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k|nds of Larthquake

LarLhquake ofLen happens around us lL brlngs greaL damages LarLhquake ls hard Lo be predlcLed and
LhaL makes loL vlcLlms

AcLually Lhere are Lhree klnds of earLhquake 1hls klnds of earLhquake are commonly base on Lhe facLor
and geologlcal area where Lhe earLhquakes happen 1hese Lhree klnds of earLhquake are LecLonlc
volcanlc and exploslon

1ecLonlc earLhquakes ls mosL common one 1hls klnd of earLhquake happens whlle earLhs crusL rocks
break because of Lhe geologlcal sLrengLh creaLed by movlng of Lhe earLhs plaLes

volcanlc earLhquakes happen exacLly wlLh volcanlc acLlvlLy volcanlc earLhquakes are when Lhe volcano
produces acldlc lava whlch drys qulckly when lL drys qulckly lL blocks Lhe Lop of Lhe volcano 1hls make
no more magma can escape ressure sLarLs Lo bulld up and evenLually Lhe acldlc lava can no longer
sLand Lhe pressure So Lhe volcano ls free Lo explode Lhe pressure ls released so fasL LhaL an earLhquake
ls caused A volcanlc earLhquake ls usually kepL wlLhln 1020 mlles of Lhe volcano

Lxploslon earLhquakes are Lhe resulL of Lhe collapse earLhquakes LhaL are small earLhquakes occurrlng ln
underground mlnes and caverns

Shark - Report Text
A shark is a type Iish that lives in the sea. It is one oI the largest sea creatures. There are
over 350 species. A shark is shaped like a torpedo. It has tough skin like sandpaper. Instead oI
bones it has elastic cartilage which helps them to move easily. It can grow up to 8 meters.
Sharks are Iound in all oceans the world. The type oI shark Iound will depend on the
water's temperature. A shark has to keep moving because it needs to breathe through its gills to
keep alive.
When sharks are hungry, they look Ior Iood. DiIIerent sharks eat diIIerent Iood.
Harmless sharks eat plankton but harmIul sharks eat meat.
Sharks have up to Iorty two babies (which are called pups) at a time. When the pups are
born, they leave straight away because the mother shark does not have teats. Some sharks have
their pups in diIIerent ways, some lay eggs while others have them alive. When they are born,
they need to deIend themselves because they have no help them.

General Statement:
A shark is a type oI Iish that lives in the sea. It is one oI the largest sea creatures

Description (appereance, habitat, behaviour, breeding):
Shark are Iound in all oceans around the world. The type oI shark Iound will depend on the
water's temperature. A shark has to keep moving when it is asleep because it will either sink or
suIIocate. It has to keep moving because it needs to breathe its gills to keep alive.
Television, or TV, is one oI humanity's most important means oI communication. It brings
pictures and sounds Irom around the world into millions oI homes.

People with a television set can sit in their house and watch the president makes a speech or
visits a Ioreign country. They can see a war being Iought, and they can wacth government
leaders try to bring about peace. Through television, viewers at home can see and learn about
peopl, places, and things in a away lands. Television even takes viewers out oI this world as the
astronauts explore outer space.

In addition to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream oI programmes that
are designed to entertain. In Iact, TV provides many more entertainment programmes than any
other kind oI inIormation media. The programmes include action-packed dramas, light comedies,
soap operas, sports events, cartoons, quizzes, variety shows and motion pictures.

More than 83 million homes in the United States - or 98 oI all the country's homes - have at
least one television set. On the average, a television set is in use in each home Ior about 6 3/4
hours each day. As a result, television has an important inIluence on how people spend their
time, as well as on what they see and learn. AIter they arrive Irom work, they usually watch TV.
Then, the importance oI television is proven. (Taken from The New Book of Knowledge)
A motel is a kind oI accommodation that provides parking space Ior the guest`s car. That`s why
it is called a motel that stands Ior a motor hotel. The parking space is near building. Sometimes a
motel provides a kitchen set to make a simple cook Ior breakIast. It is usually located in a small
town between two big cities.
(Taken Irom Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 3)
Football is a game played by two teams oI eleven. They try to score by kicking or heading the
ball into the other team`s goal. Ten oI the players can not use their hands. The goal keeper can
handle the ball to stop it going into the goal.
Games similar to Iootball have been played Ior many centuries. The rules oI the games were
written down in 1863. In England, the FA ( Football Association ) cup was Iirst played Ior in
1872. In the same year, England played Scotland in the Iirst game.
Today the most important International Competition is the World Cup which takes place in every
Iour years. Brazil and Italy have each won the world cup three times.

In Indonesia we call it 'sepak bola.In Malaysia they call it 'bola sepak '.In Great Britain they
call it 'Iootball,while in the U.S.A.,it is called soccer.Whatever you call it,it is the most popular
sport in the world.In our country,as in many other counties,it is sometimes called 'Iolk sport or
'olahraga rakyat.

A Iootball (soccer) team has eleven players.One oI them is called goal keeper.He guards the
goal.For the names oI the other ten players,see the diagram oI Iootball Iield below.

A Iootball game lasts 90 minutes and is devided into two 45-minutes halves.It is oIIiciated by a
reIeree,who is assisted by two linesmen.They signal to the reIeree by waving a Ilag when the ball
is out oI play,when a player is oIIside,or when a team should be awarded a thrown-in,corner kick
or a Iree kick.A Iree kick is what we call 'tendangan bebas in Indonsia.

The word 'Field reIers to athletic sports actually done on the Iield.Field events include pole
vault,high jump,and long jump. The Iirst one is called the 'pole vault because the athlete uses a
pole (galah) Ior jumping ( vaulting ). Other sports which are usually Iound in a Iield events are
the Javelin,discus and short-put. They are what we call 'lempar lembing, lempar cakram and
'tolak peluru respectively.

Originally the word 'track reIered to the path (Jalur in Indonesian ) Ior running. Now it reIers to
sport held on the track itselI.In U.S.A.,a track meet is what we call ' pertandingan olahraga lari '
here. Running events include the 100 metre dash (sprint), 1500 metres and the much longer
event,the Marathon.

There is another term which is oIten used when we talk about athletics. That term is decathlon.
The word is derived Irom the word ' deca ' and 'athlon. The Iormer means 'ten like the word
' dasa in 'dasawarsa '. The latter means 'contest. The modern decathlon consists oI : (1) 100
m sprint,(2) long jump ,(3) short-put (4) high junp,(5) 400 metres sprint,(6) 110 metres
hurdles,(7) discus,(8) pole vault,(9) javelin,(10) 1,500 metres.

In the broad sense,athletic sport include cycling,team sports,and "Track and Field" events.
Cycling is one event in the Olympic games, so, Ior example, are sports such as Iootball(soccer),
basketball, volley ball and hockey, track events and Iield events are those which involve the
natural athletic motion oI running, jumping, and throwing. These sports are what we call
athletics in the narrow sense.

A bank is a place oI business dealing in money and credit. It accepts money Irom depositors. A
depositor is a person who deposits or places his money in a bank. The bank uses this money to
make loans, then it will get the interest.

There are two types oI banks. One is a commercial bank and the other is a central bank. The
commercial bank is the one to which the word 'bank usually reIers. A central bank does not
accept deposits, but commercial bank does.

Museums are institutions which help people understand and appreciate the world.
Museums collect objects oI scientiIic, aesthetic or historical importance. They care Ior them,
study and exhibit them Ior the purpose oI public education and the advancement oI knowledge.
Museum can be Iound I almost every big city in the world.
Museums also Iunction as educational institutions which oIIer many beneIits to their visitors.
People oI diIIerent ages, interests, background, and abilities can explore and do selI-learning at
the museums. They are also public places where people can be entertained, inspired, introduced
to new ideas.

There are some major types oI museums. The most common one is the history museums. They
usually collect a wide range oI objects including Iine art, Iurniture, clothing, documents, and
other materials. The next type oI museums is the art museums. They reIlect artistic
accomplishment, both historic and contemporary. Their collection includes paintings, sculpture,
prints, drawings, photographs, ceramics and glass, metal work, and Iurniture.

The next two museums are the natural history museums and the science museums. The Iirst type
oI museums usually Iocuses on nature and culture. Dinosaurs, gems and minerals, native and
ancient cultures are always popular exhibits at natural history museums. Meanwhile, the science
museums are dedicated to improve public understanding oI science and scientiIic achievements.
Science museums usually allow people to experience and experiment.


8lrds are lnLeresLlng flylng anlmals 1hey are verLebraLes and warm blooded anlmals 1hey belong Lo
aves class and Lhey can be found all over Lhe world

8lrds breaLh wlLh Lhelr alr pockeL 8eslde as resplraLlon organ alr pockeL also can enlarge or reduce
Lhelr welghL when flylng or swlmmlng

1here are many klnds of blrds LarLh blrd has speclal characLerlsLlc 1hey have dlfferenL morphology
acordlng Lo Lhelr food and Lhelr hablLaL Some of Lhem eaL seeds pollen flsh or meaL 1here are some
specles LhaL llve ln land and Lhe oLhers llve ln waLer Land blrds llve on Lhelr nesL

lemale blrds have speclflc Lasks Lhey lay eggs and feed Lhelr baby 8eslde LhaL Lhey look for foods for
Lhelr baby

1eks reporL adalah salah saLu [enls Leks ( genre ) dalam bahasa lnggrls yang men[elaskan sesuaLu apa
adanya 1eks lnl mempunyal langkahlangkah reLorlka ( generlc sLrucLure) yang Lerdlrl darl Ceneral
ClasslflcaLlon dan uescrlpLlon
- Ceneral ClasslflcaLlon klaslflkasl umum LenLang apa yang dl[elaskan ( Lells whaL Lhe phenomenon
under dlscusslon ls )
- uescrlpLlon men[elaskan fenomenafenomena yang sedang dl[elaskan dalam baglanbaglan
kuallLas keblasaan dan Llngkah laku ( Lells whaL Lhe phenomenon under dlscusslon ls llke ln Lerms of
parLs quallLles hablLs or behavlor )
lungsl soslal Leks reporL ( soclal funcLlon of a reporL LexL ) adalah unLuk men[elaskan sesuaLu apa adanya
ConLoh 1eks reporL
Source Lngllsh for !unlor Plgh School 3 llrsL LdlLlon uepdlknas ulkdasmen ulrekLoraL

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