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Pasado simple
Usamos pasado simple para hablar de situaciones finalizadas en un momento específico del pasado así
como también para hablar de hábitos en el pasado.

Verb to be
El verbo to be, al igual que en el presente simple, tiene una estrucutura diferente al resto de los verbos.



El verbo to be tiene como particularidad que no lleva auxiliar por lo que es un verbo que lleva una estructura
diferente a los demás. Es por eso que cuando hablamos en modo negativo o interrogativo, no debemos
agregarle ni did, ni didn’t.

Afirmativo: Sujeto + WAS/WERE Ej. I was at school. They were at school.

Negativo: Sujeto + WASN’T/WEREN’T Ej. I was not at home. They weren’t at school.
Preguntas: WAS/WERE + Sujeto + ? Ej. Was he at home? Were they at school?

Resto de los verbos:

Las fórmulas para armar oraciones en pasado simple son las siguientes:

Regular (verbos con –ed)

Afirmativo: Sujeto + verbo en pasado
Irregular (verbos en la 2° columna de la lista)

Ej: I did my homework last night. (Irregular) He visited his family yesterday. (Regular)

Tanto en la negación como en la interrogación el verbo va en infinitivo (1° columna o sin -ed) ya que la
conjugación del pasado se encuentra en el auxiliar Did, algo similar a lo que ocurre con el Does en presente

Negativo: Sujeto + Didn´t + verbo en infinitivo.

Ej. I didn´t go to school yesterday. He didn’t visit his family last week.

Preguntas: WH (opcional) + Did + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo

Ej. When did you visit your cousin? Did you go to school yesterday?
Pronunciación de la –ED
Para determinar la vibración de un sonido es necesario tocarse la garganta al pronunciar ese sonido.

/id/ La –ed se pronuncia /id/ cuando el último sonido del verbo regular es t/d
Por ejemplo: wanted - needed

-ED /d/ La –ed se pronuncia /d/ cuando el último sonido del verbo regular vibra
Por ejemplo: listened - traveled

/t/ La –ed se pronuncia /t/ cuando el último sonido del verbo regular NO vibra
Por ejemplo: washed - talked

Pasado continuo
Usamos pasado continuo para una acción que estaba aconteciendo en el pasado y fue interrumpida por otra de menor
duración. En este caso utilizamos el pasado simple para interrumpir dicha acción, por ej.: “While I was going to school,
I saw a friend.”
También podemos utilizar 2 veces pasado continuo para explicar que ambas acciones estaban ocurriendo al mismo
tiempo. “While I was waiting for the bus, it was raining”
Las formulas para armar oraciones en pasado continuo son exactamente igual a las del presente continuo con la
diferencia que en este caso el verbo to be esta conjugado en pasado:

Afirmativo: Sujeto + Verbo “to be” en pasado (was o were) + Verbo con ING.
Ej. I was doing my homework. They were playing football.
Negativo: Sujeto + Verbo to be en pasado en negativo (wasn´t o weren´t) + Verbo con ING.
Ej: I wasn´t doing homework. They weren’t playing football.
Preguntas: WH (opcional) + Verbo to be en pasado (was o were) + Sujeto + Verbo con ING
Ej: Was he doing homework? Were they playing football?

Presente continuo:
Utilizamos le presente continuo para hablar de “arrangements” (arreglos, citas, etc.). Esto quiere decir que
es un plan que ya tenemos organizado. A diferencia del uso clásico del presente continuo (hablar de acciones
que pasan al mismo tiempo que se está hablando), aquí es necesario agregarle obligatoriamente cuándo
sucede la acción. De no hacerlo, la persona que nos escucha pensará que es algo que está sucediendo
ahora. No es lo mismo decir “He’s watching a film tomorrow” que “He’s watching a film”. En la segunda
oración, al no aclarar ese “cuándo”, se interpreta que es algo que sucede en este preciso momento solo por
estar en presente continuo.

Sujeto + verbo to be (is/are/am) + verbo (ING) + frase de tiempo

“I am playing football on Sunday” “She is going to the doctor tomorrow”

En su forma negativa, en lugar de usar is/are/am, debemos usar “isn’t/aren’t/am not”. A la hora de hacer
preguntas, debemos intercambiar el orden del sujeto y el verbo to be. Por ejemplo: “Is she going to the doctor

Going to:
Utilizamos futuro inmediato para hablar de planes y predicciones con evidencia.
Las formulas para armar oraciones en futuro inmediato son las siguientes:
Afirmativo: Sujeto + Verbo to be (AM/IS/ARE) + Going to + Verbo en infinitivo. En caso de agregar un adverbio de
frecuencia este irá entre el verbo to be y el going to.
Ej: It´s going to rain.
Negativo: Sujeto + Verbo to be conjugado en negativo (AM NOT/ISN’T/AREN’T) + Going to + Verbo en infinitivo.
Ej: I´m not going to pass the exam.
Preguntas: WH (opcional) + Verbo to be (AM/IS/ARE) + Sujeto + Going to + Verbo en infinitivo.
Ej: What are you going to do?
Going to es una estructura muy similar al presente continuo ya que también se usa para hablar de planes
futuros. La diferencia con el presente continuo es que el going to parte de una intención y no es algo que
esté ya organizado. Un ejemplo de esto podría ser una pareja que se compromete. Al momento del
compromiso probablemente anuncien en sus redes sociales: “We are going to get married” ya que es un
plan pero todavía no está organizado. En cambio, dos meses antes del casamiento al repartir las
invitaciones, probablemente le digan a sus invitados “We are getting married on July 10th”. Al estar próximos
a la fecha, el uso de going to marca que es algo ya organizado.

Futuro simple (will):

Utilizamos futuro simple para hablar de predicciones sin evidencia, decisiones sobre el futuro que tomamos en el
momento que estamos hablando y para hacer promesas.
Las formulas para armar oraciones en futuro simple son las siguientes:
Afirmativo: Sujeto + Will + Verbo en infinitivo.
Ej: I´ll pass the exam.
Negativo: Sujeto + Won´t + Verbo en infinitivo.
Ej: He won´t pass the exam.
Preguntas: WH (opcional) + Will + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo.
Ej: Will you love me forever?

Hace muchos años, SHALL solía utilizarse como un sinónimo de will. Hoy en día cayó en desuso y se usa
mayormente en forma de pregunta para hacer ofertas (shall I open the door?) o sugerencias (shall we go to the
park?). La estructura es exactamente la misma que la de will, solo que usando shall en su lugar.

Conditional Condition (if) Result Function Example
0 Present simple Present simple Scientific facts If you heat water, it boils
1 Present simple Will/Won’t Probabilities If you study, you will pass

Los condicionales son estructuras que están formadas por más de un verbo y siempre están conformadas por dos
partes: La condición (qué es lo que tiene que pasar) y el resultado (lo que pasa como consecuencia de la condición).
Esas partes pueden intercambiar lugares, no necesariamente va primero la condición y luego el resultado.
La condición por lo general es introducida por la palabra “if” que significa “si”.
El condicional 0 se utiliza para hablar de hechos científicos por lo que, tanto en la condición como en el resultado, se
utiliza el presente simple.
El condicional 1 se utiliza para hablar de probabilidades, es decir que no es algo 100% seguro como en el 0. La
condición lleva un verbo en presente simple y el resultado lleva un verbo conjugado con will.

Verbos modales de obligación

Los modal verbs o verbos modales son verbos que se utilizan para hablar de modo. Los modal verbs tienen como
característica que no necesitan estar acompañados de un auxiliar (a excepción del have to) aunque necesitan de un
verbo infinitivo para completar la idea ya que ellos solo hablan de modo y no de acción. Entre ellos están:
Can: Lo utilizamos para hablar de prohibición (negación) de posibilidad o imposibilidad, capacidad, permiso y habilidad
entre otros.
Could: Es el pasado de Can y los usos son muy similares aunque generalmente Could es más cordial.
Have to: Utilizamos have to para obligaciones externas. Tiene como característica que necesita de un auxiliar por lo
que de acuerdo al tiempo en que queramos utilizarlo necesitaremos del do, does, did o will. Por supuesto que si está
en pasado requeriremos del had en lugar del have y en 3° persona del singular en presente el has. Si utilizamos la
negación (don´t have to) estamos hablando de algo que no es necesario. “You don´t have to do it” No es necesario
hacer, no te obligo ni te lo prohíbo.
Must: Utilizamos el Must para obligaciones internas u obligaciones cuyo importancia es personal. En el caso de la
negación (Mustn´t), el significado es prohibición. También utilizamos Must para dar consejos pero de una manera más
agresiva que Should.
Should: Utilizamos Should para dar consejos. (Ought to: Cumple la misma función que el Should pero ya nadie lo usa.
Es considerado Old-Fashioned)
Presente perfecto
Utilizamos presente perfecto para hablar de hechos que sucedieron en el pasado y que tienen relevancia en el
presente o para acciones del pasado que no se aclara cuando sucedieron (a diferencia del pasado simple en donde sí
se aclara). Es muy común encontrar en este tiempo verbal las palabras “for” (por) , “since” (desde), “just” (acabar de),
“already” (ya, usado en afirmación e interrogación) y “yet” (ya o todavía, solo se usa en negación e interrogación).
Las formulas para armar oraciones en presente perfecto son:
Afirmativo: Sujeto + Have/Has + Verbo en pasado participio (3° columna).
Ej.: I´ve just arrived from New York.
Negativo: Sujeto + Haven´t/Hasn´t + Verbo en pasado participio (3° columna).
Ej.: She hasn´t finished her test yet.
Preguntas: WH (opcional) + Have/Has + Sujeto + Verbo en pasado participio (3° columna).
Ej.: Have you done your homework?
ENGLISH w w w . a l f o n s o l o p e z . e s Types 0 and 1

Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences have two parts: - the if-clause and the main Clause

If it rains , / I will stay at home.

if-clause main-clause


- We can reverse the order: If it rains, I will stay at home / I will stay at home if it rains.
- We write a comma (,) after the if-clause, when we begin with the if-clause.

There are four types of Conditional Sentences. Each type contains a different pair of tenses. With each type certain variations are


If-clause............... Present Simple

Main-clause...…… Present Simple

e.g.: If you eat too much, you feel bad.

If I don´t get enough sleep, I feel tired.
If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.

We use this structure to talk about habits and general truths.

Here if = whenever


If-clause............... Present
Main-clause...…... Future

e.g.: If he runs, he will get there in time.

We use this structure to talk about things that may happen in the future (there is a possibility that the situation in the if-clause
will happen in the future).
This type of sentence implies that the action in the If-clause is QUITE PROBABLE.
G past simple: irregular verbs
Y go, have, get What did
P sentence s tress you do?
We went to

a Look at th e pho tos a nd read the imroduc rio n ro the article.
For eac h phoro, sa)' why you t hin k the nigh t W,IS mem orable.

b Read a bout twO people's ni g hts, a nd mat ch them to a photo.

c Read the texts aga in a nd matc h t he qltestions ro t hei r a nswe rs in

t he texts.
C Wha t ti me d id you get back? u What d id you wea r?
C W ha t was the wcather like? ~ \ V]1O were you with?
o W hy was it a memorable night? Wh at did you do?
o W hen was it? Where were you?

Maria Julia from Argentina Mehmet from Turkey

1 It was in August twO years ago when I was on 1 It was last year. I was in
holiday in Athens. Istanbul. where I live.

~ I wa nted to see a man that I knew a little when I was 2 I was with my friends. It was my best friend's birthday.
at university. He was Greek and he lived in Athens.
I called him many times, but he didn't answer. 3 I wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans.
Suddenly, on my last night. he came to my hotel.
4 We went to a great place called Cezayir, 1(5 an old building with a
[IJ I felt embarrassed, because my clothes weren't very great restaurant. We had dinner, and after dinner we had a coffee in
special - a green skirt and a white T-shirt and Greek the bar. Then we went to the beach at Florya and we had a swim. It
sandals - and my hair was a mess. was fantastic. The water wasn't very clean, but we didn't mind!

!3J We went out and walked around the centre of ~ It was a hot night and the sea was really warm,
Athens, We spoke English, but he taught me some
Greek words and I taught him some Spanish. 6 After our swim, we were tired and decided to go back, but I
couldn't find my car keys! We went back to the beach and we
[1J It was a warm night With a beautiful full moon. looked everywhere, but it was toO dark, In the end I left the car at
the beach and I went home in my friend's car! I got home really
iJ I got back to the hotel at 3 a.m. late, at 5.00 In the morning.
[Z] It was a magical.evening - an Argentinian woman
With a Greek man on the other side of the world 7 It was a memorable night because we had a fantast ic dinner and
in those dark streets, with the lights from the swim, but also because I lost the car keys - it was my father's car
Parthenon up on the hill! and he was really angry!
7A past simple of be: was / were m El
l/He / She/lt j was there. l/ He / She / lt was n't there.
King Edwa rd VI [['~ wife was America n. 3 44 1)) You / we / They were there. You / we / They weren't there.
She wasn 't in class yesterday. \Va s she ill?
T he Beatles we re fam ous in the I 960s. I'!l IZl It]
Where were ),ou laSt night? You weren'r at home. W" l/ he/she/it Yes,l was. No, 1wasn't
Were you / we / famous? Yes, you were. No, you
We use was I wcre to ta Ik about the past. they weren't.
We o ften use wa s / were with past time expressions,
e.g. ycs/erday. las/ll i8hl, ill 1945. etc,
We use was/ were with hom: I w as borll ill HUII8ar)'.

78 past simple: regular verbs m El

l/You / worked l/ You/ didn't work
I played tennis this morning. 3 53 ))) He /She / lt / yesterday. He /She/It! yesterday.
We watch ed:l good film on TV la~t night. We / They We / They
My gra ndfather li ved in Vienna when he was young.
I s tudied Germa n when I wasal school. I'!l IZl It]
11 11 11
• We use the pa st simple for finished actions in the past, you/ you / you /
he t he t he t
S_EF work No, she /
spelling rules for regular verbs Did she / Yes, she/ did. didn't.
it! it! it /
infinitive past spelling wet we t we t
watch watched add -ed they they they
play played
Co ntractio n: didn'l = (lid no /.
live lived add-d
Regular verbs in the pasr [!] cnd in -ell.
stop stopped one vowel + one consonant e.g. 1I'0rk ed, fil'etl, pla),ed.
= double consonant
• The past simple is the same for all persons (1.)'011, she. etc.),
study studied consonant + y > led Use auxiliaries did Idillll " + infiniti\'e for past si mple[1] and G.
Did is t he past of do.

7C past simple: irregular verbs Use the irregular past fo rm only in[!] sentences:
[sa w a film laS! " i8/rl.
Use t he infinitive aft er did I didn '/:
[we nt to Spa in last mo nth . 3 59 1))
I didn't go 10 Madrid. Did ),011 see afilm /tIS/ll i8ht? NOT 9id-)'Off-mll~
o id you go to Harcclona? I didrr'r 80 OIa lasl night. NOT hiit#n" -lI'mt';7;
Remember word o rder in questions:o AS I (Au xiliary. S ubject, Infi nitive),
e.g. Did ),011 80 olllitlslllig/rl?or QUASI (Q uestion word . Auxiliary, Subject.
infinitive past +' past --=-- I nfinit ive). e.g. Wlrere did)'0" liD?
go went didn't go There is a list of irregular verbs on page 165.
have had didn't have
get got
didn't get
didn't teach
p could
teach Past of can = could.
hear heard didn't hear G = couldn't NOT didn't-can
feel felt didn't feel
leave left didn't leave rn= Could you ... ? NOT Did yoo can. .. ?
lose lost didn't lose
meet met didn't meet
see saw didn't see
wear wore didn't wear
speak spoke didn't speak
do did didn't do

7A b Complete the d ialogues with was. waSl/'/.

were. o r weren',.
a Compic[c rhe past si mple sentences wi th \\'as I waSII 'r or
were I were,,'t. A U!~)'OLL and Ch .. rl ic at rhe COlleen last night ?
B Yes. we I
p resen t s imple past simple
A 2: irgood?
My father's a painter. My gra ndfather llill a painter. tOO. B No. it 3_ _ _ . The singer 4_ _ _ terrible.
Today is Monday. Yeste rday Su nday.
A S rhe tickets expensive?
2 \ Vhere are yOll now? Where you yesterday?
B Yes , they 6._ _ __
3 I'm in [ta ly. in Germany last month.
4 Is it hot rod ay? it hot yesterday? A Where 7_ _ _ _ your mother born ?
5 The cafe isn't o pe n now, It opcn t h is morn ing. B She 8 born in Argelll inai n 1955.
6 My neighbours aren't at home. They at home yesterday. A9 her pa rcntsArgentin ian?
7 \ Ve're in Romc now. We in Venice yesterday. B No, they to . Her fat he r 11_-:--_
S They're tired. They tired last week. Germ an , lIld her mot her 12_ _ _ from Italy.

~ p.S2

7B b Complete the senten ces with a ve rb in the

past si m ple.
a Rewri te t he sentences in rh e past simple wi th yesterda),.
P r esent Past not call cry dance finish not listen play
I wa tch TV. I lI'atched TV ycs /mltt),. Wc finished work late yesterday.
Westu dy English. I I my mother o n her bi rthday.
2 D o YOlL listen to t he news? 2 The film was vcr)' sad. _ __
3 He doesn't cook d inner. you :>

4 D oes she play SPOrt? 3 My brorher ____ video games all day
5 T hey work tate. yesterday.
6 I use IIll' internel at work. 4 ____ to the news Ih is morning
because I was late.
7 S hc chats ro her friend s.
8 My brot her doesn't da nce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ 5 ____ Sarah ____ wi th Ma rtin at
the pa rty?

~ p.S4

7C c Cor rect t he inform a tio n usi ng the word in

a Com plete th e text w ith the verbs in b rackets in t h e pas t Simple.
They got home al m idnight. (1 1 p.rn.)
L:ls t weekend , I lfflll (go) ro London wit h some friends. Wc TIIey didn't £1'/ bOllle at midllialll. The)' 8Q.l
I (meet) at the train station at 7.30 a. m . O ur tra in hOllle at 11.
2 (leave) at 7.45 a.m. 1n t he morn ing, wc 3 (buy)
She wore a red dress. (blue)
some sou,·eni rs. T hen. we 4 (have) lunch in an Italia n
reStaurant . In the cve ning, wc 5 (sce) a Sha kespea re play at
2 I left work early. (Iale)
t he G lobe T hea t re. We 6 (get) home "cr), latc th:lt night. We
al1 1 (feel) very ti red but vcry happy.
3 We went by t rai n . (bus)
b C o mplete the questio ns in t he past s im ple.
~ last nigh t? Yes, [ d id. 4 He 1051 his mobi le phone. (wallet)
I W hal ? I wore jea ns.
2 W herc your frie nds? We met in a cafe. 5 You had a sa ndwich. (salad)
3 What time ? We got home late.
~ How ______ home? We wem home by taxi. ~ p.57
5 a good rim e? Yes. we had a great ti me.

8A b Complete the (ext with the past simple or

the verbs in brac kets.
a Com plete rhe di:doguc usi ng the past simple of rhe verbs in brackets.
Last night [.ll1ti (be) ilsleep in my room when
A Where ~ (be) you last nigln at 8.00? a st range noise 1 (wake) me up. I
B JI (be) at home, Inspector. \\Iillll11)' wife. Wc 2 (not wam) to le;I\'(' 111)' room
2 (be) arhomc all c\'cni ng. because 13 (fecl) vcry sca red.
A What 3,_ _ _ _ _ _ yOll _ _ _ _ _ _ (do)? Then]4 (hear) the noise ;Igai n . so
B Wc 4 (watch) T\' and then \\' C 5 _ _ _ __ r5 (decide) TO go and invesrigate.
(have) a liglu dinner. We 6 (nO! be) hungry. Afte r When] 6 (t urn on) the light in the
that, we 7 (go) to bed. kitchen, a bird 7 (fl)') Out ohhe
A What time 9 you (go) ro bed? window.
B l\bOllt IOo'clock. Ja (dose) the win dow so that the
A 9 you (he;tr) a noise during the bird 9-:::___ (nOl can) come in again and
night? then J 10 (go) back to bed.
B No. I 10 ______ (nO( hea r) anything. -c: p.61

8B b Write B []. o r [1] sente nces with lI,erc is I are + {/ I all,

sOll1e or any.
a Complete wit h [!] or [1] of There 's or TI,ere tire.
[!] trees / t he ga rden Tllere Me sOllle trees il' Ille 8tJrdell.
'lli!fi a dishwasher in the kitchen. I [!] table f thekitchen
Arc thm.. an)' people in tile room?
2 [1] fireplace / the living room ,
I an)' books on the shelf?
3 G plantS f your flat
2 a toilet dow nstairs?
3 some stairs over there.
4 rn people / the hall ---------------------'
5 [!] piclures fyour bedroom

a carpet on tbe floor .
some pictures o n the wa ll .
6 G TV {thekitchcn
7 [!] complll'er {the study
6 a shower in the bathroom?
8 G ch:tirs {the dining room
7 some chai rs in the garden.
9 [1] mirror {the bathroom ?
S a lamp in the bedroom?
10 G car / thcgarage
9 a motorbike in the garage.
10 any glasses in the cupboard? -c: p.63

8e b Complete the se ntences wit h Ihere II'(lS / were / was/J't / were/J '/ +
a / all, or some /nlly.
a Complete the dialogue wit h the correct
There \\'ereSO/l!L' ghosts in Ihe haunled cast le J stayed in,
form of t',ere "'{IS o r Illerc were.
My si SIer didn', have a shower becau::,e spider in the
A How many guests ~ t.h.m in the hotel? bath.
B ' ___ four includ ing me. 2_ __
2 \Vc couldn't watch the news because TV in our room.
_--,-_ a French tOurist and 3_ _ _ _ __
3 I cou ld n'( sleep 011 the pb Ile bec;llLsc Ilob), ~ h ildrcn
t wo businessmen.
behind me .
A '__ a restaurant?
4 The), cou ldn't play ICnnis because ,ennis balls.
B No, S _ _.bur 6•_ _
5 She didn't have a coffee becalls<" cups.
6 He took a phoro because beautiful view.
A7 a minibar in your room?
B Yes, 8_______ bur 9 any 7 The),cou ldn't park near the restaurant because car
drinks in it.
S I could n't work in the hOle I because comput er,
A How many beds 10 ?
B One. A double bed. -c: p.65
My life is a simple thing that would interest nobody.
It is a known fact that I was born, and that is all that is necessary.

1 GRAMMAR past simple of be: was / were

a Complete the sentences with was were, wasn't, or weren't. 7 Bono I born I Ireland? ./

A Who's that? -----------------------------------------?

B It's Jane Austen.
A Why 1 was she famous? 8 Amy Winehouse I singer? ./
B She 2 ____________ a writer. -----------------------------------------?
A 3 she Scottish?
B No, she 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 9 J R R Tolkien and C S Lewis I painters? X
She 5 English. She 6 ______ born -----------------------------------------?
in a small village in the South of England.
A And 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she married? 10 M ichael Jackson I born I Britain? X
B No, she 8 ____________ '
b W rite question s and an swers.
c Complete the dialogues w ith present or past fo rms o f be.
Alexa nder Graham Bell I sportsman? X
__~~a~.sLAllI~ex~a~lilld~e~r~G~l~·awh~a~m~B~e~I~I~a~sp~o~l~·ts~m~an~________? 1 A What day ~ it today?
No, he wasn't . B Monday. Yesterday was Sunday.
2 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor I actors?./ 2 A Hi. ____________ your sister at home?
rt"'o"'n'_"a=n.."d'_'E="l=iz""a""b'_"e=th.....Y,. .,a""D',-"l"o,-
,,-r =ac""t""o-'-'r5'----__? B No, she . She ____________
Yes, they were . here this morning, but now she ___________
3 C harles Dickens I novelist? ./ at work.
-----------------------------------------? 3 A I can't find my keys. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ they?
B I don't know. They on your desk
4 The Bearles I fro m the USA? X this morning.
4 A Where your new boyfriend from?
B He born in England, but his
5 Lord Byron I politician? X
parents born in Singapore.
5 A Why your boss angry yesterday?
6 Isaac Newton I composer? X B Because I very late for work.

2 VOCABULARY word f ormat ion 4 LISTENING
a Make professions from these words. Use a or an. a Listen to a radio programme about the greatest Britons
1 invent an inventor of all time. Number the people in the order they come on the list.
2 write
3 police
4 compose
5 music
6 paint
7 business
8 act
9 science
10 sail
b Underline the stressed syllables, e.g. an inventor.

c Practise saying the words in a.

d Complete the sentences with was I were and a

noun from a.
1 Francis Drake was a sailor .
2 Beethoven and Mozart were composers
3 James Dean _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
4 Galileo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 Fredd ie Mercury _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 The Wright brothers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 Agatha Christie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 Howard Hughes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9 Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 PRONUNCIATION sent ence st ress

~mf~·!) Listen and repeat the conversation.

A Who was Benjamin Britten? b Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false).

B He was a composer. 1 We don't know when Shakespeare was born. .L
A Was he American? 2 Charles Darwin was born on 20th February, 1809.
B No, he wasn't. He was English. 3 He was 63 when he died.
A When was he born? 4 Diana was born on 1st July, 1961.
B He was born in 1913.
5 She wasn't married when she died.
A Were his pa rents English?
6 Isambard Kingdom BruneI was a writer.
B Yes, they we re.
7 He was 53 when he died.
8 The greatest Briton of all time was a painter.


Learn these words and phrases.
the (16th) century l);) 'sentJ~rt
divorced III \ J:st
between (1816 and 1820) bl ' t\\ i:n
be against (something) hi ~'SJelllst l
be in love (with someone) hi 111 '1\\ /
I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette
on the same day. I never had time for tobacco after that.

1 GRAMMAR past simple: regular verbs 8 time , work, did, What, arrive' Sandra, yesterday, at
A ?
a Complete the sentences with a regular verb in the past B At ten o'clock.
simple, first in the positive and then in the negative.
c Complete the questions and answers.
book download listen miss play study watch work
1990 1-994 1997 2001 2004 2007 2009
1 Yesterday I missed my bus, but I didn't miss my
2 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the news , but we
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the weather.
3 My parents _____________ French at school, but
they Spanish or Italian.
When did
4 My sister
5 The secretary
the film with me, but
the football match.
a table for lunch, but
it happen?
she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a taxi. 1 when I the Channel Tunnel l open
6 I some music onto my laptop, but
r any films. It opened in 1994 .
7 The shop assistant last Saturday, 2 when I Michael Jackson / die
but she on Sunday. 7
8 My boyfriend rugby at school, but He died in
he basketball.
3 when / Facebook / start
b Order the words to make questions.
1 you , did, night, TV , What, on , last, watch? It started in
A What did you watch on TV last night ?
B I watched the news. 4 when / Princess Diana I die
2 did , match, the, time, finish, What 7
She died in
A ?
B At six o'clock. 5 when / the first tourist / travel into space
3 your, presents, birthday ,like, you, Did 7
A ? The first tourist travelled into space in
B Yes, I did. They were great!
6 when I iPhones I first appear
4 did , university' your, at , brother, What, study
A ?
They appeared in
B Modern Languages.
5 parents, your , arrive , late ' Did 7 when I Tim Berners-Lee / create the World Wide Web
A ? 7
B No, they didn't. They were early. He created it in
6 Germany' your, in , friends, did, Where 'live
A ?
B Hamburg.
7 of, you, Did , at , the , cry' film' end, the
A ?
B Yes, I did. It was very sad.
2 VOCABULARY past time expressions 5 LISTENING
~~the correct answer. a Listen to four speakers describing bad
1 I chatted to my friends for an hour~t ni~1 journeys. How did they travel (e.g. by car, etc.)?
yesterday night. 1 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 My girlfriend finished university ago two years I 2 4 _________________
two years ago.
b Listen again and match the speakers 1-4
3 They travelled abroad last month I the last month. to the sentences a-d.
4 Did you call me last morning I yesterday morning?
5 It stopped raining two hours ago I two ago hours.
Speaker 1 D
6 My brother worked in Greece last July I the last July.
Speaker 2 D
7 We watched that film before two weeks I
Speaker3 D
two weeks ago.
Speaker 4 D
8 David booked the tickets yesterday afternoon I A A stranger helped me.
last afternoon . B Someone in my family helped me.
9 Steve was born in 1990 I on 1990. C I started my journey twice.
10 I played golf the day yesterday before I o I didn't arrive at my destination.
the day before yesterday.


a ([!Ji:r~.!l~ Listen to the words. Underline the word Learn these words and phrases.
where -ed is pronounced lid/. satnav sa:[I1<l?\
booked checked wanted walked surprised ~,:l'pralzd
2 painted arrived finished travelled arrive ':lraIVI
3 asked waited looked stopped cry krill
4 called played chatted listened miss mls!
5 missed watched cooked started text [ei--st
6 followed decided lived relaxed travel 1r'e\ I
b Listen again and repeat the words. country house i-- \l1lri 'haus 1

a Read the article and choose the best title.
erbian tennis player Bojana Jovanovski

1 The wrong match
2 The wrong destination was onLy 19 when she pLayed in the
3 The wrong player San Diego Open. However, she very
nearLy missed the tournament. Her first match
b Read the article again and answer
was in CarLsbad, California, so her agent
the questions.
booked a seat for her and gave her the ticket
How old was Bojana when the to CarLsbad. It was a Long journey because
incident happened? Bojana needed to take three different pLanes.
2 Where was the tennis tournament? When she finaLLy arrived in CarLsbad, she was surprised
3 How did she travel to Carlsbad? to find that the airport was empty. She waited for 15 minutes
4 Where did Bojana travel to first? and then caLLed Tournament Transport. The probLem was that Bojana was
5 When did she arrive at the tournament? in CarLsbad, New Mexico and the transport service was in CarLsbad,
6 Who did she play in her first match? CaLifornia where the tournament was. So, Bojana stayed in New Mexico for
7 Did she win? the night and then traveLLed to CarLsbad, California the next morning. She
arrived onLy 30 minutes before the start of her match with the Italian pLayer
Roberta Vinci. UnfortunateLy, the day finished badLy for Bojana because
she Lost the match 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. After that, she just wanted to go home!
Never be the first to arrive at a party or the
last to go home, and never, ever be both.

1 GRAMMAR past simple: irregular verbs 2 VOCABULARY go, have, get

a Change the sentences from the present to the past. a Cross Otlt the incorrect expression.
We meet in a cafe. (last night) 1 GO to the beach out to a restaurant a-bns
We met in a caft last niBht. 2 HAVE lunch a sandwich for a walk a drink
2 Max sees his friends after work. (last night) 3 GET dressed a good time up an email
4 GO to bed a car away on holiday
3 Emily loses her keys. (yesterday) 5 HAVE breakfast a bike a shower 18 years
6 GET shopping home a newspaper a taxi
4 We don't have dinner at home. (last night) b Complete the text with went, had, or Bot.

5 They leave work at 5.30. (yesterday)

6 Alex doesn't get up early. (yesterday morning)

7 My girlfriend feels ill. (yesterday)

8 Helen doesn't go out during the week. (last week)

9 I don't wear glasses. (yesterday)

10 Lucy can't come to my party. (last year)

b Complete the questions in the dialogue .

t was my girlfriend's birthday last Saturday,
A Where 1 did you BO last night?
B I went to that new sushi bar in town.
A 2
B Yes, it was great.
good? I so we 1 went away for the weekend.
I booked a hotel on the internet, and on
Friday we 2 the train to the coast. It
A Wh o 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w ith? was quite late when we arrived, so we just
B I went with my girlfriend. ____ a sandwich and 4 to bed.
A What 4 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _?
The next day, we 5 up early and
B I wore jeans and my new black shirt.
____ breakfast in the hotel. It was a
A What time 5 home?
B We got home at about midnight. beautiful day, so we 7 to the beach.
A 6 a taxi home? We 8 a swim in the morning, and in
B Yes. We didn't want to drive. the afternoon we 9 for a walk. In the
A Did 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good time? evening, we 10 dinner in an expensive
B Yes, we had a great time. The food was delicious! French restaurant. The food was delicious! The
A 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it expensive?
next day was Sunday, so we 11 back
B Yes, a bit.
home again. The weekend was very short, but
we 12 a great time.

ENGLISH w w w . a l f o n s o l o p e z . e s Types 0 and 1

Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences have two parts: - the if-clause and the main Clause

If it rains , / I will stay at home.

if-clause main-clause


- We can reverse the order: If it rains, I will stay at home / I will stay at home if it rains.
- We write a comma (,) after the if-clause, when we begin with the if-clause.

There are four types of Conditional Sentences. Each type contains a different pair of tenses. With each type certain variations are


If-clause............... Present Simple

Main-clause...…… Present Simple

e.g.: If you eat too much, you feel bad.

If I don´t get enough sleep, I feel tired.
If you mix yellow and blue, you get green.

We use this structure to talk about habits and general truths.

Here if = whenever


If-clause............... Present
Main-clause...…... Future

e.g.: If he runs, he will get there in time.

We use this structure to talk about things that may happen in the future (there is a possibility that the situation in the if-clause
will happen in the future).
This type of sentence implies that the action in the If-clause is QUITE PROBABLE.
ENGLISH w w w . a l f o n s o l o p e z . e s Types 0 and 1



If I have a headache, They die

I feel terrible It makes me feel nervous
If I drink too much coffee, If you don´t get enough exercise
If flowers don´t get any water, I usually take some aspirin.
You put on weight If I don´t get 8 hours´sleep a night


1- If we (keep on) _________________ using more and more cars, we (run out)
____________ of oil.
2- If we (run out) _________________ of oil, we (need) _________________ other
kinds of energy.
3- Pollution (increase) _________________ if we (use) _________________ more oil
and coal.
4- If pollution (increase) _______________ , more and more trees (die) ____________ .
5- The climate (change) _________________ if more trees (die) _________________ .
6- If we (try) _________________ to control pollution, it (be) _________________
very expensive.
7- If we (not control) _________________ pollution soon, it (be) _________________
too late.
1. Complete these conditional sentences with the verbs in the correct tense. (0 and 1)
1. If she _________________(have) a free evening tomorrow, she ________________(take) you to the cinema.
2. If you heat water to 100°c, it _______________ (boil)
3. She can help you if you ___________ (ask) her.
4. If you ______________(not water) plants regularly, they die.
5. If you walk ten miles with me, you _________________ (feel) tired.
6. I won’t go out if it __________________(not stop) raining.
7. If the temperature is lower than 0°c, water __________ (freeze).
8. You can waste lot of time if you ___________________ (watch) too much tv.
9. If the climate gets warmer I _____________ (not wear) this jacket.
10. I _______________(not enjoy) the party if you _______________ (not come).
11. If the apartment is too expensive we ______________ (not rent) it.
12. If it .................................(be) cold this evening, I ........................................(stay) at home.
13. If you _______________ (study) hard, you ______________(be) a good student.
14. If it _________________ (rain), the streets ______________ (get) wet.
15. If you _______________ (mix) red and yellow, you ______________ (get) orange.
16. She ________________ (phone) to the doctor if she ______________(feel) bad again.
17. We ________________ (miss) the train if we ________________ (not hurry) up!
18. If I __________________ (eat) too much chocolate, I _______________(get) sick.
19. If you ________________(stick) your finger in the socket you _____________ (electrocute).
20. I _______________ (take) your umbrella if it _____________(rain).

2. What sentences are type “zero” and what are “type 1”?

3. Write the correct pattern for “zero conditional” write when do we use it?

4. Write the correct pattern for “First conditional” write when do we use it?
Conditional Sentences Type 0
( If + ____________________ , __________________________ )

If we _________ ice, it _________into water. (heat / turn)

Ice ___________ into water if we ______________ it

If you __________ the red and yellow colours, you ____________ orange.
mix / get
You ______________ orange if you _____________ the red and yellow colours,.

Are these situations always true? ______________________________________

What type of information are they? ______________________________________

Conditional Sentences Type I

( If + ______________________ , __________________________ )
If you work hard, you will succeed.
What is the time of the situation? _________________________________
You are certain /or/ There is possibility ?

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

 If I go out with my friends tonight, I (not / watch) ___________________ the football match on TV.
 I will earn a lot of money if I (get) ________________________ that job.
 If she (not hurry)________________________ , we will miss the bus.

Complete these conditional sentences with a present tense verb followed by a verb in the present or the
future tense, depending on the meaning.

EXAMPLES: If ice gets warm, it melts. (get / melt)

If it starts to rain, we’ll get wet. (start / get wet)

1. Oil …………………….. if you …………………… it on water. (float / pour)

2. If I……………………. some spare time next weekend, I ………………………………running. ( have / go )
3. Unless you ………………………….now, you …………………………late. ( leave / be)
4. If you …………………………for information politely, people normally ………………………… you. ( ask / help )
5. If Andrew …………………………enough money, he ………………………… a new computer. ( save / buy)
6. If air …………………………warm, it …………………………. (become / rise)
1- What is the text about?

A- General rules

B- Security guidance

C- Police controls

2- Underline and write the traffic

signs and means of transport in
the text.

A- It is obligatory to wear a helmet
and a seat belt. __
B- It is obligatory to stop when the
red light shows. __
C- It is not obligatory to use lights
at night. __
D- It is not obligatory to drive on
the left. __
1- Find the most appropriate title for the text:



2- Read the text and match the different situation to their consequences or
recommended reactions.
1- Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs _____
2- Do not sound your horn _____
3- Do not use your mobile pone _____
4- Do not exceed the speed limit _____

A- Stop first or listen to it later.
B- You can offend other drivers.
C- Respect the limit for your car and the road.
D- You can lose your reflexes
E- A vehicle can be as dangerous as a gun.

A- You are permitted to use your mobile phone while driving.
B- You are permitted to drive under the influence of alcohol.
C- It is prohibited to respect the speed limits.
D- A car is as dangerous as a gun.

Complete these sentences with must, mustn’t or the correct or the correct
form of have to.

1.- At our school we __________ wear a uniform.

2.- You __________ cross the roads without looking. It’s
3.- You _______ turn on the central heating. It’s automatic.
4.- The exams are next week. I __________ work harder.
5.- You ________ forget your umbrella. It’s going to rain.
6.- Students _________ listen to the teacher or they
won’t understand.
7.- You _____ cross the road when the red light is showing.
8.- We __________ leave now or we’ll miss the plane.
9.- Soldiers ____________ obey orders.
10.- Sorry, I ___________ go now. I don’t want to be late.
11.- Shop assistants __________ deal with the public.
12.- You __________ come with us if you don’t want to.
13.- I was late this morning because I _________ wait a long time
for the bus.
14.- In Spain, teachers __________ wear uniforms.
15.- You ___________ take food in your room.
16.- You __________ use the elevators in case of fire.
17.- I _________ wear glasses because I can’t see very well.
18.- You ___________ read this book. It’s really good.
19.- You __________ go shopping today. We don’t
need anything.
20.- You __________ a mobile phone in class.
21.- We ___________ feed the animals. It’s forbidden.
22.- We _________ book the tickets before it’s too late.
23.- In Spain, teachers _________ work on Saturdays.
24.- In Britain you __________ drive on the left.
25.- Every player in a football team __________ have a number.
26.- You ___________ forget his birthday again.
27.- Doctors sometimes ___________ work at the weekend.
28.- Nowadays in Spain pupils ____ learn Latin at school.
29.- You __________ smoke on public places.
30.- My wife __________ go to work today. It’s a
31.- You _________ shout. I can hear you.
32.- We ___________ be quiet in the library.
33.- You __________ use a computer on the plane.
34.- She ___________ come to the dentist’s with me.
35.- At a restaurant you _________ pay the bill but you __________
eat everything.
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