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to Freedom
A metaphysical approach to life coaching.

Table of contents
Part 1 Concepts Definitions Part 2 the Awakening Our personal awakening What is freedom? Why now? Part 3 The coaching process The 5 point journey What will this process offer you? Who is this program for? Part 4 A sacred space Algernon Williams My Purpose Getting started Testimonials

Part 1 Introduction Some Concepts

Lets begin with some groundwork of the primary concepts that will be contained in almost every aspect we will discuss.

Many of you have heard about or worked with certain concepts and tools that help develop different states of being, certain states of mind that allow you to understand more clearly who and what you are as a person, as a being, as a personality. Understanding the structure and the nature of yourself as a person and as a being will allow you to make changes, make shifts in your reality in the manner that you desire more effortlessly, with more joy and less pain. These concepts are paramount now that we are in the "Age of Transition", the "Age of Awareness". These tools and concepts that I am presenting can hopefully be easily understood and applied, so that you can see the results in yourselves and in your physical reality relatively quickly. Self valuation The first and foremost concept is that of self valuation. I have come to understand from my personal experience, as well as the experience of many of my clients, that one of the most difficult things that we have to do is learn to value ourselves. We have forgotten our connection with the infinite, partially because for many years we have been taught to think of ourselves as less than worthy, as undeserving, as possessing little or no value. Without an understanding of our worth, without an understanding of our value, no tool would really be effective. Only when you begin to learn, behave and hold true that you are a worthwhile aspect of the infinite, that you are a beautiful and unconditionally loved and supported aspect of creation, and hold yourself in the same value that all of creation holds you in, only then will the tools be effective in the strongest way possible. Physical reality as a mirror Another concept is that physical reality is really just a mirror, that it can only reflect what you put out. The energy, the vibrational frequency you give off based on your beliefs, your emotions, your behaviour, is what determines the kind of reality you experience. Simply put, physical reality doesn't exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true for you. Thats all that physical reality is, just a mirror. If youre looking in a mirror and you see your face with a frown on it you know that you don't try to force the reflection to smile. You know that if you want to see the reflection smile you must smile first. When you decide to smile, the reflection has no choice but to return the smile. Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 2

Stretching this into our physiological reality, understand that we all have been trained, and taught to insist that we only base our behaviour on the things that happen to us, on what is happening, on what is. We say things like, Get real, Cant you see its true?, Its happening right in front of my eyes so how can I do anything about it?, "Ill be happy if ...Ill be happy when - does this all sound familiar? When you understand this principle you will realise its more a matter of "Ill be happy because that's what I want to be!" When you choose to be happy simply because you can be, because that's what you want to be, the instant you choose to be that vibration of happiness, the reflection in your physical reality has no choice but to reflect a reality that corresponds to the vibration of your joy. Because the universal reflecting mirror doesn't have a mind of its own, it can't contradict you, it's not going to argue with you. Its simply the reflection of what you put there, that's all. So if you are the vibration of happiness, you will get the reflection in all the ways that are reflective of your happiness, to the degree that your happiness vibration is turned on, youll get that reality. However, here's the fine print - this is what trips many of us up and gets us into trouble: We still place a condition on our happiness even when we think we're not. You might say, "Oh yes, Ill be happy because I know that if I am happy, then I'll get this happy reality, then I'll get what I want, then I'll get what I desire." If then, if then. You are still making it conditional on what happens outside of you and there is no outside. In order for the principle to really work, in order for reality to reflect back to you the true reflection of your happiness, you have to be happy, with no expectation that you will get a reflection back. That's how it works. That's what makes it effortless. That's what makes it flawless. That's what makes it pristine. That's what makes it beautiful. That's what makes it awesome. You don't even have to think about what will come back, you simply can take it for granted, you can know, you can simply have gratitude to the Infinite, knowing that when you are happy, nothing else can happen but happy reflections, and that will automatically bring to you all of your desires. Belief systems The next concept is simply that your belief systems or your definitions are nothing more than the stories you tell. As that voice in your head talks to you day in and day out, you learn to believe what it is saying. But that voice can only talk from its story of past, present and future, from its current understanding of the reflection in its mirror. To make a change in your definitions, your beliefs, your motivations, your actions and so your life all you have to do is to change the story. Tell the story of what you want, not what you Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 3

have or what is happening. As you tell the story of what you want and begin to believe that new story everything in the reflection must change as well. Knowingness through surrender This concept is above and beyond the idea of belief. It is simple knowingness, which comes from surrender, of letting go. Our definitions of the word "surrender" usually include the idea of loss of some sort, or a lack of control or giving up, but this is not what I am talking about. Surrender is the letting go of the concept of who you think you're supposed to be, and actually being who you are. When you allow yourself to surrender to the idea and the experience that you are created in the image of the Infinite, you give yourself access to infinite possibilities. Physical reality, which is only a mirror, can then reflect those unlimited possibilities back to you, in the form of synchronicities as they naturally unfold in your physical day-to-day life. Surrender is actually the acceptance of your total self, not the forsaking of yourself as society would normally think of it. Follow your joy This brings us to our key concept, which puts all the other concepts together, and that has to do with being your sovereign self, which is simply another way of saying "Follow your joy". Follow your excitement to the best of your ability because the sensation of joy, excitement or unconditional love is the frequency of the energy that represents your natural, true, core, original self . So when you are acting on circumstances and opportunities that bring the highest level of joy, the highest level of excitement, you are saying you have the faith the trust to take the steps to act on your true self and in so doing your physical reality, the mirror, will support you because it has no choice but to do so. This is how we manifest our desires this is how we find freedom; this is how we live the life we choose.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom

Some Definitions
Fear This is an important definition. We have been afraid of fear, we live with fear, we try to conquer fear, but how many of us try to befriend fear? If you were to treat fear like a friend, you would begin to understand it and ultimately get more out of it. Fear is your natural true vibration filtered through a belief system that is out of tune with your true, core self. Love is your natural vibration filtered through a belief system that is in alignment with your natural, true, core self. Your range of emotions from excitement, love and joy to depression, disempowerment and fear are there to tell you how close or far you are at any moment from your true core self. An analogy would be like playing a piano. If you are playing your piano and you are enjoying the music, then all of a sudden you come across a sour note, "plunk. Do you run away in panic and screaming "I shall never touch my piano again!"? No. You say, "I need to tune the piano so that the note becomes harmonious with all the other notes. Each piano key is like a definition, a belief. When you come across one that gives you the sensation of fear, all that's telling you is to pay attention, you have a belief in this area of your life that is out of alignment with the whole of your life. Fine tune it, bring it back into harmony, explore it, and dont run away. Ask yourself, what would you have to do to tune it? How would you have to redefine it? How would you have to adjust this string in order to bring the piano back into tune, into alignment? Play with it little by little, until finally its back. There is a paradox here and paradox is a very powerful tool. When you make a friend of your fear, when you know your fear is there to tell you something you want to know, you will invite it in, and miraculously, instantly, your fear will vanish. Because you will have transformed it into, first, curiosity, "What could this mean?" and then into joy, by being willing to explore what it means for you. That is how you use fear. Fear is just a knock at the door to say to pay attention here; this is something you want to know about yourself, Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 5

this is something you need to know to integrate within yourself, to become more of who you are. And wouldn't that be fun? Truth The universe can only support you to the degree and in the direction you believe is most true for you, but it is up to you to define what that truth is. Here is the secret "All truths are true". That's the nature of the infinite, otherwise it wouldn't be infinite. All truths are true, all are equal and valid. Choose which truth is you and live that truth until you change your mind about what is in this moment true for you, until the excitement shifts direction. Then follow that excitement, every moment, no matter what form it comes in, follow it, act on it to the best of your ability, because that's who you are. Even though it may not come to fruition in the way that you think, even though it may not live up to your expectations, follow it because it will put you where you need to be. Excitement is the thread you need to follow, not how things look on the surface, because the idea of reality is an illusion, it's the feeling, your emotions, it's the knowing that counts, follow it, because that's who and what you are, and that's really all there is to it. Responsibility So lets look at the way we define responsibility. Lets take the negative connotations off. It doesn't mean blame or it certainly doesn't have to, it doesn't mean burden and it doesn't mean struggle if you don't want it to. Responsibility is simply the ability to respond! Period! Who doesn't want the ability to respond to something, to be creative, to act? That's what responsibility is, your ability to respond, instead of reacting to a stimulus. When you take responsibility you are making a choice, you are self-empowered, you know you have the ability to choose, you are free to choose. That's freedom, that's self- empowerment, thats also effortless alignment with the unconditional love of the Infinite. Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 6

Habits You would normally define a habit as "Something you can't seem to stop doing, no matter how hard you try, you just keep doing it, over and over and over again. I would like to give you another definition of a habit: A habit is something you do that you don't know you're doing, but once you know you're doing it, you don't have it anymore, it's gone, and if you appear to keep doing it, it's because for some reason you choose to. So you have to take responsibility for the fact that you keep doing it, you can't just use having a habit as an excuse?" not once you know you have the habit! It's like the idea of a fish in water. The fish doesnt know its in water; it has no concept of water. Only when the fish is taken out of the water does it know that its missing the water. Then it yearns to be back in the water. Once you know that you are doing whatever it was that made up your habit, you become aware of it and the habit is gone. That does not mean that it's the beginning of the process of changing it, it means you don't have it anymore. Now, if you keep doing it, it's because you have a definition of the habit that says, what you are doing is more beneficial or less painful than what you are trying to change it to. So you keep repeating that behaviour.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom

Part 2 The Awakening

Our awakening or level of consciousness is the relationship of our belief systems to our true self, who we really are. Who we really are is infinite, powerful, all loving. It is abundant; it is joy, beauty and grace. It is oneness and it is all there is. All that we truly are is more than we can conceive in our present day reality. Our level of consciousness is our level of awareness, our ability to incorporate these qualities into our daily lives. It is the alignment of our definitions and our belief systems to the pure love and oneness of our true selves. The more we live our lives in this way, the more conscious or awake we are. This has nothing to do with intelligence. There are many very clever people in high paying jobs who do not believe in anything out there if they cannot touch, smell, hear, feel, or taste it. On the other hand there are many people called simple who may not have a school education but who have a knowing beyond their years. A knowing that comes from who knows where. That is consciousness, they are awake. That is what we are all looking for even though we do not all realize it. A return to who we truly are.
Nothing we ever imagined is beyond our power, only beyond our present self knowledge. Theodore Rozak

Your definitions
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There is no physical reality aside from what we define it to be, the images we create. So, when we are taught that this or that is the definition, or that this or that is the truth, and to believe in nothing else, then that's the reality we get. Only we are creating that reality, or attracting it, to be more precise, by the definitions, vibrations or energies we are giving off. When we finally realise that, only then can we truly take responsibility for our reality and then mould it to our desire. Every single belief or emotion vibrates at a different frequency, and that is the frequency you give off. That in turn determines the experience we get back. That experience then reinforces the belief that originally created that reality experience, and on and on ... and on it escalates. We will continue to experience the same reality and change will seem almost impossible until we break the chain. We can do this by saying, "Wait a minute, I created this! I attracted this by what I believe, by my definitions, by my emotions, by my vibration. When we can accept responsibility for our own reality we can then ask ourselves, Is that what I choose to believe? Is that how I want to define this? If the answer is no, then we can begin to recreate new definitions, implement them into our belief systems and our personality structure, and behave as if we believe it. This is a critical point! Behave as if we believe it. Then we will see quite rapidly that that belief, that definition of reality, will be reflected back to you as the reality you are now capable of experiencing.

The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. William James

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom

Our personal awakening

We start as our small self unaware of who we really are. At times we are discontented and other times we are happy in our state of ignorance, our state of forgetfulness. Then one day we ask the question Who am I? and in that moment the journey to awakening begins. The best way for me to define our awakening is to go through the stages of awakening. I will divide it into 4 stages. Each person will have their own way of experiencing these. 1. Awareness: At some point something causes us to look deeper inside to ask Is there more to all of this? or Who am I? Or maybe Who is this I anyway? This may come as a gradual unfolding, or from a traumatic experience -an illness, a death of a close one, or a divorce. It may be from reading a book or watching a movie. There are as many different possibilities as there are people. But the common point is that after that moment nothing is ever the same as you start the spiral of discovery. 2. Questioning and stepping into the unknown: In this stage we deconstruct our old belief systems, release stuck energies and bring all of our aspects or separate parts of ourselves back together again. This is a difficult stage where we have great doubt. We doubt everything, even what we are thinking, and we question what we are doing and even begin to wonder what is real. Everything you have believed in is going. To truly step with both feet into the unknown you have to let go of everything we believe in. This is not to say that you cannot CHOOSE to pick them up again if you wish, but you will do it from a different perspective. One of trust in yourselves, one of passion, one of choice of an awakened being. However at this point we are left straddling 2 worlds with one foot on each being pulled apart. 3. Integration: Here we realize that there is no turning back. In this stage the two worlds start to come together. We get glimpses of the future we have dreamt of. Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 10

Things begin to fall into place, but then just as easily fall out again. Now though there is hope, you have moments of clarity which may last minutes, days or weeks. However it is still easy to get distracted by lifes ups and downs. We have a knowing now that what was once a pie in the sky ideal is real for us. The fear of losing everything begins to lift as we become more confident that things will work out. There may be a sense of loss as you say goodbye to those beliefs and limitations that have been holding you back for so long. Because even though they were limiting our lives, they were who we believed ourselves to be. So in a very real way we are grieving the loss of our old selves. Luckily by this stage we spend much more time being excited about what is happening in the moment than regretting what we have lost, and with our new found knowing and understanding, we begin to trust that all is well in all of creation. 4. Manifestation: Here we come to realize that all the work that we did, all the processes all the beliefs really had no power. We understand that they were just permission slips for us to stand up on our two feet. Ways for us to trust in what we already had. In the end: o We come to know our true selves o We take full responsibility for all that is in our lives o We know that we are eternal beings having a temporary physical experience o We know that we co-create everything in our existence o We have put down the remote control and have learned to live consciously o We have deleted the worry software and are living in the moment o We have the courage to accept ourselves exactly as we are o We have learned to look within for answers, acting on our inner guidance o We joyfully carry out our service to humanity, and o We trust in the perfect order of creation knowing all is well.

This is what it is to be

Awake, to be Conscious, to be Enlightened

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(Whatever word you prefer).

Now all of this does not necessarily happen at the same time. More often than not we tackle one or two of our beliefs or limitations at a time. We may ask the question who am I? Which leads to another question, followed by another and yet another, until we have satisfied or debunked that belief or limitation. This allows us to see things from a different perspective, which in turn prompts us to ask again who am I really? And the process starts over.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us Ralph Waldo Emerson

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


What is freedom?
Freedom is seen by many as the ability to have whatever it is that they want. To be able to purchase products. To be free to get to where they want to go, to do whatever they want to do. Yes maybe, but the question I would ask is Who is doing all of those things? Who actually wants to be, do and have those things? Freedom comes when you know who you truly are, when you have discovered who you are then and only then can you know what it is you want. Most people are running around blindfolded, believing that it is they who want X, Y, or Z but are they being influenced by the status quo, the media, keeping up with the Joneses. We live our lives with patterns, scripts, formulas and customs. We learn what to say when, how to dress, what to do. We follow the rules as to what is acceptable and what is not. We bow down to what we are allowed to do and do not stray outside of our prescribed areas, very much like a 5 ton elephant being constrained by a thin rope pegged to the ground. Elephants can easily grow in excess of 5 tons each, tearing through trees, brush, and even houses if they get in their way. Keeping an animal like this in captivity can be quite a challenge. But in reality, it is actually quite easy. When an elephant is born in captivity in Africa, the owner of the newborn elephant ties the animal to a tree or post with a strong chain, thus preventing the creature from escaping. As the elephant grows during the first few weeks, the chain that binds him is continually tested by the elephant in his attempts to free himself, but as a baby, his efforts are just no match for the chain. As the elephant continues to grow, his attempts to break free of his confinement become less and less frequent as he learns that his might and muscle are no match for the hardiness of the restraint. So confined he stays. Soon after, the elephant simply gives up any attempts to free himself, and thus seemingly is relegated to a life of capture, believing that his strength will never provide the effort necessary to overcome his restraints. As an adult elephant, having been conditioned by his past experience, he can now easily be tethered to a tree with the puniest of ropes while making no attempt to break free. He makes no attempts at freedom because he carries with him for life the belief that he does not possess the strength and power to break the ties that bind him. This adult elephant could now easily uproot the tree that the rope is attached to, or simply snap the puny

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rope, but no effort to do so is made because early in life, the elephant learned that he was not capable of doing such a thing. The rope no longer serves the purpose of physically binding the elephant, for it is not strong enough to accomplish that feat if ever tested. No, now the rope simply serves to confine the animals mind, reinforcing the mistaken belief that the elephants current capabilities are no greater than they were when he was just a fraction of his current size and strength. The puniest of ropes can bind the largest of elephant, simply because the elephant believes that it can. Have we taken the time to uncover when, who and why any of our customs were created? Have we allowed our minds to be confined like that of the elephants? Were our laws and traditions even created with our best interest in mind? To allow for the freedom of all people. Or were they created to keep us all tied to that tree. Even if they were made with the best intentions of humanity at heart, are they still valid in this day and age? Do they still work? I would venture to say many no longer serve a purpose that benefits society as a whole, and only serve a few. The majority of society is standing there tied to the tree believing that they are free. Until we ask ourselves What it is that we believe in and why?Until we have the courage to go against the grain, to step boldly out into the untried and unknown to find what truly suits us best, not limited by the collective consciousness of society. Until we can truly say I want something because I want it and not have to justify it in any way. Until we can leave out the buts. I would love to be, do or have that but.. When we can do all of that we would have experienced freedom.

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein

Why now?
In this time of change, humanity is being awakened from the trance-like state it has maintained for several thousand years, repeating deeply ingrained behavioral patterns of Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 14

self-sacrifice, victimization and disempowerment. Taught to adapt to societys outdated values and beliefs, we are encouraged to live life on automatic pilot, questioning little and changing nothing. Change affects each of us in different ways. For some, change is refreshing, offering endless possibilities for adventure, creativity and growth. Many people are increasingly willing to live more consciously, taking responsibility for their thoughts and actions; willing to release deep-seated fears and experience unconditional love. On the other hand many feel overwhelmed by changes in their personal lives that they feel powerless to control. Feeling unsafe and unsupported, fearful and resistant, many find themselves desperately tied to that tree unable to free themselves. Those who choose to face their fears and trust in their inner guidance will learn how to untie the knots. To successfully free themselves and move toward a benevolent future. Do you remember the old joke, "When you are up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that the reason you came was to drain the swamp!" Many people's mental bodies are like swamps filled with alligators. The alligators or limiting beliefs and attitudes, repetitive negative thoughts and inner dialog are the critters that create our reality. If your outer reality resembles a swamp, your subconscious mind may be harboring alligators. The power to create a more positive reality, to experience physical well-being, and to manifest our dreams comes from spiritual awareness, mental clarity, and emotional balance. To achieve mental clarity, we do need to "drain the swamp." Once our old beliefs and limitations are identified, specific healing techniques and processes can not only drain the swamp, but also encourage the alligators to relocate!

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


Part 3 Awakening to Freedom (AtF) is a coaching program geared to help

anyone who is searching for something more. It may be a feeling that you are not quite complete or a massive yearning to make a major change in your life. The AtF program will help you find yourself, determine what it is you are after and then help you to set a course to fulfil your goals, to create the life you choose. There is a difference with AtF. Here we will be working from the heart not the brain. We will not ask what is possible but what makes your heart sing, not what do you think but what do you feel. Together we will awaken your consciousness, help you to clear away those beliefs that no longer serve you. You will learn to tell a different life story and so create a new reflection, a new you if that is what you choose. Once you have uncovered your true purpose together we will make it your reality.

The coaching process

Our consciousness and definitions create our day-to-day reality. When our definitions and so beliefs, are aligned with who we really are, We experience: Love Joy Excitement Purpose Health Abundance

When our definitions are vastly different or are not aligned with who we really are we experience: Stress Fear Anger Depression Confusion Disease

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We move away from who we really are, when we see ourselves as less, as not OK, inferior or unworthy. When we invalidate our inner knowing and strive to please others, becoming who we are not. To move back to who we really are requires the strength and courage to be self first. To find and follow our own inner guidance regardless, to find our purpose and to follow our joy. Where you are on your journey, will determine the questions and the answers you are searching for. No other human being can know exactly where you are, and so no one can give you the answer. One who has travelled along the path ahead of you may be able to give you some pointers but that is only from their point of view, only a remembrance from their unique personal journey. You must travel your YOU-nique journey yourself. I will help you get in touch with your beliefs, with your definitions. Together we will find out what they are, because that's all thats stopping you from doing anything and everything that you desire. Your definitions seem to be so solid but they really weigh nothing. Its only when you believe in them they feel like lead, that's the nature of a belief. A belief has to be self-perpetuating and self-reinforcing, and by its very definition (with few exceptions) it has to exclude the possibility of any other belief in order for you to experience that belief totally. There is an important underlying belief that all beliefs are just beliefs. That all reality experiences are just the product of definitions. And that all definitions can be changed and in fact are simply the product of the stories you keep telling yourself. When you come to understand this, you can experience whatever belief you want as fully as you can. And then in the next moment, change it, just like that, because you know that's all they are. That is flexibility that is allowing, that is freedom.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


Awakening to Freedom
Your 5-Point Journey I invite you on a journey towards freedom. Over the years I have come to realize that healing often happens in stages. On this journey we can step from stage to stage as you follow your path to awakening the limitlessness within you. The 5- point journey not only involves verbal coaching as we discover new definitions and beliefs but also treatment of the body. These treatments are both physical and energetic in nature. Once a belief or definition is found that an individual is wanting to release there are energetic techniques to help remove them. Emotions are also often found stuck in the soft tissue of the body. By releasing on all levels permanent change can more easily be made. This combined process allows you to more quickly rediscover who you really are and to choose who you want to be. Point 1: Experience Relief: In a supportive environment, we will acknowledge your symptoms and make the primary goal the relief of your discomfort. Intuitively directed to areas of your body that indicate "energy blockages", we will facilitates their release and seek to restore energy balance. Through the use of both hands on and energy techniques, symptoms and discomfort are diminished and you begin to experience relief. Point 2: An Awakening: When pain or discomfort is diminished, and a state of relaxation is achieved, it presents the opportunity for an awakening to take place. At this point, we will start to look at who you really are, and focus on your ability to tap into the infinite energies around you. Your new awareness brings you to an understanding and appreciation for the co creative role we play in achieving health, wellness and happiness. And that healing of any kind starts from within.

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Point 3: Discover Your Inner Power: Having made a commitment to the process, you start to comprehend your definitions, beliefs and self-perceptions. The path has been broadened and you feel empowered and confident in your own capacities, leading you to the discovery of your inner power. Your personal empowerment drives your desire to make new choices and to an improved quality of life. Point 4: Implement Change: At this point on the journey, the renewed state of balance in your body, mind and spirit places you in an ideal position to implement change. You feel free to make new definitions to discard old beliefs and in so doing begin to create a world around you filled with joy and passion. Your choices can now be made from your heart, not concerning yourself about what you should or should not do but only with what makes your heart sing. Point 5: Embrace Your New You: With your energy fields rejuvenated and acceptance of an inner power you are ready to enthusiastically embrace your new reality. With more awareness and a willingness to change, you continue along the path of healing and enlightenment. By embracing joy and the confidence of knowing that all will fall into place your journey continues with a focus on creating the life you choose a life of true freedom.
We dont receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us. Marcel Proust

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


What will the coaching program offer you?

It will give you the guidance, assistance and support to: Remember you purpose in life and apply it Take full responsibility for your life and everything in it Become self sustainable, sovereign and self-realized Bypass much of the suffering caused by the awakening process Get clear about what you want and how to achieve it Access your deepest, heartfelt desires Remove those hidden obstacles and limitations hindering your success Learn to think with your heart Manifest the life you consciously choose Learn to live limitlessly and abundantly

Who is this program for?

Anyone who is drawn to it, but if you are: Seeking clarity about your life, passion and purpose Discovering what you want to be do or have Wanting to fall in love with yourself and your life Looking to expand your creative potential Wanting to learn the process of creation, and how to apply it Wanting to bring who you are, to what you do Desiring to move from limitation to freedom Wanting to create a life doing what you love Wanting to birth a soul inspired vision into creation Needing support while undergoing your personal metamorphosis Longing to connect to like minded people

Then this program can help.

Our Deepest Fear

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. This inspiring quote by Marianne Williamson is from her book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


Part 4 A sacred space

So often we rush through our days without taking a moment to stop to see what is all around us. To feel what is going on inside ourselves, to experience the beauty all around us. We feel as if we are surrounded by "MUCK", stress, depression, worries and violence. We have forgotten that a moment of beauty can change our entire day. We are untouched by the beauty around us, sometimes missing it all together. The wise old people of the past, the shamans described a sacred space as that which enhances your ability to commune with a higher power from which flows an abiding source of strength and a deep feeling of connectedness. A sacred space heightens your senses and sparks in your feelings of peace, comfort, energy and love. Sometimes in order to relearn how to connect with, and become sensitive to sacred spaces, you may need to visit a sacred space that has no other purpose than to be a sacred space. A place that has been constructed by human hand with the sole intent to serve so that energetically you could not miss the vibration. A place that by design has been crafted to inspire and awaken you to the fact that there are sacred spaces all around us. A sacred space does not have to be a physical location it is energy a vibration. At Awakening to Freedom I have endeavored to create such a space, where you can leave your troubles behind. Where you can learn to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Where you can feel connected to the universe. To the shaman a sacred space is where the veil between man and spirit is at its thinnest. A place like this is very powerful. A place where you can grow to realize more of your full potential. A place where you can learn to "DANCE while surrounded by MUCK"

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


My Purpose
If I were asked, what is it that I would want for this world in this time? I would love to answer world peace. But I do not believe that mankind can achieve world peace in its present condition, with its present beliefs, in its current paradigm. So what I do want is for every single human being to be sovereign, to stand alone to look out for themselves. For a short period of time I want everybody to be SELFISH. Selfish in the sense that they no longer concern themselves with what other nations are doing, what other communities are doing, what the person sitting in the desk next to them is doing, not even family. But instead to focus on themselves, who they are. To find the love in their hearts, to shed all the fear, the anxiety the worry. To let go of all the old necessities, the old belief systems and put all their attention on finding who they are. Because once you have found who you really are, once you have found true love, your sovereign light, the SELFISHNESS will turn into SELF LESS NESS. The fear and separation will turn into oneness and the greed will turn into service. Only when enough individuals have achieved this, will the paradigm on this planet change to allow world peace. A world full of love, where all human beings realize that they are one with each other and the rest of the planet. Only then will the dreams of so many visionaries who have given their lives before now come to be, where we can live side by side all working for common goals. My role in this along with many others is to keep working on myself, but also to set a platform, a safe space for people to come individually and in groups to start to shed their outer layers. To start to find their sacred hearts, to find who it is they are inside and to help them find their place on this earth and to find purpose, peace and happiness.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 23

Change the World.

When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I discovered the world would not change, so I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country. But it, too, seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, in one last desperate attempt, I settled for changing only my family, those closest to me, but alas, they would have none of it. And now as I lie on my deathbed, I suddenly realize, if I had only changed myself first, then by example I would have changed my family. From their inspiration and encouragement, I would then have been able to better my country and, who knows, I may have even changed the world. From the Tomb of an Anglican Bishop 1100AD In the Crypts of Westminster Abby.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


Getting Started
Be aware that the beginning of any quest may be a bit of a struggle. You are changing, upgrading systems and beliefs that are quite happy to stay in control. You are moving out of your comfort zone, taking a step into what is unknown for you. Be comforted to know that as your coach I have been there, and even though this is your unique journey the experience of being through something similar will help me help and support you through and beyond any obstacles you may encounter. The old saying the journey of one thousand miles starts with a single step applies here. Often taking the first step is the hardest. We want proof that whatever we are attempting is going to work. We look for guarantees of a certain outcome. The only guarantee is that you will have a new experience, and from that experience you will grow. Sometimes growth is obvious you have an experience you learn and you arrive at a new place of understanding. Other times growth may hit you like a brick wall as you are forced to overcome a fear or restriction that has been holding you back from reaching your desired goal. Then there are times when growth takes you on a journey through unexpected terrain where you end up at a destination that is way beyond your wildest dreams. These are the times when you have just placed one foot in front of the other. Not stopping to examine where you are and what you should or should not do. When you have followed your heart and discovered the light that resides within, knowing that you will be safe with every step. This is the process that we are striving for. This is the journey that we will endeavor to ride as we awaken to freedom.

Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom


Awakening to Freedom
The pathway to discovering limitless freedom
Copyright 2011 Awakening to Freedom 26

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