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Frases en inglesh 3

1. He had an interesting conversation with his neighbor yesterday. (Él tuvo una
conversación interesante con su vecino ayer.)
2. She had a difficult time finding her keys this morning. (Ella tuvo dificultades para
encontrar sus llaves esta mañana.)
3. They had a movie marathon over the weekend. (Tuvieron un maratón de películas
durante el fin de semana.)
4. We had a picnic in the park last Sunday. (Tuvimos un picnic en el parque el
domingo pasado.)
5. I had a pet dog when I was a child. (Tuve un perro de mascota cuando era niño.)
6. He had a surprise party thrown for his birthday. (Le organizaron una fiesta sorpresa
para su cumpleaños.)
7. She had an appointment with her doctor this afternoon. (Ella tuvo una cita con su
médico esta tarde.)
8. They had a long journey ahead of them. (Tenían un largo viaje por delante.)
9. We had a great time sightseeing in the city. (Nos divertimos mucho haciendo
turismo en la ciudad.)
10. He had a craving for pizza, so we ordered one for dinner. (Tenía antojo de pizza,
así que pedimos una para cenar.)
11. She had a deep love for animals since she was young. (Ella tuvo un profundo
amor por los animales desde joven.)
12. They had a heated argument about politics. (Tuvieron una acalorada discusión
sobre política.)
13. We had a flat tire on our way to the airport. (Tuvimos un pinchazo en el camino al
14. I had a close call with a speeding car yesterday. (Tuve un susto con un coche que
iba demasiado rápido ayer.)
15. She had a talent for playing the piano. (Ella tenía talento para tocar el piano.)
16. They had a beautiful wedding ceremony last month. (Tuvieron una hermosa
ceremonia de bodas el mes pasado.)
17. We had an unexpected visitor at our door yesterday evening. (Tuvimos un
visitante inesperado en nuestra puerta ayer por la tarde.)
18. He had a passion for gardening and spent hours in his backyard. (Tenía pasión por
la jardinería y pasaba horas en su patio trasero.)
19. She had a difficult decision to make about her career path. (Ella tuvo una decisión
difícil que tomar sobre su carrera profesional.)
20. They had a lot of fun playing board games with their friends. (Se divirtieron
mucho jugando juegos de mesa con sus amigos.)

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