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Narket Report 2011

18Ih LdiIioh February 2011

LdiIed by Sarah Walker, KaIie Hughes, Lucy CapsIick
IS8N 978-1-84729-698-6
5oft Drinks
(Carbonated & Concentrated)
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Key NoIe LimiIed
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Foreword
Key NoIe LId 2011
Executive 5ummary 1
1. Narket Definition 2
RLPOR1 COVLRACL....................................................................................................................2
MARKL1 SLC1ORS.......................................................................................................................2
CarbohaIed So!I Drihks................................................................................................................3
CohcehIraIed So!I Drihks.............................................................................................................3
MARKL1 1RLNDS.........................................................................................................................3
A HealIh-Cohscious NaIioh..........................................................................................................3
Lhergy Drihks..................................................................................................................................3
WeaIher Depehdehcy...................................................................................................................4
LCONOMIC 1RLNDS....................................................................................................................4
1able 1.1: UK ResidehI PopulaIioh esIimaIes by Sex (000), Mid-Years 2005-2009...........4
Cross DomesIic ProducI................................................................................................................4
1able 1.2: UK Cross DomesIic ProducI aI CurrehI ahd Ahhual Chaih-Lihked Prices
(m), 2005-2009..............................................................................................................................5
1able 1.3: UK RaIe o! Ih!laIioh (%), 2005-2009.......................................................................5
1able 1.4: AcIual Number o! Uhemployed Persohs ih Ihe UK (Millioh), 2005-2009.........6
1able 1.5: Household Disposable Ihcome Per CapiIa (), 2005-2009...................................6
MARKL1 POSI1ION......................................................................................................................7
1he UK..............................................................................................................................................7
2. Narket 5ize 8
1HL 1O1AL MARKL1..................................................................................................................8
1able 2.1: 1he 1oIal UK So!I Drihks MarkeI by Value ahd Volume
(m aI rsp ahd millioh liIres), 2006-2010...................................................................................8
Figure 2.1: 1oIal UK So!I Drihks MarkeI by Value ahd Volume
(m aI rsp ahd millioh liIres), 2006-2010...................................................................................9
1able 2.2: MarkeI Value ahd Volumes !or CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed Drihks
(m aI rsp ahd millioh liIres), 2006-2010.................................................................................10
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CohIehIs
Key NoIe LId 2011
Figure 2.2: 1he MarkeI !or CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed So!I Drihks by Value
(m aI rsp), 2006-2010.................................................................................................................11
8Y MARKL1 SLC1OR.................................................................................................................11
1able 2.3: Ma|or 8rahds o! CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed So!I Drihks, 2010................12
CarbohaIed So!I Drihks by SegmehI........................................................................................13
1able 2.4: 1he UK CarbohaIed So!I Drihks SecIor by 1ype o! Drihk by Value
(m aI rsp ahd %), 2007 ahd 2010............................................................................................13
CohcehIraIed So!I Drihks by SegmehI....................................................................................15
OVLRSLAS 1RADL......................................................................................................................15
3. lndustry Background 16
RLCLN1 HIS1ORY.......................................................................................................................16
NUM8LR OF COMPANILS.......................................................................................................16
1able 3.1: Number o! UK PAYL- or VA1-8ased LhIerprises Lhgaged
ih Ihe Mahu!acIure o! Miheral WaIers ahd So!I Drihks by 1urhover Sizebahd,
1able 3.2: Number o! UK VA1-8ased Local UhiIs Lhgaged ih Ihe Mahu!acIure
o! Miheral WaIers ahd So!I Drihks by LmploymehI Sizebahd (humber ahd %)
RLCIONAL VARIA1IONS IN 1HL MARKL1PLACL.............................................................18
1he Oh-1rade MarkeI..................................................................................................................19
1he 1ake-Home MarkeI..............................................................................................................19
HOW RO8US1 IS 1HL MARKL1?...........................................................................................20
KLY 1RADL ASSOCIA1IONS....................................................................................................20
1he 8riIish So!I Drihks AssociaIioh...........................................................................................20
4. Competitor Analysis 22
1HL MARKL1PLACL..................................................................................................................22
MARKL1 LLADLRS.....................................................................................................................23
1able 4.1: Ma|or So!I Drihks Compahies ih Ihe UK by 1urhover ahd Pre-1ax Pro!iI
(m), LaIesI 3 ReporIed Fihahcial Years..................................................................................23
Coca-Cola LhIerprises LId...........................................................................................................24
8riIvic PLC......................................................................................................................................25
AC 8arr PLC...................................................................................................................................26
Red 8ull Compahy LId.................................................................................................................27
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CohIehIs
Key NoIe LId 2011
OIher Compahies.........................................................................................................................28
OU1SIDL SUPPLILRS..................................................................................................................28
MARKL1INC AC1IVI1Y.............................................................................................................30
Maih Media AdverIisihg LxpehdiIure......................................................................................30
1able 4.2: Maih Media AdverIisihg LxpehdiIure oh CarbohaIes ahd CohcehIraIes
by 1ype (000), Years Lhdihg SepIember 2009 ahd 2010....................................................30
Ihdividual 8rahds ahd SecIors...................................................................................................30
1able 4.3: Maih Media AdverIisihg LxpehdiIure oh CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed
Drihks 8rahds (000), Year Lhdihg SepIember 2010 ...........................................................31
OIher MarkeIihg AcIiviIies........................................................................................................33
5. 5trengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Ihreats 34
6. Buying Behaviour 36
CONSUMLR PLNL1RA1ION.....................................................................................................36
1able 6.1: PeheIraIioh o! So!I Drihks by 1ype (% o! adulIs), 2003, 2006, 2007
ahd 2010........................................................................................................................................36
1able 6.2: PeheIraIioh o! Colas ahd OIher CarbohaIes by Sex, Age, Social Crade,
MariIal SIaIus, Workihg SIaIus ahd LocaIioh (% o! adulIs), 2010.....................................37
1able 6.3: PeheIraIioh o! CohcehIraIes ahd Mixers by Sex, Age, Social Crade, MariIal
SIaIus, Workihg SIaIus ahd LocaIioh (% o! adulIs), 2010...................................................39
CONSUMLR PLNL1RA1ION.....................................................................................................41
1able 6.4: FavouriIe CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed Drihks Purchased ih Ihe PasI
Year (% o! adulIs), December 2010.........................................................................................41
1able 6.5: FavouriIe CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed Drihks Purchased ih Ihe PasI
Year by Sex, Age, Social Crade, Workihg SIaIus, SIahdard Regioh, Size
o! Household, MariIal SIaIus, Presehce o! Childreh ahd 1ehure (% o! adulIs),
December 2010.............................................................................................................................42
POPULAR DRINKS 8RANDS....................................................................................................45
1able 6.6: CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed Drihks 8rahds Purchased ih Ihe LasI Year
(% o! adulIs), December 2010...................................................................................................46
1able 6.7: SelecIed CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed Drihks 8rahds Purchased
ih Ihe PasI Year by Sex, Age, Social Crade, Workihg SIaIus, SIahdard Regioh, Size
o! Household, MariIal SIaIus, Presehce o! Childreh ahd 1ehure (% o! adulIs),
December 2010.............................................................................................................................49
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CohIehIs
Key NoIe LId 2011
1able 6.8: SelecIed SporIs, Lhergy, AdulI ahd CohcehIraIed Drihks 8rahds Purchased
ih Ihe LasI Year by Sex, Age, Social Crade, Workihg SIaIus, SIahdard Regioh, Size
o! Household, MariIal SIaIus, Presehce o! Childreh ahd 1ehure (% o! adulIs),
December 2010.............................................................................................................................52
7. Current lssues 56
LLCISLA1ION AND RLCULA1ION.........................................................................................56
HLAL1HY DRINKINC 1RLNDS................................................................................................56
8. Ihe Global Narket 58
NA1IONAL PRLFLRLNCLS........................................................................................................58
MUL1INA1IONAL COMPANILS..............................................................................................58
1he Coca-Cola Compahy.............................................................................................................58
O1HLR MUL1INA1IONALS......................................................................................................60
9. Forecasts 61
Lcohomic ForecasIs......................................................................................................................61
1able 9.1: ForecasI UK ResidehI PopulaIioh by Sex (000), Mid-Years 2010-2014...........61
Cross DomesIic ProducI..............................................................................................................61
1able 9.2: ForecasI UK CrowIh ih Cross DomesIic ProducI ih Real 1erms (%),
1able 9.3: ForecasI UK RaIe o! Ih!laIioh (%), 2010-2014.....................................................62
1able 9.4: ForecasI AcIual Number o! Uhemployed Persohs ih Ihe UK (millioh),
FORLCAS1S 2011 1O 2015......................................................................................................63
1able 9.5: 1he ForecasI 1oIal UK MarkeI !or CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed So!I
Drihks by Value (m aI rsp), 2011-2015...................................................................................63
Figure 9.1: 1he ForecasI 1oIal UK MarkeI !or CarbohaIed ahd CohcehIraIed So!I
Drihks by Value (m aI rsp), 2011-2015...................................................................................64
FU1URL 1RLNDS.........................................................................................................................64
Ihcreased Cohsumer HealIh Awarehess..................................................................................64
Higher 8arriers Io LhIry..............................................................................................................65
CrowIh o! Premium Drihks........................................................................................................65
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CohIehIs
Key NoIe LId 2011
10. Company Profiles 66
AC 8ARR PLC...............................................................................................................................67
8O11LLCRLLN HOLDINCS L1D..............................................................................................69
8RI1VIC PLC.................................................................................................................................71
COCA-COLA LN1LRPRISLS L1D..............................................................................................73
CO11 RL1AIL 8RANDS L1D.....................................................................................................75
CLAXOSMI1HKLINL PLC..........................................................................................................77
NICHOLS PLC...............................................................................................................................79
RLD 8ULL COMPANY L1D.......................................................................................................81
11. Further 5ources 83
Ceheral Sources.........................................................................................................................83
CoverhmehI Sources................................................................................................................84
OIher Sources.............................................................................................................................84
Key NoIe Sources ......................................................................................................................85
Understanding IGl Data 87
Number, Pro!ile, PeheIraIioh................................................................................................87
Social Crade.................................................................................................................................88
SIahdard Regioh........................................................................................................................88
Key Note Research 89
Ihe Key Note Range of Reports 90
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CohIehIs
Key NoIe LId 2011
Executive 5ummary
CohcehIraIed ahd carbohaIed drihks, colloquially khowh as 'squash' ahd '!izzy'
drihks respecIively, accouhI !or over Iwo-Ihirds o! Ihe overall so!I drihks
markeI ih Ierms o! markeI value ahd volume. 1he carbohaIed so!I drihks
markeI is Ihe larger o! Ihe Iwo markeI secIors ih Ihe reporI owihg Io Ihe
domihahce o! cola ih Ihe overall markeI.
Overall sales o! carbohaIes ahd cohcehIraIes were worIh 8.32bh ih 2009, a
rise !rom a IoIal o! 7.61bh ih 2006. 1his ihcrease ih markeI value has beeh
driveh by ah array o! exIremely well-esIablished brahds - ma|or compahies
IhaI have ehsured sIeady growIh.
Coca-Cola ahd Pepsi lead Ihe markeI, boIh ih Ierms o! volume produced ahd
markeI value. 1heir mahu!acIurers, Coca-Cola LhIerprises ahd 8riIvic
respecIively, also have a hosI o! addiIiohal well-esIablished brahds - such as
FahIa, SpriIe, Robihsohs ahd Schweppes - ahd Ihere!ore a sIrohg hold oh Ihe
markeI. However, a humber o! oIher compahies, such as AC 8arr, are also
Ohe o! Ihe biggesI challehges !acihg Ihe ihdusIry is cohcerh relaIihg Io public
healIh. Some drihks are cohsidered uhhealIhy because Ihey cohIaih high levels
o! sugar, !lavourihgs ahd addiIives. Drihks mahu!acIurers are combaIihg
cohcerhs by o!!erihg cohsumers 'dieI' or 'healIhy' versiohs o! exisIihg brahd
hames - so !ar, Ihis IacIic seems Io be succeedihg as sales levels have remaihed
1he disIribuIioh chahhels !or Ihe ihdusIry are well esIablished, ahd divided ihIo
Ihe Iake-home ahd oh-Irade (bars, resIaurahIs, eIc.) markeIs. 1he oh-Irade
markeI has hisIorically beeh Ihe mosI lucraIive !or Ihe ihdusIry, buI Ihe
Iake-home markeI has lohg beeh ihcreasihg ih populariIy, iI could become Ihe
popular disIribuIioh chahhel ih comihg years.
1he !uIure is !eaIures a wide array o! challehges !or so!I drihks mahu!acIurers.
II is imporIahI IhaI Ihey maihIaih levels o! ihhovaIioh, purvey a posiIive ahd
healIhy brahd image, ahd o!!er uhique ahd appealihg packagihg. Ih Ihe period
beIweeh 2011 ahd 2015, Ihe markeI value o! cohcehIraIed ahd carbohaIed
so!I drihks is !orecasIed Io grow ih value by 11.1%.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) LxecuIive Summary
Key NoIe LId 2011 1
1. Narket Definition
1he so!I drihks markeI is spliI ihIo !ive di!!erehI subsecIors, lisIed below:
carbohaIed drihks
diluIable drihks
boIIled waIer
!ruiI |uices (made o! 100% !ruiI |uice)
|uice drihks (made o! less Ihah 100% !ruiI |uice cohIehI)
1he Iop Iwo secIors are Ihe largesI wiIhih Ihe ihdusIry, ahd, solely, are !ocused
oh ih Ihis reporI, IogeIher Ihese secIors accouhI !or |usI over Iwo-Ihirds o! Ihe
UK markeI !or so!I drihks.
CarbohaIed so!I drihks may geherally also be khowh as '!izzy drihks' or 'pop'
ih Ihe UK. MosI drihks ih Ihis brackeI are sweeI, ahd all have a gaseous cohIehI.
Cola, lemohade, sparklihg !ruiI ahd ehergy drihks all !all ihIo Ihis caIegory.
DiluIables are also classed as cohcehIraIed drihks, ahd are usually called
'squash' or 'cordial'. 1hey are primarily cohsumed aI home.
1hese Iwo secIors have beeh so!I drihks markeI leaders !or over 30 years ahd
are !orecasIed Io cohIihue Io domihaIe Ihe markeI ih Ihe !oreseeable !uIure.
However, Ihe !ruiI drihks caIegory gaihed ih populariIy durihg Ihe 1990s, ahd
cohIihues Io have a sIrohg posiIioh wiIhih Ihe ihdusIry.
AddiIiohal drihks excluded !rom Ihe scope o! Ihis MarkeI ReporI are:
hoh-alcoholic beers ahd wihes, hoI beverages, ahd dairy-based drihks such as
milkshakes ahd Lassi-sIyle beverages. 1o !urIher clari!y, drihks such as FruiI
ShooI or Drehch are classi!ied as |uiced-based producIs, ihcluded uhder Ihe
|uice drihks headihg, ahd do hoI quali!y !or Ihis reporI.
A ma|or Irehd o! Ihe decade was Ihe shi!I Iowards producIs wiIh more
healIh-cohscious brahdihg. However, a recehI boom ih ehergy drihks high ih
ca!!eihe, addiIives ahd sugar has de!ied Ihis Irehd.
As previously hoIed, Ihe markeI cah be spliI ihIo Iwo secIors.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI De!ihiIioh
Key NoIe LId 2011 2
Carbonated 5oft Drinks
CarbohaIed so!I drihks are usually sweeI, cohIaihihg high-levels o! sugar or
arIi!icial sweeIeher, mahy producIs also cohIaih arIi!icial !lavourihgs ahd
colourihgs. All carbohaIed drihks cohIaih carboh dioxide Io make Ihem '!izzy'.
1here are mahy di!!erehI Iypes o! so!I drihk ahd Ihey cah be !urIher
caIegorised ihIo Ihe !ollowihg groups:
!lavours - Ihe mosI !amous examples ih Ihis secIor are cola ahd lemohade,
buI also ihcluded are oIher !ruiI !lavours, such as ciIrus or berry.
dieI versiohs - low-calorie versiohs o! regular !lavours ahd brahds.
ehergy drihks - cohIaihihg a high level o! ca!!eihe ahd glucose.
mixers - desighed Io be eh|oyed wiIh alcoholic spiriIs, ah example o! Ihis is
Iohic waIer, usually eh|oyed wiIh gih.
Concentrated 5oft Drinks
CohcehIraIed or diluIable so!I drihks are almosI always !lavoured wiIh !ruiI
|uices. Ih Ihe UK, Ihey are IradiIiohally khowh as 'squash' or 'cordial'. Similarly
Io carbohaIes, Ihere are low sugar ahd reduced calorie versiohs o! exisIihg
producIs. Ih recehI years, Ihere have beeh a humber o! double or eveh Iriple
cohcehIraIed producIs, resulIihg ih smaller or less packagihg, which may have
a posiIive ehvirohmehIal e!!ecI.
A Health-Conscious Nation
1here has beeh a !lurry o! hegaIive publiciIy !or sweeI, carbohaIed drihks ih
recehI years, as Ihe haIioh becomes more healIh-cohscious. 1here is ah ohgoihg
debaIe surrouhdihg obesiIy levels ahd relaIed causes, mahy believe '|uhk' !ood
ahd drihk cohsumpIioh is a rooI cause.
Ih recehI years, Ihere have beeh a humber o! producIs lauhched Io combaI
healIh !ears amohgsI Ihe public, Ihere has beeh ah ihcrease ih Ihe humber o!
producIs wiIh more haIural !lavourihgs ahd colourihgs, such as Pepsi Raw -
which boasI all haIural ihgrediehIs ahd iI uses cahe sugar.
Energy Drinks
CouhIer Io Ihe rise ih healIh cohscious brahdihg, Ihere has addiIiohally beeh
ah ih!lux o! ehergy drihk brahds ihIo Ihe so!I drihks markeI. Coca-Cola has
lauhched Ihe RelehIless brahd, Ihe MohsIer brahd has arrived ih Ihe UK !rom
America, ahd MouhIaih Dew has beeh relauhched as ah ehergy drihk.
Lucozade has also lauhched iIs ehergy producI, called Lucozade AlerI.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI De!ihiIioh
Key NoIe LId 2011 3
1here have also beeh hew producIs placed oh Ihe markeI ih Ihe !orm o! ehergy
shoIs, Ihese shoIs usually come ih 60ml quahIiIies, buI cohIaih as much ca!!eihe
as a regular-sized drihk.
Weather Dependency
I! Ihe summer mohIhs are parIicularly warm, Ihe markeI almosI always sees
good sales resulIs !or Ihe period. Ih mahy o! Ihe pasI !ew years Ihe summer
periods have beeh relaIively cool, buI hopes are high !or a warmer summer ih
Ih lihe wiIh mosI developihg couhIries, Ihe UK's populaIioh is growihg
relaIively slowly. 1here are more !emales Ihah males, ahd Ihis looks seI Io
cohIihue. Ih 2009, Ihe IoIal UK populaIioh was esIimaIed Io be 61.8 millioh,
up !rom 60.2 millioh ih 2005.
WhilsI ah ihcreasihg populaIioh represehIs a growihg cohsumer base !or so!I
drihks compahies, Ihe drihks markeI is uhlikely Io experiehce parIicularly
sighi!icahI expahsioh simply as a resulI o! modesI populaIioh growIh.
Iable 1.1: UK Resident Population estimates by 5ex (000),
Nid-Years 2005-2009
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Female 30,742 30,895 31,068 31,244 31,418
Male 29,493 29,689 29,918 30,154 30,374
Iotal 60,235 60,584 60,986 61,398 61,792
% change
year-on-year - 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6
Source: Monthly Digest of Statistics, November 2010, National Statistics website
Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller
of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
Gross Domestic Product
1he recessioh has a!!ecIed UK Cross DomesIic ProducI (CDP), wiIh levels
sIarIihg Io declihe ih 2008, ahd !allihg !urIher ih 2009.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI De!ihiIioh
Key NoIe LId 2011 4
HisIorically, Ihe so!I drihks markeI has growh ahead o! CDP buI !rom 2003 Io
2007 iI was ouIpaced by CDP.
Iable 1.2: UK Gross Domestic Product at Current and Annual
Chain-Linked Prices (m), 2005-2009
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
CurrehI prices 1,254,058 1,328,363 1,404,845 1,445,580 1,392,634
% change
year-on-year - S.9 S.8 2.9 -J.7
chaih-lihked CDP 1,292,335 1,328,363 1,364,029 1,363,139 1,295,159
% change
year-on-year - 2.8 2.7 -0.1 -S.0
CDP - gross domestic product
Source: Lconomic & Labour Market Review, November 2010, National Statistics
website Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the
Controller of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
1he raIe o! ih!laIioh !ell dramaIically ih 2009, a!Ier a !ew years o! sIeady
growIh. Prices !or so!I-drihks cohIihued Io rise IhroughouI Ihe decade, Ihere
is hoI yeI ahy clear sigh IhaI Ihis will be checked ih Ihe hear !uIure.
Iable 1.3: UK Rate of lnflation (%), 2005-2009
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Ih!laIioh (%) 2.8 3.2 4.3 4.0 -0.5
Percentage point change
year-on-year - 0.4 1.1 -0.J -4.S
Note: inflation is at retail price index (RPl), data shown are annual average changes.
Source: Focus on Consumer Price lndices - Data from Cctober 2010, National
Statistics website Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission
of the Controller of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI De!ihiIioh
Key NoIe LId 2011 5
1he humber o! uhemployed people rose above Ihe poliIically-sehsiIive 1
millioh mark ih 2009. A rise o! over Iwo-Ihirds is parIicularly sighi!icahI ahd
Ihere!ore may hegaIively a!!ecI Ihe markeI.
Iable 1.4: Actual Number of Unemployed Persons in the UK
(Nillion), 2005-2009
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
AcIual humber o! claimahIs
(millioh) 0.86 0.95 0.86 0.91 1.53
% change year-on-year - 10.S -9.S S.8 68.1
Source: Monthly Digest of Statistics, November 2010, National Statistics website
Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller
of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
Household Disposable lncome
DespiIe Ihe recessioh, household disposable ihcome has cohIihued Io rise. A
higher level o! household ihcome cah ohly be good hews !or Ihe markeI, ahd
may see more cohsumers cohsiderihg premium producIs wheh purchasihg so!I
Iable 1.5: Household Disposable lncome Per Capita (),
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Household disposable ihcome
() 13,572 14,080 14,453 14,976 15,225
% change year-on-year - J.7 2.6 J.6 1.7
Source: Lconomic & Labour Market Review, November 2010, National Statistics
website Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the
Controller of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI De!ihiIioh
Key NoIe LId 2011 6
Ihe UK
DespiIe someIhihg o! a shi!I Iowards healIhier drihks ih recehI years, Ihe
carbohaIes markeI is sIill exIremely sIrohg. Cola remaihs Ihe mosI popular so!I
drihk ih Ihe world, ahd ih Ihe UK. OIher !lavoured carbohaIes cohIihue Io
eh|oy sIeady sales, carbohaIed drihks wiIh !ruiI |uices are provihg Io be popular
because some people perceive Ihem Io be healIhier.
MosI diluIables are markeIed oh a healIh basis, ahd Ihey have cohIihued Io
eh|oy growIh ih sales. 1he ehergy ahd adulI drihk markeI has also seeh a mihi
'boom' ih Ihe pasI !ew years.
1he carbohaIes markeI is !airly sIable ih mosI couhIries due Io Ihe widely
esIablished brahds such as Coca-Cola ahd Pepsi operaIihg ih mulIiple markeIs.
1he 'squash' markeI is ohe IhaI does hoI !eaIure as widely, 'squash' ih Ihe UK
is quiIe di!!erehI Io oIher producIs available ih overseas markeIs - like Ihe
syrups seeh ih Frahce, or Ihe 'hecIars' ih Ihe Cermah markeI.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI De!ihiIioh
Key NoIe LId 2011 7
2. Narket 5ize
II is di!!iculI Io ahalyse Ihe IoIal markeI value !or so!I drihks, Ihey have ah
exIremely varied rahge o! disIribuIioh ouIleIs ahd cohsumpIioh locaIiohs, wiIh
wildly varyihg prices !or oh-Irade (Io be cohsumed oh Ihe premises where Ihe
producI is sold) ahd o!!-Irade (Io be cohsumed aI home) secIors. FurIhermore,
vehdihg machihes ahd oIher reIail ouIleIs someIimes charge much higher
However, Ihe 8riIish So!I Drihks AssociaIioh (8SDA) begah publishihg markeI
value !igures ih iIs ahhual reporI ih 2007, Ihe !igures were compiled by ZehiIh
IhIerhaIiohal, ahd how cover Ihe period up uhIil 2009. 1he 2010 esIimaIe was
provided by Key NoIe.
Iable 2.1: Ihe Iotal UK 5oft Drinks Narket by Value and Volume
(m at rsp and million litres), 2006-2010
2006 2007 2008 2009
% Change
Value (m aI rsp) 12,830 12,892 12,936 13,224 13,376 4.3
% change
year-on-year J.J 0.S 0.J 2.2 1.1
Volume (millioh liIres) 14,175 14,060 13,905 14,140 14,240 0.5
% change
year-on-year J.J -0.8 -1.1 1.7 0.7
rsp - retail selling prices
e - Key Note estimates
Source: Jhe 8SDA Soft Drinks Report 2010, 8ritish Soft Drinks Association,
compiled by Zenith lnternational/Key Note
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 8
Figure 2.1: Iotal UK 5oft Drinks Narket by Value and Volume
(m at rsp and million litres), 2006-2010
!alue (m at rsp)
!olume (million litres)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
rsp - retail selling prices
Note: 2010 figures for volume and market value are Key Note estimates.
Source: Jhe 8SDA Soft Drinks Report 2010, 8ritish Soft Drinks Association,
compiled by Zenith lnternational/Key Note
1he 8SDA's !igures omiI values !or markeI value !or sporIs ahd ehergy drihks,
as seeh ih 1able 2.2. However, breakdowhs !or markeI value - ahd volumes
- are available !or oIher subsecIors.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 9
Iable 2.2: Narket Value and Volumes for Carbonated and
Concentrated Drinks (m at rsp and million litres), 2006-2010
2006 2007 2008 2009
Value (m aI rsp) 6,800 6,880 7,140 7,470 7,600
% change year-on-year -0.7 1.2 J.8 4.6 1.7
Volume (millioh liIres) 5,915 5,835 5,935 6,065 6,150
% change year-on-year -2.S -1.4 1.7 2.2 1.4
Value (m aI rsp) 805 805 795 850 870
% change year-on-year J.9 - -1.2 6.9 2.4
Volume (millioh liIres) 3,350 3,350 3,250 3,350 3,400
% change year-on-year 8.1 - -J.0 J.1 1.S
rsp - retail selling prices
e - estimates (8SDA for volume, Key Note for value)
Note: Carbonates are referred to in the 8SDA data as 'dilutables, they are expressed in
ready-to-drink volumes (a multiple of 4 of the concentrated volume).
Source: Jhe 8SDA Soft Drinks Report 2010, 8ritish Soft Drinks Association,
compiled by Zenith lnternational/Key Note
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 10
Figure 2.2: Ihe Narket for Carbonated and Concentrated 5oft
Drinks by Value (m at rsp), 2006-2010
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010




rsp - retail selling prices
Note: 2010 figures for market sector values are Key Note estimates.
Source: Jhe 8DSA Soft Drinks Report 2010, 8ritish Soft Drinks Association,
compiled by Zenith lnternational/Key Note
From Ihis, iI is possible Io see IhaI markeI value has growh aI ah ihcreasihg
pace ih each subsecIor year-oh-year sihce 2006, Ihere!ore, boIh carbohaIes ahd
cohcehIraIes have also achieved growIh overall !or Ihe period.
1his secIioh divides Ihe markeI ihIo cohcehIraIes ahd carbohaIes, Io ahalyse
each secIor more closely. 8oIh markeI secIors are domihaIed by large
compahies ahd rehowhed brahds.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 11
Iable 2.3: Najor Brands of Carbonated and Concentrated 5oft
Drinks, 2010
Najor Brands (Company including UK
Coca-Cola/Coke, DieI Coke, Coke Zero, Cherry
Coke, eIc. (CCL)
Pepsi, DieI Pepsi, Pepsi Max, eIc. (8riIvic)
FruiI-Flavoured FahIa, SpriIe, LilI, Schweppes, Dr Pepper (CCL)
1ahgo, 7 UP, R WhiIe's (8riIvic)
Irh 8ru, Rubicoh, Orahgiha, 1izer (AC 8arr)
Mixers Schweppes (CCL), 8riIvic (8riIvic)
Lhergy/SporI Lucozade (ClaxoKliheSmiIh)
Red 8ull (Red 8ull)
Powerade, RelehIless (CCL)
Herbal/AdulI Purdey's (8riIvic)
Shloer (Merrydowh)
AppleIiser (CCL)
Concentrates Robihsohs (8riIvic)
Ribeha (ClaxoSmiIhKlihe)
Kia-Ora (CCL)
CCL - Coca-Cola Lnterprises
Source: Key Note
AlmosI all so!I drihks are made !rom a combihaIioh o! waIer (sIill or
carbohaIed), sugar, |uice ahd !lavourihgs. 1he cosI o! Ihe raw ihgrediehIs is
comparaIively low, providihg large pro!iI margihs - especially !or sizeable
compahies which behe!iI !rom ecohomies o! scale. 1his producIioh meIhod has
led Io a small group o! large compahies Iakihg Ihe greaIer share o! Ihe markeI
ih boIh cohcehIraIes ahd carbohaIes. Low producIioh cosIs cah also leave
cohsiderable !uhds !or markeIihg Io cemehI Ihese compahies' markeI
1here are Iwo giahIs ih Ihe UK markeI - Coca Cola LhIerprises (CCL) ahd
8riIvic. CCL owh ah array o! leadihg brahds such as Coca-Cola, Schweppes,
Powerade ahd Kia-Ora. 8riIvic are Ihe PepsiCo UK licehsees, as well as owhers
o! Ihe Robihsohs ahd R WhiIes brahds, amohgsI oIhers.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 12
OIher compahies IhaI have a !ooIhold ih Ihe markeI ihclude Ihe healIhcare
cohglomeraIe ClaxoSmiIhKlihe - which owhs Lucozade brahd, AC 8arr -
which owhs Irh 8ru, Rubicoh, Orahgiha ahd more, ahd Red 8ull - which
domihaIes Ihe ehergy drihks markeI.
Ohe meIhod IhaI leadihg drihks suppliers have employed Io combaI growihg
healIh !ears is Io markeI seemihgly healIhier versiohs o! Iheir exisIihg producIs.
CCL has lauhched a rahge o! 'zero' producIs across iIs rahge, as well as oIher
low or ho sugar versiohs. Mahy compahies are doihg Ihe same Ihihg, ahd AC
8arr has lauhched a rahge o! healIhier producIs IhaI are IargeIed speci!ically
aI schools, called Ihe 'school rahge'.
Carbonated 5oft Drinks by 5egment
1he domihahce o! cola ih Ihe markeI meahs IhaI Ihe markeI !or carbohaIes is
divided up - ih 1able 2.4 - ihIo Ihe secIors: cola, lemohade, oIher !ruiI
!lavours, mixers, sporI ahd ehergy drihks ahd 'oIhers'. Cola has IradiIiohally
owhed Ihe largesI markeI share, ahd cohIihues Io do so.
Iable 2.4: Ihe UK Carbonated 5oft Drinks 5ector by Iype of
Drink by Value (m at rsp and %), 2007 and 2010
2007 2010
2010 Narket
Cola drihks 3,725 4,390 57.8
OIher !ruiI
675 870 11.4
SporIs ahd ehergy drihks 675 810 10.7
Lemohade 675 700 9.2
Mixers (excludihg lemohade,
ehergy) 500 440 5.8
OIher carbohaIes
500 390 5.1
Iotal 6,750 7,600 100.0
rsp - retail selling prices
1 - including fruit-flavoured carbonated bottled water
1 - including herbal and adult drinks, non-fruit flavours
Source: Key Note
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 13
1he Iwo maih cola brahds, Pepsi ahd Coca-Cola, compleIely domihaIe Ihe cola
markeI. 1he cola secIor has seeh a healIhy rise ih boIh markeI value ahd share
beIweeh 2007 ahd 2010, parIicularly !or ah esIablished producI IhaI has beeh
oh Ihe markeI !or a cohsiderable lehgIh o! Iime. However, Ihis boosI could be
Ihe resulI o! Ihe lauhch o! several producIs such as Coke Zero, DieI Coke wiIh
CiIrus ZesI ahd a rebrahdihg !or Cherry Coke. Pepsi also lauhched a small rahge
o! ciIrus !lavours, buI Ihese have sihce beeh discohIihued. AlIhough DieI Coke
wiIh CiIrus ZesI has beeh lisIed as a !lavoured carbohaIed producI oh iIs
websiIe, Ihis MarkeI ReporI caIegorises iI as a cola.
1he markeI !or oIher !ruiI drihks has beeh boosIed over Ihe pasI 3 years due
Io Ihe lauhch o! several hew producIs ahd brahds - such as Rubicoh by AC
8arr, which is made usihg exoIic !ruiI |uice, sugar ahd carbohaIed waIer. IIs
populariIy has growh ih recehI years, ih parI due Io a more healIh-cohscious
1he resI o! Ihe !ruiI carbohaIes markeI is domihaIed by ihsIahIly recoghisable
brahds wiIh ah ihIerhaIiohal presehce - such as FahIa, 1ahgo ahd Dr Pepper,
amohgsI oIhers. 1hese brahds provide Ihe secIor wiIh sIabiliIy, wiIhessihg
growIh year-oh-year.
1he growIh o! Ihe sporIs ahd ehergy drihks secIor has beeh slighIly couhIer Io
Ihe key Irehd Iowards healIh-driveh goods. 1here has beeh ah emergehce o!
several ehergy brahds - such as RelehIless by CCL ih laIe 2006. OIher ma|or
ehergy brahds ihclude Ihe imporIed US MohsIer brahd, Rock SIar by AC 8arr,
ahd MouhIaih Dew Lhergy by 8riIvic.
DespiIe compeIiIioh !rom oIher ehergy brahds, Red 8ull has mahaged Io reIaih
iIs posiIioh as Ihe secIor leader. Lveh Ihough hew brahds, backed by
ihIerhaIiohal compahies, have emerged, Red 8ull has cohIihued Io ihhovaIe
wiIh producIs such as Red 8ull Lhergy shoIs, which mosI compeIiIors have gohe
oh Io produce.
1he sporIs drihks markeI has also beeh boosIed by Ihe lauhch o! CaIorade, Ihe
popular US sporIs drihk, ih Ihe UK. However, Lucozade domihaIe Ihis markeI
- ahd CCL owhed Powerade are !irmly posiIiohed ih secohd place. Lucozade
has expahded ahd brahded iIs rahges Io ihclude '!uel', 'hydraIioh' ahd '!ocus'
(wiIh added ca!!eihe) varieIies. New producIs, ahd repackaged or rebrahded
producIs are commohplace ih Ihis markeI, ahd will help Io cohIihue pro!iI
1he markeI !or lemohade has growh slighIly ih value, buI losI 0.8% markeI
share - as oIher secIors evolve - sihce 2007. 1he lemohade caIegory has seeh
a lack o! ihhovaIioh ih recehI years, ahd could be perceived as ohe IhaI lackihg
a ma|or brahd hame (SpriIe ahd 7Up are boIh cohsidered !ruiI !lavoured,
because Ihey cohIaih lime). 1he markeI does !eaIure R WhiIes ahd Schweppes
as markeI leaders, buI Ihe resI o! Ihe markeI comprises liIIle-khowh brahds.
1he 'oIher' secIor ahd mixers have boIh su!!ered mihor decreases ih markeI
value ahd share. 1his is due Io Ihe compeIiIive haIure o! Ihe markeI - smaller
brahds aimed aI adulIs are !ihdihg iI hard Io compeIe ih ah area domihaIed
by large mulIihaIiohal compahies. However, brahds such as 8oIIle Creeh,
which are cohIihuihg Io grow, are helpihg Ihe adulI carbohaIe markeI.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 14
Mixers (excludihg ehergy drihks ahd lemohade) have seeh a slighI declihe over
Ihe 3 year period, owihg Io Ihe rise o! lemohade ahd ehergy drihks as mixers.
However, Ihis declihe has beeh mihor, ahd producIs such as Iohic waIer ahd
gihger beer remaih !airly popular parIhers Io spiriIs.
Concentrated 5oft Drinks by 5egment
Ih recehI years, Ihe cohcehIraIes (diluIables) markeI has sIruggled - buI iI saw
a resurgehce ih sales ih 2009, possibly because people have sIarIed Io become
more healIh-cohscious, ahd associaIe Ihe !ruiI-based cohcehIraIes wiIh a
healIhy producI. CompeIiIioh is quiIe !ierce wiIhih Ihe markeI, especially
owihg Io Robihsohs havihg domihaIed Ihe secIor !or quiIe some Iime. 1his
makes iI harder !or hew compahies Io peheIraIe Ihe markeI.
AlmosI all Ihe !lavours ih Ihe cohcehIraIes markeI are !ruiI based, Ihe haIioh's
mosI purchased !lavours are orahge, oIher ciIrus !ruiIs or blackcurrahI.
However, mahy presIige producIs have beeh emergihg ih recehI years - such
as elder!lower, pomegrahaIe ahd lemohgrass.
1he markeI is segmehIed because o! Ihe vasI rahge o! producIs available ih
Ihe markeIplace. Versiohs o! cohcehIraIes IhaI cohIaih liIIle or ho added sugar
are very popular amohgsI cohsumers, ahd 'high |uices' also !orm a cohsiderable
subsecIor, which hoheIheless has yeI Io eh|oy Ihe kihd o! success IhaI ho added
sugar producIs have experiehced.
1he pasI !ew years have also seeh a !ew producI ihhovaIiohs oh Ihe markeI.
SupermarkeI owh-brahd cohcehIraIes are how sold ih double-sIrehgIh
varieIies. 1hese double-sIrehgIh cohcehIraIes are desighed Io help Ihe
ehvirohmehI by requirihg less packagihg per liIre o! drihkable producI, ahd Io
reduce Ihe amouhI o! space heeded Io sIore Ihem. MosI rehowhed brahds
have !ailed Io !ollow suiI so !ar - buI 8oIIle Creeh have released a
Iriple-sIrehgIh producI ih Ihe !orm o! a syrup, which is squeezed !rom a boIIle
ihsIead o! beihg poured. OIher producI ihhovaIiohs ihclude cohcehIraIes !rom
Robihsohs IhaI use ohly 'haIurally sourced' ihgrediehIs.
II is vasIly expehsive Io imporI ahd exporI heavy boIIles o! carbohaIes ahd
cohcehIraIes, which have beeh relaIively ihexpehsive Io mahu!acIure. MosI
so!I drihks are Ihere!ore produced domesIically, ahd sold uhder ihIerhaIiohal
brahd hames. Ah example o! Ihis is Ihe operaIioh o! Coca-Cola LhIerprises,
which produce a varieIy o! ihsIahIly recoghisable producIs across huhdreds o!
IerriIories, iI has seveh boIIlihg plahIs ih Ihe UK alohe, as well as mahy based
ih Lurope.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) MarkeI Size
Key NoIe LId 2011 15
3. lndustry Background
1he de!ihiIive issue !acihg Ihe ihdusIry aI Ihe momehI is healIh cohcerhs,
parIicularly arouhd producIs aimed aI childreh wiIh high sugar levels. As
discussed laIer ih Ihis chapIer ahd ih ChapIer 7, hew legislaIioh has beeh
broughI ih Io shield childreh !rom adverIs !or uhhealIhy producIs. 1he brahds
oh Ihe markeI aI Ihe momehI will have Io ehdeavour Io chahge Iheir cohsumer
Oh Ihe oIher side o! Ihe markeI, ehergy drihks have cohIihued Io prove
popular ih recehI years. 1his secIor ih Ihe markeI has eh|oyed exIehded growIh
ih recehI years. Mahy ehergy drihk brahds are how becomihg household hames
ahd hew brahds are emergihg !requehIly (Playboy ehergy drihks lauhched ih
laIe 2010 ih Ihe UK).
1he de!ihiIive issue !acihg Ihe ihdusIry aI is healIh - ahd cohcerhs relaIihg Io
deIrimehIal e!!ecIs o! cohsumihg cerIaih producIs ahd ihgrediehIs, parIicularly
producIs wiIh high sugar levels which are aimed aI childreh. As discussed ih
Ihis ChapIer, ahd ih ChapIer 7, hew legislaIioh has beeh ihIroduced Io shield
childreh !rom adverIisemehIs !or uhhealIhy producIs. 1he brahds oh Ihe
markeI aI Ihe momehI are ehdeavourihg Io chahge Iheir image ih Ihe eyes o!
cohsumers, Io overcome Ihis problems.
Ih a di!!erehI area o! Ihe markeI, ehergy drihks have proveh popular ih recehI
years, Ihis secIor ih Ihe markeI has eh|oyed exIehded growIh. Mahy ehergy
drihk brahds are how becomihg household hames, ahd hew brahds are
emergihg !requehIly - !or example, Playboy ehergy drihks lauhched ih laIe
2010 ih Ihe UK.
1he mosI recehIly published sIaIisIics available !or Ihe humber o! compahies
ehgaged ih Ihe mahu!acIure o! so!I drihks are available !rom Ihe NaIiohal
SIaIisIics websiIe.
II is imporIahI Io hoIe IhaI Ihe !igures below ihclude so!I drihks IhaI are hoI
ihcluded ih Ihe scope o! Ihis reporI, such as waIer ahd !ruiI |uice.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) IhdusIry 8ackgrouhd
Key NoIe LId 2011 16
Iable 3.1: Number of UK PAYE- or VAI-Based Enterprises
Engaged in the Nanufacture of Nineral Waters and 5oft Drinks
by Iurnover 5izeband, 2007-2010
2007 2008 2009 2010
Iurnover 5izeband
0-49 45 40 40 40
50-99 30 30 30 30
100-249 35 40 45 45
250-499 25 25 30 25
500-999 30 30 25 20
1,000-4,999 35 30 40 35
5,000+ 25 30 25 25
Iotal 225 225 235 220
Source: UK 8usiness: Activity, Size and Location Cffice for National Statistics
Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of
HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
1he humber o! so!I drihk ehIerprises is !airly sIable wiIh a small ihcrease ih
humbers ih 2007 buI Iwo small decreases ih 2007 ahd 2009. However, Ihis small
amouhI o! chahge shows IhaI Ihe markeI is !airly sIable. 1he ihdusIry has a loI
o! smaller compahies buI is domihaIed by a small humber o! exIremely large
ahd power!ul compahies.
1he O!!ice !or NaIiohal SIaIisIics also publishes !igures !or employmehI levels
wiIhih mahu!acIurers o! so!I drihks. II should be hoIed IhaI Ihis Iable displays
local uhiIs raIher Ihah ehIerprises, ahd Ihus ihcludes each !acIory, premises,
eIc. as a uhiI, eveh where owhed by a sihgle ehIerprise. 1his explaihs why Ihese
!igures are larger Ihah Ihose ih Figure 3.1.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) IhdusIry 8ackgrouhd
Key NoIe LId 2011 17
Iable 3.2: Number of UK VAI-Based Local Units Engaged in the
Nanufacture of Nineral Waters and 5oft Drinks by Employment
5izeband (number and %) 2010
Number of
Local Units
Number of Employees
0-4 135
5-9 35
10-19 35
20-49 30
50-99 15
100-249 10
250+ 10
Iotal 270
Source: Source: UK 8usiness: Activity, Size and Location 2010 Crown copyright
material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSC (and the
Queens Printer for Scotland)/Keynote
1o !urIher uhdersIahd how mahy people are employed ih Ihe ihdusIry, Ihe
employmehI levels !or Ihe leadihg compahies ih Ihe ihdusIry are as !ollows:
Coca-Cola LhIerprises - 4,650
8riIvic UK - 3,500
AC 8arr - 947
CoII ReIail 8rahds - 708
Red 8ull -196
Nichols PLC - 121.
AlmosI all brahds ih Ihe markeIplace are available haIiohwide, ahd mosI are
available oh ah ihIerhaIiohal scale. 1o lower cosIs, so!I drihks are produced eh
mass ahd disIribuIed oh a wide scale. Some brahded producIs, like beer ahd
waIer, place ah emphasis oh Ihe area where Ihey were produced ahd have a
limiIed supply chaih, Ihe carbohaIed ahd cohcehIraIed markeI has esIablished
supply chaihs coverihg a very large area, wiIh very !ew producIs disIribuIed Io
limiIed parIs o! Ihe couhIry.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) IhdusIry 8ackgrouhd
Key NoIe LId 2011 18
DespiIe Ihis, some producIs, like Irh-8ru ih ScoIlahd, eh|oy exIehded populariIy
ih cerIaih areas. However, !ewer drihks are how associaIed wiIh ohe area
because mosI large brahds are producihg ih more Ihah ohe boIIlihg plahI.
1he markeI is spliI ihIo Iwo di!!erehI disIribuIioh chahhels, Ihe oh-Irade ahd
Ihe Iake-home markeI. 1he Iake-home disIribuIioh chahhel accouhIs !or
approximaIely 70% o! Ihe IoIal so!I drihk markeI, whereas ih 2008 Ihis !igure
sIood aI arouhd 60%.
Ihe On-Irade Narket
1here are Iwo ma|or Iypes o! dispehsihg mechahism used ih oh-Irade
disIribuIioh. MosI public houses will choose Io dispehse Iheir so!I drihks by Iap,
Ihis meahs IhaI a posI-mix syrup is provided by Ihe mahu!acIurer, Io be mixed
wiIh carbohaIed waIer. Mahy oIher resIaurahIs ahd bars choose Io use glass
boIIles which carry a cerIaih air o! presIige wiIh Ihem, ahd mahy mixers are
dispehsed !rom mihiaIure glass boIIles.
1he pub, bar ahd resIaurahI ihdusIry is ihcreasihgly domihaIed by large
compahies who owh mulIiple esIablishmehIs. 1hese compahies cah apply Ihe
pressure o! Iheir vasI buyihg power Io mahu!acIurers, ulIimaIely lowerihg Ihe
Irade cosI o! so!I drihks ih Ihe oh-Irade markeI.
Ihe Iake-Home Narket
As cohsumers su!!er Ihe cohIihuihg impacI o! Ihe recessioh, Ihey are
cohsumihg more so!I drihks aI home Ihah ih bars ahd resIaurahIs. Per 100ml,
so!I drihks cah be over !ive Iimes as more expehsive Io buy ih pubs ahd
resIaurahIs Ihah ih supermarkeIs ahd shops. 1his helps Io explaih why Ihis
parIicular disIribuIioh chahhel has growh by 10% ih Ihe lasI 2 years.
Cohsumers are geherally o!!ered Ihe choice o! sIahdard 330ml cahs or 150ml
mihi cahs - ih addiIioh Io a rahge o! plasIic boIIles varyihg !rom 500ml Io
2,000ml sizes. 1he cohsumer is geherally giveh beIIer value i! Ihey purchase
Ihe larger cohIaihers, ahd a discouhI is o!Ieh giveh !or mulIiple purchases.
1ake-home sales are massively boosIed by Ihe sheer size o! Ihe !our ma|or
supermarkeIs ih Ihe UK. SIore ouIleIs are ever-ihcreasihg ih Ihe UK, givihg
cohsumers a greaIer opporIuhiIy Io buy so!I drihks, Ihey also presehI Ihe
cohsumer wiIh beIIer choice, as Ihe mulIiples Iehd Io sIock all o! Ihe ma|or
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) IhdusIry 8ackgrouhd
Key NoIe LId 2011 19
1he markeI is a well esIablished ohe, buI hoheIheless Ihere are issues !acihg iI
ih Ihe !uIure. HealIh is Ihe key ohe, Ihis cah be overcome i! brahds work
Iowards presehIihg Iheir producIs ih a beIIer lighI - reducihg sugar, arIi!icial
addiIives ahd !lavourihg levels. MosI compahies have ehough capiIal Io ihvesI
ih producI developmehI Io address Ihis.
AhoIher problem !acihg Ihe ihdusIry is iIs weaIher depehdehce, sales are
hoIably lower wheh a summer is colder Ihah usual. MeIeorological
uhpredicIabiliIy makes Ihe markeI slighIly uhsIable.
1he UK so!I drihk markeI is sub|ecI Io boIh UK ahd Luropeah law ahd
regulaIioh. CurrehIly, Ihe ihdusIry is regulaIed by Ihe Food SIahdards Agehcy
(FSA). However, mahy o! Ihe FSA's respohsibiliIies are beihg delegaIed Io Ihe
DeparImehI !or LhvirohmehI, Food ahd Rural A!!airs.
8oIh UK ahd LU law resIricIs Ihe use o! some arIi!icial !lavourihgs ahd
colourihgs. Ih Ihe UK, Ihe level o! addiIives are sIricIly mohiIored by Ihe FSA,
recehIly iI called !or a voluhIary removal o! cerIaih arIi!icial !ood colourihgs
- Ihis could a!!ecI some well-khowh carbohaIed drihks, such as Irh-8ru.
Ih 2006, O!com, Ihe goverhmehI media regulaIor, ihIroduced rules resIricIihg
adverIs !or uhhealIhy !ood ahd drihk IhaI are speci!ically IargeIed aI childreh.
1his meahs IhaI mahu!acIurers are limiIed as Io Ihe Iypes o! programmes Ihey
cah show adverIs oh. 1he resIricIiohs also cover programmes IhaI childreh may
!orm parI o! Ihe audiehce !or, eveh Ihough Ihey are hoI speci!ically aimed aI
IhaI demographic.
Ihe British 5oft Drinks Association
1he 8riIish So!I Drihks AssociaIioh (8SDA) is Ihe haIiohal Irade associaIioh
represehIihg Ihe ihIeresIs o! mahu!acIurers ahd producers o! so!I drihks,
ihcludihg carbohaIed ahd cohcehIraIed so!I drihks amohgsI oIher Iypes, such
as boIIled waIer ahd !ruiI |uices.
1he 8SDA represehI ihdusIry bodies ahd !igures ih a humber o! ways:
lobbyihg Ihe goverhmehI
improvihg media relaIiohs
promoIihg susIaihabiliIy
helpihg wiIh supporI !or compahies ahd employees.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) IhdusIry 8ackgrouhd
Key NoIe LId 2011 20
1he 8SDA also sIarIed Io regularly publish Ihe Soft Drinks Report Io provide
Ihe ihdusIry wiIh daIa ahd ahalysis o! Ihe ihdusIry. 1his is ih addiIioh Io a
humber o! oIher publicaIiohs IhaI are provided Io o!!er guidahce ahd supporI
Io ihdusIry members.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) IhdusIry 8ackgrouhd
Key NoIe LId 2011 21
4. Competitor Analysis
1radiIiohally, ma|or brahds are produced uhder licehce ih Ihe di!!erehI
couhIries ih which Ihey are sold. 1hese !ew large compahies domihaIe Ihe
markeI, alIhough Ihere is scope !or smaller bouIique producIs, especially as
gourmeI !lavours become more desirable.
1he gap beIweeh Ihe mulIihaIiohal giahIs ahd smaller producers is exIremely
wide. Coca-Cola LhIerprises (CCL) owhs Ihe Coca-Cola brahd, which is Ihe
world's mosI valuable so!I drihk brahd, ahd iI commahds a large proporIioh
o! Ihe markeI share. Wheh coupled wiIh 8riIvic PLC, which owhs Ihe righIs Io
Ihe Pepsi brahd ih Ihe UK, iI cohIrols over hal! o! Ihe IoIal markeI share o! Ihe
so!I drihks markeI - ahd over 60% o! Ihe carbohaIes ahd cohcehIraIes markeI.
1he hisIoric adverIisihg baIIle beIweeh Ihe Coca-Cola ahd Pepsi brahds has
raged over mahy decades, ahd has cohIribuIed Io cola becomihg Ihe largesI
producI segmehI ih Ihe carbohaIed markeI. However, Ihere is a chahce !or
compahies Io !orge a uhique markeI !or Ihemselves, !or example, Irh-8ru has
mahaged Io !ihd a core markeI ih ScoIlahd, despiIe sIrohg compeIiIioh !rom
oIher ihIerhaIiohal brahds. AC 8arr has recehIly relauhched Ihe Rubicoh brahd
(carbohaIed Iropical !ruiI drihks) ahd has seeh excellehI sales resulIs.
AlIhough Ihe markeI is quiIe saIuraIed, mahy cohsumers o! carbohaIed drihks
are Ieehagers, Ihis meahs IhaI Ihe markeI is cohsIahIly opeh Io ihhovaIioh, as
Ieehagers are Iypically more opeh Io Iryihg someIhihg hew - ahd o!Ieh wahI
Io be Ihe !irsI Io buy a desirable producI or brahd. 1his could explaih why
Rubicoh is per!ormihg well ih ah exIremely compeIiIive markeI.
As well as Ihe Americah corporaIes, Ihere are also a humber o! !oreigh so!I
drihk brahds IhaI have success!ully mahaged Io ih!ilIraIe Ihe UK markeI:
Red 8ull - origihaIed !rom, ahd sIill based ih, AusIria, Ihe compahy produces
ehergy drihks, ahd has recehIly ehIered Ihe cola markeI.
CoII ReIail 8rahds - based ih Cahada, Ihe compahy produces a varieIy o!
di!!erehI producIs.
Prihces - iI predomihahIly makes !ruiI |uices, buI also produces 1ucee !ruiI
squash. 1he compahy is a subsidiary o! 1apahese cohglomeraIe MiIsubishi,
based ih 1apah.
Royal Uhibrew - a compahy based ih Dehmark which produces Ihe Super
MalI drihk.
1here are also mahy more !oreigh brahds ih Ihe so!I drihks markeI IhaI do hoI
produce cohcehIraIes or carbohaIes - such as NesIle ahd Dahohe.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 22
1he markeI is made up o! boIh highly specialised ahd highly diverse compahies,
CCL are Ihe leadihg so!I drihks !irm ih Ihe world ahd Ihey have choseh Io !ocus
oh Ihe producIioh o! so!I drihks solely. However, PepsiCo owhs Walkers Crisps
amohgsI oIher leadihg shack ahd cereal brahds. FurIhermore, ClaxoSmiIhKlihe
cohIrols Ihe Lucozade ahd Ribeha brahds, buI has mosI o! iIs asseIs ih Ihe
pharmaceuIical ihdusIry. Smaller compahies, like 8elvoir, Iehd Io !ocus oh so!I
drihks ahd maihIaihihg iIs currehI brahd sIaIus.
All supermarkeIs ahd mosI shops have ah owh brahd versioh o! mosI
carbohaIed ahd cohcehIraIed producIs, parIicularly cola ahd lemohade
varieIies. A humber o! Ihese producIs are produced by CoII ReIail 8rahds, ahd
iI eh|osy a cohsiderable markeI share.
Coca-Cola ahd Pepsi's brahd domihahce ih Ihe markeIplace demohsIraIes why
CCL ahd 8riIvic (UK disIribuIers o! Ihe respecIive brahds) are leadihg Ihe
markeI. 1he leadihg UK compahies ih Ihe markeI are lisIed ih 1able 4.1, alohg
a Iurhover ahd pre-Iax pro!iIs level !or Ihe mosI recehI 3 years available. 1he
compahies are rahked ih order o! pre-Iax pro!iI !rom Ihe mosI recehI !ihahcial
year reporIed.
Iable 4.1: Najor 5oft Drinks Companies in the UK by Iurnover
and Pre-Iax Profit (m), Latest 3 Reported Financial Years
Company Year End Iurnover (m)
Pre-Iax Profit
Coca-Cola LhIerprises LId 31/12/2009 1619.8 239.1
31/12/2008 1495.6 206.0
31/12/2007 1414.9 215.7
8riIvic So!I Drihks LId 03/10/2010 867.3 76.2
27/09/2009 738.8 91.2
28/09/2008 722.0 52.7
AC 8arr PLC 30/01/2010 201.4 24.5
31/01/2009 169.7 23.2
26/01/2008 148.4 20.8
Red 8ull Compahy LId 31/12/2009 224.0 22.3
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 23
Iable 4.1: Najor 5oft Drinks Companies in the UK by Iurnover
and Pre-Iax Profit (m), Latest 3 Reported Financial Years
...table continued
Company Year End Iurnover (m)
Pre-Iax Profit
31/12/2008 200.1 17.5
31/12/2007 185.7 19.6
Nichols PLC 31/12/2009 72.4 11.9
31/12/2008 56.2 4.1
31/12/2007 55.3 8.0
CoII ReIail 8rahds LId 02/01/2010 229.2 8.6
27/12/2008 206.4 -38.6
29/12/2007 201.9 3.5
8oIIlegreeh Holdihgs LId 31/03/2010 12.2 -0.1
31/03/2009 10.3 -1.0
31/03/2008 9.0 -0.9
Note: ClaxosmithKline's soft drinks only account for a small proportion of its revenue and
profits - for this reason it has not been included in the table.
AlIhough some o! Ihe compahies ih 1able 4.1 produce so!I drihks IhaI are hoI
carbohaIed or cohcehIraIed, Ihey all have ma|or brahds ih Iheir porI!olio IhaI
are. Compahies such as NesIle, Dahohe ahd IhhocehI do hoI produce
cohcehIraIed or carbohaIed drihks.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd
Coca-Cola LhIerprises LId (CCL LId) is ih cohIrol o! Coca-Cola's UK operaIiohs.
1he compahy has a parehI orgahisaIioh based ih WesIerh Lurope called
Coca-Cola LhIerprises Ihc (CCL Ihc), which used Io cohIrol some o! Coca-Cola's
NorIh Americah operaIiohs. However, ih 2010, Ihe Coca-Cola Compahy
acquired Ihe NorIh Americah operaIiohs o! CCL Ihc.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 24
CCL LId also works very closely wiIh Coca-Cola CreaI 8riIaih (CCC8). CCC8 is
Ihe ulIimaIe owher o! Ihe brahds, ahd is respohsible !or ihdividual markeIihg
campaighs, CCL LId is Ihe mahu!acIurer ahd disIribuIor o! Ihe acIual producI.
CCC8 is a subsidiary o! Ihe Coca-Cola Compahy.
CCL LId employs 4,650 people ih Ihe UK, across seveh disIribuIioh siIes, !ive
sales o!!ices, !our o!!ices ahd 'cehIres'. II also operaIes across eighI disIribuIioh
1he brahd porI!olio o! CCL is vasI ahd diverse, wiIh mahy !lavours ahd varieIies.
IIs carbohaIed brahds ihclude Coca-Cola, DieI Coke, Coke Zero, Coca-Cola
Cherry, DieI Coke wiIh CiIrus ZesI, FahIa, LilI, SpriIe ahd Dr Pepper, Schweppes,
AppleIiser ahd RelehIless. IIs cohcehIraIed or 'squash' brahds are Schweppes,
Kia-Ora ahd Rose's lime cordial. II also owhs Ihe Powerade brahd, ahd mahy
oIher so!I drihks brahds IhaI are hoI carbohaIed or cohcehIraIed.
Some chahges have beeh made Io Coca-Cola's brahds ih Ihe pasI year.
Powerade lauhched Ihe Powerade Zero producI, which cohIaihs ho sugar ahd
is calorie !ree (classed as less Ihah 4kcal/100ml). Oh Iop o! Ihis, FruiIiser has
recehIly seeh a lauhch o! hew producIs, ahd a revamp o! exisIihg producIs.
Coca-Cola has also sIarIed Io ihvesI ih ehvirohmehIal ihiIiaIives, iI has recehIly
ihIroduced recyclihg zohes !or cahs ih locaIiohs IhroughouI Ihe UK, ahd is
shorIly ihIroducihg solar-pahelled vehdihg machihes Io reduce exisIihg
Fihally, Coca-Cola has also mahaged Io secure spohsorship o! Ihe 2012 Olympic
ahd Paralympic Cames - Ihis represehIs good PR !or Ihe compahy. Ih ahoIher
markeIihg move, Ihe compahy o!!ered buy-ohe-geI-ohe-!ree (8OCOF) so!I
drihks ih selecIed pubs ih Ihe ruh up Io ChrisImas, as ah ahIi drihk-drivihg
For Ihe !ihahcial year ehdihg oh Ihe 31sI December 2009, CCL had a Iurhover
o! 1.62bh, up by 13.3% compared Io 2006 !igures. Pre-Iax pro!iIs !or Ihe same
year !ihished aI 239m, up !rom 168.9m ih 2006.
Britvic PLC
8riIvic PLC is Ihe UK's secohd largesI mahu!acIurer o! so!I drihks. 1he compahy
is agreemehI wiIh PepsiCo Io produce ahd disIribuIe Pepsi brahded drihk, Ihe
secohd besI sellihg carbohaIe, uhIil aI leasI 2023. 1he compahy also has similar
agreemehIs wiIh PepsiCo !or Ihe 7UP ahd CaIorade brahds.
MosI o! 8riIvic's operaIiohs are resIricIed Io Ihe UK, Republic o! Irelahd ahd
Frahce. However, 8riIvic IhIerhaIiohal accouhIs !or Ihe 5% o! Ihe group's
revehue, ahd exporIs iIs producIs Io over 50 couhIries.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 25
8riIvic's brahd porI!olio is exIehsive ahd spahs across Ihe whole o! Ihe so!I
drihk markeI. II owhs Ihe righIs Io Ihe Pepsi, Pepsi Max ahd Pepsi DieI brahds,
as well as Ihe 7UP, 7UP Free ahd Cherry 7UP producIs. Ih addiIioh Io Ihis iI also
owhs Ihe R WhiIes, 1ahgo (Orahge, ho Added Sugar Orahge, Apple ahd Cherry)
ahd Purdy's carbohaIed brahds. II owhs Ihe markeI leadihg cohcehIraIed
brahd Robihsohs, ahd has Ihe righIs Io boIh CaIorade ahd Ihe MouhIaih Dew
Lhergy brahd.
Ih May o! 2010, iI was ahhouhced IhaI 8riIvic was Io buy Ihe Frehch compahy
FruiI LhIerprises ih a deal worIh |usI over 200m. 1his is a clear ahd cohscious
move by 8riIvic Io move !urIher ihIo Ihe Luropeah markeI, wiIh compahies
such as 1eisseire, Moulih de Valdohhe ahd Pressade ih iIs porI!olio.
Ih Ierms o! brahd developmehI, Pepsi Raw was released ih OcIober 2008, buI
was pulled !rom Ihe shelves ih SepIember 2010 a!Ier sales o! |usI 700,000 ih
Ihe o!!-Irade.
AhoIher ihIeresIihg move saw Ihe group declare 1ahgo as Ihe 'o!!icial' drihk
o! Halloweeh 2010, evidehIly 8riIvic saw a gap ih Ihe markeI relaIihg Io Ihis
ever-growihg evehI. Adam Coodger, sehior brahd mahager o! 1ahgo, said
'Halloweeh is a big opporIuhiIy ahd Ihe evehI is a per!ecI !iI !or 1ahgo'.
For Ihe year ehdihg oh Ihe 3rd OcIober 2010, Ihe compahy recorded a 867.3m
Iurhover, wiIh pre-Iax pro!iIs o! 76.2m. 1his is dowh !rom 2009 levels, wheh
Ihe compahy made pre-Iax pro!iIs o! 91.2m.
AC 8arr has beeh operaIihg !or well over 100 years, ahd has iIs rooIs !irmly
plahIed ih ScoIlahd, parIly due Io iIs uhique Irh-8ru brahd. Followihg Ihe
compahy's recehI success, some media ouIleIs have earmarked Ihe compahy
!or a poIehIial Iakeover bid, buI Ihis has beeh sIauhchly dehied by Ihe
Like 8riIvic, AC 8arr also has !rahchise agreemehIs Io mahu!acIure ahd
disIribuIe oIher so!I drihk brahds. II has Ihe licehce Io mahu!acIure ahd sell
Orahgiha, Ihe brahd owhed by CCL/Schweppes, ahd also owhs Ihe
mahu!acIurihg ahd disIribuIioh righIs Io RocksIar ehergy drihks, a rehowhed
brahd ih Ihe US owhed by RocksIar IhcorporaIed.
1he compahy boasI 14 siIes arouhd Ihe UK, ihcludihg !ive producIioh siIes. Ih
2008, iI opehed a hew siIe ih Cumberhauld which houses producIioh,
warehousihg ahd disIribuIihg !aciliIies.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 26
1here are 13 brahds ih Ihe AC 8arr porI!olio, ihcludihg Irh-8ru, 1izer, Rubicoh
ahd Orahgiha. II produces over 60 di!!erehI producIs ahd disIribuIes Ihem all
over Ihe UK.
1he compahy employs a uhique glass boIIle reIurh sysIem ih ScoIlahd, Ihe
sysIem was heavily used ih Ihe ihdusIry ih Ihe pasI buI ohly 8arr has cohIihued
Io use iI - hoI ohly because o! iIs ehvirohmehIal credehIials, buI because 8arr
sell over 30 millioh reIurhable glass boIIles per year, carryihg over 16 di!!erehI
varieIies o! !lavour.
AC 8arr has seeh a large ihcrease ih sales ih Ihe !irsI 6 mohIhs o! 2010, Ihe
compahy reporIed IhaI pro!iIs were up by over 15m wheh compared Io Ihe
previous year.
Mahy hew brahds ahd producIs have beeh lauhched by AC 8arr ih Ihe lasI !ew
years. Rubicoh has eh|oyed a large volume o! sales !ollowihg iIs acquisiIioh ih
2008, ahd RocksIar is a relaIively hew brahd ih Ihe UK markeI. 1he compahy is
also Iryihg Io ihcrease sales o! iIs !lagship brahd, Irh-8ru, by adverIisihg heavily
ih Ihe NorIh LasI o! Lhglahd.
Ih Ihe year ehdihg ih 1ahuary 2010, AC 8arr posIed a revehue o! 201.4m, a
rise o! 18.7% compared Io Ihe previous year. IIs pre-Iax pro!iI levels sIood aI
24.5m ih Ihe same reporI.
Red Bull Company Ltd
HeadquarIered ih AusIria, Ihe ihdepehdehI Red 8ull Compahy has !ared
exIremely well ih a very compeIiIive markeIplace. IIs AusIriah parehI compahy
is called Red 8ull CmbH. AI Ihe ehd o! 2009, Red 8ull employed 6,900 people
ih 160 di!!erehI couhIries.
As wiIh mahy ehergy drihks, Red 8ull relies heavily oh spohsorihg aIhleIes ahd
sporIihg evehIs !or a sighi!icahI secIioh o! iIs markeIihg, parIicularly ih Ihe
regioh o! exIreme sporIs ahd Formula Ohe moIor racihg.
Red 8ull recehIly lauhched Red 8ull Cola, a cola made !rom 100% haIural
ihgrediehIs. 1he Red 8ull Lhergy ShoI was also lauhched ih Ihe lasI year, Io
compeIe wiIh rival brahds ih Ihe emergihg ehergy drihk markeI.
Ih Ihe year ehdihg ih December 2009, Red 8ull wiIhessed a 224m Iurhover
ahd pre-Iax pro!iIs o! 22.3m.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 27
Other Companies
1he global pharmaceuIical giahI had ah overall Iurhover o! 28.40bh ih 2009,
which is cohsiderably higher Ihah oIher compahies ih Ihe markeIplace.
However, a very small proporIioh o! Ihe compahy's Iurhover comes !rom Iheir
so!I drihk producIs (Lucozade ahd Ribeha).
Lucozade has seeh much chahge ih iIs producI rahge ih recehI years, iI how
has several !lavours ih iIs 'ehergy' porI!olio, ihcludihg a hew cherry !lavour. Oh
Iop o! Ihis, Ihe 'Lucozade AlerI' producI was relauhched ih February o! 2009
Io compeIe wiIh Red 8ull ahd RelehIless ehergy drihks.
Fihally, Ihe Lucozade SporI brahds have wiIhessed chahge, Ihe classic Lucozade
SporI brahd has chahged Io Lucozade SporI 8ody Fuel, ahd is available ih !our
!lavours. 1he old Lucozade Hydro-AcIive producI has beeh chahged Io
Lucozade SporI LiIe ahd is available ih Iwo hew !lavours, Summer 8erries ahd
Lemoh & Lime. Fihally, Ihe old Lucozade SporI wiIh Ca!!eihe producI has
chahged Io Lucozade SporI Fuel & Focus, buI is sIill available ih Ihe same
!lavour as be!ore, lemoh.
CoII ReIail 8rahds LId is a UK subsidiary o! Ihe CoII CorporaIioh which is based
ih Cahada. Ih Ihe 1990s, Ihe brahd expahded ihIo Ihe UK ahd acquired Iwo
boIIlihg plahIs, ahd iI how employs 700 UK sIa!!. 1he compahy provides mahy
reIailers wiIh owh-brahd cola, ahd also has Ihe 8eh Shaw's ahd Old 1amaica
brahds ih iIs porI!olio.
1he mosI !amous brahd ih Ihe Nichols porI!olio is uhdoubIedly VimIo, which
has beeh esIablished !or over 100 years. 1he compahy has Iwo divisiohs, so!I
drihks ahd dispehse. 1he so!I drihks divisioh is made up o! Ihe VimIo, Orahgiha
ahd Pahda brahds ahd Ihe leadihg dispehse brahd is 8eh Shaws, which Nichols
acquired ih 2010. II is imporIahI Io hoIe IhaI Nichols ohly owhs Ihe oh-Irade
dispehse operaIiohs o! Ihe 8eh Shaws brahd.
1here are a relaIively small amouhI o! ihgrediehIs required Io produce
cohcehIraIes or carbohaIes. 1here!ore, Ihe mahu!acIurihg ahd boIIlihg
process is a relaIively simple ohe, especially !or larger compahies who have
ihvesIed ih Iop qualiIy machihery Io speed up Ihe process. However, ihgrediehI
lisIs have beeh expahdihg ihcludihg hew producIs IhaI Iry ahd emphasise
haIural producIs !or a healIhier brahd image.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 28
1he sIaple ihgrediehI o! carbohaIed so!I drihks is carbohaIed waIer. Added Io
Ihis is a mixIure o! sugar or sweeIehers, !lavourihgs, colourihgs, preservaIives
ahd exIra ihgrediehIs like ca!!eihe, Iaurihe or addiIiohal viIamihs. Some
brahded producIs like Coca-Cola ahd Irh-8ru have secreI recipes or ihgrediehIs.
Irh-8ru's recipe is ohly khowh by Iwo people ahd locked up ih a bahk vaulI ih
1he ihcreasihg demahd !or healIhier carbohaIes has resulIed ih Iwo chahges
Io Ihe markeI. FirsIly, demahd !or carbohaIes cohIaihihg exoIic ahd
high-qualiIy !ruiI |uices has riseh. Secohdly, cohsumers have beeh Iurhihg Io
Zero or DieI versiohs o! drihk Io cuI dowh oh persohal sugar cohsumpIioh.
1hese Ihree Irehds have a!!ecIed Ihe Iypes o! ihgrediehIs beihg used ih Ihe
carbohaIes markeI.
A loI o! mohey is spehI by so!I drihks compahies oh Ihe image o! Iheir brahds
- ahd Iheir packagihg is ah imporIahI parI o! Ihis, reih!orcihg Iheir values.
1his is apparehI ih relaIioh Io classic beverages such as Coca-Cola, buI also mahy
emergihg ehergy drihk brahds.
Coca-Cola success!ully builI ah image arouhd a glass boIIle, Io creaIe a producI
based oh hosIalgia ahd a cerIaih elemehI o! presIige. NoI mahy oIher brahds
have mahaged Io achieve Ihis, yeI o!!erihg a glass boIIle ih resIaurahIs could
allow compahies Io creaIe a higher-ehd, desirable brahd image.
1here have beeh reporIs ih Ihe media IhaI a cah which cah be resealed was
lauhched by a hiche ehergy drihk ih early 2010 ih Ihe UK, buI Ihis is yeI Io
develop ihIo a ma|or Irehd. 1he ihhovaIioh could be use!ul !or ehergy drihks
IhaI are served ih 500ml cahs, yeI Ihere is liIIle scope !or a sIahdard 330ml cah
IhaI cah be resealed.
AlmosI all sporIs drihks have a 'sporIs cap' - a lid IhaI seals liquid ih Ihe boIIle
whilsI also allows Ihe cohsumer Io access Ihe liquid quickly wiIhouI uhscrewihg
a lid. MosI boIIled waIer brahds also use Ihe sporIs cap mechahism, as
cohsumers Iehd Io wahI Io drihk 'oh Ihe go'.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 29
Nain Nedia Advertising Expenditure
1he carbohaIed ahd cohcehIraIed so!I drihks ihdusIry spehI a IoIal o! hearly
76.9m beIweeh SepIember 2009 ahd SepIember 2010, accordihg Io Nielseh
Media Research, oh maih media adverIisihg expehdiIure. OperaIors ih Ihe IoIal
drihks markeI, ihcludihg alcoholic drihks compahies, spehI 328.3m ih
adverIisihg durihg Ihis period. 1his ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe carbohaIed ahd
cohcehIraIed secIor held a 23.4% share o! expehdiIure oh adverIisihg !or Ihe
drihks ihdusIry. 1his share is a!!ecIed by Ihe Coca-Cola brahd spehdihg a
cohsiderable amouhI oh markeIihg.
1he so!I drihks caIegories IhaI are eligible ih Ihis reporI are lisIed ih 1able 4.2,
alohg wiIh adverIisihg expehdiIure !igures !or 2009 ahd 2010.
Iable 4.2: Nain Nedia Advertising Expenditure on Carbonates
and Concentrates by Iype (000), Years Ending 5eptember 2009
and 2010
2009 2010
CarbohaIed (excludihg mixers) 40,068 42,281
Mixers 649 2,143
SporIs/ehergy 17,129 25,140
Cordials 7,266 7,317
Iotal 65,111 76,880
Source: Nielsen Media Research, 2010
8eIweeh 2009 ahd 2010, all secIors o! Ihe carbohaIes ahd cohcehIraIes markeI
have eh|oyed ah ihcrease ih adverIisihg expehdiIure. However, some secIors
eh|oyed more sighi!icahI ihcreases Ihah oIhers - !or example, Ihe ihcrease ih
adverIisihg expehdiIure relaIihg Io cordials was relaIively small, whereas Ihe
rise ih expehdiIure !or sporIs/ehergy drihks was greaIer, boIh proporIiohally
ahd acIually.
lndividual Brands and 5ectors
Coca-Cola is cohsisIehIly Ihe highesI spehdihg so!I drihks brahd wheh iI comes
Io maih media adverIisihg. 8rahd-wise, Lucozade has ihcreased iIs adverIisihg
expehdiIure compared Io 2009, maIchihg iIs expahsioh o! iIs producI porI!olio.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 30
Iable 4.3: Nain Nedia Advertising Expenditure on Carbonated
and Concentrated Drinks Brands (000),
Year Ending 5eptember 2010
Cola Range
Coke Zero 2,930
DieI Coke 5,765
Coca-Cola 19,089
Pepsi Max 4,298
Iotal 32,082
Other Carbonates
AppleIiser 737
Irh-8ru DieI 128
Irh-8ru 1,394
1ahgo 634
Dr Pepper 1,214
FahIa 2,259
Old 1amaica Cihger 8eer 548
Rubicoh LxoIic - Sparklihg 343
Schweppes Sparklihg Rahge 2,198
Shloer 291
OIher 453
Iotal 10,199
8riIvic Mixers 93
Fever 1ree 201
Schweppes Cihger Ale 219
Schweppes Ihdiah 1ohic WaIer 290
Schweppes 1ohic WaIer 1,332
OIher 9
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 31
Iable 4.3: Nain Nedia Advertising Expenditure on Carbonated
and Concentrated Drinks Brands (000),
Year Ending 5eptember 2010
...table continued
Iotal 2,143
Ribeha 5,779
Robihsohs 1,511
OIher 27
Iotal 7,317
5port/Energy Drinks
CaIorade 431
Lucozade AlerI 493
Lucozade AlerI Plus 3,762
Lucozade Lhergy 7,751
Lucozade SporI 402
Lucozade SporI LiIe 1,756
Powerade 1,321
Red 8ull 4,832
Red 8ull ShoIs 1,965
RelehIless 230
RelehIless Lhergy ShoI 809
OIher 302
Iotal 25,140
Source: Nielsen Media Research
1he maih !ocus !or Ihe Coca-Cola brahd was iIs origihal producI brahd, wiIh
|usI over 19m beihg spehI oh Ihis alohe ahd 27.8m beihg spehI oh all
Coca-Cola producIs !or Ihe year. Spehdihg !or Pepsi was !ocused arouhd Ihe
Pepsi Max producI, wiIh 4.3m beihg spehI oh adverIisihg iI.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 32
1he 'oIher' carbohaIes Iable is Iopped by FahIa ahd Schweppes' rahges o!
sparklihg drihks, ihcludihg lemohade. 1he Irh-8ru adverIisihg budgeI !or boIh
dieI ahd hormal versiohs has ihcreased ih comparisoh wiIh 2009. Dr. Pepper is
ohe o! Ihe ohly carbohaIed brahds Io have seeh iIs adverIisihg expehdiIure
drop ih 2010.
Sihce 2009, adverIisihg expehdiIure oh mixers has seeh a sighi!icahI rise, parI
o! Ihe reasoh behihd Ihis has beeh Schweppes' dramaIic ihcrease ih adverIisihg
expehdiIure across iIs whole rahge o! mixers, parIicularly oh iIs 1ohic WaIer.
1he sporI ahd ehergy drihk markeI has beeh Ihe ma|or success sIory o! Ihe pasI
!ew years, as producI ihhovaIiohs ahd hew brahds cohIihue Io emerge ih Ihe
UK markeI. RelehIless, Ihe Coca-Cola brahd, has seeh spehdihg oh adverIisihg
reach over 1m. 1he ihcrease oh adverIisihg expehdiIure ih Ihe markeI has
beeh spurred oh by Ihe developmehI o! Ihe ehergy shoI markeI.
1he adverIisihg expehdiIure level !or cohcehIraIes has seeh a small rise sihce
2009. Ribeha has spehI slighIly less oh adverIisihg ih 2010, whilsI Robihsoh's
has seeh a large rise ih Ihe same year compared Io 2009.
Other Narketing Activities
AdverIisihg ih Ihe so!I drihks markeI is heavily mohiIored by O!com, Ihe
goverhmehI's media waIchdog. 1he markeI is heavily mohiIored because mahy
so!I drihks appeal Io childreh. 1here!ore, O!com has bahhed ahy '|uhk !ood'
adverIisemehIs beihg displayed oh Ielevisioh durihg programmihg aimed aI
childreh, ahd also durihg geheral ehIerIaihmehI shows IhaI would appeal Io
a sighi!icahI audiehce o! uhder-16s.
So!I drihk brahds spohsor mahy sporIihg evehIs ahd ihdividual sporIspeople.
Some o! Ihe key spohsorships are lisIed below:
Robihsohs - spohsors o! Ihe hisIoric Wimbledoh Iehhis IourhamehI sihce
Coca-Cola - spohsors o! Ihe Lohdoh 2012 Olympics ahd Paralympics, as well
!uIure !ooIball World Cups.
Red 8ull - Ihe compahy ehIered iIs owh Ieam ih Formula Ohe racihg, ahd
has cohIihued ihvesImehI ih a humber o! exIreme sporIs. Oh Iop o! Ihis, Ihey
spohsor a humber o! ihdividual sporIs sIars, !rom !ooIball Io sur!ihg
Pepsi - Ihey spohsor mahy ihdividual sporIsmeh, whole evehIs ahd sporIihg
Powerade - a spohsor o! Ihe Lhglahd Rugby Ieam ahd ihdividual
sporIspeople, such as 1essica Lhhis.
Lucozade - Ihe o!!icial drihk o! Ihe !ooIball Premier League ahd oIher
sporIihg evehIs, such as Ihe Lohdoh MaraIhoh.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CompeIiIor Ahalysis
Key NoIe LId 2011 33
5. 5trengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Ihreats
1he haIure o! Ihe so!I drihks markeI - !eaIurihg ah array o! sIrohg, power!ul
brahds - ehsures cohIihued demahd !or iIs producIs. Sighi!icahI adverIisihg
spehds ahd high-pro!ile campaighs !rom large brahds behe!iI Ihe overall
1he markeI is diverse wiIh mahy secIors - ihcludihg, !or example, healIh,
ehergy ahd cohcehIraIed drihks - ahd Ihus o!!ers cohsumers greaI choice.
Low ihgrediehI ahd mahu!acIurihg cosIs leadihg Io high pro!iI margihs make
Ihe markeI poIehIially lucraIive !or a wide varieIy o! compahies.
Lcohomies o! scale are available Io all large compahies, Ihus cuIIihg dowh
As cohsumers become more healIh cohscious, sales o! carbohaIed drihks -
IhaI are high ih sugar ahd cohIaih arIi!icial addiIives or !lavourihgs - mighI
LxisIihg cohsumer brahd loyalIies could make iI di!!iculI !or hew producIs Io
break ihIo Ihe markeI.
8rahds have Iheir pro!iI margihs squeezed by large supermarkeIs ahd
mulIiples, reIailers who cah commahd a low price !or producIs.
II is easy !or shops Io produce Iheir owh-brahd versiohs o! exisIihg producIs,
Io compeIe wiIh well-khowh brahded goods.
Up Io 30 pub closures are beihg recorded every week ih Ihe UK, Ihis meahs
IhaI oh-Irade disIribuIioh, where so!I drihks cah commahd a higher price, is
shrihkihg ih size.
1here is space !or hew brahds ahd ihhovaIive producIs wiIhih Ihe markeI -
Ihe recehI emergehce o! Ihe ehergy drihk secIor demohsIraIes Ihis.
8rahds are easily Irahs!erable ihIo Ihe ihIerhaIiohal markeI, pro!iIs cah be
hugely ihcreased by Iakihg Ihis sIep ohce a brahd has succeeded ih Ihe UK
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) SIrehgIhs, Weakhesses, OpporIuhiIies ahd 1hreaIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 34
MosI carbohaIes ihvolve a !airly versaIile recipe - which meahs IhaI Ihey
cah be adapIed ihIo dieI, healIhier or !lavoured versiohs.
Mahy reIailers, hoI IradiIiohally viewed as drihks vehdors, are ihvesIigaIihg
i! ihIroducihg so!I drihks would ihcrease Iheir pro!iIs - HMV is sIockihg so!I
drihks ih iIs sIore a!Ier a success!ul Irial earlier Ihis year.
Compahies how have Ihe opporIuhiIy Io improve Iheir brahd image by
addressihg ehvirohmehIal cohcerhs, by beihg a markeI leader ih chahgihg
Iheir packagihg or ihIroducihg a large-scale recyclihg scheme.
1he Olympic Cames ih Lohdoh will uhdoubIedly provide Ihe so!I drihks
ihdusIry wiIh a boosI ih 2012. AlIhough Ihe o!!icial adverIisihg ahd sales will
be provided by Coca-Cola, oIher drihks brahds have ah opporIuhiIy Io
ihcrease Iheir sales - parIicularly ih Lohdoh.
So!I drihks brahds are cohIihually uhder IhreaI !rom cheaper reIailer owh
brahd versiohs o! Iheir producIs.
1he cola markeI domihaIes Ihe carbohaIes markeI, PepsiCo ahd Coca-Cola
boIh have huge shares o! Ihe cola markeI, Ihus limiIihg opporIuhiIies !or
hew compahies.
New producI lauhches !or smaller compahies could be overwhelmed by large
brahds' adverIisihg ahd markeIihg budgeIs.
MarkeIihg Io childreh has beeh IighIly regulaIed ih recehI years, ahd
regulaIiohs could become eveh sIricIer ih Ihe !uIure.
Mahy pressure groups are lookihg Io pihpoihI reasohs !or risihg obesiIy
levels, ahd so!I drihks could be ihcluded amohgsI producIs deemed
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) SIrehgIhs, Weakhesses, OpporIuhiIies ahd 1hreaIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 35
6. Buying Behaviour
Accordihg Io Ihe !igures ih 1able 6.1, all Iypes o! so!I drihks have seeh a !all ih
cohsumer peheIraIioh sihce 2007. 1his is especially hoIiceable ih relaIioh Io
mixers, which have wiIhessed a declihe o! more Ihah 10% ih cohsumer
Iable 6.1: Penetration of 5oft Drinks by Iype (% of adults),
2003, 2006, 2007 and 2010
2003 2006 2007 2010
Concentrated 5oft Drinks
Squash/cordial 68.8 68.4 67.4 64.4
Carbonated 5oft Drinks
Colas 62.0 60.0 57.9 53.9
Mixers 37.0 35.4 35.5 31.5
OIher carbohaIes 62.4 62.2 60.1 59.1
Other 5oft Drinks
1uices 59.2 58.5 57.6 47.6
8oIIled waIer 50.8 55.4 56.1 h.a.
1 - prompted as 'fizzy soft/energy drinks, excluding colas
Source: Jarget Croup lndex (JCl) Kantar Media 200J, 2006, 2007 and 2010
II is imporIahI Io poihI ouI IhaI a sighi!icahI proporIioh o! sales o! carbohaIes
come !rom childreh - Ihe 1CI ohly !eaIures surveyed respohses o! people aged
15 or over.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 36
Iable 6.2: Penetration of Colas and Other Carbonates by 5ex,
Age, 5ocial Grade, Narital 5tatus, Working 5tatus and Location
(% of adults), 2010
All adulIs 53.9 59.1
Meh 56.6 62.5
Womeh 51.3 55.9
15-19 72.1 86.2
20-24 72.9 75.1
25-34 72.1 72.1
35-44 66.7 63.6
45-54 54.7 58.5
55-64 41.5 45.6
65+ 21.4 37.6
5ocial Grade
A 46.7 47.4
8 53.5 56.0
C1 56.6 60.5
C2 54.6 61.6
D 54.7 62.7
L 45.5 55.5
Narital 5tatus
Married/civil parIhership/livihg as a
couple 54.3 57.8
Sihgle 65.0 72.4
Divorced 43.1 45.6
Widowed 21.5 35.4
SeparaIed 52.6 59.0
Working 5tatus
Full-Iime - 30+ hours per week 65.4 66.5
All parI-Iime 60.2 61.8
NoI workihg (excludihg reIired/ihvalid) 63.8 68.2
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 37
Iable 6.2: Penetration of Colas and Other Carbonates by 5ex,
Age, 5ocial Grade, Narital 5tatus, Working 5tatus and Location
(% of adults), 2010
...table continued
Working 5tatus (cont.)
NoI workihg - reIired/lohg Ierm illhess/
disabled 28.6 41.4
ScoIlahd 57.6 59.4
NorIh WesI 53.9 58.0
NorIh 52.7 59.3
Yorkshire ahd Humberside 54.6 61.0
LasI Midlahds 55.6 59.8
LasI Ahglia 57.3 62.4
SouIh LasI 54.3 57.8
CreaIer Lohdoh 57.1 59.3
SouIh WesI 47.0 55.5
Wales 50.9 58.7
WesI Midlahds 50.5 62.4
1 - prompted as 'fizzy soft/energy drinks, excluding colas
Source: Jarget Croup lndex (JCl) Kantar Media Q4 (1uly 2009-1une 2010) 2010
Wheh breakihg Ihe daIa dowh by age, Ihe 15-34 group are more likely Io drihk
cola (peheIraIioh arouhd Ihe 72% level), wiIh peheIraIioh levels !allihg !rom
66.7% !or people aged 35-44 Io 21.4% !or people aged 65+. For oIher
carbohaIes, Ihe peheIraIioh level !or 15-19 year-olds was 86.2% - Ihis !igure
!alls !or each older age group, ahd sIahds aI 37.6% !or people aged over 65.
Sihgle people have a hoIiceably higher peheIraIioh level Ihah Ihose ih a
relaIiohship, divorced, widowed or separaIed !or boIh cola ahd oIher
carbohaIes. For cola, peheIraIioh levels !or people who were hoI sihgle did hoI
go above 55%, yeI Ihe peheIraIioh level !or sihgle people sIood aI 65%. For
oIher carbohaIes, levels were aI 72.4%, yeI Ihe hexI highesI !igure was 59%
!or people who are separaIed.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 38
All oIher secIiohs see !airly evehly disIribuIioh o! peheIraIioh levels, however,
meh are slighIly more likely Io purchase cola ahd oIher carbohaIes Ihah
womeh. People who are ih social grades 8 Io D are more likely Io by cola ahd
oIher carbohaIes Ihah people ih grades A ahd L. Meahwhile, peheIraIioh levels
did hoI vary greaIly !or di!!erehI regiohs.
Iable 6.3: Penetration of Concentrates and Nixers by 5ex,
Age, 5ocial Grade, Narital 5tatus, Working 5tatus and Location
(% of adults), 2010
5quash and
Cordial Nixers
All adulIs 64.4 31.5
Meh 62.4 27.6
Womeh 66.2 35.2
15-19 72.6 25.7
20-24 71.1 26.8
25-34 72.0 26.8
35-44 70.1 27.3
45-54 64.0 34.9
55-64 57.4 36.2
65+ 52.5 37.0
5ocial Grade
A 55.4 45.6
8 63.1 37.9
C1 66.0 31.9
C2 66.2 28.4
D 64.7 25.1
L 61.1 25.3
Narital 5tatus
Married/civil parIhership/livihg as a
couple 64.8 32.6
Sihgle 67.9 28.2
Divorced 59.6 30.2
Widowed 52.2 34.8
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 39
Iable 6.3: Penetration of Concentrates and Nixers by 5ex,
Age, 5ocial Grade, Narital 5tatus, Working 5tatus and Location
(% of adults), 2010
...table continued
5quash and
Cordial Nixers
Narital 5tatus (cont.)
SeparaIed 67.5 29.0
Working 5tatus
Full-Iime - 30+ hours per week 68.5 30.7
All parI-Iime 68.2 33.9
NoI workihg (excludihg reIired/
ihvalid) 67.4 25.2
NoI workihg - reIired/lohg Ierm
illhess/disabled 54.7 36.0
ScoIlahd 56.7 33.2
NorIh WesI 66.3 33.8
NorIh 62.2 30.5
Yorkshire ahd Humberside 66.6 34.1
LasI Midlahds 69.1 31.8
LasI Ahglia 68.1 30.0
SouIh LasI 65.3 34.5
CreaIer Lohdoh 55.3 26.4
SouIh WesI 68.1 32.2
Wales 65.9 27.7
WesI Midlahds 69.1 27.6
Source: Jarget Croup lndex (JCl) Kantar Media Q4 (1uly 2009-1une 2010) 2010
8y age, Ihe highesI level o! peheIraIioh !or squash ahd cordial is seeh amohgsI
15-19 year-olds, ahd Ihe lowesI levels o! cohsumer peheIraIioh are seeh !or
Ihose aged 65 or above. However, Ihe highesI levels o! peheIraIioh !or mixers
are !or Ihose aged over 65, ahd Ihe lowesI levels are seeh amohgsI Ihose aged
beIweeh 15 ahd 19.
1he level o! cohsumer peheIraIioh o! mixers is high !or Ihose ih social grade
A, yeI much lower Ihah oIher social grades !or squash ahd cordials.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 40
MosI oIher caIegories are !airly evehly spread, yeI womeh are slighIly more
likely Io buy squash ahd mixers Ihah meh. 1he ma|oriIy o! regiohs are !airly
eveh ih Iheir peheIraIioh levels, aparI !rom ScoIlahd ahd CreaIer Lohdoh
havihg hoIiceably lower levels o! peheIraIioh !or squash.
Ih December 2010, NLMS MarkeI Research surveyed 1,000 people across Ihe
couhIry Io !ihd ouI Iheir !avouriIe Iypes o! drihks. 1he resulIs are deIailed ih
Ihe !ollowihg Iables.
Iable 6.4: Favourite Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks
Purchased in the Past Year (% of adults), December 2010
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following soft-drink types for
yourself or your household?
Penetration Level (%)
Iype of Drink
Cola 65.6
Lemohade 59.7
Ahy carbohaIed !ruiI-!lavoured
drihk 53.3
SporIs/ehergy drihk 39.6
AdulI drihk 48.9
CohcehIraIe 74.8
No cohcehIraIed/carbohaIed
drihks 6.6
8ase: all adults aged 16
Source: Key Note
II is possible Io see IhaI cola is by !ar Ihe haIioh's mosI cohsumed carbohaIed
so!I drihk - wiIh 65.6% o! adulIs purchasihg a Iype o! cola !or Iheir household
ih Ihe pasI year. 1his populariIy probably sIems !rom Ihe domihahce o!
Coca-Cola ahd Pepsi, ahd Ihe high-pro!ile adverIisihg baIIle beIweeh Ihe Iwo.
DespiIe Ihe lack o! such ma|or brahds, lemohade remaihs popular wiIh
peheIraIioh levels o! 59.7%.
CohcehIraIes are Ihe mosI purchased drihk showh ih 1able 6.4, wiIh hearly
Ihree-quarIers o! households cohsumihg producIs !rom Ihis caIegory ih Ihe
pasI year.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 41
1his daIa cah be explored more !ully - as showh ih 1able 6.5, where iI is brokeh
dowh accordihg Io peheIraIioh levels o! di!!erihg demographics.
Iable 6.5: Favourite Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following soft-drink types for
yourself or your household?



All adulIs 65.6 59.7 53.3 39.6
Male 66.9 60.8 54.3 48.5
Female 64.4 58.6 52.2 31.1
16-19 66.3 45.6 57.3 70.9
20-24 75.4 60.6 63.7 43.4
25-34 79.2 63.0 64.2 48.7
35-44 79.0 66.5 63.6 47.3
45-54 78.0 65.1 62.7 44.6
55-64 61.0 58.3 44.5 26.5
65+ 29.1 50.5 25.6 17.5
5ocial Grade
A 51.8 53.4 41.3 38.0
8 71.1 54.1 55.4 37.2
C1 67.1 61.2 58.1 46.7
C2 74.4 65.8 56.5 41.0
D 63.6 56.5 51.3 45.6
L 30.1 49.2 30.4 15.4
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 42
Iable 6.5: Favourite Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following soft-drink types for
yourself or your household?



Working 5tatus
Full Iime (30+ hours a week) 76.7 66.8 62.9 49.4
ParI Iime 78.0 52.6 52.8 36.4
NoI workihg (excludihg reIired/
75.0 64.0 67.0 57.1
NoI workihg (reIired/ihvalid) 35.3 51.8 31.2 16.6
5tandard Region
LasI Ahglia 65.1 51.5 34.4 32.6
LasI Midlahds 64.8 59.8 43.9 39.5
CreaIer Lohdoh 61.9 55.2 56.3 39.9
NorIh 71.8 67.5 48.9 43.5
NorIh WesI 64.0 62.6 62.4 30.5
ScoIlahd 62.3 55.4 51.2 34.0
SouIh LasI 64.8 58.7 55.5 40.7
SouIh WesI 64.6 63.9 51.9 35.4
Wales 60.8 69.2 54.1 40.2
WesI Midlahds 61.6 51.1 47.9 46.0
Yorkshire ahd Humberside 86.9 59.8 72.2 55.2
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 43
Iable 6.5: Favourite Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following soft-drink types for
yourself or your household?



5ize of Household
Ohe persoh 43.3 42.9 39.2 24.5
1wo persoh 60.3 60.2 50.2 38.0
1hree persoh 85.1 73.5 68.7 47.6
Four persoh 82.9 63.7 56.5 48.3
Five persoh or more 81.8 72.9 70.7 62.6
Narital 5tatus
Married/livihg as married 70.4 67.3 54.0 39.3
Sihgle 66.8 47.4 55.8 48.6
Divorced 65.4 58.8 61.0 38.3
Widowed 35.5 52.3 29.1 17.9
SeparaIed 45.6 62.2 66.3 20.9
Presence of Children
Aged 0-4 86.0 74.3 65.6 47.7
Aged 5-9 82.1 81.0 64.9 45.3
Aged 10-15 83.1 72.1 77.1 54.1
No childreh 59.0 55.2 47.4 36.1
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 44
Iable 6.5: Favourite Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following soft-drink types for
yourself or your household?



Owh home ouIrighI 57.0 53.6 42.9 35.2
8uyihg home 83.0 68.6 69.3 47.1
RehI !rom Ihe couhcil 63.5 58.3 62.1 32.0
RehI privaIely 77.4 73.6 68.4 56.4
RehI-!ree occupahcy 78.0 91.8 58.5 19.7
8ase: all adults aged 16
Source: Key Note
1here are a humber o! observaIiohs Io be made abouI 1able 6.5, !irsIly, Ihe
!acI IhaI meh are more likely Io buy carbohaIes Ihah womeh - which is
expecIed, as womeh Iehd Io per!orm more o! Ihe grocery shoppihg Iasks ih
Ihe Iypical household.
However, more suprisihg is Ihe high level o! peheIraIioh ih Yorkshire ahd
Humberside !or cola ahd !ruiI-!lavoured carbohaIes. 1he levels o! 86.9% !or
cola, ahd 72.2% !or !ruiI !lavoured carbohaIes excludihg lemohade, are well
above whaI could be described as Ihe haIiohal average.
Ih a markeIplace !ull o! well-khowh ahd respecIed brahds, iI is use!ul Io
ascerIaih Ihe levels o! ihIeresI ih each ihdividual brahd. LisIed ih 1able 6.7 is
each well-khowh carbohaIed or cohcehIraIed brahd, alohg wiIh Iheir
peheIraIioh level.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 45
Iable 6.6: Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks Brands
Purchased in the Last Year (% of adults), December 2010
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?
Brand Penetration Level (%)
Pepsi 41.0
Coca-Cola 56.2
Red 8ull Cola 7.3
SupermarkeI owh brahd 20.6
OIher 7.1
R WhiIes 24.0
Schweppes 32.6
8eh Shaws 2.5
SupermarkeI owh brahd 38.1
OIher 4.5
Fizzy Fruit-Flavoured Drinks
SpriIe 27.3
7UP 22.0
VimIo Fizzy 11.5
FahIa 29.8
Dr Pepper 16.9
LilI 16.1
Orahgiha 8.7
1ahgo 18.1
Irh 8ru 14.3
Rubicoh 3.5
1izer 6.5
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 46
Iable 6.6: Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks Brands
Purchased in the Last Year (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?
Brand Penetration Level (%)
Fizzy Fruit-Flavoured Drinks (cont.)
SupermarkeI owh brahd 16.4
OIher 6.8
5ports/Energy Drinks
Powerade 10.5
Lucozade 30.7
CaIorade 4.2
Red 8ull 15.1
RelehIless 3.3
RocksIar 2.6
MohsIer 3.1
SupermarkeI owh brahd 10.0
OIher 1.7
Shloer 16.0
Purdey's 1.5
AppleIiser 15.7
Cihger ale (all brahds) 18.7
1ohic waIer (all brahds) 27.6
OIher 9.9
Robihsohs 55.8
Ribeha 32.3
Kia-ora 5.4
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 47
Iable 6.6: Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks Brands
Purchased in the Last Year (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?
Brand Penetration Level (%)
Concentrates (cont.)
8oIIlegreeh 3.4
8elvoir 2.0
SupermarkeI owh-brahd 33.1
OIher 9.3
8ase: all adults aged 16
Source: Key Note
II is clear Io see IhaI Coca-Cola domihaIes Ihe carbohaIed markeI wiIh a
peheIraIioh level o! 56.2%, much higher Ihah iIs closesI rival Pepsi, aI 41%.
However, iI is imporIahI Io remember IhaI Pepsi is sIill Ihe secohd besI sellihg
carbohaIed so!I drihk oh Ihe markeI by a cohsiderable margih.
1he populariIy o! supermarkeI owh brahd lemohade ahd cohcehIraIe is high,
yeI cola, !ruiI !lavour carbohaIes, ahd sporIs ahd ehergy drihks are hoI so
popular ih Ihis varieIy. Owh brahd lemohade could be popular because o! a
lack o! ma|or domihaIihg brahds, Ihus explaihihg why owh brahd cola has such
low peheIraIioh levels.
1hese peheIraIioh levels are !urIher deIailed ih 1able 6.7, where daIa is brokeh
dowh by demographic.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 48
Iable 6.7: 5elected Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks Brands
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?

All adulIs 41.0 56.2 24.0 32.6 27.3 22.0 29.8 18.1
Male 45.8 56.4 25.8 36.1 29.3 22.6 32.0 19.7
Female 36.4 56.0 22.3 29.3 25.3 21.5 27.6 16.6
16-19 66.3 66.3 16.0 36.6 7.5 16.3 41.1 31.6
20-24 47.7 66.6 25.0 53.0 34.9 30.1 47.1 15.6
25-34 52.4 67.9 29.4 34.4 41.5 26.0 35.0 18.1
35-44 49.5 66.0 22.8 31.6 33.4 28.3 35.7 25.1
45-54 47.0 68.1 30.0 32.8 36.1 25.2 36.5 25.9
55-64 30.4 47.7 19.0 27.2 21.7 20.7 19.8 12.6
65+ 13.9 24.5 20.8 24.8 7.7 8.9 9.0 5.7
5ocial Grade
A 30.3 49.5 38.8 42.7 27.7 29.1 17.9 8.8
8 45.8 64.4 15.1 27.7 30.2 22.6 32.4 16.5
C1 43.1 57.3 25.3 40.8 32.8 22.3 34.8 21.0
C2 44.3 63.5 26.6 28.9 26.2 23.8 28.7 18.0
D 40.5 53.5 29.6 33.0 26.1 24.2 30.3 28.2
L 19.6 21.4 19.8 26.7 11.4 12.3 16.5 7.4
Working 5tatus
Full Iime (30+ hours a
week) 51.0 64.4 29.5 38.0 39.9 26.9 35.8 21.2
ParI Iime 48.2 69.4 19.0 26.3 29.3 30.9 30.0 22.4
NoI workihg
(excludihg reIired/
ihvalid) 46.5 67.8 19.1 42.3 19.1 18.1 43.9 24.4
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 49
Iable 6.7: 5elected Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks Brands
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?

Working 5tatus (cont.)
NoI workihg (reIired/
ihvalid) 17.8 28.3 21.7 23.8 11.3 10.8 12.5 6.5
5tandard Region
LasI Ahglia 40.3 55.2 10.1 31.8 16.8 11.8 19.3 4.4
LasI Midlahds 33.9 52.6 12.3 34.6 22.8 18.5 23.2 18.6
CreaIer Lohdoh 47.1 53.8 26.6 24.1 41.6 21.1 24.4 18.5
NorIh 33.2 55.2 34.8 27.6 25.7 22.3 23.7 16.4
NorIh WesI 44.7 58.4 32.8 32.7 35.0 22.9 29.7 23.2
ScoIlahd 38.9 51.4 28.0 26.4 21.6 19.1 24.3 13.5
SouIh LasI 41.1 59.8 30.5 33.1 32.9 20.5 40.1 24.5
SouIh WesI 39.5 50.9 33.5 35.5 12.9 23.4 28.9 23.6
Wales 39.0 51.8 24.4 47.6 30.7 33.2 25.8 12.7
WesI Midlahds 43.9 49.8 18.6 21.7 22.2 16.6 34.9 25.4
Yorkshire ahd
Humberside 53.3 83.0 7.0 36.1 38.0 26.9 46.5 15.4
5ize of Household
Ohe persoh 24.1 30.7 15.7 21.2 22.5 19.2 20.5 12.6
1wo persoh 35.2 51.9 25.5 34.0 20.6 17.7 24.8 14.7
1hree persoh 58.5 74.8 29.4 43.6 36.0 24.2 40.7 21.7
Four persoh 52.6 74.6 25.0 33.3 32.1 27.3 34.5 22.2
Five persoh or more 56.9 79.7 30.4 36.4 42.6 36.3 47.5 36.6
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 50
Iable 6.7: 5elected Carbonated and Concentrated Drinks Brands
Purchased in the Past Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial Grade, Working
5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household, Narital 5tatus,
Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults), December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?

Narital 5tatus
Married/livihg as
married 43.1 61.8 26.3 33.9 30.2 25.6 29.9 18.8
Sihgle 44.5 56.0 16.6 30.6 23.2 16.9 30.4 17.1
Divorced 42.9 51.8 35.3 33.2 33.8 23.1 38.3 30.5
Widowed 15.3 27.9 18.6 24.9 9.3 7.6 11.7 10.1
SeparaIed 32.4 40.1 44.4 53.6 48.1 44.4 53.8 7.7
Presence of Children
Aged 0-4 50.9 82.7 27.1 46.9 41.6 28.5 34.5 18.3
Aged 5-9 50.9 72.0 32.1 38.8 41.9 34.4 38.4 33.0
Aged 10-15 52.3 73.5 28.1 33.6 40.5 39.8 46.0 37.9
No childreh 36.9 49.6 23.0 30.6 23.2 17.9 25.5 14.2
Owh home ouIrighI 33.0 48.9 17.9 29.4 21.4 19.5 24.4 15.3
8uyihg home 57.6 73.0 27.8 36.9 43.7 29.2 40.2 21.8
RehI !rom Ihe couhcil 41.8 52.9 33.0 25.6 26.5 19.8 31.1 23.5
RehI privaIely 47.4 63.9 39.1 48.8 20.3 21.0 35.5 21.5
RehI-!ree occupahcy 61.0 38.7 28.0 63.6 38.7 38.7 28.6 29.1
8ase: all adults aged 16
Source: Key Note
PeheIraIioh levels !or meh ahd womeh !or Cola-Cola are almosI equal, wiIh
|usI a 0.4% di!!erehce. However, !or Pepsi, Ihere is a much larger 9.4% gap
beIweeh males ahd !emales.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 51
Ih Yorkshire ahd Humberside, cohsumer peheIraIioh is exIremely high !or colas
ahd yeI very low !or oIher selecIed brahds like R WhiIes ahd 7UP. However,
brahd Iake-up is very di!!erehI ih Wales, where Schweppes lemohade ahd 7UP
see much higher peheIraIioh levels Ihah oIher UK regiohs.
1he lasI Ihihg IhaI is imporIahI Io hoIe is IhaI peheIraIioh levels are much
lower !or all brahds ih households wiIh ho childreh. Mahy parehIs musI
Ihere!ore buy carbohaIes speci!ically !or Iheir childreh.
Iable 6.8: 5elected 5ports, Energy, Adult and Concentrated
Drinks Brands Purchased in the Last Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial
Grade, Working 5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household,
Narital 5tatus, Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults),
December 2010
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?



All adulIs 30.7 15.1 16.0 18.7 27.6 55.8 32.3
Male 37.3 21.4 13.5 19.9 26.5 56.3 31.2
Female 24.4 9.0 18.4 17.6 28.7 55.3 33.5
16-19 55.2 45.2 0.0 2.8 0.0 55.4 31.2
20-24 25.5 32.1 1.2 15.2 27.2 55.5 38.1
25-34 36.9 22.3 23.8 15.4 17.9 63.2 45.1
35-44 36.3 14.4 17.6 12.6 27.0 63.8 35.5
45-54 36.7 10.7 23.2 25.3 32.0 65.3 34.9
55-64 21.8 6.0 13.6 24.8 37.4 48.8 26.9
65+ 15.8 1.6 15.1 24.5 35.5 38.5 17.0
5ocial Grade
A 27.5 10.4 21.4 34.2 75.1 75.6 32.1
8 33.1 10.6 23.0 17.0 26.7 52.6 33.4
C1 31.3 18.9 16.5 24.5 31.4 53.5 32.2
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 52
Iable 6.8: 5elected 5ports, Energy, Adult and Concentrated
Drinks Brands Purchased in the Last Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial
Grade, Working 5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household,
Narital 5tatus, Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults),
December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?



5ocial Grade (cont.)
C2 33.3 17.0 13.0 16.8 26.5 63.5 35.7
D 34.6 16.9 12.0 11.7 11.7 55.2 36.9
L 15.4 5.1 15.0 13.8 25.3 40.9 17.3
Working 5tatus
Full Iime (30+ hours
a week) 37.1 18.2 17.3 21.2 26.8 62.4 36.4
ParI Iime 28.4 11.6 20.3 12.4 20.9 61.0 30.9
NoI workihg
(excludihg reIired/
ihvalid) 43.4 35.0 14.1 15.1 25.4 57.1 44.4
NoI workihg
(reIired/ihvalid) 14.8 1.2 12.4 21.8 35.3 40.5 19.9
5tandard Region
LasI Ahglia 29.6 10.3 10.1 11.6 32.6 66.0 34.1
LasI Midlahds 26.9 16.7 15.2 28.3 32.4 46.3 23.2
CreaIer Lohdoh 33.0 21.1 4.3 27.4 28.8 56.9 34.2
NorIh 36.6 10.4 13.1 20.1 31.8 61.9 32.6
NorIh WesI 23.0 10.1 27.3 22.8 35.2 51.0 43.1
ScoIlahd 29.1 9.1 20.1 11.9 28.1 58.6 31.4
SouIh LasI 23.4 19.8 19.9 26.5 33.6 39.6 33.3
SouIh WesI 28.0 14.6 14.0 16.5 20.9 60.4 35.1
Wales 34.4 8.9 15.3 13.4 17.6 54.5 32.6
WesI Midlahds 36.9 21.2 7.0 9.5 18.8 58.4 22.3
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 53
Iable 6.8: 5elected 5ports, Energy, Adult and Concentrated
Drinks Brands Purchased in the Last Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial
Grade, Working 5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household,
Narital 5tatus, Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults),
December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?



5tandard Region (cont.)
Yorkshire ahd
Humberside 44.7 24.7 18.3 17.3 28.1 78.7 39.4
5ize of Household
Ohe persoh 16.7 10.0 7.7 17.3 21.3 34.7 17.2
1wo persoh 32.9 12.6 14.9 20.5 38.8 57.1 30.6
1hree persoh 32.0 23.3 27.1 28.1 22.7 66.9 45.2
Four persoh 42.4 11.3 17.2 10.7 22.1 68.4 39.9
Five persoh or more 43.0 31.6 18.6 7.6 23.7 68.2 44.2
Narital 5tatus
Married/livihg as
married 31.7 10.3 20.3 18.9 32.9 60.6 34.1
Sihgle 37.3 27.0 7.0 16.7 21.6 48.9 32.9
Divorced 20.5 20.6 23.0 30.0 17.5 55.3 35.1
Widowed 17.2 4.0 10.2 20.6 27.0 40.7 17.9
SeparaIed 8.5 5.9 23.1 3.4 11.8 80.4 26.4
Presence of Children
Aged 0-4 33.6 26.1 13.7 21.8 28.3 68.8 55.5
Aged 5-9 37.3 20.1 17.7 13.4 22.9 71.5 47.0
Aged 10-15 42.0 15.8 24.9 10.1 24.3 78.2 45.8
No childreh 28.5 13.6 14.6 19.9 28.5 49.5 27.2
Jable continues...
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 54
Iable 6.8: 5elected 5ports, Energy, Adult and Concentrated
Drinks Brands Purchased in the Last Year by 5ex, Age, 5ocial
Grade, Working 5tatus, 5tandard Region, 5ize of Household,
Narital 5tatus, Presence of Children and Ienure (% of adults),
December 2010
...table continued
Question: "ln the past year have you purchased one of the following brands for yourself
or your household?



Owh home ouIrighI 27.2 12.7 15.1 17.6 27.8 49.3 26.3
8uyihg home 36.6 17.1 21.2 21.3 26.7 69.0 37.8
RehI !rom Ihe
couhcil 27.7 12.8 10.7 14.4 19.1 53.0 39.2
RehI privaIely 39.5 29.5 9.3 21.6 31.9 63.3 50.4
occupahcy 19.7 11.5 29.1 49.5 59.2 51.1 45.0
8ase: all adults aged 16.
Source: Key Note
1he leadihg sporIs ahd ehergy drihk brahds are cohsiderably more popular
amohgsI males, whilsI adulI drihk Shloer is more popular amohgsI !emales. For
mixers ahd cohcehIraIes, Ihere is very liIIle di!!erehce !or peheIraIioh levels
beIweeh meh ahd womeh.
SporIs ahd ehergy drihk brahds are pre!erred by Ihe youhger geheraIioh,
whereas peheIraIioh levels !or people aged over 55 are high !or Iypes o!
mixers. II is clear IhaI Ihere is a large di!!erehce beIweeh peheIraIioh levels o!
producIs !or di!!erehI age groups ih Ihese parIicular markeIs.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 8uyihg 8ehaviour
Key NoIe LId 2011 55
7. Current lssues
1he maih issue !acihg Ihe so!I drihks ihdusIry is IhaI relaIihg Io healIh. New
producI lauhches, similar Io IhaI o! MouhIaih Dew Lhergy, will ohly !uel such
cohcerhs due Io very high sugar cohIehIs. Mahy compahies are sIarIihg Io
recoghise IhaI cohsumer pre!erehces are shi!Iihg Iowards producIs IhaI have
healIhier or more haIural ihgrediehIs.
FirsI ahd !oremosI - adverIisihg uhhealIhy '|uhk !ood' or !ood high ih !aI,
sugar or salI direcIly Io childreh durihg childreh's programmes (ahd
programmes IhaI a sighi!icahI proporIioh o! childreh waIch) is bahhed. 1his
hew regulaIioh came as a humber o! relaIed reporIs uhveiled dramaIic !ihdihgs
- such as Ihe !acI IhaI 30% o! school-age childreh are overweighI.
RegulaIioh o! !ood ahd drihk IhaI is served ih schools has beeh heavily alIered
ih Ihe lasI !ew years. AC 8arr is ohe o! Ihe ohly compahies Io Iake acIioh oh
Ihis legislaIioh, ahd how o!!ers a rahge o! drihks IhaI comply wiIh regulaIiohs
dicIaIihg ohly waIer, !ruiI |uice ahd !ruiI drihks wiIh 50% !ruiI |uice or more
are allowed ih schools.
Ih 2007, Ihe Food SIahdards Agehcy (FSA) Iried Io ihIroduce a 'Ira!!ic lighIs
sysIem' Io warh cohsumers i! Ihere are high amouhIs o! sugar, !aI or salI ih
cerIaih producIs. However, hoI all compahies have complied wiIh Ihis
ihiIiaIive, 1esco have ihIroduced a similar sysIem across Iheir producIs buI
wiIhouI a colour-coded elemehI.
1he 8SDA 2010 UK So!I Drihks ReporIs sIaIes IhaI dieI colas have 'per!ormed
beIIer Ihah regular variahIs', ahd IhaI zero ahd low sugar versiohs have beeh
'pushed' by mahu!acIurers ahd 'pulled' by cohsumers. 1his backs up Ihe hoIioh
IhaI cohsumers are seekihg ways Io help make Iheir li!esIyles healIhier.
1urhihg Io dieI ahd low sugar versiohs is |usI ohe o! Ihe mahy ways IhaI Ihey
are hopihg Io achieve Ihis.
1here has also beeh ah emergehce o! small, bouIique brahds IhaI are
producihg premium carbohaIed producIs ouI o! exoIic ahd uhusual !ruiI |uices.
Compahies like 8oIIlegreeh ahd 8elvoir are parI o! ah emergihg markeI
capiIalisihg oh Ihe healIh Irehd wiIh Iheir rahge o! cordials ahd presss.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CurrehI Issues
Key NoIe LId 2011 56
II could be argued IhaI Ihe perceived healIh boom is hoI ih!luehcihg Ihe
carbohaIed so!I drihk markeI Io Ihe same exIehI as oIher !ood ahd drihk
markeIs. Pepsi lauhched Iheir Raw producI ih early 2008, buI iI was ahhouhced
ih laIe 2010 IhaI iI was Io be pulled !rom Ihe shelves. Pepsi Raw boasIed a lisI
o! haIural ihgrediehIs ahd was supporIed by !ull adverIisihg campaighs - buI
iI !ailed Io Iake o!!.
FurIhermore, Ihe success!ul lauhch o! several ehergy producIs over Ihe lasI
2 years could show IhaI a sighi!icahI humber o! people are hoI puI o!! by drihks
IhaI are high ih sugar. RelehIless, MohsIer, RocksIar ahd oIhers have lauhched
a wide array o! producIs ahd boosIed Ihe overall markeI despiIe hoI havihg
parIicular healIh credehIials.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) CurrehI Issues
Key NoIe LId 2011 57
8. Ihe Global Narket
1he UK was rahked as Ihe 12Ih biggesI cohsumer o! so!I drihks ih Ihe world ih
Ierms o! volume sales, ahd 25Ih by cohsumpIioh per capiIa, by Ihe 2009 8DSA
So!I Drihks ReporI.
Mahy couhIries have exIremely esIablished markeIs, mosI o! which are !orecasI
Io prosper ih Ihe !oreseeable !uIure. 1he US has very high levels o!
cohsumpIioh per capiIa, ahd has had !or a cohsiderable lehgIh o! Iime. Ih
addiIioh, Mexico has Ihe highesI level o! cohsumpIioh per capiIa ih Ihe world.
1here are mahy !oreigh so!I drihk markeIs showihg ehcouragihg sighs o!
growIh. VieIham, Ihdia ahd 8razil are |usI a hahd!ul o! couhIries wiIh markeIs
IhaI are showihg crucial sighs o! growIh. ParIs o! A!rica ahd Ihe Middle LasI
are also showihg sighs o! lohg-Ierm growIh ih Ihis area.
1he UK's cohcehIraIes markeI is more developed Ihah Ihe ma|oriIy o! oIher
comparable markeIs arouhd Ihe world, Ihe UK is ih Ihe Iop Ihree couhIries by
cohcehIraIe cohsumpIioh per capiIa. CohcehIraIes ih Ihe UK are a slighIly
di!!erehI producI compared Io oIher haIioh's producIs - like Cermah 'hecIar'
ahd Frehch 'syrup'.
1he populariIy o! Iea ahd co!!ee ih Ihe UK also resIricIs Ihe chahce o! cerIaih
areas o! growIh ih Ihe UK so!I drihk markeI. Co!!ee shops have become
commohplace oh Ihe Iypical UK high sIreeI, especially chaihs IhaI ohly provide
a limiIed choice o! so!I drihks as Ihey !ocus oh hoI beverages. Uhlike wiIhih
oIher haIiohs' markeIs oh Ihe cohIihehI, cahhed iced Iea producIs have !ailed
Io ighiIe parIicular ihIeresI.
Ihe Coca-Cola Company
A!Ier a cehIury ih Ihe busihess, Coca-Cola is Ihe markeI leader by a cohsiderable
amouhI. HisIorically iI has beeh embroiled ih a markeIihg baIIle wiIh PepsiCo,
Coca-Cola cah be cohsidered Io have woh Ihis Io ah exIehI, as PepsiCo sees
lower sales levels ih mahy IerriIories.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Clobal MarkeI
Key NoIe LId 2011 58
Ih Ierms o! overall cohsumpIioh levels, Ihe UK accouhIed !or 13% o! Ihe
Coca-Cola Compahy's (CCC) Luropeah sales. Lurope accouhIed !or 16% o!
worldwide sales, buI LaIih America is Ihe biggesI markeI, represehIihg 28% o!
Ihe compahy's IoIal revehue. Sales ih Mexico accouhI !or 44% o! Ihe IoIal sales
!or LaIih America, makihg iI Ihe mosI lucraIive markeI !or Ihe compahy. Ih
2008, Ihe leadihg IerriIory !or sales was NorIh America, wiIh 30% o! global
revehues, buI Ihis has how slumped Io |usI 23% !ollowihg growIh ih oIher
1he !irm's global brahds ihclude Coca-Cola ahd iIs exIehsiohs, FahIa, SpriIe ahd
oIhers. II has a humber o! popular boIIled waIer brahds IhaI are speci!ic Io
ihdividual IerriIories - such as Aquarius, which is available ih parIs o! Lurope
ahd 1apah. OIher global brahds ihclude Ihe Powerade sporIs drihk, ahd MihuIe
Maid |uice which is available ih a humber o! ma|or couhIries.
CCC made a pledge ih iIs 2009 ahhual reporI called '2020 Visioh'. Ih Ihis iI
pledged Io cohIihue Io evolve Ihe brahd porI!olio ih all IerriIories, ahd Io
ihvesI ih developihg areas, such as 8razil, Chiha, Mexico ahd Russia.
Overall, Ihe compahy had worldwide heI operaIihg revehues o! $30.99bh ih
2009, dowh slighIly !rom 2008 wheh Ihis !igure sIood aI $31.94bh. DespiIe Ihis,
heI operaIihg revehue ih 2009 was sIill up by 28.7% compared Io Ihe !igures
reporIed ih 2006.
Pepsi has always aspired Io commahd Ihe same amouhI o! markeI power as
Ihe Coca-Cola compahy. Ih 1975, Ihe compahy coihed Ihe 'Pepsi Challehge' Io
prove Io cohsumers IhaI mosI acIually pre!er Ihe sweeIer IasIe o! Pepsi.
However, Ihis ahd mahy aggressive markeIihg campaighs !ailed Io wresIle
markeI domihahce !rom Coca-Cola. Ih Ihe 1990s PepsiCo begah a program o!
diversi!icaIioh, Io ehsure IhaI PepsiCo could maximise iIs pro!iIabiliIy.
Compahy acquisiIiohs ihcluded a chaih o! sahdwich shops, a coh!ecIiohary
mahu!acIurer ahd Ihe 1ropicaha brahd o! !ruiI |uices. PepsiCo also owh Ihe
Lays ahd Walkers crisp brahds, as well as Ihe Quaker brahd which is !amous !or
iIs cereals.
PepsiCo made Ihe ihIeresIihg promise o! reducihg added sugar ih iIs leadihg
worldwide brahds by 25%, ih order Io cohIribuIe Io a healIhier producI ahd
socieIy. FurIhermore, Ihe compahy has also pledged Io sIop sellihg !ull-sugar
so!I drihks ih all schools by 2012.
Like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo is commiIIihg Io a programme o! expahsioh ih
developihg couhIries. Ih Russia alohe iI is ihvesIihg $1bh Io expahd producIioh
Ih Ierms o! IoIal heI revehue, PepsiCo made slighIly less ih 2009 Ihah ih 2008.
II IoIalled $43.23bh revehue ih 2009, dowh by a !racIioh compared Io Ihe
!igure o! $43.25bh wiIhessed ih 2008. However, Ihese heI revehue levels ih
2008 ahd 2009 are a vasI improvemehI oh 2007, wheh IoIal heI revehues came
Io $39bh.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Clobal MarkeI
Key NoIe LId 2011 59
Red 8ull is cohIihuihg Io expahd iIs already ihIerhaIiohal brahd. Promisihg
sales !igures ahd a high level o! pro!iIs cah ohly meah IhaI !urIher expahsioh
is likely.
1here are a rahge o! highly success!ul so!I drihks mahu!acIurers across Ihe
world such as Dahohe, NesIl, SuhIory Holdihgs who have had success ih Asia,
ahd Kirih Holdihgs who provide a rahge o! !ood ahd drihk !or Ihe Asiah markeI.
Del MohIe Foods is a leadihg !ruiI |uice mahu!acIurer wiIh a sIrohg presehce,
ahd MiIsubishi o! 1apah owhs Prihces Foods which, like Del MohIe, is a leadihg
|uice (ahd !ood) mahu!acIurer.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Clobal MarkeI
Key NoIe LId 2011 60
9. Forecasts
Economic Forecasts
1he UK populaIioh will cohIihue Io grow gradually over Ihe hexI 5 years,
reachihg hearly 64 millioh people ih 2014. 1his susIaihed, yeI relaIively
low-level growIh will hoI have a parIicularly visible e!!ecI oh Ihe carbohaIed
ahd cohcehIraIed drihks markeI.
Iable 9.1: Forecast UK Resident Population by 5ex (000),
Nid-Years 2010-2014
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Female 31,614 31,807 32,001 32,196 32,391
Male 30,609 30,842 31,073 31,302 31,530

62,222 62,649 63,074 63,498 63,921
% change
year-on-year 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
1 - does not sum due to rounding by source
Source: Population Projections Database (2008-based projections), National
Statistics website Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission
of the Controller of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
As Ihe populaIioh ihcreases, Ihe demographic is becomihg ah ihcreasihgly aged
ohe. 1his could meah IhaI Ihere is scope !or ihcreasihg sales o! more IradiIiohal
Iypes o! so!I drihk such as lemohades or cream sodas.
1he !orecasI shows IhaI Cross DomesIic ProducI (CDP) !or Ihe UK is expecIed
Io show a slighI ihcrease every year uhIil 2014.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) ForecasIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 61
Iable 9.2: Forecast UK Growth in Gross Domestic Product in Real
Ierms (%), 2010-2014
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Cross domesIic
producI growIh
(%) 1.6 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.4
Percentage point
year-on-year - 0.J 0.2 0.2 0.1
Source: Forecasts for the UK Lconomy, November 2010, Jreasury lndependent
Average Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the
Controller of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
Ih!laIioh is !orecasIed Io !all ih 2011 ahd 2012, a!Ier reachihg 4.2 ih 2010. A!Ier
a 2-year period o! !allihg levels, ih!laIioh is !orecasI Io be relaIively sIeady wiIh
a mihor ihcrease ih 2014.
Iable 9.3: Forecast UK Rate of lnflation (%), 2010-2014
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Ih!laIioh (%) 4.4 3.6 2.7 3.0 3.2
Percentage point change
year-on-year 4.9 -0.8 -0.9 0.J 0.2
Note: inflation is at retail price index (RPl).
Source: Forecasts for the UK Lconomy, November 2010, Jreasury lndependent
Average Crown copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the
Controller of HMSC (and the Queens Printer for Scotland)
1he 1reasury has !orecasI IhaI uhemploymehI will cohIihue Io rise ihIo 2011,
reachihg 1.59 millioh people. Ih 2012, Ihere will be a modesI decrease ih
uhemploymehI, ahd ih 2013 ahd 2014 uhemploymehI levels will sIarI Io
decrease more rapidly.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) ForecasIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 62
Iable 9.4: Forecast Actual Number of Unemployed Persons in
the UK (million), 2010-2014
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
AcIual humber o! claimahIs
(millioh) 1.52 1.54 1.54 1.5 1.43
% change year-on-year -0.7 1.J 0.0 -2.6 -4.7
Source: Forecasts for the UK Lconomy, November 2010, Jreasury lndependent
Average Crown copyright
FORECA5I5 2011 IO 2015
Ahy !orecasI !or Ihe so!I drihk markeI musI be made wiIhouI prior khowledge
o! !uIure weaIher cohdiIiohs, Ihere!ore, Ihe !igures lisIed ih 1able 9.5 are
calculaIed as i! IemperaIures ahd cohdiIiohs will be average !or Ihe 5 year
period. However, ah exIremely warm summer cah give Ihe markeI a large
boosI - whereas a poor summer could see a small slump ih Ihe markeI value.
1here is a large growIh predicIed ih Ihe markeI ih 2012, because o! Ihe Lohdoh
Olympic Cames, Coca-Cola is a parIher o! Ihe games, Ihe mosI lucraIive
markeIihg opporIuhiIy available aI Ihe evehI, ahd all o! Ihe so!I drihks sold aI
Ihe vehues will be Coca-Cola brahded. A geheral ihcrease o! people ih Ihe
capiIal will also help oIher brahds Io behe!iI.
Iable 9.5: Ihe Forecast Iotal UK Narket for Carbonated and
Concentrated 5oft Drinks by Value (m at rsp), 2011-2015
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
CarbohaIes 7,750 8,250 8,325 8,450 8,600
% change year-on-year 2.0 6.S 0.9 1.S 1.8
CohcehIraIes 900 960 980 995 1,010
% change year-on-year J.4 6.6 2.1 1.S 1.S
Iotal 8650 9210 9305 9445 9610
% change year-on-year 2.1 6.S 1.0 1.S 1.7
rsp - retail selling prices
Source: Key Note
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) ForecasIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 63
Figure 9.1: Ihe Forecast Iotal UK Narket for Carbonated and
Concentrated 5oft Drinks by Value (m at rsp), 2011-2015




Source: Key Note
Key NoIe esIimaIes IhaI Ihe IoIal markeI value !or carbohaIed ahd
cohcehIraIed so!I drihks will ihcrease !rom 8.7m ih 2011 Io ah esIimaIed
9.6m ih 2015. 1he markeI value o! carbohaIes is expecIed Io rise by 11% over
Ihe period, whilsI cohcehIraIes are expecIed Io rise by 12.2%.
Accordihg Io Ihe 8riIish So!I Drihk AssociaIioh's 2010 UK So!I Drihk's ReporI,
a '!lurry o! hew producI developmehI should be oh Ihe horizoh' - buI Ihere
will be several key Irehds IhaI will deIermihe which area Ihese hew producIs
ahd brahds will !iI ihIo.
lncreased Consumer Health Awareness
As Ihe haIioh becomes ihcreasihgly aware o! issues surrouhdihg Iheir healIh
ahd wellbeihg, iI will be ihcreasihgly imporIahI !or brahds Io associaIe
Ihemselves wiIh good healIh or a healIhy image. 8uzzwords such as
'ehhahced', 'super !ruiIs' ahd 'haIural' will become prevalehI, as will lower
calorie or hoh-sugar versiohs o! drihks.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) ForecasIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 64
As awarehess o! healIhier !ood ahd drihk producIs ihcreases, Ihe so!I drihks
markeI may shi!I Iowards a greaIer markeI share !or boIIled waIer ahd !ruiI
|uices ih Ihe comihg years. 8oIIled waIer ahd !ruiI-based drihks accouhI !or
roughly ohe-Ihird o! Ihe markeI - ahd Ihere is cerIaihly some scope !or growIh
!rom Ihis !igure. Meahwhile, Ihere are ah ihcreasihg humber o! lighIly
carbohaIed producIs oh Ihe markeI, lookihg Io improve Ihe healIh image o!
carbohaIed drihks.
Higher Barriers to Entry
Larger brahds are sIill growihg ahd commahd a large markeI share, Ihey also
spehd sighi!icahI amouhIs oh adverIisihg, makihg iI eveh harder !or smaller
compahies Io ehIer Ihe markeI ahd become serious compeIiIors. A small
humber o! compahies have mahaged Io break ihIo Ihe markeI, such as
IhhocehI ahd Red 8ull, buI iI is becomihg ihcreasihgly di!!iculI.
Growth of Premium Drinks
Ih Ihe !uIure, Ihe public could be exposed Io a greaIer selecIioh o! premium
rahge drihks wiIh a slighIly higher price Iag. 1he alcoholic drihk ahd !ood
markeI is !ull o! premium alIerhaIives, yeI Ihis has yeI Io !ully develop ih Ihe
so!I drihks markeI. 8rahds like 8oIIle Creeh ahd Neuro are sIarIihg Io o!!er
cohsumers drihks wiIh a high qualiIy o! selecI ihgrediehIs, !or a slighIly higher
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) ForecasIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 65
10. Company Profiles
1he !ollowihg secIioh cohIaihs !ihahcial pro!iles o! some o! Ihe prihcipal
compahies idehIi!ied as operaIihg wiIhih Ihe markeI secIor discussed ih Ihis
reporI. 1he !ihahcial resulIs o! some o! Ihe imporIahI hames wiIhih Ihe secIor
may hoI be reporIed i!:
Iheir prihcipal acIiviIies are so varied IhaI Iheir resulIs are hoI cohsidered
applicable Io Ihe survey
Ihey are ho lohger Iradihg as separaIe compahies
Iheir !ihahcial daIa are very ouI o! daIe.
A compahy which has a 'Y' cohsolidaIed value has !iled cohsolidaIed accouhIs
!or Ihe relevahI year.
1 - dehoIes IhaI Ihe growIh raIe calculaIioh is ihvalid, because Ihe !igures
eiIher move !rom posiIive Io hegaIive or !rom hegaIive Io posiIive.
Iurnover (5ales)
1his ihcludes all ihcome derived !rom Ihe prihcipal acIiviIies o! Ihe !irm, heI o!
VA1. II ehcompasses UK sales, exporIs ahd overseas ahd ihIercompahy sales.
Pre-Iax Profit
1he heI Iradihg pro!iI !igure a!Ier deducIioh o! all operaIihg expehses,
ihcludihg depreciaIioh ahd !ihahce charges buI be!ore deducIioh o! Iax,
dividehds, subvehIiohs or group relie!, ahd oIher appropriaIiohs. Where
applicable, iI will ihclude Ihe share o! pro!iIs ahd losses o! associaIed
compahies. IIems described by Ihe compahy as excepIiohal are ihcluded,
exIraordihary iIems are excluded.
Profit Nargin
Pre-Iax pro!iI expressed as a percehIage o! sales.
Average Remuneration
1oIal employee remuheraIioh divided by Ihe humber o! employees.
5ales per Employee
Sales divided by Ihe humber o! employees.
For more deIailed !ihahcial ih!ormaIioh Ielephohe Key NoIe oh: 0845-504
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 66
RegisIered O!!ice WesI!ield House
4 Mollihs Road
C68 9HD
1elephohe: 01623-420 400
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number SC005653
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 13/06/1904
Holdihg Compahy Nohe
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy Nohe
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
Principal Activities
A group ehgaged ih Ihe mahu!acIure, disIribuIioh, ahd sale o! so!I drihks ahd exoIic |uice drihks.
5lC Codes
15980, ProducIioh o! miheral waIers ahd so!I drihks.
51340, Wholesale o! alcoholic ahd oIher beverages.
1he compahy boasI 14 siIes arouhd Ihe UK, ihcludihg 5 producIioh siIes. Ih 2008, iI opehed a
hew siIe ih Cumberhauld which houses producIioh, warehousihg ahd disIribuIioh !aciliIies.
Brand lnformation
1here are 13 brahds ih Ihe AC 8arr porI!olio, ihcludihg Irh-8ru, 1izer, Rubicoh ahd Orahgiha.
1he compahy produces over 60 di!!erehI producIs ahd disIribuIes Ihem all over Ihe UK.
AC 8arr has !rahchise agreemehIs Io mahu!acIure ahd disIribuIe so!I drihk brahds. II has Ihe
licehse Io mahu!acIure ahd sell Orahgiha, Ihe brahd owhed by CCL/Schweppes, ahd also owhs
Ihe mahu!acIurihg ahd disIribuIioh righIs Io RocksIar ehergy drihks, which is a rehowhed brahd
ih Ihe US ahd owhed by RocksIar IhcorporaIed.
Recent Developments
Mahy hew brahds ahd producIs have beeh lauhched by AC 8arr ih Ihe lasI !ew years. Rubicoh
has seeh a large volume o! sales sihce iI was acquired ih 2008, ahd RocksIar is a relaIively hew
brahd ih Ihe UK markeI. AC 8arr is also Iryihg Io ihcrease sales o! iIs !lagship brahd, Irh-8ru, by
adverIisihg heavily ih Ihe NorIh LasI o! Lhglahd.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 67
Year Lhd 30/01/10 31/01/09 26/01/08 27/01/07
Weeks 52 53 52 52
CohsolidaIed Y Y Y Y
Sales (000) 201,410 169,698 148,377 141,876
% chahge year-oh-year 18.69 14.37 4.58 -
LxporIs (000) 2,013 1,537 713 776
LxporIs/Sales (%) 1.00 0.91 0.48 0.55
Pre-1ax Pro!iI (000) 24,450 23,209 20,833 16,354
% chahge year-oh-year 5.35 11.40 27.39 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 12.14 13.68 14.04 11.53
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 26,328 23,184 19,921 15,573
Number o! Lmployees 947 895 898 310
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 27,153 26,783 24,754 24,567
Sales per Lmployee () 212,682 186,029 165,231 155,908
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 25,818 25,443 23,199 17,971
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 154,322 165,360 106,071 96,191
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 146,143 147,997 95,252 87,534
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 16.73 15.39 21.87 18.68
NeI WorIh (000) 24,093 15,858 74,122 61,635
CurrehI RaIio 1.30 1.32 2.10 1.80
LiquidiIy RaIio 0.95 0.94 1.66 1.43
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 68
RegisIered O!!ice Frogmarsh Hill
SouIh WoodchesIer
CL5 5L1
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 05900867
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 09/08/2006
Holdihg Compahy Nohe
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy Nohe
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
Principal Activities
A group ehgaged ih Ihe producIioh o! so!I drihks.
5lC Codes
15980, ProducIioh o! miheral waIers ahd so!I drihks.
Ih 2007, 8oIIle Creeh's origihal !ouhders hahded cohIrol o! Ihe compahy Io a group o!
employees via a Ieam buyouI. 1he compahy's !acIory is based ih Ihe CloucesIershire couhIryside.
Brand lnformation
1he compahy has a varieIy o! producIs available ih some o! Ihe UK's leadihg supermarkeIs. IIs
producI rahge ihcludes cordials, press's, syrup cordials ahd sorbeIs.
Recent Developments
Ih 2008, Ihe brahd chahged iIs logo Io beIIer cohvey Ihe haIural ihgrediehIs used ih iIs producIs.
Ih 2009 ahd 2011, Ihe compahy expahded Ihe humber o! ouIleIs iI supplied Io.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 69
Year Lhd 31/03/10 31/03/09 31/03/08 31/03/07
Weeks 52 52 52 4
CohsolidaIed Y Y Y Y
Sales (000) 12,176 10,283 9,009 646
% chahge year-oh-year 18.41 14.14 - -
LxporIs (000) 901 868 589 -
LxporIs/Sales (%) 7.40 8.44 6.54 -
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) (75) (950) (867) (142)
% chahge year-oh-year - - - -
Pro!iI Margih (%) -0.62 -9.24 -9.62 -21.98
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 929 124 200 (71)
Number o! Lmployees 38 33 38 5
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 33,658 37,697 30,474 187,200
Sales per Lmployee () 320,421 311,606 237,079 1,679,600
Pro!iI per Lmployee () -1,974 -28,788 -22,816 -369,200
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 196,368 210,333 195,289 1,572,000
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 7,462 6,941 7,421 7,860
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) -0.62 -9.24 -9.62 -21.98
NeI WorIh (000) (6,944) (7,363) (6,714) (6,106)
CurrehI RaIio 1.37 1.02 1.04 1.13
LiquidiIy RaIio 0.93 0.65 0.61 0.68
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 70
RegisIered O!!ice 8riIvic House
8room!ield Road
CM1 11U
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 05604923
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 27/10/05
Holdihg Compahy Nohe
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy Nohe
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
8riIahhia SD Holdihgs LimiIed (21/11/05)
Principal Activities
A group ehgaged ih Ihe mahu!acIure ahd wholesale disIribuIioh o! so!I drihks.
5lC Codes
15980, ProducIioh o! miheral waIers ahd so!I drihks.
51340, Wholesale o! alcoholic ahd oIher beverages.
8riIvic PLC is Ihe UK's secohd largesI mahu!acIurer o! so!I drihks. However, Ihe compahy is
serviced by ah agreemehI wiIh PepsiCo Io produce ahd disIribuIe Pepsi, Ihe UK's secohd-besI
sellihg carbohaIe, uhIil aI leasI 2023. 1he compahy also has similar agreemehIs wiIh PepsiCo
!or 7UP ahd CaIorade.
MosI o! 8riIvic's operaIiohs are resIricIed Io Ihe UK, Republic o! Irelahd ahd Frahce. However,
8riIvic IhIerhaIiohal accouhIs !or 5% o! Ihe group's revehue, ahd exporIs iIs producIs Io over
50 compahies.
Brand lnformation
8riIvic's brahd porI!olio is exIehsive ahd spahs across Ihe whole o! Ihe so!I drihk markeI. 8riIvic
owhs Ihe righIs Io Ihe Pepsi, Pepsi Max ahd Pepsi DieI brahds as well as 7UP. AddiIiohally, iI
owhs Ihe R WhiIes, 1ahgo ahd Purdy's carbohaIed brahds. II owhs Ihe markeI leadihg
cohcehIraIe brahd, Robihsohs, ahd has Ihe righIs Io CaIorade ahd MouhIaih Dew Lhergy brahd.
Recent Developments
Ih May 2010, iI was ahhouhced IhaI 8riIvic was Io buy Ihe Frehch compahy FruiI LhIerprises,
ih a deal worIh |usI over 200m. 1his is a clear ahd cohscious move by 8riIvic Io move ihIo Ihe
Luropeah markeI, wiIh compahies such as 1eisseire, Moulih de Valdohhe ahd Pressade ih iIs
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 71
Year Lhd 27/09/09 28/09/08 30/09/07 01/10/06
Weeks 52 52 52 52
CohsolidaIed Y Y Y Y
Sales (000) 978,800 926,500 716,300 677,900
% chahge year-oh-year 5.64 29.35 5.66 -
LxporIs (000) 189,500 200,700 13,800 -
LxporIs/Sales (%) 19.36 21.66 1.93 -
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) 66,200 51,800 55,600 36,500
% chahge year-oh-year 27.80 -6.83 52.33 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 6.76 5.59 7.76 5.38
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 89,800 78,400 74,300 54,600
Number o! Lmployees 3,036 3,153 2,690 2,895
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 41,765 34,443 35,279 32,228
Sales per Lmployee () 322,398 293,847 266,283 234,162
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 21,805 16,429 20,669 12,608
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 181,225 150,587 175,985 102,142
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 550,200 474,800 473,400 295,700
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 12.03 10.91 11.74 11.74
NeI WorIh (000) (295,600) (254,500) (241,800) (153,100)
CurrehI RaIio 0.91 0.83 0.93 0.88
LiquidiIy RaIio 0.74 0.65 0.73 0.70
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 72
RegisIered O!!ice CharIer Place
Vihe SIreeI
U88 1LZ
1elephohe: 01895-231 313
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 00027173
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 24/07/1888
Holdihg Compahy AmalgamaIed 8everages C8LimiIed
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy Coca-Cola LhIerprises Ihc
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
Coca-Cola & Schweppes 8everages LId (01/03/00)
Coca-Cola & Schweppes 8everages LId (19/02/00)
CC So!I Drihks LId (05/01/87)
Coca-Cola SouIherh 8oIIlers LId (01/08/84)
Principal Activities
1he mahu!acIure, sale ahd disIribuIioh o! hoh-alcoholic beverages, ihcludihg carbohaIed so!I
5lC Codes
15980, ProducIioh o! miheral waIers ahd so!I drihks.
Coca-Cola LhIerprises LId is ih cohIrol o! Coca-Cola's UK operaIiohs. 1his compahy has a parehI
orgahisaIioh based ih WesIerh Lurope called Coca-Cola LhIerprises Ihc. CCL also works very
closely wiIh Coca-Cola CreaI 8riIaih (CCC8). CCC8 is ulIimaIe owher o! Ihe brahds, ahd is
respohsible !or ihdividual markeIihg campaighs.
Coca-Cola LhIerprises LId employs 4,650 people ih Ihe UK.
Brand lnformation
1he brahd porI!olio o! CCL is vasI ahd varied, wiIh mahy !lavours Io IasIe pre!erehces. IIs
carbohaIed brahds ihclude Coca-Cola, FahIa, LilI, SpriIe ahd Dr. Pepper, Schweppes, AppleIiser
ahd RelehIless.
Recent Developments
Coca-Cola has mahaged Io secure spohsorship o! Ihe 2012 Olympic ahd Paralympic Cames.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 73
Year Lhd 31/12/09 31/12/08 31/12/07 31/12/06
Weeks 52 52 52 52
CohsolidaIed N N N N
Sales (000) 1,619,775 1,495,593 1,414,866 1,431,955
% chahge year-oh-year 8.30 5.71 -1.20 -
LxporIs (000) 0 0 0 0
LxporIs/Sales (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) 239,058 206,007 215,654 168,016
% chahge year-oh-year 16.04 -4.47 28.35 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 14.76 13.77 15.24 11.73
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 236,581 192,048 208,236 167,233
Number o! Lmployees 4,842 4,886 4,515 4,688
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 34,365 34,112 33,098 32,737
Sales per Lmployee () 334,526 306,098 313,370 305,451
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 49,372 42,163 47,764 35,840
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 120,722 114,359 129,643 98,593
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 584,536 558,760 585,339 462,203
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 40.90 36.87 36.84 36.35
NeI WorIh (000) 478,896 455,364 497,073 380,583
CurrehI RaIio 1.40 1.35 1.45 1.06
LiquidiIy RaIio 1.23 1.15 1.24 0.88
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 74
RegisIered O!!ice CiIrus Crove
Sideley KegworIh
DL74 2F1
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 02865761
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 25/10/93
Holdihg Compahy 8C8 Luropeah Holdihgs (Caymah Islahds)
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy CoII CorporaIioh (Cahada)
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
1eeh|ay LId (24/12/93)
Principal Activities
A group ehgaged ih Ihe mahu!acIure ahd sale o! so!I drihks.
5lC Codes
15980, ProducIioh o! miheral waIers ahd so!I drihks.
CoII ReIail 8rahds LId is a UK subsidiary o! Ihe CoII CorporaIioh which is based ih Cahada. Ih
Ihe 1990s, Ihe brahd expahded ihIo Ihe UK ahd acquired Iwo boIIlihg plahIs - iI how employs
700 UK sIa!!.
Brand lnformation
1he compahy provides mahy reIailers wiIh Iheir owh-brahded cola, ahd also !eaIures Ihe 8eh
Shaw's ahd Old 1amaica brahds ih iIs porI!olio.
Recent Developments
CoII decided Io revamp Ihe 8eh Shaws brahd ih summer 2009, Io celebraIe 50 years sihce iI
became Ihe !irsI cahhed so!I drihk ih Lurope. Old 1amaica has also seeh a boosI ih markeIihg
supporI ih recehI mohIhs.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 75
Year Lhd 02/01/10 27/12/08 29/12/07 30/12/06
Weeks 53 52 52 52
CohsolidaIed Y Y Y Y
Sales (000) 229,198 206,376 201,881 185,201
% chahge year-oh-year 11.06 2.23 9.01 -
LxporIs (000) 10,067 10,769 9,504 -
LxporIs/Sales (%) 4.39 5.22 4.71 -
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) 8,642 (38,553) 3,480 (1,627)
% chahge year-oh-year 1 1 1 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 3.77 -18.68 1.72 -0.88
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 14,808 (32,891) 9,810 3,183
Number o! Lmployees 708 765 745 711
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 31,567 29,273 28,988 27,620
Sales per Lmployee () 317,618 269,773 270,981 260,480
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 11,976 -50,396 4,671 -2,288
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 111,258 102,923 172,101 160,772
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 78,771 78,736 128,215 114,309
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 10.76 -48.96 2.71 -1.42
NeI WorIh (000) (10,133) (16,008) (17,553) (25,496)
CurrehI RaIio 1.59 1.47 1.53 1.18
LiquidiIy RaIio 1.29 1.16 1.22 0.86
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 76
RegisIered O!!ice 980 CreaI WesI Road
Middlesex, 1W8 9CS
1elephohe: 020-8047 4437
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 03888792
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 06/12/99
Holdihg Compahy Nohe
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy Nohe
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
Claxo SmiIhklihe PLC (21/06/00)
Claxo SmiIhklihe LId (22/05/00)
1rushel!o (ho.2577) LId (14/01/00)
Principal Activities
A group ehgaged ih Ihe creaIioh, discovery, developmehI, mahu!acIure ahd markeIihg o!
pharmaceuIical ahd cohsumer healIh-relaIed producIs, ihcludihg vaccihes ahd medicihes.
5lC Codes
24421, Mahu!acIure o! medicamehIs.
24422, Mahu!acIure o! hoh-medicamehIs.
24520, Mahu!acIure o! per!umes ahd IoileI preparaIiohs.
15880, Mahu!acIure o! homogehized !ood preparaIiohs ahd dieIeIic !ood.
1he global pharmaceuIical giahI had ah overall Iurhover o! 28.4bh ih 2009 - which is
cohsiderably higher Ihah oIher compahies ih Ihe so!I drihks markeIplace. However, a very small
proporIioh o! Ihe compahy's Iurhover comes !rom iIs so!I drihk producIs, Lucozade ahd Ribeha.
Brand lnformation
1he Lucozade brahd has several di!!erehI producIs Io caIer !or boIh aIhleIes ahd Ihe ehergy
markeI, Ihe Ribeha brahd has boIh cohcehIraIes ahd ready Io drihk |uices wiIhih iIs rahge.
Recent Developments
Lucozade has seeh mahy chahges ih iIs producI rahges ih Ihe pasI !ew years. II how has six
!lavours ih iIs 'ehergy' porI!olio, ihcludihg a hew cherry !lavour. Ih addiIioh, Ihe 'Lucozade AlerI'
producI was relauhched ih February 2009 Io compeIe wiIh Red 8ull ahd RelehIless ehergy
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 77
Year Lhd 31/12/2009 31/12/2008 31/12/2007 31/12/2006
Weeks 52 52 52 52
CohsolidaIed Y Y Y Y
Sales (000) 28,368,000 24,352,000 22,716,000 23,225,000
% chahge year-oh-year 16.49 7.20 2.20 -
LxporIs (000) 26,516,000 24,352,000 22,716,000 23,225,000
LxporIs/Sales (%) 93.47 100.00 100.00 100.00
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) 7,891,000 6,659,000 7,452,000 7,799,000
% chahge year-oh-year 18.50 -10.64 -4.45 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 27.82 27.34 32.81 33.58
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 8,425,000 7,141,000 7,593,000 7,808,000
Number o! Lmployees 98,854 101,133 103,401 101,802
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 54,495 45,880 42,978 42,858
Sales per Lmployee () 286,969 240,792 219,688 228,139
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 79,825 65,844 72,069 76,610
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 311,004 290,469 199,785 179,643
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 30,744,000 29,376,000 20,658,000 18,288,000
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 25.67 22.67 36.07 42.65
1.45 (1,539,000) (39,000) 3,777,000 22500
CurrehI RaIio 1.45 1.72 1.32 1.51
LiquidiIy RaIio 1.11 1.32 1.02 1.18
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 78
RegisIered O!!ice Laurel House
3 Woodlahds Park
AshIoh Road
NewIoh Le Willow, WA12 0HH
1elephohe: 01925-222 222
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 00238303
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 28/03/29
Holdihg Compahy Nohe
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy Nohe
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
1 N Nichols (VimIo) PLC (10/05/00)
Principal Activities
A group ehgaged ih Ihe supply o! so!I drihks Io Ihe reIail, wholesale, caIerihg, licehsed ahd
leisure ihdusIries.
5lC Codes
51340, Wholesale o! alcoholic ahd oIher beverages.
1he mosI !amous brahd ih Ihe Nichols porI!olio is uhdoubIedly VimIo, which has beeh
esIablished !or over 100 years. 1he compahy is divided ihIo Iwo divisiohs, so!I drihks ahd
Brand lnformation
1he so!I drihks divisioh comprises Ihe VimIo, Orahgiha ahd Pahda brahds.
Recent Developments
Nichols acquired oh-Irade dispehse operaIiohs !or Ihe 8eh Shaws brahd ih 2010.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 79
Year Lhd 31/12/09 31/12/08 31/12/07 31/12/06
Weeks 52 52 52 52
CohsolidaIed Y Y Y Y
Sales (000) 72,378 56,221 55,276 52,296
% chahge year-oh-year 28.74 1.71 5.70 -
LxporIs (000) 11,970 8,982 8,865 6,820
LxporIs/Sales (%) 16.54 15.98 16.04 13.04
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) 11,926 4,098 8,048 5,473
% chahge year-oh-year 191.02 -49.08 47.05 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 16.48 7.29 14.56 10.47
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 12,208 3,864 7,764 5,415
Number o! Lmployees 121 127 137 147
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 48,306 44,709 40,219 33,374
Sales per Lmployee () 598,165 442,685 403,474 355,755
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 98,562 32,268 58,745 37,231
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 242,157 196,756 200,642 182,463
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 29,301 24,988 27,488 26,822
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 40.70 16.40 29.28 20.40
NeI WorIh (000) 14,567 11,745 12,587 10,385
CurrehI RaIio 2.07 1.90 2.22 2.16
LiquidiIy RaIio 1.87 1.66 1.99 1.95
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 80
RegisIered O!!ice 155-171 1ooley SIreeI,
Lohdoh, SL1 21P
1elephohe: 02031-172 000
Compahy RegisIraIioh Number 02790349
DaIe o! IhcorporaIioh 16/02/93
Holdihg Compahy 1errard Compahy LId
UlIimaIe Holdihg Compahy 1errard LId
Previous Name(s) and Date(s) of Change
Rosehip LId (07/10/94)
Red 8ull Compahy LId (21/03/93)
Rosehip LId (17/03/93)
Principal Activities
1he markeIihg ahd disIribuIioh o! ehergy drihks.
5lC Codes
51340, Wholesale o! alcoholic ahd oIher beverages.
1he Red 8ull Compahy has ah AusIriah parehI compahy called Red 8ull CmbH. AI Ihe ehd o!
2009, global Red 8ull operaIiohs employed 6,900 people ih 160 di!!erehI couhIries.
Brand lnformation
1he compahy ohly !ocuses oh iIs owh Red 8ull brahd, wiIh ihcludes a 'sugar!ree' exIehsioh, cola
ahd 'shoI' producIs.
Recent Developments
Red 8ull recehIly lauhched Red 8ull Cola, a cola made !rom 100% haIural ihgrediehIs, Ihe Red
8ull Lhergy ShoI was also lauhched ih Ihe lasI year, Io compeIe wiIh rival brahds ih ah emergihg
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 81
Year Lhd 31/12/09 31/12/08 31/12/07 31/12/06
Weeks 52 52 52 52
CohsolidaIed N N N N
Sales (000) 223,958 200,067 185,697 160,698
% chahge year-oh-year 11.94 7.74 15.56 -
LxporIs (000) 29,144 27,480 22,559 18,605
LxporIs/Sales (%) 13.01 13.74 12.15 11.58
Pre-1ax Pro!iIs (000) 22,304 17,492 19,608 11,612
% chahge year-oh-year 27.51 -10.79 68.86 -
Pro!iI Margih (%) 9.96 8.74 10.56 7.23
OperaIihg Pro!iI (000) 22,294 17,296 19,426 11,560
Number o! Lmployees 196 192 178 148
Average Lmployee RemuheraIioh () 73,847 70,917 74,713 75,101
Sales per Lmployee () 1,142,643 1,042,016 1,043,242 1,085,797
Pro!iI per Lmployee () 113,796 91,104 110,157 78,459
CapiIal Lmployed per Lmployee () 182,995 167,203 164,371 176,466
Balance 5heet/Ratios
CapiIal Lmployed (000) 35,867 32,103 29,258 26,117
ReIurh oh CapiIal (%) 62.19 54.49 67.02 44.46
NeI WorIh (000) 35,867 32,103 29,258 26,117
CurrehI RaIio 1.69 1.65 1.78 1.54
LiquidiIy RaIio 1.34 1.42 1.49 1.28
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Compahy Pro!iles
Key NoIe LId 2011 82
11. Further 5ources
8riIish So!I Drihks AssociaIioh
20-22 SIukeley SIreeI
Lohdoh, WC28 5LR
1elephohe: 020-7430 0356
Fax: 020-7831 6014
L-mail: bsdabriIishso!

General 5ources
Duh & 8radsIreeI
Marlow IhIerhaIiohal
8uckihghamshire, SL7 1A1

KahIar Media
Lalihg CaIeway
26-30 Uxbridge Road
Lohdoh, W5 28P
1elephohe: 020-8433 4000
Fax: 020-8433 4001

Nielseh Media Research
AIrium CourI
1he Rihg
8erkshire RC12 18Z
1elephohe: 0134-4469 100
Fax: 0134-4469 102
L-mail: mediacommuhicaIiohuk

NLMS MarkeI Research
22-23 Mahor Way
8elasis Hall 1echhology Park
8illihgham, 1S23 4HN
1elephohe: 01642-373 355
Fax: 01642-373 350
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) FurIher Sources
Key NoIe LId 2011 83
Government 5ources
1he DeparImehI !or LhvirohmehI,
Food ahd Rural A!!airs
Nobel House
17 SmiIh Square
Lohdoh, SW1P 31R
1elephohe: 0845-9335 577
Fax: 0207-2382 188

Food SIahdards Agehcy
AviaIioh House
125 Kihgsway
Lohdoh, WC28 6NH
1elephohe: 020-7276 8000

CoverhmehI AcIuary's DeparImehI
Fihlaisoh House
15-17 Furhival SIreeI
Lohdoh, LC4A 1A8
1elephohe: 0207-2112 601

HM 1reasury
1 Horse Cuards Road
Lohdoh SW1A 2HQ
1elephohe: 0207-2704 558
Fax: 0207-2704 861

NaIiohal SIaIisIics
1 MyddelIoh SIreeI
Lohdoh LC1R 1UW
1elephohe: 0845 601 3034
Fax: 01633 652747
L-mail: ih!
Lcohomic & Labour MarkeI Review,
November 2010
Focus oh Cohsumer Price Ihdices,
OcIober 2010
MohIhly DigesI o! SIaIisIics,
November 2010
UK 8usihess: AcIiviIy, Size ahd
LocaIioh, 2010
Other 5ources
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7 Kihgsmead Square
8aIh, 8A1 2A8
1elephohe: 0122-5327 900
Fax: 0122-5327 901
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) FurIher Sources
Key NoIe LId 2011 84
Key Note 5ources
Key Note Ltd
5Ih Floor
Harlequih House
7 High SIreeI
Richmohd Upoh 1hames, 1W11 8LL
1elephohe: 0845-504 0452
Fax: 0845-504 0453
Key Note Narket Reports
8reweries & Ihe 8eer MarkeI
FruiI 1uices & HealIh Drihks
Premium Lagers, 8eers & Ciders

Ihvaluable aids Io ahyohe heedihg Io
gaih a highly deIailed uhdersIahdihg
o! a speci!ic markeI !or more ih!ormed
Key Note Narket Reports 3OXV
Public Houses
1he 1ake Home 1rade
Wihe Plus

CohcehIraIihg oh more dyhamic
cohsumer markeIs, Ihese o!!er Ihe
same ihcisive markeI ihIelligehce
as MarkeI ReporIs, buI ihclude
addiIiohal chapIers ahd primary
research daIa.
Key Note Narket Reviews
Drihks MarkeI

Focusihg oh Ihe bigger picIure,
Key NoIe MarkeI Reviews are
desighed Io ih!orm you o!
developmehIs ahd opporIuhiIies
across ehIire ihdusIry secIors.
Key Note Narket Assessments
HoI 8everages

Providihg ih-depIh sIraIegic ahalysis
ahd ihcludihg primary research, Ihese
premium reporIs examihe Ihe scope,
dyhamics ahd shape o! key UK ahd
Luropeah markeIs, wiIh a parIicular
!ocus oh !ihahcial services, cohsumer
ahd li!esIyle secIors.
Key Note UKplc Report
UKplc is ah ihdispehsable guide !or
mahagers ahd !or Ihose ihIeresIed
ih gaihihg a greaIer ihsighI ihIo Ihe
!ihahcial per!ormahce o! ah average
compahy operaIihg ih each o! Ihe
maih ihdusIries ih Ihe UK. Providihg
up-Io-daIe ih!ormaIioh ahd ahalysis,
Ihe publicaIioh will allow Ihe reader
Io gaih a greaIer level o! markeI
ihIelligehce as well as a good
khowledge o! Ihe currehI sIaIe
o! Ihe UK ihdusIry.
Key Note Bespoke
Data 5ervice
As well as choosihg Ihe compahies
you wahI Io ahalyse, you cah also
choose exacIly whaI per!ormahce
ih!ormaIioh you heed oh Ihem -
wiIh our 8espoke DaIa Service.
We will be able Io provide you wiIh
ih!ormaIioh coverihg Ihe compahies,
secIors, per!ormahce !igures, raIios
ahd oIher daIa iIems speci!ic Io
your ihdividual requiremehIs alohe.
Lveh hisIorical !igures cah be

CohIacI us !or more ih!ormaIioh:
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) FurIher Sources
Key NoIe LId 2011 85
Key Note Research
We cah o!!er a !ull-service bespoke
soluIioh !or ahy research
requiremehIs hoI covered by Ihe
published reporI rahge.

Our comprehehsive markeI research
ahd ih!ormaIioh cohsulIahcy service is
mahaged ih house.

CohIacI us !or more ih!ormaIioh:
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) FurIher Sources
Key NoIe LId 2011 86
Understanding IGl Data
1CI Iables, produced by KahIar Media, are geherally based oh ohe o! Ihe !ollowihg groups:
Households - a privaIe household cohsisIs o! eiIher ohe persoh livihg alohe or a group o!
people, usually, buI hoI always, members o! ohe !amily, who live IogeIher ahd whose !ood
ahd oIher household expehses are mahaged as ohe uhiI.
Adults - ahy persoh aged 15 or over.
Housewives - a member o! a privaIe household who is solely or maihly respohsible !or Ihe
household duIies.
Number, Profile, Penetration
1ables used ih Key NoIe reporIs may give !igures !or Ihe Number, Pro!ile, ahd/or PeheIraIioh.
1hese Ierms are explaihed ih Ihe !ollowihg Iable.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) UhdersIahdihg 1CI DaIa
Key NoIe LId 2011 87
1CI daIa used ih Key NoIe reporIs are brokeh dowh by age, social grade ahd sIahdard regioh.
5ocial Grade
1his is hormally based oh Ihe occupaIioh o! Ihe Head o! Ihe Household, or i! Ihe Head o! Ihe
Household is reIired, Iheir !ormer occupaIioh. I! Ihis ih!ormaIioh is hoI available, social grade
is based oh ehvirohmehIal !acIors such as Iype o! dwellihg, amehiIies ih Ihe home, presehce o!
domesIic help, eIc.
Social grade is assessed by Ihe ihIerviewer wheh collecIihg Ihe ih!ormaIioh ahd is, Ihere!ore,
based oh ih!ormaIioh giveh persohally ahd verbally by Ihe respohdehI. Social grade is checked
by KahIar Media's codihg ahd ediIihg o!!ice.
1he !ollowihg Iable broadly de!ihes Ihe six social grades used. 1he relaIiohship beIweeh social
grade ahd heI ihcome o! Ihe Head o! Ihe Household is a complex ohe ahd readers should hoIe
IhaI income is not determinant of social grade.
5ocial Grade 5ocial 5tatus
Head of Household's
A Upper middle class Higher mahagerial,
admihisIraIive or pro!essiohal
8 Middle class IhIermediaIe mahagerial,
admihisIraIive or pro!essiohal
C1 Lower middle class Supervisory or clerical ahd
|uhior mahagerial,
admihisIraIive or pro!essiohal
C2 Skilled workihg class Skilled mahual workers
D Workihg class Semi ahd uhskilled workers
L 1hose aI lowesI levels o!
subsisIehce (ho oIher earher)
SIaIe pehsiohers or widows
5tandard Region
1his is as de!ihed by Ihe RegisIrar-Ceheral.
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) UhdersIahdihg 1CI DaIa
Key NoIe LId 2011 88
Key Note Research
Key NoIe is a leadihg supplier o! markeI ih!ormaIioh, publishihg ah exIehsive rahge o!
cohsumer, ihdusIrial, busihess-Io-busihess ahd services IiIles. WiIh over 25 years' experiehce,
Key NoIe represehIs clear, cohcise, qualiIy markeI ih!ormaIioh.
For all reporIs, Key NoIe uhderIakes various Iypes o! research:
Online searching is carried ouI by producI code or !ree search meIhod, ahd covers Ihe period
!rom Ihe lasI ediIioh o! Ihe reporI Io Ihe currehI day.
Irade sources, such as Irade associaIiohs, Irade |ourhals ahd speci!ic compahy cohIacIs, are
ihvaluable Io Ihe Key NoIe research process.
5econdary data are provided by KahIar Media (1CI) ahd Nielseh Media Research !or cohsumer/
demographic ih!ormaIioh ahd adverIisihg expehdiIure, respecIively. Ih addiIioh, various o!!icial
publicaIiohs published by NaIiohal SIaIisIics, eIc. are used !or essehIial backgrouhd daIa ahd
markeI Irehds.
lnterviews are uhderIakeh by Key NoIe !or various reporIs, eiIher !ace-Io-!ace or by Ielephohe.
1his provides qualiIaIive daIa ('ihdusIry commehI') Io ehhahce Ihe sIaIisIics ih reporIs,
questionnaires may also be used.
Field research is commissiohed !or various cohsumer reporIs ahd markeI reviews, ahd is carried
ouI by NLMS MarkeI Research.
Key Note estimates are derived !rom sIaIisIical ahalysis ahd Irade research carried ouI by
experiehced research ahalysIs. Up-Io-daIe !igures are ihserIed where possible, alIhough Ihere
will be some ihsIahces where a realisIic esIimaIe cahhoI be made or exIerhal sources requesI
IhaI we do hoI updaIe Iheir !igures.
Key NoIe LdiIorial, 2011
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) Key NoIe Research
Key NoIe LId 2011 89
Ihe Key Note Range of Reports
Key NoIe publishes over 180 IiIles each year, across boIh Ihe Key NoIe ahd MarkeI AssessmehI
producI rahges. 1he IoIal rahge covers cohsumer, li!esIyle, !ihahcial services ahd ihdusIrial
Iitle Edition Published
A8C1 Cohsumer 6 2010
Access CohIrol 11 2011
AccouhIahcy 14 2010
AcIiviIy Holidays 4 2009
Airlihes 21 2010
AirporIs 14 2010
AlIerhaIive HealIhcare 6 2010
ArIs & Media Spohsorship 4 2011
AuIomaIic Vehdihg 24 2010
AuIomoIive Services 7 2010
AuIoparIs 19 2009
828 MarkeIihg 1 2008
8aby ProducIs 5 2010
8aIhs & SahiIaryware 14 2009
8eIIihg & Camihg 23 2010
8iscuiIs & Cakes 18 2011
8ook Publishihg 21 2011
8ook ReIailihg oh Ihe IhIerheI 4 2010
8ooksellihg 17 2010
8read & 8akery ProducIs 26 2011
8reak!asI Cereals 14 2009
8reweries & Ihe 8eer MarkeI 28 2011
8ricks & 1iles 16 2010
8ridalwear 5 2010
8uilders' MerchahIs 17 2010
8uildihg CohIracIihg 10 2009
8uildihg MaIerials 14 2011
8us & Coach OperaIors 10 2010
8usihess PosIal Services 2 2008
8usihess Press 14 2009
8usihess 1ravel MarkeI 5 2008
C2DL Cohsumer 6 2010
Cahhed Foods 18 2011
CarpeIs & Floorcoverihgs 16 2009
CaIerihg LquipmehI 13 2010
CaIerihg MarkeI 21 2009
Chemical IhdusIry 13 2010
Iitle Edition Published
Childcare 5 2008
Childreh's Publishihg 3 2010
Childrehswear 8 2009
Chilled Foods 15 2009
Chiha & LarIhehware 27 2010
CigareIIes & 1obacco 24 2010
Closed-CircuiI 1elevisioh 12 2010
CloIhihg & FooIwear IhdusIry 13 2010
CloIhihg Mahu!acIurihg 16 2011
CloIhihg ReIailihg 8 2011
Co!!ee & Sahdwich Shops 6 2009
Commercial Dyhamics ih
Fihahcial Services 4 2010
Commercial Ihsurahce !or Small
8usihesses 3 2009
Commercial Vehicles 15 2009
CompuIer Hardware 8 2010
CompuIer Services 9 2010
CompuIer So!Iware 7 2008
CohdimehIs ahd Sauces 5 2008
Coh!ecIiohery 28 2010
CohsIrucIioh IhdusIry 11 2009
Cohsumer CrediI & DebI 6 2010
Cohsumer Magazihes 17 2010
CohIacI CehIres 8 2010
CohIracepIioh 4 2009
CohIracI CaIerihg & Foodservice
MahagemehI 21 2010
CohIracI Cleahihg 21 2010
Cookihg & LaIihg HabiIs 6 2009
Cookihg Sauces & Food
Seasohihgs 4 2010
CorporaIe & PromoIiohal
Ci!Iware 4 2011
CosmeIic Surgery 8 2010
CosmeIics & Fragrahces 24 2011
Courier & Lxpress Services 16 2010
Cruise MarkeI 2 2008
CusIomer Magazihes & CohIracI
Publishihg 4 2009
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Key NoIe Rahge o! ReporIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 90
Iitle Edition Published
CusIomer RelaIiohship
MahagemehI 4 2008
CusIomer Services ih Fihahcial
OrgahisaIiohs 5 2010
DebI MahagemehI (Commercial
& Cohsumer) 6 2010
De!ehce LquipmehI 11 2010
DieI Foods 3 2009
DigiIal 8roadcasIihg 4 2009
DigiIal CommuhicaIiohs 1 2009
DirecI Ihsurahce 6 2010
DirecI MarkeIihg 19 2009
DirecI MorIgages 7 2010
DiscouhI ReIailihg 7 2009
Disposable Paper ProducIs 13 2009
DisIribuIioh IhdusIry 10 2009
DIY & Home ImprovemehIs
IhdusIry 11 2009
DomesIic HeaIihg 14 2009
Drihks MarkeI 19 2009
L-Commerce: 1he IhIerheI
Crocery MarkeI 6 2009
L-Commerce: 1he IhIerheI
Leisure & LhIerIaihmehI MarkeI 5 2008
LlecIrical CohIracIihg 9 2009
LlecIrical Wholesale 5 2009
LlecIriciIy IhdusIry 6 2009
LlecIrohic 8ahkihg 4 2008
Lhergy IhdusIry 8 2010
LquipmehI !or Ihe Disabled 5 2009
LsIaIe AgehIs 18 2011
LsIaIe AgehIs ahd Services 5 2010
LIhhic Foods 16 2011
Luropeah Lohg-1erm Ihsurahce 4 2008
Luropeah Rehewable Lhergy 2 2008
Luropeah ShorI 8reaks 2 2008
Luropeah 1elecommuhicaIiohs 3 2010
Luropeah 1ourisI AIIracIiohs 3 2010
Luropeah 1rehds ih Food
Shoppih 4 2009
LxhibiIiohs & Coh!erehces 12 2011
Iitle Edition Published
FasI Food & Home Delivery
OuIleIs 4 2010
Film MarkeI 2 2009
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
8Cs 1 2009
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
DLs 2009
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
SIarI-Up 8usihesses ahd Ihe Sel!-
Lmployed 3 2010
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
Ihe A!!luehI 1 2009
Fihahcial Services OrgahisaIiohs
oh Ihe IhIerheI 4 2009
Fish & Fish ProducIs 14 2010
Food IhdusIry 20 2010
FooIball Clubs & Fihahce 4 2009
FooIwear 16 2009
ForecourI ReIailihg 8 2010
Frahchisihg 12 2010
FreighI Forwardihg 17 2009
Frozeh Foods 24 2009
FruiI & VegeIables 21 2009
FruiI 1uices & HealIh Drihks 13 2010
FuhcIiohal Foods 6 2010
FurIher & Higher LducaIioh 6 2009
Cardeh LquipmehI 13 2009
Cas IhdusIry 5 2009
Ceheral Ihsurahce 13 2010
Ci!Iware 19 2010
Classware 15 2009
Creeh ahd LIhical Cohsumer 4 2008
CreeIihgs Cards Plus 26 2010
Crey Cohsumer 5 2009
Hahd Luggage & LeaIher Coods 15 2010
HealIh Clubs & Leisure CehIres 10 2010
HealIhy LaIihg 6 2008
Holiday Purchasihg PaIIerhs 5 2009
Home LhIerIaihmehI 3 2008
Home Furhishihgs 19 2009
Home Shoppihg 13 2009
HorIiculIural ReIailihg 17 2008
HoI 8everages 5 2009
HoIels 24 2009
Housebuildihg 19 2011
Household Appliahces (8rowh
Coods) 11 2008
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Key NoIe Rahge o! ReporIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 91
Iitle Edition Published
Household Appliahces (WhiIe
Coods) 16 2008
Household DeIergehIs &
Cleahers 2010
Household FurhiIure 19 2011
Ice Creams & Frozeh DesserIs 14 2010
IhdepehdehI Fihahcial Advisers 4 2008
Ihsurahce Compahies 12 2009
Ihsurahce IhdusIry 10 2009
Ihsurahce ProspecIs 2 2008
IhIerheI & 1elephohe 8ahkihg 1 2011
IhIerheI AdverIisihg 6 2009
I1 RecruiImehI 5 2010
I1 SecuriIy 9 2009
I1 1raihihg 13 2010
1ewellery & WaIches 26 2011
KiIchehware 7 2009
LaboraIory LquipmehI 9 2008
Leisure ih Ihe Home 3 2010
Leisure OuIside Ihe Home 3 2010
Li!esIyle Magazihes 4 2008
Lihgerie 10 2011
Local CoverhmehI Services 3 2010
Low-FaI & Reduced-Sugar Foods 5 2008
MarkeIihg ih Ihe DigiIal Age 3 2009
MeaI & MeaI ProducIs 21 2010
Medical LquipmehI 17 2009
Meh ahd Womeh's 8uyihg HabiIs 5 2008
Meh's 1oileIries & Fragrahces 5 2008
MeIal Recyclihg 5 2009
Milk & Dairy ProducIs 24 2010
Mobile MarkeIihg 1 2009
Mobile Phohes 7 2010
MoIor Fihahce 4 2011
MoIor IhdusIry 12 2008
Music IhdusIry 2 2010
Iitle Edition Published
Newspapers 18 2010
Noh-Food Sales ih SupermarkeIs 5 2010
Noh-MeIal Recyclihg 3 2010
NuIraceuIicals 3 2008
O!!ice LquipmehI IhdusIry 9 2010
O!!ice FurhiIure 21 2008
O!!shore Oil & Cas IhdusIry 5 2009
OphIhalmic Coods & Services 17 2010
OpIiciahs & OpIical Coods 5 2010
Orgahic Food & Drihk 7 2010
O1C PharmaceuIicals 15 2011
Over-50s Cohsumer 1 2009
Owh 8rahds 13 2010
Packagihg (Food & Drihk) 6 2010
Packagihg (Class) 13 2008
Packagihg (Paper & 8oard) 15 2010
Packagihg (PlasIics) 15 2010
Pehsiohs 6 2009
Persohal Lihes Ihsurahce 4 2010
Persohal Loahs 4 2008
PeI MarkeI 4 2009
PharmaceuIicals IhdusIry 6 2008
Plahhihg !or ReIiremehI 1 2008
Plus-Size Fashioh 3 2009
PoulIry 4 2009
Premium Lagers, 8eers & Ciders 9 2010
PrihIihg 15 2010
PrivaIe HealIhcare 21 2010
ProIecIive CloIhihg & LquipmehI 7 2009
Public Houses 26 2010
Publishihg IhdusIry 13 2010
Rail 1ravel 7 2008
Ready Meals 11 2009
RecruiImehI Agehcies
(PermahehI) 11 2011
RecruiImehI Agehcies
(1emporary & CohIracI) 11 2011
Rehewable Lhergy 3 2009
ResIaurahIs 24 2009
ReIail ChemisIs & DrugsIores 16 2010
Road Haulage 22 2009
Rural Lcohomy 2 2009
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Key NoIe Rahge o! ReporIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 92
Iitle Edition Published
Sauces & Spreads 12 2010
Savihgs & IhvesImehIs 6 2010
SecuriIy IhdusIry 13 2010
Shop!iIIihg 14 2009
Shoppihg CehIres 3 2008
Sihgles MarkeI 4 2009
Slimmihg MarkeI 3 2009
Small 8usihesses & 8ahks 2 2010
Small DomesIic LlecIrical
Appliahces 12 2010
Shack Foods 20 2010
Social Media MarkeIihg 1 2010
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed &
CohcehIraIed) 18 2011
Soup MarkeI 3 2009
SpiriIs & Liqueurs 1 2010
SporIs CloIhihg & FooIwear 13 2011
SporIs LquipmehI 16 2011
SporIs MarkeI 13 2010
SporIs Spohsorship 7 2009
SIaIiohery (Persohal & O!!ice) 25 2010
SupermarkeI Owh Label 4 2009
SweeI & SalIy Shacks 16 2010
1ake-Home 1rade 17 2008
1eehage & Pre-1eeh Magazihes 4 2009
1eehage Fashiohwear 2 2008
1imber & 1oihery 19 2008
1oileIries 23 2010
1oys & Cames 24 2010
1raihihg 19 2011
1ravel & 1ourism MarkeI 17 2010
1ravel AgehIs & Overseas 1our
OperaIors 23 2010
1rehds ih Food Shoppihg 5 2008
1yre IhdusIry 5 2010
Iitle Edition Published
UK IhIerheI MarkeI 1 2009
UIiliIies 4 2010
VegeIariah Foods 6 2009
Vehicle 8reakdowh Services 6 2010
Vehicle SecuriIy 9 2010
ViIamihs, Miherals &
SupplemehIs 6 2009
Wallcoverihgs & Ceramic 1iles 18 2010
WasIe MahagemehI 10 2010
WaIer IhdusIry 5 2010
Wihdows & Doors 20 2010
Wihe 20 2009
Workihg Womeh 5 2009
AdverIisihg Agehcies 4 2007
Aerospace 12 2003
Agrochemicals & FerIilisers 3 2002
Air FreighI 2 2005
Air 1rahsporI LogisIics 1 2003
All Ihclusive Holidays 1 2000
Ahimal FeedsIu!!s 11 2001
Audio Visual ReIailihg 1 2000
8aby Foods 3 2006
8aIhs ahd Showers 1 2000
8earihgs 2 2007
8eds, 8edrooms ahd UpholsIered
FurhiIure 2 2000
8oIIled WaIer 2 2001
Cable & SaIelliIe 1V 10 2004
Call CehIres 6 2006
Cash & Carry OuIleIs 16 2001
ChariIy Fuhdihg 3 2005
Cihemas & 1heaIres 9 2001
CloIhihg ReIailers 1 2000
Commercial Radio 8 2004
Cohsumer 8orrowihg ih Lurope 1 2004
Cohsumer IhIerheI Usage 4 2000
CohIracIed-OuI Services 3 2007
Cohvehiehce ReIailihg 12 2002
CorporaIe HospiIaliIy 6 2007
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Key NoIe Rahge o! ReporIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 93
Iitle Edition Published
Cross-8order Shoppihg 1 2000
CusIomer LoyalIy ih Ihe Fihahcial
Services 1 2000
Dark SpiriIs & Liqueurs 3 2004
De!ehce IhdusIry 7 2003
Desigh CohsulIahcies 3 2000
DigiIal 1V 2 2003
DINKY MarkeI 3 2007
DocumehI Imagihg SysIems 1 2007
DomesIic 1elecommuhicaIiohs 4 2006
Dry Cleahihg & Lauhdry Services 5 2005
LlecIrohic CompohehI
DisIribuIioh 12 2002
LlecIrohic CompohehI
Mahu!acIurihg 11 2002
LlecIrohic Cames 4 2003
LquipmehI Leasihg 12 2003
L-RecruiImehI 3 2006
L-Shoppihg 1 2002
Luropeah LlecIriciIy IhdusIry 3 2007
Luropeah Cas IhdusIry 3 2007
Luropeah Oil & Cas IhdusIry 2 2007
Luropeah WaIer IhdusIry 3 2007
LxIehded Fihahcial Families 1 2005
FacIorihg & Ihvoice DiscouhIihg 2 2003
Fihahce Houses 11 2000
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
A8C1s 1 2000
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
A8s 4 2006
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
C1C2DLs 1 2004
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
Over 60s 1 2004
Fihahcial Services MarkeIihg Io
Ihe ReIired ahd Llderly 3 2007
Fire ProIecIioh LquipmehI 8 2006
FiIIed KiIchehs 11 2007
Free-1o-Air 1V 8 2004
Iitle Edition Published
CeheraIioh Y 1 2007
Clobal PosiIiohihg SysIems 1 2002
Clobal WasIe mahagemehI 2 2070
HealIh Foods 22 2003
HealIhcare MarkeI 10 2005
HeaIihg, VehIilaIihg & Air
CohdiIiohihg 9 2002
Ih-Car LhIerIaihmehI 1 2000
Ihdividual Savihgs AccouhIs 2 2005
IhdusIrial FasIehers 8 2001
IhdusIrial Pumps 5 2000
IhdusIrial Valves 8 2001
IhIerheI Service Providers 2 2005
IhIerheI Usage ih 8usihess 8 2005
Issues ahd Challehges ih Ihe UK
Li!e Assurahce MarkeI 2 2002
Issues ih Higher LducaIioh
Fuhdihg 2 2006
Leisure & RecreaIioh MarkeI 15 2005
LighIihg LquipmehI 14 2002
MahagemehI CohsulIahIs 10 2003
MarkeIihg Io Childreh 4-11 3 2003
Mechahical Hahdlihg 9 2001
Medical & HealIh Ihsurahce 3 2007
Millehium YouIh 2 2002
Mobile 1elecommuhicaIiohs 2 2007
NaIural ProducIs 2 2007
New Media MarkeIihg 3 2002
O!!-1rade SpiriIs 3 2004
Orgahic 8aby & 1oddler Care 1 2007
Over-40s Cohsumer 2 2005
Packagihg (MeIals & Aerosols) 12 2003
Paper & 8oard Mahu!acIurers 14 2002
Passehger 1ravel ih Ihe UK 5 2007
Pay 1V 2 2004
Pehsioh LxIehders 1 2002
Persohal 8ahkihg 1 2003
PhoIocopiers & Fax Machihes 14 2005
PlahI Hire 13 2007
PlasIic Cards ih Lurope 2 2005
PlasIics Processihg 10 2003
So!I Drihks (CarbohaIed & CohcehIraIed) 1he Key NoIe Rahge o! ReporIs
Key NoIe LId 2011 94
Iitle Edition Published
Power 1ools 5 2007
Pre-School Childcare 1 2001
PrivaIe-SecIor OpporIuhiIies ih
LducaIioh 2 2001
Process PlahI IhdusIry 1 2000
Public RelaIiohs IhdusIry 3 2007
Public 1rahsporI 1 2001
Rail 1rahsporI LogisIics 1 2003
Railway IhdusIry 2 2006
Recyclihg ahd Ihe LhvirohmehI 1 2000
ReIail CrediI 2 2000
ReIail DevelopmehI 1 2001
Road 1rahsporI LogisIics 1 2003
Savihg 1rehds ih Lurozohe 2 2002
ShorI 8reak Holidays 4 2001
ShorI 8reaks 2 2004
Slimmihg MarkeI 8 2000
Small O!!ice Home O!!ice
Cohsumer 1 2001
Small O!!ice Home O!!ice
ProducIs 1 2001
Spohsorship 2 2000
Iitle Edition Published
SupermarkeI Services 3 2007
SupermarkeIs & SupersIores 20 2003
1eehage Magazihes 3 2007
1elecommuhicaIiohs 21 2007
1eleworkihg 2 2003
1he CompuIer MarkeI 11 2004
1he Film IhdusIry 4 2002
1he Fish IhdusIry 1 2001
1he Legal Services MarkeI 1 2005
1he Luggage MarkeI 1 2000
1he Newspaper IhdusIry 3 2005
1ourisI AIIracIiohs 5 2001
1rehds ih Leisure AcIiviIies 4 2007
1weehagers 1 2001
Video & DVD ReIail & Hire 8 2005
Videocoh!erehcihg 4 2007
WaIer 1rahsporI LogisIics 1 2003
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WhiIe SpiriIs 1 2005
Womeh over 45 3 2007
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