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The so called civilized human being of the modern age is not so civilized when it comes to moral issues; and he has indeed surpassed the most brute of his predecessors in his treatment of fellow humans. A sense of supremacy, lust for power and crass materialism seems to have devoured the spirit of men, leaving behind husks that perceive nothing but wealth and lust and are prepared to go to any length in pursuit of these illusory means of pleasure and success. Such a condition, no doubt, owes its existence to the severing of relationship between man and his Creator. Mans prime need and ultimate goal was to seek the love of God and reunite with Him. The void left by Divine Love was bound to be filled with sensual pursuits and a mirage of happiness. It is imperative that we retrace our steps and find our way back to God. To help us tread this path of spirituality, we are in need of men of God, the likes of Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273). It is my pleasure to briefly introduce Mawlana Rumi here, and dedicate an article to him in this issue. The message of Rumi, projecting the qualities of love, peace and tolerance, indeed has as much to offer to our modern society today as it had to his contemporaries. Rumis intense love and burning desire for the Divine came to him from his spiritual master Shams Tabrezi, initially a total stranger to Rumi, and who had begged God to take him to a soul worthy of receiving this priceless treasure of Love. The subsequent companionship between the two took Rumi to new heights in spirituality. It was not long before the master disappeared from Rumis life, leaving him wandering in the bewilderment. This may have

been a blessing in disguise, as it was this incident that was to introduce Rumi to another realm of experience, for all his inspired works, poetic and otherwise, were to be compiled now. For those fortunate to have read the works of Rumi, would know of the abounding treasures that lie within, and for those who have not, we can only suggest they do. As surprisingly as it may seem, this thirteenth century poet is currently one of the most popular and best-selling poets in the United States. The Christian Science Monitor had reported in 1997 that Rumi was the top-selling poet in the country, and since, his popularity has just expanded. Moreover, in celebration of the 800th anniversary of his legacy, UNESCO has named 2007 the International Year of Rumi. It is impossible to do any justice to the grand personality of Rumi in such a brief article; hence I conclude with some touching words of Rumi and leave the readers to fathom for themselves the oceans of love where Rumi resides. Give as though no one is watching, Love as though youve never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Work as though you dont need the money, Live as though heaven is on earth. Gamble everything for [Divine] love if youre a true human being. If not, leave this gathering [of Lovers]. Half-heartedness does not reach into Majesty. You set out to find God, but then you keep stopping for long periods at mean-spirited roadhouses. The truth about life is too subtle for the intellect of a philosopher or the one of a scientist to catch; only the pure heart of a poet full of love can understand it as it is.

Editorial..... Page 3 - Reason & Revelation..... Page 4 - Why I shed My Bikini for Niqab.... Page 6 - The Expanding Universe..... Page 8 Profound Compassion.... Page 9 Alcohol & Alcoholism.....Page 10 - Mawlana Jalal al Din Rumi.... Page 13 Children & Computer Games.... Page 18 - The Reed Flute.... Page 20



By Khalid Baig

American economist Robert Samuelson recently made an interesting observation about the American society in his Newsweek column: Americas glories and evils are tightly fused together. Quoting sociologist Seymour Lipset, he asserts that Americas economic vitality and progress come from the same source as do crime, family breakdown, inequality, and vulgarity. Freedom and individualism have fired economic advance, yet have also inhibited social control. But why the qualities that bring the best in a nation also should bring the worst in it? Is humanity doomed by having its vices and virtues so intricately mixed? Samuelson does not probe the issue. Instead he seems to be happily resigned to it. We are burdened as well as blessed by our beliefs, he says. Economics, we may be reminded, is the dismal science. Actually the world is not doomed by design. Samuelson comes very close to the truth but he confuses approaches or tools with attributes. A tool that works great in one area is

also being used in another for which it was never designed. The problem lies with the user who keeps on insisting on its use in the second area citing its success in the first. To put matters simply, its the free use of reason and intellect that is behind most of Americas (and Wests in general) phenomenal scientific and material progress. Its the use of the same tool in moral, and religious life that has caused its equally phenomenal moral degeneration! Every tool has a designated area of application. Outside, it will fail to work. A 4 bit computer is good for some elementary math involving whole numbers. It may multiply 2 by 20 and give the correct answer instantly. But burdened with complex calculations involving several decimal digits, it will give the WRONG answers. A weighing scale meant for gold will not work for iron and vice versa. Their resolution and capacity are inappropriate for those applications. Same with the tools we use for learning about the world. Our senses and intellect are wonderful things.

Science and technology are all about their use. Certainly it was free inquiry driven by reason that led to so many of the discoveries of science. It happened at an accelerated pace during the past four centuries and the results are everywhere around us to be seen. But a tool that is so great in one area may be totally useless, even dangerous, in another. Pure reason, uninformed by Divine Guidance, is a defective tool for deciding purpose of life or suggesting its values. What is Right and what is Wrong? These questions require knowledge beyond what we can acquire by using our senses and reasoned analysis. As a direct result, everyones reasoning is different. That is why philosophers have never been able to agree upon what should be the goal of life. Happiness? Survival? Pleasure? Love? Self-fulfillment? You name it. In addition, it is impossible for us to separate our reasoning in these matters from our feelings. Pure or uninformed reason becomes just a tool to justify what we desire. Today the Wests problem is that it has accepted the


wrong tool for developing its moral compass. Probably the majority of its people abhor many forms of immorality that are polluting their society. They may believe that they are an abomination and evil. Yet today such indecencies are getting legal sanction, and they are helpless in trying to stop its advances. Why? Because they cannot argue that it is wrong based on pure reason. It is easier to make a case against smoking in public places, than against the worst forms of immorality. Such is the result when pure reason becomes the accepted arbiter of right and wrong. There is nothing modern about this either. Several centuries ago, Obaidullah Hasan Qirwani, a leader of the renegade batani cult declared it foolish for a brother to marry his beautiful sister to a total stranger, while trying to be content with a less qualified wife -another stranger. She would be much more suited to be wife of her own brother, with whom she may be a lot more compatible, he argued. His argument is, no doubt, sickening. But is there a counter argument based on pure reason? Certainly mankind needs a superior tool for determining the values and purpose

of life. A source of guidance that is based on certain knowledge, not conjecture. One that can inform our desires rather than being subservient to them. This is what all of Gods Prophets, peace be upon them all, came with. They claimed to have access to the higher source of knowledge, the Divine Revelation. Those who accepted them used reason and observation to verify their authenticity and character. But they accepted Divine Revelation as a SUPERIOR source of knowledge! That is why a son can tell his father: O my father! To me has come knowledge that had not reached you. So follow me. I will guide you to a Way that is even and straight. (Quran, 19:43). All this is obvious, except in implications. We accept this is Right and that is Wrong because the Revelation told us. What is wrong with usury? Gambling? Pork? Alcohol? Revelation told us that they were wrong. Why is hijab necessary? Because God Almighty instructed it. What are the rights of men and women? Those given to them by God and His Messengers. The attribute of the true believers is that they

listened and followed (Quran, 2:285). It is not that they listened and questioned, and argued, and investigated and then if they felt like it, they followed. [Of course, they verified the authenticity of the Messenger first]. That is also the message of Prophet Ibrahims sacrifice, a defining event of history. For the Quran describes the moment when the father and son were ready for the ultimate sacrifice by saying: When they surrendered (37:103). For pure reason could have raised a million questions about the command for that sacrifice. Normally it is difficult for us to say I dont know. It is even more difficult for nations to admit a weakness in their celebrated tools of inquiry. That is the dilemma of the modern world, which sees so much wrong with itself but cannot bring itself to admitting the problem with its basic approach. But a true believer is the person who has both the wisdom and the courage to surrender before the higher source of knowledge and guidance. For him Revelation informs his reason and his reason controls his emotions. Such is the person who is blessed, but not burdened, by his belief.


Why I Shed My Bikini for Niqab

The New Symbol of Womens Liberation
By Sara Bokker I am an American woman who was born in the midst of Americas Heartland. I grew up, just like any other girl, being fixated with the glamour of life in the big city. Eventually, I moved to Florida and on to South Beach of Miami, a hotspot for those seeking the glamorous life. Naturally, I did what most average Western girls do. I focused on my appearance and appeal, basing my self-worth on how much attention I got from others. I worked out religiously and became a personal trainer, acquired an upscale waterfront residence, became a regular exhibiting beach-goer and was able to attain a livingin-style kind of life. Years went by, only to realize that my scale of self-fulfillment and happiness slid down the more I progressed in my feminine appeal. I was a slave to fashion. I was a hostage to my looks. As the gap continued to progressively widen between my self-fulfillment and lifestyle, I sought refuge in escapes from alcohol and parties to meditation, activism, and alternative religions, only to have the little gap widen to what seemed like a valley. I eventually realized that it was all merely a pain killer rather than an effective remedy. By now it was September 11, 2001. As I witnessed the ensuing barrage on Islam, Islamic values and culture, and the infamous declaration of the new crusade, I started to notice something called Islam. Up until that point, all I had associated with Islam was women covered in tents, wife beaters, harems, and a world of terrorism. As a feminist libertarian, and an activist who was pursuing a better world for all, my path crossed with that of another activist who was already at the lead of indiscriminately furthering causes of reform and justice for all. I joined in the ongoing campaigns of my new mentor which included, at the time, election reform and civil rights, among others. Now my new activism was fundamentally different. Instead of selectively advocating justice only to some, I learned that ideals such as justice, freedom, and respect are meant to be and are essentially universal, and that own good and common good are not in conflict. For the first time, I knew what all people are created equal really meant. But most importantly, I learned that it only takes faith to see the world as one and to see the unity in creation. One day I came across a book that is negatively stereotyped in the West - The Holy Quran. I was first attracted by the style and approach of the Quran, and then intrigued by its outlook on existence, life, creation, and the relationship between Creator and creation. I found the Quran to be a very insightful address to heart and soul without the need for an interpreter or pastor. Eventually I hit a moment of truth: my new-found self-fulfilling activism was nothing more than merely embracing a faith called Islam where I could live in peace as a functional Muslim. I bought a beautiful long gown and head cover resembling the Muslim womans dress code and I walked down the same streets and neighbourhoods where only days earlier I had walked in my shorts, bikini, or elegant Western business attire. Although the people, the faces, and the shops were all the same, one thing was remarkably distinct - I was not - nor was the peace at being a woman I experienced for the very first time. I felt as if the chains had been broken and I was finally free. I was delighted with the new looks of wonder on peoples faces in place of the looks of a hunter watching his prey I had once sought. Suddenly a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I no longer spent all my time consumed with shopping, makeup, getting my hair done, and working out. Finally, I was free. Of all places, I found my Islam at the heart of what some call the most scandalous place on earth, which makes


it all the more dear and special. While content with Hijab I became curious about Niqab, seeing an increasing number of Muslim women in it. I asked my Muslim husband, whom I married after I converted to Islam, whether I should wear Niqab or just settle for the Hijab I was already wearing. My husband simply advised me that he believes Hijab is mandatory in Islam while Niqab is not. At the time, my Hijab consisted of head scarf that covered all my hair except for my face, and a loose long black gown called Abaya that covered all my body from neck to toe. A year-and-a-half passed, and I told my husband I wanted to wear Niqab. My reason, this time, was that I felt it would be more pleasing to Allah, the Creator, increasing my feeling of peace at being more modest. He supported my decision and took me to buy an Isdaal, a loose black gown that covers from head to toe, and Niqab, which covers all my head and face except for my eyes. Soon enough, news started breaking about politicians, Vatican clergymen, libertarians, and so-called human rights and freedom activists condemning Hijab at times, and Niqab at others as being oppressive to women, an obstacle to social integration, and more recently, as an Egyptian official called it - a sign of backwardness. I find it to be a blatant hypocrisy when Western governments and so-called human

rights groups rush to defend womens rights when some governments impose a certain dress code on women, yet such freedom fighters look the other way when women are being deprived of their rights, work, and education just because they choose to exercise their right to wear Niqab or Hijab. Today, women in Hijab or Niqab are being increasingly barred from work and education not only under totalitarian regimes such as in Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt, but also in Western democracies such as France, Holland, and Britain. Today I am still a feminist, but a Muslim feminist, who calls on Muslim women to assume their responsibilities in providing all the support they can for their husbands to be good Muslims. To raise their children as upright Muslims so they may be beacons of light for all humanity once again. To enjoin good - any good - and to forbid evil - any evil. To speak righteousness and to speak up against all ills. To fight for our right to wear Niqab or Hijab [whichever we chose] and to please our Creator. But just as importantly to carry our experience with Niqab or Hijab to fellow women who may never have had the chance to understand what wearing Niqab or Hijab means to us and why do we, so dearly, embrace it. Most of the women I know wearing Niqab are Western converts, some of whom are not even married. Others wear Niqab without full support of either family or surroundings.

What we all have in common is that it is the personal choice of each and every one of us, which none of us is willing to surrender. Willingly or unwillingly, women are bombarded with styles of dressing-in-littleto-nothing virtually in every means of communication everywhere in the world. As an ex non-Muslim, I insist on womens right to equally know about Hijab, its virtues, and the peace and happiness it brings to a womans life as it did to mine. Yesterday, the bikini was the symbol of my liberty, when in actuality it only liberated me from my spirituality and true value as a respectable human being. I couldnt be happier to shed my bikini in South Beach and the glamorous Western lifestyle to live in peace with my Creator and enjoy living among fellow humans as a worthy person. It is why I choose to wear Niqab, and why I will die defending my inalienable right to wear it. Today, Niqab is the new symbol of womans liberation. To women who surrender to the ugly stereotype against the Islamic modesty of Hijab, I say: You dont know what you are missing. Sara Bokker is a former actress/model/fitness instructor and activist. Currently, Sara is Director of Communications at The March For Justice, a co-founder of The Global Sisters Network, and producer of the widely known Shock & Awe Gallery.


The Expanding Universe

Harun Yahya

In 1929, in the California Mount Wilson observatory, an American astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. While he observed the stars with a giant telescope, he found out that the light from them was shifted to the red end of the spectrum and that this shift was more pronounced the further a star was from the earth. This discovery had an electrifying effect in the world of science, because according to the recognised rules of physics, the spectra of light beams travelling towards the point of observation tend towards violet while the spectra of the light beams moving away from the point of observation tend towards red. During Hubbles observations, the light from stars was discovered to tend towards red. This meant that they were constantly moving away from us. Before long, Hubble made another very important discovery: Stars and galaxies moved away not only from us, but also from one another. The only conclusion that could be derived from a universe where everything moves away from everything else is that the

universe constantly expands. To better understand, the universe can be thought of as the surface of a balloon being blown up. Just as the points on the surface of a balloon move apart from each other as the balloon is inflated, so do the objects in space move apart from each other as the universe keeps expanding. In fact, this had been theoretically discovered even earlier. Albert Einstein, who is considered the greatest scientist of the century, had concluded after the calculations he made in theoretical physics that the universe could not be static. However, he had laid his discovery to rest simply not to conflict with the widely recognised static universe model of his time. Later on, Einstein was to identify his act as the greatest mistake of his career. Subsequently, it became definite by Hubbles observations that the universe expands. What importance, then, did the fact that the universe expands have on the existence of the universe? The expansion of the universe implied that if it could travel backwards in time, the universe would prove to have originated from a

single point. The calculations showed that this single point that harboured all the matter of the universe should have zero volume and infinite density. The universe had come about from this single point with zero volume. A great explosion was assumed that marked the beginning of the universe, and the theory came to be known as the Big Bang theory. It has to be stated that zero volume is a theoretical expression used for descriptive purposes. Science can define the concept of nothingness, which is beyond the limits of human comprehension, only by expressing it as a point with zero volume. In truth, a point with no volume means nothingness. The universe has come into being from nothingness. In other words, it was created. The theory showed that in the beginning all the objects in the universe were of one piece and then were parted. This fact, discovered by scientists just recently, was stated in the Quran 14 centuries ago, when people had a very limited knowledge about the universe:
Continued on Page 12 ...


Profound Compassion
By Cetin, M. To consider the good, the welfare and happiness of others and to prefer them above ones own, to feel compassion for their misfortunes as if they were ones own, to take on the responsibility for the problems of all mankind and to pray continually for their salvation - these are virtues of the Prophets. Yet some people, while not Prophets, do attain the highest ranks in the estimation of Allah because of the depth of the grief they feel at the loss which others have inflicted on themselves. Bayezid Bestami gives an account from his experience: In my time there were thousands of saints. They prayed intently, and trained and disciplined themselves in the way of Allah, living an austere routine; some had even been workers of miracles. But the leading saint of the age was a blacksmith. There seemed to be nothing extraordinary about him. He had been doing nothing but shaping metal, hammering at his anvil to make his living. I asked myself how such a person could be a qutub, the leading saint, of the age. Out of curiosity, I went and visited him in his shop. When he saw me he became extremely happy, held my hands, kissed them repeatedly, and begged me for a special prayer for himself. Since he did not enter that realm where miracles are possible or experience anything of it, he was unaware of how great a saint he was. When I earnestly asked him to pray for me, he replied: I cannot be relieved from my own worries and troubles by praying for you. When I asked for an explanation, he said, I wonder at and am troubled about how the people will manage when they are to give account of their lives before Allah on the Day of Judgement; I am deeply concerned and sorrowful for those who will not easily be able to do so. Other than this, I have no worries or troubles. Even as he said this he burst into tears. His demeanour and sincerity caused my own tears to flow too. And I heard a voice within my self, proclaiming, This man is not of those who say my self, my self but of those who say my people, my people,. And then I understood why he was so great and why he was the leading saint of the age. He seemed to me to be directly on the path of the Prophets. But the people, the account they give of themselves, and their chastisement, these are not your burden. I said. He answered: The most inward part of my being, the very nature of my self, was kneaded by compassion. I can only be happy and free from the burden of worries and troubles if all people are forgiven by the Almighty. I sat and conversed for hours with the blacksmith in his shop. He knew only enough verses of the the Quran to perform the obligatory prayers. However, I realized while in his presence that I received such Divine Blessings and attained such a station as I had been unable to acquire for years. I also realized that being a qutub was not a matter of only prayers, knowledge and asceticism, but also a matter of such profound understanding, and depth of feeling and dependence upon the blessings of Allah. How fortunate are those who show concern for, sensitivity to, and understanding of, the sufferings of all mankind. And how blessed are those who suffer on account of others sufferings. How lucky too are those who try to be with such people and share in their feeling.


Alcohol and Alcoholism

By Dr. Zakir Naik Alcohol has been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to cost countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions throughout the world. Alcohol is the root cause of several problems facing society. The statistics of soaring crime rates, increasing instances of mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world bear mute testimony to the destructive power of alcohol. 1. Prohibition of alcohol in the Quran: The Glorious Quran prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verse: O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of Satans handiwork; eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. [Quran, 5:90] 2. Prohibition of alcohol in the Bible: The Bible prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verses: a. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. [Proverbs, 20:1] b. And be not drunk with wine. [Ephesians, 5:18] 3. Alcohol inhibits the inhibitory centre: The human beings possess an inhibitory centre in their brains. This inhibitory centre prevents the person from doing things that he considers wrong. For instance a person does not normally use abusive language while addressing his parents or elders. If he has to answer the call of nature, his inhibitory centre will prevent him from doing so in public. Therefore he uses the toilet. When a person consumes alcohol, the inhibitory centre itself is inhibited. That is precisely the reason that an inebriated person is often found to be indulging in behaviour that is completely uncharacteristic of him. For instance the intoxicated person is found to use abusive and foul language and does not realize his mistake even if he is addressing his parents. Many even urinate in their clothes. Their manner of talking and walking is also affected, not to speak of numerous other embarrasing acts. 4. Cases of adultery, rape, incest and AIDS are found more among alcoholics: According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice (U.S. Department of Justice) in the year 1996 alone everyday on an average 2,713 rapes took place. The statistics tell us that the majority of the rapists were intoxicated while committing the crime. The same is true in cases of molestation. According to statistics, 8% of Americans commit incest, i.e. one in every twelve to thirteen persons in America is involved in incest. Almost all the cases of incest are due to intoxication of one or both the persons involved. One of the major factors associated with the spread of AIDS, the most dreaded disease, is alcoholism. 5. Every alcoholic was initially a social drinker: Many may argue in favour of liquor by calling themselves social drinkers. They claim that they only have one or two pegs and they have self-control and so never get intoxicated. Investigations reveal that every alcoholic started as a social drinker. Not a single alcoholic or drunkard initially starts drinking with the intention of becoming an alcoholic or a drunkard. Very few social drinkers can say that despite taking alcohol for several years, due to my self control, I have never been intoxicated even a single time. 6. One embarrasing act can mar the entire life:



If a person is intoxicated just once and commits something shameful, it will remain with him for a lifetime. Suppose a social drinker loses his self-control just once. In a state of intoxication he commits rape or incest. Even if the act is later regretted, a normal human being is likely to carry the guilt throughout his life. Both the perpetrator and the victim are irreparably and irreversibly damaged. 7. Alcohol prohibited in the Hadith: The final Prophet of God, Muhammad (pbuh) said: a. Alcohol is the mother of all evils and it is the most shameful of evils. [Sunan Ibn-Majah, Hadith No.3371] b. Anything which intoxicates in a large quantity is prohibited even in a small quantity. [Sunan Ibn-Majah, Hadith No.3392] Thus there is no excuse for a nip or a tot. c. Every association with alcohol has been cursed. It was reported by Anas, that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: Gods curse falls on ten groups of people who deal with alcohol. The one who distills it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one to whom it

has been brought, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else. [Sunan Ibn-Majah Hadith, No.3380] 8. Diseases associated with alcoholism: There are several scientific reasons for the prohibition of consumption alcohol. The maximum number of deaths in the world related to any one particular cause is due to the consumption of alcohol. Millions of people die every year only because of the intake of alcohol. I need not go into the details of all the ill-effects of alcohol since most of them are commonly known. Below is a simple list of some of the alcohol related illnesses: 1. Cirrhosis of Liver is the most well known alcohol associated disease. 2. Others are Cancer of Oesophagus, Cancer of Head and Neck, Cancer of Liver (Hepatoma), Cancer of Bowel, etc. 3. Oesophagitis, Gastritis, Pancreatitis and Hepatitis are linked with alcohol consumption. 4. Cardiomyopathy, Hypertension, Coronary Arthrosclerosis, Angina and Heart Attacks are linked with heavy alcohol intakes. 5. Strokes, Apoplexy, Fits and different types of Paralysis are linked with alcohol intake. 6. Peripheral Neuropathy,

Cortical Atrophy, Cerebellar Atrophy are well-known syndromes caused by alcohol consumption. 7. Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome with amnesia of recent events, confabulations and retainment of memory to old events with different types of paralysis are mainly due to thiamine deficiency due to excessive alcohol intake. 8. Beriberi and other deficiencies are not uncommon among alcoholics. Even Pellagra occurs in alcoholics. 9. Delirium Tremens is a serious complication that may occur during recurrent infection of alcoholics or post operatively. It also occurs during abstention as a sign of withdrawal effect. It is quite serious and may cause death even if treated in well equipped centres. 10. Numerous Endocrine Disorders have been associated with alcoholism ranging from Myxoedema to Hyperthyroidism and Florid Cushing Syndrome. 11. Hematological ill effects are long and variable. Folic acid deficiency, however, is the most common manifestation of alcoholic abuse resulting in Macrocytic Anemia. Zieves syndrome is a triad of Hemolytic Anemia, Jaundice and Hyperlipidemia that follows alcoholic binges. 12. Thrombocytopenia and other platelet abnormalities are not rare in alcoholics. 13. The commonly used tablet metronidazole (flagyl) in-



teracts badly with alcohol. 14. Recurrent infection is very common among chronic alcoholics. The resistance to disease and the immunological defense system are compromised by alcohol intake. 15. Chest infections are notorious in alcoholics. Pneumonia, Lung Abscess, Emphysema and Pulmonary Tuberculosis are all common in alcoholics. 16. During acute alcoholic intoxication, the drunk person usually vomits, the cough reflexes which are protective are paralyzed. The vomit can thus easily pass to the lung causing Pneumonia or Lung Abscess. Occasionally, it may even cause suffocation and death. 17. The ill effects of alcohol consumption on women deserve special mention. Females are more vulnerable to alcohol-related Cirrhosis than men. During pregnancy alcohol consumption has a severe detrimental effect on

the foetus. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is being recognized more and more in the medical profession. 18. Skin diseases are also related to alcohol indulgence. 19. Eczema, Alopecia, Nail Dystrophy, Paronychia (infection around the nails) and Angular Stomatitis (inflammation of the angle of the mouth) are common diseases among alcoholics. 9. Defining Alcoholism: Medical doctors have now turned liberal towards alcoholics and call alcoholism a disease rather than an addiction. If alcohol is a disease, it is the only disease that: - Is sold in bottles - Is advertised in newspapers, magazines, on radio and television - Has licensed outlets to spread it

- Produces revenue for the government - Brings violent deaths on the highways - Destroys family life and increases crime - Has no germs or viral cause Alcoholism is not a disease It is Satans handiwork. God in His Infinite Wisdom has warned us against this snare of Satan. Islam, the natural religion of Man and a culmination of guidance revealed to thousands of Prophets prior, calls alcohol intake an abomination and a blemish on the face of humanity. All its Injunctions are aimed at preserving the natural state of man, and alcohol is a deviation from this natural state, for the individual as well as for society. It degrades man to a level below that of the beasts he claims to be superior to. Hence the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in Islam.

The Expanding Universe

Continued from Page 8 ...

Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? [Quran, 21:30] As stated in the verse, everything, even the heavens and the earth that were not

yet created, were created out of a single point, and shaped the present universe by being parted from each other. When we compare the statements in the verse with the above theory, we see that they fully agree with each other. However, the scientific theory was introduced only in the 20th century. The expansion of the universe is one of the most important pieces of evi-

dence that the universe was created out of nothing. Although this fact was not discovered by science until the 20th century, Allah has informed us of this reality in the Quran revealed 1,400 years ago: It is We who have built the universe with (Our creative) power, and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it. [Quran, 51:47]



Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi

By fethullah Gulen
There are some significant personalities who with the help of their voice and breath, their love and excitement, and their promise for humanity always remain fresh and alive over the course of centuries. Time evidently fails to make these characters obsolete. Their thoughts, analyses, explanations, and spiritual messages, which will never be lost, represent, ever anew, alternative solutions and prescriptions for todays social problems, in great variety and diversity. Rumi is one such personality. Despite the fact that he lived some centuries ago, he remains spiritually alive among and with us today. He is a man of lightone who receives his light from the spirit of the Master of Humanity (Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him), distributing this light in a variety of manners to just about everywhere. He was chosen to be one of the worlds saints and to be pure of heart; a blessed one whose words are outstanding among those of the heroes of love and passion. He was and continues to function as Israfil [the angel assigned to blow into the trumpet signalling the Last Hour]; blowing life into dead spirits. He did and continues to provide the water of life to the barren hearts of many; a spiritual irrigation. He was and continues to provide light for the travelers on their paths. He was and continues to be the perfect heir of the Prophet. Jalal al-Din Rumi, a man of God, hastened toward God on his own spiritual journey; but in addition to this he evoked similar journeys in countless others - journeys marked by an eager striving toward God. He was a balanced man of ecstasy who sprang alive with love and excitement; he did this to such an extent that he inspired in others these significant feelings; and he continues to do so. In addition to his passion for God, along with his knowledge and love of Him, Rumi is further renowned as a hero in terms of both his respect and fear of God. His life provides real evidence of the Truth. At the same time as he spoke to those of his own times in an effective manner, Rumi was even more influential in that he made his voice and breath, which reflected the voice and breath of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, continue to be heard for centuries after. He spoke with such an enchanting voice that he was able to guide not only his blessed contemporaries, but also people of our time, centuries removed from his physical existence. God bestowed upon him this honour. For this purpose, God blessed him with impeccable inner and outer qualities so that he would prove successful in this undertaking. His heart was full of the Divine light. As such, his essence is marked by his wisdom, which shines like a light reflected through a precious gem. His inner-most self was enveloped with Divine mysteries. His inner eyes were enlightened by this special light. Rumi embodies the characteristics of the lamp of sainthood, taking its light from that of the truth of the Prophet [pbuh]. Many of Gods blessed creatures are instinctively attracted to light; Rumis light has attracted hundreds of thousands spiritual butterflies; they are drawn to the light. He represents a guide for humanitys quest for the perfection of human qualities. Rumi was a careful exegete of the truths presented in the Quran. A fluent interpreter of love and zeal for Prophet Muhammad [pbuh], Rumi was able to use a mysterious language to guide others to the love of God. Those who enter his sphere are able to reach an ultimate sense or feeling in the presence of God. Those who examine the Quran by his guideposts undergo changes similar to those witnessed by the people who lived in the era of the Prophet [pbuh] himself. When the verses of the Quran were interpreted by Rumis closest associates, all hearts benefited from the



illumination provided by how a lover can sleep in taste cannot feel. Those who his wisdom; it was as if all an immoderate way, as it are capable of feeling in this of heavens mysteries were takes away from the time manner generally do not diopened by his wholehearted that can be shared with the vulge such secrets, as they recitation of that one word Beloved. For him, exces- often find them to be above sive sleep is offensive to the the level of the comprehen- God. Rumis love for God was a Beloved. As God instructed sion of most people. As the fiery one, with a constant David, saying, O David, famous Turkish poet Shaykh moaning and longing for those who indulge in sleep Ghalib said, The Beloveds the mysteries of God. He without contemplating Me candle has such a wonderful experienced a love and pas- and then claim to be in love light, its light does not fit into sion both in his solitary as- are liars so too did Rumi the lamp glass of Heaven. ceticism and his activities state; When the darkness The love, relationship, and in the community. It was in falls, lovers become in- warmth toward all creation his solitariness that he be- tense. Rumi continually as expressed by Rumi is a came most open to the truest recommended this not only projection of a deeply-rooted union with God, and it was in words, but also in his ac- Divine love. Rumi, whose nature was intoxicated by in such cases of separation tions. from all things except God If the spirit of the anthology the cup of love, embraced that he became like a ball of of Rumis poems, which are all of creation with a profire. And while such a sense the essence of love, passion, jection of that love. He was of burning would prove dif- Divine presence, and excite- involved in a dialogue with ficult for many to bear, Rumi ment, were to be extracted, every creature, and all of never showed any sign of what would exude are the these were a result of nothdiscontent. Rather, such a cries of love, longing, and ing but his deep love of God burning was considered Rumi cannot understand how a lover can and his relationship a requirement for pas- sleep in an immoderate way, as it takes with the Beloved. sion, and refraining from away from the time that can be shared I believe that these disordered and somecomplaint was seen to be with the Beloved. what confused exin the tradition of loyalty. For Rumi, those who hope. Throughout his life planations are far from adeprofess a love of God must Rumi expressed love, and quate to describe Rumi. This necessarily accompany their in turn, he believed he was disorder is an inevitable restatement of I love with beloved because of this. sult of my search for a relaa sense of furious burning Accordingly, he spoke of tionship with him. A droplet - this is the price one must his love and relationship cannot describe the ocean, willingly pay for being with God. When he did so, nor can an atom describe the close or in union with God. he was not alone - he took Sun. Even so, I would like to Additionally, one must en- along with him many bless- say, within a few sentences, gage in behaviour that is to ed individuals who were some words about Jalal ala large extent ascetic, such his audience. He assumed Din Rumi. as moderated eating, drink- it to be a requisite of loy- Rumi was born in the city ing, sleeping, and a constant alty to offer, cup by cup, the of Balkh in 1207, at a time awareness and orientation drinks presented to him on when all of Asia was suftoward God in ones speech, the heavenly table to oth- fering from social, political, and one must inevitably ers who were in his circle and military problems. His father, Muhammad Baha alexperience bewilderment of light. when endowed with Gods Rumi had tasted real Di- Din al-Siddiqi, was part of vine love. Those who do the tenth generation of the bounties. Rumi cannot understand not experience it cannot descendants of Abu Bakr know. Those who do not



al-Siddiq, the first caliph of Islam. According to Tahir al-Mevlevi, Rumis mother was also from the descendants of the Prophet [pbuh]. He was the blessed fruit of a hallowed family tree. Being known as the Sultan al-Ulama (the Leader of Scholars), his father was a man of truth and an heir of the Prophet [pbuh]. Like many friends of God, he was persecuted and eventually compelled to migrate. Accordingly, he left the land of Khawarzm, where he was born, and underwent a lengthy journey that encompassed various destinations. First, he and his family visited the Holy Land, the cities of Makkah and Madinah. From here, he traveled and remained for some time in Damascus, where he met many pious persons, such as Ibn al-Arabi, and exchanged spiritual enlightenment with them. Accompanying his father, the young Rumi, six or seven years in age, witnessed these and other events; his inquisitive senses enabled him to experience all of these with remarkable clarity. The young Rumi was able to understand his environment even at such a tender age and he was able to penetrate into the secret world of Ibn al-Arabi. As an endowment of his presence with Ibn al-Arabi, the child received kindness and favours. Despite the unfortunate circumstances surrounding their migration and the many difficulties that accompanied them, the familys journey provided them

with a variety of favours and inspiration. Rumi was able to continuously find these blessings and favours. Welcoming what fate gave him, he became a receiver of numerous bounties provided by God. The journey took this blessed family to the city of Erzincan, and later to that of Karaman. It was during his time in the latter city that Rumi studied, for a short period, in the Halaveye School. In addition to this school, he studied Islamic Sciences in several religious schools in Damascus and Aleppo. After graduating, he returned to the city of Konya, which he considered his hometown and a place of special regard. It was there that he married Gevher Khatun, the daughter of Shams al-Din Samarqandi. After some time Rumis father, Sultan al-Ulama, died, returning to God. Under the supervision of Burhan al-Din al-Tirmidhi, Rumi began his long spiritual journey. After several years, at the suggestion of Rukn al-Din Zarqubi, Rumi met with Shams-i Tabrizi who was then on a visit to Konya. It was through his meeting with Shams that he furthered his spiritual journey and eventually developed into the person who is now known the world over for his spiritual depth. What has been mentioned so far, in fact, represents an attempt to open a few small windows on the life of an exceptional personality whose capacity is open to the lofty

world. This is also an attempt to present the life of an important representative of the Muhammadi spirit (i.e. the practice of the Sunnah) - displaying several snapshots of a man determined to dedicate his existence to the world of the afterlife. It is not my intention to stir the waters that comprise the lives of such remarkable and pure personalities with debates and questions that ultimately will only agitate and obscure. However, one must wonder whether Rumi opened the horizon of Shams or whether Shams took Rumi to the world of the unseen. Who took whom to the reality of realities - the peak of love and joy? Who directed whom to the real Besought and the real Beloved? Answering these questions is beyond the capacity of most ordinary people. One can say, at least, the following: During this period of time, two skillful and acute spirits came together, like two oceans merging into one another. By sharing the Divine bounties and gifts received from their Lord, they both reached peaks that most people would not be able to envision easily. Through their spiritual cooperation, they established camps on the peaks of knowledge, love, compassion, and joy for God. As much as they enlightened those of their own age, they also influenced all centuries to follow; an effect that is still present today. The spring of sweet water which they represent continues to



nourish the thirsty. They God is concerned, he was a volcano. Its meaning is not have been continuously re- man of love and passion. As easily understood by most. membered over the centu- for those who turn to him for A careful investigation will ries for their beautiful con- the sake of God, he repre- show that this great book of tributions to countless lives. sents a compassionate bearer Rumis thought will explain Here it is important to note of Gods Divine cup of love. such concepts as baqaa bilthat Rumi was informed by Yes, as the rains of mercy laah maallah (to live by numerous sources in the fall forth from the clouds of God with God) and fanaa filflow of ideas, including his the sky, if the collections of lah (annihilation in God) in father, the great master of his poems were to be wrung the context of a larger underscholars. During his journey, out, Gods love and the love standing of the world of the The he seemed to leave many of unseen. Those who are capalove, relationship, and his contemporaries behind ble of realizing this excitewarmth toward all creation as - his love and compassion ment in Rumis Divan flowed like the waters of expressed by Rumi is a projection of a will find themselves in the worlds oceans; so deeply-rooted Divine love. Rumi, whose extreme bewilderment nature was intoxicated by the cup of much so that while conbefore a flood of love love, embraced all of creation with tinuing to live physically and ecstasy that is coma projection of that love. among humans, he manparable to an erupting volaged to become ever closer cano. In these poems of the to God. It seems he never of His Messenger would master, which are not easily elevated himself above oth- gush forth in showers. His accessible for most people, ers except through his writ- Mesnevi, exuberant with his the limits of reason are surings, both during his life and spirit, a book which is in part passed, the meanings of the after his entering the life of didactic and was put in the poems are elevated above eternity; he provides a star form of a book by his disci- the norms for humanity, of guidance that echoes the ple Husam al-Din Chelebi, and the eternal nature of the spiritual life of the final represents his largest, most unseen world shadows the Prophet of God, Muhammad monumental treatise. While ephemeral colors and forms [pbuh]. Accordingly, he is it stems from his involve- of what one encounters in among the few people who ment with the floods of a their physical being. have exerted a great influ- high level love and passion, Jalal al-Din Rumi was nourence through both space and it was presented in smaller ished by the fruit of numerwaves so that their essence ous sources of ideas, includtime. Rumi, the Master, was not a might be understood by ing religious seminaries, Sufi pupil, a dervish, a represent- a larger part of humanity lodges, and Sufi hermitages ative, or master as is known who did not share the same associated with strict Sufi amongst traditional Sufis. capacity. His other work, asceticism. Rumi attained He developed a new method Divan-i Kabir, is both in- an understanding of the Ultithat was coloured with re- formed by and presented in mate Reality. He was a hero vivalism and personal inde- this higher level of love and of the spiritual world. He pendent reasoning by taking passion and better represents read carefully what he saw the Quran, the Sunnah, and his own abilities. and evaluated well what he Islamic piety as his points In the Mesnevi, feelings and felt. He never displayed or of reference. With a new thoughts are put in such a participated in any improper voice and breath, he suc- way that they do not confuse behaviour during his jourcessfully brought both those our intelligence and in such ney to God. Even though the of his generation and those a style that it does not sur- numbers were vast, Rumi of times to follow to a new pass our understanding. As never lost any of the bounhorizon of Divine love. As for the Divan-i Kabir, eve- tiful gifts he received from far as his relationship with rything is like an erupting the world of the unseen.



Like many of his predecessors, he voiced these Divine bounties through his poetry in an impressive manner. He often voiced his love and excitement in seemingly magic words which resembled the finest of precious gems. Within the vagueness of the poetry, he mastered the art of explaining his ambiguous statements in ways that opened their meaning to friends, but remained obscure to outsiders. These statements which were at times both clear and ambiguous are the voice and breath of his own horizon he was not acquainted with other pens or the wells of ink which supplied them. Although one can find a few foreign words or works falsely attributed to him, Rumis anthology repre-

sents a warmth, the music of his own heart, a music which brings all who hear it under its influence with a captivating control. Rumi possessed a very delicate disposition, often appearing more compassionate than a mother to her child. In short, he was an exceptional personality, particularly in his projection of the spirit of Gods Messenger in his own time. This is illustrated in his collected works, including Mesnevi, Divan-i Kabir, some collected letters associated with familial relations, and his special behaviour with friends. Those who witnessed this were greatly excited to see the perfect heir of the Prophet [pbuh] and would say with great humility and respect, This is a grace from God. He

gives it to whom He wants. [Quran, 5:54] Rumi was a man of genuine sincerity and loyalty. He lived by what he felt in his heart as long as it did not contradict the teachings and laws of religion. While making his faith the focus of his life, and while showing the others the way of life, his heart was burning with love and longing; it had always ached and moaned like the monotone ney [the reed flute]. Those who were not aching could not understand him. Those who were rude and tactless could not feel what he felt. He said, I want a heart which is split, part by part, because of the pain of separation from God, so that I might explain my longing and complaint to it.

The Almighty Speaks

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him. [Quran,

glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!
[Quran, 21:22]

No vision can grasp Him but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things. [Quran, 6:103] There is nothing whatever like unto Him, And He is the One that hears and sees (all things). [Quran, 42:11] If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but

No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him: (if there were many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have lorded it over others! Glory to Allah! (He is free) from the (sort of) things they attribute to Him! [Quran, 23:91] Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else, to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed. [Quran, 4:48]

And if all the trees on earth were pens and the ocean (were ink), with seven oceans behind it to add to its (supply), yet would not the words of Allah be exhausted (in the writing): for Allah is exalted in power, full of wisdom.
[Quran, 31:27]

O men! Here is a parable set forth! Listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, you call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose! And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition! [Quran, 22:73]



Children and Computer Games

By Aydinli Hasan
Suddenly he got up from where he was sitting and started to shout. He was furious just because he couldnt kill the man who was firing at him. He sat down and tried again. He was hopping mad just to get rid of the man opposite him. He gave great damages to his rival. When the man opposite him was lying in a pool of blood, he mercilessly laughed. He repeated all these actions again and again. He was violently fighting and was trying all he can to harm his enemies. Although his mother called him a few times for dinner, he didnt move from his desk. He was so much plunged into the game, he was not able to think anything else. Such sceneries are very common now in many houses and internet cafes. Children and youth are spending most of their times playing computer games. While parents favor computers as necessities of modern age and as assistants for their childrens homework, children mostly consider them as toy boxes. They initially start with innocent intentions, but in time they lose their original purpose. Uncontrolled use of computers, the common problem of many parents, is also a matter very difficult to solve for the experts. How do computer games affect the childrens subconscious and their future lives? Do games with positive effects have an appealing presentation? Computer games can be grouped under two categories. First are the games that help developing talents, understanding the life experiments and ethical values by using an entertaining method; Second are the games that do not contribute anything to the childs imagination and thinking abilities and inciting violent and immoral behavior. For the game to positively affect the childs intellectual, physical and spiritual development depends upon both the content and the duration of the game. This period of playing time should neither be too short, nor too long. To be able to obtain a proper balance in this matter, we should first equip the child with an education of using the time wisely. Children wasting their time for useless activities, can also be insensitive to effective use of time when they grow up. Concisely, children must acquire the consciousness of valuing time. Wasted time in front of computers cause children and youth to get passive. This increases the stress experienced by the children. Especially in active boys, this inactiveness causes an energy accumulation which negatively affects the childs behaviors. The use of excessive energy by ways of different sports is very useful for the physical and mental development and raising of a social conscious. Moreover, spending time in front of computers, deprives children and youth from cultural activities like playing group games, studying together and engaging with a sports activity. Many of us complain that our children cannot express themselves properly and are not clear at communicating with their environment. When we ask a question to our child, either we get a very brief or a routine answer. Times elapsed aimlessly in front of computers have a significant effect on this. We see that violence increase in each level of any new computer game. The game producers consider every type of method as permissible just to be able to attract children to the screen. Scenes which are not suitable for the age form the subconscious of a child. Children who have been exposed to several violent scenes are mostly inclined to aggression, anxiety and panic and they are generally furious and quick-tempered and consider violence as an ordinary matter. Reactions of children who watch violent films and play fierce and crimson computer games change in time and start applying more and more force to people and children around them. They tend to hit and kick others even after a slight disagreement. Being affected from destructive violent scenes, children reveal problems like over anxiety, sleep disturbances and behavioral disorders. Since the causes and effects of behaviors affected by the five senses are not questioned so much in pre-school children, abnormalities mentioned ear-



lier can be seen more on them. We can give these as example: A three year old child who watched violent films, applied what he watched on TV and stabbed and killed his little brother with a knife. Another child who thought himself to be a pokemon (a cartoon character), threw himself from the seventh floor with the intention of flying. And another child in France who could not win any computer games became epileptic because of having too frequent and excessive anger fits due to the unsuccessful playing sessions. Unfortunately we often hear such news. In order to illuminate the subconscious of our children with beauties, favors, affection, and altruism, we should offer them alternative useful and educational games. Harmful games also prevent children to learn their own culture, thus cause a cultural corrosion. Such games take our children to a world of weird clothes and hairstyles, weapons being the accessories. In this virtual world, no values exist except for might is right. Children who are seized by the computer games become alienated to their environment. Having difficulty to make friends around them, children become enslaved by the computer and isolate themselves from the society. The only friend of the child is the computer, and in spite of elapsing the time, child still feels great loneliness inside. Hence, parents should provide suitable activities for their children and reasonably arrange the time spent for computer games.

Many bad characters shown on computer games also have perverse effects upon the childs personal development. It is definite that messages given by these games like being strong and unchallengeable, inconsideration of other peoples lives, killing for the sake of living, disdaining ethical values, despising other peoples feelings, disrespecting the person addressed, categorizing the people, negatively affect the childs personal development. Such games also impose unfavorable impacts upon learning abilities and awareness of the child. Scenes that are rapidly changing on computer screen distract the child greatly, make him confused and disturb his mind. This triggers a difficulty in concentrating when learning. Besides, excessive light changes may cause epileptic fits for some children. Conclusively, computer games inspire children that the life is only a game and lead children to think too much about the characters in the game and mentally and physically to be with them all the time. Children playing too much computer games, carry the same concepts in the game to their relations with their family and friends, cause the child to confuse between the reality and imagination and eventually, the time spent together decreases and unsocial behaviors settle in the childs personality. Surely, we cannot underestimate the beneficial sides of the computer which is a must in modern age. But the ideal is to benefit from the positive services of the computer and

to ensure a protection against its harmful usage. The playing time which is essential for the childs healthy growth, should be distributed fairly between virtual games and real group games. For this, we must prefer games; in which they can play an active role, that are suggested by specialists and other experts, which can provide national awareness and cultural identity, which support comprehension and intelligence of the child, which contribute to virtues like sharing, team spirit, caring for others, honesty, and diligence, which instigate curiosity and make learning fun, which include parents into the game, which infuse consciousness of performing duties and responsibility, which help developing imagination, thinking ability, exploring and inventing capability. If eyes, ears and other organs that are bestowed upon us by the All-Compassionate Creator are engaged with only entertaining computer games, then they are being used out of their innate purposes. Therefore, the vital responsibility of parents is to be very careful for guiding their children to use their sight, hearing, feeling, judging faculties in the right direction and to prepare an environment that provides the child a rich learning background and to bloom his mental abilities.


The Reed Flute

Pay heed to the grievances of the reed Of what divisive separations breed From the reedbed cut away just like a weed My music, people curse, warn and heed Sliced to pieces my bosom and heart bleed While I tell this tale of desire and need. Whoever fell away from the source Will seek and toil until returned to course Of grievances I sang to every crowd Befriended both the humble and the proud Each formed conjecture in their own mind As though to my secrets they were blind My secrets are buried within my grief Yet to the eye and ear, thats no relief Body and soul both unveiled in trust Yet sight of soul for body is not a must. The flowing air in this reed is fire Extinct, if with passion wont inspire Fire of love is set upon the reed Passion of love this wine will gladly feed Reed is match for he who love denied Our secrets unveiled, betrayed, defied. Who has borne deadly opium like the reed? Or lovingly to betterment guide and lead? Of the bloody path, will tell many a tale Of Lovers love, even beyond the veil.
By Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi
[Translated by Shahriar Shahriari]

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