tanlng bio~ks. iuse hilIlrdwoods

lell.ters~ e.seiM meaSiuring

2%i'~:< 2Vll~~~o' ClJt yoot

S'hw1JMin~1O'I!r ~~ (fJi _l~i -~me'~~~g:,mi({ro~IN-e!jt; r ~ .S~u.ti; ~tlyWVJ'lil(f;ii:litffi~F.",~f'.i\l~~tHir~. r!J!«t,~'.iile


1"'r:JI ~Ig~f:mIII"l~ r~~h' ~ih jj~u~reJ:'; ifll}.(lrJti1a~ 1'1 mucJlj.!?:\1 ~1fu',~MI PlD~lCUtiurg r«'~,",iq~ ~f~:lJ\af$~f-%lml~I~W .m:rr~,* 1rnt1f~,~e fiN! ~ (lJtJplftl,rffmMtJst iil Mlp'~ fJ!l~ Qc,!iril ~ '»I!\r~ ~~ Q~ trr the $fl~ f1(~, l1ef~le.b-e9!l'!~ ~ f,'r~ttrdw;ywr wrJlk (}IH. VawJtmltigDJild'¢(klcI1~ rw'IDQ~ ,Il) i'lflJ'~ ~I'il!l aM
~~ 1~1lU;!df!JiI' tvtl!'dgi1ll'lll'~tIJ1!i'

bilaal!,.l!li2 they slClJl"!dI!Jp'~o ~hii!',~bY:!le :sYfr~f\e,dI rrom looing handled., and 'mey' ta~e a Inijcef1inlsh. I also pr,efJ~r'the'
JA'~ ~hj'ck!1'!'~!!i b€!e:;:iJ!:J$eit m::!!Jk~:!l 'f;O,f a !lic:~;,s;olid! I@n~r to hiiilli(jlle wl9en 'fbrrnllng d~fI!i;'retit' WOre 5;. The wC(ildil !lJsed for' 1h1!i,p~rtiaa~1!i r p!'('lje!l;~ b mae2l~uba, Still!P l::' IUt:!'ich the' t.eHer Pil'l~ii',r,u5. 'Pyttti'!.~ IP~Uej:;liI!S

!blocks.on~ ~€uer pef' Iblock, ,i\ Irre!lllJ\labli~ gl~ue stit:k w~r.Iks qli,d~~ ell. Oii"lC,e: ~he p.... w ~~efl'nl aua,;chedl ~o ls

waoij!'~.~, Mre~Iii'r/.'nJ iilTm' u;¢l!!gg~JIll~l!t11II'm'IJ, 1&1\' ~tm ~ll5.fl!h:rj~,.,,~ i~;«~~nrJlldh[~~ l'l~n"~.rhnlmflfo~rQfeiryN,cIi the ~i!lf'mml'wrn' jw,~ liI'Ir !PJJ'G1f'" .!i~d'be fmtijWJfJlr(J,fl/~t~ (ooJfem!:'m~~h, l1awJi)t

wnmMl' j'OM'i',Q

the woad~ Uiil!nJSif:~f' the centerllir':le fir-om the :patterfll iOE!if'ih~r,of the b~l'toJ.m edl~e-


:5 te p 3 ~IDrilll1ia le'S 'Fair'Uiiie pegs,,'-;ol 11'fI{)lld'~he ~en,e,s in pla{;[!<mn dll@ wOlOd'~r:I ,bas~!, UlS.@!W' d ow@~s; <liS 'p~.Js. 19, lffiIiliite the p~g Hl,ede. drill tI ,%,. tlJOlie ii:)~m~ei'ed on the ,b()ittotnill~d9j}'1 %." d~~IP" R1L1'Pi@i3lt' tlh ilS: pmcc~:>;s,for all :s.ix ~ettelF:s..

n,e<edto de this, on ID1'le 'MO e) ,~n,d'1:lMe whh ~, !1!,~blt


St:e P' 4i Driml a :startling_Ie

10 i' tfile iin5l1de ,c:l.!I1ts. ou'll Y

Miiii~,e 'tb~e 'CUl50'Witlh i1I! i9 skijlp ..tooth blade. USI2 the

:S-.!H'ne bli;lld:eliO m;;}Ik;'E!aM! oWt~~'Oi1.HSide cuts for ellen ~e.t~e.f; Go ,~lawli!f tIlnd st.ay OlJ!, 'lhli!! I~n@s.Onm 'you ha'!,t~ til] 'S<ID< leU~FS,wt.'ge1: $O:ril'te 120·grit :saiFId~pe~andi h~nd :Hind
~i;lic;hens 'to roundl off iilU oftfw. ~dg@s,

.. Sb,p 1: IMlalke. II:l1Iie biii iie~ Cult [n,e wood of )!lour choice '~Qllh~diifl!~r!!i.1liJ;'i_i!l ,o:n the, P2iltte!Tt (I t!k~ h~~d\li,!(ii~H'I:!lr'roI I

(Jno5iE' wi!lI'nut b'ttn1~ liJ'CIrtiiCiiJla.r pi~c;.e',lT1rH~:pi3iltlEiii"il al~o UJ:'i:dWd~ ithe me~!iill!remel"'~ (or' driU1i1'li91 W' ~~g ho1l~, I '~he Drijlll~E!: ha!~5, .all ~h@' ay Ib'hmuglii,lh~ base, w

:St~pI:, :Stlind ,IUild fini~h the! b~:li~.i $all'l;dand! ~lpp.1.y'yOIlJ~' far';jQ(fite''~nish to the loose'. Ont::e e\,l'~r-YlhiFllg is, dlift, ~ee,
llni!llFiilf WOlids, !fOB

can f,orm lJJ!'Sirn 'thQ-:§'@~~' II~ttt,@INi." 9 Vou

m[i ~ ple~fit~

s'l!irpfI'isOO,.1![ the !''estJIt. IEnjoy.


Materials, .& liXl~s -

MII;'1'1\I',,'I$, ,,,, 1P1~>~~ ~6"',;l;~"~~r,t~' '~-t~!" :f']Y;)!' 111l111iW,Q !~~S@9


,·6",:,: ~.' daw!!l .. SteiiP 50! 1M"Ike ;b1l~ IP~!!!i~ OUt !ii,ix Ii':ie~$ of W' dIOWE!~ each I" lang" Gilue I~;rn~' ~g~ intolne, ho'I'es YOUI drmed in aaeh I~tt~r,Le<iVf!' IO~!llyti· ti~~,p>e-g of l~pa!liE!dl


.' ~m~~j'e~~iilk"

•Sa~~~[, Um';ar,jdl2~


'.'(leilF'p '~ml~hfell' ffn~~1J~d!~fl~

llnit~rl'l1l~~jlJlti illii~cl

5b1 P' II; FI!i1lsMiItjh~ Ilet~ii'S, Ajl)pl~ YO~,1ir ' IaVOJilbe, :~liI'lish to
<31 deilr

g@1if~rli'! beeE.l!U:!;~I want 1).1iI"l!'

, 1!l:sk!J~Ml;Il b2ad1: ,',.MII '1!Vi1fl1 '!W'-dill m~ 1I!1

brwh,r f,~ i~ sil~D" ili:rnr@Q'~iO :ITw!'1! minutes, ,i3fid wipe ofh~H!: ,e~"'(je5,'~, wi:tlh a Iii nHree jp,apef t,OVM@~, ~fy.ol!JlwuU 00 giving t~ils g,arni!to a f'illllTIidy w,Dth chifll:3fefl :i:maU enough to t:ltl!f\l\,! o:riI tJhe p'l,e[!3,. pa~n,tthem wi~'n'!1i1 dh~1 d'~alm p2l1lili~"
Igll~ob ~ en with .ill mm

be.aJLUty of the wood 'Qraili'l,'to'siMOi;'i,

it''!; e.asy'to

appl1j. Jus,t







~,··-~hldi; ·~tOo1:!l;

1~~:= I-------~~~n_

~ .~







World.s Most Difficult Four__lec:e PI• Puzzle,

Yoy'·111 ma,ke thb" (J1I ~ckie,r 'til iIlnl P eop~ SQ,IIV£l' ~,t eo
,iSyJJm S1idhi9
'ftb~ lP~z:d1l!: miDre dimwit I!,


$Om 'IIh!lln ,lJ1111


:~rn~ '!Y!l!Ii"" 1ihi~pu~~' i~ I!i!~!i!~d~@'ffi.!!ih 1l~!!l'~mb'J~

~U!I'uI1ID:IiI, p'l'Ioms,i~lIsi~f :!I'~~, ~o

Til i:!l: is a quick .mfl, i:n!l!::.l:p[!TI!!l~,V!"

y~~r-~, g:1~' ~il:ll:ihu: r.;ionili ,~~, ~m,d w children .aIlH:i the YDUllig, [lit: hro:i!t.~, ru~~de~h~!i(I~.~ rrom a. !I:'r~[l':pii!!'!!,'\rl! ,nf ,;t}f fibe1"lboar~, (lYm:F), A :['1A1lr )1Q:tJi 'scEl[Jl~ i~li;.'oj,:PlII z,x'I!Il', nte LI.' is, IlJi ge~dlOlll four pi.ccc:s; apart ,:lmd t:lrm,1l1 IJ<IJ.H li'il!ll'li1 wg.1l:tlu~a,~, :I't
lak:C'.!l; h£jlUC p'lJit

i)ilU~e't.omaJ~,~ :lll1O<l!"",~, II'l in whi !it~iI:'i3,(ti,":,@; 'i:l$'i~~J1':5itu, y.oli;l,r ~1b~)'Nh. rv~been :n~",];;ILn,!!!i, thic~:puzzle' fot len

Step' 2~ Cut tlile. p wz:zl!e. Anlg!le '1;i1e S(ftlU §~f'I/I,I dIOl.M1'w·lJ:rd, .0 I'll th~: ,rig'hl1., 'll'a1keoS! :;ma1l~~~a,p pnec€ (If the same : wood yotl lP~alt1!1to, !f'iilflkJe d'il!!! PU~~!!!! Ifl'lIJrril" :S,aW' ;rui'nls. piece in 'two, u~1ng ~l1e'bec;I~-~,hapedCUlt SUdie ~he M~ lock, The,Y m:Ysl'lock oabQiU!t: ",lf'way h ~!hro!JIgh" K,@~pa,djus.1i'ing thiZ' an9iI~' O'~' ~he'l!!ilbae' <l'nd ireDe~[itll9 '[llle ,e;;;;:er'~e' il.J!nUI'lh~ l\-"JIO pU~J:~s. r~ slidln'l,i!lbQllllt: a tlialrw<kY through l>e'mre.llo;cilting. Ilfl 10m case'l[hl!!: ~rilg'le,'Wj;jl!i th ree degree~ Tnlli!; .angl~~ w1111 alh/lla%- 'Villi')' dependling upon the Ihkkll'i,~:!l o;f ~ihe .rnili"H~"tia~ andl 'the: type' of b&aiJ;f'

~,lere.s.iii'9iilillliS.t: each mhe',r Ul'i'it,U me:;

achlldabcut ,fa,Ul'



tID '[ld,)l!l1'



it h:IiB,l:!tih!l.':I' whi.I)I] adu.I~s: need, ,iliOtli 'leu, minutes lD do, ~o.

SUiiiP '1: iFimd tM' 'ii:e:nrer ,ililnd dlr,!!w '~lh,e'IP~tOO!1I'!I!!i! IDr~w;a!'i! X enthe boordi ~rom, ,cor,nelF :tOi:;.m;l1Ie,~, h ern~ T

g.r.!!!wIJnes iiI!!!:ro~'!!,i,\h~ ,;:~nJe,rfoom the I@.rngth and! w~dltJni'[(10 dilv'ide'lhE!'

!1.1:s:edl, iJnoe

~OIUI ~'!iafl..-e·fo'l.!nd!lhe

'!j'"oocl' h1'i:O' qluarters.. 'Ora'!.';!' 'fO'!.!Ir beU.s.n,[!Jp@di l@a!:s.lh~~~ p pU~;t:@-s, ,!:flI!f'i1

Il:!e of\l',I:!JUOtiS :slze:s as ionQ1iilis, tll!il'!f' irnterlo!ti}; ~iik.e!,~ jig!f.JW puzzla,

alf(;g~@ eut ro

th@ IPI~ce.s!make

~'he'euts wmll the actu~I' ~ood yOli! hia'l!lE!!s@t.asid,@for tih@ ipruzzio@"


cO" iWiJiIIlilil'rJ1iii:J«i


"'IW~ •.~g iFlWBl~'Ii:!Qth blade:!,

,.& S1e[p 1:lLa!!;ik th~pffi!l!(l!l!!s. '~il!' secret to takilll9 time'pu2ile api1lr~is. ['0 '~hll!lkohh~ 'fOllY ~e,c;tfion$, n'll.o~, ~S' [wol-part pieces. Sllide Oll'i~ adjoinlngl 'P1;~cE!:up <lInd: the' ,othier piece, ,d,own, ul'llti!th@1/ lock IDo th is wr:th m@

.• ShtP 2: 'TWist, G'efU~ l\\!bt'two

th:@: oth~H t... to upwar!Ciu nUl you liIave two lPi~~ ahwCli! whuch j{OO CilIlRIlhli!ni ellsily '0 lsas.:semble-.
lPieCf!5, dO'l'lTl.warcil.i'lndl




IPulth1lg the Puzzle Back Together


Step 1~Pu~~hil!l' Piillil!l',1i tog@tih!l!iri

Put '!lOgether '~he 'f,o~.wp ieiOO:!iIn P~~f,:>:' Thifl\ saklle '~he IFl'lE~@CS; again:st' '@illIch !Oi~herYI"!1l1i the-:;i' h)t::k

A, S'l>l!l,p :il! :.'TWi$lt~ Twis.nh:e pie!l::es, sothe smaller end! o:nihe ta p~r is, l!lllrQdl!

cedi ~IliWthe anti,lwi50t

Il!:j fge

e:nd 'o~[he

Alp abe


Sftli!' (mjh1!) woQft ~~ .~ ~ ;, .
!mI;lW '1111:'1'~1!rn10;g


w~th thi.s grell,t,

,By lMilIl'ili' ,[ockoooo

H ei·lp yo U n~ sters Ie a Iffll til eir' A Des

all,ph abc,t I'Ul!~~e.,

S~]"J>\1,fsomeone th;l}t th!2)l are tlil~ "ap,Ie" iD,Fymu eye wi til. this bJ'~:gh~P~I:l"JileT PI'j41'ii:ny scl'i(MJlltcal;;hersare a~"~)~, ~~~~~in.g I fl..~1' stim!il ~I.!itil'lJQ> ful'l'!, and edllc1lt:i'lilI'lJ:;].1 to-Ylifm their :s;'iS",and t 1:'1.". ~lw!l1~'~,i!l)pr'l;¢iiiJ~ ill Iwnl~'i;atIJ~ gtft~ fit:nd :l:li tii(:~ ~llIA.: Ij'l'(:(t'll- 1l!re~ll' hig,. the piIJI'Z:?J~wi U make a grear ~ Ft for ¥Q1:LAlgst~(I'S g~tt.i'lll~rrea,'dfy'

:schQu! t

SfmU 'IIU~1ii1Ui~'I} i!!nrlI~mfr.·1:hE!-)l(!U



iii; 1!51,1:



S te" 1; Cut the tQP' a mil bottom puz~Je, tD :siiz;@. Sl~ck them

"togetlhEl,twith "til ill:





5tep !11!: IDlriill~ ho Ie$. lin ,11'1 8, D~0', P. IJ, !1I!'1dIf. USf~ ,a, W" d rilll !boit and dfm thi.!! hole'S ~4:.deep ,~SshOwn

Materials & lads


~!1d apply rna:sk~ng t~p~ aro und "the' outsude to ie,iI.i reo

• W' iJ; 8~ )I ~" B~!II.(iiJti'! P!,wlMl l

(punle b::!tloml

Sh p' 2:' ApplJv-' the QlIImde

plr~ell'n., <Ontyu~e 'g:rav gr!!l~hilie

Step 10: Plllfint '~'h inliidft.!ii, aif tFu!i! .. ho.les•.Use' ,at certen :s.wab d Ippoo '11'1

• W':c If' !'t: !jl~llIil1rU~'-:freii!1!iB'~ ~~"i)P)

lilL'!is:. • !fa d~'bI!:--lcl)'1jtllb~ • i¥S ,douible"bJotb blade-i
• 'Sj}II'~))iiptr.

rom~t(l redL
SInp 11 ~p~[Jn:t,ti~1 th~ l'ett~"' (iif wUh ~amp blliiick~ Do not paiirlll[ 'tliie ~d g~ of the ltette~$ er I~~ Ipglint 9~t down in ~he hole.~. you juU milled. Pa Int tii"ie' Ie.a,v-es'wlth Ilight gr,eel"l 8'F1d :shadlE! IUli:;llUnd th!!!! f!dg~~ with g,alfk gree.n, DiY b~lW$ha, bit ,of the., t,liIe wlns. I!"lIltn ttJe dark 9r~I!.f1t.. P'O!lintthe 5tf!m wi1ih t:n@ light c:inii,ar'rOC:ln.
1:2:, Ifiniis!hl the a·l.!ibide ed,gl!'~ lIise, <in .appropriate .c:ol.or Step
,8 ilI,ddo

paper, 100' not IJIse' ;ambon paper-s-it { will ~~n,ami sme-ar when wet, iiJlnd the lines 'canrnot be erased Gt.a~ '9 r~phit'e paper, mi)dI~e for IP~In't:e;r.s,
I~ era5albl~ 'Cu~ dl~two' p~(e~ ii,Ji5J

• 0111wirh bll.s,10 [rtt Illdes 150, 1so. IlO.grtt~

-XI ndif nt!!!!J!dl!d,.

ingl 'tM ~5 blade, S~piilrate !11 Fila



·l{~I;)\IIi ~all!ltut

Sf.e P' 3: .S;eil!!~1 ,IIIQ~ 't!he·IP,itl!';(i!'$. ~ Apply. $ea'le.r ,SI!nd l~ ,dilY, Painl'l: th.e ,enUre 'top IPleCiewUn two 00 Its of

,r neededl.IPa.I;nt

11911',.( Irr€--~1'TI 9 1['1j~he eenter

to highlig1'iit

tomato red-if}.'QUi \';I'ail to pairnt R: artter YQu"ve cut out: the Il;tters., the' paltrn will make me pieces hard 10 v,e!mQv!Il!and p:ut bao'k rn_
Site p 4: Dr,:illw en 'tile Ire,sitof tile ,

• 1~ mM~ln~ '~11'~ • SrriVill (-clilfl1~, • ~~5i~O!'!~!lIh: ~p~ o!Idne5ill;: I!lr q;rapl1JtLl!'IJanl!fili' i!ap:llr 111'!1I ItJ and! rMi~t~. • P'illl1dlrmJ1e, ~.I,J(1ilMILQ~ ~i1fi1'i!'l1 1u ~ 1'5'in~(onneill~Mwiisl1 ..(C!fflJ1ll115frltS 3m1l11~ flQul!ld. comfln )ie11e$ J4lOO 5) ftmIl1d1.Ccmf(lrl Seri!5 J4·00W' illgular. Cmrrrr.g11Sfrles 34001 ." Rourwl. • '1,4"~~iame'ef 'iililbil d /:f,tldlJ'n.JMllflulm_: • !Iilull.l1MlJlllMie: RiI!'er


'to i!.i ch-up I'll eeded


,S:h,acf1e ,1UO!lJf1!,d the ~dl9le of~lhe

of 1[i!li1lf1l1P blaekto

pa~~m" ,Add thl!l! ~Ip~~bet. ~g~, h

ain.d ·s.t'Em uls,ln~ white g1raphi~e
U~!'1!~(~ ~~.p~f (~~5f~r to see on 'tih;e p~inted [piece}...Make sure :Yo!.!!

ad d 1:11 touc:n th eotomato red.

i!I pple,

5tep 13; Jilke tlie l'etten.Qut

Uis@i1t spri!lr)l

fil"!~ • AGr!ll!( Dam t$ i!llll~llt gf"OOi1. (Ia:li~ g;reeo,. !l:ght Of'lflililFlll!ll" lamp Illil(k.,
• tIi4!JU1l! ~111)'


.'If!1dbomal!ll red
• BnJ!IJi~yh
• ((J'~(IfI$wa'b<$

,c.@nter th@ patt~rJ1, flxm:itliy.

nlilitsh. ,AII~owto di')' ,o:vemi'Qht andl iflt5ei"t

!it.p 5:: LlIi'UlIbI~de entifY holle$ hll eaclh !letter., Us;e the :5malnesl:dr~1bit t~t 'tIMe 13 d:lI.!bl,e·l(llQ~h blade· wi II fit: through.
St. P',6: ,C~t:o~~II!! rid re.llilo'vetlh~

:JM'~9't'l~ nat mlfendl1d wlMdtt-Jllil. J (fr wnrJ' ~IJ pl.lf lfflnsp iii! ~iI'lI'OOllIhJ; ...;l1j' d'rqiiag t'!Wld~t &Jfo.;rge (f1!1' p'IJIWfJ' f!!l {l

size luilatk kr rh! tl]f' and MIfdy,ofy.oouili/d.,

lettau. Sand whefe' II1Kes.sary.

Step, 1'~Paint tlile bO'uom mmato red.IL.@~fll~ abeut 1 II .around 1lI"ll@

,edlge.swhere i[ will be gllJJe<it'o the 'top :s~i::t'io'!iI .a.:nd a~IQW i'~ dI!,,!'U)
top.. Run al bead '(lff glue afOOI!'tC the ,ertrtlre gutsid~ OIlt"ld .and ,afew d rop~ between the letter holes, Alignl the
:!ita p' B': 'Gh.!le' the ib-Q'ttQm 'itQ'iI'h.e'

'two, pie-ees and! damp securely, Use


damp eetton

!i!-N.ab·l'o r,t!,IlflOV4l! ;f!ny

,gllLue'I!hat cozed out. Allow it '10 dry.

MaTCDl1an, law




1'.a1~ 't21,Ie..s:<u~d lA;:g,eti(!l.~'l'lIave al"r,1I~r~

:a:rl!)' (l!f.:ill,li'n. to t11~ co:Br,r[lli.l: clila~'3!I::';r.; nd. a ,!tntc:rtalil1mng !iltf.rE~, Spc·nd :!iOi!l1l1il'
~iil:i(in..,tl!,!tIi mill'_.ChHd i"tHli.

Ihroi:Jgh the lblad~e· entry iii 0'1,e. and!

t;.ut OL(t: th~ p~l!!!

~!fi!C'lIQru. 10:0'!i!Ci~

throug h 't~l,e frame. ~h.e special ~'1lI .un yllu.r uld


~if~ h:3w run re-b.4~bi!S:tJle :suJry i!lPilcl

~he~' 'Ii¥{H".k ,Oil


ICiw. the.

:Stlli!i,' AIP'.pIY,I1I,r;! e:lIl 'fiil"!i,!l!h to tile ei"rillire lP,ie!:lie'"Dip the pieces in Yoli,lr' {'j!iI ;ffl'nT$~OIf 'choIce; Ilt~, D~iII:'Ilsh Ciil~ lb:uit PU~iElih.llrlig' ,0'111!!i,131 'srocdi




Trace ~U1e 'iTrame f,)rerimeter'

othiN bllaJil~ i3Ji'iid ,eutallong

i;hoij~~·F'~e I'Ll!Zl'JI~ b~ ~ i wlm liy' yOl!Jn9!~rS. Wipe 'I:he' p~ece5i M!:hiili

:!i(ll1T; ,~~


~:);!s'l::fil!b.l t:he ]}iU nle. ii:l!g I piL~.f'c.r ltd ,Cltl!t my ~uzzleJ' ,from b~.55i1!.i'{Hi~ 'bt;:ilAlt'i$t h nas 11 lP.htill
gr.,a:u[.1i.'lU!i.d sandsaad

ihat !I~ne' make the back~Filgo~rd. to b

SteIP 4.;: Glitie tlii!e-ii,!!iHl,e 'i!:lnro tlii,Ji!i'
l)CIHIlIf11d. !l.J!:l{!' 'W<Dod

OiJ'Vdl~~~ '~h~m ~!:gd~ te dry IOn p.ilipj,!r~(lI~ls,

111 ls

Il,Vt::tli.'!!'! vre]l ~.~ :Ii.n:ished! i,dU~ '~hi rio


glllJl:e!. iM~l:!,hrJf: .2 ~(:O~:li It;"li :Si!t.r., "f4lIt:i b1l~'!!llIl'r .ad ¢d1QI((! • Aii!ll:i~ted '~I!t5.or"Sm~~j;llel· 'Gil 2.,IDgrlt up

'l\t,li:.;;;.l1i~~ ill:Fii1'crylk p'il!.iii11:

an oilllJiiisn.

.r~UowOO Ill)! d!tl[·llbil.ity.

Step 1::Prepl,tethie' b~'ai!1!ks.,

Ci,lI,t: '~h~ !'liks too ~h~S~il!i n!ite~ Ma illn tb~r mah:rr.a~51~5.t.5.andl iNiU1 'Pf(lg~es..'Si'llelly '1!iI1i!e:~'9i~s Of:s.aiFildp::!,p(!'F upiio .2iO gl~it.Mherethc pat~:erlilto

St., is: 5;3 ,tlriiJllllP,i!i!\';~.5.. E.ven up rYd alhe ~i3diil9IOO,:m:l !3Iiil.dfialllTIlE'. Use ,ill ~1i1:::s:.alf'!d~w ~'C!' r~du<:e t hEi;!' thh::kne~!j; ,of the :sk¥ by tJhe5'iJln by W; the moo!"!tl1!lllFli ~ ti4~·theli'eeS aodl 'foii'es,t hy W: and ami mBa~ !ElM oe pt. fur h!]'r ea r b}i' 'M~·.


• A~i~ !p.~iJ].iof ~~~~ ·oij 'fini~'b!lll' 0IiJ~

.1P.!I~l!rW'fli~llii' lIJiIIlfl:.::

,ofthe b~anks.

SteIP 6; IPiliimil::the !i'J1t.!\U!'e: lpie~e.$.

Step 2:: :O!i:'1I1!1! rb,l{ld!!, '~fiiiti':i!' hgml!l!, 'when!! !ind~i!l:a~~ iI'i! fill th!l!l p~itt!l!.rn~ Drill al "··dV!limerer litol!!::fo.r9..abe'!5; Thtreadl :a. #5, J'l!'!.1~!l'~lQQthl bll,ad~

ihdn i1iWrylkpi!! in!; wi1rhwj]~erto the (;Q,ilI~i5.1-.eli1CY cd :!i'khmmi Ik andl paint ID@ pte.Cj~~ US!!! 'ih!!!. ptalLliF€! asa glUlldll! ,Of piJlnt the 1P1eres. aiS.,d ':,5 !'red.

~Ji\ll r1:'l!e'flit·w"ifl btai!:'Ji,,!l1

Ma:dt1Qf-.dKii~ -IOn I w11~ \q;Ll, aJidr~,i'L!Illam~:re~ !lI~IIIb11'l!
.l~ :i~rnJe'l or.j~.,d'~·I(I:f (!~e: ~



NQU: $i'fj:.ij!l piJuft l~~~ prel~,j'Jt(j ehe king M:z.ij itlL Iflh~ PiJink is.,inl~~ fOr a cllM ill ndl!!r'~11~~ ~IS af'1I91!'; el'ilM'g'l!- t~~ pal,1.\ern ro InOne' Or!he ili1drvl:::lllilllllp.l'eces, pi'E:!i!:n-t ~ c;hQfdng 19;;;Z3 rd.

,~Ulhr~~! I~d'~c~ or wood to si~. $J

5t. p 11~ IPrepa!fe' :the w,!lnod" C'!;ll't:

lIheo. ilidlhif!tlf,l![h~~t~~nn '~Ol"th!!l:



a i"rmCEi ,an o:H:l1e lJ!'itttems.

S3ndw~,ch tlhiem 11111 cm:ller 9 iven the in 'th e m;j)te'ri~:~$ Ir,5;t~~(i!p,.c~nt;e-jf; ,arlldi Ibottom. US/I[! masklng tap~ to
:ii.eOUlre ~r,OI;!IIT'I I the ~


puule. pi~e:s,'tQ the !f.:""'ithWk,p;I'ec:e of woO'd wi'th ,S,p;" ~ ,glu~ 'lin' '~!I"ansfer' p4lp~r" '1)0'not we' ldirbOO Pil,pe-l'J 5te, 4:: Dll'iIIl "~lIr"Ih1:1 Illes: and '()lI!rI: e ' pu~le pi'ec:i;!$'. Usif'i9 yo'~r smallest
d rm biro'!dlri'll blade ,erJltr~ho'l'e:s, ne~t 'I/O ,ecacnpu221e fJ1ece.1 nsert one end ,or a~S:dot,lb1e..,t(iioth bi::!d~ ijuol 'tth~ Ih,o~eyOiU cbille.dl by tile. clhee~i:; ~t:€!l'I~i{i!'iyom b1'.l!id~ and ¢lU pi'ereo!.JIt, Repeat Ulics process, untm a:11[tu~ plU!~f~ pif!'c~5: air€!em eut, i !Leave' 'Ihe Ipn~€:s, ,old" PUla: Hli'~1ni

Silt I'l' 5~ Sal1l'd ,i!~1 !o:hlile sma~1 pieces, well" E~piil!ei.!!!Olf ,~~!'lId~.~~,~g~~ if filece5Scary.lfyO'!J lU5<eQall1lew blade

wnef'lltyt!i:lng, :5,itlFilgijiltQ w'ill [pto'bably b~ n ec!~,S~ ry alt thr~' point, ,6,:, Al1i91J!11alII

the i['D'W IP";;!'i:tem tothe top pielGe with ~pray 'gl,UiE:,:$j:)~ary only!hi!'
patte,rl!1" not 'the wood,



U:lH!~he ~"·d'b!lrnE:~'e~bi~ 'tCi 'cl~ill:a hole II':!the 'fur 'the a)!le' peg~

St. pi ::Il, ielon: ,III Irr!I d :$111 filid. [!,n OILi'D. the ,proje'ct lMi,erno,ve t:me tape.
.);(!Ifld o!!iln,ds~211 ,al!lthr\e'ii:! p,I'i1!'ci!!$

with 'mrlul't.ll-purpo'5,e 'seill ell". I[ is bii!:!l,'!:'[0 do thf! s!f!!~IIIit-n'i!'l1 b@'rorolltiJ~ puzzle pleces .ar.@ ~ut'. You do not


wfI,i,h is; indicat.ed by 'l'n,eo X'on the lp'aJU~lrn,l!l~er t lhe p~g 'through i tn e top !piece" add ill tiny (hop err glllJ'~w' ~h,~ of du:~, !t~p P~9. ~ I'iJd i m:s'en ,It' Into 'the hoie.

'tto ~eca'l. 1'i'1l<slde rh e

holes... as

the p'ue'Ee:s,willi nm comlE:

glra~'f:'11~ r.alse d. le:l dry. R:e<:!land.

if the

Vine ofglYE: o.n '[~e lli!nde~~die ,Ii)f '~hi15p'i&e", ,aligifllt' w~tn 'the 'ii~-thic:~


ijind ,cl!;!'f'rIP, ~~fl:gi



,slwab1,1!lOO1 0 '!.!Ie' ,i3Il'1(¥ ;f){o(e'SoS ~l'lye.Da n~~~!!Jrihe':ple~, bacik, 'm, l


P,aiJrll~~ing Notjg

.I have [l'l'liIlite<d t.1It\.ro ''I't'n;;ion;s:of this p'l~cill". Onl: l'iii1l£ \~et':y b'<!lsic !,!ahn~n~; .for 'l'lfl'hich. dlrectlens are :ind.udcd." MUi"e!ldi \~a:I1('f~d"ailrU, 'I:':> may"t I1Ill to shad!· whetl(' shown [on the otl~cll'''' i' iO~l. I' G[" not rce,' m lf11:e.I'id p,;) the f:eJgcS ofl:he' piece ~ ~ did and had ito rna]]y sand to get l;hr..~l.n.t ,iiI.) 1ilt1[ ,:asi Dr.
U~ng t11~I.Q~t brush, baseceat ,an, 0;1' ~'I~1Il' 'Ih'i'~ if.iain ,pi!l.>;;;!!.$la\",~jte ·'!lhexcept the top or'the !-'i"'·thid: (L{ ''f1'~~r)~I'. ·W·ashth . ~o.~of Ilj~~ . . t:ilJ'.• 't piece ~1I'i±:h.soft 'black !by' diill.'IItin.g 1,lre r}ai:tit. wilh. ,,~r~-'t:(;1ft ' n h'L ~1
'C:ClI1~ tellIcy~. \. i

PAl NlING· PAL U 5 ~ING AClRV!l.I CS A.N D 5 ATI'N S ~'I~·r;l!!·nt; Appl~ p1!it!:elm 'I!I~th
[!lf1!P'Nb~ lJ;I~p,=r.




r1&deriab. & lrOD~S. .--------1M'!I!'~f;JJif~: .111~Ql!v ·:t,IS1H:(~lI!l!ll:idrlrtlJ

S[poW '11" 01'1';,11: ah b~iidl, S H~.b.{l~luWy~l!lh: 'Toif-=!I!' ~I'I011itlll~ilIll , ~n~RI!I!!Nf£ liN,.1Jiro 'i'l~~f:!1
r.1~!'!~ Du'iity

_~dI(fun~ .lfI~ ~ tl:.tWt~~·pj.~,!!l1lilrdi


• 1 Pl.,



:I (Mii





fifJ'fI wed: {all


he dime IVitl" flair: 61(}r/camJ b!wh (ij' tJle .oru: M/(roo fjfli..Be ~ it!

• 1 pi~. 1:'-dlim1e'tei flYf):r;ld~ adit ,-"milt

1XI~ ~mglh
• 1"-ij';t1'ij,c lli4~IIl9"~P~



l'ImierkiUi deew,; C~mmr'Um ~dlr:rw :5wiM·[h!l!!E~;; Whnll! 'IlII;II,ID ~D lighlil!Q

8.u:I'tf!r:.( dmlum )'l!IICiW


h:i:dh ;aUo,\\1'S tbe'grain. to shmii through. 'IFf notto &P~ my in the hdl!cs... AIIIaw thisp.ilIi:nt ~.:d Ujr. NtlM·t,paiut.Ihe fmn:t iOf~be
cow arrl.dth.e'~!,!t~;;!'J~ :pk a U:~. th'us p'E1inrt: di[y lbi!.'r'Or'~!1I:pplying t.he

~a.; ~Jh~i!r!:;SlMimm~ri"91!51i11r~rl

.<:sai1;~jiiI~~ 1ii'il$:)~I~rE: gi',!i~, .q 'iq1JiU~,daIJJW'WFl p~bilO!l "y:- 1~i,Pj 1M!'!Id.'iI~ • fklJGISI~Ii~~hllll!;;PIllJ Dif gfaytf,~b gtil.~. IN!P'M ami bMh'~

.' wllt~~$~~
• M!lU4! . ~ flrnstlr .IPiJ"_ tnh~ ~th :i!o$ILe~nrell' !olFl~ 34OO.iJ.ftIDJ!.iir . ~"ilrl¥l Smle5 ~3.s0 2' IIfr'i!r~S~ll~ lJ:l!;ll!l·~~. ID1!l!!lIi • ..OO,5b1:rGk; ~!jri'iii'i dt!Ji:.w_~I:iIlt!, pM

red i(Qtt~!iI!I)! I;h~~tri'd; williilCwMJ~

[~jte'~. 'iFE'miII ml:tal




1~1Orl! [ltf,illlllm~ ('lJo,tlnlll!1 iiI! d!milnl!: 'bJ'i

~.:nlj[l iI

d "ti31J~ l:t,.k wit It [1'1." M lc Uul'l .pl!l:n.

.A~ th!h; point, idlo\ . the paint ibo dry Ci\ccfn ight ll1cn. a.PiP;I}, ju 'l a ril1isUng (I,f matte :liprmy fi ni sill \It,""mth tl,· p'kti~zl• pittcs (IlUt" of 'l.h· CO\\f •. J: 0.00 a matte finls.b. 0111. mine .•but , you. ,G n UJSc a high:-·~hDSS 6n ish if you, p,,refll.:r. A IllpFn.dmctiil I ~.Q:!lcdare nontoxic when dqr.

i!lndlll1ll~likQrtoM: W~tre

W.iI1~ i'


• ~r!l1l( 'painw; kll Villi m:: Wili!lt Wit 1b'I~d~.1

~Il. .
VliCtCiI, It,ilI.5E, 'r:omt'ilr~ H!rlI. mln~ tdr:l; a!drn:illl_1III J',clIDW~lln1;j ~rnfmeriJJg.sirter·

m i1fi[1( t-ll111


rt • tM'a C(irtt!\,lItb-llil:!!" n~.,telfi'l




wHh I:m;u:h
you r pil~ll'tle


[ghofi iliad;, Lru 51l.l1l1ii1c~'bDn 'Yogurt: ~Ink l IIfII

• uniOfl . W!li!),s

• 9ii'iiI' 'i'it~ll- ." [li~ili ti:r hil. Mil '~f.i~ smaJi6.lliWt ll1it mll·>i!(Umlft(!~tt2'·ilI .-a5"r;ll!!1Ib'lri··~atff 1:11.

• S~ll qgTdi



filM dj,~i:.i9f11is nal'lntil?ooed f~r rn.Iif1ft!!Ji und£v':I OJ lMIJolI j~f11 t Wf:i~in l'llwlN.Ili'!l\i:S, a~Il'kl7.!tVJil9 ~ (.oot~Lr:t":i!lfi'f: fr.tfu'rTgi? ~MptltI'BI'iIllrn!!'il !iize sr.tJ!i\'iuli for mrd ~tffe.r""tCfyawdJ,ilJ,



App IIYb I~a(k pa~rill:

an.d futlii
I'll gl



The nn,!I1-1I'g, 'or Lh i;,Ii, r ijir"iL~~~,Iilti.U~· sili1il?l'l!" real ~y.Hhi~. i ptl!ctiillg .n[togl!!lthE!r.wm dri.w YOI!.I[· f1'!~ mad, "Th,Q' next lime YOIIJ''ij,f3Jait '~Qo ii::rt.~1!:C a :sti.l'; ~Ji\Ie- 'I"hi"i; Im:lzl.e 3}l.@J~j!f;e.w.I~t or' get h '(jIl,lJt ~t.~.p"'tl)'~ Mw,,.,' good :~reym,lt :PI!i::£~MI'hl.'!i'ifig, ,~kiiiffi? a.1edk the hili.ll1d.y chart Iii} find mIt. -

St:e p '1: P,repa·re. th!i:'WQodl .• a. ~'il9. ampel'lilhe. d


n,~,d'r(;ir any ,gil]" Ulriit!i. ihili'! fi'r.s~ eut divrdes the -pu~le tnto tiiVO piec:~~; mairlllgi it e'a3~eifto .wit· IOn a 115":!law; Be ;5Il1~ cut ooaTipl'eh~ly thli\Ough t~e il'1W(U1·~ sSI!:IHo~'!ill!ke SYN' '~i:iIi.lId'O~~ mal)j)e any 'gor UJri"i'5, !in arp '~!JIIiI5; lik.e 'tlii,at: -wi:llleav<e lit~re galj)};S 'n-own th~ iblad'~ thi!r!!tin,t~trupt·th~ ~moO'lh :lruowoifd'ul! plU~Ie.liille;s. Thooo g3(prs. 'C<in give 'thoe j)eHmli'l a~5eiihb~ln§ll

:!!KtiOn$ and elmr'li1'il.l!i~ethe


ibO~H'dwilCh, raise t:he· gr'~ifrl_


th~ pum!!!

hi~1il:$·a,f lNhil!r~ the



\1'!'Jhellli ry, sand d

Wil~h, .2:l(hgri11 '5il1Tlidpa~~F

:s;pr~f r, nlsh ..

'~mli)otlt· wl PE'dOwn v~1(Ihla tack Ji',1l!g. Sp'~ay If)iliii'lil with! bl!ack Ifilt.0t: iPGinJt. ,A;IlIlf ilie' 'iirs-[ OOlilt· has dri@ci'j sand 22Q.-grit :5~n.dp<.!pef andi wipe ijlff ali'nY dt:!~~."Then, p'ply a ~ .Si@oond mat. F~1r!15n the prcPfJJ~riiI,tiorri by a pp4yin9 ill clear



how good,

lire you?
iit~dfig' ..fimtI\iii~ tWI\wJ'~ tM.hWdtflp.r' "t\~,~l ~I're~j'U ~1 ~jj~ff. '"
~~Ii'ffl'.j' rlgM •

(i!] miP,l~liQ!Iii ifhfll!

~C)rle'~hillrn;a mglfl'l~

:2 ·we;:!I(5,.t~'ilIlfiflQJillfri
l' 'm .~Wffks



Ste p :2 i ,Affix: the lPatteimm,ltiIle 'bll:lii!:'k,:i!.IdAtt:e" U~~ 'l·empQ,T~lry' bond sp~"'Y~dhes,We. St:t!liii 3:: Cut 't!hJf!!' pu_dl~, Make SY~J!!' ~(li1U m;}~e tile 'firSt lfIire ~t5; in, the: Qrder :sincWlril QIii the patttie,Fi'iI.1irne '~uggli:~::t'~ed c~.nt[ng (itd~ii w j~1~gme,f1't'~l'I~ i'lt.iuleo iffl'l'O

l' ,may'tu ] weclc Le.~!h~ n '11 ~, d

..ti-e)t.~*epre~ijr~~qd',:'" ~·'Id'Wr.i ml!'!xrt?" '

'~'Cut#~ CliJi1, '~in,.-i



... ~


~ ~



;1;. ..,.




.v..~k'. 1ti,~-W':( 14~" 1: '].11'10" $qu~N!' , 5iilndl!i~; :Z~i[IIgrit

"l!l!\nipO:r,1iJ~ Illl!oo a,~~~e

, Mate"'ak & Toats, ,




s.ali,l ;;.iE.ilhtl!ir(i.iit HIt


QJiall!W "'It:!! Ill'm'~toolt.

IPU~.C!,~ M!QA!]! lp:jf;~m~L"f'1roi A$$E~gllE

"'_ni~ 'm~


.' spr.ay psiliit. bliO::

liT,ml,1l',tully' difflGuti lr,~ lIDe'nrbi.e.fJi~ th€ htlt~m lr.r,l~ as il!ertl'iW JI!I£fp{J' ~', Ii!if!' ,riM;t.paril'/f lIrc~d' ~PMf HJJeslw w (UiJ[llQ pJetl~ ()f~~f}~t'fO !'Itt

PdJinf btlrb

sJm o!ilfe',prlllk

'·(~~ar '~IMO!~fi ni~ f,oPtlo-~' ·'IIa!lkrag 'Ri!ii;!

(MJ:plrl~ydrl~ ~rrom :l',l'Jri!iTfi!1' tt1'prfJtc(/:' it' fro~J!d(l'J!!!~9I!1i,~yt)~

Imlng ·.··a-s CI·' bl C··t

,1\ beautiiu ~and whimsi,ca~sta ndii'n 9 pu:zde
IJ.y J~i!'!' it N'e:j!~n

IoIt: !Ii: I :stl!Jit"IC ii:ifid~~'(!J.:s~:tli:SiP'i;tit'd de':;o:~g1li.'C3l~S ,!!ire ,1I11"~II:rg pO;PQ ~i1l.rPJ.1ll':1je-Q!:s and . seemed IiIliltti:lJ'Ig slI,b.iect {'Orthi s 'J;'hi.1'iL1:sicalIJiL~zzJle. Once nH the ~[ecc:ll, arc Pll!t t~tht[! tbl!: PIJ!.jt~_.C W~U!l;tt~-l'ld irt~;;:OWll. iflrnl
SO'jfit ,dt;¥~Jt P'IlIU~I;::!!.ll ~ i


L1,IO' ~re01;te 111'111·awn.

The p:f:CCCi!l JI[,C bi,E!: CnCil'~gh dut chi'l.dJl''C1i1 caCli.rl~ ''I1ith. H s{l£d,y~ b!Ji~ dr;:~i~!:ii=:aJlclllldh~1 to as el1'lbl"e~l=~):lJa~1:' :hll1 fbr the ~enJ,'f' U adults as 'welll:f );'Q!IJ 'cut it: (!IUlt of hardwooo; lillliisihin;g can be as 11;,'~Sy~_1l; ~ !();lM of tlli~J~~IHfiT 'D~!lilsh lIIl L

MaterialS & Tools

'. 'W: ~r;(g"It!a.~!;1

.,~,andp~'.~S(Iltedl-~ fh~


.• 1um!l ill ,Damth <a;1l! iJf [)r~~IIl!~


,.illS ffi!f~re'~'ili, ~~'!1e ,.~III wlJh:¥I~·"H~rrn~·tm' tm , eJ1l!l1 'Dorr,a'll

'T- "ex
l .


This.,o',u~ali' de.sign irs simp Ie I!OI make

By lw,nU(1f!ii ~rry

1h is \,.,n'IiJ.1i !ci'C<lJ1 ,dii!1![I~O'IiYr py;zzle


dhri.ld'.=aJn.di rnillnly ad.'IJl~, as welll 'The ~ ~'!!1h('(~[),~~~r· looks cqlJ;Li!lJI.}' nlci\!' pain:b~d or ,rnt from hardlwoodl:s Liinrl. h::rr~!l~H!lJ.";¥IlU<t: s~I!l'I[rllc Jli'!!IClI. nl ~I<)e it. ii".,.sy for sJt"m~iC'rs !D,r.Ui.}, ski i,eve~ to c::rt:liLt:e 't:tI s'ton'H:!f.' IiL ft ad. g,lifbs for diLl[; fu!.oli,di1l;y .se.~S:OilTl. I be~ scroll :5{IJwi1ii,g puaks fw Ch r~S'tl1lllOlJ~ gihl'_ afJi;e:r pkkii Il,g, ~]JI the bOQt f1,tf ah ro~r

su f'C to be 4!! h It with


Own' NfOdt~'l.Dliff,rJ~tmr~

by DaTtnii.)r

A •. D;a'L!,ffil,:!',

A ~3, ,urt



1lf[i:!D'mi.n,~, I, 1(·~r,')S·.sHill Wlri.!Wng. (Jf!ithf;!: fi~1bh:ing b.i\!;l.,~~, ] ei!l~Q'ycda~ rti:!~f, the p1Ilnl!e!i 'Inllt 1Vi}!!ii lookhil.[l] 'fo:r som'l1'thhJ:g :BeS!ii,!;Om pi""",. f S:lJvDa dLJ(i!)\-~d d~.(!!L.;'!'lJrk of hi,d)y :Li_l,d!D;,lv~ .1.'ii,:~~r~l)!ri ~li'liSCroJl5.ffiiW wr.Q'()ii~tI'OfkJ!il8.& Cu!fb. The:i.r ptil:t'.'t_li~~ '!\~re qui;!lIJ' nlque .aUld il'Ook,~]ot 1C.5;S, bme to, produce, u X'If!hel'll ;~. il;G"liffld;~u.··EI:sledl, lm.~ftlr .~"d,iJ]fIi,~U!l,r IJu,qzlc:as ~ ,!)I.l)uft ';[!!if h~f tilj~(3J!:d,1 was c~dbe,d bJ d~~l:gji1a pi~n:;;d(!n i ~h~·.PC'b~ngri.!il~ !ll.yle. She su~ ..t~(Ij .~."goofy"i:ype nr d ~!!1!~;J:iji"; beC,lJl"'l: .~~ {i([J[ ~ rOY n:ger. ,hnd .. Wa.£ lJ,e~m:e clLIUillg; a pllJIzzic, .mOl~e .SIIUe 'YO!!!.!!:' i.lcooU ~'\J;'



'w~1 1,~i:ITlt .uur di!~u~@i;.i!" 'illl~ ~ y !lJ'~ tl~..:: Pi,tzl4e

fl)QlI11 hardw,oilJ;d1. and. use a~l oj,1



Tr::ti!llsJ'Cl"th", l~;;)/Ut"m tothe C~~tthe


hQ.le-;rar, iih~ e~f'ii!:and !lu)Jtlii!l.

b~tI k, [lto It blade ci:lIlr.y '1fuJe;;;e:Il'a.rts I:! re Ii:;~~t[i r.Sit, U~~th!1!Jt fOl;!tl£;tihJ!:~(!!!!tband Sff.IJ! Ie hcli:n'i'c

tab~eis :s;qlllI,Llm to tbe IblO1de. Otl1eT\','ise.. th~plm'Z:ll~ pi~('I;;:l!i win 110'1 tp:i:i_~. fii:'.J;:dy thoo~gn. coch {~~hfi;f"Jtcdlililo'! l

t ~.I1:~ITt!ih~· rFh:(!!1.; back the M~dc ;I;jllil,tt ,",I]ldtturn irt Un~, tQn'i@kii! ithc !A[)pcr ~i Rii'iI~b..;r~hrtl1tryln~, bJ' baek th,.;· !'Ie. b!ade 31 ~the WOlf out, turn off tile s::iJ.W "lIldremQ~re the b.n!i!d~fh)m th(l fl.JA;:!i;'t;,. Obit lht; :Wi~o.:..~:hcn~~~ld. ach ..... e piece and n:n.liilCi them: over ''I'iocU~hi.1: :fI~p ~a:rnde'[[.

Cl! d1~ h.1;:adfr...;c, Cl!t~ ~.h'ril)llligh to!uO'Ii1'1i'i;!,t:liI;l,

IP~lh1tlfrigJthe' D,ina~uii' Dcelll",,' liiU1<\~ 1iJ~,iJic'h !1;t~dl )1~ii.!i,W,ii ffilt. to add . ~ .F\O[" ;'IiIJt ~oilb. :a~,p[)" the base enloe to- the ci'l~i:L't ~)ll :tde. ] (,o~I the lP~jg~t'a¥ti:I'the ed:g:es 'ta, the '~)Oin[tw:her:eUll,'~[">11;11,1 ruHng, ~1:ui.s::;

'ithi::rIi the ,pI.! zsle iSil,~t-i-e:mh11ed. Then,; p~l'Il1'l the eye, be[~y.;!liRd! 'Ii1tal[".king;s~For ::J: nml'~

'""ar no 'woodJ ;[i.'hoM"iS' blJh~'0t::!1fi the pic~s .


art uslJc ~ook~ ,~d,d hpghlight:!l !;!i,ncl's:ha(l.(l!w:5 with d;~trcml1t sb[il,dJ~ of the Ib!:ille e-'Otlt T:int the b(i:si[;co/1ur 'ir",i't'll iust :ii, ~:I~O!t orb~~_ck p,iI:l bTl,
ApplW it' in a£ie;1::;to createsh adows ;Ji1r;tlIIUlIidl dl.l,~ d il'!lu'i:l:iiii!l F'!I' r(:utl!.! res, 'llhil!1il~, d" ~ tl ~i::I.dlfl,r ~ \iI'hite to the base color to create lr~hl];gh~_! yo~ m;ar i'lm~d to "tli1!Jsh,thlJ 'C1I(L"i.gifi:i!J1 bflii~r;::tl\(It OOl!lormrer t:tirt.c shadm\1"ll, a:1~d hif;h~~ights~:o

liCllIl ((I]lil'lI~in~~n thi1!,iillnili~iiur will!il,a, ~Im,l!ilil'

mtld .cnl{J(i'IQr'Ig11!(i: (it!:!l1t~ b"iuEdln~ :!iIJ~iiI~g .:liM: di!tli~l~

tlOn.e diJetti, dO!i~n. AH~ thE' [I:l:ll1t ha:.~, een 2illowed ito (Iit-y" b 3PiP1y :~ d~!i'· OOt1t to pi:'ot!!CI: lit," PIiA,7.:;I:~C"

• ffmll! ,Il! DiMl

•~·_'flif;:r~·D·~@~ .

:sr a'J' ~m~:iil!e e



• ~sg;rled !!Ifla~I!ii~~nd~elf • (hlh:l~(i!''Mit:}!lh! pall!'I:$ i'l'\~ Ilitb:rwi.'h


up l4:J ~O~I~I

.'ChihlF~~l:'i1I~r ifm isll (lI1!1~!';!"i115~,iW ii!!PI:}!liI

fa!ll'I~~ .ilu;:1l~5)e".'tootbllmd""I!Il~~~JlJO_OOlal

.'r,w stil1der
,i, ~IJ

.' FJ1iplltifiiJ~ wJil':i '~"III'1iH&ilnvit:r drlIlIr:m

K~d5will, g'rltll wi~d mr thes'e' Cih IIrmilf!! g _nd' e.il5y",'lg,-IWi'!!ke h!e'deld pU~111 es
CtlUJ;1tBefl FWik

'\"JVI~hUi~ :~I'i!!';~'!';,"{lshilg !l::O~t'\!lm~ IL~):d,~i ,n

0]1 It::hi~d,rell'S~~',~, theiie: ~i[y1oi~h.I' A:Ji,;;pimd,
~ll,~'kti' a 1jii!(~PlJlhtr nndi ;l1:~ re 3~n !l;;hoiCi!lf. :l!imIP'Tr,:: ne!:itlnS dil;:5ii~~a:rc i;.:'!;Ii!5'}1'ttl 'C!ilJt", ::.tLhlit;°ti'!/!t.':. ;;r~.d fll.ut ~!Jl1 ptl'l. ~,o~the,f. I.[ dill!:! p'l,.!zilil,l!'ii ,o.~ ,~lI]til,mdil:~ lior ehildren IIlnU'ff ~llil,\fl!l!: !!.il~~,fill!l!l~ zll~ 1l'1.i

'!i'~,E!~t' nt' :iJ~" m,:a.k'li!' J"U DX':


i1."iI1I;uge: dlliEl pcaU,'flrn.-N:


10g ~,,-"Oi d il;:hoking,


Fi n ishing '~'he 'P!ll'z;zJ~e$ IF'CIIi" i ~i~i.iJp~8'. H (i,l]llinl;l flnh:lli. cult the: IPI!D:zzh:s f.r·Il![M, hiii,[\d~liCU}ds~ ,~,p[i;lf an oil iflnish" iUl'Im. aplply a cleer laeq or '!'rI i:\lh m :!lCia~ 'thelu, U

fm~ p,~[!lnn Sivi ng t hem: to a c~hHd o wh~ [fll!,a~1Jl LU[ a l[;li~eein hi'~~!."he Ir R:10Uth,choiOiSie',~ no:ntoxic :11:n.ish :!j,i:.Jj,h 8$, I) iilif' " ~.i1.i[DB oil !1iim! ~D l[J<w ~Ltc: fij,i"I:isn to dql' 'rul~:~r" ccording to the a
rfiISJmdadliifC!,~,l Iwu~dalso rnd' thepuzzles -[irom, pi.!l,e ijJ\i:' p1r!t'!{oad ~.:.t1dJ pmn,'t tlft'crn, with n:rlIr;I;~(l;i{~,C ;!li~ryli('pai ~ts:,






... ....-.

.... '"


s -..

,.~" ~'$W;:J: fl"mlil/oodor M 'W0IIiiI of dli.!\ I,re ~tjli5~

•.u." i( if¥;" ;t. iI,'ft'


ill r

W(jllifl! OiI'(l1li!m ~d~~f1.l!!)'~

.. ~. !II ~Yt'rr' h¥r~'l;It!I!!hD~ WfiIlid i1i\ID~J)lJ;e ~~~~ ..:~~. :lf!iJ:iliiW:h'i~~ ~ ~~!!Ir~<e

"w ~~"):'~'h~wdi[i~
"~!I~jl!(5~j !lmd~lt!t

(~~l1!llllln ;rcul~}

wa~ ofi;Miile (It~!!il'd!i!

\,i'lliOO I}l.c:no-lre ~J!iloflgul~ ~ll •.A?ii:iIUcl'!!Jrit~~l~~fI~~~~f





bl'_~"o~(hll -e


tIlli1111 li'~I~!~l!Jf willi

~iJc.:lJ!Il '!~e P!;!~~;fl'Qll1l'll(Q:!'itf.n1iinlil1l

:rtrl\.,jiIlm~lle~tinEl bi~ I~, IJiSles .and lbJ~f' m1!r~ hll1'l~


h1!ifdwciid__S hl.. dj dlmM.:l~n ~W pi'!lije>et ~ 'Iih~'

"'~e110,~ ~l'tiCilliW



Nt ..... ,~

'b, rQng ",arlit ¥!load to 1!Im.l.lttteldl~.

'n!iil~h li:O!~(,m!il

Ap;pl,.l!j fOQ(I·Mf~{,iIl'!l Gilt 'Il~.

btii!i!!J'Iy in"!hit' 'WI!iiQd.

~ ....""--~r

I~ -;.-~.,

...I Inn....,imu",lh· ..irnal.rn..,il ... ~ ~.......... . "'l"i~'''-~"':''-~J''''''_'r-n"iIL~i'~-'-I--:l',



LI .1,11) INI~" .. " "0" •




th'l! lbegunn~u. p~m'es~ r"'!lI1t" '!:h'i!)lireW<lT!th the ex~r,al elort ,orn,'e ')001411 :halfll!dlev1!~CiPilld '~'lilr dii:III~~ ll ![)iflh:~ A illlrojtct5 'fearwllIu!d hilUJe alii ,ijfth,t' 1i'Ill'f;orm,i!I~ii01Rl Y·i)U !III!1!edi 'to ('Qm'pl,ete. 'mem.
,In.JIlud!i!'5. tllllill 'S::liI!p.J~S.tIl!P in&tilltllJ:rI:il[IIn5; 'fur' :5ijm!plY'~he paU,em.i photo. iil!i1Id milterials

F~lr .ODii t~ S that

11H:IiIlU~ilII~1 y.c,I.I~'U Ilif'!i!dl"is;


W!lIi!!dim!!D Um ib!l' k![!~ W" S!.tflliet", pi3;~I~o..

These (O~,O rfu~ a,lI1ld U 11 que· i d@~dgn$ willi dreUght (0,11 elic;;lloriS ~nd In~kt@'rs
BY' ~;t.I$~dl G~$"rad~
Wll1e~ll d~5iig~ PU2."ZICi'>., .1.l!C~ok fin~' ~ln.l"pimtiu!iI i!.Hi'Ell:y \'!,~l!lWil'-W,~~ii:nlier.

ti:t:,. the eceans around me m.' s:bo[.ut".!l: 1~ll.booj:l.s, Th"1!se' lWi{) p !,rzz..Toe~re a 11:1Ti.D![!a'p:rc:ii!lt~()!filS o.f :\lome conUM,O(1
1~3i!'lI:3I8'r e'h~J:J~.'~~lii~. IF('J.T !i!'!Y .PI!!!Z:i!;~S~ .1

IlUi"e 'b~~'I'!'\'I!i'f~Ii1.d

b!1!C;[ has a.



~~$,ijn!ll:J;''!Ir~U; ~m!d it CU'~, 1!l:a:.~H:y. B~1r!!lood !1ll!lio 'l'\N).r~ W'!1!'n wiH'n.the '!r.~loOd. Y<C"Sj 11 il;cryHt: walJ;~"t>! and d lhi Dilil'lr.'ih useto ~ve nT~' ~)I11.2..'Z!i!_~. oilI l~hMli.rtiirst1'lilic l Th:mk. Wlll'lll ym.l, '(;'111.
any P'lI1lz2~c~,.llmcQIll'IJ11U!~n.dll.1s:il:l!g.
l~'t'!\ri'n;tl-to')th hla.d'll!iS b~CllUSC tJacy ·'!i.~l:il~ help, lu~dilJ!cc: rO'm:' !Ii:;'iIil!dii.~:g dl.lI,lI!.


111"!liiI~j.'MJ(Id ~\iIIlZirl~1 ~lIi!s rOi~!la_ndp,apl!it Wooilll !lI1t=5"MI)'IIi:. p!liJiI;. !i'lrlI rilMI:Wi mil,DJ fi[1I~J1~,l)ldIlIJ!~1:



i.§; itm~tillO.1h

lllIl~d!!:!. Oill!lail~.of


)Ur8ld6:' "Wi l'i; W ~iliS~~ UI:<fJ • AW!iJ1~ g.'i!5.Q,f ~iH1!iljiep~ ,.''Ml~df~t!!;;,i;;ll"IL:C Pa'lfq'l'• .!iflll:! 11M1Iibhlifit


!'51i111iJ:!~!J] ~fil1ll~,~



• ii!~lbfl,i!ll

Ilfad~ or

A tiiDnipa,' conversationl p'iefl!l

.e'jI 1.011(,'; ~~am

Southwestern Puzz e

ymi ]li1j'e~1~iOU.y,~,
hili!" ~

~':;I;.!ue k:~mv to


hfll!Jl ~iI,!! fill" ~I?~r.t!rlill!\:nl lh!i;t, ~e;jJj~l!!,f.\I;':~

,a SOll~bW!fi!itl?rn rnot if hI at le~f:lst


wldle :and lm;~u ntlJ~,r'six ,ul1:i:"hes

tt:h.isoomp"u::t, pll!J!:zz.~(!rtl;akcs; iLl, :!l;ru~tCtUI\;ltts::t:dmll pJeoe,Pil[fe't~¥ ' s~Z:il!d!f:(II: :;J;tI!~f ~l'Zil.!IT.JOl~nO[ QJfI!;,~_ :[iI~a.8e nOI!,if; 'that ,~S: rre~nt(.~d iV1!Fe, I:h[;!'p~ uli\! .hsna~ ,lrU!t!:u;l:~(!I! t!l) 1,1;." ~ ,~hiJd'sI~y. [[')'"o~'d ~;ilke"[.('!; ghre it

:r'QO,n:II., .A~~I2~,,~han

;a, £riii)~,

5tt!i1P1; A,ttal!:ll1ltl!u!i :parttern,lll),se'[,~tnP'D:r-ary bend ' ildlh.~Sii'!121'6 ilI,dheretlrnE'pa,tJt.em to the woOO.lf ji)O$$ibile" n'lIoll;!m' 1ihe' :00 t'I'O I'!!'i! ohhe palu:em at '~he ed'g'~ ofllhe bOi1inll"




~I).!re fUll


dlil,d'!!:Thiilp!:lints; and st.... and ins

the IJ1l'Ili(ll':!i,$O t'~e~~ 'C:1!iI1ir1iu:t hi! g'W.m.~~m!i'C'd.

,6 'SiteII' 2.; l8eg'in cut~hllig. S,l'all'ft:

. l, St.p J; Ciu1: the. WiI!5''lie.. Cy~eJ!ff

'irW,Qr·mauspi~e:e$ "rom [b11if!1'IIk. USE: a 151bIaclle" A :Il'2 !bIadie ellfii be wed if'yol.!!: ,~ii'.~t'i1:' mmror~able maki 1'119 the 1: i)g h[ ~1IJff1iS, wlith 1ne,lI!t




ttl il!: was,u~~ fOIIlJU'1iG o,\... the tep of er



" 51 - iP ,4;: IO~I~: 'tlh@Ibac:kg rO'ii,i!Uli. Cl!.n: Olll~''l:h~.sun !by ente~ing ,at ti'rif: "horiOOrr' 01'11ei~lc~e rslde and

.& SI Ii,8: Cwl, O-i!iit t&il! il::i@\alr:s. CuI 'Lh~beal'$, -ko:m the eenem piet:~.
wrtingl nnto a riC ba(~.rI!ig OlJi[ ohltH~' :zIgzag kerfsllf'll '~ht:; le~I~' you iCom e ,<!!~ to,tl1iem .. 9: Ih:e!i'!'Hli~eIIhil!!' ,PiII:tH!',fi. Peel iiilWay' ~ hie paper pa ue n!1 ~rOm i2.Qch pi~~",

" S'liti', 11 ':R@in'!'!lQVIi!!S,h:iilitiip edig@s • Use ,al 1'O~ded 'oj" 'f,~II:edpief:e ,of

dla1!!hed iirlie< ~t'!i

:saruf;p.aper II'!Ieidat' ,ai' s'ffi'ghill;}ng!e '~O' knod< ofif the s!hiarp edge5: of ieocn
~\le~'- fn:i~ h~~ps~t!ftn1!''Ihe ~i'lnl!l!!! when tn~e:p' ii: ,~seilTilbled !lind ,also I!~m~~ any ·fwuJi'tl'!!~[ m~ ~ left: On the ood<ooges of ~he pllec:e!;"


u,,~51!i.'iJili from

.. Step ,; i(iy~,([it!!!:~I;U!I$k!;!II~, Cut thE!! bl'mk.

St:e p' ,5:!'CllJt ,oui!: il:hl@ skuI'! segm>eiiiu, Cut the regm~F'lt;!i oftl\e S:kullli !!1ll:mldfng to thri!!' p.a_t.t~m IU!11l!'s.

.& :Slop 1 iIlIr:S~nd. th~ puzzle pieces. Us.€' 1 SQ-gd[ sa !'lidpa,p~r.~ IIlI,o!dli!nglh~ t

[.ik~~-g~~ndl each ~ndMdlWa!1\le"Ce by p

dO'lNrl, 1:!!'!!d

biln9llogi :the pi'eoe:s, to, tine sander (!O'iall~h YOIL,UItrii!f'!9@JitTp!ll. Y~L.JI 1rl8}l:r !mOWEfV«., choese to Qnd thle entEre

.. Ste-p 11:i!:';Stiliiil1!l iiIIl'1id 'fin~5h • U:s:i!'l!'9the li::ol~r ~~'Y; ~t~i!lJe,ill~h Ip'i'ece of the- puuleilClcordling ~'O' the :Sl.aii!'1lmllnYlrilCu.!lr~r;s Ihn5.trlJJ:!l:~;~t:I'I'I!'s:, Aftew the stain Is, conm~lhe-telr dlii'-Y; iIpply' a e:beililf O

lay it ftatO'tl a n'ons.~.i'd s4,.ufac1:., and :sandi ~III !l)if ~:liIe-,pIeces, at enee ("theannws 'j;n 'ttl!rEl beiall'S l~a\i\E: ,~ t!¥!'nld<Mqr~1!) jlJm:P ol.!!tl Make ~Y!l'e ~o!!J saad I:NJth ,5id~- (!of the ,puzzle. .. Step 7~i~Ultae lhe~i1d~taill5!,
fhl? b@ilU's"cilIn bf!' J~ft s!D~id,wltnout the arr!OlIIVS and ,Z)lglZags.ll y10u dlioo:se' to cut eut thie af!,()W~ do :so wh~(l tiTle be~rs are s.tiU .aittach@dI to 'ltve 1i!ii!9E!- bottom puzzle IP'ieoe. Note 'tffilt ooce you cut the art!ow~ the ~j}~hr-(~titw ~~ mmQ,pi~ m~llr~"~

me' ptllZZlle,


M oli'l'£·[itnf!. Stm~).! assemb!o

coat~ng ,Q'fyo!JJlr ,(;hiDk~J 1f yeu d ~:sijre-.

~f-f~r'tirJs~uk ~h~r!iW~ U1fAaiFyt/U}Q!i!'p,(pltJlj fr~pl"M1Vy 11 miJh:'JiIillIfjrMl3_,,""roaNY~w!!IM i1Imocl£i!"a'~eJlt121l.r!.J;jtiJ'fl fJ\!j;:a<@'1fJJ.!gwml'ii:!lif.ld_qpf,~¥, '@,I: Wll'lJI,ifi.~m(!p-.nfi'J1rmd,m~.S~q~Jro.m

'W:OW fitf

~t, llIdJiiilt C'ltdml\fllC,1~.,~

rh!~I~J'.Ij! ~JlV Jl!ww,!1p well.

be:~r.s wal b'(f\ll~r!( fir~g~,i\l'.

flfUSlHllN:G oniONS,

jia~',/. di~ :t1!W"glt'! ~

ifa1,h~ rMij {/;i~',~t9i1:i'1Wlred>O!{J1riL1JjJs..,JI'i~',ooW'd u!e!~(!;)lth1l~t~r~wlt"~ iJ,1Illf~b,~1!ln1fJjJe ~,U~ d.tllliJj1!'1JM at~Jies~'tlj!llllll~rolll' /iJ!JfN/d tlMf~gloJ~ l!iI(:tff ~~reJrf,$t




• 'S~I,dls:pM.:lb'11]
II!r li:!rlJsltes

.~. ~SW ~ 10" poplar

·l~mp;ifoi!ll.l!l!gl1d1 ~!ir!

• crear (Q)iil 'fil'll$tI 'ijlfi'}I'



• S;;OOJ!<i!p:i,1~ !:lilt .1~[kdl~'1lJ

• ~!lift'!en~e>ii !l)tJ 'j;ta~~ • l.\liiI~blt ijll1l~~ • 'W~P!rJgl iiliiJS

• '''5~~ip"~lKhl bl~~

• p,ai'm $1!ii'i~'E'r ,(if


Golb r Key'
l-D'afljGf~n ,1·fI!edlum ,B.rown 3-0r~!i!lr!l!:




"" ..:;:

~ -g





le.········:, .




\,R7(~s Ij~S~s;ted ;(illd'lrlg i!i stem £Oi[ the t~:ild!.H~r·s: name alli.-diil. Staedtler O ,Med iU:i:Ti. Tlp i"nu;Et':li~l(i: p.el'llto p i'li.rllt

A,dding or I'\e eli Ill! 'l1,e drill


their :fun .p'll~z!i: !Iuakes; a gOO;;]!( ,Ii]UI (Ufyuur r8v.rJ[it~·st!J{[~llIt or t~ci'ter, lEard.l plcee can be! ~)e~(jiIl·i.!i.I;u:i'JQd. wif~ Ud;,c::IilIt';5, muJtlJc as .['Ofii\l, as

rlJa:IlI'11~~ 6H!'1I t~JI!!-


O'f p:ieus:

- Dis~.:M!!elil.'iihie thil!"


[h~,dass ijf',;n"~hKli i:a!i!'.&ii:.'> ~Dl~~lll!:' ;:jI L~ ~iI]l~t.o ·the .n.ILIJ!ub mE' o:f liliec:r;:is ~!i)'ll t can ; flc~e 'b.(1itl!!:'d, bu;[ }f(:iU_
could i11.'\-~'~·Y'Si makcili.

~r' f!it',t)L::'ii:s:iiJr)1.


chUd ~'l:i)'k(:t<]I lP'~~(:~\'\!hhoUiI a~.YIll:~c k n.owi.D'I(g, un i.ld,Va'~d~w:fui.ich P!'C()~ goc[l': hc~', l1'11ck'i:d~, b!:!~ fllU1 w printi.liljj their naU'.i:1e.:l: '0IJ:1 il:hJ~ pIC~S, a b1d th.e gUt was h~:p~)!~)' :1I'l:(ie,~~d ~y Uu' teacher, 1 use :~jid_.auk :f1lJ<i'" 'Ihll"! PIiL1Z-i~ and CCiI\i'e:r~:fuJe stock 'with .c[ear

:ri.!ff rr,!-afWln ~dIi'smal1er-.w

WUI'l littl!! ~i(of~,m~ ~:rtm'_QdDpr a


UJ,py di~p.llltlEr~ f!ri/~'i'lP-B!_'M . ~,du~ir;y' lallrJ1~~' ~fV~Uf b-~~rd .tire to i1f, tlfll' a '{Jf!hdt t$jtil mit JMd ,~td~f1.ltlt.lf~p$iOpdil(~' II!lrl-lIlI'bll!'r rJr roIul7liltr. f(l,~IJ'(In ~w imllidy. After 1''''i!lI!f'l!' d9,iIl\~ ~Ii:h'1~i1lilt;g_~' b,(l!.':t ~ad' dt~w in. tile' ke,.£., rliltlttl'le' hf/i(JrJ~f't~f!kif!'y ~tt~ t~,ile!~T~ tJJIWf

fii lIi:rJe' e Q{}j,Je 'IT D'" rDW1. 71:ren


W,13 [\i2c~'l"ifcd e-mail froll'n 3[[1

a 'pre,rj.~ Y.Ufi C'U.'iilc~j.iler" Umll1H~ ~r~rrri1iilJn. He~ di!lliJg~[)~tr ''I,'iI'ilS. illbol!l!l" no

pl'!!I;ka,ging Hi,~l' befere tuUi:ilg Ito _ h~~iP b:ri!C:;;!!I!i1' du blade, -Roi.l!l:i:d 'ttI.\if:: h.1'
,~dgt>iof ,!:_,'{tch piece for a pll~,,;sin~ p!;'~~~t~~~(il~~ 'to ~1!Void,:;.]i,}, and ! ~~HIEpi edg.'Cs ~or IJittth:: !nmd!s to c:!]t: lhl;:'!'l1.schlll;!i', Of1_, i USC'iI flap' :S.[lndfr~ but 'YOU I!:JOILl~.d!also hand scad lli -. red~-s, App]y a de-a r :lfl r~isll to
pI:'Q;~(!dUt.e'project, ,m, [\ll!c~n1me:I:li!:l1 IlJ;I,;i~[;'. iJ.Itdoolt' D.u'ill:sh el I w~'!ha o



Nsa.. )litlll' 115M j~ i!lilllll'f',Q tfl'



plere' ,/16 ~!ll\'fe. fre:lililSo',

p'rc-~~~?tJl.: i'iJrid ,I~~[ dak,lgh.tcr.'s; d,a:~~ ~iduld!I,1~UIn _ had ,ut. Sh}i!asked if Wire- cmddl ,dcsi~l.lland r.r~i!lJkt'an~:pp'I.I;!\o!l~~,:[il!ed ~1'U,Il:rcdewidN,
gll~th.Ui<~i1: [[{li11

6'l' IU':,Y.tlrQ .af.l',rJ!'rfi'M,

piccl!:s that tile cIbHd.!'eI1l, couW piL'i:L'lt, lhil!~rnames; on.

~aI~~ ~Q WllIllM,~t'n~~'ll'n~·1Ml.e ~'i11lJt~lrr!1'rN' 6-ank,tJiJ:dJrop piWfi!i'nt.e.

[hli! ONIJJa:m ~~mp~~j

00" £1Jma, ijr;J~ wld ~rrJ~Y

UV b.~ockcr.

MDkrlGlsI • U".Il 2;":!: 9iW' 'i\lliIIIclIli!ft!:itwit;~, (II U~ ~\II!lal!Jk rem It'~ iu!llflr)1 rf!l ','CniNIF~,!!ilII;~9i1i1Ji't~
,!,(JI~~, w~'

1Pai'!l1h ,!J!i '!'i!ltll,a! u~' li~~keii

• WO FllNI gJiil:S, Ilf' sa iirljiEI piU up I:(j, 2M IiJfi~ ir!;l(th. ,.fl7 it~!iE:.It>(iiilotil bhd~ ,. ~I~p' !>i1ridle.ropUm;aIJ, (

I!!I' ~ldi::!,o'!diOi~~

,'5'ti1erltle~ Me!llum Tilp IIIIIIel iI:!le 1iIet1i

j:1il~~j ~


[Qg~h 'to 1H

m. 1f':I'O'I.I ,nrwt

p~li'1tl!:r!~Di:1~!Jh;1)1!!1 ~d M~' ~g

wimhlIIijl,fl~~Li'iSi iii" Ij'l@TIi!fn~ t~n'~oe~)igij ~~

i.I$C 11m.~!iI!' :rim'&r;yuh:ns,h;I g!!.i1i!:I~I]!I!!pl'1il!JH"~:~ p


COllared palleros

Nfli!Jh~J\,r~ :~ ~III:, ' or the' '~i}~i;-'~n'Q1l,\fIl'


~1!i'Ui); ~A:;,:t~I@''!f.:ffl

~~b~~'~lf;lirJ;e:~, ')-;@,y.:;


maki!! 'fin~'shiili1lglt-I~S PIUlllil it chi'l d"!ii liraV

o:m~hig b~~nmd !i1t~ 1:u~:Ye b~m c,lrlldhiOQi:I·~lll\.-'(jrite.~m oentll!ric!!i:, TI,'IIrn:ll vc.rniO'fii f

ay CcrJ'Hi,d4fmter
ArJrpatli'lreQ by Dooll'ltl tJOJNJ

-nt~d~si(; ~ilD:!i'will.'ll a '~i m~j~ Plii zldt::suUable. ('Ob" c'hlQdiii'iiiilt of alli!y~lIil. The c,lii,tim'!J!rojecl is :mad.c of~"·'! :BalHc.lbi:rch 'P'~YWlood. You eau Icu'"e thlC uj'i'ii'ifi}a~:s,:rJl:S$lmpll;; :[i,L! tWlldt~s ;;:@, pa;~!f:Itth~iI'ilL 'Wlt~ bright pliii imilii'Y ~o'~ljJi's. lhf' [\@Ili:~b;t:i1ll!J~}.r of this project is t'ilat: YOll..l ,can use t:he ,oqlored I1in~ a:~ p;:aU'e'ms m
as t 11.",fililal

filitlSh. There tbI~i!flb(~;C~!i'i~jl:l!:!biiif)'



:$t:v'Cfa.l :n11!!"t)J1i~i!!l to ,~thH;h t:iw p~l:b;:rrtS to diJil:

:ror ,added! :s,t:rength md! drl!mbi.iity..

by' 'C'I!IUi[]g YOlle stud( to s:ize'. Sand, all of the surfaoesand thill edges '",~,ith I flO-g:r~~~~nd,W'a,pcr, RC!1!lrl<'MC' the di!:~!t~'i'!litth ~ 1~;ilCk ekd•. I rcOQl~nmil:ifI;d,:ll'lyw~od,

AUi1!~lfItltll '!Jnl In !II IlIal'Uiilm;J , ~~~I: !:Il'-:;!'1;::peIIl\f the ail'iLFIi1~1 bi~llk~ b.~Im~vmg a 'm'( wli!ll!' ~~ IIi::iHliJ I:i, fjOill1, ny' ~ OOtfi 'SI!!>e~, A,j'!:ij.(tlilhoe ~ilifilsi ~~IE'ffl"i; il!i~'~¥1 Ai1I~~~Jtl!il'm il'X~f)!jjIl~ ~nd' ffi€i t1lt Jliilm~~ tie :5o)"Jj~di!:lffi!n~the ~Gl,tl "~n l.s (JUt El'J1i1l b:laijf~.ei:i11)l ho'l!e~ ibjj',l!adil rilf liiii!! m~'1trn:;I~_S~a~e )'(lUi' ,Ii:! Ifl ~a 001 ihi! 10 Iilide_ Mil!

(jilt lilt ·1!i1!!:!(5; (lInd ilnirnii'lb" CUI i!li'Dr!~' ~heIPdH!ffi'],w~!11~ :~'5 ~oor5:4)·toollfi b1'\!d@"One!!;;j b'ltJI~ 1& U!rn(ph:"~i!', ~I fit W .a.nlrni!Jls ~~~ Qy3!il~!i$ f~' ~~!wgb i~e ·t;I1@il Jr.orJ! II!:Q!~ ~~~U(!;!l~ If;)j .fl'loce~, iii IIi[tr!l'~ !rim iI'h:il' ili~d~ ;f!'f'!~e'f)1~ iii; ~i!iI1rU(j'figr;l! b~U:tf ·\V.~~ anliif'l~~!lIi!lllii!' Iil\llnkJ :YIEld Inri! bliJ::k~i1ili t1i1l! ~~-!il~il~ndJl~Il~,~Il~~!'!IIJ'i'2'~~ dl)J;st '!I!Ii!~ ,~.t~dd!(l!h.

iII~,e. il'h~ tfit~k.'5 ,~(,ti~ wt!t! ,E!lm'l:·-I;J~ 01111 ii1,!'l);Jt_.lI~ i1! l(J1!rter m (I~ ,y! ~hebi:'i"ei en !h;;: :il::roll HilA" ~ ~~~I.IlHI]be'~M'I ~

Clift ,ClUff;thil!i !lid:. (1!J111"leark i~H'!"iKrordll'!l~

l!ll tl'!t~ dlli;rQffi

lIiDlmbD!I!tlJ.1! oIIl~lt!Use 'l'i1olltlilglU!l! Mid fl1Mh lrn~ Rllih.. ·P'oIIi.nt '11!-i!!t iii ~ir~iI,t;;ro ;!Uro~ thJ~i:'lrk. '~M b&!I"ib i:'lOO~~i! arlim:~b· It!IliIlhill dl!.l!ra~e ~pra.)!''Ililfnhh • .AfliDIW Ute' I!il1llti !J) (iII:.[If If~ :liD W)~, iQF'i'i1it.iIli!:l dllh:llen,'Dfnlllll'ie ~r[ri.lill~ i!li'llli'Ml~ :~i.idiJJ!: Inc Peliguinr$, lilat ~Iestiil ~(Ml!;ii1l~IlWttil. ~W oliiuld al~ ,i\!I~;j!}:J;e~" lIIIh!elllll~ ;jim! a 5.11~ 1l[HlJmth·1l'~rk mtll' ill pull' Wj'.

t<1!brCl,'t!ll.;)rlZW·i1Iil!llI~,Trbmi 'iJOO dIN!!: t:!() r.l[)r:r ,~~m~ thQ Mil: illOO<ill! oolll1l'~J]jm.lll~tu drurmin!l:ltl!Il'w1d!1l ~Uh!<llilitlK!f,d!2:(IL

A't;taching Iii! e
'fIft~.!!mil?!li!' liI'1ayl'£Ili1t1m


ID Ii' pabH!rn s




,~n~W'x,W'l~'lleh,r[f01""",r!Iirl~; rh~~AesiVt1-l'l~~i'l:. '~j~ "~,,iiJjl~'pttrl'n;)ll~ij)1!1I~ !U!!'JQ.~azy ~ QlIdti'pJ;l&,Ii1 'iIlrt

e;wm!l1(l{f/ (i.f'tJN~ 6lfM5Ir1ft lD Nrj~ rfil.tNJjJ,~ond·J#lF!: fWM.[j', WItlII' 1rl'I~f~~£I'!'fm. df!1~~IHtMj-j'1 fm_d~ lb./!ptI._tW'tI' 1711MI'lre i~. ~1Jpay6 is dfj'!Jlhtll.irJJ~lQu,g, Apply li i$Ml' .mch 1i1J M,od~d-9'e:';·f.fI1h-eibtilh ~ft!if!p.~rl!:'N!i p~~ ,/FOll' r~i ~lM\ .ar:triiffm'a':ll' lNlilli!lJln mJdirJmw ro(j'Njf~JrJd~~. i"~rn~ii~,~o\N d~ f:...8'!J"r[ Ir.MrltfS.ll~d r~ l4ltr.rfCtlo.rl$ ,Wi taiir fJrarr(j' afllt1Jjsfe-t'papt!l J!i·dj~r:.~' ~ke·~1a.ri'8fer

lfi!lfeJI)rb: ~IE~tjh ~I:.: ~'1lI:1~ijimalNt~ Ibb:l:b'pt~gcl ~iPr.ma1$) ~ '\l.'I!!<fQi:l ~''!Ii'51r X ~I'~rl!: 1btr~1~~oo '(~f!mna15]1 ~,l~~ ~";!:rM' ~.·~1·· !:alII,
~ ,2; ~a~ '~' i!l3Wf); 4tV' ~1tIt il!lro&1h IJiIYmlOd o(tI'~Ii)~ij

"Mmd p~ '~RilI~naD "~~!l' ~~I~t~pj~ll

"'ltin'i!!I!lih: p.itl~~ $fl!~~
\l'ilIIl!Lkn~ll~b rilll!:jj~ iii ilil[jh!l~ l~


. "5 as; ~/lr~'R~~e-"toil'tillb1adt5

er tiI*.s af (flllil;,~ ~Mi[a ~w .,1!'!il1!~~ ilrrilll!t

~.2i!a~ ~';l: 4W ~.~1W.' a.at11; 1! rmPl.~o11! (~!Jllhi~1d.~

~-'5~~p~", ilBD ,'lir;_d i,2o,!lIFI i ~'filml [Ipill ~ 1DiI"l hh;lr,tJlnrer ~~'. !!cl~!li!,;!!! p.:r.;ll!f.iilt ~QMI qi.1l1i~M' ~i!!pEJ (~h~i~~lIiIilb)

{9PiJ4malI wilh Y1~'-~~I'M~r


M[h;a ~~~,Ironlb~

M1W.d.IlJl"'~~'M' 1J:!i:,es!~Gfl.d~llt4..f·~'j'l!illJld.s

ro f,fhlru'~·t!fid(m'ilKfutmm

[f\e',lMNJIi'fJ~,p~Jll~. m«l1ltimfE'lm~:91M' flte JIM MlOtk;!,~n, Al

t.1 !~'


,~J:imiPuu:" ".'r"",,:IIlM· 53 rJ,.;l~OM

t!~' .1


,~J:imiPuu:" "_'1'""",'111"'1 55~'J~l~OM

Ilmlp,r1essive 3-D jiir'Craft ~P'1lJzz~e ii!i, easy to m ili,ke

By .111m SonnJeitll'i:'I



Dtiltjiil~:il:E!, WinSli} Chri:'lLrn:a;s wb;,11Ili.s.t-l. 'Ihe 'lii:lI1r1i::at h~:\:'b~(.i'i~fiyloUl,g f:rO[El ~ir.<;~an, ca:r!:'i'!:r~,:l1i1~ thii!' 1970~~'tldi :h~ been am[i,1IH1~D~~sJy 'W!pd;]/ttedto bl1!: a,medem figB]tting mi::u:'lil~l1e,

d!!.d uf;!i N,!.uiY

,rwl. the

F-,I,;!J,r]:;Y-Iif.i:O!!~~r,;umlJl'eU' w,~~h

[{3' be

lCJ:p (If.rrf:HlI'IIY

Tn Is I!:"rnal:h~eP'!JiJo.ii1'J~ oombil1le:r.; h'l''O of:my ,s;te-a~~'1 ~o're:'i~ ,ocl\_1il~ifl,g.. [ ~)joy l:na!kin~ pll:l:Z2.~I;,::!l tha'~ lilil'efun. w play wl:~iiI~1;t;llliill;llhl ()~Iiell' th~,ai, a tIIR'~!llll,~~I~ iiig .. Sml'[ by :u~:ckln& three Ilillc!(l(!:!; of ~~,. -thlek p.~)!W(ind [ogethr.'l'" usj Ui\~,YOUI[' ml':tb,~d of'.t::hoOGt'. [ U'l~e %" -lung brads. AIH>ly lem:pOlF.l!lt'y 'banlll ~Pli?a.Yi1I.d1h~ivc '[0 tn(' :pil!lrt(',rJil!l~ ill~ldI ,aUach lhl2l1ll li(~' the !:lll,[lc:kA'I~,Ul:re~ rmt~~rn~ ~l1iould fit m'll the IPly~I..cod, N~t~ d rilllJ'!-·dl~!f!~t!l!',~ h111~fidllfQug:h tt:hllj!,!'>l:!!tk w:h!i):r\~ ~:t'I!d,ic~t~d, on the pattern. [ I!.IM: a bri:I(["'pifJiint'lbiJi:to reduee iJ.1C dlc;;UliC!1.·~ oJt:~e bit wa!1,dtr~l:!:g"
~.~i'rlt1oD~S: :nui

P'!f~~~~ 'lille dlllwe! I\! hu, (~t J'Oi;!! ~,"-t::!!~il!1ifler(f~b,tQ 1~J1g!lM:.iPiIlt a i.!1~1U:dml'irEf!lin bOlll1ll';11jd~"j]jftlt'B' ~m"I1l~ 11I'i'Il';'lls(00I!II fl!!1r.~1I1 sh~!ipI!r."'. lim ~Mj (a.1Ilt&o:s;arnd'iitJl!' djaml~~ ,o,nt'iJ. iiil1i!',d~~. 1rioo'l~ '\'fIf1l i;'r1l:!i' i,'i;p~ t,g ~~ep ~ 'i!n'll.r~mi~iIt,g~!!I.\llth~ proJ,m G1li;1gi~'!Il!i,

~eH Il)~~hef~uh~1!: oil 11 peg dl hFi"~ b~uarnw,illli lJi~iI[Ili,rtls,Lt!a!ii 'iIi~'[Mlop~ jli3llef,jj 1'h.i! i t.J !1i1l:'C!!i'!ClP:YIM~,;,'F.j!~il'~!1oe b ~~ij~ ~!;~ ill ,i'J'(I~l'lijill1l 011 !~p,lJIf'itiW' !o:P layer, 'Set wp~f'lt 1J:IiIlIIfJt:n Ui !:mJ)w from Ihe d]illll:res~ 1!~lI.I'on1:i. Flllp,IJle' lI~llli,!tl' Sin M'1!r" ~ilt!1 iifflill'~:'~~_Ifi~b~if ~I't~thiflm!l!lJ ~w ~~i$ h !~~ hlllii~ m)~ (;If lfue .allp~m~1111'0 ,_J!rti!WI. ~p!it!1il' l'!lil d!iiw,et .al; 3 'ihe o tlm.f' ~odrill ~1'!~ ~!'1e filt!ij!'t:54! 'Y(II;.! !'!JiI!ntaln iIll!~:llmrot. Do !fie I ~rll".! {:(Imp]fitfl)' tliJrQ~ t~ C1J1illP:!'. FitmlWC illif! ";aoo,pj,, kt.~pb1_g ~lf"il1I'te :~Y$~,!!'I~el$, 1!'IImdi;1, V~er!\o ~-tiilfi.illnJlil:1A)ur ~atf!~lflfm~1 dill!' ~~.Oi(~wl~h iiI,Vii'-d!;m]e'te'l dnll bir~lK~t~~ :~,m~~~Iii~: I!wpe~)I b;l i~m!}'I'i1i!!lIlhe ~ml,[)irty iJ,'!; Yil!1lJ ,drill Uh'ft l1Io:l~.

~~:thl!:'Ci!!Ji1i!!1~:)i'iSt~d, ~ tlllt!'ll1!l1'



I Sil'l1IIj:ifJ"iliw: i'fiili~ln fiu:!.>fI\8;!lIi!., :lot~(~ the'IO,p Mid bou.lD.m 1.!)\l."Il> ttlig!e!M!' .a'l1~Sl!'llJ!ll ti'l~1,1liff~'~''!\i~h'iJlt1!' d~w,gl~,"~~ I mid'dl~J~~ ~~Ii!~d nltt Il:f' 1mU1i~ :!i'~i:" il:!JU olJteJe l~iIJ~lj}I1!t.i!1'i;ai)f(lms. [)i&~i1Ilh~

Sfclillfl!L" fihl:i~rn'Ilile ~'h>e' I\!r.r~r~ l\e'S'Olck Ulil: tD(li iIll'I!lllrmh!d:l~ .ilnl!i l~!r,~ 't~!h~!~ se~i,g!,~ ~h~~ WjiL~'tM dtJ'i\iet5.. T~el~tpi h~er~!Iiill.!ldl i'1~IID~ 111lh~s[ad;, DI1ill !il"-cillamEler IIJla!lle~nilly 1Tl~1e5iiI~1I ,~tthe ~1!lJI~r;g..I~h>E' !IiNlt::a It.ilI~:IiIE. 're:s:~'the: fi:lIDf'lf1elaJllm~ ll1lf!e ~hll1'i irnd ,a!1Iim~:d1t,~!1.lS ..


(~!t h~ ml\ddl~-e 1 11!~~r, Ti.a115~ 1'~'Uml'b!J IIlhe b~[lk. [lilt :li~CIinfi~ ~!i'Ld m;w: ItI!! '1lJi~ QI'.e~1 p:!i}fl!'. "i1I1! 1fii1lddJ(!,~l~OO O'llhe



wfl!llii1':(iisr:.rlil;t!i 'to i;1110'WJIlIOiC'!l~rl\lriAl£ !;i,I1~!!I~'bl) iJti:\!I)lI.

..'" :S!
I,J oj!!


.:;;: Co oJ::



~ ....

i ~


s ...

" ;.:




Sef'On th iis 'win ~m s:i'i; a I Iii Cln puzzh1!' in two bjjl!.llrs

C,Ii' ~iIlI:SS

Th!eR; ~llt3ich

and ~ll'ldl 'b0i1tb. :8~,clI~,~, ithe boards, of the [P!!tlU~fi!l t(l< It'he

~Sll:ep :2~ DrUllidadl8'

;il1,ftF)! hQI'e:5!:',

,By James W. ,SW'ee~ Puzzles are a.r"rw~, ],'1 op,'u.ti!i,f" burt


spray adbt"'sive" C:~I;."t:1k ttii l1I'Ii-ik_'e sure y'!~NJlr Sil\\i' bindle :is ;S.l[jjua:rcto thetabl~

\\f(i!od! l.I:sin.:g'

Drill a '~"",diamil!!'t~rlbil.ade~rntry hQh!~ 1n 'the II,eti:elF 'o~ inslI;:rt ;Juur Made tnrol!;!gh the' 'hc~(l'.~"d CI"n: 'I',}ut tihe'
cenlli~r: of it hie 1,e1i:teiF, Sltll'

,otlil~rWUfi~" tli'iep!Lwzzl.e pi.ecJ::'1s '"foi~'[ J¥i , pr(

3: iMlllkt!,

'th!l!! fi:liIllIl~II::i~dy''"!JIB.•

'W~y do

or'di i"I':'Ii"}' [ii,'JJ'z;de 1j~'lierll

ylJ~,e~n clQ iii Wl).)d~m~~~ - \'l{:uod ilililaJ::il are ;pLur;zJe,:.;: 111 are ~t ~~,(ip)l;:d Ii~w' and :ilpooU ~)ii.!il I:h~ 11IIl!n1J{! !If thf! :ilJlIlii,1il31, [[sho,bitd~ (l,i~ itiscCt i:h~ OO~,l~~~rti:. ThIGlY',(iril'. dlc~lgnQd ,ilL,,!: tall1d~:lft,n;l;;: plLlzd2S ~ IlUtd tYIP,ka!.~y



ii!fi hOi!:tr~JQ'!i.lntit!.g~if !a:fld

f'(lfll:·,five ll:Jii,n:LIit!·,~ Ito ,c'O.n1p~!E:~e, JQ~:el :l-J;t~rttiPd. n'ui!k~ SE'i,o\iilri,d

't:!"mTn@ ",I 't'h1e' bo'tfl(lm of tlh!e re,!!(F leg:. ~(r!rnl:sawup ~heiooi[k,a,'rtlh~'~~1 5eiP~raHrng ,tihe ti!l il from 'the body; cOntinue 'cl.m:lnglal'oi!19 the baek ,and eround tlhie heitdr 1e,f1ivlirl;9: e:u;lll'~sla([ij 'the! insid e !Of '~~e netlier N @nd i!l'!l a!Fe>a ,c'F the. m,j:j he. The.n~wt dOWti'li

St ,1: 1~l!gin c'Ult~ilngi_$.'~lr1t

fin lsh cutt'ir.!:\lI O'ut:Uhe 'tai I. MaJike yournl'mll cut~ (!iI:'!, ~hf! m~n!'1! an~ 011 the ins~d'eof'~,lMie ~eUN~ to give, i3!
r.iilgg~di app@@lrtianEe~


lirIlJ1e,~ ~~~


Ih~1 'Joo.[:'!:t

'Oihh~ Jo:rwill rd ie{l, (I)Jit 'O'l!!t


cop/lies of th!2' piltltcm. CiITt you:r WOllJd tell sj le' ~{]:r ~S:i Iili ilIflid 1l11\~)

th@frolillt and 1r~i3JF I\e;g'.,A,'I1:eir $owJ 15;!!!,vlingl 'the (i!U't~ifie.,

<lllri¥i b@.'l:WB~!"i

mt b~~w@~n th~ I~Uri~rs,

lPosU;~I:il!'!$lor' liid~ b m'lIy hillli!~

Stc p ,4: l)!i'irnllhlll!ill'iI!s,




'~~iIi!!!-reS, Or~1 tihe' Ib1ade entJY ~ol)E!'s,

f()~the fada'! fc~tI..!fi\1l:S (eylll! and t:w'O

ear detail(S~ uSiing the ii\lOO drill :bi:t. IH'I<'SiI1!:r~yoi1Jr blall:)teo and ~~mp'~if:'~'1!! ·th~ iniSklie (;iJ.jis.. Ste p' 5:: Re1ili1lo¥e the: pZlrU·!I!1m. Ll9Jltl~r :!Ialrild ·!i;!~c:h piiecE!! 'Vil'l:h 1,QIl)-"'g:Jijt :S·i;'!Iii.dlp2ip er W I!"~m'ov~ ,!3!wy '~e's·~d:l!.ile;rQUiglh e'c!'g·es; aJ!"I!d



St~ P' ,6i: '(]~iIIIln,up, 'ith;e' base,

's.andpape[f" lTt'OUit thte edges wfltn

't~ %.'i·d~:;lim~~r ID!,lIi!'!d ¢'ij (lr ogi;!!! FtOuter bit

S,t . ,p' ;s:, ICDntili'!lI!I~' ',e~iUil~g.U:s~ng . d a ~JO or' 'I 1'I!'q,f1'~ brrliisH'! a !lid btack acrylic lP ailnlt (I.r .a WtilOdibUrnE ji', ad,d the liilnf!'to show '~h~ :~ill:(So'nd r. r~ le.g (rnarlke;(ll wlr~:h,ill dctt:'edll i iii,e: en the IPlmt1tl1l!m),. Ybu can also '@">rit€'n-d the' rna f:'I e dawn, aiCrDSi:li th,e fiiiO nt I~~If d~:!'ifed. !iiI:.. 'P ':Att"lr:;l~, Ib".!$rE!<.oril'l the • the 14" d)oweilln..[iil~ 'ilf!, th~ bottom (If the re~;r fQio'tta!f!,dI a ,matching ilw'l,eiirn tlllle base a~ Indica ted on 'tile paitte::ril'l".lnst.a1 r th@ d ow'!!!'II 81!'11d mount dlf)' PlIJz;;:iI!l'

• %"~

iI:~" ·1~· U~[I·~IiPefer ';-:U-IJ~~1iIl;1:!l,8·lb~~iJ5e~1 ~ (f'«Q~



• t1!1-i1lI~~(iif'~Wt4 f:~ 1pIIIQrlfj) • ~llIjW~ ·G.!i~tIIl[Ila1:, 5.iilmi'lii't·!J:a:lii'r&.'F


• J31~'ill!li1tniC: M]iI~:t!lft1:lOmil~
• It:mp!lfilT!;

F i:n inlg

ilIIImI' ~ Iill'lrj'3!~ h~~

st:e p ':I:: .S~~!I!. p;OI!,lr the '~,ene~~e-d

stain :into .3iFIIold cake palin 'OJ .51haliow' 'C:Cii1I~'fiie~.and' PUI: y,o!Uii' pUZ2Je pieces and base iliilF_Q. 'Il1'Ul! stall1l.

• ,g·5 br~~pHtlol(~

• .~-oodO'llllii1:

.;v....~~i.!irniil~ .b~,
• ~11fl"tl)rl!!r

dirill IliU,
d 11il II fn'I'~

too plecss

Sttil p .2,: Dr,aiilill thC!! pi~ec;~:s:.. ~mO'!Je R

fli'iorn t~·e oon~a;ineif and pllilc!l!! ith!!!rJilI an an Q~d n!l!!W'S.:pitip€!ri .allowHf'lIg Ul!!fm to dr,j3,ln11lbeiforewip.i'ng g-tf e~~~:1t !1l!;llin, 5t'l!!p J:: WIPr~' th~ :~tl!li'if;l., F:o:re' 6e ~o:rrIp.1i!jd!f!~Y dIY. 'Wiipe tl\~rrn with a IPi1pe~rt'Clwel or a ragl t:o

't.llie base.

• 1;.1" ni~nljl,~U1j~ ~~r!l!U!er ~t~

d.>e: pieces arc

FQ:mov-{! JlIJlIY

.;·10 Of IlnGibtliBli ~llJiltll)' • ~~;;jnd tl1i00rJ ~:frar:mro1'l!:rim:!! ~r_a'k'F~'Ipe-ru:m • WMdlilinl'lCJ'~(jlf!lll1n~JJ' • :SjlJk(~lRr; I~ lilt .; :5 h aJIrIl,M'ID(lti:ta:il1 cr'


.!tlg Opli:i:ofla I M n ,D e-liail

drip m~d:s.

$'e:iIiiI!iP 4~ Tirllll nS;,f;1!I1r dO't:ai 1:!Ii" fi!l!r A 'the paw'15 !31ii'Ei: C91T1 p'll~bil~Y dry, .E3is:i;ll!mbll!!!! thill!' puzzr,e aJlJ1d tr .iUli$I f'E!'r d~t~ih;;onto it ti 5.iil,g wn'i,~e:·l,';atlbOrFtl paper ~ndl a $'Wlu!1,

YOry ·c:.a:nuse a :!O or -IH lline,'

brm:fTiI and ib'lac~ aC1Y1 pa ~nit or k

w(iooiblnner ~·o d'elaillsote t:'rnle add

bottom of thQ m i1iiF1i1i! (wi'lI;g r~ the tiIUi;l!!:h~~.), F'1f\eeMti1l,a dii'·~w the -dii!'tails;using .asharp pendl <Ilfli d paint or bu mover lI'0u:r iililiE:!',.

leg ji)!«e

reesandi'lg A imal Puzzles

Ilnte[r~Oi[Jki[ng puzzles have m aSClIJ Iin€!! a:nd f'@mi'niine 'Ih ernes
tJy Judy ·Qnd Dai¥.e tlei'e,rson Yo u.!r Il!'SlI.[il! to find the P'!l!f(j!:!Ci[ dl)!!iuSr! fl(!!r each OP"l Ylfliur li.s:l: lli'I!.:::\;~ :pliI.l.zll:s !'lite' f;,;t'i1 If:ro[".~ hardwood, but: can be cuthtpine Qir pl.ywond .a nd ..Hn,lsh!:!tlwlth ItmiJ[,~)oc~lC: pahat. .~)~ caretulartenrion to the gll'ain di n.~duo.nE:lIrm'WS wJu::i1

u:',~.!lii~~irit:h!l' p;tltt~r.~to lhlil I1Ijg

blank; You can cut

.in alllY

ruliiim'e' ::ii'liy fi.! Zl!,_~~. DUI,i~.k tl1l~pl!.~c£s in nilil:li.lml·oo!ar·oo. IDOl!I1I.i!llh oil :and iJUOW the.m l~ll dry tl'mtr:ll'l:gliLIy. :If you iiliri!l' il:nil.ll::ing dlIlilPIi!I.:lZl~fi .ro:r cmuldnm urllLo may p III ~h~' ~lie!::es 'un thlili Il",n)fitil:th~il;, LL:!:!J'a fil1!!;ld!-:il~f@ fii~ld:!>.h• .~li.Icb3S puretu rig oil. 0.1' allow ilth.c

~...i[lh. these fun animal designs, r Cht}!:lI5€:' r!!J!bl~~"Or!l!. or th~] u bew[j.fiLI.~ ·bu.tu=r.i1y for dl,e yOUDg

tlIrdic!':,bur be sure to kaye cni:ly:gh \voodlw hold 'm~ to a'\i ro!l.l cut the
~~nill.Hlir ~.)i~t:t'i!;" lnei:'ii.andi A rIg U1i1;l; pieces, roend the' cd.gcs W.~tihil. flap' :!jrtJjnclcr '1.0 50f~.cfi [hI;; lookand

D~nb:h {[Ii~~to dry ~c~fI;~dil to ~hc' t1!g

11I.1iil!1~!!.IJ;)Cu.ux::r',~ iustructicna. {M.<'!.st '~lIggt'5ta d:r.ya i'Qg Hille ~)f


womle:n, [m: Ute' Hilmcc' ~'~.[I ukuir

~""u(iUy n'iiiU'lH:lloth
n:liell on, y.tHJ:[ fCt.f ~:liIc'YO'LIJU1g



!NOTE: LriiJf'i~iill~'I!: ~I:re [Dr ~he·p.::.tterm S te tlhi!'lIlpl!!!lfI!~, IM~ c:mJlid po:5e· .!!Ii d'iD.'kh19 1~~:!lf;I1ii;l YOl,lni;IJr::hildj~_


will: ~(! 'lJb~!lI~~ \liijth

1hii '!irr.!!m'I"lI~ ib!lill!:ell'fl)", \li~!g,ln 'iiti@lit. !:!:r

imllPmin~1 WiOOU~!' nI,Lll1rIlt1im~.

• t\" ~ '1",~';5'H)t7'14"h~
OJ' W!!l4!Ir::In:~dj~lfl!

(wail";' ol'!ifrioflfll'

•Spr~ ii!clll!~\le'
•M1~g !li~1~,(lf 5alKli~~rup to 2121i1 ~ • ~~",[a1 ~T~i1I~q.f'6rtl~(I,f d1Cil::~


• W' -1~':f3H,·);A~~~



Ii{ 'IWIO~

• ~. - 1" ~,IlWt":i6i}{" ~un tli!lfl}


·;lJi ~~~Uioi~1 blO!ltt~ or

1iIil:d:f1of dii~
• ~~j!lJa!)1f~'

."M" - 1" ~,~j; 7~'" ~o.iJ .of WX!r::I,OMlQ,L(J! f,butielO:;4


Whale Puzzle


C(JIWlIP 0 1lIn d~c!lIItth is


k,e,' It;'h,a i1n p'llI zzme' Bit CfJirJHj'rd·R~~ie.r

As, (!I ,hi]d~1 r,r,],~lru :~I:!~!f:'!~iiLlgll!i! t Sundil}7 ~;dmo,1 'stGfY of ,IOJI,[lh ln 'the

bll!~ ,a wl~al:e~~dmd yla,gio.o!1W Ir~~r

1P',~Iil,ee be, unless Yoll. 'to Sra\,\!' !.'liiilill :!lO;jll~ w[;)util

a scroll,

.I \'ii:ii!:Il

demif.lI!l:!1trnl:i.!lg ~:nii! ~,\'\i',n 8

ou il' loCii~, aliu:I I came up w~t~,iI :f3i~~" a fu11'II, ~y ehaln parttC':I:'J:l, ,It:is ~:Y' to k

chain, aad :;I, fUI1 (l'u-z:il!C! to ta kc @ind, ,~eo-iill.\l,S-elubliJ.


r-Iliolllg,h Ito use

1'1:5 m:


a ,~""guli!lir labl~ In~l!lrt~, ~I.II'W'-t,ti£k : US~ masking t:rpe,: ~fyo IJ do nm 'W,[lh:t ill;'!! ~J:!le~~;~~ en lhli! t;abl'!!' iJf [he' :liill't\l; make a 'v,'i\OQck:n '1P~@stk insert, m" or iJJJ~~ ill 1~,eO!i!of caMl~na [{II. M:ake- Slilli:'~ dle t~MI): L set ,~t90', [f [hit, table i!S o!'l: I!::"v:n sl i;g.htly. ,)'It.NI] willlila'~ p,roblf'n:11j il.~:!l'i~JD'-1bHng[:tllf piJ.Z:dll. I 1,]EI"!i~ :st"'!!"t'l'II~ ef these 1f,'!U.i!.-zb~5 :~ad


'00 [QOC~

~he pieC".es'~,ogetthell',

S~:a,nlli!f ili1!tik In\g a ~ett'Q'"'d~,;uaJ~eii!: insert {:or )-'QIIJ!l' 'saw;1li!~'pieces )101] ~i:e' ~(i,['j,g t"" ~'il!it 'IIvm br.:' 1l"1m ~!lIJlanfol:'


1 ,:IU:~~!h :thll!!' p!:!,t:tem to :the bill n,k, Foldl ~h!!lJ


,PllitJii:Bi'IU on

the detted lineal'ld :Spr3y w~lI11empa'r.ary' bam:! sprarll ,aclhesivEl'. A.lI~U" the f\Q~clIwlth ttJ e comer ofth:e

block >lund lpa'~:!i:i<~hl!l: !piI~II!~~ clown


!hI!! woQ:d.

2:: Cq-t: '~hil!':p~zzi!Q lolbilliS'on, ![.~,flrJ:i ,smdo..l use iii ~3 :s.~lp-'tooth bla d,e. tit h,as a '[lh'inh'H~F kerf an<il'a'I~Qws; , th~ puzzle to lot::kt(l!g:Q;tJlillllr mll!Cih tlgh~~r' than ,jIIDkk@r blsde, 'Cut ,only the puzzJe lebes, not the perimeter of the! wn.ale's body art thi~ po 1!'It
5'1!ep 3~ 'ClI't!Ollillil:,il:h:Cl'lloibil!iS'Dm 'tl~!ei'li!II;ppo~iilie:lliidl!i'. T8.~ ~he liir:u c~n iii'! ~Lace.ll,nn the tbl~k SOl '[he. oti'''Ier slide ,O'F tn,@! paitJi,~~ni:s:adilng! up and mt: om the 1'lI12!:xt: I€!v@~ f

" S~,p S; i(lilI~; ,out

tlii;Ii!' ,Slnillpe of!ltiile 'wlliaJl'e. Fl!i:1l'''~S§@Uifilbl@tthi! puzzle and t:{lIP@' itt ta.g@thli!~ wi!th

ma~ki!i19'tape,or ,cle\[rJ' p'a<:kiIfiQttI:Pe. Cut the. top Qhheo

wn.alle,~ bQd)i'~ tluiln ra!ta.pll!! th~ tblo!:;k and out: tJ'h@<,p:roifillfl',

F~i5,~ wulh~he\l'ei;hitigcurfor thie' mouth.

Stt'p 6: D,rill tliU'~:Illil'.llilefol!"he 'e.y'ie'., lnsert iii bamboo, t ~ diol\i'lfeL era r,~.m;dJ ~@'.othpk.kto lock 'l~e ptw:le together. If iIh~ hol:e is; 10'0' :~man,'!l;;th~ toothpick into an eh!!!!:'llic drm ~'nd sandt it dowli.

S'b!P 7'i,ApIi"J~~i!!!l WII~ fimi';5!h,.!Fin'isf.l,i'ng Nth van;i~h may 1l1!~1k@ hi:l~,dt to J!lI!i3!s;s{!mtb!@! fit Atta!:;ih an !~iI;!hQok and a ke'~(;naln rini'gto thel1l-olltt OiHhewhcale''s tn~d,

;l SlelP 4~ j\,Haitlh, '11111,':=1 :secollld

patt'elillll to t)h,e fH!i\lllt, bhL':Jk. The ,s:haded 1~l"!eindT~t~s ~he1~,eces,'S.'Oir ~he'~'obe;,,1'1: hi be~l; 'to na;,!{~' :5.op;riieG'xc:e55 woad in fr,ant: ,Ij~ the i.iJftaI e'5

!.J!utm@, p:~olii~@',of Jonah ... Ili allt:Q1matiw lsto plla'iJ@shims A 'iJ:ndeff'l:eam 'Iih,e ~{jbe'.O!f'iiii:eYQu hiiw:!'his prom!! ei!J'~'~, slice OJlie'(iT tw,oo.ff I:i'k@'g ing,~d:1:Fffi1d t!lli!!1l.

'hiN!~llhis. hel'~s tk~p '100 pi!!C!!!' narl whil~

}i'OI.! ~fi1ell.!!'tltllngl C

M,II!Il'flAj): "I~" ~ 15~ il1mi'W01lid offc.~!lt(ll1' 11'1 • ~~liott:5h'wa fir ml;;!1'1~ ~!lID:lhpkM' "'f:'~po r~lMfirili ,~.nh~~

'f~fi': ~ llil :$.!lll~..:~~mbUdiM; !IW b'l~
I ,



"Drilll ~jrulri\f'~ii2IlIi~I~l"dfil1 bill

" W'i!ili jlilj.5b " ~~iliil9Jir(J 1:I.f ~~ nd'pilplJ


i I



• ~~b~



11h'i sediu€atio
mlilij esti

mJ IIP llII:z:zI'e ca;p'rture,sUil e nalu r@ ,af th,e m'OOIS@

Stili!P 4': Cln: (iQt the If:t1e:r~, SepaJ~a~ 'the ~en~t~,u!'1!any

seq tl!!i:inoe you cli1oase.

By Jam\S'r W. 5wef!r

\Voodim::d:s are not OJl~,yWloo oom~ifSLtli.o.l:J Pilcres\i, th(:]i area gr.,f,;'at 1~,iI!l'I~i~lIfil, fui" ,c;]JiMli'll!lili. The moti~ii:' ~uol, is <llF.llDtlhmr :UIlI,his series of ptl:zz~!2S deslgned to "su-and t
"Thi;iSC IHJizzk":li, Ilitil'Y ~1S'u be :nnlld:'::, asiihbrs by ~a.)1'ing dii:em IIIat W',i:~:hilllia fU<I!me su~~rol,l,ll;ded fl:>l;'c.f'OTm lby

5t.p 6: 'Iut the mo,tc:lriiit-S ,on '~hl!- ~n., Wan[ to giveb You ~ta r.agg eod",p~a1i"ance'"
Ste P' 7:=-,MOlke. thie' irn'side (ulls, I miiei"1li''YQUi' bl <Ide thro!!Jigh 'lhe b~",de ,etlllr;y hol!l!$1n 'the O;~ FO'liow the same

!punk p;J;(;OC5. The mn{li~e u!lllii;e la uges;lll1cmlbe;u of the deer f"-mi Iy; but ~td,oC'sn'it :~o{~k lts much smaller [\~illj];ti'l,\'e,5\. It . lik,e h!1!:sa ~QngfiM:c itl.llLd a m~ zsle t:l'Ul!t han~;; looody over ~ts chin, Th,e'tl1~f©id Oof :slkiilil that d"'iIlIs~es; from its dh~liil1.5called ~ "bell," 'Ihe ,a~t,llI,;r5 are !'~U1t:llil::t:tI'!;(}S!!; of <I dleer, lhl!."yLlre solid and mar 113\~ a SpllLlil ,of over
6! w~tlh as i:n~~y ~:Ii '<W~{!!i:!lb" Th'C' bu II iii1g~'nl!;:_{!!,li~e ! r illS n.n.l,ch i!J!:!ii 7' atthe s hoI.! ~d,~:L w~~h;;Ii weight !.lIf more tlh~n U!:OO p{!lml(b. Flu QUI' pu q;lOSC50,\-VlJ' wi ,iii1Qw~h,",

pro.ced iJire 'w rna !te'the other ,iliUerta!i' 'cuts. Ifyc,!._I dQ not wanrt t,o m(!lk,~ i~1d~-1 at1!~' euts, )!IoU!(!'!l!'l ~ ,a,~ry~Lt: ~ir!t5 p Or a woO!dburner 'to a;a,atih Ii:' det3!i'ls.
S,te', ,8~ 5~liilid' the' p i@c:,e:s., Relm OViiJ! the A)an~fii'l!~nd a Uglht:lry :~~nd eii!!(:h piece w~th 180"!ilIri1::S andp,a'per ~:o re mo'lie' aif'iY' ad h e5~¥e r~:si,d i1Jle, rough ed,gt5, ,or sh ...~p ,oor,nleli":$-, -St-ep 9: ,MOlke thie' .b0llse.. CU'~ the ba:l:e to It~~ f'1Ial dim!!!Ml,lo!itfl. Sh~:pe[~,~edg ~l O'f 11~e lba~, u~Tngl a U."-diametei' r-oundl-cff,ctcgee Iroutei" bit, Step 1 O~IDlI'iI~the!fi'H'.alamebilr hob!' in, 'Ilhe iboHom of th;Je' foo:i.. Drill .BI ma[dhing l'toll!1!~1Il rtlrne bass W'he~ ~ndica~.edon the Ipa~lern. Thi:t, li'Io~~:i5~ot fne d10wel ~hat leu the m.OOSe S'ta nd uptiglhlt: ($ee Step 113).

pmjll;:,CI as


stand alone puzzle,

S't-ep'l~ 'Pre,pillre·to ciJi~-" riim 'the bilalllk W siz:e'~C!re,i3i:S¥ T h~ndlb'lg, and tlr.;.n~~r ~hii;!' Ipatt!!;!'!'!1 to '~he 'i,II!U~i u~Tng yQur ni'll~thClid' Q'W thQ"~, ErWI.i!r~d'!~t ~II'III!: $(:~'OII ~aW t~bll~ I;!. :S1quiilIr,eto the blad\e us;i:ng (it sm aU :sqlJ.£tre'or ~'QU r methcd


StlBP ,2!O"illl :b,la,de,.m-1ry hol!l!i:S:. USi!'i!i!llI.!."'·di~l'Ii1It!t!'i!r-drlim . biil. for the' O'S and a #60 drilll bilt: f'Or the';ecuts.

:!!it!!!! P ~ 1: S~llnlillh:e lple~'!is. P~lUf ~:l'iIe,~ectedl $t;;iilin:iltUO an dl,d eake p.3iI!'!'or :!i!11iallow{:Q!1itainelli' ,ane put YOLJ.r pllIdI,e

~Iee:e$ and b!;l~ 'I~oo 'Ilhe!'i, :Renno\le the p~ec:es,Jrom

!If yQIJI do not W~lli'it t.o m~ke f:ns;idie ~1I,Jts. yOIL! ~n t~J'i$f~~ th e detaii'ls fi,-,am the pa-Ueml!ol 'yOulr j:~!!@1e piece and use
arc~ylic paint: o:r

the conta~~r


'iL) :;!dd tl'1~ d,etail$.

1\IIIilJWthem to etain, oerbre Wiping off ltie, leJ<C,e:£5s~(ijiiill. 6@rU<~the! pi!'!.c@s l:!1n1!' (;Cimplet~~~,Y wipl!1! them wirth ,~ dry; P~PE'l 'to'!i!re1oll"al i'~g to. r,etfJl~ ,[j ny drip marks·. Sti!'P' 112 (cptio

and! p!ac@ 1tH:i~mt onto an old n@w5Ip-i!ip@r;

Stlll', 3:: ClJJt: G,ut dwe !noo!ii!"s 'Dll!tlb~e'. B'eogln screll i'ng

from the bottom oftheffronrl or r·ear ~'~g. CJl)nt~1flI1l.Je ,ii!Jrotlnd t he Oi.!.;s;~c!I,eof tll"lliii'jlUiz:zJe. :seiP~fat~ng '~hie antlers f,rom t~,~ h@,at:i as yol,l ~(:r>on~hr;l: Qt.dlilli~. l~th!!l: .ij'i !:I!t.l~r:s ,atsitie and 'I1ni sllitSIi: rolilliii'l9 them sel)iiI!fa'telly. AII,ow EXli:e~S around tl1l,il!' b@'11on th~'n~(lk. SlO' y,o u can ,(OJi:t'Ul back arnd' give iit a! rag!ged appea~anc~. When 'tlhe outUne ilSi com pl~e<We~. tha -af@lll bll!!t.~elfli thill' -front a r::IGF!@ar mit Ieg,s. Then, Cut out tlhle ~~'ea between each pair of legs" II{ne!OO'.!!~-i!llry, youl Ci!I II! 'S:il!llI!dthe Ibonom ofthe f~ it;Q~ ensure they ,ill re a~~ ~n,esdlme.length,


.;IllY ~l~ce~ry detil~ns us.~g the ~'1~le earbon pape~af!,~ a :5tyllJl~"U:slnog ai :s.poil'lge !biFUs,'M!1 and a, j[l or' ,j;1'llh"le:!r!ih" ap,p,1y the acrylic:
tJram;rrer painiitSas,fullo-ws: <lInitllf!~s~tan; '~<'I'r~ l~j I1iMI~illj and ~itlip@§ IOnl ,a)n1J.ers-bl ad (If'you dId net ma&:ie hilS Ide-line 'CU1:i..~,

me! IPI;.IZZlie'.8 nd

nan i .Mld tinediet iiiiii5 'to. iIlh.e


S,·tep -13;lnsuU the YJ"'-dliliifiiili!1:'i:1" dowel iin the pll'~io ~I'y d:r1In~d ,ifI;i)I'(i. MOl,I!"lt 1ih~ eQiM pl~·~dllP onto 'the, base.



.'~:''':W'K 11" i':: ".I" hardwoCfd of cbo ice (m@ose) , ~"-%" !{ ~.n'X 7" hardlwom:i (If c;h~ke-(lla:re) • W·..,di,uirle'tEl )! %"-hJ!IiIg dow.eip rod .' Sallii!lpapei, TI8®9 fit ., Mill)'Wi'!:ll 'GaJdel!1!D;;j~ 'Sta in ~f YDursotail'l.oIf('hQi"'~ ,',ilir;l!yUc~ints ill b.I~CIk~1i1!~tglll~op'ii(JnOl'I) ,.Spray adt.e31",e'-of ch bi~

• OIrlillllllioto,r or drill p~s

• ROU!iBrwlt~ 1A" -td lame'~grOUllid-ofif'or (J;geewuter J

O'@·or#l ItnerbmSA {o~lio,n~J}
• St~lg5,alnd Whll~ 1i;00rliYUi!l per fm tr,01nslcrri~ p~ oe'tall15from patternl ((lptlo:rn<lil~

• W()odlbil~iJer ~apti,DnaU
• Sihla1l0lw ml'ft.aillle:l

NOTE: l!. belt sanda witI'! an iilil:l<Ithe<odilli~csafl(Jer and a pb(;JeF~re !l~'iI'a.~sh.ellPfl!J'1wlit~" wor:lking wlth 'o\I!l(llt

'NS bI<ldes.QfdilDi~ "n60~lrill ~it " '%"->£1103 mwter drllillit


Maste'r Puzzles

1:I'IIs: '~i!!iC,tliilll~

Il'fHU'f)er pU%I~TI!' rrnake;l':!i, iC3fi11 'fi'liUllliUll lO:nl,f IPUU!'!!;!!,

t'~5hafpe~ 'tlil,!;:ir skills" billil; a~s.'O iQspiwaUQJ:!, 'f~f m,~lting tW,e:ilr g'YfQ, deslgll'u, Inl 'ld~mn'(!1itt}olhe' iIIIlS'UlUcthilins.anit IP-atue.m.s,p ~,hefollow.I!ftlg
Ilfiiiii~e~,11!1iili!lt~iil hiilitSt 'liiip5" ,(!iri1d,,ga~Ie:~iesIJ~WiIJ\iiIk, hil~IIP ')!OiJil impr~¥e' ! to

your ,ted1illllqu~.

ii.~!Ef,~dl 1MlilrqUiE'ITJ P,l.Il.:d!i!~,bj!'

S,tW,1li Mliillifi{JCIII'~., P-iil~~ '74,

Laye .. ... Marquetry e . Puzz es

A c;titane·nge 1:0 CI'1I!!\ate and

g'lI'e~terr' IhHl'II'Sj e to ch~



By Sieve Mair:i'l'iafta Pha:~C!,g\!11' cy~~' ~e,~~'

~ $!Il~, O'UING l!lni!l'~l!hedlllDlJI~~t~ W~i:h ifiiil!'!'tl1i!1ng~~il!!!'

p-li!l'!il'~.T~iIl'P~J:~j'~,~rnmi!!d~ ~i'~ntr;utI1l5l1 ' I


tUJ;t '!lit ~D ,!liD ,~0!I!1 ;~"'ilP IPDl!I!II~~ b<a;c~: i!lfi~1~lJr!fr!1

bet W!1Ml: n i!ln:~ W-Q.

,ilL 'ihl'il:I!i-dlmNUloDii!1 fr.iUi 't'i!IU~In;1 pyrii'llillill p('!J:21e. IPluitd~5 'Slf!rn,ilI:5ltd~ !!!,~ ~!llliI;iQIiit1:1!liIby l!!!!Jtue~~!Fr~ iQtJiUld!o'!o:l'tiloil' P!:!!iil1lii1(j l:ryi'\f:~ ~mtil!!!'.

ijnljl ~:;!~t,·s,


i!llll;mliitfitginy P!.ilz:tl!llS, :~flt b


[I]1J!~t(ll1i1l of fllIlg;t~l/t

t~,hWlfllifig''ll'lil::' l!i.!lIl:rs" ~he

SFLl.!:iCi' !tHljll:~ 'It'l!iii!' P!.:lUIIS, I!ll'iln

ti1!!i"dH!l9 '~i!I~'lie"

PllJilZlle-M akin 9 Pili! UUSIlP hy


My 25 ~'j!re['l:I'~1'I;llE:r~15ti:m '!i.~'CIod,1t~~{I:,.kh:n,g
11llI~ do 'ii'!.(~[btWVtyd its ,]f. Ito

\,'(I'aCi'di ool1!laims wat.kabli!!1 qjuii'iIUI,ei!ii~

'" i: 'II,-'Il. I. ',I' _, ~I , ,Eln!l~il!l:Dns,r, r::o'r ... .::>iIi13p!llJu]~lIll, , alll'iu

l~[IUe qu.~.h[~~ii \\lh~n,'~:nmshed~l1b~T


,Q'l1ly :li'th: .... c:~\I~rOO :i!iflltli €lBU rud ly :s.14Ibs of w1IL'!ocill, Cl!I!t ml:lt:o sonu~wbat tHud, 1'1 (ltld :j:I~IlN:~~:S ~iul'_fi rriiJm' ~d. :liJJnd
IQiut. C'I1ifrli:!I1lUy. [ am 'i:ll,mrporlIti'ng, my 'inlay ,aha Bl"IC,i5i in ~ !!illyl· 5~mlIar to il1I:ta'rs,~a.' modi ~e'ilti'l!lg h),lI1d's~apl"s.,
,P'IU~~ 1_

l! the pieeesI make, '/!(I'y :p'U~ ,I,,... ilntve. ev _;nV. ed 'riIer the YC!1f5. The' earlier pleces ,w'Cr~

ahstr :cis, and 3~niu:chiItcctnrid ••• Al'iof my" lVOO& ;IIJ'C' hand.,icked

c~nl,-Is't€litey i}'j g!J,in,


,g.dlng,lilmtimiU. These',aspccb., lend flU:', II:hJL': ItesiillU;'Jj~'rl' ij ~J'.'~ tb~ rCrcm:~i~ll-1i of th~ lil1ld±Yid'IiI!;t!pkre, The 1ii1JL]~~q~'iI:!r.k ,lilli(lc~tnng is dUfit~ on aSC-1tl5haw

'wldl, a; ie1lwDe.r'i5: bla:aJ~.

] Ita\' amVfDf\5' inempo:litiit»Jd fUIiI, t~,ninto my a;rl"wO'dc. and the; .pu.i1>l!!5 jljf,ie ¥e'ry- import. tn ltiv .Rile'b 'CBI,tr'" thu:,. ~Ihw .illel ~)ic 1m

lfL.'jUi11 gr,iil'ti:i 11cati:o


tae ~lite ooju'y-menl. EM:h 'Jilr!1Szih1~DJll;mad~ 'with. it'he ],lJil~l1t tn :be ~Iiil),,'dl('~MJ]I~Ell ~iJth, I, ntediJlilTlffi.Jf!lrU ilIiild hideUeC'rual hall 'lllgcs. My gQi)~as a '\\"OOdWOrke'Ji

ls 'lmptcs~nrt


l\l\!l.1ZI~_s,a '

leJlijo,yab!e, p:ll~lab]~ h~11fIpnl·

,q~;;lJ~itt::rrlrWtlrk; 1~ctJiW!~eii1.d . prr.ilt:lkg gi!~~~' ,!tll n:hes,t:

'woiJd'WI.-rorld:r.lI'~cl1!'lilttE"'lJIL~s and I~jo'r rD&le 1)~I,OMilll:'-:-iI!' tk~l::~hc


of C[\f1!i;lUil,g.



11 '!I1l'rllf

th" IiIn.t llcd pi' ee ,rc,tU,Iift' ~.,,_ l'Q1.l,


UN:~I'!!III,1:i:", ~-g\!,~ S

[.11 all~engii'h!'P,uufes

gl'lil'.~,iii ~1I;!Q.St!'D:~ Im~emitm: ~o hb i~U.tzri]:!:."liiiIill!~

ilfl~j\~:li!:ii!' !Ii'i!

J hEl,w' wrn, Cl)e'i:Ufinl ~ RIliiJ:;~~:~5 ~;~e cl1~Jte~~se:. 'putilbi ,My range~rom Iilll!i!gk' ~~fCr"!'!itr;;'[!'I['i!)~illirnent ~i,1i, mJIIltbi:lii1rcTNI( oomi:dkat~d st:u~lu.[,lilI

dlffiruliiy of h~j!

ei'lial'k!'~$" ()ine oHIiIi~i;nu~i;'1~rt;1ii,aUielil!gC!il fOlJl;1:S:


[~~lliiOlilid c.::uJ~~ cre;JIUng tldiJ .iillild·ill'l;\~Si(J~~.atr!'i[li~[iiI~d.~!!;t;{,!5.,ThC'gjJ~Jt (:libiiJens~ ~o:lifie'.s.

~h~f~rtlhillo~ iI!j:l~ ,~IlJtJrl'4!~!'ii ~ rl,!

1lI;;om '~h~M)ooS ] 'WQrt'\Jo11,~IiI;-\!1i~I,IliIall~ra'UlN t:Q~f>!l!d.'~1!'!t '!i~i!ibh~di ~:[drWQodls ,A'l!hJhi.oila~1,}1.<)[1 pi:i;:C~ i!'I!r.~.f~lI'Iit,.'I1ed, Oaii. bot h ~!dlec~~ 5V1 ~Ih~ P:!;!L1!t!J:e!iiQ!""'e:r: l'f!-et'lis,'I!:.o l dd~l]l i~'II~'!I~lhi.cih if; .rlgh~~"Ii,~c'lJ.p iDefQ.fe
d,ecicUI'I;El. '!NiIi!e'.Ile p:iooc beillQli:g~s,;. the 'fh~ is' Ill!,":1l~ppi:Ul~ dn.e ,~lrdfuJ~~'ld/ ld~ !ili@rWfl, ~Ij~

;:rJfid. .,,~I,ni~ ,id!lill;fe

fr:!!1lIWlc.1\) of

t\I.:~h.It!Jw Sti!!.I~1Ipll4.d·9'W~.~~dliiJ~ pi~:ZZ~L;:!!i_

liilil!1l~ C'u[ loibe'lli !1IIt:llds~IM;ket!i;


tII;p, !!.~')1IflII.1;


:In'hj1 th~

,Ril'lerniIldll1i\l In~-mof i((imrM'UI'!;!II

'l.!.no!lidis, illjjja~~



:!:\Q Lh:~ Wili,y

Ihe'Ii'r:,".''I1III:\~ 1m) f5it~;Oliighlt e~ge:;::or

~d~~M~ oorf:l~!"pi\[!!!;1!;!:'j.

If:;JiU ,uftl!lii~,~"5<n\ eiJQUgll~


~It~r~ ,flii:t"t\de'!$' :ilitrt1

II!J~iiit)i 'i!ln~1

[;,l¥i'lIIH}~""""~ 1itQ.1f(1.~p[. ~rUi~i2

i.iMq,'IJi!!' IOOill,y' ,PiI.!l 'tides. Ihe Icni!J,I~!lJili,"' i!S' ool:m''''1f"u.1!dl1l'!~ wh'li.n.

the ''IIariillffi~ l~)\eJ:'~iLrrJij nll~l.{I~ it: i;m${lihl~' ':ils~e;nible .p1!1!~ ~f a to .1~}1!'Ii'{ i,Il.I::tiI~·WU)Hg ~(l\i',d ~:H ! .. f~"ilII[]je~ Mc:d- p e;JJip~e !!D1l1W,cl.uii;co'!.ler'


'v£ 'tllt¢ ~[I:m[! !;'V{!j( .. d~m.akilllg


:$'1.'i:\l1!' Ufs.1l: ill 'di It Im~rql,!~~!,~~e,~fu t:i!~,ij~~\ '1iilJ ,al!~tl!: ,iI ,d'lffl!
111!l!~;!IK~,~~' ~~~;me.

~th:'e:)I plli:!g~~ [gl:'l;!\lElli!'iilXl the p~ il:zle aJ:l,"i~m111i1.y.





JlIilIi1lherof5te'liie~, in111a,Y-i>(yI,e puzzles, '~hi5 one i5 .. 14016 em'belli!lliieil w'l~ steflimg sih.rerWllr,e.

One of my more cllaUengi,n.g designs is apuzzle I called the "layered Ring"." It jn.c(]ttlhie-previ.oills. challenges. plus the illusion af neg;:ltive s,p,9;ce"111e unage q'e"ii:ited is stmllar to ~ay€'r.s of gears or cogs. E\iI~ry piece and ;;iH cd" t.he ftarrre CU't.$ ha'!!,e

lobes and ~t'lck,eL$ Cll't into them, but not ,every :pii!ce ill> jrID{..gnded connect into a to' matchlugcut; thel'eby furtner
the matter, This puzzle is, recommended only fol' the serious puzzh r, I also create' one-of-a-kind and limited edltlon sculptural puzz]es. These p:nzz]esare O:f'teol", architectural in form, stacking layers of pieces, creating three-dimenslonal senlptures mounted onto ,abase and often ho sed under a glas s case, These puzzles are frequently frameiess and 11eMtogether by buttressing and/or fixed pegglng' from l~.yerto ldiYE'f',

tQ th,ese puzzles

TlIilelayered rings, ad~dto' tlt~ ,difficulty becaJu:se lit Isp@s~lble t.o' <!~eIil!lMe'one of the rII'!Q5, out ~,1'ordle:r,

Steve S'ti1Ia~res Hlis PlUzz,le-Ma ki ng 'Je[h n h:~]u es In -PrQ,C:;lr;S~ :hQ:~'Osby' 'VaJi1ilJe GQ(!icn P I :;;D.nrl('ld ~l1i}f 141 "f(jar. ea!H:er
:l>~~r-u~.Sl);l.WUO~itwtli'k;c'~ 3S·.[i

lap cll)ll~cimeL'"8. i!lJa1rl! 1!ifi~Ol'jH']r,;iI'i:d~!tbfy~ :;md IJvol,l: Elient ~ much time ~rodtldrJj~, hand-ear ·Wtw dm j~gs;l!'W :[Ju,:l~Ie..;;;.nc::(:aI;)j~!L'
lli;fI!Iti!~'~ Sift.·]U~bfl~l]. :i4'\i .!i, t:1i'~d.~tiJi}ill tlf mine, W lifmde ,a, sfaill(!,-up ~i~tij;~i1It

m.1ki:fjj~, g.lJJii~:a.I!$" 'n'hkh

pHnLie fiL~[' l'It'phe'!l!,/.Thts wa~ .n~y th~ st.arll (If ill I~,CW. C<liI·eer ,i!lliid w'lfiat I,
~'lim'il.Nm.t1i.1i:;~,ceusldee ,ili;i:l.


WQil'Jld S~Ie<r;;'iglll ,an~ !P\i'ep~~tig Il! Mak ilfllg my :p'!J:;r;tile!l:~t:!l,rtf]; with Ute

wood seleetlon, llU!:!l~lI~~ ni.oll!ll' Uc~(! i1i\~ltfi':~t(;O(r.tsb~;jj!iUly dMIil'K. nilfJI colorful, ,vood!l\, .1blil.~~ mest p!~t"~ ill1 ~Jf·J~.Q ,BPI :li!t.:o(·ka~ld re-saw lhilillil,

i!lIpproximOlteiy ,,~.. thick u:!ti.111!\


.D!f!ita.l4'" band .5.LI.W .flitted with. h.~h!htill'."!;;tcn.:!1l!l1!11,. ll1c <o~r,(![1:ooio!11

.l!lilm'l'lS ~.n{l'to re-saw

0.mce :re-Sll.'W!i.l, I:.Iin.ish

l~lI~~!(::ri:!l!~ O~



11:t.l!l.'!,de:~with .'iic!IT:le'!P'er.~Jm]a~iled.



12"' high ..At th~ S[)\!!!::dmY'saw Is J hO!l'l"e fO'llIiillld ,[I ~,II' ..j ·itoclk
]!cccausC' of i:hie thinness

tu·utt! blailt: 'WOrk!;, best,

.of 11I1y·l3.lJ:iI!:i'H::d ·wt:JOds. cil,tlD1::s~:ty and
l~.glhlness nrgJrOli n
OUCi!.l cut; j;l:'lto :;.llre· imIL;Hl(l'

~. 36'" du~d l;b:lI:lI~!I,ilirud'!l'lI:' my sho:p·l[ji.u· fo!mtthne o'mI. 3. 5~,'" ty","'l1l:rh"-'l3{jJbelt i5:i!:n,dfl'r~ dlt'l[)~lcl,h1!S ')!rIi the :lJ,IJu:n.!JiI:U. 0:[ wood. 1 l]('Ii:!d


!:l1.lPd.~f.ic",:~:ino~ also I ik~ 11;1:;1!:rIY !1,f' ..,. I. the ~HI!n1!Ue'iogf:3~:n nUlJdcl5 ..

Fur m-e, W];ri~~I;l' ;ti'~Ill'!lldmjjlU:!;trnef1!~
iii :Iift.{';llli~ld becaase I ,\'i!l)f.k fill:.lm.,MO ~ti:'(1i;:e:;s,jWr m lfii.llie eo HiM) Slro~s

,~IjJ:~f;l;ced.. li:~ ~"-thk;k 1


;sltod'C 1;.<;;

I:n ~!"·t~"ur:l( m.'IId :ffil.n:ulIlhc:(IJ

plllz:-zit': piiill (;'I1liS, wood;;s with i~rf!egl!l.l~r d:en:!lity~ such :j]ji5 01[1.[", maltJJ {\!]if weak ;':!:P, ets, ~n~ ~oC'Rf'i,1II1the .D'fk%ibil ~ty. 0f brP0;(1Ii;:[lge'.SOne-f wocds ;[md

wHh 220-gt'llt s<ilI:lid~p!iI~er.TIl kt.iilie.SS p~i1l1i[Wn; ell]l do, the i!Olb~ bu~tlbeC3ll~I!l' ~)flh~ itl~i;l1rl.i'!\s:S ,~ithE!' wnml"
i;;·lid.p~l\~':lJg 'Ci!!:tJ f.I:{:Cl!!

th i(~ iiiilt£$ and




dicJ)l!:'nd:ullg.o:n. lila' ~fIJ~U)1 (if [h.-e'Wil"IJ~,



i:yl,iill! tU[ cl;milml

,dlil.:ch-d,. or





'!\~uth 'dI{!Il.~!!ll·,flgured !&i:'ain!i.A 'babking bt'}~rt'JIwlp$1.n lhl/1$!il: cases, .Ii, It~r1mt'!2%r,you ,c;allpurchase pre-· finishl/!<d l~[IU'1iCIL' st~ck rm~n'lllOI1!'!l-· 'WO!]di.!lulPpHII!['.:\\,.

r.. e..'"l.u;:daUy

A I~~lhlilr itnp().rttiln'~


the blade, and

f(;~t'!;!~· 011. ~

~HI!,"!USaq,u.b::k-d:UI.blgt' i

'bl~de :!RBtw!p.. .

B'Il'C!lYs.e·[n(J.,l1.t Ibl~d!l'$ hlsl!: m~ an a'I,I!Clragc of t(!lIli~Y t.01.l miml00s. [

pl)~~f~il· ·~Jii!.Dl''!!.P!!i, Ugntc!l bl'adtlil' t~;lat


!l!tl.AUCill '!.'.,rendl m.i:li !:hl!.lmb8cruw ..

11m EqruipllIIiI,e~lid ,dII

,~\lse, payaJiJtemiOl.1:l t.O Jo!wr bl:uf~ tmmioJ], A. blad.c thilJ,t ~$IDDO !i:ught

A Ithough :~1LL!l~a: 'ifl!'il0]!lt Mmp worfh of to 1J~21: to cnate <L pU!zzle frol11 start to nllim5h, [1.10scrol I .ii~:\,"" i:!i; :~l'W~l~~ 11,wol :lind thc·



Oilli!' UiLat

wort:h. offe.r:U!ng some ':ld!vib::e

.!II ."


e-·~ngcroll s

is lao .~C!o:.'il(l\'i,j'm.g],v('· a beveled cut, :rmlDd)udll1lg p.i:I;lCi;lS [;nat 'willl1iot ,s;liilk:' in :;lr~id {'J!ul ·or!)]~ch lii~h~rfb?fl!l.y • Once )~lI. :fi.llrll the pnJpcr mns.iou [if th~· b~iilite~ ~tol).lI!,!r :S~'I.'!l., pluck ~'hiIJ~' 1'0

.&:111.11'5 UlO b~iJ ,ellA.


Jnu.!I, .rIliilS,t

nla!Ulfa-CllU~(;1'S I)fft:·!i" 'l.'cr 'f

I~~~W :am!!1 S~R!il' ie: tour lPieclfl]!'ofw!Ood U


a nd <IIffonl:[lb.le
U,1il!1l ;3

ICh()i~a8:!l. :I

{;1.![~J ...



:Dllllt,1I V:illdaJble Speiil~ C I\.n~l

st:din;g. .ik!m'i]IIT.1bc[iJilg the !'I!o'tc fu'1:·(.'"~d~sl ze blade '!j,V'~H bc'lp give you. dlc COIil'cd:;)J1 :fC!iU y~)!!I.1r rurxt 'b~ad)!1!'i.Ui~;l:.atl.8[i{J(n.

design w.i Uneed 1100be 'C'llIIt i,lI~o, pieces, :If,{I d,'l;;In', m i\b: dll~l:ii(: sect jml;S; i~Cl!O .s;malll or del:i,rnte. A lso, Vi"hclil dr,~''''iiglg t:h!.: ~~_nds!;~;p!!.1 dCS1s:n l~CJlJel1flbe'¥ that }'D!U '\1"u~I W[I:at a bOIdi1lT i11hout fI" to~nuilll:l! ,the bil)'~tQI1Il. ~'Qp. alfll(~:;;:ijd)~, >ed,g!l!'s" M~b eachsection '!::;U::F (lfiClUJjh to !!I;'t'(;(U1il:liliHid ~tc l~lII~tr.:~I~e tht:, .. :InC! lntli.l\l:'kn: pili}\~.ln t~,is ptr~~hD, the Sl:iCt~ilIllIS B)U ri~.1!~ tto' trnl! c!I'utsld{: e~'. :8.1:) i.'II '~tart:hli§'ho~e 'is: 'lJO[

t.Oe I,ainds&i'i'pc. Re~ncunb~J'j'caeh sect ion nf the'


nelX:I'S!lty." ~~O~l;\'lJrj llll!! '!:.!i!d0'5{!~

8lh~L'pelt, I

'L1!)e ~

;;70 dri 1:1but rtn< rt~iI;'


~'t~,r'~in~ h.~I~<

Omu:i1!'(,llle des~gn ifJ d ~<'!,I,!n.em

using a. 24 tpl 'bj,aQtJ'wit:'h, ,'} (:YUDIl!~ ikert o,r 1l~1!Id:e' wi(~th! of .OU"' '1:0
pr,od!l,!Ki!1l' ~1nid.!1!n;U(;a~ 5i1ldliOJ1I hi i;!'~ch II;: il'Ld nf wood {flm!r :o;ky is!I\:ctiol1!~. CmJlr pb:lmJ't,s" 3i!l1!d f01.1,!!" m:Oitll~til'i~:I!,~foou f:J:t.l, l:n'~l!!,i:l!n:d Y :lil"xdUng :S~l',;lip:!1 or' g.i:i'li~l iii: :!!J~,\I.'~)'$ iu]the upper sectuillifl Llilid fa,dug up. 111 ~l'!< P'I;)5~ti'(m,'\'1,,"iUl m:,~~l1ltUu.' Sr,;rin ,i~1 tIl!!!,~k~' a:f.{!~ uif til!!!' drtl'!iiO'i:n~ Ne.~t.Slock :fhem. '~r~lhtl1;~ ,I~ghlc:l:t colored p b2Ci2' on top,. !II!) the' h:liil1:i!l!H!3JrHl sket.dt ~s ~~iiilfi!."IIilr1l. S ~tlltlJI2: <Ii :!rnuilll1 dla'b iIlf ,q_lUIi,eik:,!!O~t epax:}'


V!J~ 'ililOil'lJg th~ 1111nil'!Ii thil' tpjji!'

~<~llhe ct::nlc:r tilt: !i\i'il;iQd t11 roi,;i~'jj its CUIiVY :p:;]!~h. [f :isllJ~[ centered, YUiLl'\'!!.'iI~ Stli',C55; ~'hN:~~(jJd~ sld~j,wy.:5. either beveling time' cuit or bre.<ddl1i~

Kceip the Made

m1Jeaeh (~~the fIlHJ!il'l\-,r.l;1e~ and, 1!;1lBm:p uniJ~d'r~: ~fh:i:!l;~cmp~l,~~r~~~)f 'h.olds '~heb~alnb to,~'i1!t' wMI!ll yQl"t I1Ij!'J.l~il!i!in Lilu~!,dllllmir'WOOO lI'i/e,df.or '.!hie ~)!' dr~w and '!ll~k ' t:b~ ,~l1Ii... y cuts.
~(:ellE'!i, iJ!5Tfl91stemliin;g





hDles;,lmdllil:le ~h~w~r~' Irt.

the blade,

E::td'l :!>fyll!l' pI.! ~jI;l • h;a;f' i~!l: Qwn p:roct';SlS,b L1~ [ l:nosUy'!!I'Drk ln :m marmcr '!!II 'fY '~;~rvfllaf: !fnlilfqllletlt'1fto St"urt by dl.Oo>si.L"Ifl'!JJp' to ti pieces !If d iiI'!!'r.€I~~ culOfo!1;dwt~itid and cut themto ~ql!]1;g~hiHarl idth, As w ,~h if1:xli'1i11p Ie;. 1 'iJ'i'i n fO'I;;I!lS on :5;~ttlfl~, up a s;i,r:j~le ,I~~~f"ands~;pc pu.zzle:, l Oil1!Jc t~c ( [pk"<:coS of w,ood iIlll'C
C'~,t. PClsit])on thefll so th~ l1'or~

S~n~fM !<jmte:~lm~~1ie'~'tW~ JW!Wf "~16l5irnnf)Jffl!JliUiTh'1lil

Maikilllg Dlel imte


'w 'wmlnL'l'il'fNB m1iildl'5~; ~Ti' tJiJe'~ Qll p~lpte\,oke ~IS, liil<$fk' Iwfi~r~'
[jjJ) i~e'

CIIJI'l,; p;rcv~fltin~ thepieces brnu:l I1iltimg pmperl~~. As [ cut al!f.lf!(g, the .I hllc m(JJrkmsl~t.l 'bordiCl:r of i~hc :r~ii1Il'll~ t ~riidlJidleal~;~beai' ~cke't

ln t~

each adjoining. p!ll,~zBc ,ie;o~ p

1i!J5iiTIg ,ill pneiintcailH: Iilil'iiliP, $ilIi1!iil!(, ~iililljllhll!

or ~f,je ~~~ki!'lo!If)!O'llr 1C!~!ilIhreown d '00 'Q",eii~ .. ~i~d,eife(t.


N~t~i7Il1Jl"ihf bhwk, ShlIWji"ro'ili"e ,ini? Made tilt tJU~tfilWf~J' pi15~liI.m o!tl~ m-ii'kr; , Ii: 5J",~kI oo.rml)l~tIl!'I' (W',~W',~ 0" {m~-m"i~ YIllur PM~ fflal'M\1l., If,tIrOC''l'B anJ'lM~Ut"C!"J'irl1e It! £fdMIrIS wJJJ
w!lile ellm ,rrt'licm Wi' filt ~d~ j'li(N'(tflr~g fl'l bl(e- Sj)_ffl~',!l'Idtr~

We'iWJJ.Jg rlle'l#ade 1J'a11') iM tlonr"-4h:1!! 'roF:t1n'li£\lllrfqljll{~li'igl'pmmjJIJJuM: lJ~,~re(,r!ymigiJed.N ~>ack,j~ ~ tf.!~,~ftiiiet~ !hI? ~pptlSli{iNI,. ,ti(!~ ,,~'(J', fltl,~~ ~fmtflt-lltllfJJJ ~~ ru:ILffIIgmtl,Je

IiIJ In! IfI;;U~fijl!1:, slll'a~~h:~ edge pj:e~

and bi8ip:ing tD~tiucn [he pilu:zle hy I.oG:: kin~,~t i~,Ito ~~lll :a ffilfliilt!.
To 'f!!l'rther lirn II the arnO'lilim of

the 'k€rr, .m:!li~ ~u:i'-e

each s-idc of each, pi.ett b(i!5:;!Ii :k;'bc.

alma !ioclrut ,eoJ1:lJ!i!:di.o.n. A:ni!Jtke.r
t~th'ni'1!lJe that iliu~!JI)Swi'lh ~OOOCI,1(;'S:S :Li) to (lIcm_<simmln.y Jilin 'h'liQ ru:ijaccJJlt: piec,e~ lOa 1:li~lgle lJil!'le (ifairWlher piece" Do this lil]'\IIIE:IrY Itlfln. pi~ce or s.o. lUi,bes~nd' S@cketii LlJbe'.l!. .and so,dct!io aie tht:i!ii:'!I~;rj,tl;t tm l1ge:; 0-£ each athe:I,--the I[I.oegati'Wl" a'Uid pitJi!::iilh~ 'parHam, cf: lh!]! cuts

'!lIlmcll. i'iIJII clildij,ng; IlYp' ~IiHh lrh~n;, p'li_~n]eb.llmb" a:s ht (I;~:rOrl1E!'lniilll :t>ttack o:f W(liJd.
At~;his time, I, olten ~d.d

~.Iil'tfll!iill'iril'lf.i3l'l.tror fhCi on ~b~

,ba~~lli~l:lt~_ SltrHng sil:\fer wi:re worb sr~~t: fur stan ,~!rI! U:n: d;:tri;1:'t :5~y '1t;1'J~lk_5,; S,ti!.i't by di:"i~]j~S bJtlll~ rur hyo d iilfer,elll,l:Wlll~ w;in~. ~,Fin~n" d ill' d~1C,5i~}I'l]'r wi no: '~riJ 0\ ,sJ:UJt!' 'IJe(\Cm:: iaser i:i rIg it u,n;t'll the Im;l!e aruill cut:lii:ilS i~, M ..:I,k,li,!' $i,!,~: ~l':!I,lh :~ii il,l.«_
p"m:l::rudi ng just a bi[

f~. N~~,!"saw,l; UirJflllylmi'OUlYrt ~l'lf ~llrt f o arl'.fl,i;i1m~,fjIt ~-Cl'.wm~tJl:immJI19~I'.fllt

pru'~Ofii &f,rij~ufiPtl



yQ'~ Jnak~., ,My ,il:l€;cc~are em

a Vc.r}1 lrad_~tl~omll




'bQUl ~Iw:' ;;tndbottom ,ofthe bfi!.Hl k.Once glut ,U~ dry, ]~ijtth~ '~l~l'1ik(bU, ;j]

belt ;S;;].'i"ide-i ,:;lI'MI5i~iillJOth the ~i'!I'{:I' I diIJW:ll 'to the wriud ~ iitJ:rf:ti!CI(:',. ~3i1;soh ~ghHI~htDy dtlU i;llig a 'C:ILI~j;pl!)!d. ,noli(! wm!l:ll:l :;i burr'ing Ilyh i'll!:!i~, ,~'h,y~)rhe d:'ep~h~)f the I,!Ilood. :L3!1,!;.r. t I ,£!l],u[;i! 1!!i 1'1:",!.f..,tlotni!;!,in di!!lo'! llID:[1;,!
fOf fill


Add~t_i~~'Iil lly, I d'O :';'~Mne' eelief a 'W{[i!;"k 'ta, ,the ~n.ty ,~'Ii,drl:;!!iFI~t ~d ier ::;iOlilllding adds depth, iil!ilTld fo<~ IifId t~!~~h~ b~~,t ~ tv s;t:iml h. to hold. the :!lct;'ri(ln <it ~l'(jij't~ '1.-5,' :~:!1,liille,;J&~ 1:t t h~ i:n;.' id!ll(;' 'ptllk-y '[~£~ bdll:: ti-!:i_lldll,';l' £iu~d wi~:h a 60 "@i;u-it belt. B~'!!-el imI tto the I;; dl:1r;~(l'ti;p~\r.o!l<,IIin;;l!l-d)l h~ If of hi5 th,idl;:ncss,. Tben, fliilliii~~l s1IIiId lhe~e I)!dg~~ a 3," pfi!li!:l!un~k rll~ilJJtn on sande,jt \~ it}; 22J~l-gr:it. paper.

~:lir!Cthere ts :all: Jean ene lobe ;a tmd 8>ock~t011 CY!;1;t'¥ side. The lobe
I:'CCcl[S t~~ ~ '!oiI!'!!;1 ~·dcfi,~'tl(:deil..!it~ '!ile



,dnl iI:u to the- head midi neck ai'~a

!Jif the brmarli body.n,~ .i1Cl;k

needs to !be n;nrm"Mf:iF tn:t:I:n ,th~'

bead bll't 'WidJ~ iIJ!1!O'lJa;.h,'~U aVGid beeorn ilTlg a weak slHlIl. Thffis\!'r.elld~6!l~ nrea {If ~h" pi~ltc is '!f-~li~l' d
clr.ri!l.'tes a :gnod, IOi!:lk:i rrig pUJZ'~~e p le Cit" " The size C):hlib~ pieces Il!j;lieot 'to(~i~'!!rHl(!'ta~l~~but ft::fiI~~:mliber'that YO'" !do 'UH~t l~'<lnt' pieces; to be sn !l1~11i;;J.1 i or d~c.llkat~ d'll~t they brt."~k dud IfIg, p.l ::I.y; ,LI"ly 'pieoe-So 3\I,ernge iipP',n ~'(i:~l!M,~lr SrqitHi.It',t;, ~.. l3eCil!(j:!l~ oJ the :ilr[egu lar !ih:a:l?e

Pie-ii:e CIIiIWiing andl F'ini slruill1oQ1

A rt~i" if~alF$ of [[;)!'~dlc"'.IPIa.!lni ~g

,Uli.d cutting the puzsles !is.

~,~o("t.iiI'LWiU~ :r~H fi!ll:-I

pl1.lifil. 'th~ f!klQr.:~,~ .I cut. I.[Ov.fll;ii'i,;e, '\!i'hcnYUiJI !oiJ~ar~mill:. U's; ill ,b~~odi,cie,1I to d FO:liW' th~ p-i~i(~!;; .ti.nif:ad. ,fif ti!l]l,(!, Iil'sl, d:t,l3.w' a, pend I, lillie baL'die:t
~iP:prox.if:'lil;ii'r,¢I)I' 1" in
il!(Ii g_t' S!•. Au;,

of th~


un d11;l


Ifreeh-~l1Iid pieee
ii;ii,~!'iid I;lIt:Ory- :1 CILllt


~Itqd it '~~Hsi'~1I?tn

I~ie~~, th:1i~m'v. IH)~.


.H.l}ir\;e~i:'!3iS ,I, am ~u W n,lVlpl~ii:1 ~t

f(IU r :pk~ts !~11!1:d'V~u~,ee. ~J yuu ~t'i~.Il1i'l':e(1 dr,;liw ,the tiO tllh;(01,;8 [trIi ~d'i,l'i!iil'i!e~~ i!:-r.~! I,t~iu~~

w~H p(!.1;l';:lI~ p~e(ll.,'".Sb~ <Ih~rt, Sll'il!tch


t:h:[1U;&i,[I'£ i(Le tll iis Ib 0'1"



~!IK1~'I: 01:'1; !l)','it~1 :Ud\e,at 1hil!

oHbi!: pl<!uh:


!~"irngj'oill ~Q'~ei!!'-r il o


,k-er..f !ilf jJ;Oi!r"'. UI i5 :fin~ii'blade'keep~(~tiY kJ;[_;~fi~l) :Ero:rn tine k)!!l'fto Q, ,miuril:1ll.!,m. [Ii!.l1lt:~iIiJ;\;~ (If th~ ~,hiiFiI bl:1L-cle~ 't;;'~lt)!in~ $,eclLuom; ;i){t ill,itU:L11tC.. StiLid,: C'lLIibtilil:,E!; ,~-ee,m.'" create ~o[llrrr~lIIdi. ~\NiI, to h
:n .•ii.'pi.bllild~ with

&ri~ s'r~;telil1Ito gi:vt1, )100 (So~~f a Suidel in..:" 1lli~ !!l;rl.d .s. ~~b;:m a.FlCi'll !J~ed .ifi :pu z~d~, ca at 'be I~liod.i n~{ij tOWlOtk w:1th iDID I ~~ h:"It'~~l.iLma!r !'i'ha:l:lied~ec~ Im~.:;;.


[ siglJl" d!att~., ,!od list [he '\¥!,'uI:Jid!s

(file boac&. or' (!.H::h,pl,!l~ilh~', l,1!i:i triE a Feredom FIc:x:snaJ[ with an

A5 I,oot thi:: pl!i!c~J U$!.tilJly ln gr-oll;pS of fo!i.ll,[1'or' ilJ~. ,I:~lI:]d up un a d;(!lad lIo'~d. 1]... I :;;:ro.~' ~he ~;aW !'In,d ea,
tr&ns.[c,r "tnf':Mil from the sa,IN 00 u ,pLece' o.f 1i'iIe'\..'I'IS[p,Il',il'il:. mjii];:~,fiI,BslliJre' to ,k!2ep '[h!~ (I!ic:(cs ta!!!'];'" Onile the IJ,'Illizile is ,mnrlpietc'l}f 'i::u[', :p~.:lli[."the frarm!! ~~'SCir:tOlms: aooWiad



IFI iislMl'iIg III l~'[!'l"dlj,j~ filiI':§;[ Ibr.lLlsli!lrll iII! I[ 0;['[ of '\V:EU:c.;o N'!iiitiii,[',ai 01 ~ :;]jfid 'irI;;':i1lh 'lHlI,ti,~ :it begins, ~o i hie ~en befIl(D'{"

i~' rund trnt:l~pOTI


,ut '~n UiLC~rtdj_liI;g.

liu~d 'III.!~th, 22Ul_~r.~t.rlil.!:~eil', '11,,e1ll,,

u!b~C!'.Hand :S:iilld the '~o[J iillli.\d a ,flLllbibE:1' i.l;il!!,~~~ng blcH:k

~5!!in,\I, lPy_zzl~ ~JM' ""Uh!ii bt,l~ M!lld~r Ul":' ,1iIi!jdr~~1 wu~!'_, .!''iBi.!i'!1 P ~Il"[ ~l!I,Iijjl ~ijtd~r to :S;i!'!fte:ifl!1 ~ hi!;'i 'iIl:!'!U IC~\. llli,m the p'tii:l.:ide oVe'lIi, tis!:
3 'I1i;:!I~

'Wi,prln,g: oJ£'theiJXCe5£ '0.0 bod'!. :sJdci5 ill'V the p'i~eill 1l~~II'IIS; a!lliill1!tu::r

manlla crlv~lop~ ,to mp'~,he /pu:z.:de.

!tuaUy w(!Jilt 24 hL'}1Jm~~ bctweeQ

hand rub tkern lv~th00 stc~l,woel t(i, 'b'liirfii ll'!:'h thl.:i11l bl an L¥\'lH! j]i:L~f' fifllis~t liI.li1llking'tiun tiba:t all the blUrril]~
,:lLildi :lllmtiLl f[lilJW ;;rru il.\li"t110vtid.

cam oi ling. NC:l( r, l.i&lu:~}' hi;lJ'l:dI"ub tlN'I!

puullc w'ith




[he p'i!I,l..'tlt ()iff [Jhl!! 'tae\'!fflIJlr:'ul'it ii'lito Ul~'~j3ilj,ila 'ei1iw>l'{l!p~J i then butt ,it up' to 'tffiil: fn!~ d·w[:~ the ~lwc'~npe"i1tid nip, n:tWi;r, M~l$tt {~fmy £.I!l!f1.2:'~~i'oj:air,~ birl£:!¢ed : 'W~th41',l alder, QUit L~piece :s\lightl,y 'I~~j:' ttJ~~Q th~ ~1.iu'.:"1Je !j~1f;G'~y~ U t!1]w:k.Jpe-,~lliL(:

,\V::i;if 24 hour:;; befare sll,id Dns; t'he puzale lPicij3es bl!t)lJ! th~ ~IiX:i!!dJ~~ (Ii~ll:l>d ,!I'JlJt d ('I' f!'aln~. ;.rhf."!1! a,:pplY[lI,ljng Gil. lO the ;iissemlbl,eclpu.i':zlc ::!
0(£' ID<Ctt.liS"


,or 'I.hl.:j)'~c;tl;l;t;; and, l'li'!1Iit

so bc[ore\!'<I'pi,ng

'tUllg iD,:H.Sti:i['m:


h01Jl:17 ,OIF

Agai 11i, '\\!;;!liii, a I'll bOll r

Oil' ::;,(1


the- lmme sectlons on,to U:1~ ill:der 'filild~ !!I!;;I!,~[iiVA ,!~JiJ;e'.O:r-!Ja,drYI i!.~g,
trim I:able
!ll11rli ,&ql:ll'l.:r-e the {mille iii!

wipi.n.S. orf t h,e excess. A fler ~lwt'hc."1" 2-1- ~l@n's,;ap/f)!)' ,a, I.ighit ,",oat of wax, bUiffi ri:l1! to :a fiini sh

S~.w.Thi!.,mLr ,i'in.i!lh !i~:tldi tl:ra,):!ie(rnm,Cf; ,I'll'!! a bc:H

S:i!iiW 3i'1iil

,rnd lal


aiter it. dr~c:.l:i,

S~ nd~:i'

,and soften

th~'~:N:llge;s, a 6" uti.

[II1,lI,ndic,D:, ~:inlli1~

,pil'l!~I,Hnilti,c' cii, IGiue ~h;e:!;IUlm\e: lrif!meto wlflli!itelll'e:r biiJol.:ldi y,oWi ,·Ue I~uiri~ ~~d:, 'M! VI~ 'a,rm~lild 2:20 ,g[1.'I:,

'working with a :lnll'!!',[' &L"it" elldillng



Pu~-- Ie

IB~I ~inll: arnd' I.!mtlLl irish wollik<!d~;E<di!l!r' 1.0 1(i,ilH ~hilJJ.'CJ!.I5ti:Mli 're'n.lI!!\fI for eur

Vaul- 1.1~e DaV#l'Ci ONie, by lJ~n B~)'(}wr!J, 'W,!J:li i!ltrW,iJucd,b:, [ tn~'d,esClfilf'tio:n, .of wh1iL~ be c;i]Jlt~d :3i ·'Ot)' P~iL')l"" er VliIiIIlt pl'titl!1ctlll'd by
WlTlilc readi:ng

Ip,u~bher.lfor ~hJi$l Pf'O$~~'~'It!!~ I~~d, ~i.,tIi:1d1: s;'l.iiI'd:,'ID:~1~1!I~ np, l~iJd

Ch:!'VE!II' desiglrl 'w'j U keep them,i:Ir1,g

By DCh!liJld

,iP1ores5phot,os: ,!;Iy DeM# NOIg~ft

,oon,1bil1t~Jti()n Jeck, All]?']' ['i}ad.illg the' p'(!J:!:sage desl:-ri.bIJ'I:!!i, the (;ryp~~', ,I :kI),!II:W m h,;)d~Q cilli:!si,gn O:IrIC iill
irJiiuod. 1]~(C[project is adl1:dl,:y qU.[l'C' :101 Ill,p].e' .;!:rld Ci.l:ra be' put ~{j;gethelf

,\Vllth. each Ilew v,a,t'tl~~ ychii.l(l ren bl!i!,~me to m gi'l,l)l!' t~rn "just the' f.i:r!i~ letter.'; MV <:ol:ltI'il{l.~!~~ try to ~g~H·e:· a m,;Lt 1'n,1[".d:Jiilnic21I,'!\f;;).}I ,iU'olll,n,d~hC!' lode!'


'\V'Hh a, [uV:E-(]ta.l vallA~t; u~~;i,f'I(~ .a~1 26lettem. t:nercilllll' ,I, :1.,:B:rU .• 3:;5, pO$Si'R[l11lO'WiilifuiJ illltilo[15t 1t is ~ gttwt
,.:;.oIllYe'IS<ll~()Jl;;JI1 pit:!lC!l.:' :ancil,

in aweekeud

W.~tthIDDO:~s mest

cOIi.!'I,d be I!Is-edi to 'OOf,K'f\a'i iii. sua~U gif:t fm.."

~"I'~ ~I1!11iv:-cr..;@_!:,¥. 101 geE:

''''l):)6d1,.... TI'U~Ii,;:rs

~~eci!1l1i rtM~y b
offieer fm .16

[ :~u.;\!,!J! been apoiiQe'


ibuHdiIIIg YcOu:r

y~afs !iL1d h~J!I'(:'us..d W\tJ(I~W(jJr:ki Ulg as the' ,uh:im;aie stre-ss 1.i~:liC''!'er. lltllis Ul'rojoot (lom~i!l)Clj, love ef m:~
1,t" :l!Jtiid,


~he S~IlI:

ausch the p~t!'t.1:1'l f'tl'li 'rJ'ng.s~(JIhe b!;ank.u:s.:ing t

lire of.lla'!,\f



p;:t.'lISiQi1I. f't'l\~w'IJIIl.1{1)""'fotl1.;;illiig;.
I'll}' \V.ol,y thoo!llg['!,

I: ~ro~ecl


:prQ~otriJe:li ,ru.ldJ~t~:s, cxcib,;itlO' il:t)!

S'1ii!!:'~1' ,i!i~lht.:;l!lvt'+ G!,}'\;\I;;lI' tht: [n~;t.t"li:'n \\'itlh d~ilI[' pm:-.kagj.rI£ 1iLllP.C'. TII'I,(!'side wit~, tllc lPattl<>m a'I:t~Khl;;i11 i.viUb~ called SIde A, ']1\[': opposi~e side wi] I ~ ©:dlcd Sid!; Jl

out, the f.i mI ish~;d p:l:'ilIdl!.ld [Ill'! my - .'f -- 11 _. .. - t'r f arm 'I- ;;];r!'\..l f !:IOO! .!IIHi;" Th- _e .H~a'G' om

!D;dll on!1':~I!!!eunit '~II'1IJ~ Mil a Yi,"-dllilm~~~lfMI!~ l~n'!Ii'!li':l'-Oij1C2iil'i tJj)(:na-llliI!',wnlnr J~Blf:'i ~!rU'!~ ~!de, Ee (.;It,ellll~ ,i!]~'~~q~~!$n[!l~!!I~f1t 19 lh''\I!iQI):[:h 'lNg;(,l:~ of'i~ev:illlk'~';1j 1~"-dh~m;tl*r'or~ll'l~rbit', dllli! ~ I d~ MIl ~i:t of Ih~ fing~, 11;. :~~fj(th uiill'rilll!di jfifn9 \ldD,Ib.~QiiimE! tb", ooHli'iL1 rmg\.

'thlow,,11'[h~ !.'!~itN 01 ilIKti

litinm i:!tie Ibailit!s,:icrn sid\!!! IB;" 'hrlfll ~~e m\llirn'i~;1,i1vff, 'rou ~ul'ii W,a'lji:e'IJ;J"~ ~I\~ W1'~ r;iii~,~~ 'tli1~OI~ re~e;l1Wr aij(j '" drilll,ij n."~'-di~!I1ii~fu~le ~'df~ D~rlij'ldrilli~~f!lr~t ring,u mi!;,!llriU !llOC:@rn!il"II1;e.~O'Jl! rin!!, ~Ilid 00 fi1~I',~rili!lf11i' lb~t~~JI1l1inr!J, Thii!fi; d~ I a 1%"~1~1m@!~~ liol:~lhifo.i!I~11i ~Ml1!i' iii' all ''l.ii!_ tfl~ ~.'5, To 'r~p.~r'OOr1;r d!i!l! '~a!1w>i!)I' ~~ghr~glTl!l;!i!dJ '~idl!',


~~t 'Il!!rt e,iJ~h gt~hll ~!!i!;g~!, fiw 1"I1a!f! fi!t~ ~!li ~~ ¥:ijJ~I' ~ill!bw ~ii)[~ 'WIth! l%·-<dla~~er ii)!l!?fJillgi ,tI,[1 ,~, tr. side., iii '1%"-di~J1ilii:h~ !j!pli'llIin~, ;1I1he- 5i!::hi·. ,~mia nii"·IIfi~'rm~erHill im Q R

Vii" Qll~ttJ!l!






~7Il!iid~ t~ C~JI:I~ peJiMi!Ut rtJ.fUi(! rIJi!!i~.'GUil andsand In, ijll! ~f(:!~ wi'!]: i'!j I~!tllr> i;l1~ ~'l:n"[,

!,!,~ i!:i!!!QnI r!i~g!W!U1 ~ide f\ r:aC1r'!g yl1t iJ~ ~ !4,I!-~ilid:i!1S r.3'b:be1i~ !riI!: ~i;I' 0i.I!,~ 11..- '~: Wi rroIbllti iIINmIlIll ei!dti~, U~~ i'I'IPu5ltl b!!ul 1i1l! hurdl th!e rillil Your' ii~tr~ wll~ 11K! ,!:l!),~'[!lI thl!! !:lilt. If'lih r-abb!!'t aJt.&W:! M rlng$ '001 Ii~i 1

~~1~ i!!!1 ~11b~t ~r'DU

liB ~ !it1Litw '!~.

CIJI~'!lUll Ii!! r:!d ,i!lt:~'I!Idt!, ~Ite le~~er.l)iiii!!~ rtIJa~ki!l1;g ~E!J!i1:1:i!liI~!I)'$ 'I!li 'tnili Dili il'lhlri!:lll' V,1"I'I!lJjii, ;1(~oU!,mt iPI~tl;e' 1li1!l!J5., Ilein~!il.ibe§ hE' wil!1 'l'Ir~1I IIIrculldl tllll" ri~i!i.llfI~ UiIJ'!Ilrul 'Wl; end,;/Ioo di\l'lcro ~1'I!l' ring [JiW ,26il'tIlJ~1 ~(I:t:IfI~,Irr 'Ilh!~,~Ing'l.,~a: i:i"r~~i!' (OIl~'I' .l;!irtilmtft"1i!;rl~e~ rut,~ lIu~~ <lW~~ foom. tf,;i!! hi!s, liirll ii!\lIm :>pace ln 'ihl:! 1'O~!'5!t!:fl to tl'reak!oo difl;:J!~fKt(!~r m:~I1!.!:~\i!Q~-~

1!ill1!tllte~b,~11~(:!!er5!J1!I!I~~ i3i~ ,c".U'!:~~ [~:rway. 'U~ea '7

OJ'~l1!erMade til;!; ~~'lll1e ~pOCe5fijI' ~I!e Yetner$, l(iu,t (!n~ mJ!tdll 00 th~ m~I}OOr I()fllii!l' Jlm!ll, (o:rr~!Ip~n~ll'Ig i(! ~ l:cu!}F! S.PWH::00 IIDIil' !)IJ~~ iJ(!~li'J1I!HI!!II', llIli~oo 1fi~lcn~~ b~m~i!' 1M ,k!?),wiI)1 .ii1l~IClg )lQliI • i~ :r~((!IE; ~h:~'I';aL!lIl~ 1b1i1~\:iii1iz,e.lih_e' 11K'?I!i:iIi1~ 1.'I\iih1l?5!.pe[t to tn(! gJ(!il1.:I'Q·Ifl~~r;]!11~~iII'm(Jfj'it b~'tI:i1.1'd'!'O '~1fI,I1l: {liM: ~Q~'.


Mill r.lk1he'Iil!iil~ Ilinllls" S1~IM~ 1'~lter.nlln'iJI e;.Jt to dl;e E'fldi ti n rlI"ig!. 'lli!ilMltn III'Iilei fur (lm!l' 1N!1!f ~P"w i!jfid %an'! 'U'e! tllllil':$,on )'001 ':i-!lW. {~t ~!r~ !1!'i,\elbli nokh 'IIQ 'i;h~h;'p'rmg. ~~!1III'!!iI tpl;' ~~ iloo~OIl tll~ blll!ilQ1i11 fi!l~,remer il rJD<tdli oo~wei.1l1! tihIi '5oro1~ 11l;t!~~ jWllmde t!I'i;JlJ!jihl'itif,a rnilil. ~)fJ, ~~~t w'lOOliiigl ~f lilI!!' 'I':.liiJ[;t


iIlrrillltl1J!!! Ibo~il' 111!!!1hi!l!!'!<!I!flll!l!!f'COIftl,liI!lIlri1;nt!!!II'VI:. ilillietii,or t if1fll~ I~ mad":e fr(!lfif! ,jltr -diWil~tei d~~, ['ijt IllI'" dlliwet W' j:I ~ffi~ithi 4W. ~r!I!; th:e- (j!:'il1i:ef I!) II 1!!1l1i:'emt 'Dri~!' ii ,111 ~,"·dicilrirl~;OO1' 1Icl~ 3W-t!lH'P~ B!1' ~1o!rt.10tlltp m~ l1~re'~~rt t~, IJiil!~l. (~m;pth.e"d!!!wet.,and i.ii!i~ 11 Will ip~!Ii.

Mlinlk 1he< IOCliltil 01'11 O'f'1hl!! IOii:lldrng Ip.ln~. Mark 1lI11ii1etlwe o~!' iJ'<i: ,i!i~\W.:n, r:i~c:e.'t~il' ~gij\lel (willi Uit(ilp:eiiliJli!j!!i1l 'ICI9)i 111 ~f1eIl!!i:!tta.m !tn[ll. Ma.rl!: Ih~'~QIl '!If 1f1~''Flm~ ~II tl!ii:.II!"i!~. Add '~l'le~r5~ rllflgl illlilll11i!1l'k ~1Kl'1!Ji1l!aI111tlfl,IIiQ'I'l\Il11 ~iiI~ l!w iflill' ~amil! m~fJl1id t~ W!fIarMIhe'~!iltiW~ orne il~llhr.Ei)! riI~ 'fhi$"re;lTii!'ill~ aiiojl rn:.wepil!n:(j~t1'IfJ:!rn~ illlrevmtiIJJlIllinl[l!ii,lro.rll' it1Jf(!liJll'il.

h:'l~~l't tlhi! IPI'ft~.,I.trirk~Ii 11tft6W IJlf 'l'ir:!llmm: 'Oil, Ute I dl)w~l '~l1ij~'WIiI1hoi,l~ tl1~ ~ iilM tlit~ ~mlli ~ ~IO"~!1tlDlJ; ~1l!!'l'4l1f! ~1I1.g1. !~1l!11l!!!lI1d:l,~:rr'!l!r a ,k! f~ oon ~n~'iI~ ~lllti (illill illl'life (lIp,) ilt 'ih~ nliilfk :~OlilJ!J!3t IIfI\Iij]Il' PSll1! 1l!r~, eow I1lIiIrli::l'e!)1 'tbe I'e!w' dful]~. Clip ili1~ 1!J~!l!5 O1rt,g~'~~e~Cii'!~r~'I.aill!-,.!Im! ,gjLl~ u~ ~il ! ~Pace'rw!i~1iiU\ g~ue.Cut llite,ii1lli~:ro ~ ~"'i\iei~hl .

Cut 'lIij~li;~~~n!iI'il;iillfi,1i'tJ~' "fl~d(i!ii'~1 i'fliltd'~'II'II~ Jin!Jji .;'lnm IrrI1i!ir~ t~!i' iI(;(,~~tQf;) oHIiIe hill' ~~"C!i~~~i]If! ~,,(~ tlli;' i1!oor]i.!~~I~ '~Ii' lIMIt, Qi!lJ il'MfI;pp!}~m'~imill1!hl:ie~~. An ;l11~red rol enme ii!fid~will ~ji! ~~ 'iJi@ dolli~'rlI~" Drill a l~~-'iI'i\lmIi'M~: V..·'.d~p h~I!'!!1 tl1lll' ~00 !I;:!lifl,' !1h!:'!1! Q!!1!'h~ ~fi~~~.

OrlJi;ij li'i,'-li1!i:rIe'!:en')[ W-id\fe'p!OO!'e lbo.illl'rJmflYrork QIiId~ ~ stll)WcIll ilIiiJ111l':p;l.t~n. (u:nl:'i~ fUVl'ld~di(OFfi~r~ ,~f:ld~fllia 1M"haw Ihl~!j!ill'i h~ ~ ((!Ili~~ (If Dill!' ~L'I!~_ ~Sa:iidllhiE' ~,E!j !i)11'!lll!i[1[9 I~enfll ilifi!r '11:11 Iilfll.liw talbn~.. i iAE, ~OUl~ the li'dl}e!; qi'Ib!l',~~1(:.jIp wlt~ a 'Wo'ru!jul~ r!lI!:!AilI-![!wr tift ..

rll ~lil'~Dm)(luo1i


1'!!Ii~ pj~i!1i~,

C~fll!llle dow I '~Il:llIp!llrO.MNs!.lre Ij];e' lol;)J I~~'ht;g.;f !he ~lItfllrll'l!:!ls st.afiRoo iiji1(! 00 l'(ip!lf (iriObi'lti. It. sl1)I:nJI'd~'d~!:;iH'Q lW',~1i!1i! !'\rire'~he i!!d~~! ,d1;i~jh~ t~e :!A,Ji-d!.!!rn>eI~,r,~~ !I:! !J!~' eIldi (il;PI~;iUl~ ,~Il'Bi!lh:m;i1 YI~'. Thi~ giw~t.1MR1g~ wlilm {-Oriih.e i1ilg~ tii ~ilifFi 'I!\ll.i:l!f' Gull'tMJ ~~"·t!llamii!lgf (f(J'W1lh 'tn,!1h i~ k!~!l!I~h Dry' iii: Eil~:[~ pi~S '~~ifl!l!t 'lilIdwirli'il9ilieood,,~ ,ana &w!.~I'_

f'til In '!:1!1,;e; dow!l!!l, lind dMII!(!fjIIi1 r!i!o ,IlIIUI"CllIti!!!. M!i'~iIJ reil1!1) ~14'<!oe ~~~ IJ'h~flitiil!!i! .!!F.I~i I~e en~ ~ap" II1!ifi1 .lii.<I~ml,!l(lIi minI(£'; YJd' Jrom 1ih!: !ili!loofftIl of Ihe'~:II!!! iI:~e' end calildeiir~ tln~ na:IIHJ',Wrili!l'lh~ Old~ ~ii1!M IJIitlOO'~IJ!il'il'!i;!Jm iI1~ti netrh 1[i'l11 i~ l'eiJi:til'dli!l~ otifI'tiiill.iil!' lihe' al1JiihialiH!I rt~fii th;:;,11!' 1!?:I~Il't!l..ID1itkE'1il li'!!!! ~i '31~~Il'!£~ gfiI~he't\!!,[]i !!!pd ri'Ilgt:i, ~

A~ll!bir,~ '!J~i!l' I!!lypt~:ti, G!!tll'lme !bgJtt~m 11!n~ il1llnill mr~dJc' j)'F~lle!iiflllill'rra..lf.ieW{!~:kJ~,wlll'llh~ lrm'l'dl p!!il1Jjln!j Ii) Ute' eM,tltl' D'r (:Ifill' ~1~t1'"Gliioi)' ~~!Iltli\jllimfji iq~o :ltg!iloW ~~~~ 'tb~ (i[Jd. ~1!tlri]Iii!ll 'l1elf1~tf.1 rn Ime ~ffitet 11lI1rni.ll!lC!h tllli!: bOnlllfli!, iKe~1;! 111'f gr .Ii lllll[llllkf~ llile same dlr~tl:o[lll!ll'l t~e ern:l~allriliJIi1' en!l .rap.

G1~ili'Uu: tiMj ,plilr'~.ii~'l'Il!j"I',IIli, Gioo~h~:W'p~g.~,!,dll!w~i'1'O ltie IlJ;_iYU~lfI. mel iI11f'r[n~ In Ull pml;pel' ilrder am!! gllll!1: iUlu:: I.O,p 1i~ifN!(ifk fill plI.:iOil'_ AI '!iii !ih~pil!l!:'!i~r I)IiI ~~ '$lidi (~Wi!~1 ipii'!~ till 'tile: d~I'!'~,,~ ~~ It ~[;iICilhe(!~II il:('Jdijim e- daiwEiI, (Jamli! Iil!Jtn ,a"l8emblres arrd ,;i11 ilw'00; d'fJ{, Ap;:lly a deanpray i'iIi15h.


Makilng it Idifficult
MDkdl'iij; • W' ~ SW ~ 11- i.edi gal:Df WiII~cl'D:rdJgi~il:(i1n,~ JlIiII, tl1irh'up] • iii," :ll3~' 'j( Y" ~:'!liltOOlc:e(rl'ilm~ali lell!hl,

fh~mar2 ~\'iletldjjtl:ro!jlr 'hfrprR~ ~11~ (,ram

'. 'lot.."'zlillalID~~ twi~l\lilnili ii!jt f,'!III~ln~ lilliis

'" litl'.." l~,;:nflllM!~"l1iIlliF~~r


• .5" i!lr l'%:"~IJirrn£(~,i!lOI'lii':l • hilthi!~' l)id~ill!LlI1~li • &,,~,,!W!_Jj~ve '.O~f :!jir@,i' fii!ll~Iil, 'Wilaql ml ue

~8" f~!Ili!",,:i!lIm'ie!~ ~ d~wd

¥ili'l<dlloillmt!D:!E l;iradi IlClbnt

er FIIl~jMtJ'lbli

~~"-;JJ!ame[~ .1!i~m'O:r f!lntnlS!bi1

'.tMte sa~'(llPll~.aIJ

Mi«:f',Slilw liW~lI!!fl~~) ¥'Id 1t{\.idillw~ fOO:i'ioli,.,illi,($f hIi~

iib~iiitJlOW 'of[Jie #.ttgJ" r1i!!'~t!f4et~i'1iItm ,~eir(l' :upioil'fht ~!('lwlt~'lve1lf~m~ i'o~tVf lhf: {ode'~ Yt.~i(diJI t~lI'ife'fdlre mi2l~tonj{" iM~"l?y,a~~ ~lvd\rj: " rfl' rliE bi!jji,f)m ijde ()'t~f: lli'nff ~1nm;ro ~~ tlr~ (1I~!a~' ~,pJnsl~!!l'QI ~i ~ (if

~ E:iMIiw.r'Orm~ tiitiie<WI~1 'Vi'

'~!'Iil '!;
,i ,i




I'Ib~I, ilif di~~I'tI!I!I'

fjra"rng tne ,d~c,rsOJ;]! wh\ds, iI1Jid'~lte, l{lfelS ~ S. Ii Q;1jd' t,

,rlt~ ~1!i'UlvD J.YiM ilt!lt gm tl~

17 ~ilrdj1. f.~f!qr~,fjpflJal&, ~fffidr~ ~\i!if'm'

'ftm1t: ":ftii Inr<Jd~~Drllil~iIlM'I!J;.~ • 'IlIlB I p:eS'S

l[IrelUlll WQil

with an'-oft'wll.rel


lifp~ .rh.}mf]; I\Yf



Neater letllet's,



,~rIJt\e' ~re"WJfjI'


~~hrmttyg1~ am{lW~~~S wlth"l'l' Me tip iIi'lwterfJ.lf r:Ji Mll!lci'bUinli:i:. AK!' (11~emtllemelbfJiiUs. t~(litf,(U~e' ~etWith if'trb,-OJ'l. kt~];used rot ~~" lll'q !IiIM~ll.ID'ttl&'e W 1lW1 (fan ,:§tar.-m; mtl'li::rnlf~~O"ffoo6; 'i:li'ld}1)ri:r.i1M~ i'lit l~l:retiiciht~ dtlJi'able.

jIj, ylillW

'Qf1ht, ml8il~ I:rnd


1ib~!Ili!l.tthil:~, llnli~ c.,1it !n!iifj!!, O"!lf!f l!1l!,!g~,m~~ <Ii

pll'ls, t!i!l ~!l!IItrnI!.


25;11$'"- OUler
1'hi! - Side

perimeter of riing {scrolled}



opening (stop drilled] Hollow


for vault (drilled through}

IBottom ri'rllg

DrBI ~.J>" pilot ho~e »> tI, roug h seven rings


SA~"~,tqP drilled!

Framework end

Cut 2:

1%"· Core forvaujt (stop drillied


end cap)


Drilll in,liler cirde on one end onlly


E~d cap
(IUIt:TI _~


I I I]

I I'

lIrtt': p!!:!n


:Illightl1y (UH'e~lllit


:~h~1j'Q ~Iw:i!l~ut. of

1iI'l!f1I'r~~1 ~be'

,!tiI'~Uq!lIi: wi!!S fiM.M '!i!1li!!t $[i.llii! rrrl!!iilf ~!ffIp:riWi;!m~!li$ (l(iuhl ~~ Irn1!id:~,

Tn~;:. ww.::' plilnN!lr:Yly ~'nthe In~~lj;iJll!1ll


~~iweBi"k W'oodi,ma~ if l'ni!i\phJ1!{II

:n~c ro' dl<:w.l\op' my ~TI![';(!d~ ·of . '11 J,m~ '·OOli!lllm.i,ll '1i\l.::Ire "I"iE:ry AI' p'tI'ZZ.JI!!1l. I'''' W


eitirer a'temnporafY hand! §prfo/ ,0dhillSlfve: a,r ,ilIl r,,able glue.


~1ilkk. lue G


that th~

;l!lI'IIi,mil!I'~ ~'l:mn'i:ii:Ju~n'U:t.30'

n~at \I~lhi1l1il'they

IPb,{le<l ~{}g~the'r"

form !!Ie

:i!tfIJ:~MI'Ii~I.~ ~hape, ID.

,s.uppo:rting feet ~O{f' tme' pt:lQ!tle are 0(11tihe oCl(ti:U1m oogl2' ohhllii! bo~rd. Tlhe~:op edg:e ofm!:!' board: must be

my iI!~rl~'S".[iI;I1I"ii:iI~iIlt;S. thu :lln imat!>

aee e'Xli:nt;:t, arl~

Il~rane~ withthre b!Ota~11Ii'! edge'for

d Filling mhul!' d:OW'f!~holes .


iiJ!r.e' tl!nt !I1<1fm!;l

'1lh4Ilg~lllhh plJl:ril'e Irhli1S:'D!'iiyn 1ii\'U!f~dllin!il1 ~i!:ces.,It~~ :5iJl'prl::'ll1gi~ dlffi~!.!I~t 1ti!J1 ,1II~~!I!mlbl!!!.1I'1I\ie; mQr,~ !Il!i~ )l'i{UJI(O:!i'ifl!~I'~ th~ 'Mrd:iI:[ ~tIls ~Q te'ii 'Iili!e [p,!.!lHii'e' , pi~i!le~'1\ro1'l'! '!hI[!< d~ilIi'1Mit!fill:illi!~.

.p!IJzl·II!fl1i. ''[lie tV";i:Stt 'W itlh IU}~ .~rr;lj!;:rt~:e,.'i

Js ~n:;);t lu~~ h."..,.:~u.f(!' pi1!~'bt!it'ns

de:rl,liI:i.lioJil, ll.~.~ C SO~:I1.eUi1il:'iJ~·.s· c:;lJ~dwin:lnS='h] hid.~

SteiPl~ ilDill'itllimg!ill1lle'

ha~ell", rill D

the dn.i:s, i,lrtldt\); there 3[\C' on'ly 33 pieees, but ..t. UJ!l, i '!zJ, m:addr::~r:1i:iJn,g ,tu ~!1lMe'.
where (~;lie p'~et:es. ,ul'Llell;ltH:k. ]nl
.~I;!:;J,hU~cl,:all!'l~ mlllf!!

W~d!~meter nQI!!:!' to thEHe!:llI.I,rred d8jptrn for i:h!i'! dOOi,l\E!~!ii,'ll$e fll drill pr,es.;s,and a plas~ic'lJ;hllr1;g~e',o:r

wrnbinci?4tion :squ~:r~ ,~g'i31ns;the t boardl tIl ma~e SUfiE! the hQles are hemg dr~I.I\~'iIi,~r~ki3ll~y Dth~ lba~e" ~ D.rill,a ~"~diameterilC~'.5$lhol\e in
the '!i!,y,e aillld'the op.t!:l"Ilng ~lI!ithe end o,f Un! [FUIllII(.

5:lep. J;: (UUiiiiii!:J Ihead deUiiil~ Cuit the wnl< ,(lp~tliing~ i1!)i'@!i3fld the 1J;h!@ oonilJet::t~llJg:,d!efinittQiilline'S. ViIlth ill ~:3 b~ad,e. IiJt: thelline aeross t1he •( f.areheill dte U1;~remaundelf ofthe defi rrrltlOil1 Un as ~Ii'>OUMI the ey.e=

5t:e PI':; Prep" riili1!gto cot. :S'eiJEitt yom wood, IIUl51~d1 p~p!an',j:'Other' wood~ wi~h 9 oodigralrlll iP~tti!;1f1i1'S: illl,dlJlde Oiik" a5!h~birrn~ a p~~'! m ,ilIIMld'Will it III oak. Attalch a ,copy of til~p~m to yo IIJ: r wood luiing


the ioliJ~1 Cif'lhe pllu~e an the- way ine. ~fot!i!lidl'. Sinoe' t~e outsid,e ,edg:eis nol; il;lritk~~~llLiiS~ a if} 'dloubl@'~tQQ1;h bl~d\e= ~fY,OL!~ (iI'iQ$en iii wol!)d
h1'l1i'd~ 'I'h~n Ipnpl:iiI'!'; ltQIJI may W~I!'i't '~Q' i.!~e (iI :N9. With a ,~4,OJ' #5 bliade, ii:,!.d' of th~ d~finitt)ljO liilo@S' th-31t ih~gjn QIl

S I !I!! pi 4:: (Ulti~!1I:gdiil!: 'QUltl1~i!i, Cu:t


the, olilt~:ide Cif the


:5 ~I!IP5; i(liIitlliing' !the. pieces.

P'i'~m5,tiha:t stick (ilJJit 'such as; th@ 'tLlS~! 'UU'ifi k" and Ilegs :5ihou'~dbe, il: lilt: fi rs,'I:.iFolkiilNingil i I'l!,~~ @,)':;;3ic~I":r.' not ~§, i1ie~~,)si3irl{ x:cept:whe rncutting the e

'l\l'li ilrni!ll!:.e 'tne retu rn cut because



G'f the

piece:!! th~~ i;}cIYlillly

inler~I!O(;k. Crt!~, at a 9{f ,~ng'l,e to '~~e 'tiilb~etop si(joth~ pieces :liride apDirt

'~~nds:[.0 ~e'a'IJ(II;2) i!'1!Gtk~;lbl'e hCl~~, fj,o;s,ition the C!51li~mMedl pl.I;rne 'f.a,ce' p ~nd puil,ll 0'1Y wh,i~n;VQU ~~ I'i'I u o'ftbe' patl!em from 'the woo-cll. Use' ,aJ :shop 'towe~ te libera l'Iy ap pl¥ pfllim' d'llinn@r on any' mmaiil1iing

~alttem IPTec'e5. /!, 'I:h,ethinner

's;oEdl:.5, '~O'Fabout Ii\i'@ Q r :50 in 'ifffi lnut.e:s. 1:~!:! pape r wi II be loose. flju[b the 'bop of '~hriE' punl ~ Wltnlhe

inK nIlia~!' o t ~.cb ohhe' p~e<ces ,arllt'elF the staln had dried. Do !lcrt tIr'!f Ul Fnark them pl!'ilo~ to ~ail1l inQ rl5\ the in'k wul ~follow t:~legrain ITlnieso:ril Many 'W'Ood:s. if)!li)1(J choose an 0 il 'Iiinis;lhi,d (I the fi'iI~f~liiig aiftef t'li'Je has d r'I,~ct
Pr;l!lt HIJJ rnber::; Oif'l '[~~

I Us.ed a' permanent


rrom both


frollt aJf'!db~dk of

was ,a'ss@ffIbl,!1'o 'f,ao~·do!Nn.. '~ne' m~nkTi'!Ig ~nilS dOinle



·th@ p!Um@. E'ili!!'rl if YOlJJlr b:l;'ljd~, is; at i:1 90", you s,tjlll mig ht get ,mFI 4:lfC.e<!i cu:t: if ;r!">iJ'LJfi!~: th!@. wo ad 'I!(]!Q' fill:;t or nlll: with ~,duilll bl~d e. D~t@Jr!TI~n~wh1ch IPI~o~wlll

'lhil1ii'il:lil:p':$oabd rag to teraove ~,e""a'inT!'!i'9 ghJe' r~~J.dlue.,


be the· ~ast:to C'u:!:.Choo:se

Il~e(le, so
011'10 whl

Ii lii!i~glie'

:yOI.! "~¥esJ;Jrf!l!!i:ie '00' hold [I e (;ut1il'ilig .. IlliJ:~,ed ,ij} ,#:4, deu b~e·toot!Mbl~,cl~'fm CiUtUn,gl 'the' puzzle pi~C!B5 ,iillnd tn'e iilib~IFi!o1F defi [lJiti'O<J'I' cuts, A ~.:!Jrgerb!I~,d<e ,creallils, a ~videlJi kef' ,and iii ~OQ5Eir fit Pi. S,ITIailllef iblade' mil,llli;eS iit I'IIlQfEi difffilclJ I!t '1:0 i!l'I!i3lh t(:1,J~:S, tlh!ii!t am pelff'ect I:y':sqlYal(,\~wiitlh the: 'f~(r;: (If tha board, >fl's.plI!!cii3I~~){~ r,dWood s:.. BeQl~tiJ 'frOM the .outs,lde' ed'g>e' 'mo eut tI~@'lbs;t piWiUl~ p~~rte. 'l:h~.rn~ A$ iilitcF5ect~, iI branching, dti:lfiilllitPiJn

Sh!liP 7: RO!1.lli'ld'illl!g 'im.e Iple~~!l., r;;l,ot.ilridin9 me back :$id\e edge5i I!;i,iioltvs,lJne piLUes to slide ir:1!:toeach ' (!ttu~f' mOf'@,gills11y" Th@ Ilarg:~n'th!]! ifadii ofthe roundli rngs aF.J;I:U'the
So 11'lG10l00rtl1:Jzy ,i3lr~j ~h@

w~t.h alll!:1!um!b;fWs; ' "up.; I sta rted II1IlImlbtelting iilit the head, wuth i3id!j~'-e'{'Jt: ieres giv,elFl,the' p next ntillillloe:r. A mat 'of po,iY(li')rii~ 1!'rl!:slI.l!fE!'S d'Jiait the li'!dumbers can't be riJIibboo aft.

e.a,-chpU:lde piece '~x~t: the uak

i@bo~ 0'11-bi1l:5@d :s!taul1~1F@II'I1.O'~, w[p~, iilirid iillllQW t.o dry. Th~ ,~t<iliii1 iiliO(:en~s.h~ d@liirdl~'On CU1S, as 'wdl t a'5 '~~eE:.'d:g,e:s 'OiFthe' p;re<i~J.A 'qii!.llTci( d'ip gi'J.iles- ,rvrhl;!;TfflIl.I!ffI1I ~oni~'.;)S'lIO the W{l 0itli g'i'<iijn.

Stap 9~Stllllillll:ing

the!i1i' Dip

QiliSa~r olndl teeM ffll.!!StrDliIfl9 h: cli'f~1be to. pu:t

H'I'~ puru.j'@ ~og'B-ljh€!r;Ro.undl on1ly 'those IfJ¢rtioo$ ~hat A'ttl!ige'the~: 00 fiJO~' round the edg:es of 'me' c:tilside' ,of the' ,pL.:i~le.,A, handhe] d ill rindli'ng '~:ool wO;fksi glr~,at'•.but u~e 'wrnat: work5i be-r>~fer yoU. S<lirmc

'lh~ ,~'Ol[Jnd!OO1 ~d1£H~~' 'Wi~h 22O-gf~t


St p 1 Oi' (reilti i1tg the l!iase" ( thli;!' ~'Sii!! llO' i:'lI s~~ ai'!Jd: firtlll1!1 ~ !'{,",ood youthhr'ilk ~,rnQu!ldnot be

cut, il'!l~I!:J~ t~ r;: defln!Uon CUlt:~t(ll, the pi!.iul:e, pie-ce ynu aJie li:!iJi~tin g. tinisih
,cuttil'i!g out :tihe, pl,ruh:! Ipi'e>c,e.Ti;lzt ~~ ,to make :iiiWIFe i~ slll"iJ!S:5 1000' 'i:n'e res,'I: O'f 'lh;e. puz.:dl!,i! bod'! t:'n:;m ,th!l1!' -rri):I:"!~:,attiid fll'OPiJl th~' biii('1L H 1~dQ~$ l!1Q't ITIx: ~~ l ca.i.!~e: ~r'Ofe (Jl.t!ttTiliIg m(!ii'e. b I'F,i;IJ'~~~ly ~'1IT!~ a pi!l!!c~ :splil~ (lift, Y'01J can 9,effle'r,a Illy' i!;fI1lJ1e- ~tback, (In. Stlli:i,lt!ld ilIlny glllJlE!:get '1111 thf! ,putW~ S:iJ.!il"fa,ce, remow '~Ii\e,glue wii:h mijne.ral spil!",l~:s, 'befJOre' ~tcomp!etely dltie.s. IIIi!the wOrS!t Cas,e., it will be

"111~ Iplilffi~ of~' ~ 1 )!; $~' blrdl~-eyie fiiiClple., Dim %·,·dllilliITJ1eter



1iT'i!!!fteii~1 thlilFi

'mne pmde.

d'Ow~1ho!l~s lh~ deep, 4~

a!so Cil.i!t rom~r edges, 'M '~he''t~p' 'OIW t:~@' base, ex.oept for iUh@P.a,e;k. It you ,cihoo.5le to tp:tay '~hi.? finall filf!jis.1h onl th~' b~sei fif$t, glllllJi~t:he'

apan. II

le'l:~~I"s; oil" If !i.i'liingl oin, pu~ the 011 on ililrst Th,~ dow~[$; :;iholl,Jlld blij '9 I:l!J:edl ijn last in ei'r'Jhe:i' case, Slap 11 =

M~,ld"g I~tw.r,s. 'ti~,e'

'fa'!'1!t r::all'.ed CO(!TIleSaI'!lS,

,~ C!I~lit ~dh::!! t:!l1!nt


'~O tlhfl!

jpillztle p;iec'E:" I~:mall 'i:ne;n be' !"I1~.ce~$~U"f to glue il:h ~ ~W-lfl p~@, .. 5,tep I: N'umib,eriing' il:lfie pl!ll~l:~e p.ift~@Si; TOo allow' the 11li1mbets' tit! ,5;{and Oli!~r I p(!J~nt:edl ~ :S!pot OIFiJ 'U'~e'b~d:s ,of d~e' IP~~c:e:£ 'With Mil1lwax: :p(]lI~l'cr'/~Dce.fme' b 's.'U1!ijnir!Jgi 't'o< miit 1ihe ~W!ount of f>'ltlin~hDit woull d bie 'Di'b~Oorbll:ld.

J'i!dg I!!! rOf

fDr hmei"rJ19 ~he i~se II d1o~e ~ MS, bee:;i!I~e orr tJhe' :s~il'i1llhtii'il'egy~a riI!:y
in dBigl1!'! ,ofth~,I~ElF$.lhi31t h&d'i!os, a~ mlno:rd evlatlofis In wmlii'!'£j 'rh;ern" Thi;i' f\OIf'!'~ ~~i;! u~ was. 36 p;Jiiillil', II a11sQ dios-e to ciJit. 'I he' liett:,e-ts, rfJlom a W-th!ek $tru~t)irw,~ln!J,¥t: ripped 'ft,am, i3i % ~bOOild" Th~ n(ilm'lailllb.1.a,d~ ,op!!!!llirlg il!'!l t:n e 5.~W 't[jjDlie i5 'tiDo Ilalfg'~l!o cm

St:t! P 6:; ,Mlillikmng 'tlhe' <e:i'<I!J;fi'i,. iii:iQlII IP,i~!:e~,Ma~e 'tllill: dl!l:iiillliti:an c:l.I;'!:§ th.f!l ~I"!d onth~' edlge ~ftlMe plIul,e, SIii"Jfip~:f ut to 'tihe' c ~~d, ti:h@i:l ibaCi'1;; :ttu~'bil~d@, out ..!1danfl r'E(;ornmnendl pimthng 'i:~e w!Jfi::pie'f!'

'!i:li!1rt;S gf;j tlhe I~ntei!'igii'

these letters.The blade willi catch the wood on the downstroke and rip part ofthe letter out of the Wood. lin order to avoid this, one needs a zeroclearance throat plate
(,one wit:~

very' small blade hole)

in the saw. n'e letters wel'e cut with a #1 rsverse-tooth blade. Make the inside cuts of letters such as 0'

before cutting! the outslde. DrHla

blade entry hole allongls.ide'each letter, usilng: it to access the letter

Step 131: Finishingl the pUIzzlle plieces. Ass'!f!l11b!I,ethe puzz.le and send both the fronts and backs, finishing with 400-griit sandpaper. A.ftelrvacuuming! the sawdust, spray thsm a minimum off three coats of polyuylic on ITonrt~ back, ~md sides, A light mob ing wiil:h 0000 steel wool betw.een each coat and il final Hght rub ta kss any roughne~.s from ~djoining ,edg.e'5.lfthe dowel hotes be<:-OII1i1El dogged, enllarge

Mat@rials & Tools

M(Jtedll'tj'; " 3 pieoos,l" '.( 3 x 14" pl[lpl~r, ,edge·g~l!l:@dl to Farm.ill ~. ~ 8%" K 14" 6lcMFIiI • iFor ill verliical g Fajn p<I,tfem: 4 pieu~~ 1" K4" l{S", iildge·gl~Ii!~Uo'fi!.111I1I a ~II ;K S" :( lS" bOiilool

·1"!( 3/; K 11"jlllplar{l)asij

"l eadn WLdiaIQEt'EF hardwDod dmvel (ul ,illto T" w~mem:s • 2 each %" x )('0" ripped from a wallnlJlt
Ibo<lrdi tleUering)


rather than clllttingi to the letter from the @dg~ ohhe wood. This, a~low.5the wo,od around the letter '10 giIVe bett,er support whil,e it's
being cut During cutting,. hold the letter d own with 0111 e fing er dose to

them sUghtly by wiggiling til email the W'=d1am:el.:e-r d riill bit. For. an oil finish,. scak one
$.c:'Ilnded with 'EUIIl<ifj ell tor a few minutes, dunking it a few tilines. Put another pi ece in. T a~e the first p ieee out an d blot it wIth ~I paper shop towel, us.iog cotton-tipped swabs and the corners of'the towel tio blot ~III.@'XceS5· oil 111tight nocks.and crannles.Than rub tholroUlgh'ly

• P!Hmall!l'llt mark1iJlg! pen

• Eimers Glue-All
"Ternporary!lpFaygi'w~or i3 ,remolj'abte g~ue-,s[iok " Mimwa~ ebony ml~~ OFlIro~dist;Jln af ~hok~ ,. Wo(!dl glue • Jeweler's (tll.le, 80 nd 5H
• Odmle55 p'ainltbitlneror mltiler<i'l s.p.lri:15 • Tun 9' oil and/or l"0t1tr~i[ satl n :lipId)' • S~ndllapE!J~lId 0000 st~lw.ool .•Shop cloths., p'.a~r lmdlfi!'b,ric
• (0110n SWClM

pll@ce 1:111 a

the' blade-so the blade will not ilift the wood and spl"it off a portion. If this does happen, it can usually be
gllued back. en, but it wiill probably be even easier to cut a new letter,

thefac'e o·f the' ~ettercan block ·s~alllyou may


want tOLlSEl. Most types orglue can be removed with painuhinnler if

ll.sed before it compleJtely dries, Afte!i" (:uttii1'g the I@tters, remove!' 'the' glu@ residua from the front of them wi~h mineral spirits, SaRd the front and back o.h'ach letterbyrulb bing' it a few times across a
piece of 4(m-grit $;i;i!l"!d,p1<ap'ef. Drop
'I he 'firn~shed Ietters unto a pan of

with a dean lint~nr@,e do-th. Set It back side down on a paper towe,l. Repea't with the next piece. A;'~t~r ach pi!ece has been slitting e

• 1t1 rever;se-tmnth, #3, 1f4, alfl.d'·~5 dOl.QllnltHO!)(h tl:1<!des • Drill p~S:l, allid! bits triangles ,. SJ:1ll,ilIII <lllDp~ d ,IIIIUlminaltedlTlagnUylng giassf(lrcuUill'll " (lallJlpln~ twwz.ers .IHM~beld' fotarylOOI1iind liI~fllilloflJd -pemt gwi nlde~
• Combinatlol1l sqUare Drpl<l~(

'tUing ,0 ill fur a,few minutes, then bllonhem before letting them dry. Repeat the proc,~s$once.

forabout nv@ minutes, bufftha top again. If you~nd any .sticky places, rub until dry. rlf it' is too sticky to buff 'off. app liy mo're 0 ill and rub ~O' tak~ th e snc ky spot OIff~ Rep~a!t fOi"al~pieces. Afte-r letting them dry for at IIeast a day, Irep,e<atthe 0111 alpplkation. Don't rorg,e-t to s.ign c:'I,nd date )I,oulr wQ!rk,

To mount the mammoth asan

u prig bt pll'~1 e. assernbl e the pul2i1 e

scrap 'Wood to' the base, U$,a ,g~:i'id,eline a,gairnsl which the letters can be set, (liamping ~weez,ers rn,ake manipulatin.g 'the tiny lener'S ,easy. Mtach a descriptiiol"l of the wooly mammoth to th€: bottom ofthe' base, ifyoud like.

.... Stl:ep 12: Anae;:hing ~heletters.. 'Glue the leners 'to the baseas y,ou want th em to look, To help I~ne UIP' the letters, ellamp a strip of

on <III table then slide it onto a sheet of plywood or cardboard. PI~(e the sheet on the table with the feet at:the'edige of both the' sh aet and table. S~ide the base pegs, into, the holes in the feet, lip the whole, th ing up with the s meet





Norrnallv, the fun of apuzzle is t1glll':ing out how to put Ittto:glf;tnl;r. But, this puz-Z.l.e ls a~ fUIiL to take ap,artt asIt ls 150 put ~og:e'the-r.Part ofthe fl!nu~ that it doe~m"t come r.ightl3ipart=hand ]t[D someone and watch. them. struggle te takett apart without hl"ea.Id:~git. Start by choosing the materials £01" the project, I use hardwood for;an mYP11:1zz1€s-il:'s just more durable, Black cherry is very nice for: fh,e llzsrd, walnut if> a close second, BtI~ lise whal:yCl~t want. You can also choose to ,give-the llaardalongsr taU-just add a few indites to thetail right where it starts.b [It don't add any mom to the tap €f .. After choosing your WOO(!., transfe» thepattern to the wod{piece ...I tra.c:ethe side and. top views onro poster board or .iii..:;:hnihn: materiel, C;l]:t~t out and trace around
_.' .'

these templates

onto the weod ..Th.flIt .my

] ca]]. use the


over. and Orvc.r gain .. a

Step 1= Cut: the basic shaipe orJ!tllrle li!Z.ud wsiilnigyc


p1illUe:rns a!s ilJ, guide. Curt: along the top view panem first, but l eave i!IIbout14" ofwoo<d hold i ng each plecoE!' cn=-s» 'you sti'111ave square sides to rest on your scrol ~saw tfllble, h g~vlingyou accurate cuts ..After you m:alk>ethe s1d'l1l''Guts,iII will be easy1!O go bsek and'ml: th e small amou nt of wood holding the pieces on. Aft:~r mak~ngl1lJhe cuts, drilll the ~eg and ,eye holes as indicate.d on t~,e pattern ..


3a~Vll1\8+H Ibl~ aBTOpcKVlM


Step 2: Mal~e, 'l!h,e I@gi. Draw a top vi€!w of E!aJc::h 0111 I@g a 1!h" ~th'ick pi~c@ O'fwO'od. Then, cut out the $.1:0 vl:8'Ws. ~ to g,~t two. perf~ctlly matching. leS!S,fOf th~ rron:r ;ijnd"tihe b~ck, Sha:I:::i'!~:lhe Ie-Qs Ilighr~y wi~h 'n!le 'SaJrild aper, p

r(1 O'--~





O!ilIi~yQl! rl,!J!i!,@!!':e-d!~ ey,@'.~ep'ie~~s,Dr th~ ~Iiz'ardlll"'!til~ slid~i!!p~n ~!lsi!y. B:~~I,I~@ till! pi~(~!it1;t-ua!ll~!!m:t;to!J(!~o~r,V'llu !I~!,I',~tlIl~l!l:~ ! ~~e :!)uule

-a ,"lIrl=1 n"dl p:~Jti~ lliack w~e1!hl!r=-illfl.ordeur.

feet bes,~detile dowel and d raW a Iihe on the root a~ong tthe dowel-this: will give you the' correct angl~;fto dr~111 the holes 'fatdh@ f@@t Dry f<irach dow@1 tc make sure~t ~ts; s

,,,"Step, 3='llilIs@Ha dowell thmughtlhe miilalm body to de'te,rminethe dll1iUhilgl an;g~i!!: the Posiltion the for'

p,roperly (s:eeCired< the TfgftimesS"ofrhe D:owe/s on pagll? 95)' befOiJ'e- l,Uling '~hedow~ls to the Ilegs. g

A Step 4:: !R()II.!I~dl ~hl1!'!$ha ~p.~I)r!il~!i'iii of tliillii' M!2:<l!rdl, (IIff Hok~lIhe head iril YOLJlrleft hand and'thetail 5.e'CtiDliililiil
y~u!' r~gh~h a nd, P.I~eethewltJ oHhe ~ i:za!rd o~ [he belt sillll"ld,e·r;a~d "r~ck"t~e I]:za,r:d found o·ff the shsrp <lIng I,e to wherre the body tapers dO'rIV'I11!o ta1l1.. the !Round off th is shs rrp <lnglleOml the top, II ft~. nd r'i ght sldes, R.ocikthe top ea ofd'1,e lii:l':<Md ·aclkwis.e snd mUFlte:rdockwiI5€to d {:l!rve the 1101". me rounded. pan tlhhe belt S'[!I!ldE;!" r a drum U~e o s8lnde·rto smeeth cue the 11zal'd'sneck bet.wee·n the body andf~he heed, Shape the head with i3J ratalt'y tool end smell sanding dwm. ~Ian.dsand with pmgrres:5!:vely finer gril:5 of sandipO'llper or the best {in ish..Alltemativ:e~y, you f can s~ ape lIhe head !by I,and sandi'l1g; it wililljusata ke a llttle I angler,

cut. lry mot to coma too dose to ths I.e.g hol@s,when CLl~dl1 it just doesm't look good with a cut line rig ht g; th ~' the hio~eYOW! put 'the leg ~11, Notice how each Ileg hole ~$in a.lai"gi~ rt of a p urne' lPi~c~. aJl<ie-yO!~H'[~me pa T and I€t the blade: cut .at its O'WD sp €<e-d. Whern ya.1!,J!try to rush, the blad@ willl1lentid WaJll d.~r. to
Step 7: ,Co'nitiinlllle to Cmlt OlUt the p iie~es~mallding SlJIlre m.!keelpthem iin orde;r.lhe!fE! alr·e no puzzle eutsln the Ion gl ta'i Ii; the tail istoo th ~nand t he p iiecjes would be too dell k~ah:!'.


Step 6= IRotalle1!liIe bodY'90I"~ CI!liiIdlmak:etlhe second

.. !ile p ,StAssemblle the ~i~il!I'd" a!l1!d$<lInd, off the'lpelf!ci!1 mariksand burrs. (!Uta 11,e:ng'th fO/i(;"-dramet~r dO'lN'ElI'for o

th ~ eye- Ughtly round off both sides 'l)hh~d'Ciw~l.

Step 9: Sa nd the p'Ulzzlle w;ith veil"!'"fi'ne (320~gil"it) sia1li1dpalper,. and! apiP'my the finish .ofyout choice. You

" SteIP S:.Mak~ th~ fil!f:l.1: IPU~1:h;i (IIJ!t, Stan by tlraJnsf~!ririi!",!glthe puzzle-cL,.u:ting patterntothe prqject. Use 031 wooden hand oiamp to hold the body-so you

Ciln paint, woodbumrl, or [ust diraM' ~nthe, ey@ d etalls wirth a

P@1Il or



Ilzal'da "ca~ ~e:'"

cain ho;ld th~ Hzawd in plac~ eta 90" ar'ilgll~ to the saw 'tab lie.lifyol!.l!don"~ keep the I i!zijirdbod'vsqY~l"e 'to the tabll.;::, yeN) willi cut into the holes fur th€' I€'gs! I just free
handed the lines on, butyou usill'lgl graphite palper, cali!!'~rr:a(e the pattern


3a~Vll1\8+H Ibl~ aBTOpcKVlM


Malerials & Tools


·116" K lW' K 17" nililtiwoClOdlof em (I ice (bo(fy) ..z pteces, 1" x .2" ~.jW'
!hardwood of tirulk.e {teet) • :l;1~"·diJ!'!'1 doweill' ·Iong ~,ter • Vilri~S 'QTits (lif siUili~paj[ler • on flliti~11I f (1'10 ice o • 5'lad,lpalli'll (optlOlilail~ • ~ra~hlit~ pa per

flllol~: • "9 skip -'h'Drrlthblades or bLades ~f (fu;oic:e • illrl[l wi~Ili¥i~"-dllart1eteunirili bit • ,B~Jt sanide,[' or d:rul'l1i~$Jifld!er
• Rllt<l:ryh;lal wi'~ W-dli,1lrne~r


and 'M"-td iamet~r :!J'3[1(litng

dWrnill (Cl'ii'it~nalF

• '~!2i:1cil
• W:oo'lIlL'IIIrnflF ('Ofl~i'Ofi]liill fur



• Pen, (opti(l:(1<'1lrur eye] • Flf'I,eartfi~rs tJmsh(o])J'16n:al for'e',t'e}

[h~k tne nghtne!i$ of Ihe lJDw!Ii!ls

usr'n_g a,,,~eff: ~fWap WQ~drJl1 hpj€s fire SAl'm€'dt'ame'tr:! yeu plat! ,~'()!~)'e in the lila-m r afjdded: ~ir~.rH o-rthe dowels. roo want

~'tJ.ghfn,~bM~'fmey are- r~o.tight, fh~¥@{lId Qlw.k wh.en y,mI' fly t

fiQ'Fil'moVt rh-em.lffl:enir,mrtil rh~(Jo'wefh~les frl rheJegs" *dry rilt drU!.erltegj l~!l'We~ (JltdJli~ l:he d~'~ Jfnet€s.s'~y ro ~ make' ther.rn'it ~tt'J'; ff ytm d'{j q€[,ll1leg ~w'(&,' ~f (l' very gradufJf wedge in a plett! IJf rot!' mli!la, Th~n~ (;UNBi(flt thesame SiZe.r;15 ~'Iled~weJ In MI{ wedge. line 'file ~U.l'p ara,u'j(f~'h'ec,(eg~nd t;op fr tlgilltYiiCl' pClp rire a


'" ~ ~
3Il _;;; -e
0. c;


t;egoff ~e.e,OOrr; b€low1.,

~ ~ '" ~ ~

..... '"
~ .... ~

IlIlu:rttab thiB' time 1I~iIli:t '~UiJl1! ~owel 'iItlU'l tille, Ibodl,pr..o,p@rily. W,s dliHi!iJilllill: ~ relil'lo'l!\~. ~~l'i wi1ihQ'Uil: breallC!r:ngl l'ijo:Jfne1:h~'ltIg,

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