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CMOS RF DESIGN chapter 4 small signal models of bipolar transistor By PADMA.R[5WI09LVS14] and NANDINI[5WI09LVS13] 1.Transconductance of BJT is___________.

a] d(IB)/d(Vce) b] d(IB)/d(Vbe) c] d(IC)/d(Vbe) answer:-C. [1M] d] d(IC)/d(Vce)

2.The quantity tow F has the dimension of time and is called the ________________. [1M] a] Base transit time b] Collector transit time c] Emitter transit time d] none Answer:- A 3.The small signal input shunt resistance of a bipolar transistor depends on the________________ and is ____________ to IC. [2M] a] current gain, directly proportional. b] current gain, inversly proportional c] voltage gain, directly proportional d] voltage gain, inversly proportional. Answer:- B. 4.Find the value of n(neta), if VA=100v at 25 degree. a] 2.6*10^-6 b] 2.6*10^6 c] 2.6*10^-4 d] 2.6*10^4 Answer:-C [2M]

5. For lateral pnp transistor, collector base resistance is in the range_____________ . [2M] a]2*Bo*ro to 5*Bo*ro b] 3*Bo*ro to 6*Bo*ro c] 10*Bo*ro to 20*Bo*ro d] 2*Bo*ro to 4*Bo*ro Answer:- A 6.The base emitter junction closely approximately an abrupt junction due to the step rise of the doping density caused by the heavy doping in the ____________. [1M] a] collector b] base c] emitter d] none Answer:- C 7.The frequency where the magnitude of the short circuit, common emitter current gain falls to unity is called ________. [1M] a] transition frequency b] minimum frequency c] maximum frequency d] none Answer:- A 8.The time constant is ______________ on Ic. a] Independent b] dependent c] none Answer:- B [1M]

9.As Ic decreases time constant_____________ and transition frequency ______________. [2M] a]rise, rise b] fall, fall c] fall, rise d] rise, fall. Answer:- D

10. Transistor collector current consists of a series of random current pulses called_________________. [1M] a] Flicker noise b] full shot noise c] white noise d] burst noise Answer:- B 11.All the noise sources are ________ of each other. a] dependent b] independent c] none Answer:- B [1M]

12.The__________ and _________ noise meet at a frequency which is called the flicker noise corner. [2M] a]white noise, shot noise b]shot noise,burst noise c]shot noise, flicker noise d]flicker noise, white noise Answer:- C 13.Avalanche noise in bipolar transistor is found to be negligible if ____________ is kept at least 5v below the breakdown voltage. [1M] a] Vce b] Vbe c]Vcc d]all Answer:- A 14.In BJT, the quiescent collector current Ic and a quiescent base current Ib and the transistor region are produced when we apply__________ [1M] a] Vce,Vbe b] Vbe, Vcc c] Vcc,Vee d] Vdd, Vss Answer:-B

4 marks 15. Match the following. [a] collector base resistor [b] output resistance [c] Transconductance [d] input capacitance a] 1,2,3,4 answer C b] 1,3,4,2 c] 3,1,4,2 [1] 1/(n*gm) [2] tow F*gm [3] beta/gm [4] q*Ic/(k*T) d] 3,1,2,4

16.A bipolar transistor has a short circuit, common emitter current gain at 1GHz of 8 with Ic=0.25mA and 9 with Ic=1mA. Assuming that high level injection effects are negligible, calculate Cje and tow F, assuming both are constant. The measured value of cu is 10 fF. a] Cje=10.2fF, tow F=10 pS b]Cje=18.2fF, tow F=17 pS c] Cje=18.2fF, tow F=10 pS d] Cje=10.2fF, tow F=17 pS Answer:- B

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