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Teaching English as a Second Language in India, Focus on Objectives

ABSTRACT: Needs in English Language Teaching and Learning is very essential factor that is to be investigated from the learners so that a facilitator can make an F.I.R. in which the remedies of removing fear and hesitation from the learneres minds are mentioned. An imitation of the teacher is the best game to play, to learn and to get something in the form of fluent speaker and to become a real learner of the second language. To recognize the Indian learners in universal educational arena is the objective to learn and speak English. The learning process with three main aspects is a major psychological development of the learners that can carry out the better result to use a speaking as a productive skill among the learners like, Communication Imitation Influence

Teaching English as a Second Language in India, Focus on Objectives Needs is a prominent factor that makes all areas of learning move around its periphery because the needs of the learners can help them to speak a language learning as well as language teaching just like asking them what they would like to prefer in their lunch so that they are work better than the previous result, Considering four expertise Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Which are the requirements of the learners of primary, high and higher secondary schools? Just to speak (which language, dont know) or to speak in English with less Grammatical errors and more confidence level. Somehow, Verma plays around the idea of psychology of the learners giving three indispensible aspects like, Cognition Catharsis
Self-expression (Verma, 224)

The facilitator is supposed to pass from the process of the students generally what they are thinking, what is their approach toward their instructor, are they inclined to learn

something? If yes, then which are their areas of interest that are to be covered in language learning. What do you want from the facilitator?, Can the learners express what they want to express?, and Are they facing any sort of problem? In comprehending what they are learning? Etc challenges should be accepted by the instructor and solved gradually. The very simple and direct idea behind English language teaching in India is the language itself. There is no any better way of learning save the beginning of speaking, is the best way out. Though at the initial level, learner may confront so many problems but these solving problems, meanings out of the problems, is like possessing the language. Just making learners speak in a battle for the instructor because to making learners enabled to speak it, he [or she] faces plenty of problems like lack of zeal, interest, selfexpressions, out-burst of learners input, struggle in understanding and grasping what the facilitator is speaking, prejudice among the learners and the instructor, so on and so forth. Verma has begun his essay with the fundamental function in learning something is to make the content of the lesson simple and comprehensive so that he [or she] can help learners to ask the questions in different ways. But what the researcher leads to believe that helping them in asking the questions, is a second stage of learning process. To ask the questions, one has to have a content or understanding towards the lesson. The learners speak or ask something what he [or she] has in his [or her] mind. To get something as a part of feedback, one has to give something as a part of stimuli so that they can be ready for giving the response. The first and initial step of establishing a process is to help learners to speak something, may be in the form of confusion, query, suggestions, complements, arguments or may be the questions to learn something more. Learners may be coming from various parts of the country or various states of the country. So they must be using their mother tongue or L2 while communicating. In short, language interacts among the learners having one goal to reach to the second language. Interaction between several languages creates a common system-network as a whole, having learners a separate system-network with different function-determined value. Writing more systematic, Verma introduces another notion of link language or lingua franca among these various system-networks having a whole of it. English as a link language functions different roles with different learners. So the learners will use only one language at a time. English as a connecting bridge between two other languages

make communication easier. The role of a second language significantly in a multilingual setting encourage wider mobility, mobility in a sense of moving one step from mother tongue and possessing the second step of speaking second language. Multilingualism provides a wider scope of learning English as far as India, a multilingual country is concerned. Teaching as an international language or as a second language, an interaction should take place. An interaction among the several languages set an interaction among the learners. Asking the question and interacting are two sides of one coin. And this coin is language itself. The learners are the questions while an instructor is an answer. So learning process is rather problem-solving activity, having a good output. The researcher would like to add one more technique in learning and teaching process. Generally every learner knows how to copy others. So imitation of the instructor makes the process easier. Imitation should be focused because whatever the learners take something. It is because of their memory power how did the instructor conduct a session. How he talked and chatted, walked, smiled, used his postures and gestures, facial expressions, articulating the spellings, spoke the sentences, and explained the given paragraph and what not. Half success comes out if the imitation of the instructor can be done. This can be called, what Verma mentions in his essay, is language-learning-mechanism. Coping what the teacher teaches in the class-room as far as genuine learning is concerned can be called the best remedy for the learners exposure to that language. To make it graphical, one can draw an image like this,

So the whole external process of learning English becomes internal equally. Imitation and its impact on each other is very essential part of language learning. The process becomes more prodigious when the imitation starts internalized not only linguistic aspects but

socio-linguistic aspects of the game also. So apart from helping them to speak, it helps them what Verma writes in his words, learners internalize not only the linguistic but also the socio-linguistic rules of the game, so that they capture the system which enables them to focus on what to say, when and how. (Verma 225) Last underlined words say that learners do not learn only a Basic English speaking skills as a day-to-day conversation but also they learn about accuracy and appropriateness, fluency and way of expressing it. Furthermore, in the writing in his essay, he quotes Pit Corder focusing on active participating spirit of the learners in language learning. The students speak something or more then that then it becomes a part of lacking a part in process. This is the nature of the students or the learners how they are found in language learning and teaching. These are the objectives that Indian students must take into deliberation. There are multiple duties go to the side teachers side that is more ahead considering learners level and horizons of the possibilities to learn the language. To maintain the atmosphere of the class-room and to make it more active and interactive, the instructor should have an enthusiasm and vigour. He is not supposed to be passive while learning takes place. The owner of this essay says, A teacher full of life and vitour, resourcefulness and innovative power, love and understanding can turn a dull class into a lively two-way interactional game. (Verma 226) Old and used technique, theory or approach does not set a live atmosphere every time. The learners cannot cope up with method, the facilitator uses in teaching language. Lively class may turn into dull, one does not know. An instructor should have some currently used methods to teach the learner as far as second language is concerned. He should be like an internet resource from where the learners can find whatever he [or she] wants or needs. Considering students level, a teacher must focus on their level of four skills in ELT. Well-qualified, innovative teacher can be a living model and act as the best audio-visual aid. That is the role of the teacher in real sense of the term, as far as infants in nursery schools are concerned. These are the must for a teacher to cultivate.

Further in his essay, Verma discusses about L1 (mother tongue), L2 (second language/link language/associative language), foreign language (various languages of the different parts of the world), classical language (Sanskrit language, representing Indian culture, philosophy of life for refinement and sharpening the tools of analysis). English becomes our need to enter the second world that is a gobble world in which languages interact to each other. The learners are to be exposed to the second language in a way that they can touch the window of the world. To communicate in a second language as we use a mother tongue in day-to-day conversation, is the need of Indian learners of the second language. The educational arena of Indian region to be explored and exposed to the universal educational field where Indian learners can communicate comfortably with other learners of the other countries, using English as a second or link language. Verma, in the concluding part of the essay, describes the primary aims of teaching English as a second language focusing on the four expertises of the language and communication. He stresses on the reading with understanding, including all four components in ELT, ability to understand a talk in English, to write comprehensibly in English, to carry o our conversation in English et make India as a multilingual nation including English as a second language. Exposure to English initiates with introducing new and appropriate theory and its application I teaching method having new course books, including audiovisual resources and program and what is more important and necessary is removing an illusion of spoken classes from the minds of the learners and creating an educational atmosphere in the class.

Work cited Verma, K. Veram. Teaching English as a Second Language in India: Focus on Objective. English in India. Omkar K. Koul. Ed.

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