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er 1 (Via Read and complete. Then listen and check. s He _____ lots of aliens! They —_______ the piano in many conce He ___ a UFO yesterday. They —______in a concert last Sunday. ~ L io wate |_____ food from alll over the world. We a film in class. |______ German food last night. We a film in class last year. 2 Write two sentences for each picture. eat see 3 @ Say three things that you have done in your life and three things that y did last week. = 3° R= Circle the correct option. Then listen and check. 1. He has written / wrote two books. 2. They went / have gone to Egypt last year. 3. She has ridden / rode a camel when she was five. 4, late / have eaten Mexican food. 5, We have played / played ice hockey yesterday. 6. It was / has been very hot last week. 2 @Ask and answer the questions. Have you ever... More information = What / for? 1. won a competition? ; What / win? Who / meet? 2. met a famous person? When / meet them? Where / go? 3. been to another country? i When / go? When / do it? 4. swum in the sea? : = Which sea / swim in? Crete Have you ever seen a sad fi When did you see She has been to lots of other countries. She went to Brazil last summer. 3 @ Report to the class about your partner. Jessica has won a competition. She won a gold cup for swimming. She has never met a famous person. 1) @ Play the Questions game. * Work in pairs. You need a coin and 2 counters. * Toss the coin. Heads = move 1 square. Tails = move 2 squares. * Ask and answer questions with a classmate. (D5 meet / Who...? i : see / When...? ee ; 2) 3 swim / Where... (@S fly / Where...? jo /V it ich... 12 [ey 2 A Sze Im 2 Answer the questions. 1. Can you read in English? 2. Could you read in English when you were seven? 3. Did you read in English last week? 4. Have you read in English this week? 1 can read in English | could read in English when | was seven. | read in English last week. I've read in English this week. 3) @Play Name it! Namefsomething|thatey em you couldn’t do when you were five “ Ag you couldn't do last year oe? X #)» you have had for more than five years 2 ss |Ri™ Os ‘] Read and write the names. Jack's welisite Hi, everybody! I went swimming today at the beach. | only learned to swim last year but | love it! Two years ago, I couldn’t swim at all and | was afraid of the water. Now I can even dive! What about you? What can you do now that you couldn’t do in the past? Or is there anything you still can’t do? Tell the truth! Jack 1. can play chess. 2, ____ could play tennis. 3! can’t ride a bike. 2 = @Ask a classmate and complete the chart. play an instrument | computer | couldn’t read English when | was five. Now I can read it quickly! Josh | could play tennis when | was seven. But | wasn’t very good! I can play it a lot better now. Sophie Hi Jack. When I was seven, | couldn't play the piano. And I still can’t play it now! Kaylee My sister Natalie can’t ride a bike, but she’s a fantastic skater! Evan __ Last year | couldn't understand chess, but now | can play it very well. Oliver couldn’t play the piano. couldn’t swim two years ago. can read English quickly. herr T could play tennis when | was seven. | couldn’t read English when | was five. speak English | ride a bike The bus stopped in front of a large building. A few people got off and ran up the steps. Over the entrance of the New Theatre, there was a sign with the words ‘Talent show auditions today.’ Two friends stood in the bright sunlight. The boy was tall and good-looking with blond hair. His face was pale and he looked nervous. The girl was pretty and had dark hair. She was wearing a red leather jacket and carrying an electric guitar in a case. “Well, here we are!’ said Scarlett. The boy was very quiet. ‘Is everything OK, Jamie?’ Scarlett asked. He shook his head. ‘I feel sick.’ ‘Relax! It'll be fun!’ Scarlett said happily. She was a bit nervous, too, but she wasn't worried. She just wanted to have fun. “We have to win. I want to be a great singer,’ Jamie said quietly. “You are a great singer,’ said Scarlett, ‘win or lose. Come on!’ And she ran up the steps. The three judges watched the two friends as they walked to the centre of the stage. They were the last contestants, and there was nobody else in the theatre. The two women. were smiling, but the man looked bored. ‘OK, so what do you call yourselves?’ he asked. ‘Stardust,’ said Scarlett loudly. 1 oo. 2 Read and complete the chart. ))228] Read and listen to the story. Part 1 ‘And what are you going to do for us today?” ‘Well, Jamie is going to sing...’ said Scarlett. Jamie nodded nervously. ‘...and I’m going to play the electric guitar.’ ‘OK. Good luck,’ said the man. Scarlett counted them in, ‘One, two, three...’ She played the first chord. It was loud... and was perfect. Then Jamie started to sing. For the next three minutes, Scarlett played her blue guitar and Jamie sang. Scarlett was great. But halfway through the song Jamie forgot the words. He invented new ones, but they didn’t make much sense. Scarlett kept on playing and somehow they got to the end of the song. Scarlett squeezed Jamie's arm, but he was upset. They looked at the judges and waited. ‘How long have you been together, Jamie?’ asked one of the women. “As an act? Two years,’ said Jamie. “But we've been best friends forever!" said Scarlett. ‘Well, in my opinion, you're fantastic, Scarlett,’ said the man. ‘Thank you,’ said Scarlett, and she gave Jamie a big smile. continued. Scarlett’s smile disappeared. Jamie | tumed white. He felt dizzy. “We've seen lots of better singers today,’ the man 3 continued. ‘'m really sorry,’ said Jamie. ‘We could do the song again...’ ‘No, thanks,’ said the man firmly. ‘We've seen enough. OK, Scarlett. I have a suggestion. Can you come back tomorrow?’ “Yes,’ she said slowly. She felt confused. Read and listen to the story. 2 Read and circle the correct options. pj “But I'm afraid Jamie wasn't very good,’ he ( yy “We'd like to see you again. But just you. Do you understand?’ “L understand,’ Scarlett replied. Jamie sat down on the steps outside and held his, head in his hands. ‘It was a nightmare,’ he said. ‘I was terrible.’ ‘No, you weren't,’ Scarlett replied, sitting down next to him. But she knew she wasn’t telling the truth. ‘It’s all over. My dream is over,’ he said. Then he looked at Scarlett. ‘But they liked you. They want you to come back!’ Scarlett didn’t say anything. She didn't know what to do next. (6.68883 89.8.) 1. Scarlett / Jamie / The man gave a fantastic performance. 2. Jamie / The woman / Scarlett wanted to perform the song again. 3, The woman / Jamie / The man invited Scarlett to play the next day. 4, Scarlett / Jamie / The man felt confused. 3 = @ Discuss the question with a classmate. What do you think Scarlett will do? More practice (SS Read, listen and write. 8 fAmazing]musicallinstruments} The didgeridoo is possibly the oldest wind instrument Fs in the world! The Australian Aboriginals have used it for Cog around 40,000 years. A didgeridoo is long and made of wood from the eucalyptus tree. Musicians breathe in through their nose and breathe out through their mouth at the same time, so the music never stops! A thumb piano is a very small instrument from Africa. It is traditionally made of wood with bamboo keys, but now the keys are made of metal. It’s easy to play. You hold the thumb piano in both hands and pluck the metal keys with your thumbs. You can find bagpipes in various countries, but Scotland is the most famous for them. The bag is traditionally made of animal skin. Bagpipes make a very loud noise which not everyone likes the sound of! The musical saw is just that, a saw! It’s made of metal and wood. You play the saw with a bow, just like a violin, so technically it’s a string instrument. Musicians bend the saw to get different notes. 2 Circle words for materials in the text. a hg What's it made of? It's made of wood and metal. 3 > @Ask questions and guess the instruments. Do you blow it? No, you don't. What's it made of?) (It's made of wood and metal. ESE 1 Os Listen and complete the rap. fanmibercna asi \ don't know ifit’s right or________, @@ a But I've always dreamed of singing ‘ So when | saw there was a talent contest, | signed up right away to prove I'm the best! py The day was young. @ There was a big bright____, But | woke up late. It was half past _____! So missed the bus and I had to run! % But when I sang my song, I had some The judges loved me and they said, ‘You've won!’ Ihave to tell you! Do you know what I've I've released a CD and now I’m number one! 2. (¥n51 Listen and rap. oy. 3 € ¥5] Listen and complete the words with -u or -o. Is this b_s going t_ town? T'm sorry, s_n. You've caught the wr__ng _ne. More . Phonics ~ ‘1 @ 02s) Read, listen and match. Dana ing aro und the weed e Forget breakdancing and disco! These traditional dances from around the world are much more exciting! 1. Flamenco is a traditional form of music and dance that comes from the south of Spain. At first it was performed to clapping and singing, but guitars and castanets were added later. Flamenco is full of emotion. Usually a solo female dancer performs the dance. She wears a beautiful costume and claps, stamps her feet and moves her arms. 2, Indian classical dance has been around since 400 BC. According to Hindu tradition, Shiva, the Lord of the Dance, created heaven and earth with his dancing. Dancers make complicated movements with their arms and hands while musicians play traditional Indian instruments. Men and women usually dance separately. 3. The Tango is a style of music and dance. It is always performed with a partner. It was invented in the poor neighbourhoods around Buenos Aires in Argentina. The tango is a romantic and sometimes sad dance. It is accompanied by a piano, strings or an orchestra. 4, The first festival of Irish dancing was 3,000 years ago. Irish dancing is still very popular today. Dancers usually keep their arms by their sides while they move their feet very quickly and do amazing high kicks. They dance to traditional music played on violins, bagpipes and drums. 2 Read again and write the names of the dances. Te always has two dancers. De was originally performed without instruments. 3. Dancers move their legs more than their arms in : 4. has religious origins. a 5 3 @ 035] Choose a dance and practise. eM cee coy Read and number the pictures. Playing instruments | You can play individually or Choose a song or some music and put together a routine. You can do this individually or in a @ Organise and prepare a talent show. Yes, of coursel I rode a elephant in my last film! C@W.< > 3 aa Read and complete with the correct form of the verbs. Iris Smith is 92 and she (1) _hashad (have) an interesting life. She (2) _____ (do) lots of interesting things. She (3) ____ (visit) lots of countries. Her first trip (4) ______ (be) to India when she (5)______ (be) 16. Last year she (6) _________ go) to Finland. She (7) _________ (swim) with dolphins in Florida and with sharks in Australia. She (8) _ (swim) with dolphins three years ago. When she (9) _______ (be) young she (10) ______ (meet) Pablo Picasso. In 1955 she (11) _______ (meet) a famous film director and (12) _____ (act) ina film. She (13) _______ (like) singing all her life and in 1960 she (14) ______ (travel) to America and (15) ______ sing) for the President! Five years ago she (16) ______ (visit) China and (17) ___ (eat) snake meat. 4 t Write four questions to ask Iris and invent the answers. 5 P write 3 things you could do and 3 things you couldn’t do when you were five. Skateboarding is fun, but it can be dangerous, too. Just follow these 10 rules to have a great, safe time! Wao Ween" check your skateboard regularly wear shoes with a good grip wear a helmet and pads skate barefoot skate on the pavement and not on the road hold onto a car or bicycle skate in crowds skate down hills make your own ramps and rails for tricks wait your turr Rl ATE Le You must wear a helmet and pads. You mustn't skate barefoot. 2 Write safety advice for Sam in your notebook using must and mustn't. You must wear a helmet. more practice 11 Read and write the word. CARRYS ABVIES PAGE HOW TO SURVIVE IN THE: Jungles are hot and humid. These conditions are ideal for life, and millions of plants and animals live there. jungles are beautiful places, but they are dangerous, too. So follow my advice and be safe! Remember! You should take the right clothes and equipment. 1. You should take a 2. You should wear 3. You shouldn’t wear 4. You shouldn't drink river 5. You shouldn’t wear a 6. You should check your ALLEL 2 Read and match. You should have vaccinations before you g You shouldn't wear shirts with short sleeves. {with short sleeves. {_Jfor insects, spiders and scorpions. {__] that doesn’t cover your neck. {J without boiling it. O to use at night. O to protect your legs. 3 @ Give advice about the objects with a classmate, 1 & A insect repellent first-aid kit water bottle penknife compass More practice 000 Read, listen and number thi ARB YOU 0 A UFE OR THEN ASK LARRY! 1. Q: Imagine I’m in the woods and | meet an angry bear. What should | do? A: Run and climb a tree. / Stay calm. / Look into its eyes. N . Q: I'm frightened of sharks, but | love the sea. Should I go swimming? A: Swim at night. / Wear shiny jewellery. / Swim far from the shore . Q: In films people sometimes fall into quicksand. What should they do? A: Kick. / Stay calm and float. / Swim slowly. . Q: Also in films a car sometimes drives into a river and sinks. What should you do then? A: Wait for help. / Open the windows. / Open the doors. w B Vs 2. You're at school and a fire starts. 3. You're playing football and there's a thunderstorm. 2 Os Listen and circle (should) or cross out (shouldn't) the advice. 3 ~=@ Write questions for Larry. Practise a conversation. You're in a car and there's a tornado ahead. (Cerys ‘What should they d They should stay calm. : »)240] Listen, read and circle. Then number the pictures. ASAE or Die} Deserts can be hot, dry places. The temperature can reach over 50 degrees Celsius, and the ground gets even hotter, up to 70 degrees! All animals must adapt to these harsh conditions c die. But as you will see, they are great survivors! 1. Rattlesnakes don’t need to drink water because a. they live underground. b, they get it from their food. 2. Jackrabbits and mule deer need to lose heat during the day, so a. they have developed very large ears. b. they have developed long tongues. 3. The roadrunner’s diet includes hummingbirds and even rattlesnakes, so a. it has to be very strong. b. it has to be very fast. 4. Hairy scorpions can’t survive the midday heat, so a. they dig burrows 2.5 metres under the ground. _b. they live under trees. 5. The horned lizard can eat thousands of ants at each meal because a. it has a big stomach. b, it has a long, sticky tongue. Conditions in the desert are harsh, so animals have to adapt. Many animals come out at night because it’s too hot in the day. 2 My desert animal is a camrella. It doesn't get hot because it has an umbrella on its head. Camrellas can't run fast, so they have a strong tail for defence. A ( ie Jamie and Scarlett caught the bus and went home in silence. Scarlett was thinking about the next audition. Jamie was looking out of the window and trying not to cry. When they got off the bus Jamie said, ‘Good luck tomorrow,’ and walked away. Scarlett lay on her bed all afternoon. What should she do? Should she go to the new audition? But Jamie was so upset, and her friend was more important than the competition. So she decided not to go to the audition. She wanted to tell Jamie, but her mobile phone buzzed before she could make the call. There was a text message from the organisers of the talent contest: ‘Your audition is tomorrow at 6 pm.’ And then she didn’t know what to do again. ‘Oh, this is terrible!’ she thought. ‘I want to go but I can’t go without Jamie. He really wanted to win! Scarlett jumped off the bed. But of course! She quickly punched a number into her mobile phone. ‘Jamie? Can you come over right away? Please!” Scarlett waited impatiently outside her front door. When she saw Jamie, she immediately explained her plan. “We must go together, Jamie! We can do this!’ ‘But they want you,’ he said, ‘They don’t want me.’ LO 2 Read the story and complete the table. Read and listen to the story. Characters ‘They donor you to sing, that’s all. But I can play guitar and you can dance!’ “What kind of dance?’ “Breakdancing, of course. But we have to star rehearsing now.’ Jamie smiled. ‘OK!’ At six o'clock, Scarlett and Jamie were waiting i the New Theatre. A rock band was playing a sor but the judges stopped them after 30 seconds. Setting Problem Solution ‘“V'm sorry, but that was terrible,’ said one of the judges. ‘Try again next year.’ The band left the stage and walked sadly past Scarlett and Jamie. Jamie shook his head. ‘The judges are horrible again,’ he said. Then they heard the man shout, ‘Next!” Scarlett gave Jamie a high five. She turned and walked onto the stage, carrying her blue guitar. The three judges were sitting in the same seats as yesterday. ‘It’s good to see you again, Scarlett.’ ‘Thank you,’ Scarlett replied. ‘I'm glad you decided to come back on your own,’ he said. ‘I'm not alone,’ said Scarlett. She sounded confident, but inside she was really nervous. ‘I'm here with my best friend.’ Jamie ran onto the stage and stood by her side. Unit £ ‘What are you doing here?’ the man asked. H sounded annoyed. ‘It’s OK,’ Jamie said. ‘I’m not going to sing.’ ‘This isn’t what we agreed, Scarlett,’ said the mo ‘Please,’ said Scarlett. ‘Give us a chance.’ The man looked at his watch. ‘OK. You're the last act of the day. Go ahead.’ For the next three minutes, Scarlett played an’ Jamie danced. At the end of the performance, the judges were silent. Then the man spoke. ‘Scarlett, you were great. But Jami ‘Oh no,’ thought Scarlett, ‘not again.’ ‘Jamie, you were absolutely fantastic. You are an excellent dancer! You're both going to be i our talent competition on TV! Congratulation For a moment, Scarlett and Jamie couldn't believe it. Then they jumped into the air for jc Read and listen to the story. 2 Read the story and match. 1. The band was terrible, so 2. The band walked away sadly because 3. The judges were silent because 4, Scarlett felt nervous because 5, The judges accepted them both, so -_] they were very impressed. {- ] they jumped into the air! the judges might reject Jamie again. -_] the judges stopped them after 30 seconds. the judges rejected them. i ies. <=- “Da : Read, listen and tick (W) the items. Suniel cela You are on a ship in the Pacific Ocean, 1,000 kilometres from land. The ship has hit a rock, and it is sinking fast. Fortunately, you can escape on a life raft. The life raft has two large oars. You can also save some things from the ship. Unfortunately, you can only take 5 of them with you. You have to decide which ones to take. Let’s take a whistle. We should take a knife. J ( 2 (Wi Listen and complete. Pp! Why don’t we take a rope? agree. / | don’t agree. Tim: don’t we take a penknife? That's a good idea. Alice: What do you think, Tim? Alice: | don’t agree. | think we should take a fishing rod. Jake: | . A fishing rod is more useful. We can use it all the time. Tim: OK, take a fishing rod. What else? Alice: Why we take matches? Jake: | don’t agree. We take a torch and batteries to see in the dark. Tim: That's a good Let's take a torch. 3 > ~=@ With a classmate choose 5 things to take. More, practice 1 © dS) Listen, read and match. . Iwas an afternoon in the month of June, | got stuck in quicksand and I lost my shoe. The quicksand stuck to my legs like glue, = But | wasn’t scared. | knew what to do! ©, 'ma member of the Survival Crew! oe We're a great group! You should join us, too! e . In the middle of the night, beneath a full oo We heard a noise like a drum without a tune. But we weren't scared, we were near the zoo, |) So we knew it was just a jumping kangaroo! ©.) We're all members of the Survival Crew! We're a great group! You should join us, too! 2 Om Listen and rap. 3 Om Listen and complete the words with -00, -ou, -u/e or -ew. N Where's the spn for my s__p? Imade a paper plane. I thr it. and it fl__! Your n___ house ish_g_! Yes, it has fifty- two r__ms! R=-¢ I__s__d too much shamp__! ‘1 With a classmate decide if the sentences are true or false. Then read and check. 1. Deserts are always hot. 3, It never rains in deserts. 2. No plants or animals live in deserts. The Sonoran Desert Addesert is a dry, infertile area of land. There is little water or rain in deserts, and there are very few plants. Deserts cover around one third of the Earth’s land area. Some deserts are in cold parts of the world. For example, the whole of Antarctica is one big desert. But most deserts are in hot regions, such as the Sonoran Desert in the southwest of the United States and northern Mexico. The Sonoran Desert covers an area of over 310,000 square kilometres, which is bigger than Italy! In summer the temperature reaches 50°C during the day, and in winter it’s freezing at night. The desert has over 2,000 plant species, as well as 60 different mammals, over 100 types of birds, 20 amphibian species, around 100 reptiles and hundreds of insects, scorpions and spiders! Desert plants have adapted to the hot and dry conditions in several ways. Cacti have thick skins so they lose less water. They also store water in their thick trunks and branches, and they have deep roots. Their leaves have become sharp spines for protection from herbivores. The most famous plant of the Sonoran Desert is the enormous saguaro cactus. It takes over 30 years for these cacti to grow just one metre. After 50 years, they start flowering and grow arms, and they reach their full height after over 100 years. It doesn’t rain often in the Sonoran Desert, but when it does, the storms are spectacular! Immediately after a storm, plants flower quickly and wildlife is more active. For the next few days, the desert is full of colourful flowers, buzzing insects and hungry animals! Size and location ‘Weather ie Plants Animals BLT Bichieveynone! paseylug) is very simple, it only has three rules: Respect: Consider the local people and other people enjoying the countryside. Protect: Look after the natural environment, leave no trace of your visit. Enjoy: Look after yourself and be prepared when outdoors. 1. In fields where crops are growing, walk on the paths. | Respect. a . Keep your dog under control at all times. . Leave gates as you find them. . Check the weather forecast before you leave. . Get to know signs and symbols used in the countryside. 2 3 4. 5 6. Use gates wherever possible, don’t climb over fences. 7. You must take your litter home with you. 8. You shouldn’t touch farm machinery or animals. 9. You must clean up after your dog. 10. You mustn't pick wild flowers. 2 Choose four rules and make a Countryside Code poster. 2 Make predictions about your life in 20 years time with will, won't and might. 1. transportation: I will ride a motorcycle. I might drive a car. 2. family: 3. free time: 4. job: 3 = @ Talk about your predictions with a classmate. I willbe an astronaut in 20 years time! 4. (1) read and answer the questions. Hi owstolstay{sate) ifyou get lost Getting lost is very scary. You should You shouldn’t walk around because talk with your parents about what to _your parents will be looking for you. do if you get lost when you are out In the countryside, itis a good idea somewhere together. to take a safety kit with you. It should The most important thing to contain things like a bottle of water, remember is don’t panic! You must a whistle, a bright scarf and a mobile stay calm so that you can think. phone. If possible, stand on a rock or a hill You should stay where you are and wait. where you can see and they can see you. 1. Why is it important to stay calm? 3. Name three things to put in a safety kit. 2. Should you go looking for your parents? 4. Why is it a good idea to stand on a rock? 5 P write five pieces of advice when camping in the country. ‘uintinte about -what you should or shouldn't take with you. +-what you must or mustn’t do in the countryside. 1 Order the questions. Then ask and answer with a classmate. 1. are / going / do / to / this / what / you / summer /? 2. you / last / did / go / weekend / where / ? 3. job / will / what / do / you / future / the / in /? 4. like / best / what / is / friend / your / ? 2 Choose a photo and ask a classmate five questions about it. SE 3) @ Play The English Race! Plan: Ask a question Past: Ask a question Problem: Aska with going to. with did. question with should. Experience: Ask a question Prediction: Ask a with have you ever. question with will W Nal 4. where / go at the weekend 7. You are lost 6. what / do in the snow, after school what / do 18. how many children / be the most successful see my friends use my mobile phone play with my pet watch TV or DVDs listen to music play video games surf the Internet or send e-mails \ J play a sport 2 Complete the bar graph with the results and write a short report. ride my bike \__ skate or skateboard paint and draw go shopping play a musical instrument read books and magazines write poetry, stories or a blog \__ other 100%: r 80% — 40% — — 20% = 3 Make a memory box. (WERSERS a shoe box, wrapping Papen, glue, mementos from your life A memory box is filled with things that remind you of fun times with your friends. They could be a cinema ticket, a receipt for something you bought, a bus ticket, a postcard, a pressed flower or anything else that brings back memories! ae Ackieveimore! 142 Listen and order the places. Ler ay > g \YS b 1 VW Gee \ G7 s a \ | Afghanistan I a 2 aL 3 Make an explorer ship. CERGES two nilk cartons, two straws, modelling clay, black and vy bot white paint a paintbrush, a wooden @.. oh h 1. stick, glue, scissors, tape. yarn doing jumping Jacks el doing sit-ups dribbling aball hitting a balloon doing push-ups Sample training course: Asa class, design an Olympic training course with four Station 1: do sit-ups for to six stations. You can use the exercises above or think Critics of different ones. Sea Naty 2. You need two volunteers for each station. One volunteer Fre caa Ty keeps track of the time and the other counts and records SMEG ewer the individual scores. irate 3. The rest of the class rotates around all the stations. SCUCUCHUE unm 4. Choose the top three individual performances for uric each station. 2 Make an Olympic medal. (EGGERS cardboard, glue. coloured markers, glitter (gold, silver and bronze or 4 copper), ribbon 3 @ Hold a class awards ceremony. Fplesticsbactt! = y btext 2 Look at the lion and circle the correct options. This sculpture is of a lion. It has got a (1) lid / an earphone for a nose and (2) paper / th for whiskers. Its face is a (3) bottle top / bag, and its ears and tail are made of (4) thread / pipe cleaners. Its mane is made of yellow (5) cardboard / paper. 3 Make an animal sculpture with rubbish. (ERERERS rubbish such as plastic bottles and containers, bottle tops. jar lids, cardboard boxes and tubes, Styrofoam containers, empty toothpaste tubes, pieces of metal, wy old CDs: paper clips, glue, scissors 4 @ Present your animal sculpture to the class. Oa eared Mars is a rocky planet named after the Roman god of war. It is also known as the Red Planet after its colour. It has two small Moons named Phobos and Deimos. People first discovered Mars thousands of years ago. It is our nearest neighbour in the solar system. It is extremely cold ‘on Mars, with an average temperature of minus'55 degrees Celsius. Mars has got a spectacular landscape. At 24,000 metres, Olympus Mons is the highest mountain in the solar system. The gigantic crater Hellas Planitia is over 5 kilometres deep and 12,000 kilometres in diameter. For a long time, scientists thought nothing could live on Mars because it was a dry planet. But a robot vehicle has found evidence that water once existed there. Since 2003, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has sent several Mars Rovers to explore the surface, and in 2009, one rover got stuck in sand. Engineers couldn’t move the rover, so they decided to investigate the sand instead. To their surprise, they discovered evidence of frost and snow. Scientists also believe that the polar ice caps on Mars contain water. Could Mars support life after all? Name/Nickname Type of Planet Rings Physical Features Other Information Planet Name Nickname Tlaplanetla Tlap Origin of Name Moons Agtec god of rain, Tlaloc Three: Ra, Po, Ka Tupe of Planet Temperature Rocky -20%€ to BOC Physical Features Huge volcano, Xiuh, on North Pole, lots of craters ice caps Other Information Blue spot on side, polar Origin of Name Moons Temperature 2 Invent a planet. Make a fact file and draw a picture. 1, Stand facing a partner. 2. Make slow movements. Your partner copies your movements exactly. 3. Swap roles. - Work in groups. 2. Each person is a part of a big machine. Decide what your part does and what noise it makes. 3, Practise being the machine. 4, Perform your machine for the rest of the class. 1. Work in groups. 2. Choose a place and characters. Use the ideas in the box or others. 3. Mime a scene together with your characters. 4, Perform your scene to the class. Places Characters ? > Mars aking orqueen + acastle a doctor : = a shop a thief ; > aship apolice officer = = the beach a film star i orn Find out who worked on the film. MTree UT CCD es ‘1 @ Read and answer the questions with a classmate. 1, What do people wear for a rain dance? 2. What musical instruments accompany the dance? Bc ered Water is essential to life. We need it to drink and also to water crops. Many Native American tribes perform rain dances, especially in the dry states of Arizona and New Mexico. The rain dance brings rain for a good harvest. Dancers wear feathers to bring wind and turquoise-coloured clothes for rain. They also wear wigs, masks and jewellery. Drums, flutes and rattles accompany the rain dance. 2 Read and match. 1. Jumping: Jump from your right foot to your left foot. Then swing your right leg forward and back. Change foot and repeat. . Hopping: Hop twice on your left foot. Then hop twice on your right foot. Repeat. . Dragging: Take a long step to the right and then drag your left foot over. Repeat in the other direction. . Spinning: Spin around in circles. Raise your hands to the sky to encourage the rain. Clapping and Chanting: Clap your hands to make the sound of the rain. Chant ‘Rain, rain, come today!’ or ‘Rain, come down! Come down, rain!” 3 Make a rainstick. CERGEES cardboard tube, plastic bag, glue, tape, scissors, rubber band, beans or pebbles, » N w s a coloured paper beads, glitter eto. for decoration A rainstick is a musical instrument from Chile. It is made_- - from a dried cactus branch. It’s filled with stones and shaken to make the sound of falling rain. 4 @ With a classmate invent a rain dance using your rainstick. Unit 8 ‘1 Read and write the animal names. . | 1. It doesn’t have enemies: ____________ 4. It has hooves: . 2. It's a venomous lizard: _________5. It eats ants: 3. It’s a deadly arachnid: 6. It shoots hairs: Reptiles Mammals * The western diamondback rattlesnake is a type of pit viper. Pit vipers have areas on their |) faces - called pits - that are very sensitive to heat. These pits help “the sakes locate thei prey in the dark. * The kangaroo rat is the ultimate desert rat. It doesn’t need to drink water because it gets all its water from food. * The mountain lion is also called a cougar or a puma. It’s the biggest predator in the desert, and mostly eats deer, rabbits and rodents. * Bighorn sheep can go weeks * The Gila monster is one of only two venomous lizards in the whole world! It has orange or pink and black skin, and it eats only once every two months. * The homed lizard is another fascinating or even months without drinking water. Their unique hooves allow them to run up steep, rocky mountains, and they use their horns to break open cacti and fight other sheep. creature that eats ants and other small insects. Not so interesting? Well, when it’s attacked, it shoots blood out of its eyes! its abdomen into the eyes of predators. * The sting of a bark scorpion is extremely dangerous and can kill a human, Both these arachnids stay underground during the hot day and come out at night to hunt. 2 Make a desert diorama. (QERSHERS a shoe box. paints or * markers, glue, construction paper, modelling clay. cotton wool, natural objects (twigs, sand, stones, etc.)

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