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‘72124, 15:00 Qué son los grandes datos? Inroducciény apicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. Heger » Peneipinte > {Gut sons grandes dares? tiecueci,usosy aplleaciones Producimos una enorme cantidad de datos cada dia, lo sepamos 0 no, Cada clic en Internet, cada transaccién bancaria, cada video que miramos en YouTube, cada correo electrénico que enviamos, cada me gusta en nuestra publicacién de Instagram constituyen datos para las empresas de tecnologia. Con una cantidad tan enorme de datos recopilados , tiene sentido que las empresas utiicen estos datos para comprender mejor a sus clientes y su comportamiento , Esta es la razén por la que la Popularidad de la ciencia de datos se ha multiplicado en los tltimos afios. jIntentemos comprender qué es big data y sus beneficlos y usos! Este artfculo se publicé como parte de! Blogatnon de ciencia de datos Tabla de contenido éQué son los grandes datos? Big data es exactamente lo que sugiere el nombre, una "gran" cantidad de datos. Big Data significa un conjunto de datos que es grande en términos de volumen y més complejo. Debide al gran volumen y la mayor complelidad del Big Data, el software de procesamiento de datos tradicional no puede manejarlo, Big Data simplemente significa conjuntos de datos que contienen una gran cantidad de datos diversos, tanto estructurados como no. estructurados, ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! a8 ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény aplicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. efectiva utilizando Big Data Analytics. Las empresas intentan identificar patrones y extraer conocimientos de este mar de datos para poder actuar en consecuencia y resolver los problemas en cuestién, Aunque las empresas llevan décadas recopllando una enorme cantidad de datos, el concepto de Big Data no gané popularidad hasta principios y mediados de la década de 2000. Las empresas se dieron cuenta de la cantidad de datos que se recopilaban a diario y de la importancia de utlizarlos de forma eficaz. 5V de Big Data 1. Elvolumen se refiere a la cantidad de datos que se recopilan. Los datos pueden estar estructurados ono estructurades. 2. La velocidad se refiere a la velocidad a la que llegan los datos, 3. La var dad se refiere a los diferentes tipos de datos (tipos de datos, formatos, etc.) que llegan para su anélisis. En los utimos afios, también han surgido dos Vadicionales de datos: valor y veracidad 4.Elvalor se refiere a la utilidad de los datos recopilados. 5. Laveracidad se reflere a la calidad de los datos que provienen de diferentes fuentes. Variety Velocity @ Value ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! ans ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény aplicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. Tiempo necesario: 15 minutos Big data implica recopilar, procesar y analizer grandes cantidades de datos de miltiples fuentes para descubrir patrones, relaciones y conocimientos que puedan informar la toma de decisiones. El proceso implica varios pasos: 1. Recopilacién de datos, Los macrodatos se recopilan de diversas fuentes, ‘como redes sociales, sensores, sistemas transaccionales, opiniones de clientes y otras fuentes. 2. Almacenamiento de datos ‘The collected data then needs to be stored in a way that it can be easily accessed and analyzed later. This often requires specialized storage technologies capable of handling large volumes of deta, 3, Data Processing Once the data is stored, it needs to be processed before it can be analyzed. This involves cleaning and organizing the data to remove any errors or inconsistencies, and transform it into a format suitable for analysis. 4, Data Analysis After the data has been processed, Its time to analyze it using tools lke statistical models and machine learning algorithms to identity patterns, relationships, and trends. 5. Data Visualization ‘The insights derived from data analysis are then presented in visual formats such as graphs, charts, ‘and dashboards, making it easier for decision-makers, to understand and act upon them. Use Cases ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! sits ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény apicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. to solve problems, and have more data to test their hypothesis on, Peni eee ees pron eos ae Customer Experience Customer experience is # major field that has been revolutionized with the advent of Big Data. Companies are collecting more data about their customers and their preferences than ever. This data is being leveraged in a positive way, by giving personalized recommendations and offers to customers, who are more than happy to allow companies to collect this data in return for the personalized services. The recommendations you get on Netflix, or Amezon/Flipkart are a gift of Big Data! Mact \e Learning Machine Learning is another field that has benefited reat from the increasing popularity of Big Data, More data means we have larger datasets to train our ML models, and a more trained model (generally) results in a better performance. Also, with the help of Machine Learning, we are now able to automate tasks that were earlier being done manually, all thanks to Big Data. Demand Forecasting ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! 4s ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény aplicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. purchases. This helps companies build forecasting models, that help them forecast future demand, and scale production accordingly. It helps companies, especially those in manufacturing businesses, to reduce the cost of storing unsold inventory in warehouses. Big data also has extensive use in applications such as product development and fraud detection. Find Out the Difference Between Big Data and Data Science! Hes esimate that by 2025, global data creation wil each» mind-boggling 462 cxabytes per day. AS ou word becomes Incessngly at-drve, the combination ig Dats ana ts Science promises GV Arse aye How to Store and Process Big Data? The volume and velocity of Big Data can be huge, which makes it almost impossible to store it in traditional data warehouses. Although some and sensitive information can be red on company premises, for most of the data, companies have to opt for cloud storage or Hadoop. Cloud storage allows businesses to store their data on the internet with the help of a cloud service provider (like ‘Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform) who takes the responsibility of managing and storing the data. The data can be accessed easily and quickly with an API Hadoop also does the same thing, by giving you the ability to store and process large amounts of data at once. Hadoop is an open-source software framework and is free. It allows users to process large datasets across clusters of computers, ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! sts ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény apicacién de Big data £Qué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. 1. Apache Hadoop is an open-source big dats tool designed to store and process large amounts of data ‘across multiple servers. Hadoop comprises a distributed file system (HDFS) and 2 MapReduce processing engine. 2. Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster ‘computing system that supports in-memory processing to speed up iterative algorithms. Spark can be used for batch processing, real-time stream processing, machine learning, graph processing, and SQL queries. 3. Apache Cassandra isa distributed NoSQL database management system designed to handle large ‘amounts of data across commodity servers with high availability and fault tolerance. 4, Apache Flink is an open-source streaming data processing framework that supports batch processing, real-time stream processing, and event-driven applications. Flink provides low-latency, high- throughput data processing with fault tolerance and scalability 5. Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that ‘enables the publishing and subscribing to streams of records in real 1. Katka is used for building real- time data pipelines and streaming applications. 6. Splunk is a software platform used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data in real-time. Splunk collects and indexes data from various sources and provides insights into operational ‘and business intelligence. 7. Talend is an open-source data integration platform that enables organizations to extract, transform, and load L) data from various sources into target systems, Talend supports big data technologies such ‘as Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Pig, and HBase. 8. Tableau is a data visualization and business intelligence tool that allows users to analyze and share data using interactive dashboards, reports, and ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! eins ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény apicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. Google BigQuery, 9. Apache NiFi is @ data flow management tool used for ‘automating the movement of data between systems. NiFi supports big data technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka and provides real-time data processing and analytics, 10. QlikView is @ business inteligence and data visualization too! that enables users to analyze and share data using interactive dashboards, reports, and charts. QlikView supports big data platforms such as Hedoop, and provides real-time deta processing and analytics. Big Data Best Practices To effectively manage and utilize big data, organizations should follow some best practices: + Define clear business objectives: Organizations should define clear business objectives while collecting and analyzing big data. This can help avoid wasting time land resources on irrelevant data, + Collect and store relevant data only: It is important to collect and store only the relevant data th: required for analysis. This can help reduce data storage costs and improve data processing efficiency. + Ensure data quality: Its critical t ensure data quality by removing errors, inconsistencies, and duplicates from the data before storage and processing + Use appropriate tools and technologies: Organizations must use appropriate tools and tachnolagies for collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing big data ‘This includes specialized software, hardware, and ‘cloud-based technologies. + Establish deta security and privacy policies: Big data often contains sensitive information, and therefore organizations must establish rigorous data security ‘nd privacy policies to protect this data from unauthorized access or misuse. ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! ms ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény aplicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. to identity patterns and predict future trends in big data, Organizations must leverage these technologies to gain actionable insights from their date + Focus on data visualization: Data visualization can simplify complex data into intuitive visual formats such ‘as graphs or charts, making it easier for decision- makers t understand and act upon the insights derived from big data Challenges 1. Data Growth Managing datasets having terabytes of information can be 2 big challenge for companies. As datasets grow in size, storing them not only becomes a challenge but also becomes an expensive affair for companies. To overcome this, companies are now starting to pay attention to data compression and de-duplication. Data compression reduces the number of bits that the data needs, resulting in a reduction in space being consumed Data de-duplication is the process of making sure duplicate and unwanted data does not reside in our database. 2, Data Security Data security is often prioritized quite low in the Big Data workflow, which can backfire at times. With such a large amount of data being collected, security challenges are bound to come up sooner or later. Mining of sensitive information, fake data generation, and lack of cryptographic protection (encryption) are some of the challenges businesses face when trying to adopt Big Data techniques. Companies need to understand the Importance of data security, and need to prioritize it. To help them, there are professional Big Data consultants nowadays, that help ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! Bits ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény aplicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. 3. Data Integration Data is coming in from a lot of different sources (social media applications, emails, customer verification documents, survey forms, ete). It often becomes a very big operational challenge for companies to combine and reconcile all of this data. ‘There are several Big Data solution vendors that offer ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and data integration solutions to companies that are trying to overcome data integration problems. There are also several APIs that have already been built to tackle issues related to data integration, An Introductory Guide to Big Data Analytics ‘hiaich wae pulsed a3 pat ofthe Dat Science logathon One thing that comes our mind ae eating ig Oat Aalst this Ansty nat. Continue ending WV arsine ° Advantages and Disadvantages of Big Data Advantages of Big Data + Improved decision-making: Big dat can provide insights and patterns that help organizations make more informed decisions. + Increased efficiency: Big data analytics can help organizations identify inefficiencies in their operations ‘and improve processes to reduce costs. ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! its ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény apicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. campaigns that are relevant to individual customers, resulting in better customer engagement and loyalty, ‘+ New revenue streams: Big data can uncover new business opportur 3s, enabling organizations to create new products and services that meat market domand + Competitive advantage: Organizations that can effectively leverage big data have @ competitive ‘advantage over those that cannot, as they can make faster, more informed decisions based on data-driven insights. Disadvantages of Big Data + Privacy concerns: Collecting and storing large amounts of data can raise privacy concerns, particularly if the data includes sensitive personal information «+ Risk of oi breaches: Big data increases the risk of data breaches, leading to loss of confidential data and negative publicity for the organization. + Technical challenges: Managing and processing large volumes of data requires specialized technologies and skilled personnel, which can be expensive and time- consuming. + Difficulty in integrating date sources: Integrating data from multiple sources can be challenging, particularly ifthe data is unstructured or stored in different formats. + Complexity of analysis: Analyzing large datasets can be complex and time-consuming, requiing specialized skills and expertise Implementation Across Industries Here are top 10 industries that use big data In thelr favor - ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! 015 ‘72124, 15:00 2Qu8 son tos eQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. Healthcare outcomes, identity trends and patterns, and} develop personalized treatment Track and analyze customer data to Reta personalize marketing campaigns, improve Inventory management and enhance CX Iinance Detect fraud, assess risks and make Informed investment decisions Optimize supply chain processes, reduce [Manufacturing costs and improve praduct quality through predictive maintenance Optimize routes, improve fleet msnagement ITransportation and enhance safety by predicting accidents before they happen Supervise y analice patrones de uso de leneray cenergia, optimice la produccién y reduzca los residues mediante andlisis predietivos. Adminitre el trifica de la red, mejore la | etecomunicaiones 20080 del servicio reduzca el tiempo de Inactividad mediante el mantenimiento predictive y la prediccién de interrupciones. ‘Abordar cusstiones como la prevencién del (Gobierno y publicodelito, la mejora de la gestion del tréfico y la prediccién de desastres naturales. Comprendar el comportamiento del Ppubticiaad y cconsumidor, dirigirse a audiencies IMarketing especiticas y mecir la eficacia de las campafas, Personalice las experiencias de aprenaizaje, supervise el progreso de los leducacion estudiantes y mejare los métodos de lenseanza a través del aprendizaje adaptativ, El futuro de los grandes datos El volumen de datos que se producen cada dia aumenta continuamente, con la creciente digitalizacién. Cada vez ims empresas estén empezando @ pasar de los métodos tradicionales de almacenamiento y andlsis de datos 2 soluciones en la nube. Las empresas estén empezando @ darse cuenta de la importancia de los datos. Todo esto implica una cosa: jel futuro del Big Data parece prometedor! Cambiaré la forma en que operan las empresas y se toman decisiones. Nota final En este articulo, analizamos lo que en’ demos por Big Data, datos estructurados y no estructurados, algunas ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! randes datos? Introduccién y aplcacién 6 Big data ns ‘72124, 15:00 {Qué son os grandes datos? Inroducciény aplicacién de Big data EQué son los grandes datos? Introduccién, usos y aplicaciones. plataformas en la nube y Hadoop. Si esté interesado en ‘obtener mas informacién sobre los usos de big data, registrese en nuestro programa Blackbelt Plus . Obtenga su hoja de ruta profesional personalizada, domine todas las habilidades que le faltan con Ia ayuda de un mentor y resuelva proyectos complelos con orientacién experta IInseribete hoy! Preguntas frecuentes 1. Qué es big data on palabras simples? R. Big data se refiere al gran volumen de datos. estfucturados y no estructurados generados por individuos, organizaciones y méquinas. P2, gQué es el big data por jempio? R. Un ejemplo de big data seria analizar las grandes cantidades de datos recopilados de plataformas de redes sociales como Facebook o Twitter para identifica la opinién del cliente hacia un producto 0 servicio en particular. P3, ,Cudles son ios 3 tipos de big data? R. Los tres tipos de big data son datos estructurados, datos no estructurados y datos semiestructurados, 4. gPara qué so utiliza el big data? R. Los macrodatos se utilizan para diversos fines, como mejorar las operaciones comerciales, comprender el comportamiento de los clientes, predecir tendencias futuras y desarrollar nuevos productos o servicios, entre otros. Los medios que se muestran en este artioulo no son Propiedad de Analytics Vidhya y se utilizan a discrecién del autor. Svsdebigdata Aplicaciones Grandes datos biogatén ntps:twwwanalytesvahya.comblog/2021/05iwhat-is-big-date-intreduction-uses-and-apphcations! rans

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