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Portfolio Welcome Message Rubric

Skill Area
Meaning: the extent to which the letter addresses the required components

Level 4 Response
*reveal an accurate and indepth understanding of the writing task and topic *make insightful interpretations, observations, and/or analyses of key ideas and concepts *develop ideas clearly and fully, effectively integrating a wide range of specific, significant events, experiences, and/or assignments *convincingly establish and effectively maintain a clear and appropriate focus *exhibit logical and coherent structure through skillful use of appropriate devices and transitions *are stylistically sophisticated, using language that is precise and engaging, with a notable sense of voice and awareness of audience and purpose *vary structure and length of sentences to enhance meaning

Level 3 Response
*convey an accurate understanding of the writing task and topic *make clear and explicit interpretations, observations, and/or analyses of key ideas and concepts *develop ideas clearly and consistently, using specific, significant events, experiences, and/or assignments

Level 2 Response
*convey a mostly accurate understanding of the writing task and topic *make partially explained interpretations, observations, and/or analyses of key ideas and concepts *develop ideas briefly or partially, using some significant events, experiences, and/or assignments

Level 1 Response
*convey a confused or inaccurate understanding of the writing task and topic *make unclear or unjustified interpretations, observations, and/or analyses of key ideas and concepts * ideas are incomplete or undeveloped, and details and/or evidence are vague, irrelevant, repetitive, or unjustified

Development: the extent to which ideas are elaborated using specific, significant events, experiences, and/ or assignments Organization: the extent to which the letter exhibits a thoughtful, logical, and coherent structure

*establish and maintain a clear and appropriate focus *exhibit a logical sequence of ideas through some use of appropriate devices and transitions *use language that is fluent and appropriate, with awareness of audience and purpose *vary structure and length of sentences to control rhythm and pacing

Language: the extent to which the letter reveals an awareness of audience and purpose through use of words, sentence structure, and sentence variety.

*establish, but fail to maintain, an appropriate focus *exhibit a basic structure but include some inconsistencies or irrelevancies *lack appropriate transitions and devices *rely on basic vocabulary, with little awareness of audience and/or purpose *exhibit some attempt to vary sentence structure or length for effect, but with uneven success

*lack an appropriate focus, but suggest some organization, or suggest a focus but lack organization

*use language that is imprecise or unsuitable for the audience and/or purpose *reveal minimal awareness of how to use sentences to achieve an effect

Conventions: the extent to which the writing exhibits conventional spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, capitalization, grammar, usage, and business letter format.

*demonstrate control of the conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language

*demonstrate control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors

*demonstrate emerging control, exhibiting frequent errors that may or may not hinder comprehension

*demonstrate lack of control, exhibiting frequent errors that make comprehension difficult

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