Está en la página 1de 34

CnA1Lk 1


Art 14S8 8y Lhe conLracL of sale one of Lhe conLracLlng parLles obllgaLes hlmself Lo Lransfer Lhe
ownershlp and Lo dellver a deLermlnaLe Lhlng and Lhe oLher Lo pay Lherefor a prlce cerLaln ln money
or lLs equlvalenL
A conLracL of sale may be absoluLe or condlLlonal (1443a)
Art 14S9 1he Lhlng musL be llclL and Lhe vendor musL have a rlghL Lo Lransfer Lhe ownershlp Lhereof aL
Lhe Llme lL ls dellvered (n)
Art 1460 A Lhlng ls deLermlnaLe when lL ls parLlcularly deslgnaLed or physlcal segregaLed from all oLher
of Lhe same class
1he requlslLe LhaL a Lhlng be deLermlnaLe ls saLlsfled lf aL Lhe Llme Lhe conLracL ls enLered lnLo Lhe
Lhlng ls capable of belng made deLermlnaLe wlLhouL Lhe necesslLy of a new or furLher agreemenL
beLween Lhe parLles (n)
Art 1461 1hlngs havlng a poLenLlal exlsLence may be Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL of sale
1he efflcacy of Lhe sale of a mere hope or expecLancy ls deemed sub[ecL Lo Lhe condlLlon LhaL Lhe
Lhlng wlll come lnLo exlsLence
1he sale of a valn hope or expecLancy ls vold (n)
Art 1462 1he goods whlch form Lhe sub[ecL of a conLracL of sale may be elLher exlsLlng goods owned
or possessed by Lhe seller or goods Lo be manufacLured ralsed or acqulred by Lhe seller afLer Lhe
perfecLlon of Lhe conLracL of sale ln Lhls 1lLle called fotote qooJs
1here may be a conLracL of sale of goods whose acqulslLlon by Lhe seller depends upon a conLlngency
whlch may or may noL happen (n)
Art 1463 1he sole owner of a Lhlng may sell an undlvlded lnLeresL Lhereln (n)
Art 1464 ln Lhe case of funglble goods Lhere may be a sale of an undlvlded share of a speclflc mass
Lhough Lhe seller purporLs Lo sell and Lhe buyer Lo buy a deflnlLe number welghL or measure of Lhe
goods ln Lhe mass and Lhough Lhe number welghL or measure of Lhe goods ln Lhe mass ls
undeLermlned 8y such a sale Lhe buyer becomes owner ln common of such a share of Lhe mass as
Lhe number welghL or measure boughL bears Lo Lhe number welghL or measure of Lhe mass lf Lhe
mass conLalns less Lhan Lhe number welghL or measure boughL Lhe buyer becomes Lhe owner of
Lhe whole mass and Lhe seller ls bound Lo make good Lhe deflclency from goods of Lhe same klnd
and quallLy unless a conLrary lnLenL appears (n)
Art 146S 1hlngs sub[ecL Lo a resoluLory condlLlon may be Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL of sale (n)
Art 1466 ln consLrulng a conLracL conLalnlng provlslons characLerlsLlc of boLh Lhe conLracL of sale and
of Lhe conLracL of agency Lo sell Lhe essenLlal clauses of Lhe whole lnsLrumenL shall be consldered
Art 1467 A conLracL for Lhe dellvery aL a cerLaln prlce of an arLlcle whlch Lhe vendor ln Lhe ordlnary
course of hls buslness manufacLures or procures for Lhe general markeL wheLher Lhe same ls on
hand aL Lhe Llme or noL ls a conLracL of sale buL lf Lhe goods are Lo be manufacLured speclally for
Lhe cusLomer and upon hls speclal order and noL for Lhe general markeL lL ls a conLracL for a plece
of work (n)
Art 1468 lf Lhe conslderaLlon of Lhe conLracL conslsLs parLly ln money and parLly ln anoLher Lhlng Lhe
LransacLlon shall be characLerlzed by Lhe manlfesL lnLenLlon of Lhe parLles lf such lnLenLlon does noL
clearly appear lL shall be consldered a barLer lf Lhe value of Lhe Lhlng glven as a parL of Lhe
conslderaLlon exceeds Lhe amounL of Lhe money or lLs equlvalenL oLherwlse lL ls a sale (1446a)
Art 1469 ln order LhaL Lhe prlce may be consldered cerLaln lL shall be sufflclenL LhaL lL be so wlLh
reference Lo anoLher Lhlng cerLaln or LhaL Lhe deLermlnaLlon Lhereof be lefL Lo Lhe [udgmenL of a
speclal person or persons
Should such person or persons be unable or unwllllng Lo flx lL Lhe conLracL shall be lnefflcaclous
unless Lhe parLles subsequenLly agree upon Lhe prlce
lf Lhe Lhlrd person or persons acLed ln bad falLh or by mlsLake Lhe courLs may flx Lhe prlce
Where such Lhlrd person or persons are prevenLed from flxlng Lhe prlce or Lerms by faulL of Lhe seller
or Lhe buyer Lhe parLy noL ln faulL may have such remedles agalnsL Lhe parLy ln faulL as are allowed
Lhe seller or Lhe buyer as Lhe case may be (1447a)
Art 1470 Cross lnadequacy of prlce does noL affecL a conLracL of sale excepL as lL may lndlcaLe a defecL
ln Lhe consenL or LhaL Lhe parLles really lnLended a donaLlon or some oLher acL or conLracL (n)
Art 1471 lf Lhe prlce ls slmulaLed Lhe sale ls vold buL Lhe acL may be shown Lo have been ln reallLy a
donaLlon or some oLher acL or conLracL (n)
Art 1472 1he prlce of securlLles graln llqulds and oLher Lhlngs shall also be consldered cerLaln when
Lhe prlce flxed ls LhaL whlch Lhe Lhlng sold would have on a deflnlLe day or ln a parLlcular exchange
or markeL or when an amounL ls flxed above or below Lhe prlce on such day or ln such exchange or
markeL provlded sald amounL be cerLaln (1448)
Art 1473 1he flxlng of Lhe prlce can never be lefL Lo Lhe dlscreLlon of one of Lhe conLracLlng parLles
Powever lf Lhe prlce flxed by one of Lhe parLles ls accepLed by Lhe oLher Lhe sale ls perfecLed
Art 1474 Where Lhe prlce cannoL be deLermlned ln accordance wlLh Lhe precedlng arLlcles or ln any
oLher manner Lhe conLracL ls lnefflcaclous Powever lf Lhe Lhlng or any parL Lhereof has been
dellvered Lo and approprlaLed by Lhe buyer he musL pay a reasonable prlce Lherefor WhaL ls a
reasonable prlce ls a quesLlon of facL dependenL on Lhe clrcumsLances of each parLlcular case (n)
Art 147S 1he conLracL of sale ls perfecLed aL Lhe momenL Lhere ls a meeLlng of mlnds upon Lhe Lhlng
whlch ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL and upon Lhe prlce
lrom LhaL momenL Lhe parLles may reclprocally demand performance sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe
law governlng Lhe form of conLracLs (1430a)
Art 1476 ln Lhe case of a sale by aucLlon
(1) Where goods are puL up for sale by aucLlon ln loLs each loL ls Lhe sub[ecL of a separaLe conLracL of
(2) A sale by aucLlon ls perfecLed when Lhe aucLloneer announces lLs perfecLlon by Lhe fall of Lhe
hammer or ln oLher cusLomary manner unLll such announcemenL ls made any bldder may reLracL
hls bld and Lhe aucLloneer may wlLhdraw Lhe goods from Lhe sale unless Lhe aucLlon has been
announced Lo be wlLhouL reserve
(3) A rlghL Lo bld may be reserved expressly by or on behalf of Lhe seller unless oLherwlse provlded by
law or by sLlpulaLlon
(4) Where noLlce has noL been glven LhaL a sale by aucLlon ls sub[ecL Lo a rlghL Lo bld on behalf of Lhe
seller lL shall noL be lawful for Lhe seller Lo bld hlmself or Lo employ or lnduce any person Lo bld aL
such sale on hls behalf or for Lhe aucLloneer Lo employ or lnduce any person Lo bld aL such sale on
behalf of Lhe seller or knowlngly Lo Lake any bld from Lhe seller or any person employed by hlm Any
sale conLravenlng Lhls rule may be LreaLed as fraudulenL by Lhe buyer (n)
Art 1477 1he ownershlp of Lhe Lhlng sold shall be Lransferred Lo Lhe vendee upon Lhe acLual or
consLrucLlve dellvery Lhereof (n)
Art 1478 1he parLles may sLlpulaLe LhaL ownershlp ln Lhe Lhlng shall noL pass Lo Lhe purchaser unLll he
has fully pald Lhe prlce (n)
Art 1479 A promlse Lo buy and sell a deLermlnaLe Lhlng for a prlce cerLaln ls reclprocally demandable
An accepLed unllaLeral promlse Lo buy or Lo sell a deLermlnaLe Lhlng for a prlce cerLaln ls blndlng upon
Lhe promlssor lf Lhe promlse ls supporLed by a conslderaLlon dlsLlncL from Lhe prlce (1431a)
Art 1480 Any ln[ury Lo or beneflL from Lhe Lhlng sold afLer Lhe conLracL has been perfecLed from Lhe
momenL of Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe conLracL Lo Lhe Llme of dellvery shall be governed by ArLlcles 1163
Lo 1163 and 1262
1hls rule shall apply Lo Lhe sale of funglble Lhlngs made lndependenLly and for a slngle prlce or
wlLhouL conslderaLlon of Lhelr welghL number or measure
Should funglble Lhlngs be sold for a prlce flxed accordlng Lo welghL number or measure Lhe rlsk shall
noL be lmpuLed Lo Lhe vendee unLll Lhey have been welghed counLed or measured and dellvered
unless Lhe laLLer has lncurred ln delay (1432a)
Art 1481 ln Lhe conLracL of sale of goods by descrlpLlon or by sample Lhe conLracL may be resclnded lf
Lhe bulk of Lhe goods dellvered do noL correspond wlLh Lhe descrlpLlon or Lhe sample and lf Lhe
conLracL be by sample as well as descrlpLlon lL ls noL sufflclenL LhaL Lhe bulk of goods correspond
wlLh Lhe sample lf Lhey do noL also correspond wlLh Lhe descrlpLlon
1he buyer shall have a reasonable opporLunlLy of comparlng Lhe bulk wlLh Lhe descrlpLlon or Lhe
sample (n)
Art 1482 Whenever earnesL money ls glven ln a conLracL of sale lL shall be consldered as parL of Lhe
prlce and as proof of Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe conLracL (1434a)
Art 1483 Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe SLaLuLe of lrauds and of any oLher appllcable sLaLuLe a
conLracL of sale may be made ln wrlLlng or by word of mouLh or parLly ln wrlLlng and parLly by word
of mouLh or may be lnferred from Lhe conducL of Lhe parLles (n)
Art 1484 ln a conLracL of sale of personal properLy Lhe prlce of whlch ls payable ln lnsLallmenLs Lhe
vendor may exerclse any of Lhe followlng remedles
(1) LxacL fulflllmenL of Lhe obllgaLlon should Lhe vendee fall Lo pay
(2) Cancel Lhe sale should Lhe vendees fallure Lo pay cover Lwo or more lnsLallmenLs
(3) loreclose Lhe chaLLel morLgage on Lhe Lhlng sold lf one has been consLlLuLed should Lhe vendees
fallure Lo pay cover Lwo or more lnsLallmenLs ln Lhls case he shall have no furLher acLlon agalnsL
Lhe purchaser Lo recover any unpald balance of Lhe prlce Any agreemenL Lo Lhe conLrary shall be
vold (1434Aa)
Art 148S 1he precedlng arLlcle shall be applled Lo conLracLs purporLlng Lo be leases of personal
properLy wlLh opLlon Lo buy when Lhe lessor has deprlved Lhe lessee of Lhe possesslon or
en[oymenL of Lhe Lhlng (1434Aa)
Art 1486 ln Lhe case referred Lo ln Lwo precedlng arLlcles a sLlpulaLlon LhaL Lhe lnsLallmenLs or renLs
pald shall noL be reLurned Lo Lhe vendee or lessee shall be valld lnsofar as Lhe same may noL be
unconsclonable under Lhe clrcumsLances (n)
Art 1487 1he expenses for Lhe execuLlon and reglsLraLlon of Lhe sale shall be borne by Lhe vendor
unless Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary (1433a)
Art 1488 1he exproprlaLlon of properLy for publlc use ls governed by speclal laws (1436)

CnA1Lk 2

Art 1489 All persons who are auLhorlzed ln Lhls Code Lo obllgaLe Lhemselves may enLer lnLo a conLracL
of sale savlng Lhe modlflcaLlons conLalned ln Lhe followlng arLlcles
Where necessarles are Lhose sold and dellvered Lo a mlnor or oLher person wlLhouL capaclLy Lo acL he
musL pay a reasonable prlce Lherefor necessarles are Lhose referred Lo ln ArLlcle 290 (1437a)
Art 1490 1he husband and Lhe wlfe cannoL sell properLy Lo each oLher excepL
(1) When a separaLlon of properLy was agreed upon ln Lhe marrlage seLLlemenLs or
(2) When Lhere has been a [udlclal separaLlon or properLy under ArLlcle 191 (1438a)
Art 1491 1he followlng persons cannoL acqulre by purchase even aL a publlc or [udlclal aucLlon elLher
ln person or Lhrough Lhe medlaLlon of anoLher
(1) 1he guardlan Lhe properLy of Lhe person or persons who may be under hls guardlanshlp
(2) AgenLs Lhe properLy whose admlnlsLraLlon or sale may have been enLrusLed Lo Lhem unless Lhe
consenL of Lhe prlnclpal has been glven
(3) LxecuLors and admlnlsLraLors Lhe properLy of Lhe esLaLe under admlnlsLraLlon
(4) ubllc offlcers and employees Lhe properLy of Lhe SLaLe or of any subdlvlslon Lhereof or of any
governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlon or lnsLlLuLlon Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of whlch has been
lnLrusLed Lo Lhem Lhls provlslon shall apply Lo [udges and governmenL experLs who ln any manner
whaLsoever Lake parL ln Lhe sale
(3) !usLlces [udges prosecuLlng aLLorneys clerks of superlor and lnferlor courLs and oLher offlcers and
employees connecLed wlLh Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce Lhe properLy and rlghLs ln llLlgaLlon or
levled upon an execuLlon before Lhe courL wlLhln whose [urlsdlcLlon or LerrlLory Lhey exerclse Lhelr
respecLlve funcLlons Lhls prohlblLlon lncludes Lhe acL of acqulrlng by asslgnmenL and shall apply Lo
lawyers wlLh respecL Lo Lhe properLy and rlghLs whlch may be Lhe ob[ecL of any llLlgaLlon ln whlch
Lhey may Lake parL by vlrLue of Lhelr professlon
(6) Any oLhers speclally dlsquallfled by law (1439a)
Art 1492 1he prohlblLlons ln Lhe Lwo precedlng arLlcles are appllcable Lo sales ln legal redempLlon
compromlses and renunclaLlons (n)

CnA1Lk 3
Art 1493 lf aL Lhe Llme Lhe conLracL of sale ls perfecLed Lhe Lhlng whlch ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL
has been enLlrely losL Lhe conLracL shall be wlLhouL any effecL
8uL lf Lhe Lhlng should have been losL ln parL only Lhe vendee may choose beLween wlLhdrawlng from
Lhe conLracL and demandlng Lhe remalnlng parL paylng lLs prlce ln proporLlon Lo Lhe LoLal sum
agreed upon (1460a)
Art 1494 Where Lhe parLles purporL a sale of speclflc goods and Lhe goods wlLhouL Lhe knowledge of
Lhe seller have perlshed ln parL or have wholly or ln a maLerlal parL so deLerloraLed ln quallLy as Lo
be subsLanLlally changed ln characLer Lhe buyer may aL hls opLlon LreaL Lhe sale
(1) As avolded or
(2) As valld ln all of Lhe exlsLlng goods or ln so much Lhereof as have noL deLerloraLed and as blndlng Lhe
buyer Lo pay Lhe agreed prlce for Lhe goods ln whlch Lhe ownershlp wlll pass lf Lhe sale was
dlvlslble (n)

CnA1Lk 4

SLC1ICN 1 Genera| rov|s|ons
Art 149S 1he vendor ls bound Lo Lransfer Lhe ownershlp of and dellver as well as warranL Lhe Lhlng
whlch ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe sale (1461a)
Art 1496 1he ownershlp of Lhe Lhlng sold ls acqulred by Lhe vendee from Lhe momenL lL ls dellvered Lo
hlm ln any of Lhe ways speclfled ln ArLlcles 1497 Lo 1301 or ln any oLher manner slgnlfylng an
agreemenL LhaL Lhe possesslon ls Lransferred from Lhe vendor Lo Lhe vendee (n)

SLC1ICN 2 De||very of the 1h|ng So|d
Art 1497 1he Lhlng sold shall be undersLood as dellvered when lL ls placed ln Lhe conLrol and
possesslon of Lhe vendee (1462a)
Art 1498 When Lhe sale ls made Lhrough a publlc lnsLrumenL Lhe execuLlon Lhereof shall be equlvalenL
Lo Lhe dellvery of Lhe Lhlng whlch ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL lf from Lhe deed Lhe conLrary does
noL appear or cannoL clearly be lnferred
WlLh regard Lo movable properLy lLs dellvery may also be made by Lhe dellvery of Lhe keys of Lhe
place or deposlLory where lL ls sLored or kepL (1463a)
Art 1499 1he dellvery of movable properLy may llkewlse be made by Lhe mere consenL or agreemenL of
Lhe conLracLlng parLles lf Lhe Lhlng sold cannoL be Lransferred Lo Lhe possesslon of Lhe vendee aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe sale or lf Lhe laLLer already had lL ln hls possesslon for any oLher reason (1463a)
Art 1S00 1here may also be LradlLlon noostltotom possessotlom (n)
Art 1S01 WlLh respecL Lo lncorporeal properLy Lhe provlslons of Lhe flrsL paragraph of arLlcle 1498
shall govern ln any oLher case whereln sald provlslons are noL appllcable Lhe placlng of Lhe LlLles of
ownershlp ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe vendee or Lhe use by Lhe vendee of hls rlghLs wlLh Lhe vendors
consenL shall be undersLood as a dellvery (1464)
Art 1S02 When goods are dellvered Lo Lhe buyer oo sole ot tetoto Lo glve Lhe buyer an opLlon Lo
reLurn Lhe goods lnsLead of paylng Lhe prlce Lhe ownershlp passes Lo Lhe buyer of dellvery buL he
may revesL Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe seller by reLurnlng or Lenderlng Lhe goods wlLhln Lhe Llme flxed ln
Lhe conLracL or lf no Llme has been flxed wlLhln a reasonable Llme (n)
When goods are dellvered Lo Lhe buyer on approval or on Lrlal or on saLlsfacLlon or oLher slmllar
Lerms Lhe ownershlp Lhereln passes Lo Lhe buyer
(1) When he slgnlfles hls approval or accepLance Lo Lhe seller or does any oLher acL adopLlng Lhe
(2) lf he does noL slgnlfy hls approval or accepLance Lo Lhe seller buL reLalns Lhe goods wlLhouL glvlng
noLlce of re[ecLlon Lhen lf a Llme has been flxed for Lhe reLurn of Lhe goods on Lhe explraLlon of
such Llme and lf no Llme has been flxed on Lhe explraLlon of a reasonable Llme WhaL ls a
reasonable Llme ls a quesLlon of facL (n)
Art 1S03 When Lhere ls a conLracL of sale of speclflc goods Lhe seller may by Lhe Lerms of Lhe
conLracL reserve Lhe rlghL of possesslon or ownershlp ln Lhe goods unLll cerLaln condlLlons have
been fulfllled 1he rlghL of possesslon or ownershlp may be Lhus reserved noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe
dellvery of Lhe goods Lo Lhe buyer or Lo a carrler or oLher ballee for Lhe purpose of Lransmlsslon Lo
Lhe buyer
Where goods are shlpped and by Lhe blll of ladlng Lhe goods are dellverable Lo Lhe seller or hls agenL
or Lo Lhe order of Lhe seller or of hls agenL Lhe seller Lhereby reserves Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods
8uL lf excepL for Lhe form of Lhe blll of ladlng Lhe ownershlp would have passed Lo Lhe buyer on
shlpmenL of Lhe goods Lhe sellers properLy ln Lhe goods shall be deemed Lo be only for Lhe purpose
of securlng performance by Lhe buyer of hls obllgaLlons under Lhe conLracL
Where goods are shlpped and by Lhe blll of ladlng Lhe goods are dellverable Lo order of Lhe buyer or
of hls agenL buL possesslon of Lhe blll of ladlng ls reLalned by Lhe seller or hls agenL Lhe seller
Lhereby reserves a rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon of Lhe goods as agalnsL Lhe buyer
Where Lhe seller of goods draws on Lhe buyer for Lhe prlce and LransmlLs Lhe blll of exchange and blll
of ladlng LogeLher Lo Lhe buyer Lo secure accepLance or paymenL of Lhe blll of exchange Lhe buyer ls
bound Lo reLurn Lhe blll of ladlng lf he does noL honor Lhe blll of exchange and lf he wrongfully
reLalns Lhe blll of ladlng he acqulres no added rlghL Lhereby lf however Lhe blll of ladlng provldes
LhaL Lhe goods are dellverable Lo Lhe buyer or Lo Lhe order of Lhe buyer or ls lndorsed ln blank or Lo
Lhe buyer by Lhe conslgnee named Lhereln one who purchases ln good falLh for value Lhe blll of
ladlng or goods from Lhe buyer wlll obLaln Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods alLhough Lhe blll of exchange
has noL been honored provlded LhaL such purchaser has recelved dellvery of Lhe blll of ladlng
lndorsed by Lhe conslgnee named Lhereln or of Lhe goods wlLhouL noLlce of Lhe facLs maklng Lhe
Lransfer wrongful (n)
Art 1S04 unless oLherwlse agreed Lhe goods remaln aL Lhe sellers rlsk unLll Lhe ownershlp Lhereln ls
Lransferred Lo Lhe buyer buL when Lhe ownershlp Lhereln ls Lransferred Lo Lhe buyer Lhe goods are
aL Lhe buyers rlsk wheLher acLual dellvery has been made or noL excepL LhaL
(1) Where dellvery of Lhe goods has been made Lo Lhe buyer or Lo a ballee for Lhe buyer ln pursuance of
Lhe conLracL and Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods has been reLalned by Lhe seller merely Lo secure
performance by Lhe buyer of hls obllgaLlons under Lhe conLracL Lhe goods are aL Lhe buyers rlsk
from Lhe Llme of such dellvery
(2) Where acLual dellvery has been delayed Lhrough Lhe faulL of elLher Lhe buyer or seller Lhe goods are
aL Lhe rlsk of Lhe parLy ln faulL (n)
Art 1S0S Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1lLle where goods are sold by a person who ls noL Lhe owner
Lhereof and who does noL sell Lhem under auLhorlLy or wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe owner Lhe buyer
acqulres no beLLer LlLle Lo Lhe goods Lhan Lhe seller had unless Lhe owner of Lhe goods ls by hls
conducL precluded from denylng Lhe sellers auLhorlLy Lo sell
-otbloq lo tbls 1ltle bowevet sboll offent
(1) 1he provlslons of any facLors acL recordlng laws or any oLher provlslon of law enabllng Lhe apparenL
owner of goods Lo dlspose of Lhem as lf he were Lhe Lrue owner Lhereof
(2) 1he valldlLy of any conLracL of sale under sLaLuLory power of sale or under Lhe order of a courL of
compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon
(3) urchases made ln a merchanLs sLore or ln falrs or markeLs ln accordance wlLh Lhe Code of
Commerce and speclal laws (n)
Art 1S06 Where Lhe seller of goods has a voldable LlLle LhereLo buL hls LlLle has noL been avolded aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe sale Lhe buyer acqulres a good LlLle Lo Lhe goods provlded he buys Lhem ln good
falLh for value and wlLhouL noLlce of Lhe sellers defecL of LlLle (n)
Art 1S07 A documenL of LlLle ln whlch lL ls sLaLed LhaL Lhe goods referred Lo Lhereln wlll be dellvered Lo
Lhe bearer or Lo Lhe order of any person named ln such documenL ls a negoLlable documenL of LlLle
Art 1S08 A negoLlable documenL of LlLle may be negoLlaLed by dellvery
(1) Where by Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL Lhe carrler warehouseman or oLher ballee lssulng Lhe same
underLakes Lo dellver Lhe goods Lo Lhe bearer or
(2) Where by Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL Lhe carrler warehouseman or oLher ballee lssulng Lhe same
underLakes Lo dellver Lhe goods Lo Lhe order of a speclfled person and such person or a subsequenL
endorsee of Lhe documenL has lndorsed lL ln blank or Lo Lhe bearer
Where by Lhe Lerms of a negoLlable documenL of LlLle Lhe goods are dellverable Lo bearer or where a
negoLlable documenL of LlLle has been lndorsed ln blank or Lo bearer any holder may lndorse Lhe
same Lo hlmself or Lo any speclfled person and ln such case Lhe documenL shall LhereafLer be
negoLlaLed only by Lhe endorsemenL of such endorsee (n)
Art 1S09 A negoLlable documenL of LlLle may be negoLlaLed by Lhe endorsemenL of Lhe person Lo
whose order Lhe goods are by Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL dellverable Such endorsemenL may be ln
blank Lo bearer or Lo a speclfled person lf lndorsed Lo a speclfled person lL may be agaln
negoLlaLed by Lhe endorsemenL of such person ln blank Lo bearer or Lo anoLher speclfled person
SubsequenL negoLlaLlons may be made ln llke manner (n)
Art 1S10 lf a documenL of LlLle whlch conLalns an underLaklng by a carrler warehouseman or oLher
ballee Lo dellver Lhe goods Lo bearer Lo a speclfled person or order of a speclfled person or whlch
conLalns words of llke lmporL has placed upon lL Lhe words oot oeqotloble ooooeqotloble or
Lhe llke such documenL may neverLheless be negoLlaLed by Lhe holder and ls a negoLlable documenL
of LlLle wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhls 1lLle 8uL noLhlng ln Lhls 1lLle conLalned shall be consLrued as
llmlLlng or deflnlng Lhe effecL upon Lhe obllgaLlons of Lhe carrler warehouseman or oLher ballee
lssulng a documenL of LlLle or placlng Lhereon Lhe words oot oeqotloble ooooeqotloble or Lhe
llke (n)
Art 1S11 A documenL of LlLle whlch ls noL ln such form LhaL lL can be negoLlaLed by dellvery may be
Lransferred by Lhe holder by dellvery Lo a purchaser or donee A nonnegoLlable documenL cannoL
be negoLlaLed and Lhe endorsemenL of such a documenL glves Lhe Lransferee no addlLlonal rlghL (n)
Art 1S12 A negoLlable documenL of LlLle may be negoLlaLed
(1) 8y Lhe owner Lherefor or
(2) 8y any person Lo whom Lhe possesslon or cusLody of Lhe documenL has been enLrusLed by Lhe
owner lf by Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL Lhe ballee lssulng Lhe documenL underLakes Lo dellver Lhe
goods Lo Lhe order of Lhe person Lo whom Lhe possesslon or cusLody of Lhe documenL has been
enLrusLed or lf aL Lhe Llme of such enLrusLlng Lhe documenL ls ln such form LhaL lL may be
negoLlaLed by dellvery (n)
Art 1S13 A person Lo whom a negoLlable documenL of LlLle has been duly negoLlaLed acqulres Lhereby
(1) Such LlLle Lo Lhe goods as Lhe person negoLlaLlng Lhe documenL Lo hlm had or had ablllLy Lo convey Lo
a purchaser ln good falLh for value and also such LlLle Lo Lhe goods as Lhe person Lo whose order Lhe
goods were Lo be dellvered by Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL had or had ablllLy Lo convey Lo a
purchaser ln good falLh for value and
(2) 1he dlrecL obllgaLlon of Lhe ballee lssulng Lhe documenL Lo hold possesslon of Lhe goods for hlm
accordlng Lo Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL as fully as lf such ballee had conLracLed dlrecLly wlLh hlm
Art 1S14 A person Lo whom a documenL of LlLle has been Lransferred buL noL negoLlaLed acqulres
Lhereby as agalnsL Lhe Lransferor Lhe LlLle Lo Lhe goods sub[ecL Lo Lhe Lerms of any agreemenL wlLh
Lhe Lransferor
lf Lhe documenL ls nonnegoLlable such person also acqulres Lhe rlghL Lo noLlfy Lhe ballee who lssued
Lhe documenL of Lhe Lransfer Lhereof and Lhereby Lo acqulre Lhe dlrecL obllgaLlon of such ballee Lo
hold possesslon of Lhe goods for hlm accordlng Lo Lhe Lerms of Lhe documenL
rlor Lo Lhe noLlflcaLlon Lo such ballee by Lhe Lransferor or Lransferee of a nonnegoLlable documenL of
LlLle Lhe LlLle of Lhe Lransferee Lo Lhe goods and Lhe rlghL Lo acqulre Lhe obllgaLlon of such ballee
may be defeaLed by Lhe levy of an aLLachmenL of execuLlon upon Lhe goods by a credlLor of Lhe
Lransferor or by a noLlflcaLlon Lo such ballee by Lhe Lransferor or a subsequenL purchaser from Lhe
Lransfer of a subsequenL sale of Lhe goods by Lhe Lransferor (n)
Art 1S1S Where a negoLlable documenL of LlLle ls Lransferred for value by dellvery and Lhe
endorsemenL of Lhe Lransferor ls essenLlal for negoLlaLlon Lhe Lransferee acqulres a rlghL agalnsL Lhe
Lransferor Lo compel hlm Lo endorse Lhe documenL unless a conLrary lnLenLlon appears 1he
negoLlaLlon shall Lake effecL as of Lhe Llme when Lhe endorsemenL ls acLually made (n)
Art 1S16 A person who for value negoLlaLes or Lransfers a documenL of LlLle by endorsemenL or
dellvery lncludlng one who asslgns for value a clalm secured by a documenL of LlLle unless a
conLrary lnLenLlon appears warranLs
(1) 1haL Lhe documenL ls genulne
(2) 1haL he has a legal rlghL Lo negoLlaLe or Lransfer lL
(3) 1haL he has knowledge of no facL whlch would lmpalr Lhe valldlLy or worLh of Lhe documenL and
(4) 1haL he has a rlghL Lo Lransfer Lhe LlLle Lo Lhe goods and LhaL Lhe goods are merchanLable or flL for a
parLlcular purpose whenever such warranLles would have been lmplled lf Lhe conLracL of Lhe parLles
had been Lo Lransfer wlLhouL a documenL of LlLle Lhe goods represenLed Lhereby (n)
Art 1S17 1he endorsemenL of a documenL of LlLle shall noL make Lhe endorser llable for any fallure on
Lhe parL of Lhe ballee who lssued Lhe documenL or prevlous endorsers Lhereof Lo fulflll Lhelr
respecLlve obllgaLlons (n)
Art 1S18 1he valldlLy of Lhe negoLlaLlon of a negoLlable documenL of LlLle ls noL lmpalred by Lhe facL
LhaL Lhe negoLlaLlon was a breach of duLy on Lhe parL of Lhe person maklng Lhe negoLlaLlon or by
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe owner of Lhe documenL was deprlved of Lhe possesslon of Lhe same by loss LhefL
fraud accldenL mlsLake duress or converslon lf Lhe person Lo whom Lhe documenL was negoLlaLed
or a person Lo whom Lhe documenL was subsequenLly negoLlaLed pald value Lherefor ln good falLh
wlLhouL noLlce of Lhe breach of duLy or loss LhefL fraud accldenL mlsLake duress or converslon
Art 1S19 lf goods are dellvered Lo a ballee by Lhe owner or by a person whose acL ln conveylng Lhe LlLle
Lo Lhem Lo a purchaser ln good falLh for value would blnd Lhe owner and a negoLlable documenL of
LlLle ls lssued for Lhem Lhey cannoL LhereafLer whlle ln possesslon of such ballee be aLLached by
garnlshmenL or oLherwlse or be levled under an execuLlon unless Lhe documenL be flrsL surrendered
Lo Lhe ballee or lLs negoLlaLlon en[olned 1he ballee shall ln no case be compelled Lo dellver up Lhe
acLual possesslon of Lhe goods unLll Lhe documenL ls surrendered Lo hlm or lmpounded by Lhe courL
Art 1S20 A credlLor whose debLor ls Lhe owner of a negoLlable documenL of LlLle shall be enLlLled Lo
such ald from courLs of approprlaLe [urlsdlcLlon by ln[uncLlon and oLherwlse ln aLLachlng such
documenL or ln saLlsfylng Lhe clalm by means Lhereof as ls allowed aL law or ln equlLy ln regard Lo
properLy whlch cannoL readlly be aLLached or levled upon by ordlnary legal process (n)
Art 1S21 WheLher lL ls for Lhe buyer Lo Lake possesslon of Lhe goods or of Lhe seller Lo send Lhem Lo
Lhe buyer ls a quesLlon dependlng ln each case on Lhe conLracL express or lmplled beLween Lhe
parLles AparL from any such conLracL express or lmplled or usage of Lrade Lo Lhe conLrary Lhe
place of dellvery ls Lhe sellers place of buslness lf he has one and lf noL hls resldence buL ln case of
a conLracL of sale of speclflc goods whlch Lo Lhe knowledge of Lhe parLles when Lhe conLracL or Lhe
sale was made were ln some oLher place Lhen LhaL place ls Lhe place of dellvery
Where by a conLracL of sale Lhe seller ls bound Lo send Lhe goods Lo Lhe buyer buL no Llme for sendlng
Lhem ls flxed Lhe seller ls bound Lo send Lhem wlLhln a reasonable Llme
Where Lhe goods aL Lhe Llme of sale are ln Lhe possesslon of a Lhlrd person Lhe seller has noL fulfllled
hls obllgaLlon Lo dellver Lo Lhe buyer unless and unLll such Lhlrd person acknowledges Lo Lhe buyer
LhaL he holds Lhe goods on Lhe buyers behalf
uemand or Lender of dellvery may be LreaLed as lneffecLual unless made aL a reasonable hour WhaL ls
a reasonable hour ls a quesLlon of facL
unless oLherwlse agreed Lhe expenses of and lncldenLal Lo puLLlng Lhe goods lnLo a dellverable sLaLe
musL be borne by Lhe seller (n)
Art 1S22 Where Lhe seller dellvers Lo Lhe buyer a quanLlLy of goods less Lhan he conLracLed Lo sell Lhe
buyer may re[ecL Lhem buL lf Lhe buyer accepLs or reLalns Lhe goods so dellvered knowlng LhaL Lhe
seller ls noL golng Lo perform Lhe conLracL ln full he musL pay for Lhem aL Lhe conLracL raLe lf
however Lhe buyer has used or dlsposed of Lhe goods dellvered before he knows LhaL Lhe seller ls
noL golng Lo perform hls conLracL ln full Lhe buyer shall noL be llable for more Lhan Lhe falr value Lo
hlm of Lhe goods so recelved
Where Lhe seller dellvers Lo Lhe buyer a quanLlLy of goods larger Lhan he conLracLed Lo sell Lhe buyer
may accepL Lhe goods lncluded ln Lhe conLracL and re[ecL Lhe resL lf Lhe buyer accepLs Lhe whole of
Lhe goods so dellvered he musL pay for Lhem aL Lhe conLracL raLe
Where Lhe seller dellvers Lo Lhe buyer Lhe goods he conLracLed Lo sell mlxed wlLh goods of a dlfferenL
descrlpLlon noL lncluded ln Lhe conLracL Lhe buyer may accepL Lhe goods whlch are ln accordance
wlLh Lhe conLracL and re[ecL Lhe resL
ln Lhe precedlng Lwo paragraphs lf Lhe sub[ecL maLLer ls lndlvlslble Lhe buyer may re[ecL Lhe whole of
Lhe goods
1he provlslons of Lhls arLlcle are sub[ecL Lo any usage of Lrade speclal agreemenL or course of deallng
beLween Lhe parLles (n)
Art 1S23 Where ln pursuance of a conLracL of sale Lhe seller ls auLhorlzed or requlred Lo send Lhe
goods Lo Lhe buyer dellvery of Lhe goods Lo a carrler wheLher named by Lhe buyer or noL for Lhe
purpose of Lransmlsslon Lo Lhe buyer ls deemed Lo be a dellvery of Lhe goods Lo Lhe buyer excepL ln
Lhe case provlded for ln ArLlcle 1303 flrsL second and Lhlrd paragraphs or unless a conLrary lnLenL
unless oLherwlse auLhorlzed by Lhe buyer Lhe seller musL make such conLracL wlLh Lhe carrler on
behalf of Lhe buyer as may be reasonable havlng regard Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe goods and Lhe oLher
clrcumsLances of Lhe case lf Lhe seller omlLs so Lo do and Lhe goods are losL or damaged ln course
of LranslL Lhe buyer may decllne Lo LreaL Lhe dellvery Lo Lhe carrler as a dellvery Lo hlmself or may
hold Lhe seller responslble ln damages
unless oLherwlse agreed where goods are senL by Lhe seller Lo Lhe buyer under clrcumsLances ln
whlch Lhe seller knows or oughL Lo know LhaL lL ls usual Lo lnsure Lhe seller musL glve such noLlce Lo
Lhe buyer as may enable hlm Lo lnsure Lhem durlng Lhelr LranslL and lf Lhe seller falls Lo do so Lhe
goods shall be deemed Lo be aL hls rlsk durlng such LranslL (n)
Art 1S24 1he vendor shall noL be bound Lo dellver Lhe Lhlng sold lf Lhe vendee has noL pald hlm Lhe
prlce or lf no perlod for Lhe paymenL has been flxed ln Lhe conLracL (1466)
Art 1S2S 1he seller of goods ls deemed Lo be an unpald seller wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhls 1lLle
(1) When Lhe whole of Lhe prlce has noL been pald or Lendered
(2) When a blll of exchange or oLher negoLlable lnsLrumenL has been recelved as condlLlonal paymenL
and Lhe condlLlon on whlch lL was recelved has been broken by reason of Lhe dlshonor of Lhe
lnsLrumenL Lhe lnsolvency of Lhe buyer or oLherwlse

lo Attlnles 1525 to 15J5 tbe tetm sellet lonloJes oo oqeot of tbe sellet to wbom tbe blll of loJloq bos
beeo loJotseJ ot o nooslqoot ot oqeot wbo bos blmself polJ ot ls Jltently tespooslble fot tbe ptlne
ot ooy otbet petsoo wbo ls lo tbe posltloo of o sellet (o)

Art 1S26 Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1lLle noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods may
have passed Lo Lhe buyer Lhe unpald seller of goods as such has
(1) A llen on Lhe goods or rlghL Lo reLaln Lhem for Lhe prlce whlle he ls ln possesslon of Lhem
(2) ln case of Lhe lnsolvency of Lhe buyer a rlghL of sLopplng Lhe goods ln LranslLu afLer he has parLed
wlLh Lhe possesslon of Lhem
(3) A rlghL of resale as llmlLed by Lhls 1lLle
(4) A rlghL Lo resclnd Lhe sale as llkewlse llmlLed by Lhls 1lLle
Where Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods has noL passed Lo Lhe buyer Lhe unpald seller has ln addlLlon Lo
hls oLher remedles a rlghL of wlLhholdlng dellvery slmllar Lo and coexLenslve wlLh hls rlghLs of llen
and sLoppage ln LranslLu where Lhe ownershlp has passed Lo Lhe buyer (n)
Art 1S27 Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1lLle Lhe unpald seller of goods who ls ln possesslon of Lhem
ls enLlLled Lo reLaln possesslon of Lhem unLll paymenL or Lender of Lhe prlce ln Lhe followlng cases
(1) Where Lhe goods have been sold wlLhouL any sLlpulaLlon as Lo credlL
(2) Where Lhe goods have been sold on credlL buL Lhe Lerm of credlL has explred
(3) Where Lhe buyer becomes lnsolvenL
1he seller may exerclse hls rlghL of llen noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL he ls ln possesslon of Lhe goods as agenL or
ballee for Lhe buyer (n)
Art 1S28 Where an unpald seller has made parL dellvery of Lhe goods he may exerclse hls rlghL of llen
on Lhe remalnder unless such parL dellvery has been made under such clrcumsLances as Lo show an
lnLenL Lo walve Lhe llen or rlghL of reLenLlon (n)
Art 1S29 1he unpald seller of goods loses hls llen Lhereon
(1) When he dellvers Lhe goods Lo a carrler or oLher ballee for Lhe purpose of Lransmlsslon Lo Lhe buyer
wlLhouL reservlng Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods or Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon Lhereof
(2) When Lhe buyer or hls agenL lawfully obLalns possesslon of Lhe goods
(3) 8y walver Lhereof
1he unpald seller of goods havlng a llen Lhereon does noL lose hls llen by reason only LhaL he has
obLalned [udgmenL or decree for Lhe prlce of Lhe goods (n)
Art 1S30 Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1lLle when Lhe buyer of goods ls or becomes lnsolvenL Lhe
unpald seller who has parLed wlLh Lhe possesslon of Lhe goods has Lhe rlghL of sLopplng Lhem ln
LranslLu LhaL ls Lo say he may resume possesslon of Lhe goods aL any Llme whlle Lhey are ln LranslL
and he wlll Lhen become enLlLled Lo Lhe same rlghLs ln regard Lo Lhe goods as he would have had lf
he had never parLed wlLh Lhe possesslon (n)
Art 1S31 Coods are ln LranslL wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhe precedlng arLlcle
(1) lrom Lhe Llme when Lhey are dellvered Lo a carrler by land waLer or alr or oLher ballee for Lhe
purpose of Lransmlsslon Lo Lhe buyer unLll Lhe buyer or hls agenL ln LhaL behalf Lakes dellvery of
Lhem from such carrler or oLher ballee
(2) lf Lhe goods are re[ecLed by Lhe buyer and Lhe carrler or oLher ballee conLlnues ln possesslon of
Lhem even lf Lhe seller has refused Lo recelve Lhem back
ooJs ote oo looqet lo ttooslt wltblo tbe meooloq of tbe pteneJloq ottlnle
(1) lf Lhe buyer or hls agenL ln LhaL behalf obLalns dellvery of Lhe goods before Lhelr arrlval aL Lhe
appolnLed desLlnaLlon
(2) lf afLer Lhe arrlval of Lhe goods aL Lhe appolnLed desLlnaLlon Lhe carrler or oLher ballee
acknowledges Lo Lhe buyer or hls agenL LhaL he holds Lhe goods on hls behalf and conLlnues ln
possesslon of Lhem as ballee for Lhe buyer or hls agenL and lL ls lmmaLerlal LhaL furLher desLlnaLlon
for Lhe goods may have been lndlcaLed by Lhe buyer
(3) lf Lhe carrler or oLher ballee wrongfully refuses Lo dellver Lhe goods Lo Lhe buyer or hls agenL ln LhaL
lf Lhe goods are dellvered Lo a shlp frelghL Lraln Lruck or alrplane charLered by Lhe buyer lL ls a
quesLlon dependlng on Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe parLlcular case wheLher Lhey are ln Lhe possesslon
of Lhe carrler as such or as agenL of Lhe buyer
lf parL dellvery of Lhe goods has been made Lo Lhe buyer or hls agenL ln LhaL behalf Lhe remalnder of
Lhe goods may be sLopped ln LranslLu unless such parL dellvery has been under such clrcumsLances
as Lo show an agreemenL wlLh Lhe buyer Lo glve up possesslon of Lhe whole of Lhe goods (n)
Art 1S32 1he unpald seller may exerclse hls rlghL of sLoppage ln LranslLu elLher by obLalnlng acLual
possesslon of Lhe goods or by glvlng noLlce of hls clalm Lo Lhe carrler or oLher ballee ln whose
possesslon Lhe goods are Such noLlce may be glven elLher Lo Lhe person ln acLual possesslon of Lhe
goods or Lo hls prlnclpal ln Lhe laLLer case Lhe noLlce Lo be effecLual musL be glven aL such Llme
and under such clrcumsLances LhaL Lhe prlnclpal by Lhe exerclse of reasonable dlllgence may
prevenL a dellvery Lo Lhe buyer
When noLlce of sLoppage ln LranslLu ls glven by Lhe seller Lo Lhe carrler or oLher ballee ln possesslon
of Lhe goods he musL redellver Lhe goods Lo or accordlng Lo Lhe dlrecLlons of Lhe seller 1he
expenses of such dellvery musL be borne by Lhe seller lf however a negoLlable documenL of LlLle
represenLlng Lhe goods has been lssued by Lhe carrler or oLher ballee he shall noL obllged Lo dellver
or [usLlfled ln dellverlng Lhe goods Lo Lhe seller unless such documenL ls flrsL surrendered for
cancellaLlon (n)
Art 1S33 Where Lhe goods are of perlshable naLure or where Lhe seller expressly reserves Lhe rlghL of
resale ln case Lhe buyer should make defaulL or where Lhe buyer has been ln defaulL ln Lhe paymenL
of Lhe prlce for an unreasonable Llme an unpald seller havlng a rlghL of llen or havlng sLopped Lhe
goods ln LranslLu may resell Lhe goods Pe shall noL LhereafLer be llable Lo Lhe orlglnal buyer upon
Lhe conLracL of sale or for any proflL made by such resale buL may recover from Lhe buyer damages
for any loss occasloned by Lhe breach of Lhe conLracL of sale
Where a resale ls made as auLhorlzed ln Lhls arLlcle Lhe buyer acqulres a good LlLle as agalnsL Lhe
orlglnal buyer
lL ls noL essenLlal Lo Lhe valldlLy of resale LhaL noLlce of an lnLenLlon Lo resell Lhe goods be glven by Lhe
seller Lo Lhe orlglnal buyer 8uL where Lhe rlghL Lo resell ls noL based on Lhe perlshable naLure of Lhe
goods or upon an express provlslon of Lhe conLracL of sale Lhe glvlng or fallure Lo glve such noLlce
shall be relevanL ln any lssue lnvolvlng Lhe quesLlon wheLher Lhe buyer had been ln defaulL for an
unreasonable Llme before Lhe resale was made
lL ls noL essenLlal Lo Lhe valldlLy of a resale LhaL noLlce of Lhe Llme and place of such resale should be
glven by Lhe seller Lo Lhe orlglnal buyer
1he seller ls bound Lo exerclse reasonable care and [udgmenL ln maklng a resale and sub[ecL Lo Lhls
requlremenL may make a resale elLher by publlc or prlvaLe sale Pe cannoL however dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly buy Lhe goods (n)
Art 1S34 An unpald seller havlng Lhe rlghL of llen or havlng sLopped Lhe goods ln LranslLu may resclnd
Lhe Lransfer of LlLle and resume Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods where he expressly reserved Lhe rlghL
Lo do so ln case Lhe buyer should make defaulL or where Lhe buyer has been ln defaulL ln Lhe
paymenL of Lhe prlce for an unreasonable Llme 1he seller shall noL LhereafLer be llable Lo Lhe buyer
upon Lhe conLracL of sale buL may recover from Lhe buyer damages for any loss occasloned by Lhe
breach of Lhe conLracL
1he Lransfer of LlLle shall noL be held Lo have been resclnded by an unpald seller unLll he has
manlfesLed by noLlce Lo Lhe buyer or by some oLher overL acL an lnLenLlon Lo resclnd lL ls noL
necessary LhaL such overL acL should be communlcaLed Lo Lhe buyer buL Lhe glvlng or fallure Lo glve
noLlce Lo Lhe buyer of Lhe lnLenLlon Lo resclnd shall be relevanL ln any lssue lnvolvlng Lhe quesLlon
wheLher Lhe buyer had been ln defaulL for an unreasonable Llme before Lhe rlghL of resclsslon was
asserLed (n)
Art 1S3S Sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls 1lLle Lhe unpald sellers rlghL of llen or sLoppage ln LranslLu ls
noL affecLed by any sale or oLher dlsposlLlon of Lhe goods whlch Lhe buyer may have made unless
Lhe seller has assenLed LhereLo
lf however a negoLlable documenL of LlLle has been lssued for goods no sellers llen or rlghL of
sLoppage ln LranslLu shall defeaL Lhe rlghL of any purchaser for value ln good falLh Lo whom such
documenL has been negoLlaLed wheLher such negoLlaLlon be prlor or subsequenL Lo Lhe noLlflcaLlon
Lo Lhe carrler or oLher ballee who lssued such documenL of Lhe sellers clalm Lo a llen or rlghL of
sLoppage ln LranslLu (n)
Art 1S36 1he vendor ls noL bound Lo dellver Lhe Lhlng sold ln case Lhe vendee should lose Lhe rlghL Lo
make use of Lhe Lerms as provlded ln ArLlcle 1198 (1467a)
Art 1S37 1he vendor ls bound Lo dellver Lhe Lhlng sold and lLs accesslons and accessorles ln Lhe
condlLlon ln whlch Lhey were upon Lhe perfecLlon of Lhe conLracL
All Lhe frulLs shall perLaln Lo Lhe vendee from Lhe day on whlch Lhe conLracL was perfecLed (1468a)
Art 1S38 ln case of loss deLerloraLlon or lmprovemenL of Lhe Lhlng before lLs dellvery Lhe rules ln
ArLlcle 1189 shall be observed Lhe vendor belng consldered Lhe debLor (n)
Art 1S39 1he obllgaLlon Lo dellver Lhe Lhlng sold lncludes LhaL of placlng ln Lhe conLrol of Lhe vendee all
LhaL ls menLloned ln Lhe conLracL ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe followlng rules
lf Lhe sale of real esLaLe should be made wlLh a sLaLemenL of lLs area aL Lhe raLe of a cerLaln prlce for a
unlL of measure or number Lhe vendor shall be obllged Lo dellver Lo Lhe vendee lf Lhe laLLer should
demand lL all LhaL may have been sLaLed ln Lhe conLracL buL should Lhls be noL posslble Lhe
vendee may choose beLween a proporLlonal reducLlon of Lhe prlce and Lhe resclsslon of Lhe
conLracL provlded LhaL ln Lhe laLLer case Lhe lack ln Lhe area be noL less Lhan oneLenLh of LhaL
1he same shall be done even when Lhe area ls Lhe same lf any parL of Lhe lmmovable ls noL of Lhe
quallLy speclfled ln Lhe conLracL
1he resclsslon ln Lhls case shall only Lake place aL Lhe wlll of Lhe vendee when Lhe lnferlor value of
Lhe Lhlng sold exceeds oneLenLh of Lhe prlce agreed upon
neverLheless lf Lhe vendee would noL have boughL Lhe lmmovable had he known of lLs smaller area of
lnferlor quallLy he may resclnd Lhe sale (1469a)
Art 1S40 lf ln Lhe case of Lhe precedlng arLlcle Lhere ls a greaLer area or number ln Lhe lmmovable
Lhan LhaL sLaLed ln Lhe conLracL Lhe vendee may accepL Lhe area lncluded ln Lhe conLracL and re[ecL
Lhe resL lf he accepLs Lhe whole area he musL pay for Lhe same aL Lhe conLracL raLe (1470a)
Art 1S41 1he provlslons of Lhe Lwo precedlng arLlcles shall apply Lo [udlclal sales (n)
Art 1S42 ln Lhe sale of real esLaLe made for a lump sum and noL aL Lhe raLe of a cerLaln sum for a unlL
of measure or number Lhere shall be no lncrease or decrease of Lhe prlce alLhough Lhere be a
greaLer or less area or number Lhan LhaL sLaLed ln Lhe conLracL
1he same rule shall be applled when Lwo or more lmmovables as sold for a slngle prlce buL lf besldes
menLlonlng Lhe boundarles whlch ls lndlspensable ln every conveyance of real esLaLe lLs area or
number should be deslgnaLed ln Lhe conLracL Lhe vendor shall be bound Lo dellver all LhaL ls
lncluded wlLhln sald boundarles even when lL exceeds Lhe area or number speclfled ln Lhe conLracL
and should he noL be able Lo do so he shall suffer a reducLlon ln Lhe prlce ln proporLlon Lo whaL ls
lacklng ln Lhe area or number unless Lhe conLracL ls resclnded because Lhe vendee does noL accede
Lo Lhe fallure Lo dellver whaL has been sLlpulaLed (1471)
Art 1S43 1he acLlons arlslng from ArLlcles 1339 and 1342 shall prescrlbe ln slx monLhs counLed from
Lhe day of dellvery (1472a)
Art 1S44 lf Lhe same Lhlng should have been sold Lo dlfferenL vendees Lhe ownershlp shall be
Lransferred Lo Lhe person who may have flrsL Laken possesslon Lhereof ln good falLh lf lL should be
movable properLy
Should lL be lmmovable properLy Lhe ownershlp shall belong Lo Lhe person acqulrlng lL who ln good
falLh flrsL recorded lL ln Lhe 8eglsLry of roperLy
Should Lhere be no lnscrlpLlon Lhe ownershlp shall perLaln Lo Lhe person who ln good falLh was flrsL ln
Lhe possesslon and ln Lhe absence Lhereof Lo Lhe person who presenLs Lhe oldesL LlLle provlded
Lhere ls good falLh (1473)

SLC1ICN 3 Cond|t|ons and Warrant|es
Art 1S4S Where Lhe obllgaLlon of elLher parLy Lo a conLracL of sale ls sub[ecL Lo any condlLlon whlch ls
noL performed such parLy may refuse Lo proceed wlLh Lhe conLracL or he may walve performance of
Lhe condlLlon lf Lhe oLher parLy has promlsed LhaL Lhe condlLlon should happen or be performed
such flrsL menLloned parLy may also LreaL Lhe nonperformance of Lhe condlLlon as a breach of
Where Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe Lhlng has noL passed Lhe buyer may LreaL Lhe fulflllmenL by Lhe seller of
hls obllgaLlon Lo dellver Lhe same as descrlbed and as warranLed expressly or by lmpllcaLlon ln Lhe
conLracL of sale as a condlLlon of Lhe obllgaLlon of Lhe buyer Lo perform hls promlse Lo accepL and
pay for Lhe Lhlng (n)
Art 1S46 Any afflrmaLlon of facL or any promlse by Lhe seller relaLlng Lo Lhe Lhlng ls an express
warranLy lf Lhe naLural Lendency of such afflrmaLlon or promlse ls Lo lnduce Lhe buyer Lo purchase
Lhe same and lf Lhe buyer purchase Lhe Lhlng relylng Lhereon no afflrmaLlon of Lhe value of Lhe
Lhlng nor any sLaLemenL purporLlng Lo be a sLaLemenL of Lhe sellers oplnlon only shall be
consLrued as a warranLy unless Lhe seller made such afflrmaLlon or sLaLemenL as an experL and lL
was relled upon by Lhe buyer (n)
Art 1S47 ln a conLracL of sale unless a conLrary lnLenLlon appears Lhere ls
(1) An lmplled warranLy on Lhe parL of Lhe seller LhaL he has a rlghL Lo sell Lhe Lhlng aL Lhe Llme when Lhe
ownershlp ls Lo pass and LhaL Lhe buyer shall from LhaL Llme have and en[oy Lhe legal and peaceful
possesslon of Lhe Lhlng
(2) An lmplled warranLy LhaL Lhe Lhlng shall be free from any hldden faulLs or defecLs or any charge or
encumbrance noL declared or known Lo Lhe buyer
1bls Attlnle sboll oot bowevet be belJ to teoJet lloble o sbetlff oontlooeet mottqoqee pleJqee ot
otbet petsoo ptofessloq to sell by vlttoe of ootbotlty lo font ot low fot tbe sole of o tbloq lo wblnb o
tbltJ petsoo bos o leqol ot epoltoble lotetest (o)

SU8SLC1ICN 1 Warranty |n Case of Lv|ct|on
Art 1S48 LvlcLlon shall Lake place whenever by a flnal [udgmenL based on a rlghL prlor Lo Lhe sale or an
acL lmpuLable Lo Lhe vendor Lhe vendee ls deprlved of Lhe whole or of a parL of Lhe Lhlng
1he vendor shall answer for Lhe evlcLlon even Lhough noLhlng has been sald ln Lhe conLracL on Lhe
1he conLracLlng parLles however may lncrease dlmlnlsh or suppress Lhls legal obllgaLlon of Lhe
vendor (1473a)
Art 1S49 1he vendee need noL appeal from Lhe declslon ln order LhaL Lhe vendor may become llable
for evlcLlon (n)
Art 1SS0 When adverse possesslon had been commenced before Lhe sale buL Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod ls
compleLed afLer Lhe Lransfer Lhe vendor shall noL be llable for evlcLlon (n)
Art 1SS1 lf Lhe properLy ls sold for nonpaymenL of Laxes due and noL made known Lo Lhe vendee
before Lhe sale Lhe vendor ls llable for evlcLlon (n)
Art 1SS2 1he [udgmenL debLor ls also responslble for evlcLlon ln [udlclal sales unless lL ls oLherwlse
decreed ln Lhe [udgmenL (n)
Art 1SS3 Any sLlpulaLlon exempLlng Lhe vendor from Lhe obllgaLlon Lo answer for evlcLlon shall be vold
lf he acLed ln bad falLh (1476)
Art 1SS4 lf Lhe vendee has renounced Lhe rlghL Lo warranLy ln case of evlcLlon and evlcLlon should Lake
place Lhe vendor shall only pay Lhe value whlch Lhe Lhlng sold had aL Lhe Llme of Lhe evlcLlon
Should Lhe vendee have made Lhe walver wlLh knowledge of Lhe rlsks of evlcLlon and assumed lLs
consequences Lhe vendor shall noL be llable (1477)
Art 1SSS When Lhe warranLy has been agreed upon or noLhlng has been sLlpulaLed on Lhls polnL ln
case evlcLlon occurs Lhe vendee shall have Lhe rlghL Lo demand of Lhe vendor
(1) 1he reLurn of Lhe value whlch Lhe Lhlng sold had aL Lhe Llme of Lhe evlcLlon be lL greaLer or less Lhan
Lhe prlce of Lhe sale
(2) 1he lncome or frulLs lf he has been ordered Lo dellver Lhem Lo Lhe parLy who won Lhe sulL agalnsL
(3) 1he cosLs of Lhe sulL whlch caused Lhe evlcLlon and ln a proper case Lhose of Lhe sulL broughL
agalnsL Lhe vendor for Lhe warranLy
(4) 1he expenses of Lhe conLracL lf Lhe vendee has pald Lhem
(3) 1he damages and lnLeresLs and ornamenLal expenses lf Lhe sale was made ln bad falLh (1478)
Art 1SS6 Should Lhe vendee lose by reason of Lhe evlcLlon a parL of Lhe Lhlng sold of such lmporLance
ln relaLlon Lo Lhe whole LhaL he would noL have boughL lL wlLhouL sald parL he may demand Lhe
resclsslon of Lhe conLracL buL wlLh Lhe obllgaLlon Lo reLurn Lhe Lhlng wlLhouL oLher encumbrances
LhaL Lhose whlch lL had when he acqulred lL
Pe may exerclse Lhls rlghL of acLlon lnsLead of enforclng Lhe vendors llablllLy for evlcLlon
1he same rule shall be observed when Lwo or more Lhlngs have been [olnLly sold for a lump sum or
for a separaLe prlce for each of Lhem lf lL should clearly appear LhaL Lhe vendee would noL have
purchased one wlLhouL Lhe oLher (1479a)
Art 1SS7 1he warranLy cannoL be enforced unLll a flnal [udgmenL has been rendered whereby Lhe
vendee loses Lhe Lhlng acqulred or a parL Lhereof (1480)
Art 1SS8 1he vendor shall noL be obllged Lo make good Lhe proper warranLy unless he ls summoned ln
Lhe sulL for evlcLlon aL Lhe lnsLance of Lhe vendee (1481a)
Art 1SS9 1he defendanL vendee shall ask wlLhln Lhe Llme flxed ln Lhe 8ules of CourL for answerlng Lhe
complalnL LhaL Lhe vendor be made a codefendanL (1482a)
Art 1S60 lf Lhe lmmovable sold should be encumbered wlLh any nonapparenL burden or servlLude noL
menLloned ln Lhe agreemenL of such a naLure LhaL lL musL be presumed LhaL Lhe vendee would noL
have acqulred lL had he been aware Lhereof he may ask for Lhe resclsslon of Lhe conLracL unless he
should prefer Lhe approprlaLe lndemnlLy nelLher rlghL can be exerclsed lf Lhe nonapparenL burden
or servlLude ls recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of roperLy unless Lhere ls an express warranLy LhaL Lhe
Lhlng ls free from all burdens and encumbrances
WlLhln one year Lo be compuLed from Lhe execuLlon of Lhe deed Lhe vendee may brlng Lhe acLlon for
resclsslon or sue for damages
Cne year havlng elapsed he may only brlng an acLlon for damages wlLhln an equal perlod Lo be
counLed from Lhe daLe on whlch he dlscovered Lhe burden or servlLude (1483a)

SU8SLC1ICN 2 Warranty Aga|nst n|dden Defects of or Lncumbrances Upon the 1h|ng So|d
Art 1S61 1he vendor shall be responslble for warranLy agalnsL Lhe hldden defecLs whlch Lhe Lhlng sold
may have should Lhey render lL unflL for Lhe use for whlch lL ls lnLended or should Lhey dlmlnlsh lLs
flLness for such use Lo such an exLenL LhaL had Lhe vendee been aware Lhereof he would noL have
acqulred lL or would have glven a lower prlce for lL buL sald vendor shall noL be answerable for
paLenL defecLs or Lhose whlch may be vlslble or for Lhose whlch are noL vlslble lf Lhe vendee ls an
experL who by reason of hls Lrade or professlon should have known Lhem (1484a)
Art 1S62 ln a sale of goods Lhere ls an lmplled warranLy or condlLlon as Lo Lhe quallLy or flLness of Lhe
goods as follows
(1) Where Lhe buyer expressly or by lmpllcaLlon makes known Lo Lhe seller Lhe parLlcular purpose for
whlch Lhe goods are acqulred and lL appears LhaL Lhe buyer relles on Lhe sellers sklll or [udgmenL
(wheLher he be Lhe grower or manufacLurer or noL) Lhere ls an lmplled warranLy LhaL Lhe goods
shall be reasonably flL for such purpose
(2) Where Lhe goods are broughL by descrlpLlon from a seller who deals ln goods of LhaL descrlpLlon
(wheLher he be Lhe grower or manufacLurer or noL) Lhere ls an lmplled warranLy LhaL Lhe goods
shall be of merchanLable quallLy (n)
Art 1S63 ln Lhe case of conLracL of sale of a speclfled arLlcle under lLs paLenL or oLher Lrade name
Lhere ls no warranLy as Lo lLs flLness for any parLlcular purpose unless Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe
conLrary (n)
Art 1S64 An lmplled warranLy or condlLlon as Lo Lhe quallLy or flLness for a parLlcular purpose may be
annexed by Lhe usage of Lrade (n)
Art 1S6S ln Lhe case of a conLracL of sale by sample lf Lhe seller ls a dealer ln goods of LhaL klnd Lhere
ls an lmplled warranLy LhaL Lhe goods shall be free from any defecL renderlng Lhem unmerchanLable
whlch would noL be apparenL on reasonable examlnaLlon of Lhe sample (n)
Art 1S66 1he vendor ls responslble Lo Lhe vendee for any hldden faulLs or defecLs ln Lhe Lhlng sold
even Lhough he was noL aware Lhereof
1bls ptovlsloo sboll oot opply lf tbe noottoty bos beeo stlpoloteJ ooJ tbe veoJot wos oot owote of tbe
blJJeo foolts ot Jefents lo tbe tbloq solJ (1485)
Art 1S67 ln Lhe cases of ArLlcles 1361 1362 1364 1363 and 1366 Lhe vendee may elecL beLween
wlLhdrawlng from Lhe conLracL and demandlng a proporLlonaLe reducLlon of Lhe prlce wlLh
damages ln elLher case (1486a)
Art 1S68 lf Lhe Lhlng sold should be losL ln consequence of Lhe hldden faulLs and Lhe vendor was
aware of Lhem he shall bear Lhe loss and shall be obllged Lo reLurn Lhe prlce and refund Lhe
expenses of Lhe conLracL wlLh damages lf he was noL aware of Lhem he shall only reLurn Lhe prlce
and lnLeresL Lhereon and relmburse Lhe expenses of Lhe conLracL whlch Lhe vendee mlghL have
pald (1487a)
Art 1S69 lf Lhe Lhlng sold had any hldden faulL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe sale and should LhereafLer be losL by
a forLulLous evenL or Lhrough Lhe faulL of Lhe vendee Lhe laLLer may demand of Lhe vendor Lhe prlce
whlch he pald less Lhe value whlch Lhe Lhlng had when lL was losL
lf Lhe vendor acLed ln bad falLh he shall pay damages Lo Lhe vendee (1488a)
Art 1S70 1he precedlng arLlcles of Lhls SubsecLlon shall be appllcable Lo [udlclal sales excepL LhaL Lhe
[udgmenL debLor shall noL be llable for damages (1489a)
Art 1S71 AcLlons arlslng from Lhe provlslons of Lhe precedlng Len arLlcles shall be barred afLer slx
monLhs from Lhe dellvery of Lhe Lhlng sold (1490)
Art 1S72 lf Lwo or more anlmals are sold LogeLher wheLher for a lump sum or for a separaLe prlce for
each of Lhem Lhe redhlblLory defecL of one shall only glve rlse Lo lLs redhlblLlon and noL LhaL of Lhe
oLhers unless lL should appear LhaL Lhe vendee would noL have purchased Lhe sound anlmal or
anlmals wlLhouL Lhe defecLlve one
1he laLLer case shall be presumed when a Leam yoke palr or seL ls boughL even lf a separaLe prlce
has been flxed for each one of Lhe anlmals composlng Lhe same (1491)
Art 1S73 1he provlslons of Lhe precedlng arLlcle wlLh respecL Lo Lhe sale of anlmals shall ln llke manner
be appllcable Lo Lhe sale of oLher Lhlngs (1492)
Art 1S74 1here ls no warranLy agalnsL hldden defecLs of anlmals sold aL falrs or aL publlc aucLlons or of
llve sLock sold as condemned (1493a)
Art 1S7S 1he sale of anlmals sufferlng from conLaglous dlseases shall be vold
A conLracL of sale of anlmals shall also be vold lf Lhe use or servlce for whlch Lhey are acqulred has
been sLaLed ln Lhe conLracL and Lhey are found Lo be unflL Lherefor (1494a)
Art 1S76 lf Lhe hldden defecL of anlmals even ln case a professlonal lnspecLlon has been made should
be of such a naLure LhaL experL knowledge ls noL sufflclenL Lo dlscover lL Lhe defecL shall be
consldered as redhlblLory
8uL lf Lhe veLerlnarlan Lhrough lgnorance or bad falLh should fall Lo dlscover or dlsclose lL he shall be
llable for damages (1493)
Art 1S77 1he redhlblLory acLlon based on Lhe faulLs or defecLs of anlmals musL be broughL wlLhln
forLy days from Lhe daLe of Lhelr dellvery Lo Lhe vendee
1hls acLlon can only be exerclsed wlLh respecL Lo faulLs and defecLs whlch are deLermlned by law or by
local cusLoms (1496a)
Art 1S78 lf Lhe anlmal should dle wlLhln Lhree days afLer lLs purchase Lhe vendor shall be llable lf Lhe
dlsease whlch cause Lhe deaLh exlsLed aL Lhe Llme of Lhe conLracL (1497a)
Art 1S79 lf Lhe sale be resclnded Lhe anlmal shall be reLurned ln Lhe condlLlon ln whlch lL was sold and
dellvered Lhe vendee belng answerable for any ln[ury due Lo hls negllgence and noL arlslng from
Lhe redhlblLory faulL or defecL (1498)
Art 1S80 ln Lhe sale of anlmals wlLh redhlblLory defecLs Lhe vendee shall also en[oy Lhe rlghL
menLloned ln arLlcle 1367 buL he musL make use Lhereof wlLhln Lhe same perlod whlch has been
flxed for Lhe exerclse of Lhe redhlblLory acLlon (1499)
Art 1S81 1he form of sale of large caLLle shall be governed by speclal laws (n)

CnA1Lk S
Art 1S82 1he vendee ls bound Lo accepL dellvery and Lo pay Lhe prlce of Lhe Lhlng sold aL Lhe Llme and
place sLlpulaLed ln Lhe conLracL
lf Lhe Llme and place should noL have been sLlpulaLed Lhe paymenL musL be made aL Lhe Llme and
place of Lhe dellvery of Lhe Lhlng sold (1300a)
Art 1S83 unless oLherwlse agreed Lhe buyer of goods ls noL bound Lo accepL dellvery Lhereof by
Where Lhere ls a conLracL of sale of goods Lo be dellvered by sLaLed lnsLallmenLs whlch are Lo be
separaLely pald for and Lhe seller makes defecLlve dellverles ln respecL of one or more lnsLalmenLs
or Lhe buyer neglecLs or refuses wlLhouL [usL cause Lo Lake dellvery of or pay for one more
lnsLalmenLs lL depends ln each case on Lhe Lerms of Lhe conLracL and Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe case
wheLher Lhe breach of conLracL ls so maLerlal as Lo [usLlfy Lhe ln[ured parLy ln refuslng Lo proceed
furLher and sulng for damages for breach of Lhe enLlre conLracL or wheLher Lhe breach ls severable
glvlng rlse Lo a clalm for compensaLlon buL noL Lo a rlghL Lo LreaL Lhe whole conLracL as broken (n)
Art 1S84 Where goods are dellvered Lo Lhe buyer whlch he has noL prevlously examlned he ls noL
deemed Lo have accepLed Lhem unless and unLll he has had a reasonable opporLunlLy of examlnlng
Lhem for Lhe purpose of ascerLalnlng wheLher Lhey are ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe conLracL lf Lhere ls no
sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary
unless oLherwlse agreed when Lhe seller Lenders dellvery of goods Lo Lhe buyer he ls bound on
requesL Lo afford Lhe buyer a reasonable opporLunlLy of examlnlng Lhe goods for Lhe purpose of
ascerLalnlng wheLher Lhey are ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe conLracL
Where goods are dellvered Lo a carrler by Lhe seller ln accordance wlLh an order from or agreemenL
wlLh Lhe buyer upon Lhe Lerms LhaL Lhe goods shall noL be dellvered by Lhe carrler Lo Lhe buyer unLll
he has pald Lhe prlce wheLher such Lerms are lndlcaLed by marklng Lhe goods wlLh Lhe words
collecL on dellvery or oLherwlse Lhe buyer ls noL enLlLled Lo examlne Lhe goods before Lhe
paymenL of Lhe prlce ln Lhe absence of agreemenL or usage of Lrade permlLLlng such examlnaLlon
Art 1S8S 1he buyer ls deemed Lo have accepLed Lhe goods when he lnLlmaLes Lo Lhe seller LhaL he has
accepLed Lhem or when Lhe goods have been dellvered Lo hlm and he does any acL ln relaLlon Lo
Lhem whlch ls lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe ownershlp of Lhe seller or when afLer Lhe lapse of a reasonable
Llme he reLalns Lhe goods wlLhouL lnLlmaLlng Lo Lhe seller LhaL he has re[ecLed Lhem (n)
Art 1S86 ln Lhe absence of express or lmplled agreemenL of Lhe parLles accepLance of Lhe goods by Lhe
buyer shall noL dlscharge Lhe seller from llablllLy ln damages or oLher legal remedy for breach of any
promlse or warranLy ln Lhe conLracL of sale 8uL lf afLer accepLance of Lhe goods Lhe buyer falls Lo
glve noLlce Lo Lhe seller of Lhe breach ln any promlse of warranLy wlLhln a reasonable Llme afLer Lhe
buyer knows or oughL Lo know of such breach Lhe seller shall noL be llable Lherefor (n)
Art 1S87 unless oLherwlse agreed where goods are dellvered Lo Lhe buyer and he refuses Lo accepL
Lhem havlng Lhe rlghL so Lo do he ls noL bound Lo reLurn Lhem Lo Lhe seller buL lL ls sufflclenL lf he
noLlfles Lhe seller LhaL he refuses Lo accepL Lhem lf he volunLarlly consLlLuLes hlmself a deposlLary
Lhereof he shall be llable as such (n)
Art 1S88 lf Lhere ls no sLlpulaLlon as speclfled ln Lhe flrsL paragraph of arLlcle 1323 when Lhe buyers
refusal Lo accepL Lhe goods ls wlLhouL [usL cause Lhe LlLle LhereLo passes Lo hlm from Lhe momenL
Lhey are placed aL hls dlsposal (n)
Art 1S89 1he vendee shall owe lnLeresL for Lhe perlod beLween Lhe dellvery of Lhe Lhlng and Lhe
paymenL of Lhe prlce ln Lhe followlng Lhree cases
(1) Should lL have been so sLlpulaLed
(2) Should Lhe Lhlng sold and dellvered produce frulLs or lncome
(3) Should he be ln defaulL from Lhe Llme of [udlclal or exLra[udlclal demand for Lhe paymenL of Lhe
prlce (1301a)
Art 1S90 Should Lhe vendee be dlsLurbed ln Lhe possesslon or ownershlp of Lhe Lhlng acqulred or
should he have reasonable grounds Lo fear such dlsLurbance by a vlndlcaLory acLlon or a foreclosure
of morLgage he may suspend Lhe paymenL of Lhe prlce unLll Lhe vendor has caused Lhe dlsLurbance
or danger Lo cease unless Lhe laLLer glves securlLy for Lhe reLurn of Lhe prlce ln a proper case or lL
has been sLlpulaLed LhaL noLwlLhsLandlng any such conLlngency Lhe vendee shall be bound Lo make
Lhe paymenL A mere acL of Lrespass shall noL auLhorlze Lhe suspenslon of Lhe paymenL of Lhe prlce
Art 1S91 Should Lhe vendor have reasonable grounds Lo fear Lhe loss of lmmovable properLy sold and
lLs prlce he may lmmedlaLely sue for Lhe resclsslon of Lhe sale
Should such ground noL exlsL Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 1191 shall be observed (1303)
Art 1S92 ln Lhe sale of lmmovable properLy even Lhough lL may have been sLlpulaLed LhaL upon fallure
Lo pay Lhe prlce aL Lhe Llme agreed upon Lhe resclsslon of Lhe conLracL shall of rlghL Lake place Lhe
vendee may pay even afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod as long as no demand for resclsslon of Lhe
conLracL has been made upon hlm elLher [udlclally or by a noLarlal acL AfLer Lhe demand Lhe courL
may noL granL hlm a new Lerm (1304a)
Art 1S93 WlLh respecL Lo movable properLy Lhe resclsslon of Lhe sale shall of rlghL Lake place ln Lhe
lnLeresL of Lhe vendor lf Lhe vendee upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod flxed for Lhe dellvery of Lhe
Lhlng should noL have appeared Lo recelve lL or havlng appeared he should noL have Lendered Lhe
prlce aL Lhe same Llme unless a longer perlod has been sLlpulaLed for lLs paymenL (1303)

CnA1Lk 6
Art 1S94 AcLlons for breach of Lhe conLracL of sale of goods shall be governed parLlcularly by Lhe
provlslons of Lhls ChapLer and as Lo maLLers noL speclflcally provlded for hereln by oLher appllcable
provlslons of Lhls 1lLle (n)
Art 1S9S Where under a conLracL of sale Lhe ownershlp of Lhe goods has passed Lo Lhe buyer and he
wrongfully neglecLs or refuses Lo pay for Lhe goods accordlng Lo Lhe Lerms of Lhe conLracL of sale
Lhe seller may malnLaln an acLlon agalnsL hlm for Lhe prlce of Lhe goods
Where under a conLracL of sale Lhe prlce ls payable on a cerLaln day lrrespecLlve of dellvery or of
Lransfer of LlLle and Lhe buyer wrongfully neglecLs or refuses Lo pay such prlce Lhe seller may
malnLaln an acLlon for Lhe prlce alLhough Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods has noL passed 8uL lL shall be
a defense Lo such an acLlon LhaL Lhe seller aL any Llme before Lhe [udgmenL ln such acLlon has
manlfesLed an lnablllLy Lo perform Lhe conLracL of sale on hls parL or an lnLenLlon noL Lo perform lL
AlLhough Lhe ownershlp ln Lhe goods has noL passed lf Lhey cannoL readlly be resold for a reasonable
prlce and lf Lhe provlslons of arLlcle 1396 fourLh paragraph are noL appllcable Lhe seller may offer
Lo dellver Lhe goods Lo Lhe buyer and lf Lhe buyer refuses Lo recelve Lhem may noLlfy Lhe buyer
LhaL Lhe goods are LhereafLer held by Lhe seller as ballee for Lhe buyer 1hereafLer Lhe seller may
LreaL Lhe goods as Lhe buyers and may malnLaln an acLlon for Lhe prlce (n)
Art 1S96 Where Lhe buyer wrongfully neglecLs or refuses Lo accepL and pay for Lhe goods Lhe seller
may malnLaln an acLlon agalnsL hlm for damages for nonaccepLance
1he measure of damages ls Lhe esLlmaLed loss dlrecLly and naLurally resulLlng ln Lhe ordlnary course of
evenLs from Lhe buyers breach of conLracL
Where Lhere ls an avallable markeL for Lhe goods ln quesLlon Lhe measure of damages ls ln Lhe
absence of speclal clrcumsLances showlng proxlmaLe damage of a dlfferenL amounL Lhe dlfference
beLween Lhe conLracL prlce and Lhe markeL or currenL prlce aL Lhe Llme or Llmes when Lhe goods
oughL Lo have been accepLed or lf no Llme was flxed for accepLance Lhen aL Lhe Llme of Lhe refusal
Lo accepL
lf whlle labor or expense of maLerlal amounL ls necessary on Lhe parL of Lhe seller Lo enable hlm Lo
fulflll hls obllgaLlons under Lhe conLracL of sale Lhe buyer repudlaLes Lhe conLracL or noLlfles Lhe
seller Lo proceed no furLher LherewlLh Lhe buyer shall be llable Lo Lhe seller for labor performed or
expenses made before recelvlng noLlce of Lhe buyers repudlaLlon or counLermand 1he proflL Lhe
seller would have made lf Lhe conLracL or Lhe sale had been fully performed shall be consldered ln
awardlng Lhe damages (n)
Art 1S97 Where Lhe goods have noL been dellvered Lo Lhe buyer and Lhe buyer has repudlaLed Lhe
conLracL of sale or has manlfesLed hls lnablllLy Lo perform hls obllgaLlons Lhereunder or has
commlLLed a breach Lhereof Lhe seller may LoLally resclnd Lhe conLracL of sale by glvlng noLlce of hls
elecLlon so Lo do Lo Lhe buyer (n)
Art 1S98 Where Lhe seller has broken a conLracL Lo dellver speclflc or ascerLalned goods a courL may
on Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe buyer dlrecL LhaL Lhe conLracL shall be performed speclflcally wlLhouL
glvlng Lhe seller Lhe opLlon of reLalnlng Lhe goods on paymenL of damages 1he [udgmenL or decree
may be uncondlLlonal or upon such Lerms and condlLlons as Lo damages paymenL of Lhe prlce and
oLherwlse as Lhe courL may deem [usL (n)
Art 1S99 Where Lhere ls a breach of warranLy by Lhe seller Lhe buyer may aL hls elecLlon
(1) AccepL or keep Lhe goods and seL up agalnsL Lhe seller Lhe breach of warranLy by way of recoupmenL
ln dlmlnuLlon or exLlncLlon of Lhe prlce
(2) AccepL or keep Lhe goods and malnLaln an acLlon agalnsL Lhe seller for damages for Lhe breach of
(3) 8efuse Lo accepL Lhe goods and malnLaln an acLlon agalnsL Lhe seller for damages for Lhe breach of
(4) 8esclnd Lhe conLracL of sale and refuse Lo recelve Lhe goods or lf Lhe goods have already been
recelved reLurn Lhem or offer Lo reLurn Lhem Lo Lhe seller and recover Lhe prlce or any parL Lhereof
whlch has been pald

When Lhe buyer has clalmed and been granLed a remedy ln anyone of Lhese ways no oLher remedy
can LhereafLer be granLed wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe second paragraph of ArLlcle
Where Lhe goods have been dellvered Lo Lhe buyer he cannoL resclnd Lhe sale lf he knew of Lhe
breach of warranLy when he accepLed Lhe goods wlLhouL proLesL or lf he falls Lo noLlfy Lhe seller
wlLhln a reasonable Llme of Lhe elecLlon Lo resclnd or lf he falls Lo reLurn or Lo offer Lo reLurn Lhe
goods Lo Lhe seller ln subsLanLlally as good condlLlon as Lhey were ln aL Lhe Llme Lhe ownershlp was
Lransferred Lo Lhe buyer 8uL lf deLerloraLlon or ln[ury of Lhe goods ls due Lo Lhe breach or warranLy
such deLerloraLlon or ln[ury shall noL prevenL Lhe buyer from reLurnlng or offerlng Lo reLurn Lhe
goods Lo Lhe seller and resclndlng Lhe sale
Where Lhe buyer ls enLlLled Lo resclnd Lhe sale and elecLs Lo do so he shall cease Lo be llable for Lhe
prlce upon reLurnlng or offerlng Lo reLurn Lhe goods lf Lhe prlce or any parL Lhereof has already
been pald Lhe seller shall be llable Lo repay so much Lhereof as has been pald concurrenLly wlLh Lhe
reLurn of Lhe goods or lmmedlaLely afLer an offer Lo reLurn Lhe goods ln exchange for repaymenL of
Lhe prlce
Where Lhe buyer ls enLlLled Lo resclnd Lhe sale and elecLs Lo do so lf Lhe seller refuses Lo accepL an
offer of Lhe buyer Lo reLurn Lhe goods Lhe buyer shall LhereafLer be deemed Lo hold Lhe goods as
ballee for Lhe seller buL sub[ecL Lo a llen Lo secure paymenL of any porLlon of Lhe prlce whlch has
been pald and wlLh Lhe remedles for Lhe enforcemenL of such llen allowed Lo an unpald seller by
ArLlcle 1326
(3) ln Lhe case of breach of warranLy of quallLy such loss ln Lhe absence of speclal clrcumsLances
showlng proxlmaLe damage of a greaLer amounL ls Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe value of Lhe goods aL
Lhe Llme of dellvery Lo Lhe buyer and Lhe value Lhey would have had lf Lhey had answered Lo Lhe
warranLy (n)

CnA1Lk 7
Art 1600 Sales are exLlngulshed by Lhe same causes as all oLher obllgaLlons by Lhose sLaLed ln Lhe
precedlng arLlcles of Lhls 1lLle and by convenLlonal or legal redempLlon (1306)

SLC1ICN 1 Convent|ona| kedempt|on
Art 1601 ConvenLlonal redempLlon shall Lake place when Lhe vendor reserves Lhe rlghL Lo repurchase
Lhe Lhlng sold wlLh Lhe obllgaLlon Lo comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 1616 and oLher
sLlpulaLlons whlch may have been agreed upon (1307)
Art 1602 1he conLracL shall be presumed Lo be an equlLable morLgage ln any of Lhe followlng cases
(1) When Lhe prlce of a sale wlLh rlghL Lo repurchase ls unusually lnadequaLe
(2) When Lhe vendor remalns ln possesslon as lessee or oLherwlse
(3) When upon or afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe rlghL Lo repurchase anoLher lnsLrumenL exLendlng Lhe
perlod of redempLlon or granLlng a new perlod ls execuLed
(4) When Lhe purchaser reLalns for hlmself a parL of Lhe purchase prlce
(3) When Lhe vendor blnds hlmself Lo pay Lhe Laxes on Lhe Lhlng sold
(6) ln any oLher case where lL may be falrly lnferred LhaL Lhe real lnLenLlon of Lhe parLles ls LhaL Lhe
LransacLlon shall secure Lhe paymenL of a debL or Lhe performance of any oLher obllgaLlon
ln any of Lhe foregolng cases any money frulLs or oLher beneflL Lo be recelved by Lhe vendee as renL
or oLherwlse shall be consldered as lnLeresL whlch shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe usury laws (n)
Art 1603 ln case of doubL a conLracL purporLlng Lo be a sale wlLh rlghL Lo repurchase shall be
consLrued as an equlLable morLgage (n)
Art 1604 1he provlslons of ArLlcle 1602 shall also apply Lo a conLracL purporLlng Lo be an absoluLe sale
Art 160S ln Lhe cases referred Lo ln ArLlcles 1602 and 1604 Lhe apparenL vendor may ask for Lhe
reformaLlon of Lhe lnsLrumenL (n)
Art 1606 1he rlghL referred Lo ln ArLlcle 1601 ln Lhe absence of an express agreemenL shall lasL four
years from Lhe daLe of Lhe conLracL
Should Lhere be an agreemenL Lhe perlod cannoL exceed Len years
Powever Lhe vendor may sLlll exerclse Lhe rlghL Lo repurchase wlLhln LhlrLy days from Lhe Llme flnal
[udgmenL was rendered ln a clvll acLlon on Lhe basls LhaL Lhe conLracL was a Lrue sale wlLh rlghL Lo
repurchase (1308a)
Art 1607 ln case of real properLy Lhe consolldaLlon of ownershlp ln Lhe vendee by vlrLue of Lhe fallure
of Lhe vendor Lo comply wlLh Lhe provlslons of arLlcle 1616 shall noL be recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of
roperLy wlLhouL a [udlclal order afLer Lhe vendor has been duly heard (n)
Art 1608 1he vendor may brlng hls acLlon agalnsL every possessor whose rlghL ls derlved from Lhe
vendee even lf ln Lhe second conLracL no menLlon should have been made of Lhe rlghL Lo
repurchase wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe MorLgage Law and Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon Law
wlLh respecL Lo Lhlrd persons (1310)
Art 1609 1he vendee ls subrogaLed Lo Lhe vendors rlghLs and acLlons (1311)
Art 1610 1he credlLors of Lhe vendor cannoL make use of Lhe rlghL of redempLlon agalnsL Lhe vendee
unLll afLer Lhey have exhausLed Lhe properLy of Lhe vendor (1312)
Art 1611 ln a sale wlLh a rlghL Lo repurchase Lhe vendee of a parL of an undlvlded lmmovable who
acqulres Lhe whole Lhereof ln Lhe case of arLlcle 498 may compel Lhe vendor Lo redeem Lhe whole
properLy lf Lhe laLLer wlshes Lo make use of Lhe rlghL of redempLlon (1313)
Art 1612 lf several persons [olnLly and ln Lhe same conLracL should sell an undlvlded lmmovable wlLh
a rlghL of repurchase none of Lhem may exerclse Lhls rlghL for more Lhan hls respecLlve share
1he same rule shall apply lf Lhe person who sold an lmmovable alone has lefL several helrs ln whlch
case each of Lhe laLLer may only redeem Lhe parL whlch he may have acqulred (1314)
Art 1613 ln Lhe case of Lhe precedlng arLlcle Lhe vendee may demand of all Lhe vendors or cohelrs
LhaL Lhey come Lo an agreemenL upon Lhe purchase of Lhe whole Lhlng sold and should Lhey fall Lo
do so Lhe vendee cannoL be compelled Lo consenL Lo a parLlal redempLlon (1313)
Art 1614 Lach one of Lhe coowners of an undlvlded lmmovable who may have sold hls share
separaLely may lndependenLly exerclse Lhe rlghL of repurchase as regards hls own share and Lhe
vendee cannoL compel hlm Lo redeem Lhe whole properLy (1316)
Art 161S lf Lhe vendee should leave several helrs Lhe acLlon for redempLlon cannoL be broughL agalnsL
each of Lhem excepL for hls own share wheLher Lhe Lhlng be undlvlded or lL has been parLlLloned
among Lhem
8uL lf Lhe lnherlLance has been dlvlded and Lhe Lhlng sold has been awarded Lo one of Lhe helrs Lhe
acLlon for redempLlon may be lnsLlLuLed agalnsL hlm for Lhe whole (1317)
Art 1616 1he vendor cannoL avall hlmself of Lhe rlghL of repurchase wlLhouL reLurnlng Lo Lhe vendee
Lhe prlce of Lhe sale and ln addlLlon
(1) 1he expenses of Lhe conLracL and any oLher leglLlmaLe paymenLs made by reason of Lhe sale
(2) 1he necessary and useful expenses made on Lhe Lhlng sold (1318)
Art 1617 lf aL Lhe Llme of Lhe execuLlon of Lhe sale Lhere should be on Lhe land vlslble or growlng
frulLs Lhere shall be no relmbursemenL for or proraLlng of Lhose exlsLlng aL Lhe Llme of redempLlon
lf no lndemnlLy was pald by Lhe purchaser when Lhe sale was execuLed
Should Lhere have been no frulLs aL Lhe Llme of Lhe sale and some exlsL aL Lhe Llme of redempLlon
Lhey shall be proraLed beLween Lhe redempLloner and Lhe vendee glvlng Lhe laLLer Lhe parL
correspondlng Lo Lhe Llme he possessed Lhe land ln Lhe lasL year counLed from Lhe annlversary of
Lhe daLe of Lhe sale (1319a)
Art 1618 1he vendor who recovers Lhe Lhlng sold shall recelve lL free from all charges or morLgages
consLlLuLed by Lhe vendee buL he shall respecL Lhe leases whlch Lhe laLLer may have execuLed ln
good falLh and ln accordance wlLh Lhe cusLom of Lhe place where Lhe land ls slLuaLed (1320)

SLC1ICN 2 Lega| kedempt|on
Art 1619 Legal redempLlon ls Lhe rlghL Lo be subrogaLed upon Lhe same Lerms and condlLlons
sLlpulaLed ln Lhe conLracL ln Lhe place of one who acqulres a Lhlng by purchase or daLlon ln
paymenL or by any oLher LransacLlon whereby ownershlp ls LransmlLLed by onerous LlLle (1321a)
Art 1620 A coowner of a Lhlng may exerclse Lhe rlghL of redempLlon ln case Lhe shares of all Lhe oLher
coowners or of any of Lhem are sold Lo a Lhlrd person lf Lhe prlce of Lhe allenaLlon ls grossly
excesslve Lhe redempLloner shall pay only a reasonable one
Should Lwo or more coowners deslre Lo exerclse Lhe rlghL of redempLlon Lhey may only do so ln
proporLlon Lo Lhe share Lhey may respecLlvely have ln Lhe Lhlng owned ln common (1322a)
Art 1621 1he owners of ad[olnlng lands shall also have Lhe rlghL of redempLlon when a plece of rural
land Lhe area of whlch does noL exceed one hecLare ls allenaLed unless Lhe granLee does noL own
any rural land
1hls rlghL ls noL appllcable Lo ad[acenL lands whlch are separaLed by brooks dralns ravlnes roads and
oLher apparenL servlLudes for Lhe beneflL of oLher esLaLes
lf Lwo or more ad[olnlng owners deslre Lo exerclse Lhe rlghL of redempLlon aL Lhe same Llme Lhe
owner of Lhe ad[olnlng land of smaller area shall be preferred and should boLh lands have Lhe same
area Lhe one who flrsL requesLed Lhe redempLlon (1323a)
Art 1622 Whenever a plece of urban land whlch ls so small and so slLuaLed LhaL a ma[or porLlon Lhereof
cannoL be used for any pracLlcal purpose wlLhln a reasonable Llme havlng been boughL merely for
speculaLlon ls abouL Lo be resold Lhe owner of any ad[olnlng land has a rlghL of preempLlon aL a
reasonable prlce
lf Lhe resale has been perfecLed Lhe owner of Lhe ad[olnlng land shall have a rlghL of redempLlon
also aL a reasonable prlce
When Lwo or more owners of ad[olnlng lands wlsh Lo exerclse Lhe rlghL of preempLlon or redempLlon
Lhe owner whose lnLended use of Lhe land ln quesLlon appears besL [usLlfled shall be preferred (n)
Art 1623 1he rlghL of legal preempLlon or redempLlon shall noL be exerclsed excepL wlLhln LhlrLy days
from Lhe noLlce ln wrlLlng by Lhe prospecLlve vendor or by Lhe vendor as Lhe case may be 1he
deed of sale shall noL be recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of roperLy unless accompanled by an affldavlL of
Lhe vendor LhaL he has glven wrlLLen noLlce Lhereof Lo all posslble redempLloners
1he rlghL of redempLlon of coowners excludes LhaL of ad[olnlng owners (1324a)

CnA1Lk 8
Art 1624 An asslgnmenL of credlLors and oLher lncorporeal rlghLs shall be perfecLed ln accordance wlLh
Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 1473 (n)
Art 162S An asslgnmenL of a credlL rlghL or acLlon shall produce no effecL as agalnsL Lhlrd person
unless lL appears ln a publlc lnsLrumenL or Lhe lnsLrumenL ls recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of roperLy ln
case Lhe asslgnmenL lnvolves real properLy (1326)
Art 1626 1he debLor who before havlng knowledge of Lhe asslgnmenL pays hls credlLor shall be
released from Lhe obllgaLlon (1327)
Art 1627 1he asslgnmenL of a credlL lncludes all Lhe accessory rlghLs such as a guaranLy morLgage
pledge or preference (1328)
Art 1628 1he vendor ln good falLh shall be responslble for Lhe exlsLence and legallLy of Lhe credlL aL Lhe
Llme of Lhe sale unless lL should have been sold as doubLful buL noL for Lhe solvency of Lhe debLor
unless lL has been so expressly sLlpulaLed or unless Lhe lnsolvency was prlor Lo Lhe sale and of
common knowledge
veo lo tbese noses be sboll ooly be lloble fot tbe ptlne tenelveJ ooJ fot tbe expeoses spenlfleJ lo -o 1
of Attlnle 1616
1he vendor ln bad falLh shall always be answerable for Lhe paymenL of all expenses and for damages
Art 1629 ln case Lhe asslgnor ln good falLh should have made hlmself responslble for Lhe solvency of
Lhe debLor and Lhe conLracLlng parLles should noL have agreed upon Lhe duraLlon of Lhe llablllLy lL
shall lasL for one year only from Lhe Llme of Lhe asslgnmenL lf Lhe perlod had already explred
lf Lhe credlL should be payable wlLhln a Lerm or perlod whlch has noL yeL explred Lhe llablllLy shall
cease one year afLer Lhe maLurlLy (1330a)
Art 1630 Cne who sells an lnherlLance wlLhouL enumeraLlng Lhe Lhlngs of whlch lL ls composed shall
only be answerable for hls characLer as an helr (1331)
Art 1631 Cne who sells for a lump sum Lhe whole of cerLaln rlghLs renLs or producLs shall comply by
answerlng for Lhe leglLlmacy of Lhe whole ln general buL he shall noL be obllged Lo warranL each of
Lhe varlous parLs of whlch lL may be composed excepL ln Lhe case of evlcLlon from Lhe whole or Lhe
parL of greaLer value (1332a)
Art 1632 Should Lhe vendor have proflLed by some of Lhe frulLs or recelved anyLhlng from Lhe
lnherlLance sold he shall pay Lhe vendee Lhereof lf Lhe conLrary has noL been sLlpulaLed (1333)
Art 1633 1he vendee shall on hls parL relmburse Lhe vendor for all LhaL Lhe laLLer may have pald for
Lhe debLs of and charges on Lhe esLaLe and saLlsfy Lhe credlLs he may have agalnsL Lhe same unless
Lhere ls an agreemenL Lo Lhe conLrary (1334)
Art 1634 When a credlL or oLher lncorporeal rlghL ln llLlgaLlon ls sold Lhe debLor shall have a rlghL Lo
exLlngulsh lL by relmburslng Lhe asslgnee for Lhe prlce Lhe laLLer pald Lherefor Lhe [udlclal cosLs
lncurred by hlm and Lhe lnLeresL on Lhe prlce from Lhe day on whlch Lhe same was pald
A credlL or oLher lncorporeal rlghL shall be consldered ln llLlgaLlon from Lhe Llme Lhe complalnL
concernlng Lhe same ls answered
1he debLor may exerclse hls rlghL wlLhln LhlrLy days from Lhe daLe Lhe asslgnee demands paymenL
from hlm (1333)
Art 163S lrom Lhe provlslons of Lhe precedlng arLlcle shall be excepLed Lhe asslgnmenLs or sales made
(1) 1o a cohelr or coowner of Lhe rlghL asslgned
(2) 1o a credlLor ln paymenL of hls credlL
(3) 1o Lhe possessor of a LenemenL or plece of land whlch ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe rlghL ln llLlgaLlon asslgned

CnA1Lk 9
Art 1636 ln Lhe precedlng arLlcles ln Lhls 1lLle governlng Lhe sale of goods unless Lhe conLexL or sub[ecL
maLLer oLherwlse requlres
(1) uonomeot of tltle to qooJs lncludes any blll of ladlng dock warranL quedan or warehouse
recelpL or order for Lhe dellvery of goods or any oLher documenL used ln Lhe ordlnary course of
buslness ln Lhe sale or Lransfer of goods as proof of Lhe possesslon or conLrol of Lhe goods or
auLhorlzlng or purporLlng Lo auLhorlze Lhe possessor of Lhe documenL Lo Lransfer or recelve elLher
by endorsemenL or by dellvery goods represenLed by such documenL
ooJs lncludes all chaLLels personal buL noL Lhlngs ln acLlon or money of legal Lender ln Lhe
hlllpplnes 1he Lerm lncludes growlng frulLs or crops
OtJet relaLlng Lo documenLs of LlLle means an order by endorsemenL on Lhe documenLs
Ooollty of qooJs lncludes Lhelr sLaLe or condlLlon
5penlfln qooJs means goods ldenLlfled and agreed upon aL Lhe Llme a conLracL of sale ls made
An anLecedenL or preexlsLlng clalm wheLher for money or noL consLlLuLes value where goods or
documenLs of LlLle are Laken elLher ln saLlsfacLlon Lhereof or as securlLy Lherefor
(2) A person ls lnsolvenL wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhls 1lLle who elLher has ceased Lo pay hls debLs ln Lhe
ordlnary course of buslness or cannoL pay hls debLs as Lhey become due wheLher lnsolvency
proceedlngs have been commenced or noL
(3) Coods are ln a Jellvetoble stote wlLhln Lhe meanlng of Lhls 1lLle when Lhey are ln such a sLaLe LhaL
Lhe buyer would under Lhe conLracL be bound Lo Lake dellvery of Lhem (n)
Art 1637 1he provlslons of Lhls 1lLle are sub[ecL Lo Lhe rules lald down by Lhe MorLgage Law and Lhe
Land 8eglsLraLlon Law wlLh regard Lo lmmovable properLy (1337a)

1|t|e VII 8Ak1Lk Ck LkCnANGL
Art 1638 8y Lhe conLracL of barLer or exchange one of Lhe parLles blnds hlmself Lo glve one Lhlng ln
conslderaLlon of Lhe oLhers promlse Lo glve anoLher Lhlng (1338a)
Art 1639 lf one of Lhe conLracLlng parLles havlng recelved Lhe Lhlng promlsed hlm ln barLer should
prove LhaL lL dld noL belong Lo Lhe person who gave lL he cannoL be compelled Lo dellver LhaL whlch
he offered ln exchange buL he shall be enLlLled Lo damages (1339a)
Art 1640 Cne who loses by evlcLlon Lhe Lhlng recelved ln barLer may recover LhaL whlch he gave ln
exchange wlLh a rlghL Lo damages or he may only demand an lndemnlLy for damages Powever he
can only make use of Lhe rlghL Lo recover Lhe Lhlng whlch he has dellvered whlle Lhe same remalns
ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe oLher parLy and wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe rlghLs acqulred ln good falLh ln Lhe
meanLlme by a Lhlrd person (1340a)
Art 1641 As Lo all maLLers noL speclflcally provlded for ln Lhls 1lLle barLer shall be governed by Lhe
provlslons of Lhe precedlng 1lLle relaLlng Lo sales (1341a)


CnA1Lk 1
Art 1642 1he conLracL of lease may be of Lhlngs or of work and servlce (1342)
Art 1643 ln Lhe lease of Lhlngs one of Lhe parLles blnds hlmself Lo glve Lo anoLher Lhe en[oymenL or
use of a Lhlng for a prlce cerLaln and for a perlod whlch may be deflnlLe or lndeflnlLe Powever no
lease for more Lhan nlneLynlne years shall be valld (1343a)
Art 1644 ln Lhe lease of work or servlce one of Lhe parLles blnds hlmself Lo execuLe a plece of work or
Lo render Lo Lhe oLher some servlce for a prlce cerLaln buL Lhe relaLlon of prlnclpal and agenL does
noL exlsL beLween Lhem (1344a)
Art 164S Consumable goods cannoL be Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of a conLracL of lease excepL when Lhey are
merely Lo be exhlblLed or when Lhey are accessory Lo an lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL (1343a)

CnA1Lk 2

SLC1ICN 1 Genera| rov|s|ons
Art 1646 1he persons dlsquallfled Lo buy referred Lo ln ArLlcles 1490 and 1491 are also dlsquallfled Lo
become lessees of Lhe Lhlngs menLloned Lhereln (n)
Art 1647 lf a lease ls Lo be recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of roperLy Lhe followlng persons cannoL
consLlLuLe Lhe same wlLhouL proper auLhorlLy Lhe husband wlLh respecL Lo Lhe wlfes paraphernal
real esLaLe Lhe faLher or guardlan as Lo Lhe properLy of Lhe mlnor or ward and Lhe manager wlLhouL
speclal power (1348a)
Art 1648 Lvery lease of real esLaLe may be recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of roperLy unless a lease ls
recorded lL shall noL be blndlng upon Lhlrd persons (1349a)
Art 1649 1he lessee cannoL asslgn Lhe lease wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe lessor unless Lhere ls a
sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary (n)
Art 16S0 When ln Lhe conLracL of lease of Lhlngs Lhere ls no express prohlblLlon Lhe lessee may subleL
Lhe Lhlng leased ln whole or ln parL wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo hls responslblllLy for Lhe performance of
Lhe conLracL Loward Lhe lessor (1330)
Art 16S1 WlLhouL pre[udlce Lo hls obllgaLlon Loward Lhe sublessor Lhe sublessee ls bound Lo Lhe lessor
for all acLs whlch refer Lo Lhe use and preservaLlon of Lhe Lhlng leased ln Lhe manner sLlpulaLed
beLween Lhe lessor and Lhe lessee (1331)
Art 16S2 1he sublessee ls subsldlarlly llable Lo Lhe lessor for any renL due from Lhe lessee Powever
Lhe sublessee shall noL be responslble beyond Lhe amounL of renL due from hlm ln accordance wlLh
Lhe Lerms of Lhe sublease aL Lhe Llme of Lhe exLra[udlclal demand by Lhe lessor
aymenLs of renL ln advance by Lhe sublessee shall be deemed noL Lo have been made so far as Lhe
lessors clalm ls concerned unless sald paymenLs were effecLed ln vlrLue of Lhe cusLom of Lhe place
Art 16S3 1he provlslons governlng warranLy conLalned ln Lhe 1lLle on Sales shall be appllcable Lo Lhe
conLracL of lease
ln Lhe cases where Lhe reLurn of Lhe prlce ls requlred reducLlon shall be made ln proporLlon Lo Lhe
Llme durlng whlch Lhe lessee en[oyed Lhe Lhlng (1333)

SLC1ICN 2 k|ghts and Cb||gat|ons of the Lessor and the Lessee
Art 16S4 1he lessor ls obllged
(1) 1o dellver Lhe Lhlng whlch ls Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe conLracL ln such a condlLlon as Lo render lL flL for Lhe
use lnLended
(2) 1o make on Lhe same durlng Lhe lease all Lhe necessary repalrs ln order Lo keep lL sulLable for Lhe use
Lo whlch lL has been devoLed unless Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary
(3) 1o malnLaln Lhe lessee ln Lhe peaceful and adequaLe en[oymenL of Lhe lease for Lhe enLlre duraLlon
of Lhe conLracL (1334a)
Art 16SS lf Lhe Lhlng leased ls LoLally desLroyed by a forLulLous evenL Lhe lease ls exLlngulshed lf Lhe
desLrucLlon ls parLlal Lhe lessee may choose beLween a proporLlonal reducLlon of Lhe renL and a
resclsslon of Lhe lease (n)
Art 16S6 1he lessor of a buslness or lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL may conLlnue engaglng ln Lhe same
buslness or lndusLry Lo whlch Lhe lessee devoLes Lhe Lhlng leased unless Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe
conLrary (n)
Art 16S7 1he lessee ls obllged
(1) 1o pay Lhe prlce of Lhe lease accordlng Lo Lhe Lerms sLlpulaLed
(2) 1o use Lhe Lhlng leased as a dlllgenL faLher of a famlly devoLlng lL Lo Lhe use sLlpulaLed and ln Lhe
absence of sLlpulaLlon Lo LhaL whlch may be lnferred from Lhe naLure of Lhe Lhlng leased accordlng
Lo Lhe cusLom of Lhe place
(3) 1o pay expenses for Lhe deed of lease (1333)
Art 16S8 1he lessee may suspend Lhe paymenL of Lhe renL ln case Lhe lessor falls Lo make Lhe necessary
repalrs or Lo malnLaln Lhe lessee ln peaceful and adequaLe en[oymenL of Lhe properLy leased (n)
Art 16S9 lf Lhe lessor or Lhe lessee should noL comply wlLh Lhe obllgaLlons seL forLh ln ArLlcles 1634 and
1637 Lhe aggrleved parLy may ask for Lhe resclsslon of Lhe conLracL and lndemnlflcaLlon for
damages or only Lhe laLLer allowlng Lhe conLracL Lo remaln ln force (1336)
Art 1660 lf a dwelllng place or any oLher bulldlng lnLended for human hablLaLlon ls ln such a condlLlon
LhaL lLs use brlngs lmmlnenL and serlous danger Lo llfe or healLh Lhe lessee may LermlnaLe Lhe lease
aL once by noLlfylng Lhe lessor even lf aL Lhe Llme Lhe conLracL was perfecLed Lhe former knew of
Lhe dangerous condlLlon or walved Lhe rlghL Lo resclnd Lhe lease on accounL of Lhls condlLlon (n)
Art 1661 1he lessor cannoL alLer Lhe form of Lhe Lhlng leased ln such a way as Lo lmpalr Lhe use Lo
whlch Lhe Lhlng ls devoLed under Lhe Lerms of Lhe lease (1337a)
Art 1662 lf durlng Lhe lease lL should become necessary Lo make some urgenL repalrs upon Lhe Lhlng
leased whlch cannoL be deferred unLll Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe lease Lhe lessee ls obllged Lo LoleraLe
Lhe work alLhough lL may be very annoylng Lo hlm and alLhough durlng Lhe same he may be
deprlved of a parL of Lhe premlses
lf Lhe repalrs lasL more Lhan forLy days Lhe renL shall be reduced ln proporLlon Lo Lhe Llme lncludlng
Lhe flrsL forLy days and Lhe parL of Lhe properLy of whlch Lhe lessee has been deprlved
When Lhe work ls of such a naLure LhaL Lhe porLlon whlch Lhe lessee and hls famlly need for Lhelr
dwelllng becomes unlnhablLable he may resclnd Lhe conLracL lf Lhe maln purpose of Lhe lease ls Lo
provlde a dwelllng place for Lhe lessee (1338a)
Art 1663 1he lessee ls obllged Lo brlng Lo Lhe knowledge of Lhe proprleLor wlLhln Lhe shorLesL posslble
Llme every usurpaLlon or unLoward acL whlch any Lhlrd person may have commlLLed or may be
openly preparlng Lo carry ouL upon Lhe Lhlng leased
Pe ls also obllged Lo advlse Lhe owner wlLh Lhe same urgency of Lhe need of all repalrs lncluded ln
no 2 of ArLlcle 1634
ln boLh cases Lhe lessee shall be llable for Lhe damages whlch Lhrough hls negllgence may be suffered
by Lhe proprleLor
lf Lhe lessor falls Lo make urgenL repalrs Lhe lessee ln order Lo avold an lmmlnenL danger may order
Lhe repalrs aL Lhe lessors cosL (1339a)
Art 1664 1he lessor ls noL obllged Lo answer for a mere acL of Lrespass whlch a Lhlrd person may cause
on Lhe use of Lhe Lhlng leased buL Lhe lessee shall have a dlrecL acLlon agalnsL Lhe lnLruder
1here ls a mere acL of Lrespass when Lhe Lhlrd person clalms no rlghL whaLever (1360a)
Art 166S 1he lessee shall reLurn Lhe Lhlng leased upon Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe lease as he recelved lL
save whaL has been losL or lmpalred by Lhe lapse of Llme or by ordlnary wear and Lear or from an
lnevlLable cause (1361a)
Art 1666 ln Lhe absence of a sLaLemenL concernlng Lhe condlLlon of Lhe Lhlng aL Lhe Llme Lhe lease was
consLlLuLed Lhe law presumes LhaL Lhe lessee recelved lL ln good condlLlon unless Lhere ls proof Lo
Lhe conLrary (1362)
Art 1667 1he lessee ls responslble for Lhe deLerloraLlon or loss of Lhe Lhlng leased unless he proves
LhaL lL Look place wlLhouL hls faulL 1hls burden of proof on Lhe lessee does noL apply when Lhe
desLrucLlon ls due Lo earLhquake flood sLorm or oLher naLural calamlLy (1363a)
Art 1668 1he lessee ls llable for any deLerloraLlon caused by members of hls household and by guesLs
and vlslLors (1364a)
Art 1669 lf Lhe lease was made for a deLermlnaLe Llme lL ceases upon Lhe day flxed wlLhouL Lhe need
of a demand (1363)
Art 1670 lf aL Lhe end of Lhe conLracL Lhe lessee should conLlnue en[oylng Lhe Lhlng leased for flfLeen
days wlLh Lhe acqulescence of Lhe lessor and unless a noLlce Lo Lhe conLrary by elLher parLy has
prevlously been glven lL ls undersLood LhaL Lhere ls an lmplled new lease noL for Lhe perlod of Lhe
orlglnal conLracL buL for Lhe Llme esLabllshed ln ArLlcles 1682 and 1687 1he oLher Lerms of Lhe
orlglnal conLracL shall be revlved (1366a)
Art 1671 lf Lhe lessee conLlnues en[oylng Lhe Lhlng afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe conLracL over Lhe lessors
ob[ecLlon Lhe former shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe responslblllLles of a possessor ln bad falLh (n)
Art 1672 ln case of an lmplled new lease Lhe obllgaLlons conLracLed by a Lhlrd person for Lhe securlLy
of Lhe prlnclpal conLracL shall cease wlLh respecL Lo Lhe new lease (1367)
Art 1673 1he lessor may [udlclally e[ecL Lhe lessee for any of Lhe followlng causes
(1) When Lhe perlod agreed upon or LhaL whlch ls flxed for Lhe duraLlon of leases under ArLlcles 1682
and 1687 has explred
(2) Lack of paymenL of Lhe prlce sLlpulaLed
(3) vlolaLlon of any of Lhe condlLlons agreed upon ln Lhe conLracL
(4) When Lhe lessee devoLes Lhe Lhlng leased Lo any use or servlce noL sLlpulaLed whlch causes Lhe
deLerloraLlon Lhereof or lf he does noL observe Lhe requlremenL ln no 2 of ArLlcle 1637 as regards
Lhe use Lhereof
1he e[ecLmenL of LenanLs of agrlculLural lands ls governed by speclal laws (1369a)
Art 1674 ln e[ecLmenL cases where an appeal ls Laken Lhe remedy granLed ln ArLlcle 339 second
paragraph shall also apply lf Lhe hlgher courL ls saLlsfled LhaL Lhe lessees appeal ls frlvolous or
dllaLory or LhaL Lhe lessors appeal ls prlma facle merlLorlous 1he perlod of Len days referred Lo ln
sald arLlcle shall be counLed from Lhe Llme Lhe appeal ls perfecLed (n)
Art 167S LxcepL ln cases sLaLed ln ArLlcle 1673 Lhe lessee shall have a rlghL Lo make use of Lhe perlods
esLabllshed ln ArLlcles 1682 and 1687 (1370)
Art 1676 1he purchaser of a plece of land whlch ls under a lease LhaL ls noL recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of
roperLy may LermlnaLe Lhe lease save when Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary ln Lhe conLracL of
sale or when Lhe purchaser knows of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe lease
lf Lhe buyer makes use of Lhls rlghL Lhe lessee may demand LhaL he be allowed Lo gaLher Lhe frulLs of
Lhe harvesL whlch corresponds Lo Lhe currenL agrlculLural year and LhaL Lhe vendor lndemnlfy hlm
for damages suffered
lf Lhe sale ls flcLlLlous for Lhe purpose of exLlngulshlng Lhe lease Lhe supposed vendee cannoL make
use of Lhe rlghL granLed ln Lhe flrsL paragraph of Lhls arLlcle 1he sale ls presumed Lo be flcLlLlous lf aL
Lhe Llme Lhe supposed vendee demands Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe lease Lhe sale ls noL recorded ln Lhe
8eglsLry of roperLy (1371a)
Art 1677 1he purchaser ln a sale wlLh Lhe rlghL of redempLlon cannoL make use of Lhe power Lo e[ecL
Lhe lessee unLll Lhe end of Lhe perlod for Lhe redempLlon (1372)
Art 1678 lf Lhe lessee makes ln good falLh useful lmprovemenLs whlch are sulLable Lo Lhe use for
whlch Lhe lease ls lnLended wlLhouL alLerlng Lhe form or subsLance of Lhe properLy leased Lhe
lessor upon Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe lease shall pay Lhe lessee onehalf of Lhe value of Lhe
lmprovemenLs aL LhaL Llme Should Lhe lessor refuse Lo relmburse sald amounL Lhe lessee may
remove Lhe lmprovemenLs even Lhough Lhe prlnclpal Lhlng may suffer damage Lhereby Pe shall
noL however cause any more lmpalrmenL upon Lhe properLy leased Lhan ls necessary
WlLh regard Lo ornamenLal expenses Lhe lessee shall noL be enLlLled Lo any relmbursemenL buL he
may remove Lhe ornamenLal ob[ecLs provlded no damage ls caused Lo Lhe prlnclpal Lhlng and Lhe
lessor does noL choose Lo reLaln Lhem by paylng Lhelr value aL Lhe Llme Lhe lease ls exLlngulshed (n)
Art 1679 lf noLhlng has been sLlpulaLed concernlng Lhe place and Lhe Llme for Lhe paymenL of Lhe
lease Lhe provlslons or ArLlcle 1231 shall be observed as regards Lhe place and wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
Llme Lhe cusLom of Lhe place shall be followed (1374)

SLC1ICN 3 Spec|a| rov|s|ons for Leases of kura| Lands
Art 1680 1he lessee shall have no rlghL Lo a reducLlon of Lhe renL on accounL of Lhe sLerlllLy of Lhe land
leased or by reason of Lhe loss of frulLs due Lo ordlnary forLulLous evenLs buL he shall have such
rlghL ln case of Lhe loss of more Lhan onehalf of Lhe frulLs Lhrough exLraordlnary and unforeseen
forLulLous evenLs save always when Lhere ls a speclflc sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary
LxLraordlnary forLulLous evenLs are undersLood Lo be flre war pesLllence unusual flood locusLs
earLhquake or oLhers whlch are uncommon and whlch Lhe conLracLlng parLles could noL have
reasonably foreseen (1373)
Art 1681 nelLher does Lhe lessee have any rlghL Lo a reducLlon of Lhe renL lf Lhe frulLs are losL afLer
Lhey have been separaLed from Lhelr sLalk rooL or Lrunk (1376)
Art 1682 1he lease of a plece of rural land when lLs duraLlon has noL been flxed ls undersLood Lo have
been for all Lhe Llme necessary for Lhe gaLherlng of Lhe frulLs whlch Lhe whole esLaLe leased may
yleld ln one year or whlch lL may yleld once alLhough Lwo or more years have Lo elapse for Lhe
purpose (1377a)
Art 1683 1he ouLgolng lessee shall allow Lhe lncomlng lessee or Lhe lessor Lhe use of Lhe premlses and
oLher means necessary for Lhe preparaLory labor for Lhe followlng year and reclprocally Lhe
lncomlng lessee or Lhe lessor ls under obllgaLlon Lo permlL Lhe ouLgolng lessee Lo do whaLever may
be necessary for Lhe gaLherlng or harvesLlng and uLlllzaLlon of Lhe frulLs all ln accordance wlLh Lhe
cusLom of Lhe place (1378a)
Art 1684 Land Lenancy on shares shall be governed by speclal laws Lhe sLlpulaLlons of Lhe parLles Lhe
provlslons on parLnershlp and by Lhe cusLoms of Lhe place (1379a)
Art 168S 1he LenanL on shares cannoL be e[ecLed excepL ln cases speclfled by law (n)

SLC1ICN 4 Spec|a| rov|s|ons of the Lease of Urban Lands
Art 1686 ln defaulL of a speclal sLlpulaLlon Lhe cusLom of Lhe place shall be observed wlLh regard Lo
Lhe klnd of repalrs on urban properLy for whlch Lhe lessor shall be llable ln case of doubL lL ls
undersLood LhaL Lhe repalrs are chargeable agalnsL hlm (1380a)
Art 1687 lf Lhe perlod for Lhe lease has noL been flxed lL ls undersLood Lo be from year Lo year lf Lhe
renL agreed upon ls annual from monLh Lo monLh lf lL ls monLhly from week Lo week lf Lhe renL ls
weekly and from day Lo day lf Lhe renL ls Lo be pald dally Powever even Lhough a monLhly renL ls
pald and no perlod for Lhe lease has been seL Lhe courLs may flx a longer Lerm for Lhe lease afLer
Lhe lessee has occupled Lhe premlses for over one year lf Lhe renL ls weekly Lhe courLs may llkewlse
deLermlne a longer perlod afLer Lhe lessee has been ln possesslon for over slx monLhs ln case of
dally renL Lhe courLs may also flx a longer perlod afLer Lhe lessee has sLayed ln Lhe place for over
one monLh (1381a)
Art 1688 When Lhe lessor of a house or parL Lhereof used as a dwelllng for a famlly or when Lhe
lessor of a sLore or lndusLrlal esLabllshmenL also leases Lhe furnlLure Lhe lease of Lhe laLLer shall be
deemed Lo be for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe lease of Lhe premlses (1382)

CPA1L8 3
WC8k Anu LA8C8

SLC1ICN 1 nouseho|d Serv|ce (n)
Art 1689 Pousehold servlce shall always be reasonably compensaLed Any sLlpulaLlon LhaL household
servlce ls wlLhouL compensaLlon shall be vold Such compensaLlon shall be ln addlLlon Lo Lhe house
helpers lodglng food and medlcal aLLendance
Art 1690 1he head of Lhe famlly shall furnlsh free of charge Lo Lhe house helper sulLable and sanlLary
quarLers as well as adequaLe food and medlcal aLLendance
Art 1691 lf Lhe house helper ls under Lhe age of elghLeen years Lhe head of Lhe famlly shall glve an
opporLunlLy Lo Lhe house helper for aL leasL elemenLary educaLlon 1he cosL of such educaLlon shall
be a parL of Lhe house helpers compensaLlon unless Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary
Art 1692 no conLracL for household servlce shall lasL for more Lhan Lwo years Powever such conLracL
may be renewed from year Lo year
Art 1693 1he house helpers cloLhes shall be sub[ecL Lo sLlpulaLlon Powever any conLracL for
household servlce shall be vold lf Lhereby Lhe house helper cannoL afford Lo acqulre sulLable
Art 1694 1he head of Lhe famlly shall LreaL Lhe house helper ln a [usL and humane manner ln no case
shall physlcal vlolence be used upon Lhe house helper
Art 169S Pouse helper shall noL be requlred Lo work more Lhan Len hours a day Lvery house helper
shall be allowed four days vacaLlon each monLh wlLh pay
Art 1696 ln case of deaLh of Lhe house helper Lhe head of Lhe famlly shall bear Lhe funeral expenses lf
Lhe house helper has no relaLlves ln Lhe place where Lhe head of Lhe famlly llves wlLh sufflclenL
means Lherefor
Art 1697 lf Lhe perlod for household servlce ls flxed nelLher Lhe head of Lhe famlly nor Lhe house helper
may LermlnaLe Lhe conLracL before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Lerm excepL for a [usL cause lf Lhe house
helper ls un[usLly dlsmlssed he shall be pald Lhe compensaLlon already earned plus LhaL for flfLeen
days by way of lndemnlLy lf Lhe house helper leaves wlLhouL [usLlflable reason he shall forfelL any
salary due hlm and unpald for noL exceedlng flfLeen days
Art 1698 lf Lhe duraLlon of Lhe household servlce ls noL deLermlned elLher by sLlpulaLlon or by Lhe
naLure of Lhe servlce Lhe head of Lhe famlly or Lhe house helper may glve noLlce Lo puL an end Lo
Lhe servlce relaLlon accordlng Lo Lhe followlng rules
(1) lf Lhe compensaLlon ls pald by Lhe day noLlce may be glven on any day LhaL Lhe servlce shall end aL
Lhe close of Lhe followlng day
(2) lf Lhe compensaLlon ls pald by Lhe week noLlce may be glven aL Lhe laLesL on Lhe flrsL buslness day
of Lhe week LhaL Lhe servlce shall be LermlnaLed aL Lhe end of Lhe sevenLh day from Lhe beglnnlng
of Lhe week
(3) lf Lhe compensaLlon ls pald by Lhe monLh noLlce may be glven aL Lhe laLesL on Lhe flfLh day of Lhe
monLh LhaL Lhe servlce shall cease aL Lhe end of Lhe monLh
Art 1699 upon Lhe exLlngulshmenL of Lhe servlce relaLlon Lhe house helper may demand from Lhe
head of Lhe famlly a wrlLLen sLaLemenL on Lhe naLure and duraLlon of Lhe servlce and Lhe efflclency
and conducL of Lhe house helper

SLC1ICN 2 Contract of Labor (n)
Art 1700 1he relaLlons beLween caplLal and labor are noL merely conLracLual 1hey are so lmpressed
wlLh publlc lnLeresL LhaL labor conLracLs musL yleld Lo Lhe common good 1herefore such conLracLs
are sub[ecL Lo Lhe speclal laws on labor unlons collecLlve bargalnlng sLrlkes and lockouLs closed
shop wages worklng condlLlons hours of labor and slmllar sub[ecLs
Art 1701 nelLher caplLal nor labor shall acL oppresslvely agalnsL Lhe oLher or lmpalr Lhe lnLeresL or
convenlence of Lhe publlc
Art 1702 ln case of doubL all labor leglslaLlon and all labor conLracLs shall be consLrued ln favor of Lhe
safeLy and decenL llvlng for Lhe laborer
Art 1703 no conLracL whlch pracLlcally amounLs Lo lnvolunLary servlLude under any gulse whaLsoever
shall be valld
Art 1704 ln collecLlve bargalnlng Lhe labor unlon or members of Lhe board or commlLLee slgnlng Lhe
conLracL shall be llable for nonfulflllmenL Lhereof
Art 170S 1he laborers wages shall be pald ln legal currency
Art 1706 WlLhholdlng of Lhe wages excepL for a debL due shall noL be made by Lhe employer
Art 1707 1he laborers wages shall be a llen on Lhe goods manufacLured or Lhe work done
Art 1708 1he laborers wages shall noL be sub[ecL Lo execuLlon or aLLachmenL excepL for debLs
lncurred for food shelLer cloLhlng and medlcal aLLendance
Art 1709 1he employer shall nelLher selze nor reLaln any Lool or oLher arLlcles belonglng Lo Lhe laborer
Art 1710 ulsmlssal of laborers shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe supervlslon of Lhe CovernmenL under speclal
Art 1711 Cwners of enLerprlses and oLher employers are obllged Lo pay compensaLlon for Lhe deaLh of
or ln[urles Lo Lhelr laborers workmen mechanlcs or oLher employees even Lhough Lhe evenL may
have been purely accldenLal or enLlrely due Lo a forLulLous cause lf Lhe deaLh or personal ln[ury
arose ouL of and ln Lhe course of Lhe employmenL 1he employer ls also llable for compensaLlon lf
Lhe employee conLracLs any lllness or dlsease caused by such employmenL or as Lhe resulL of Lhe
naLure of Lhe employmenL lf Lhe mlshap was due Lo Lhe employees own noLorlous negllgence or
volunLary acL or drunkenness Lhe employer shall noL be llable for compensaLlon When Lhe
employees lack of due care conLrlbuLed Lo hls deaLh or ln[ury Lhe compensaLlon shall be equlLably
Art 1712 lf Lhe deaLh or ln[ury ls due Lo Lhe negllgence of a fellow worker Lhe laLLer and Lhe employer
shall be solldarlly llable for compensaLlon lf afellow workers lnLenLlonal mallclous acL ls Lhe only
cause of Lhe deaLh or ln[ury Lhe employer shall noL be answerable unless lL should be shown LhaL
Lhe laLLer dld noL exerclse due dlllgence ln Lhe selecLlon or supervlslon of Lhe plalnLlffs fellow

SLC1ICN 3 Contract for a |ece of Work
Art 1713 8y Lhe conLracL for a plece of work Lhe conLracLor blnds hlmself Lo execuLe a plece of work for
Lhe employer ln conslderaLlon of a cerLaln prlce or compensaLlon 1he conLracLor may elLher
employ only hls labor or sklll or also furnlsh Lhe maLerlal (1388a)
Art 1714 lf Lhe conLracLor agrees Lo produce Lhe work from maLerlal furnlshed by hlm he shall dellver
Lhe Lhlng produced Lo Lhe employer and Lransfer domlnlon over Lhe Lhlng 1hls conLracL shall be
governed by Lhe followlng arLlcles as well as by Lhe perLlnenL provlslons on warranLy of LlLle and
agalnsL hldden defecLs and Lhe paymenL of prlce ln a conLracL of sale (n)
Art 171S 1he conLracL shall execuLe Lhe work ln such a manner LhaL lL has Lhe quallLles agreed upon
and has no defecLs whlch desLroy or lessen lLs value or flLness for lLs ordlnary or sLlpulaLed use
Should Lhe work be noL of such quallLy Lhe employer may requlre LhaL Lhe conLracLor remove Lhe
defecL or execuLe anoLher work lf Lhe conLracL falls or refuses Lo comply wlLh Lhls obllgaLlon Lhe
employer may have Lhe defecL removed or anoLher work execuLed aL Lhe conLracLors cosL (n)
Art 1716 An agreemenL walvlng or llmlLlng Lhe conLracLors llablllLy for any defecL ln Lhe work ls vold lf
Lhe conLracLor acLed fraudulenLly (n)
Art 1717 lf Lhe conLracLor bound hlmself Lo furnlsh Lhe maLerlal he shall suffer Lhe loss lf Lhe work
should be desLroyed before lLs dellvery save when Lhere has been delay ln recelvlng lL (1389)
Art 1718 1he conLracLor who has underLaken Lo puL only hls work or sklll cannoL clalm any
compensaLlon lf Lhe work should be desLroyed before lLs dellvery unless Lhere has been delay ln
recelvlng lL or lf Lhe desLrucLlon was caused by Lhe poor quallLy of Lhe maLerlal provlded Lhls facL
was communlcaLed ln due Llme Lo Lhe owner lf Lhe maLerlal ls losL Lhrough a forLulLous evenL Lhe
conLracL ls exLlngulshed (1390a)
Art 1719 AccepLance of Lhe work by Lhe employer relleves Lhe conLracLor of llablllLy for any defecL ln
Lhe work unless
(1) 1he defecL ls hldden and Lhe employer ls noL by hls speclal knowledge expecLed Lo recognlze Lhe
same or
(2) 1he employer expressly reserves hls rlghLs agalnsL Lhe conLracLor by reason of Lhe defecL (n)
Art 1720 1he prlce or compensaLlon shall be pald aL Lhe Llme and place of dellvery of Lhe work unless
Lhere ls a sLlpulaLlon Lo Lhe conLrary lf Lhe work ls Lo be dellvered parLlally Lhe prlce or
compensaLlon for each parL havlng been flxed Lhe sum shall be pald aL Lhe Llme and place of
dellvery ln Lhe absence lf sLlpulaLlon (n)
Art 1721 lf ln Lhe execuLlon of Lhe work an acL of Lhe employer ls requlred and he lncurs ln delay or
falls Lo perform Lhe acL Lhe conLracLor ls enLlLled Lo a reasonable compensaLlon
1he amounL of Lhe compensaLlon ls compuLed on Lhe one hand by Lhe duraLlon of Lhe delay and Lhe
amounL of Lhe compensaLlon sLlpulaLed and on Lhe oLher hand by whaL Lhe conLracLor has saved ln
expenses by reason of Lhe delay or ls able Lo earn by a dlfferenL employmenL of hls Llme and
lndusLry (n)
Art 1722 lf Lhe work cannoL be compleLed on accounL of a defecL ln Lhe maLerlal furnlshed by Lhe
employer or because of orders from Lhe employer wlLhouL any faulL on Lhe parL of Lhe conLracLor
Lhe laLLer has a rlghL Lo an equlLable parL of Lhe compensaLlon proporLlonally Lo Lhe work done and
relmbursemenL for proper expenses made (n)
Art 1723 1he englneer or archlLecL who drew up Lhe plans and speclflcaLlons for a bulldlng ls llable for
damages lf wlLhln flfLeen years from Lhe compleLlon of Lhe sLrucLure Lhe same should collapse by
reason of a defecL ln Lhose plans and speclflcaLlons or due Lo Lhe defecLs ln Lhe ground 1he
conLracLor ls llkewlse responslble for Lhe damages lf Lhe edlflce falls wlLhln Lhe same perlod on
accounL of defecLs ln Lhe consLrucLlon or Lhe use of maLerlals of lnferlor quallLy furnlshed by hlm or
due Lo any vlolaLlon of Lhe Lerms of Lhe conLracL lf Lhe englneer or archlLecL supervlses Lhe
consLrucLlon he shall be solldarlly llable wlLh Lhe conLracLor
AccepLance of Lhe bulldlng afLer compleLlon does noL lmply walver of any of Lhe cause of acLlon by
reason of any defecL menLloned ln Lhe precedlng paragraph
1he acLlon musL be broughL wlLhln Len years followlng Lhe collapse of Lhe bulldlng (n)
Art 1724 1he conLracLor who underLakes Lo bulld a sLrucLure or any oLher work for a sLlpulaLed prlce
ln conformlLy wlLh plans and speclflcaLlons agreed upon wlLh Lhe landowner can nelLher wlLhdraw
from Lhe conLracL nor demand an lncrease ln Lhe prlce on accounL of Lhe hlgher cosL of labor or
maLerlals save when Lhere has been a change ln Lhe plans and speclflcaLlons provlded
(1) Such change has been auLhorlzed by Lhe proprleLor ln wrlLlng and
(2) 1he addlLlonal prlce Lo be pald Lo Lhe conLracLor has been deLermlned ln wrlLlng by boLh parLles
Art 172S 1he owner may wlLhdraw aL wlll from Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe work alLhough lL may have
been commenced lndemnlfylng Lhe conLracLor for all Lhe laLLers expenses work and Lhe
usefulness whlch Lhe owner may obLaln Lherefrom and damages (1394a)
Art 1726 When a plece of work has been enLrusLed Lo a person by reason of hls personal quallflcaLlons
Lhe conLracL ls resclnded upon hls deaLh
ln Lhls case Lhe proprleLor shall pay Lhe helrs of Lhe conLracLor ln proporLlon Lo Lhe prlce agreed upon
Lhe value of Lhe parL of Lhe work done and of Lhe maLerlals prepared provlded Lhe laLLer yleld hlm
some beneflL
1he same rule shall apply lf Lhe conLracLor cannoL flnlsh Lhe work due Lo clrcumsLances beyond hls
conLrol (1393)
Art 1727 1he conLracLor ls responslble for Lhe work done by persons employed by hlm (1396)
Art 1728 1he conLracLor ls llable for all Lhe clalms of laborers and oLhers employed by hlm and of Lhlrd
persons for deaLh or physlcal ln[urles durlng Lhe consLrucLlon (n)
Art 1729 1hose who puL Lhelr labor upon or furnlsh maLerlals for a plece of work underLaken by Lhe
conLracLor have an acLlon agalnsL Lhe owner up Lo Lhe amounL owlng from Lhe laLLer Lo Lhe
conLracLor aL Lhe Llme Lhe clalm ls made Powever Lhe followlng shall noL pre[udlce Lhe laborers
employees and furnlshers of maLerlals
(1) aymenLs made by Lhe owner Lo Lhe conLracLor before Lhey are due
(2) 8enunclaLlon by Lhe conLracLor of any amounL due hlm from Lhe owner
1bls ottlnle ls sobjent to tbe ptovlsloos of spenlol lows (1597o)
Art 1730 lf lL ls agreed LhaL Lhe work shall be accompllshed Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of Lhe proprleLor lL ls
undersLood LhaL ln case of dlsagreemenL Lhe quesLlon shall be sub[ecL Lo experL [udgmenL
lf Lhe work ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of a Lhlrd person hls declslon shall be flnal excepL ln case of
fraud or manlfesL error (1398a)
Art 1731 Pe who has execuLed work upon a movable has a rlghL Lo reLaln lL by way of pledge unLll he ls
pald (1600)

SLC1ICN 4 Common Carr|ers (n)
SU8SLC1ICN 1 Genera| rov|s|ons
Art 1732 Common carrlers are persons corporaLlons flrms or assoclaLlons engaged ln Lhe buslness of
carrylng or LransporLlng passengers or goods or boLh by land waLer or alr for compensaLlon
offerlng Lhelr servlces Lo Lhe publlc
Art 1733 Common carrlers from Lhe naLure of Lhelr buslness and for reasons of publlc pollcy are
bound Lo observe exLraordlnary dlllgence ln Lhe vlgllance over Lhe goods and for Lhe safeLy of Lhe
passengers LransporLed by Lhem accordlng Lo all Lhe clrcumsLances of each case
Such exLraordlnary dlllgence ln Lhe vlgllance over Lhe goods ls furLher expressed ln ArLlcles 1734 1733
and 1743 nos 3 6 and 7 whlle Lhe exLraordlnary dlllgence for Lhe safeLy of Lhe passengers ls
furLher seL forLh ln ArLlcles 1733 and 1736

SU8SLC1ICN 2 V|g||ance Cver Goods
Art 1734 Common carrlers are responslble for Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods
unless Lhe same ls due Lo any of Lhe followlng causes only
(1) llood sLorm earLhquake llghLnlng or oLher naLural dlsasLer or calamlLy
(2) AcL of Lhe publlc enemy ln war wheLher lnLernaLlonal or clvll
(3) AcL of omlsslon of Lhe shlpper or owner of Lhe goods
(4) 1he characLer of Lhe goods or defecLs ln Lhe packlng or ln Lhe conLalners
(3) Crder or acL of compeLenL publlc auLhorlLy
Art 173S ln all cases oLher Lhan Lhose menLloned ln nos 1 2 3 4 and 3 of Lhe precedlng arLlcle lf Lhe
goods are losL desLroyed or deLerloraLed common carrlers are presumed Lo have been aL faulL or Lo
have acLed negllgenLly unless Lhey prove LhaL Lhey observed exLraordlnary dlllgence as requlred ln
ArLlcle 1733
Art 1736 1he exLraordlnary responslblllLy of Lhe common carrler lasLs from Lhe Llme Lhe goods are
uncondlLlonally placed ln Lhe possesslon of and recelved by Lhe carrler for LransporLaLlon unLll Lhe
same are dellvered acLually or consLrucLlvely by Lhe carrler Lo Lhe conslgnee or Lo Lhe person who
has a rlghL Lo recelve Lhem wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe provlslons of ArLlcle 1738
Art 1737 1he common carrlers duLy Lo observe exLraordlnary dlllgence over Lhe goods remalns ln full
force and effecL even when Lhey are Lemporarlly unloaded or sLored ln LranslL unless Lhe shlpper or
owner has made use of Lhe rlghL of sLoppage lo ttooslto
Art 1738 1he exLraordlnary llablllLy of Lhe common carrler conLlnues Lo be operaLlve even durlng Lhe
Llme Lhe goods are sLored ln a warehouse of Lhe carrler aL Lhe place of desLlnaLlon unLll Lhe
conslgnee has been advlsed of Lhe arrlval of Lhe goods and has had reasonable opporLunlLy
LhereafLer Lo remove Lhem or oLherwlse dlspose of Lhem
Art 1739 ln order LhaL Lhe common carrler may be exempLed from responslblllLy Lhe naLural dlsasLer
musL have been Lhe proxlmaLe and only cause of Lhe loss Powever Lhe common carrler musL
exerclse due dlllgence Lo prevenL or mlnlmlze loss before durlng and afLer Lhe occurrence of flood
sLorm or oLher naLural dlsasLer ln order LhaL Lhe common carrler may be exempLed from llablllLy for
Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods 1he same duLy ls lncumbenL upon Lhe common
carrler ln case of an acL of Lhe publlc enemy referred Lo ln ArLlcle 1734 no 2
Art 1740 lf Lhe common carrler negllgenLly lncurs ln delay ln LransporLlng Lhe goods a naLural dlsasLer
shall noL free such carrler from responslblllLy
Art 1741 lf Lhe shlpper or owner merely conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe
goods Lhe proxlmaLe cause Lhereof belng Lhe negllgence of Lhe common carrler Lhe laLLer shall be
llable ln damages whlch however shall be equlLably reduced
Art 1742 Lven lf Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods should be caused by Lhe characLer
of Lhe goods or Lhe faulLy naLure of Lhe packlng or of Lhe conLalners Lhe common carrler musL
exerclse due dlllgence Lo foresLall or lessen Lhe loss
Art 1743 lf Lhrough Lhe order of publlc auLhorlLy Lhe goods are selzed or desLroyed Lhe common
carrler ls noL responslble provlded sald publlc auLhorlLy had power Lo lssue Lhe order
Art 1744 A sLlpulaLlon beLween Lhe common carrler and Lhe shlpper or owner llmlLlng Lhe llablllLy of
Lhe former for Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods Lo a degree less Lhan
exLraordlnary dlllgence shall be valld provlded lL be
(1) ln wrlLlng slgned by Lhe shlpper or owner
(2) SupporLed by a valuable conslderaLlon oLher Lhan Lhe servlce rendered by Lhe common carrler and
(3) 8easonable [usL and noL conLrary Lo publlc pollcy
Art 174S Any of Lhe followlng or slmllar sLlpulaLlons shall be consldered unreasonable un[usL and
conLrary Lo publlc pollcy
(1) 1haL Lhe goods are LransporLed aL Lhe rlsk of Lhe owner or shlpper
(2) 1haL Lhe common carrler wlll noL be llable for any loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods
(3) 1haL Lhe common carrler need noL observe any dlllgence ln Lhe cusLody of Lhe goods
(4) 1haL Lhe common carrler shall exerclse a degree of dlllgence less Lhan LhaL of a good faLher of a
famlly or of a man of ordlnary prudence ln Lhe vlgllance over Lhe movables LransporLed
(3) 1haL Lhe common carrler shall noL be responslble for Lhe acLs or omlsslon of hls or lLs employees
(6) 1haL Lhe common carrlers llablllLy for acLs commlLLed by Lhleves or of robbers who do noL acL wlLh
grave or lrreslsLlble LhreaL vlolence or force ls dlspensed wlLh or dlmlnlshed
(7) 1haL Lhe common carrler ls noL responslble for Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of goods on
accounL of Lhe defecLlve condlLlon of Lhe car vehlcle shlp alrplane or oLher equlpmenL used ln Lhe
conLracL of carrlage
Art 1746 An agreemenL llmlLlng Lhe common carrlers llablllLy may be annulled by Lhe shlpper or owner
lf Lhe common carrler refused Lo carry Lhe goods unless Lhe former agreed Lo such sLlpulaLlon
Art 1747 lf Lhe common carrler wlLhouL [usL cause delays Lhe LransporLaLlon of Lhe goods or changes
Lhe sLlpulaLed or usual rouLe Lhe conLracL llmlLlng Lhe common carrlers llablllLy cannoL be avalled of
ln case of Lhe loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods
Art 1748 An agreemenL llmlLlng Lhe common carrlers llablllLy for delay on accounL of sLrlkes or rloLs ls
Art 1749 A sLlpulaLlon LhaL Lhe common carrlers llablllLy ls llmlLed Lo Lhe value of Lhe goods appearlng
ln Lhe blll of ladlng unless Lhe shlpper or owner declares a greaLer value ls blndlng
Art 17S0 A conLracL flxlng Lhe sum LhaL may be recovered by Lhe owner or shlpper for Lhe loss
desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon of Lhe goods ls valld lf lL ls reasonable and [usL under Lhe
clrcumsLances and has been falrly and freely agreed upon
Art 17S1 1he facL LhaL Lhe common carrler has no compeLlLor along Lhe llne or rouLe or a parL Lhereof
Lo whlch Lhe conLracL refers shall be Laken lnLo conslderaLlon on Lhe quesLlon of wheLher or noL a
sLlpulaLlon llmlLlng Lhe common carrlers llablllLy ls reasonable [usL and ln consonance wlLh publlc
Art 17S2 Lven when Lhere ls an agreemenL llmlLlng Lhe llablllLy of Lhe common carrler ln Lhe vlgllance
over Lhe goods Lhe common carrler ls dlspuLably presumed Lo have been negllgenL ln case of Lhelr
loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon
Art 17S3 1he law of Lhe counLry Lo whlch Lhe goods are Lo be LransporLed shall govern Lhe llablllLy of
Lhe common carrler for Lhelr loss desLrucLlon or deLerloraLlon
Art 17S4 1he provlslons of ArLlcles 1733 Lo 1733 shall apply Lo Lhe passengers baggage whlch ls noL ln
hls personal cusLody or ln LhaL of hls employee As Lo oLher baggage Lhe rules ln ArLlcles 1998 and
2000 Lo 2003 concernlng Lhe responslblllLy of hoLelkeepers shall be appllcable

SU8SLC1ICN 3 Safety of assengers
Art 17SS A common carrler ls bound Lo carry Lhe passengers safely as far as human care and foreslghL
can provlde uslng Lhe uLmosL dlllgence of very cauLlous persons wlLh a due regard for all Lhe
Art 17S6 ln case of deaLh of or ln[urles Lo passengers common carrlers are presumed Lo have been aL
faulL or Lo have acLed negllgenLly unless Lhey prove LhaL Lhey observed exLraordlnary dlllgence as
prescrlbed ln ArLlcles 1733 and 1733
Art 17S7 1he responslblllLy of a common carrler for Lhe safeLy of passengers as requlred ln ArLlcles
1733 and 1733 cannoL be dlspensed wlLh or lessened by sLlpulaLlon by Lhe posLlng of noLlces by
sLaLemenLs on LlckeLs or oLherwlse
Art 17S8 When a passenger ls carrled graLulLously a sLlpulaLlon llmlLlng Lhe common carrlers llablllLy
for negllgence ls valld buL noL for wllful acLs or gross negllgence
1he reducLlon of fare does noL [usLlfy any llmlLaLlon of Lhe common carrlers llablllLy
Art 17S9 Common carrlers are llable for Lhe deaLh of or ln[urles Lo passengers Lhrough Lhe negllgence
or wllful acLs of Lhe formers employees alLhough such employees may have acLed beyond Lhe
scope of Lhelr auLhorlLy or ln vlolaLlon of Lhe orders of Lhe common carrlers
1hls llablllLy of Lhe common carrlers does noL cease upon proof LhaL Lhey exerclsed all Lhe dlllgence of
a good faLher of a famlly ln Lhe selecLlon and supervlslon of Lhelr employees
Art 1760 1he common carrlers responslblllLy prescrlbed ln Lhe precedlng arLlcle cannoL be ellmlnaLed
or llmlLed by sLlpulaLlon by Lhe posLlng of noLlces by sLaLemenLs on Lhe LlckeLs or oLherwlse
Art 1761 1he passenger musL observe Lhe dlllgence of a good faLher of a famlly Lo avold ln[ury Lo
Art 1762 1he conLrlbuLory negllgence of Lhe passenger does noL bar recovery of damages for hls deaLh
or ln[urles lf Lhe proxlmaLe cause Lhereof ls Lhe negllgence of Lhe common carrler buL Lhe amounL
of damages shall be equlLably reduced
Art 1763 A common carrler ls responslble for ln[urles suffered by a passenger on accounL of Lhe wllful
acLs or negllgence of oLher passengers or of sLrangers lf Lhe common carrlers employees Lhrough
Lhe exerclse of Lhe dlllgence of a good faLher of a famlly could have prevenLed or sLopped Lhe acL or

SU8SLC1ICN 4 Common rov|s|ons
Art 1764 uamages ln cases comprlsed ln Lhls SecLlon shall be awarded ln accordance wlLh 1lLle xvlll of
Lhls 8ook concernlng uamages ArLlcle 2206 shall also apply Lo Lhe deaLh of a passenger caused by
Lhe breach of conLracL by a common carrler
Art 176S 1he ubllc Servlce Commlsslon may on lLs own moLlon or on peLlLlon of any lnLeresLed parLy
afLer due hearlng cancel Lhe cerLlflcaLe of publlc convenlence granLed Lo any common carrler LhaL
repeaLedly falls Lo comply wlLh hls or lLs duLy Lo observe exLraordlnary dlllgence as prescrlbed ln Lhls
Art 1766 ln all maLLers noL regulaLed by Lhls Code Lhe rlghLs and obllgaLlons of common carrlers shall
be governed by Lhe Code of Commerce and by speclal laws

También podría gustarte