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Trace Mineral Requirements and Guidelines for Feedlot (Growing and Finishing) and Stocker Cattle (NRC, 1996a)
Industry Rangesb Requirement Growing and Finishing Cattle, ppm
0.10 10 0.50 50 20 0.10 30

Trace Minerals
Chromium Cobalt Copper Iodine Iron Manganese Selenium Zinc

Maximum Tolerable Concentration

10 100 50 1000 1000 2 500

Trace Minerals
Chromium Cobalt Copper Iodine Iron Manganese Selenium Zinc

Range, ppm Feedlot Growing/ Finishing

0-1 0.2 - 1.5 10 - 30 0.5 - 0.8 0 - 50 40 - 100 0.1 - 0.3 40 - 120

0-1 0.1 - 1.5 8 - 25 0.5 - 1.5 0 - 50 40 - 80 0.1 - 0.3 40 - 100

Adapted from NRC, 1996; Table 5-1 (p 54)

Zinpro Corporation Guidelinesc Supplied by ZINPRO and MiCroPlex (10 kg DMI)d ppm
36 1 -

Trace Minerals
Zinc Chromium Copper

Recommended Levels (hd/d) Feedlot

360 mg Zn from ZINPRO zinc methionine

Supplied by Complexed Zn & Cu (7 kg DMI)d Recommended Levels (hd/d) Stocker

360 mg Zn from either ZINPRO zinc methionine or AvailaZn zinc amino acid complex 125 mg Cu from either CuPLEX copper lysine or AvailaCu copper amino acid complex

30 - 90 100 -

51 17

43 - 100 57 - 100

10 mg Cr from MiCroPlex 1000 -

Zinpro Corporation guidelines based upon current research database Manganese: Reference Product Information Sheet Cobalt: Reference Product Information Sheet Percent supplied based upon industry ranges. Feeding guidelines for ZINPRO, CuPLEX, AvailaMins or MiCroPlex assumes the diet is adequately fortified with trace minerals. In presence of excessive amounts of antagonists, consider increasing the % of trace minerals supplied by ZINPRO, CuPlex, AvailaMins or MiCroPlex

COMMENTS Supplemental: No credit given to trace mineral content of feedstuffs or water. However, if warranted, credit may be given to dietary endogenous sources of zinc Zinpro Corporation guidelines are usually over and above current trace mineral feeding levels. However, at higher trace mineral levels, substitution may occur Awareness of copper antagonists (Mo, Fe, S) is essential Availability of endogenous Mn from feedstuffs is low Iron supplementation currently being reduced Cobalt levels increasing for maximum fiber digestibility and reduction of heat stress

Improving Trace Mineral Status Through the Use of Zinpro Performance Minerals:
Trace minerals are essential for optimal function of numerous enzymes involved in metabolism, immunity and reproduction. Typically the NRC nutrient requirement publications have used data from inorganic trace mineral sources that attempted to achieve minimal nutritional requirements without any safety margin. While these research experiments may have avoided clinical signs of trace mineral deficiency, it is unlikely that enzyme function, reproduction or growth performance were maximized.

Impact of Trace Mineral Status on Biological Function

Decreasing Status Increasing Status

Trace Mineral Status

Immunity & Enzyme Function Maximum Production/Reproduction NRC Req Normal Production/Reproduction NRC Req








A New Results-Based Formulation Strategy

Zinpro Performance Minerals are more bioavailable than inorganic sources (Wedekind et al., 1992. JAS 70:178). The focus is enhanced trace mineral status that results in improved immune status and enzyme function. The ultimate goals are maximizing production and reproduction.

Relative Bioavailability of Trace Mineral Sourcesa

Zinpro Corporation Element Zinc Manganese Copper Iron

Effect of Trace Mineral Source and Level on Animal Performance

Complexes Inorganic

Sulfateb 100 100 100 100

Oxide 37-108 25-103 0-15 0-15

Carbonate 58-100 23-98 66-68 0-75

Chloride 42-99 93-102 100-110 44-78

Complexes 150-206 148-174 116-120 183

Bioavailability values influenced by level of antagonists in the diet, complexity of the diet and stress level for the animal Sulfate is always assigned a value of 100 and values for other sources are determined using regression equations; the 100 value is relative and does not indicate 100% absorption Ammerman et al., 1995. Bioavailability of Nutrients for Animals Edwards, H.M. 2000 Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference


Increasing Trace Mineral Level

B-5004-MX March 26, 2007

10400 Viking Drive, Suite 240 Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7265 Phone: 800-445-6145 or 952-983-4000 Fax: 952-944-2749

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