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Redefining Literacy

Students in today’s English and language arts classes typically are

not asked to read, discuss, or write analytically. But by emphasizing such
authentic literacy activities, Mr. Schmoker maintains, we could bring about
the results that all our reforms seek: higher test scores, intellectual
development, and a narrowing of the achievement gap.


UTHENTIC LITERACY — the ability to read, write, and think effectively
— belongs at the very top of the reform agenda. There is every reason to
believe that these capacities, if acquired across the disciplines, will
change lives by the millions and will redefine the possibilities of public
education. Best of all, the most effective ways to impart these vital skills
are disarmingly simple.
For Vincent Ferrandino and Gerald Tirozzi (the respective presidents of
the national associations for elementary and secondary principals),
“under-developed literacy skills are the number one reason why students are retained, as-
signed to special education, given long-term remedial services and why they fail to graduate
from high school.”1 They conclude that literacy “speaks to the larger societal issues of access
and equity. In our society, being literate opens doors — and opens them wide.”
If literacy is so important, how difficult would it be to provide excellent literacy instruction
across the disciplines? Mike Rose’s classic, Lives on the Boundary, gives us a clue. Rose grew up
poor in East L.A., in a tiny house where he shared a bedroom with his parents. For years, school
was a place of boredom and frustration. He assumed he would never attend college or escape
the conditions that accounted for the “ravaged hope” felt by the adults he grew up around.2

MIKE SCHMOKER is a writer, speaker, and consultant living in Flagstaff, Ariz. His most recent book is Results Now: How We
Can Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in Teaching and Learning (ASCD, 2006). He can be reached at schmoker@future-


Then, in the 10th grade, a maverick teacher for the reading and writing assignments. And
came to Rose’s rescue. Jack MacFarland taught the students did this work in class. As Rose
in a fashion radically different from his col- puts it, they merely “read and wrote and
leagues. To the near exclusion of all other ac- talked” their way toward an education that few
tivities, he had his students read, discuss, and students receive in the K-12 school system.
write about record numbers of books and Simple stuff. Any teacher can begin to do these
articles in response to questions he prepared things. Only later did Rose realize that he and

If literacy is so important, how difficult would it be to

provide excellent literacy instruction across the disciplines?

MARCH 2007 489

his fellow members of the “voc ed crowd” had in fact re- stories like “Jack and the Beanstalk” and then asked to
ceived a “prep-school” curriculum. Rose’s personal suc- consider whether Jack is an admirable hero or an ethically
cess — he is now a professor at UCLA — suggests what challenged rascal. We’ve seen how perceptively students
could happen for students on a grand scale, across the so- read when asked to read a story twice — and with a pen
cial spectrum. in hand — as they underline, jot marginal notes, or com-
But his success shouldn’t surprise us. The literature is plete a graphic organizer to assemble their thoughts for
strewn with evidence that such straightforward literacy in- discussion and writing assignments. Accompanied by a
struction would have a monumental impact on students’ good program of vocabulary instruction, such activities will
lives. It all begins with close, careful reading. cause test scores to soar.7
This analytical, argumentative approach is exactly what
students need to succeed in college. But it is markedly dif-
ferent from what students now receive. Moreover, there is
good evidence that this approach would make school emi-
“No subject of study,” writes Jacques Barzun, “is more nently more interesting to students who now find it boring
important than reading . . . all other intellectual powers and alienating.8
depend on it.”3 Intellectual power and development flow At Tempe Preparatory Academy, an open-enrollment
only and directly from what Richard Vacca calls “strategic charter school in Tempe, Arizona, students’ favorite class,
reading,” what James Popham calls “purposeful reading,” year after year, is the daily, two-hour “Humane Letters” sem-
and what legendary inner-city principal Deborah Meier inar. Every day, students from seventh through 12th grades
calls “deep reading.”4 But this is not the kind of reading read and write and argue the issues they encounter in his-
most students now do in English and language arts. tory and literature. Boring? Repetitious? Hardly. As Tempe
There’s no mystery here: such reading starts with good Prep student Eric Dischinger put it, “I love it! The concept
questions and prompts. From the earliest grades, students of forming ideas and opinions about these texts has been
need numerous, daily opportunities to read closely (or re- instrumental for me in learning how to think and explore
read) an article or a chapter in a textbook for meaning: to in other areas of academia. I take the thought processes I
weigh or evaluate the logic or evidence in a text — or in learned in Humane Letters and apply them in Spanish,
two or more related texts — in order to find the answer to chemistry, and math.” He tells me, “I have learned how to
an arresting or provocative question.5 We do such reading construct an argument and then defend it.”
to test a proposition, such as “Columbus was a great man.”
We do it to marshal support for an argument or propose
a solution to an intriguing social or political problem.
From college on, most of us have done such reading with
a pen or highlighter in hand so that we can mark key pas- There is magic in this simple combination of a good text
sages or patterns in a text. College students and adult pro- and a provocative question (given before — not after —
fessionals read in this way routinely. students have read a text), combined with the chance to
But not so much K-12 students. Imagine what would argue and support an interpretation from one or more texts.9
happen to levels of intellectual attainment if we began to And any teacher can learn to conduct such activities, which
make daily opportunities for this kind of reading? From the exercise students’ natural intellectual powers and are the
earliest grades, students could be given literally hundreds model for the best academic and professional discourse.
of opportunities to read and discuss the answers to higher- It all starts on the playground. As Gerald Graff points
order questions like this one suggested by Richard Allington out, “kids love to argue,” to compare and evaluate the rel-
for first-graders: “Who would make a better friend: spider ative merits of their favorite athletes and pop stars. For
or turtle?” (The children are reading or listening to the Graff, there is no substantive difference between academic
Ashanti story “Hungry Spider and the Turtle.”6) Older stu- work and such playground polemics, especially if we fur-
dents could be asked to read about two successive Presi- nish texts that give students a basis for analysis, discussion,
dents, say, Herbert Hoover and FDR, and then asked to eval- and writing.
uate them for their effectiveness. Or students could com- We can do this — while also building reading, writing,
pare and evaluate the character traits of Old Dan and Little and discussion skills on the foundation of the best content
Anne, the hunting dogs in Where the Red Fern Grows. standards in every discipline, including such well-known
Many of us have seen how animated and intellectual- and highly valued literacy standards as discerning fact from
ly engaged second-graders become when asked to read opinion; comparing and contrasting themes, characters, and


interpretations; understanding an author’s purpose; or rec- to operate much more deeply than it normally does dur-
ognizing bias. An important recent study affirms that this ing conversation or inward reflection.”18 Indeed, it is only
argumentative approach to learning content, in all subject through writing that students can engage the “upper
areas, truly constitutes the “college knowledge” that so reaches of Bloom’s taxonomy.”19 Writing, observes John
few students now acquire in K-12.10 The recurring theme of Franklin, is the “key to student learning; it directly cultivates
this study by David Conley is that college success hinges the most valuable job attribute of all: a mind equipped to
on students’ abilities to analyze texts thoroughly, to cri- think.”20 Or, as Gene Budig recently wrote in these pages,
tique an author’s position, and then to “advance an argu- writing is not only critical to the “crafting of a good edu-
ment using evidence.”11 cation,” it is also a “fundamental building block for de-
More interesting yet, arguing from close, focused read- signing and achieving professional success and advance-
ing has been found to be the best basis for effective stu- ment.” According to an extensive survey of human re-
dent writing, which powerfully extends students’ abilities source directors, employees must now write more than ever.
to think and reason across the disciplines.12 It is time we In the fastest-growing industries, those who can’t write
made the case for requiring preservice teachers to learn well are less likely to be hired and far less likely to be pro-
to teach writing in this way. moted.21
With all this going for it, shouldn’t every aspiring teach-
er be learning the case for this “miraculous” technology?
And shouldn’t students be given daily opportunities to re-
Close, strategic reading is the first step toward deep un- spond in writing to good questions about the content they
derstanding. But analytic, persuasive writing about good encounter in textbooks, articles, and literature? Shouldn’t
texts amplifies and refines students’ critical reasoning ca- teacher teams be sharing and developing stimulating ques-
pacities even further. Consider just a sample of what re- tions for everything they teach, in every discipline? These
searchers have found about the importance of writing — simple, intellectually rich activities (not our ubiquitous work-
which is curiously underemphasized in the K-12 curricu- sheets) are what truly engage the “upper reaches of Bloom’s
lum. taxonomy.” And, as Douglas Reeves has found, “nonfic-
For Theodore Sizer, writing is “the litmus paper of thought,” tion” writing, in every subject, correlates strongly with achieve-
so vital to intellectual development that it deserves to oc- ment gains.22
cupy “the very center of schooling.”13 As things stand, how- For this reason, the report of the National Commission
ever, writing barely shows up on the periphery of school- on Writing calls our attention to the alarming gap between
ing.14 We have to stop offering such excuses as “With so our knowledge of the lifelong importance of writing and
many students, there isn’t time to grade papers.” Many of the sadly diminished role it plays in most schools.23
us have found highly efficient ways to teach writing well
without engaging in conventional — and time-consum-
ing and counterproductive — grading practices.15
To get a better grasp on the link between writing and When John Goodlad and his teams visited thousands
reasoning, listen to what Dennis Sparks, executive direc- of language arts classrooms as part of his large-scale study
tor of the National Staff Development Council, has to say of instruction, he found most students enduring English
on the subject. “Writing,” he tells us, “enables us to note classes in which they “rarely read or wrote . . . they scarce-
inconsistencies, logical flaws, and areas that would bene- ly even speculated on meanings or discussed alternative
fit from additional clarity.”16 Like close reading, writing is interpretations” of what they read.24 Years later, the authors
thinking — perhaps in its most powerful and intense form. of The Shopping Mall High School found English classrooms
William Zinsser, a highly respected authority on writing, marked by a “wholesale absence of intensity about think-
avers that writing is “primarily an exercise in logic,” which ing.”25 My classroom observations and interactions with
enables us to “write our way” into an understanding of texts audiences of educators overwhelmingly confirm this.26
or concepts that previously mystified us. Why make such Richard Allington uses an ingenious expression that re-
an effort? Because “meaning is remarkably elusive. . . . veals a lot about the current state of literacy instruction:
Writing enables us to find out what we know — and what he refers to the “reading and writing vs. ‘stuff’ ratio.”27 In
we don’t know — about whatever we’re trying to learn.”17 most classrooms, the majority of instruction consists of
In “The Learning Power of Writing,” R. D. Walshe writes “stuff,” with little or no connection to literacy skills. In grades
that we “shouldn’t hesitate to describe writing as incredi- 1 through 3, it is not unusual (even in schools with good
ble or miraculous . . . a technology which enables thought test scores) to find two-thirds of the reading period being

MARCH 2007 491

spent on “color, cut, and paste activities.”28 In the later In science, social studies, English, and beyond, students
grades, students are seldom found discussing or writing in should be reading, writing, and discussing their way to-
response to good questions about interesting texts. Instead, ward deep understanding as they respond to questions such
as Lucy McCormick Calkins and her colleagues have ob- as these:
served, students are “making dioramas, game boards, posters, • Should we drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Ref-
or mobiles to accompany a book . . . making new books uge? Consider the issue from scientific, economic, and en-
with illustrations . . . [or making] murals or other artwork.”29 vironmental perspectives.
She has observed classrooms with a 1 to 15 ratio of read- • As we read and study the American Civil War, pre-
ing and writing to such “stuff.” Calkins laments this situa- pare to make the case for the South. (I learned this ques-
tion as the triumph of “literary arts and crafts” over substan- tion from Theodore Sizer.)
tive literacy instruction. Sadly, many of us were trained, • As you read each chapter in The Catcher in the Rye,
even encouraged, in these approaches. Such activities — look for the answer to this question: What is wrong with
and the culture that tolerates them — may do more to ex- Holden Caulfield? (I adapted this question from Grant Wig-
plain the overall achievement gap than any other factor. gins and Jay McTighe.)
And we should remember to make adequate room for
considering popular topics, among the best ways to pro-
mote both real-world and academic intellectual capaci-
ties.32 As I write this, my own daughters have just complet-
There are other insidious, if well-meant, forms of “stuff,” ed extended argumentative research papers. After carefully
all of which reveal the real roots of the achievement gap. reading several books, articles, and statistical tables, one
In too many classrooms, instead of analyzing and debat- argued that the Beatles edge out the Stones as the great-
ing the issues in fiction or editorials, students are perennial- est rock ’n’ roll band of all time; my other daughter argued
ly drilled on such terms as “climax,” “setting,” or “rising that, historically, Coke’s advertising campaigns beat Pepsi’s.
action.” Will we ever wake up to how inane and time- These are the most polished, passionate, and academical-
wasting this is? Or students are asked to identify decon- ly worthy pieces either has produced.
textualized statements as either fact or opinion. Such exer- Such simple reading and writing activities cultivate pre-
cises miss the point. But they can produce a short-term cisely those intellectual capacities most necessary to suc-
boost in test scores. cess in college and careers.33 For what it’s worth, my audi-
Then the scores plateau. We have yet to learn that ences across North America strongly agree with me that
thoughtful reading, writing, and discussion, in redundant the worksheet curriculum directly prevents us from mak-
abundance, promote faster, more enduring achievement ing this critical transition toward authentic literacy instruc-
gains on state assessments than quick-fix approaches.30 As tion — with its predictably marvelous consequences.
Michael Pressley recently found, what raises test scores in Changing to the pursuit of authentic literacy may be the
urban schools is exactly “what works everywhere: inten- simplest, most productive, and most enjoyable change we
sive instruction more driven by the higher-order than the could make in our efforts to reduce the achievement gap
lower-order skills.”31 and prepare students for life and learning. In doing so, we
It is time to embrace and act on the evidence that au- will discover, with Theodore Sizer, that “we don’t know
thentic reading, writing, and discussion will promote higher the half of what these kids can do.” With so much at stake,
scores, intellectual development, and a substantial narrow- with the academic success and life chances of tens of mil-
ing of the achievement gap. lions of students on the line, there is no good reason to de-
lay adopting such practices across the disciplines — start-
ing tomorrow.
1. Vincent L. Ferrandino and Gerald Tirozzi, “Wanted: A Comprehensive
We could begin immediately by providing students Literacy Agenda Pre-K-12,” advertorial in Education Week, 5 May 2004,
with far more in-class opportunities to read interesting and p. 29.
2. Mike Rose, Lives on the Boundary (New York: Viking Penguin, 1989),
provocative texts purposefully, always guided by good ques- p. 47.
tions that stimulate discussion, debate, and effective writ- 3. Jacques Barzun, “The Centrality of Reading,” in Morris Philipson, ed.,
ing. Such work will assuredly proceed more successfully Begin Here: The Forgotten Conditions of Teaching and Learning (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1991), p. 21.
if practitioners work collaboratively to continuously share, 4. Richard Vacca, “From Efficient Decoders to Strategic Readers,” Edu-
develop, and refine effective and stimulating questions, writ- cational Leadership, November 2002, p. 6; W. James Popham, “Curricu-
lum Matters,” American School Board Journal, November 2004, p. 33;
ing assignments, lessons, units, and assessments. and Jay Mathews, “Seeking Alternatives to Standardized Testing,” inter-


view with Deborah Meier, Washington Post, 17 February 2004, pp. 1-10. pp. 14-16.
5. Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe, Understanding by Design, 2nd ed. 18. R. D. Walshe, “The Learning Power of Writing,” English Journal, Oc-
(Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Develop- tober 1987, pp. 22-27.
ment, 2005). 19. Bonnie L. Kuhrt and Pamela J. Farris, “Empowering Students Through
6. Richard L. Allington, What Really Matters for Struggling Readers (New Reading, Writing, and Reasoning,” Journal of Reading, March 1990, p.
York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001), p. 8. 437.
7. Ibid.; and Wiggins and McTighe, op. cit. 20. National Commission on Writing, p. 11.
8. Jacqueline L. Marino, “Between the Lines of Goodlad, Boyer, and Sizer,” 21. Gene A. Budig, “Writing: A Necessary Tool,” Phi Delta Kappan, May
English Journal, February 1998, pp. 19-21; and Mike Schmoker, Results 2006, p. 663.
Now: How We Can Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in Teaching 22. Douglas B. Reeves, The Daily Disciplines of Leadership (San Fran-
and Learning (Alexandria Va.: Association for Supervision and Curricu- cisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003).
lum Development, 2006).
23. National Commission on Writing, p. 11.
9. Gerald Graff, Clueless in Academe (New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univer-
sity Press, 2003); Neil Postman, The End of Education (New York: Knopf, 24. Marino, pp. 19-20.
1995), p. 73; Theodore R. Sizer, Horace’s School (Boston: Houghton- 25. Arthur G. Powell, Eleanor Farrar, and David K. Cohen, The Shopping
Mifflin, 1992); and Wiggins and McTighe, op. cit. Mall High School (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1985), p. 103.
10. David T. Conley, College Knowledge (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 26. Schmoker, op. cit.
2005), p. 6. 27. Allington, p. 27.
11. Ibid., p. 80. 28. Michael P. Ford and Michael F. Opitz, “Using Centers to Engage Chil-
12. George Hillocks, “Synthesis of Research on Teaching Writing,” Edu- dren During Guided Reading Time: Intensifying Learning Experiences
cational Leadership, May 1987, pp. 71-82. Away from the Teacher,” Reading Teacher, May 2002, p. 711.
13. Quoted in Marino, p. 20. 29. Lucy McCormick Calkins et al., A Teacher’s Guide to Standardized
14. Edward J. Kameenui and Douglas W. Carnine, Effective Teaching Strat- Reading Tests: Knowledge Is Power (Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1998),
egies That Accommodate Diverse Learners (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: p. 51.
Merrill, 1998); and National Commission on Writing, The Neglected 30. Allington, pp. 8, 25; David Liben and Meredith Liben, “Learning to
“R”: The Need for a Writing Revolution (New York: College Board, April Read in Order to Learn: Building a Program for Upper-Elementary Stu-
2003). dents,” Phi Delta Kappan, January 2005, pp. 401-6; and Wiggins and
15. Readers interested in finding excellent, practical advice on this matter McTighe, pp. 302-8.
should conduct an Internet search on the phrase “handling the paper 31. Quoted in Kathleen Kennedy Manzo, “NAEP Results Offer Scant In-
load.” sight into Best Reading Strategies,” Education Week, 11 January 2006,
16. Dennis Sparks, Leading for Results (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: NSDC/ p. 14.
Phi p. 38. Kappan Ad.qxd 1/19/07 3:38 PM Page32.
Delta 1 Graff, op. cit.
17. William K. Zinsser, Writing to Learn (New York: Harper & Row, 1988), 33. Budig, op. cit; and Conley, op. cit. K

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