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Your Endowment Funds At Work

The Endowment Fund Management Committee of First Christian Church (EFMC) was placed in operation at the beginning of 1999. Initial funds were transferred into the First Christian Church, Stillwater, Oklahoma Managed Endowment Trust in October of that year and additional funds have been added since then. The market value of the fund has grown over time from $238,962.07 as of 12/31/99 to $734, 660.13 as of 6/30/11. The annual distributions of net income (basically dividends and interest minus management fees) for the 2010 calendar year were made available to the Board of Trustees recently. The EFMC determined that $13,723.42 were available for distribution with fixed amounts being allotted to the three fund classifications of project, restricted, and unrestricted funds according to individual fund account compositional values. (Definitions for the three fund classifications are provided below.) These annual distributions provide monies that can be used to further the work of the church by supporting such things as seminarian study, family counseling, childrens ministries, mission trips, youth scholarships, world outreach, stewardship, church renovation and debt reduction. Please keep the FCC managed endowment trust in mind as you make plans for your future financial gifts and asset allocations. Project Funds: The gift and any interest or dividends accrued are to be spent in the future on a project specified by the donor. Restricted Funds: Gifts are assets with directions on how the income should be distributed. Unrestricted Funds: Gifts are assets given with no directions on how the income should be distributed other than the distribution percentages set by the Official Boards Endowment Fund Management Policy Statement. The current EFMC committee is composed of: Ray Smith, Chairman, Phil Hansen, Kathy Hornberger, Tim Ireland, Troy Levings

Time to Order the Coffee!

We participate in the Equal Exchange program that helps indigenous small farmers receive a fair price for their coffee, tea, and chocolate products. FCC members have ordered the products for the last few years and may re -order at any time through the Equal Exchange website, However, if we place our order as a group with a minimum purchase, there is no charge for the shipping and handling. Orders will be taken at FCC until Nov. 21st. These would make excellent gifts for friends and family this holiday season, and they will be here in time for gift exchanges in December. Product descriptions and order forms are available in the church office. Questions? Call Jack Stout at 372-6966. FCC Thanksgiving Dinner, November 20th Come join us as we celebrate with thanksgiving all that God has done for us. Celebrate the holiday with your church friends and family on Sunday, November 20th. To accommodate our members who do not drive at night, we will begin serving at 11:30 for those who attend first service. We will continue serving until 1:00 for those who attend second service. The turkey is provided, and you are invited to bring a dish to share. In order to have a variety of foods, please bring a dish according to the first letter of your last name: A - G: desserts, H - L: breads, rolls, M - R: potato, rice, or noodle dish, S - Z: fruit or vegetable salads You are also invited to help decorate the Sanctuary for Advent. Decorating will begin at 1:30pm.

CWF News
Church Women United of Stillwater will be observing World Community Day this Friday, Nov. 11, 2011. The event will be held at the First United Methodist Church at 1:30 p.m. The theme is Living Our Faith...Unlocking Action. The speaker will be Quinn Schipper, Executive Director of Stillwater Cares. Our CWF had Mr. Schipper as our guest in September and were inspired by his presentation. This event is open to the public and you are encouraged to attend. A Big Thanks to all who contributed to our Church World Service Blanket Sundays. At this date we have collected $1,245.00 in sales. Your generous support of this project assures that Gods love, in the form of blankets, will bring warmth and shelter to many families around the world. Thanks again for your support of these gifts. Elizabeth Rogers and Shirley Brownlee, FCCs representatives to Church Women United of Stillwater.

Nov. 27. Growing The Voice of the Prophets 7:00pm Hanging of the Greens, followed by Tasting Party Dec. 4. Worshipping The Shepherds Dec. 11. Giving The Magi Dec. 18 Welcoming Mary and Joseph Dec. 24 Christmas Eve 7:00pm Candlelight Service Dec 25 Christmas Day 9:00 Sunday School & Caf Bistro 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Birthday Party for Jesus in Caf Bistro

2011 Advent Schedule

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