Está en la página 1de 18

3C Wlreless 1echnology 1able of ConLenLs

1 lnLroducLlon
2 3C Wlreless MarkeL urlvers
3 LxlsLlng Moblle neLworks
4 nexL CeneraLlon Moblle neLworks
3 LvoluLlon Lo 3C Wlreless 1echnology
6 Comparlson of 2C and 3C Moblle neLworks
7 1rllllums Wlreless SofLware SoluLlon
8 AbouL 1rllllum

1hlrd CeneraLlon (3C) moblle devlces and servlces wlll Lransform wlreless communlcaLlons lnLo
onllne realLlme connecLlvlLy 3C wlreless Lechnology wlll allow an lndlvldual Lo have lmmedlaLe
access Lo locaLlonspeclflc servlces LhaL offer lnformaLlon on demand 1he flrsL generaLlon of
moblle phones conslsLed of Lhe analog models LhaL emerged ln Lhe early 1980s 1he second
generaLlon of dlglLal moblle phones appeared abouL Len years laLer along wlLh Lhe flrsL dlglLal
moblle neLworks uurlng Lhe second generaLlon Lhe moblle LelecommunlcaLlons lndusLry
experlenced exponenLlal growLh boLh ln Lerms of subscrlbers as well as new Lypes of valueadded
servlces Moblle phones are rapldly becomlng Lhe preferred means of personal communlcaLlon
creaLlng Lhe worlds largesL consumer elecLronlcs lndusLry
1he rapld and efflclenL deploymenL of new wlreless daLa and lnLerneL servlces has emerged as a
crlLlcal prlorlLy for communlcaLlons equlpmenL manufacLurers neLwork componenLs LhaL enable
wlreless daLa servlces are fundamenLal Lo Lhe nexLgeneraLlon neLwork lnfrasLrucLure Wlreless
daLa servlces are expecLed Lo see Lhe same exploslve growLh ln demand LhaL lnLerneL servlces
and wlreless volce servlces have seen ln recenL years
1hls whlLe paper presenLs an overvlew of currenL Lechnology Lrends ln Lhe wlreless Lechnology
markeL a hlsLorlcal overvlew of Lhe evolvlng wlreless Lechnologles and an examlnaLlon of how Lhe
communlcaLlons lndusLry plans Lo lmplemenL 3C wlreless Lechnology sLandards Lo address Lhe
growlng demand for wlreless mulLlmedla servlces llnally Lhls paper presenLs 1rllllum?s soluLlons
whlch enable wlreless communlcaLlons and lnLerneL lnfrasLrucLure equlpmenL manufacLurers Lo
develop 3C neLwork elemenLs for qulck and efflclenL deploymenL

2 3C Wlreless MarkeL urlvers
1elecommunlcaLlons servlce provlders and neLwork operaLors are embraclng Lhe recenLly
adopLed global Lhlrd generaLlon (3C) wlreless sLandards ln order Lo address emerglng user
demands and Lo provlde new servlces 1he concepL of 3C wlreless Lechnology represenLs a shlfL
from volcecenLrlc servlces Lo mulLlmedlaorlenLed (volce daLa vldeo fax) servlces ln addlLlon
heavy demand for remoLe access Lo personallzed daLa ls fuellng developmenL of appllcaLlons
such as Lhe Wlreless AppllcaLlon roLocol (WA) and mulLlmedla managemenL Lo complemenL
Lhe 3C proLocols ComplemenLary sLandards such as 8lueLooLh wlll enable lnLeroperablllLy
beLween a moblle Lermlnal (phone uA eLc) and oLher elecLronlc devlces such as a
lapLop/deskLop and perlpherals provldlng added convenlence Lo Lhe consumer and allowlng for
Lhe synchronlzaLlon and uploadlng of lnformaLlon aL all Llmes
Accordlng Lo Lehman 8roLhers approxlmaLely 30 percenL of currenL volce servlces subscrlbers
are expecLed Lo use wlreless daLa servlces by 2007 lnsLead of 23 percenL as prevlously forecasL

Lehman 8roLhers furLher predlcLs LhaL wlLhln seven years 18 percenL of cellular revenues and 21
percenL of CS (personal communlcaLlons servlces) revenue wlll come from wlreless daLa
servlces Cellular subscrlpLlons are forecasL Lo exceed one bllllon by 2003
compared wlLh Lhe
306 mllllon LhaL was forecasL aL Lhe end of 1998 represenLlng a compound annual growLh of 29
percenL uemand for volce servlces has LradlLlonally been a markeL drlver Powever Loday
demand for daLa servlces has emerged as an equally slgnlflcanL markeL drlver AfLer many years
of sLasls Lhe LelecommunlcaLlons lndusLry ls undergolng revoluLlonary changes due Lo Lhe lmpacL
of lncreased demand for daLa servlces on wlrellne and wlreless neLworks up unLll recenLly daLa
Lrafflc over moblle neLworks remalned low aL around 2 due Lo Lhe bandwldLh llmlLaLlons of Lhe
presenL secondgeneraLlon (2C) wlreless neLworks 1oday new Lechnologles are qulckly
emerglng LhaL wlll opLlmlze Lhe LransporL of daLa servlces and offer hlgher bandwldLh ln a moblle
envlronmenL As a case ln polnL Lhe lncreased use of Lhe lnLerneL as an accepLable source for
lnformaLlon dlsLrlbuLlon and reLrleval ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe lncreased demand for global moblllLy
has creaLed a need for 3C wlreless communlcaLlons proLocols
1he Lhlrd generaLlon of moblle communlcaLlons wlll greaLly enhance Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of
sophlsLlcaLed wlreless appllcaLlons users wlll be able Lo uLlllze personal locaLlonbased wlreless
lnformaLlon and lnLeracLlve servlces Also many companles and corporaLlons are resLrucLurlng
Lhelr buslness processes Lo be able Lo fully explolL Lhe opporLunlLles provlded by Lhe emerglng
new wlreless daLa servlces Many advanced wlreless servlces are already avallable Loday and
Lhe lnLroducLlon of 3C wlreless Lechnologles wlll add Lo Lhelr ublqulLy

3 LxlsLlng Moblle neLworks
31 llrsL CeneraLlon Wlreless 1echnology
1he flrsL generaLlon of wlreless moblle communlcaLlons was based on analog slgnalllng Analog
sysLems lmplemenLed ln norLh Amerlca were known as Analog Moblle hone SysLems (AMS)
whlle sysLems lmplemenLed ln Lurope and Lhe resL of Lhe world were Lyplcally ldenLlfled as a
varlaLlon of 1oLal Access CommunlcaLlon SysLems (1ACS) Analog sysLems were prlmarlly based
on clrculLswlLched Lechnology and deslgned for volce noL daLa
32 Second CeneraLlon Wlreless 1echnology
1he second generaLlon (2C) of Lhe wlreless moblle neLwork was based on lowband dlglLal daLa
slgnalllng 1he mosL popular 2C wlreless Lechnology ls known as Clobal SysLems for Moblle
CommunlcaLlons (CSM) CSM sysLems flrsL lmplemenLed ln 1991 are now operaLlng ln abouL
140 counLrles and LerrlLorles around Lhe world An esLlmaLed 248 mllllon users now operaLe over
CSM sysLems CSM Lechnology ls a comblnaLlon of lrequency ulvlslon MulLlple Access (luMA)
and 1lme ulvlslon MulLlple Access (1uMA) 1he flrsL CSM sysLems used a 23MPz frequency
specLrum ln Lhe 900MPz band luMA ls used Lo dlvlde Lhe avallable 23MPz of bandwldLh lnLo
124 carrler frequencles of 200kPz each Lach frequency ls Lhen dlvlded uslng a 1uMA scheme
lnLo elghL LlmesloLs 1he use of separaLe LlmesloLs for Lransmlsslon and recepLlon slmpllfles Lhe
elecLronlcs ln Lhe moblle unlLs 1oday CSM sysLems operaLe ln Lhe 900MPz and 18 CPz bands
LhroughouL Lhe world wlLh Lhe excepLlon of Lhe Amerlcas where Lhey operaLe ln Lhe 19 CPz band
ln addlLlon Lo CSM a slmllar Lechnology called ersonal ulglLal CommunlcaLlons (uC) uslng
1uMAbased Lechnology emerged ln !apan Slnce Lhen several oLher 1uMAbased sysLems
have been deployed worldwlde and serve an esLlmaLed 89 mllllon people worldwlde Whlle CSM
Lechnology was developed ln Lurope Code ulvlslon MulLlple Access (CuMA) Lechnology was
developed ln norLh Amerlca CuMA uses spread specLrum Lechnology Lo break up speech lnLo
small dlglLlzed segmenLs and encodes Lhem Lo ldenLlfy each call CuMA sysLems have been
lmplemenLed worldwlde ln abouL 30 counLrles and serve an esLlmaLed 44 mllllon subscrlbers
Whlle CSM and oLher 1uMAbased sysLems have become Lhe domlnanL 2C wlreless
Lechnologles CuMA Lechnology ls recognlzed as provldlng clearer volce quallLy wlLh less
background nolse fewer dropped calls enhanced securlLy greaLer rellablllLy and greaLer neLwork
capaclLy 1he Second CeneraLlon (2C) wlreless neLworks menLloned above are also mosLly
based on clrculLswlLched Lechnology 2C wlreless neLworks are dlglLal and expand Lhe range of
appllcaLlons Lo more advanced volce servlces such as Called Llne ldenLlflcaLlon 2C wlreless
Lechnology can handle some daLa capablllLles such as fax and shorL message servlce aL Lhe daLa
raLe of up Lo 96 kbps buL lL ls noL sulLable for web browslng and mulLlmedla appllcaLlons

4 nexL CeneraLlon Moblle neLworks
41 Second CeneraLlon (2C+) Wlreless neLworks
As sLaLed ln a prevlous secLlon Lhe vlrLual exploslon of lnLerneL usage has had a Lremendous
lmpacL on Lhe demand for advanced wlreless daLa communlcaLlon servlces Powever Lhe
effecLlve daLa raLe of 2C clrculLswlLched wlreless sysLems ls relaLlvely slow Loo slow for Lodays
lnLerneL As a resulL CSM uC and oLher 1uMAbased moblle sysLem provlders and carrlers
have developed 2C+ Lechnology LhaL ls packeLbased and lncreases Lhe daLa communlcaLlon
speeds Lo as hlgh as 384kbps 1hese 2C+ sysLems are based on Lhe followlng Lechnologles Plgh
Speed ClrculLSwlLched uaLa (PSCSu) Ceneral ackeL 8adlo Servlce (C8S) and Lnhanced
uaLa 8aLes for Clobal LvoluLlon (LuCL) Lechnologles
PSCSu ls one sLep Lowards 3C wldeband moblle daLa neLworks 1hls clrculLswlLched Lechnology
lmproves Lhe daLa raLes up Lo 376kbps by lnLroduclng 144 kbps daLa codlng and by aggregaLlng
4 radlo channels LlmesloLs of 144 kbps
C8S ls an lnLermedlaLe sLep LhaL ls deslgned Lo allow Lhe CSM world Lo lmplemenL a full range
of lnLerneL servlces wlLhouL walLlng for Lhe deploymenL of fullscale 3C wlreless sysLems C8S
Lechnology ls packeLbased and deslgned Lo work ln parallel wlLh Lhe 2C CSM uC and 1uMA
sysLems LhaL are used for volce communlcaLlons and for Lable lookup Lo obLaln C8S user
proflles ln Lhe LocaLlon 8eglsLer daLabases C8S uses a mulLlple of Lhe 1 Lo 8 radlo channel
LlmesloLs ln Lhe 200kPzfrequency band allocaLed for a carrler frequency Lo enable daLa speeds of
up Lo 113kbps 1he daLa ls packeLlzed and LransporLed over ubllc Land Moblle neLworks
(LMn) uslng an l backbone so LhaL moblle users can access servlces on Lhe lnLerneL such as
SM1/Cbased emall fLp and P11based Web servlces lor more lnformaLlon on C8S
please see 1rllllums Ceneral ackeL 8adlo Servlce (C8S) WhlLe aper aL
LuCL Lechnology ls a sLandard LhaL has been speclfled Lo enhance Lhe LhroughpuL per LlmesloL
for boLh PSCSu and C8S 1he enhancemenL of PSCSu ls called LCSu whereas Lhe
enhancemenL of C8S ls called LC8S ln LCSu Lhe maxlmum daLa raLe wlll noL lncrease from
64 kbps due Lo Lhe resLrlcLlons ln Lhe A lnLerface buL Lhe daLa raLe per LlmesloL wlll Lrlple Slmllarly
ln LC8S Lhe daLa raLe per LlmesloL wlll Lrlple and Lhe peak LhroughpuL lncludlng all elghL
LlmesloLs ln Lhe radlo lnLerface wlll exceed 384 kbps

1he followlng ls a brlef descrlpLlon of each proLocol layer ln Lhe C8S neLwork lnfrasLrucLure
? SubneLwork uependenL Convergence roLocol (SnuC) proLocol LhaL maps a neLworklevel
proLocol such as l or x23 Lo Lhe underlylng loglcal llnk conLrol SnuC also provldes
oLher funcLlons such as compresslon segmenLaLlon and mulLlplexlng of neLworklayer
messages Lo a slngle vlrLual connecLlon
? Loglcal Llnk ConLrol (LLC) a daLa llnk layer proLocol for C8S whlch funcLlons slmllar Lo
Llnk Access roLocol ? u (LAu) 1hls layer assures Lhe rellable Lransfer of user daLa across
a wlreless neLwork
? 8ase SLaLlon SysLem C8S roLocol (8SSC) processes rouLlng and quallLy of servlce
(CoS) lnformaLlon for Lhe 8SS 8SSC uses Lhe lrame 8elay C922 core proLocol as lLs
LransporL mechanlsm
? C8S 1unnel roLocol (C1) proLocol LhaL Lunnels Lhe proLocol daLa unlLs Lhrough Lhe l
backbone by addlng rouLlng lnformaLlon C1 operaLes on Lop of 1C/uu over l
? C8S MoblllLy ManagemenL (CMM/SM) proLocol LhaL operaLes ln Lhe slgnalllng plane of
C8S handles moblllLy lssues such as roamlng auLhenLlcaLlon selecLlon of encrypLlon
algorlLhms and malnLalns u conLexL
? neLwork Servlce proLocol LhaL manages Lhe convergence sublayer LhaL operaLes beLween
8SSC and Lhe lrame 8elay C922 Core by mapplng 8SSCs servlce requesLs Lo Lhe
approprlaLe lrame 8elay servlces
? 8SSA+ proLocol LhaL enables paglng for volce connecLlons from MSC vla SCSn Lhus
opLlmlzlng paglng for moblle subscrlbers 8SSA+ ls also responslble for locaLlon and rouLlng
updaLes as well as moblle sLaLlon alerLlng
??SCC M13 M12 are proLocols used Lo supporL Moblle AppllcaLlon arL (MA) and
8SSA+ ln clrculL swlLched LMns
? Moblle AppllcaLlon arL (MA) supporLs slgnallng beLween SCSn/CCSn and

42 1hlrd CeneraLlon (3C) Wlreless neLworks
3C wlreless Lechnology represenLs Lhe convergence of varlous 2C wlreless LelecommunlcaLlons
sysLems lnLo a slngle global sysLem LhaL lncludes boLh LerresLrlal and saLelllLe componenLs Cne of
Lhe mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of 3C wlreless Lechnology ls lLs ablllLy Lo unlfy exlsLlng cellular
sLandards such as CuMA CSM and 1uMA under one umbrella 1he followlng Lhree alr
lnLerface modes accompllsh Lhls resulL wldeband CuMA CuMA2000 and Lhe unlversal Wlreless
CommunlcaLlon (uWC136) lnLerfaces
Wldeband CuMA (WCuMA) ls compaLlble wlLh Lhe currenL 2C CSM neLworks prevalenL ln
Lurope and parLs of Asla WCuMA wlll requlre bandwldLh of beLween 3Mhz and 10 Mhz maklng
lL a sulLable plaLform for hlgher capaclLy appllcaLlons lL can be overlald onLo exlsLlng CSM 1uMA
(lS36) and lS93 neLworks Subscrlbers are llkely Lo access 3C wlreless servlces lnlLlally vla dual
band Lermlnal devlces WCuMA neLworks wlll be used for hlghcapaclLy appllcaLlons and 2C
dlglLal wlreless sysLems wlll be used for volce calls
1he second radlo lnLerface ls CuMA2000 whlch ls backward compaLlble wlLh Lhe second
generaLlon CuMA lS93 sLandard predomlnanLly used ln uS 1he Lhlrd radlo lnLerface unlversal
Wlreless CommunlcaLlons ? uWC136 also called lS136PS was proposed by Lhe 1lA and
deslgned Lo comply wlLh AnSl136 Lhe norLh Amerlcan 1uMA sLandard
3C wlreless neLworks conslsL of a 8adlo Access neLwork (8An) and a core neLwork 1he core
neLwork conslsLs of a packeLswlLched domaln whlch lncludes 3C SCSns and CCSns whlch
provlde Lhe same funcLlonallLy LhaL Lhey provlde ln a C8S sysLem and a clrculLswlLched
domaln whlch lncludes 3C MSC for swlLchlng of volce calls Charglng for servlces and access ls
done Lhrough Lhe Charglng CaLeway luncLlon (CCl) whlch ls also parL of Lhe core neLwork 8An
funcLlonallLy ls lndependenL from Lhe core neLwork funcLlonallLy 1he access neLwork provldes a
core neLwork Lechnology lndependenL access for moblle Lermlnals Lo dlfferenL Lypes of core
neLworks and neLwork servlces LlLher core neLwork domaln can access any approprlaLe 8An
servlce eg lL should be posslble Lo access a ?speech? radlo access bearer from Lhe packeLswlLched

3C wlreless Lechnology lnLroduces new 8adlo Access neLwork (8An) conslsLlng of node 8 and
8nC neLwork elemenLs 1he 3C Core neLwork conslsLs of Lhe same enLlLles as CSM and C8S
3C MSC/vL8 CMSC PL8/AuC/Ll8 3CSCSn and CCSn l Lechnology ls used endLoend
for mulLlmedla appllcaLlons and A1M Lechnology ls used Lo provlde rellable LransporL wlLh CoS
3C wlreless soluLlons allow for Lhe posslblllLy of havlng an lnLegraLed neLwork for clrculLswlLched
and packeLswlLched servlces by uLlllzlng A1M Lechnology 1he 8SC may evolve lnLo an 8nC by
uslng addon cards or addlLlonal hardware LhaL ls colocaLed 1he carrler frequency (3Mhz) and
Lhe bands (23 Lo 3Chz) are dlfferenL for 3C wlreless Lechnology compared Lo 2C/2C+ wlreless
Lechnology LvoluLlon of 8SC Lo 8nC requlres supporL for new proLocols such as uC 88C
8AnA 8nSA and n8A 1herefore 81S evoluLlon lnLo node 8 may prove Lo be dlfflculL and
may represenL slgnlflcanL caplLal expendlLure on Lhe parL of neLwork operaLors
MSC evoluLlon depends on Lhe selecLlon of a flxed neLwork Lo carry Lhe requesLed servlces lf an
A1M neLwork ls chosen Lhen A1M proLocols wlll have Lo be supporLed ln 3C MSC along wlLh
lnLerworklng beLween A1M and exlsLlng S1n/lSun neLworks
1he evoluLlon of SCSn and CCSn Lo 3C nodes ls relaLlvely easler LnhancemenLs Lo C1
proLocol and supporL for new 8AnA proLocol are necessary Lo supporL 3C wlreless sysLems
A1M proLocols need Lo be lncorporaLed Lo LransporL Lhe servlces 1he PL8 daLabases evolve lnLo
3CPL8 by addlng 3C wlreless user proflles 1he vL8 daLabase musL also be updaLed
accordlngly 1he Ll8 daLabase needs Lo change Lo accommodaLe new equlpmenL LhaL wlll be
deployed for 3C wlreless sysLems llnally global roamlng requlres compaLlblllLy Lo exlsLlng
deploymenL and graceful fallback Lo an avallable level when requesLed servlces are noL avallable
ln Lhe reglon 1owards Lhls end Lhe CperaLor ParmonlzaLlon Croup (CPC) ls worklng closely wlLh
3C arLnershlp ro[ecLs (3C and 3C2) Lo come up wlLh global sLandards for 3C wlreless

8 AbouL 1rllllum
1rllllum ulglLal SysLems ls Lhe leadlng provlder of communlcaLlons sofLware soluLlons for Lhe
converged neLwork lnfrasLrucLure 1rllllums source code soluLlons are used ln more Lhan 300
pro[ecLs by lndusLryleadlng suppllers of wlreless lnLerneL broadband and Lelephony producLs
1rllllums hlghperformance hlghavallablllLy sofLware and servlces reduce Lhe Llme rlsk and cosL
of lmplemenLlng SS7 l P323 MCC A1M Wlreless and oLher sLandardsbased
communlcaLlons proLocols
1rllllum acLlvely parLlclpaLes ln Lhe developmenL of 3rd generaLlon sysLems by developlng
sLandardsbased wlreless communlcaLlons proLocols lL ls llkely LhaL Lhe flrsL 3C moblle Lermlnals
wlll be mulLlmode devlces whlch means LhaL Lhey wlll supporL a number of 2nd generaLlon
proLocol sLandards ln order Lo reach wlde neLwork coverage and Lo provlde 3rd generaLlon
advanced servlces 1rllllum has exLenslve knowhow ln all Lhe ma[or communlcaLlons proLocol
sLandards ln Lhe world and can provlde soluLlons for many Lypes of neLworks
1rllllum deslgns all lLs porLable sofLware producLs uslng Lhe 1rllllum Advanced orLablllLy
ArchlLecLure (1AA?) a seL of archlLecLural and codlng sLandards LhaL ensure Lhe sofLware ls
compleLely lndependenL of Lhe compller processor operaLlng sysLem and archlLecLure of Lhe
LargeL sysLem 1hls makes 1rllllum producLs porLable conslsLenL rellable hlgh quallLy hlgh
performance flexlble and scaleable 1hls archlLecLure also ensures LhaL all 1rllllum proLocols can
lnLerwork seamlessly ln Lhe same or beLween dlfferenL neLworks
As menLloned above successful lmplemenLaLlon adopLlon and overall accepLance of Lhe 3C
wlreless neLworks depends largely on Lhe ablllLy of Lhese new moblle neLworks Lo lnLerface and
lnLerwork wlLh Lhe exlsLlng 2C and legacy neLworks currenLly deployed worldwlde 1rllllum offers a
broad range of proLocols for flrsL and secondgeneraLlon moblle neLworks legacy neLworks and
flxed neLworks 1rllllums producLs allow wlreless communlcaLlons equlpmenL manufacLurers Lo
develop besLlnclass nexLgeneraLlon moblle neLworks Lo ensure success of Lhe neLwork
operaLor and servlce provlder and Lo ensure wlde accepLance of Lhe new servlces by endusers
AddlLlonal lnformaLlon ls avallable aL hLLp//wwwLrllllumcom

lease use Search hLLp//wwwsemlnarpro[ecLscom/searchphp 1o CeL More lnformaLlon AbouL

A Semlnar Cr ro[ecL 1oplc

13102010 0103 M
osL #2
ro[ecL Semlnar 1echnology LxperL
PeyAsk More lnfo AbouL 3C Wlreless 1echnology osLs 1122
!olned !un 2010

1hanks 0
33 Lhank was glven ln 30 posLs

8L 3C Wlreless 1echnology
Wlreless A1MppL (Slze 8303 k8 / uownloads 114)
1hls arLlcle ls presenLed bylranclne Lalooses
uavld Lancla
Arkadlusz Slanda
uonald 1rabolnl

Wlreless A1M


WhaL ls A1M?
1he romlse of Wlreless A1M
1ranslLlon from Wlred A1M
AdvanLages and ulsadvanLages
8esearch and lmplemenLaLlons
Coals of Lhe ro[ecL

1he romlse of WA1M

LxLenslon of LAn for moblle user
Slmpllfled wlrlng and conflguraLlon
rovlde hlghspeed daLa access for users wlLhouL need for a new wlred lnfrasLrucLure
CreaLe unforeseen opporLunlLles for fuLure appllcaLlons

1ranslLlon lssues

hyslcal Layer
lnfrared vs 8adlo
ClrculLswlLched vs ackeLswlLched
Channel Codlng
MulLlple AnLennas
CperaLlng lrequency
Llcensed vs unllcensed lrequency

1ranslLlon lssues

uaLa Llnk Layer
Peader Compresslon
A8C (AuLomaLlc 8epeaL 8equesL) vs lLC (lorward Lrror CorrecLlon)
CuallLyofServlce lssues
SpllL luncLlonallLy
An Lxample roLocol

AdvanLages of WA1M

8eneflLs of A1M made moblle
lree Lo roam
llexlble bandwldLh allocaLlon
LfflclenL mulLlplexlng of Lrafflc
AvallablllLy of exlsLenL A1M swlLchlng
llexlblllLy of reuslng same frequency
SofL handoff wlLhouL any daLa loss

lease use Search hLLp//wwwsemlnarpro[ecLscom/searchphp 1o CeL More lnformaLlon AbouL A
Semlnar Cr ro[ecL 1oplc

26102010 1049 AM
osL #3
pro[ecL reporL helper
ro[ecL Semlnar 1echnology LxperL
PeyAsk More lnfo AbouL 3C Wlreless 1echnology osLs 2270
!olned Sep 2010

1hanks 0
47 Lhank was glven ln 43 posLs

8L 3C Wlreless 1echnology
38466376Semlnarpdf (Slze 23732 k8 / uownloads 183)
C8S and 3C Wlreless SysLems

SaLya[lL P 8al
under Lhe guldance of
rof Srldhar lyer
kanwal 8ekhl School of lnformaLlon 1echnology
lndlan lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology owal

1he Moblle Cellular SysLems have evolved very rapldly ln Lhe pasL few years SLarLlng from Lhe
llrsL CeneraLlon SysLems whlch supporLed only speech we now have sysLems whlch o
er varled klnd
of servlces llke audlovldeo lnLerneL access facslmlle eLc ln Lhls reporL sL of all an lnLroducLlon
Lo Moblle cellular concepLs ls presenLed 1hls ls followed by dlscusslon of C8S and uM1S (1hlrd
CeneraLlon) Cellular SysLems ln greaLer deLall 1he archlLecLure of boLh Lhe sysLems ls dlscussed
ln deLall

06012011 0412 M
osL #4
semlnar surveyer
ro[ecL Semlnar 1echnology LxperL
PeyAsk More lnfo AbouL 3C Wlreless 1echnology osLs 3343
!olned Sep 2010

1hanks 0
60 Lhank was glven ln 38 posLs

8L 3C Wlreless 1echnology

3C LechnologyppL (Slze 320 k8 / uownloads 78)

SLrucLure of resenLaLlon
WhaL ls 3C?
3C SLandards and capablllLles
3C moblle's place ln Lhe markeL
lurLher lnformaLlon

1he lM12000 Lhlrd generaLlon moblle sLandard enables moblle users Lo harness Lhe full power of Lhe
lnLerneL Lhrough efflclenL hlghspeed radlo Lransmlsslon opLlmlzed for mulLlmedla communlcaLlons

3C CapablllLles

Plghspeed daLa Lransmlsslons
SymmeLrlcal and asymmeLrlcal daLa Lransmlsslon supporL
lmproved volce quallLy
CreaLer capaclLy
MulLlple slmulLaneous servlces
Clobal roamlng across neLworks
lmproved securlLy
Servlce flexlblllLy

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