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January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

SVBC Newsletter
Presidents Remarks
Alison Olivieri We have much to celebrate and welcome this and, hopefully one of our renowned Pelagic New Year with our champagne flutes raised Trips out of Golfito. high! Local members continue to work on a comFirst of all, an enormous Thank You to mittee dedicated to supporting appropriate those members whose generosity allowed us land use laws here in the canton of Coto Brus. Planes Reguladores zoning laws to send Danny Ruiz and Chespi Elizondo to have become a subject of great interest as El Salvador to present your clubs Avian Monitoring project at an International Conspeculative land buying and development gress in November. You can read their write- increase. up about the trip in this issue. Finally, new 2009 tee shirts featuring a Secondly, we have some pretty fantastic trips beautiful drawing by Secretary Lydia Vogt Alison OlivieriPresident planned including one completed last month are must-haves! We have childrens sizes as to Rancho Naturalista where we enjoyed the a new offering this year to aid us in raising INSIDE THIS ISSUE: company and hospitality of the Bird Club of money for our long-planned Birding Tower, Editors Note Costa Rica. Forthcoming trips include an so place your orders today! across-the-border extravaganza to Panama Birding Symposium

2 3 5 6 7 9 12 14,15

Notas de la Presidencia
Alison Olivieri
Tenemos mucho que celebrar y dar la bienvenida a este Nuevo Ao con nuestras flautas de champaa bien alto!

Mist netting project Rancho Naturalista

Feature Bird uno de nuestros reconocidos Viajes Pelgicos Around the Club en Golfito. AGMPresidents remark Los miembros locales continan trabajando en un comit dedicado a dar apoyo a las leyes Photo Gallery Primero, un enorme Gracias a los de uso apropiado de la tierra en nuestro miembros cuya generosidad nos permiti enviar a Danny Ruiz y Chespi Elizondo a cantn, Coto Brus. Los Planes Reguladores I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : presentar el Proyecto de Monitoreo de Aves se han convertido en objeto de gran inters de este su club en un Congreso Internacional dado el incremento en la especulacin con la Del Editor en noviembre pasado en El Salvador. En este compra de tierras y el desarrollo. Simposio Ornotologico boletn pueden leer sus comentarios sobre Finalmente, las nuevas camisetas del 2009, este viaje. Monitero de aves donde aparece un bello dibujo de nuestra Segundo, tenemos unos viajes fantsticos Secretaria Lydia Vogt, son debesRancho Naturalista planeados, incluyendo uno que se complet el tenerla!. Tenemos tamaos para nios como un nuevo ofrecimiento para ayudarnos Especia Principal mes pasado al Rancho Naturalista, donde disfrutamos de la compaa y hospitalidad del este ao a colectar dinero para muestra tan Noticias del Club Club de Aves de Costa Rica. Prximos viajes planeada Torre de Observacin de Aves. As Informe de Presidencia incluyen una extravaganza al otro lado de que ordene hoy! la lnea en Panam y, con los dedos cruzados, Galeria de fotos

2 4 5 6 8 10 13 14,15

2 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Editors Corner

SVBC Newsletter
From the Editor
Welcome to our 6th issue, Vol 3, Issue 2 - (I think there were one too many glasses of wine the day we created these numbers!). We are back again with news and articles to catch you up on happenings around the Club during the past six months. Club of Costa Rica. As always, I am indebted to Alison and Julie who continue to provide articles and advice (some of which I actually listen to).

This issue ends my tenure as editor and Our feature article comes from Danny I am handing over the reins to Harry Hull, a recently-arrived resident to San Ruiz and Pablo Elizondo, two of our Dave Woolley SVBC Treasurer & Editor Vito. Harry, I know will take the local members who, thanks to your newsletter to new heights (not difficult Photo: Julie Girard generous help, represented the Club at according to my more outspoken a birding symposium in El Salvador. entirely due to our gracious contribufriends). tors, the artistic layout skills of my Gail Hewson-Hull has contributed an It was fun the past few years being part wife Julie and our translators (Rodo account of five of our members who Quiros, take a bow). journeyed to Rancho Naturalista at the of the Clubs communication conduit. invitation of our friends from the Bird Any success the newsletter enjoyed is Thank you all. Muchas gracias.
Late-breaking News While the 6.2 magnitude earthquake on Thursday, January 8th was not felt here in San Vito, the loss of life and general devastation to the north of us was horrendous and we share in the sadness felt by all the citizens of Costa Rica. Your Club has made a donation to the disaster relief fund through the Bank of Costa Rica who have matched our donation.

Notas Del Editor

Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a nuestro sexto boletn (Vol.3, No. 2 Creo que hubo muchas copas de vino el da que creamos estos nmeros!). Estamos de nuevo con noticias y artculos para mantenerles al tanto de lo que ha ocurrido alrededor del Club en los ltimos seis meses. Nuestro artculo principal viene de Danny Ruiz y Pablo Elizondo, dos de nuestros miembros locales que, gracias a su generosa ayuda, representaron al Club en un simposio de aves en El Salvador. Gail Hewson-Hull ha contribuido un recuento de cinco de nuestros miembros que viajaron al rancho Naturalista ante la invitacin de nuestros amigos del Club de Aves de Costa Rica. Como siempre, estoy en deuda con Alison y Julie quienes continan ofreciendo artculos y consejos (algunos de los cuales s escucho). Con este nmero termina mi tiempo como editor y estoy pasando las riendas a Harry Hull, un nuevo residente de San Vito. S que Harry llevara el boletn a nuevas alturas (no tan difcil segn amigos ms hablantines). Ha sido divertido ser parte del canal de comunicacin del Club durante los ltimos aos. Cualquier xito que disfrut el boletn se debe enteramente a mis buenos colaboradores, las destrezas artsticas de mi esposa Julie y nuestros traductores (Rodo Quirs, mis respetos). Muchas gracias. Thank you all.

Noticias de ltima hora A pesar de que el terremoto de magnitud 6.2 del jueves 8 de enero no se sinti en San Vito, la prdida de vidas humanas y la devastacin general al norte de nosotros fue horrenda y compartimos el pesar sentido por todos los costarricenses. El SVBC ha hecho una donacin al fondo de asistencia al desastre a travs del Banco de Costa Rica que est duplicando las donaciones dlar por dlar

3 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Featured Article

SVBC Newsletter
Birding Symposium in El Salvador
By Pablo Elizondo and Danny Ruiz Editors Note: The San Vito Bird Club was invited to present some of its data at a birding symposium in El Salvador. Thanks to the generosity of members, the Club was able to underwrite the costs for two of our local resident members to attend. Following are edited versions of their experiences. I was honored to have the opportunity along with Danny Ruiz to attend the Population Tendencies Symposium organized by the US Forest Service and held in El Salvador this past November. With the help of the SVBC executive and Dr. Steve Latta, our principal investigator from National Aviary in Pittsburgh, we prepared our presentation titled, Monitoring of Population Tendencies in San Vito, Costa Rica: Building Collaborations and Networks for Research and Conservation. Danny and I presented our paper to a full auditorium composed of ornithologists, conservationists and leaders of various governmental and development agencies. It was a great experience for us and our presentation was well received. Along with the monitoring data we presented, the audience was particularly interested in how the SVBC has been able to go about its research in San Vito combining the volunteer work of its members with various outside organizations and conservation initiatives. We shared some of the Clubs preliminary data from our four-times-a-year mist nettings. Some of the highlights (which you read about in the Clubs newsletters) included the following: 2300 birds banded in three monitoring stations between 2004 and 2008. Total of 131 species, 104 resident and 27 migrants. The three most common individuals were the Turdus grayi (Clay-colored Robin) with 179 individuals, Sporophila americana (Variable Seedeater) with 141, and Catharus aurantiirostris (Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush) with 116 individuals. 428 individuals were recaptures, 270 residents and 158 migrants. My trip to El Salvador with Chespi Elizondo was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I had the chance to meet many people from other countries and it was a great experience to talk and listen to them. I formed many friendships and learned a lot about them and their countries and customs. For me, it was the first time on an airplane and I worried a little bit about it at first but once we were in the air everything was fine.

Overall Danny and I had a very favorable reception to the Clubs data and how the Club is structured. We could tell from the audience reaction that the Clubs research is considered valuable by the scientific community.

Our presentation went well and I want to thank the San Vito Bird Club we shared some of our Bird Club very much for giving me the opportunity experiences with many other along with Danny to go to El Salvador. people. It was a great experience. The San Vito Bird Club has Pablo Chespi Elizondo given me the chance to learn more about birds and nature which I have always been interested in. The Club is a great way for local people in San Vito to learn more about their environment and it is not complicated to join. You just have to be interested and enthusiastic about nature. Thank you to all the people who made it possible for me to go, along with Chespi, to El Salvador.

Danny Ruiz receiving a participation certificate from with Mariamar Gutierrez

Danny Ruiz

4 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Articulo principal

SVBC Newsletter
Simposio Ornitolgico en El Salvador
Para Pablo Elizondo and Danny Ruiz Nota del Editor: El Club de Aves de San Vito fue invitado a presentar algunos de sus datos en un simposio ornitolgico en El Salvador. Gracias a la generosidad de los miembros, el Club fue capaz de financiar los costos para que dos de nuestros miembros residentes pudieran asistir. Fui honrado junto con Danny Ruiz de tener la oportunidad de atender el Simposio sobre Tendencias de Poblacin organizado por el Servicio Forestal de USA y realizado en El Salvador el pasado noviembre. Con la ayuda del Comit Ejecutivo del SVBC y el Dr. Steve Latta del Aviario Nacional en Pittsburgh, nuestro investigador principal, preparamos la presentacin llamada, Monitoreo de Tendencias de Poblacin en San Vito, Costa Rica: Construyendo colaboraciones y redes para investigacin y conservacin. Danny y yo presentamos frente a un auditorio lleno de ornitlogos, conservacionistas y lderes de varias agencias de gobierno y de desarrollo. Fue una gran experiencia para nosotros y la presentacin fue bien recibida. Junto con los datos presentados sobre el monitoreo, la audiencia estaba particularmente interesada en como el SVBC ha sido capaz de realizar su investigacin en San Vito combinando el trabajo voluntario de sus miembros con varias organizaciones e iniciativas de conservacin externas. Compartimos algunos de los datos preliminares del proyecto a partir de las cuatro sesiones anuales de captura. Algunos de los datos ms importantes (de los cuales han ledo en el boletn del Club) incluyen los siguientes: 2300 aves anilladas en tres estaciones de monitoreo entre 2004 y 2008. En total 131 especies, 104 residentes y 27 migratorias. Las tres ms comunes en nmero de individuos son Turdus grayi (yigirro) con 179 individuos, Sporophila americana (espiguero variable) con 141, y Catharus aurantiirostris (jilguerillo) con 116 individuos 428 individuos fueron recapturas, 270 residentes y 158 migratorios. En general, Danny y yo tuvimos una recepcin de los datos del Club favorable y de cmo el Club est estructurado. A partir de la reaccin del pblico que la investigacin del Club es considerada valiosa por la comunidad cientfica. Quiero agradecer mucho al Club de Aves de San Vito por darme la oportunidad de viajar a El Salvador junto con Danny. Fue una experiencia maravillosa. Mi viaje a El Salvador con Chespi Elizondo fue una de las ms grandes experiencias de mi vida. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer mucha gente de otros pases y fue una gran experiencia escucharles y hablar con ellos. Hice muchas amistades y aprend mucho sobre ellos, sus pases y costumbres. Para mi, esa era la primera vez en un avin, y al inicio me preocup un poco, pero despus del despegue todo march bien. Nuestra presentacin estuvo bien y compartimos con mucha otra gente algunas de nuestras experiencias con el Club. El Club de Aves de San Vito me ha dado la oportunidad aprender ms acerca de las aves y la naturaleza en las que siempre he estado interesado. Este Club es una gran forma para que gente local de San Vito aprenda ms sobre su ambiente y no es difcil de afiliarse. Slo tiene que tener inters ser entusiasta acerca de la naturaleza. Muchas gracia a todas las personas que hicieron posible que yo viajara a El Salvador junto con Chespi.
Pablo Chespi Elizondo Photo Julie Girard

Danny Ruiz

5 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Science corner

SVBC Newsletter
August and January 2008 Mist-netting sessions
The second week of August yielded a surprise! On the very first morning at Finca Cantaros, an early migrant Louisiana Waterthrush was netted along with a new bird for the Project: a Boat-billed Flycatcher. The regular crew was joined by three new Banders-in-Training including University of Costa Rica students Carla Asofeifa and Daniela Torres and SVBC member Andrew Robertson. Decembers session topped that with two Golden-winged Warbler hybrids. This species is breeding with Bluewinged Warblers in North America and the Goldenwingeds seem to be losing ground to the Blue-wingeds. Cornell University has an ongoing study of these birds and has received our report on these exciting captures.

January mist-netting sessions - Banded birds

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2005 2006 2007 Year 2008 2009

Residents Migrants

Capture rates of all species in midwinter have steadily declined across the five years of our study. We look at midwinter rates as this is when most species, especially the overwintering migrants, are most sedentary and not wandering over large areas. Over the 5 years, resident bird captures* have declined by 32% while migrants* have declined by a staggering 49%.

Number of birds

Point Counts vs. Capture rate

Number of individuals 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Jan 07

mist-netting point counts

Mar 07

Dec 07

Jan 08

Mar 08

Jan 09

For our Monitoring Project we use Mist-nets data and Point Count data. Mist-nets are very good at monitoring bird species that use the lowest vegetation strata since the mist-nets only go up to 2-3 m. The point counts are better at recording vocal and active specie which are easily seen, especially those that are active in the canopy and sub-canopy of the forest fragments where we work. Further analysis of both databases is required.


6 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Trip report

SVBC Newsletter
Birding Expedition to Rancho Naturalista
By Gail Hewson-Hull cinos and marvelous muffins. Navigating the trails this day and again the On the afternoon of our arrival we next morning we saw over 100 species gazed in awe at the action around the including a pair of Red-headed Barbet. feeding stations next to the main lodge. A few individuals were even fortunate Trogons, Oropendolas, Chachalacas, to spot the male Snowcap. Herman, and Toucans were among the many the lodges chief guide was excellent sensational birds competing for our as was a young azure-eyed Belgian attention. We also walked a bit in the guide named Frederich -- who could forest and hung out at the hummingsay he was leading a tour to the Great bird happy hourfour feeders that Sahara Desert, and many of us would Extending to 120 acres on fairly steep provide sipping opportunities for fren- cancel all other commitments to acslopes, Rancho Naturalista offers pri- zied Green-breasted Mangos, Redcompany him. mary and secondary forest habitat with footed Plumeleteers, Coppery-headed well-designed trails and a small wetEmeralds and White-necked Jacobin All in all, a great trip and our hats are off to Dorothy McKinnon and her felland with a stealthy (but visible) Sun- amongst others. low BCCR members. bittern. With its well-appointed rooms, delicious dining and excellent The next morning we met early on the service it more than lived up to its ster- second story porch for foamy cappucDecember saw five of our members accepting BCCRs invitation to join with them at Rancho Naturalista on the Caribbean slope for two days. This was the second get-together for the clubs, the first being six months earlier in San Vito. BCCR were wonderful hosts providing scrumptious hors doeuvres and refreshments and making all the arrangements. ling reputation.

Expedicin Pajarera al Rancho Naturalista

Para Gail Hewson-Hull confortables, la comida deliciosa y el piso para tomar espumosos capuccinos excelente servicio superaron en mucho con quequitos. Navegando los su genuina reputacin. senderos todo ese da, al igual que la maana siguiente, vimos ms de 100 La tarde de nuestra llegada nos especies, incluyendo un par de maravillamos con la accin alrededor barbudos cabecirrojos. Unos pocos de los comederos cerca del edificio individuos fueron an ms afortunados principal. Entre las sensacionales aves de hallar un macho copete de nieve. que competan por nuestra atencin Herman, el gua principal del hotel fue estaban los trogones, oropndolas, excelente, al igual que lo fue un joven chachalacas y tucanes. Tambin gua ojos-azules belga llamado caminamos un poco en el bosque y nos Frederich quien pudo haber dicho que quedamos al happy hour de los guiara un viaje al gran Desierto del Con sus cerca de 50 hectreas en colibres cuatro comederos que dan Sahara y muchas de nosotras terrenos con buena pendiente, el de comer a los frenticos manguitos hubiramos cancelado nuestros Rancho Naturalista ofrece hbitats de pechiverdes, colibres patirrojos, compromisos para acompaarlo. esmeraldas de coronilla cobriza y bosque secundario y primario con senderos bien diseados y un humedal jacobinos nuquiblancos, entre otros. En general, un magnfico viaje y pequeo con una sigilosa (pero visible) nuestros respetos a Dorothy McKinnon A la maana siguiente nos reunimos garza del sol. Con sus habitaciones y sus colegas miembros del BCCR. temprano en la terraza del segundo Diciembre vio a cinco de nuestros miembros aceptar una invitacin del Club de Aves de Costa Rica (BCCR por sus siglas en ingls) para visitar el Rancho Naturalista en la vertiente Atlntica por dos das. Esta fue la segunda estada conjunta de los clubes, la primera ocurri seis meses atrs en San Vito. El BCCR fue un anfitrin maravilloso, proveyendo deliciosos bocadillos y refrescos, y haciendo todos los arreglos.

7 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Feature Bird

SVBC Newsletter
Orange-collared Manakin - Jungle dancer
By Julie Girard Manakins are tiny gems of the New World tropics and depending on which reference book is used there are some 50-plus species. One of my personal favorites, the Orange-collared Manakin, Manacus aurantiacus, is resident on the South Pacific slope of Costa Rica and Western Panama. Its close cousin, the White-collared Manakin can be seen on the Caribbean side. Here in San Vito the Orange Orange-collared Manakin collared live in the middle and upper understorys of our moist forests and in Manacus autantiacus Photo Steven Easley tall second-growth scrub where they feed on berries and small insects. Our members Gail and Harry Hulls prop- the female easily distinguishable from erty Cantaros is a perfect spot to see other similar species of female Mathis amazing jungle dancer. nakins. Most manakins are small and stubby characterized by short tails, broad and rounded wings and large heads. The ornate Orange-collared male sports a black-capped head and a bright orange face, neck and chest. Its back and wings are primarily black with some green while its tail and belly is yellowtinged with olive. The not-so-ornate female is plain green. Both however have bright orange legs and this makes static electricity sounds and the various antics of the males, select a prominent dancing male with whom which to mate (if you think about it, quite similar to human behavior!). Our club has been fortunate to capture and band 89 of these beautiful birds over the course of our yearly mistnetting sessions, 32 of whom have been re-captures. References: Stiles, F Gary & Skutch, Alexander Frank (1989): A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica. Web page by Don Paterson: Birds Families of the World, Manakins,

The most amazing behavior of Manakins is their spectacular and unique courtship ritual wherein the males will gather in an assembly or lek. They clear litter from a small patch of ground and then flit over their individually-cleared court leaping amongst vertical saplings while audibly clicking their wings (sounding like Orange-collared manakin the breaking of dry twigs). The females, attracted to the lek site by these Photo: Julie Girard

Did you know?

Male manakins are polygamous and will mate with as many females as they can attract. Weird static-electricity sounding noises produced during leks is done by the vibration and snapping of their wings which actually move faster than those of a hummingbird! Dr. Kim Botswick of Cornell University has studied manakins and needed shutter speeds of 500 frames per second to fully capture their rapid movements.

8 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Especia principal

SVBC Newsletter
El saltarn cuellinaranja un bailarn de la selva
Para Julie Girard Los saltarines son pequeas gemas de los trpicos del Nuevo Mundo y, dependiendo de cual libre de referencia se usa, son unas 50 o ms especies. Uno de mis favoritos personalmente es el saltarn cuellinaranja, Manacus aurantiacus, es residente de la Vertiente del Pacfico Sur de Costa rica y el occidente de Panam. Su primo cercano, el saltarn cuelliblanco puede ser visto en la zona del Caribe. Aqu en San Vito, el saltarn cuellinaranja vive en el sotobosque bajo y medio de nuestros bosques hmedos y en ambientes de bosque secundario donde se alimenta de bayas e insectos pequeos. En Cntaros, la propiedad de nuestros miembros Gail y Harry Hull, es un punto perfecto para ver este increble bailarn de la selva. La mayora de los saltarines son pequeos y regordetes caracterizados por colas cortas, alas anchas y redondeadas y cabezas grandes. El ornamentado macho cuellinaranja luce una cabeza con una gorra negra y cara, cuello y pecho anaranjado brillante. Su espalda y alas son primariamente negras con algn verde, mientras que su cola y panza es amarilla con un toque de oliva. La no tan ornamentada hembra es simplemente verde. Sin embargo, ambos tienen patas naranja brillante y esto hace que la hembra sea sobre su patio limpiado individualmente, brincando entre las plntulas verticales mientras que chasquean sus alas (sonando como si se quebrara ramitas secas). Las hembras, atradas al sitio del lek por estos sonidos como electricidad esttica y las varias payasadas de los machos, seleccionan un macho bailador sobresaliente con el que copulan (si lo piensan un poco, muy similar al comportamiento humano!). Nuestro club ha sido afortunado de capturar y anillar 89 de estas bellas aves durante el curso de nuestras sesiones anuales de observacin, de las cuales 32 han sido recapturas. Referencias: Stiles, F Gary & Skutch, Alexander Frank (1989): A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica. Pgina Web por Don Paterson: Bird Families of the World, Manakins, Pipridae.

Orange-collared Manakin Manacus autantiacus Photo Julie Girard

fcil de identificar de las hembras de otras especies de saltarines. El comportamiento ms increble de los saltarines es su espectacular y nico ritual de cortejo, donde los machos se renen en una asamblea o lek. Limpian la hojarasca de un rea pequea del suelo y luego revolotean

Sabia usted?

Los saltarines macho son polgamos y copularn con tantas hembras como puedan atraer. Los ruidos tan raros del sonido de la electricidad esttica producidos durante los leks ocurren por la vibracin y chasquido de sus alas, las cuales se mueven ms rpido que las de un colibr! La Dra. Kim Botswick de Cornell University ha estudiado los saltarines y necesit velocidades de disparo de 500 imgenes por segundo para capturar completamente sus movimientos tan rpidos.

9 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Around the club...

SVBC Newsletter
The 2008 AGM was held Jan. 9th. President Alison chaired the session with an iron fist not that it was needed as members realized refreshments were only being served at the close of the meeting. Some capsule comments from the meeting. Presidents remarks See full report on Page 11 (Eng) and Page 12 (Esp). Finance Treasurer reported, We are solvent and performing better than the global economy! (see Y/E financial reports sent with notice of the AGM). Noted the yearend statements had withstood the scrutiny of the Audit Committee. Question - Who is checking the Audit Committee? Records - Committee Chair, Julie reported that thirty bird lists from a combination of day/ overnight trips and Wilson garden walks were inputted into E-Bird. Point counts were also entered including data from four mist-netting sessions. After four years of mist-netting the Club has recorded over 2900 bird entries. Field Trips - Committee Chair, Julie noted that the Club conducted nine walks at Wilson Botanical, three of which were open to the public. Two overnight trips were held, Carara National Park and Rara Avis. In April, we hosted the Bird Club of Costa Rica for two days. BCCR reciprocated with some of our members joining them at Rancho Naturalista in December. See Gail Hewson-Hulls excellent report on Page 6. Upcoming for 2009: Garden walks: Jan. 24 (public), Feb. 14, 21 (public), Mar. 7, 28 (public) and Apr. 11th. Day trips: Las Alturas Mar. 10th; Los Chocuacos tbc Overnight trips: West Panama Highlands: end of Feb. San Gerardo de Monteverde Mar. 21-22. Trip organized by BCCR. Membership The Club had sixty members at year end, an increase of fourteen over 2007. There was a 100% renewal rate in 2008 and we hope to repeat that for 2009. (Editors note a gentle reminder to those who havent sent their cheque yet!) Environment Committee - Members Ariadna Sanchez, Michael Olivieri and Harry Hull took part in local meetings last year focused on zoning regulations for San Vito and the surrounding canton. A new Recycling Program is part of this initiative. Publicity - Committee Chair, Alison reported that advertising selected Wilson Garden bird walks -open to the public and bi-lingual had met with success. Several families came faithfully and we were fortunate to garner four pairs of Eagle Binoculars and copies of A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica. We are grateful to Joni Ellis from Optics for the Tropics and to Carol Lively of the US Forest Service for their assistance! Thanks to all members for your support in buying coffee mugs and t-shirts last year. There are only a few left of each if you havent ordered yours yet. We have new t-shirts for 2009 (including childrens sizes) and want to thank secretary, Lydia Vogt for her drawing of the Scale-crested PygmyTyrant. Please refer to the special e-mail, with pricing and ordering information, that you should have received by now. We encourage you and your friends to support the club by buying one or two or three or more! (Editors note another gentle reminder!) The meeting closed with a great slide show created by SVBC member, Harry Hull consisting of local flora, fauna and landscapes photographs.

10 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Noticias alrededor del club...

SVBC Newsletter
La Asamblea General del 2008 se realiz el 9 de enero. La Presidenta Alison comand la sesin con un puo de hierro que no se necesit porque los asistentes se dieron cuenta que habra refrescos se al final de la reunin. Algunos comentarios cortos de la reunin.

Notas de la Presidenta Ver informe en pg. 11 (ingl.) y pg 12 (espa.). Finanzas El Tesorero djo, Estamos solventes y funcionando mejor que la economa global! (ver informes financieros de cierre enviados con la convocatoria de la asamblea). Se anot que los informes de cierre de ao resistieron el escrutinio del Comit de Auditora. Pregunta - Quin revisa al Comit de Auditora? Registros La Encargada del Comit, Julie inform que treinta listas de aves, entre viajes cortos y caminatas en el Jardn Wilson, fueron ingresadas en E-Bird. Los puntos de conteo tambin fueron ingresados, incluyendo datos de cuatro sesiones de monitoreo. Despus de cuatro aos de sesiones de muestreo el Club ha acumulado ms de 2900 registros. Viajes de Campo - La Encargada del Comit, Julie mencion que el Club hizo nueve caminatas en el Jardn Wilson, se invit al pblico en tres de ellas. Hubo dos viajes cortos: Parque Nacional Carara y Rara Avis. En abril, fuimos los anfitriones del Club de Aves de Costa Rica (BCCR en ingls) por dos das. El BCCR reciproc cuando algunos de nuestros miembros los acompaaron al Rancho Naturalista. Lea el informe de Gail Hewson-Hull en la pg 6. Prximamente para 2009: Caminatas en el Jardn Wilson: Ene. 24 (pbl.), Feb. 14, 21 (pbl), Mar. 7, 28 (pbl) y Abr. 11. Viajes de un da: Las Alturas Mar. 10; Los Chocuacos psa Viajes cortos: Montaas del Occidente Panameo, fin de feb. San Gerardo de Monteverde Mar. 21-22, organiza BCC

Membreca El Club tiene sesenta miembros al cierre del ao, aument en catorce sobre 2007. Hubo 100% de renovacin en 2008 esperamos que se repita para 2009. (Nota del Editor Un ligero recordatorio a quienes an no han enviado su cheque de renovacin!) Comit de Ambiente Ariadna Snchez, Michael Olivieri y Harry Hull, miembros del Club, participaron el ao pasado en reuniones locales sobre las regulaciones de zonificacin para San Vito y reas vecinas. Un Nuevo Programa de Reciclaje es parte de esta iniciativa. Publicidad - La Encargada del Comit, Alison inform que las caminatas para al pblico y bilinges en el Jardn Wilson tuvieron xito. Varias familias participaron y pudimos conseguir cuatro pares de binculos Eagle y copias de A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica. Estamos muy agradecidos con Joni Ellis -Optics for the Tropicsy con Carol Lively -Servicio Forestal, USA- por su asistencia! Gracias a todos los miembros por su apoyo el ao pasado comprando jarras y camisetas. Si todava no ha solicitado la suya, an tenemos unas pocas de cada una. Tenemos nuevas camisetas para 2009 (con tamaos para nios), cuyo motivo es el mosquerito de yelmo, gentilmente proporcionado por nuestra Secretaria, Lydia Vogt. Vea informacin de precios y cmo ordenar en un mensaje de correo aparte. Le invitamos a usted y a sus amistades a apoyar al Club, comprando una, dos, tres o ms!. (Nota del Editor Otro ligero ecordatorio!) La reunin cerr con una excelente presentacin con fotografas de la flora, fauna y paisajes locales creada por Harry Hull.

11 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Around the club...

SVBC Newsletter
SVBC 2008 Annual General Meeting
This has been an extraordinary year for the San Vito Bird Club. I say this for several reasons, the first being we were invited to send two of our members to an international ornithological conference in San Salvador, El Salvador. Their travel was made possible through an outpouring of support and generosity from our membership and they made a presentation at that symposium of the Clubs Avian Monitoring Project, now it its 5th year. This is quite an honor for a relatively new, small bird club in a fairly remote area. I should also add we continue to run the project a minimum of three times per calendar year. It is a collaborative effort with the Asociacion Ornitologica de Costa Rica, the Connecticut Audubon Society, the National Aviary (of the United States), the Point Reyes Bird Observatory and the Organization for Tropical Studies. We continue to provide training in mist netting and data gathering skills, the project is open to all and priority is given to Costa Rican students. Additionally, at the last session we collaborated with OTS by inviting local residents who

Presidents Remarks
ley as treasurer, Lydia Vogt as secretary and me as your president. At this moment, I wish to thank the executive officers for their dedication and hard work.

want to improve spoken English and guiding skills to assist with guided walks when the Las Cruces staff is booked.

Another reason is the high standard with which we regularly represent the Respectfully submitted, Club to our members via the twiceyearly electronic newsletter. We never Alison Olivieri fail to receive enthusiastic feedback with this impressive publication and the two issues sent out in 2008 were excellent. We continue to provide overnight field trips of the highest quality in addition to adhering to regularly scheduled local bird walks for members and guests. Community-based efforts to understand and use zoning regulations to encourage sensible and sustainable development as well as bring a longawaited Recycling Center to San Vito continue unabated.

The executive committee will remain in place for the second year of its term Our youngest sponsored member, Josue elected at last years AGM with Julie Calderon, with a pair of binocs from Girard as vice president, Dave Wool- Optics for the Tropics
Photo Dave Woolley

Our Vision Providing a forum for bird enthusiasts to appreciate and study birds in natural habitats and to support conservation of natural resources. Our Objectives To stimulate interest in and to promote the study of birds. To promote the conservation and development of natural resources that influence bird habitat. To conserve and support local culture and community development as it relates to flora and fauna. To cooperate with other organizations and groups whose principles are in accord with those of our Club.

12 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Noticias alrededor del club...

SVBC Newsletter
SVBC Asamblea Anual 2008Informe de Presidencia
Este ha sido un ao extraordinario para el Club de Aves de San Vito. Digo esto por varias razones, la primera es que se nos invit a enviar dos de nuestros miembros a una conferencia ornitolgica internacional en San Salvador, El Salvador. Su viaje fue posible a travs de un torrente de apoyo y generosidad de nuestros miembros y realizaron una presentacin del Proyecto de Monitoreo de Aves de este su Club ahora en su quinto ao- en el simposio. Este es un gran honor para un club de aves relativamente nuevo y pequeo en un rea remota. a estudiantes costarricenses. Adicionalmente, en la ltima sesin colaboramos con la OET invitando a residentes locales que quieren mejorar su conversacin en ingls y habilidades como guas para que ayuden con las caminatas guiadas cuando el personal de Las Cruces est limitado.

Otra razn es los altos estndares con que regularmente presentamos el Club a nuestros miembros por medio del Collared Aracari - Pteroglossus torquatus boletn electrnico semestral. No Photo Harry Hull dejamos de recibir comentarios entusiastas con esta notable publicacin, y los dos nmeros Tambin debo aadir que continuamos enviados en 2008 fueron excelentes. El Comit Ejecutivo permanecer en con el proyecto con un mnimo de tres su lugar durante el segundo ao de su Continuamos programando viajes veces al ao calendario. Es un perodo elegido en la Asamblea Anual cortos al campo de alta calidad, aparte del ao pasado, con Julie Girard como esfuerzo colaborativo con la de adherirse a la agenda regular de Asociacin Ornitolgica de Costa vicepresidenta, Dave Woolley como Rica, Connecticut Audubon Society, el caminatas locales para miembros y sus tesorero, Lydia Vogt como secretaria y invitados. Aviario Nacional (de los Estados yo como su presidenta. En este Unidos), el Observatorio Point Reyes y momento, deseo agradecer a los Los esfuerzos de la comunidad para la Organizacin para Estudios directivos dedicado y arduo trabajo. entender y utilizar las regulaciones de Tropicales. Continuamos entrenando la zonacin para apoyar el desarrollo Enviado respetuosamente, con las redes de niebla y las destrezas sensible y sustentable, as como traer en la toma de datos; el proyecto est el tan esperado Centro de Reciclaje a Alison Olivieri disponible para todos y se da prioridad San Vito continan viento en popa. Presidente

Nuestra Visin Proveer un foro para que los entusiastas de las aves las aprecien y estudien en habitats naturales y apoyar la conservacin de los recursos naturales. Nuestros Objetivos

Estimular el inters y promover el estudio de las aves. Promover la conservacin y el desarrollo de los recursos naturales que influyen los habitats de las aves. Conservar y apoyar la cultura local y el desarrollo de la comunidad en lo referente a flora y fauna. Cooperar con otras organizaciones y grupos cuyos principios concuerden con los de nuestro Club.

13 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

We recommend - Les recomendamos

SVBC Newsletter
INBio Park
By Alison Olivieri

. . . a stroll through INBio Parque in San Jose! Embarrassing as it is to admit, Ive been meaning to visit this enchanting spot for five years. After a guided tour with Jim Lewis (infamous bird guide and volunteer parataxonomist*), we urge you not to wait this long.

fascinating new books and more. To could eat mice! Also, on a warmer note, butterflies so beautiful they made learn more, visit their website: us gasp. or better yet, put it on your San Jose sightseeing But the real treat was a walk through list! the Parque. Open everyday, it is designed to provide visitors with a taste *INBio pioneered the concept of of the countrys impressive national para-taxonomist decades ago when park system and it is a grand place for the organization was founded to colchildren (of all ages). In November, Club member Cecilia lect, preserve and catalog every single Sansonetti and I were privileged to living thing in the country. Its the It features interactive museum-quality same concept as a para-legal except explore the INBio Institute of Biodiexhibits, interpretive trails, three types the p-ts become leading experts on the versity, much like a natural history of rain forests, a lake, butterfly shelter, groups they study. museum, where Jim volunteers his time sorting and cataloging insects so frog and snake habitats, a typical Tico tiny you couldnt find them if they fell farm, displays of ornamental and meon the floor. And he showed us draw- dicinal plants, a good restaurant and of course, a gift shop with all of INBios ers full of cockroaches so big they

INBio Parque para Alison Olivieri

. . . un paseo en el INBio Parque en San Jos! Aunque suene embarazoso admitirlo, he estado planeando visitar este encantador lugar por cinco aos. Despus de una caminata guiada con Jim Lewis (famoso gua de aves y parataxnomo* voluntario), les urgimos a que no esperen tanto tiempo. En noviembre, Cecilia Sansonetti, miembra del Club y yo fuimos privilegiadas con visitar el INBio (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad), ms como un museo de historia natural, donde Jim dedica su tiempo voluntario separando y catalogando insectos tan pequeos que no se podran encontrar si se caen al suelo. Y nos mostr gavetas llenas de cucarachas tan grandes que se podran comer un ratn! Tambin, en una nota ms clida, mariposas tan bellas que nos hicieron quedar boquiabiertas. Pero el verdadero regalo fue caminar a travs del Parque. Abierto todos los das, est diseado para proveer a los visitantes con una probadita del impresionante sistema de parques nacionales de este pas, y es un gran lugar para nios (de todas las edades). Presenta exhibiciones interactivas con calidad de museo, senderos interpretados, tres tipos de bosque lluvioso, un lago, un jardn de mariposas, hbitats para ranas y serpientes, una finca tpica costarricense, muestras de plantas medicinales y ornamentales, un buen restaurante y, por supuesto, una tienda de regalos con todos los fascinantes libros del INBio y ms. Para conocer ms, visite su pgina web: o mejor an, inclyalo en su lista de atractivos de San Jos!

INBio Parque Photo Alison Olivieri

*INBio fue pionero en el concepto de los parataxnomos hace varias dcadas cuando la organizacin fue fundada para colectar, preservar y catalogar cada una de las cosas vivientes en el pas. Es el mismo concepto de un paralegal excepto que los paratax llegan a ser expertos en los grupos que estudian.

14 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Photo Gallery

SVBC Newsletter

Scaly-breasted Hummingbird Phaeochroa cuvierii Photo Julie Girard

Crimson-collared Tanager Ramphocelus sanguinolentus Photo Julie Girard

Resident member, Andrew Robertson at the August mist-netting session. No kissing the birds! Photo Alison Olivieri

Lydia Vogt & Marcelo Araya with recording equipment. Can you hear the bird now Lydia? Photo Julie Girard

Double-toothed Kite - Harpagus bidentatus Photo Monique Girard Some people would do anything to come mist-netting, broken foot or not! Photo Alison Olivieri

15 January 2009 Volume 3 Issue 2

Photo Gallery

SVBC Newsletter

Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis Photo Julie Girard

Birding crazys: Susan England, Kate Desvenain, Lydia Vogt, Helen Matarrita & Trudy MacAllister Photo Alison Olivieri

Cecilia Sansonetti at INBio Paarque Photo Alison Olivieri

Violet-crowned Woodnymph Photo Harry Hull Thalurania colombica

Red-legged Honeycreeper Cyanerpes cyaneus Photo Julie Girard

The San Vito Bird Club is proud to be associated with

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