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GeneraI Questions

1) Work Experience:
Please describe your activities during a typical work day.

What is the most challenging part of your current or last job?

What do you find the most frustrating in your current or last job?
n your current job, what would you like to do more of? Less of?
Of all of the employers you've had, which did you like the most and least? Why?
What have been your greatest achievements?
What have been your greatest disappointments?

) Corporate CuIture:
How would you describe the ideal work environment?

What situations or working conditions would you like to avoid in the future?

What is your description of a great manager?
What is your description of a great team member (co-worker)?

How would you define a great team? What traits make it successful?

How do you usually ask for assistance of someone on your team?

How would people you work with describe you?

) Expectations:
What do you look for in a job?

When you complete a difficult task or assignment, what types of recognition do you
expect to receive?

What do you think you would like most about this job?

What do you think you would be the hardest part of this job?

What is the standard for your own success?

How would you describe "professional behavior in the workplace?

When do you look forward to going to work?

When do you dread going to work?

) Preferred Supervisory StyIe:
Who was the most demanding boss you ever had? How did you deal with that?

How would you describe your relationship with your current or last supervisor?

Which boss did you enjoy working for the most? Why?

Which boss did you least enjoy working for? Why?

How would you describe the amount of structure, direction and feedback you need in
order to excel?

) AccompIishments:
Tell me about your greatest professional accomplishment so far.

How have you been recognized for some of your accomplishments?

What item on your resume are you most proud of?

What was the most useful criticism you ever received?

What have you done in your present or last position to increase your organization's
top line revenues or reduce operational costs?

How have you added value to your job over time?

) GoaI Setting:
What goals do you have right now?

What area of your skills do you need to improve upon in the next year?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

When you have a lot of work to do, what kind of planning do you do to ensure it gets

Tell me about a goal you imposed on yourself at work. Why did you decide on that
particular goal?

What organizational methods do you employ to ensure you meet your daily goals?

) Work Ethic and Work StyIe:
What has been a consistent strength of yours?

What has been a consistent area of improvement for you?

What has been your favorite job so far and why?

Tell me about a time when you didn't feel like working, what did you do?

What has been your least favorite job so far and why?

What would your last supervisor say about you that makes you valuable to the

What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?

What area of your skills do you need to improve upon in the next year?

How do you deal with the typical dysfunctions of a company, its shortcomings and

Tell me about your last performance appraisal. n which area were you most

n hindsight, how could you have improved your performance in your last position?

) SaIes Competencies:
Tell me about a suggestion you made to improve the way a job process worked.

Give me an example of when you initiated a change in a process or change in

Tell me about a time when you felt you went "above and beyond for someone else.

Give me an example of a time when your attention to detail made a big difference in
the results.

Give me an example of something you have done in the past to improve yourself.

VaIue Based Interview Questions
TrueBridge Stated VaIues
1) Customer Orientation:
Tell me about a time when you were successful in dealing with an unhappy client or

Tell me about a time when you encountered a customer or client complaining of poor
service, what did you do?

Give me an example of something you have done to either develop or strengthen
customer relationships.

Tell me about a time you exceeded the expectations of a client or customer

) Teamwork:
Describe a time when you took the initiative to do something that needed to be done,
even though it wasn't really your responsibility. What prompted you to act?

Describe a time you were able to provide a peer with recognition for the work he/she

Give me an example of a time you acted as a team player in a project with your peers.

Give me an example of a time that you used one of your strengths to help another
person or team succeed.

Describe a time when you sought someone's ideas or opinions about a project you
were working on.

Describe a project where you worked as a team to accomplish the goals. What was
your role?

) Higher Standards:
Tell me about a suggestion you made to improve the way a job process worked.

Give me an example of when you initiated a change in a process or change in

Tell me about a time when you felt you went "above and beyond what was expected
of you.

Have you ever made improvements to your work without being asked? Give some

Give me an example of a time when your attention to detail made a big difference in
the results.

Give me an example of something you have done in the past to improve yourself.
Other criticaI vaIue based interview questions
Tell me about a time when you took responsibility for a mistake before anyone else
even knew you made a mistake.

Give me a time when you had to present the unvarnished truth to someone, but were
able to do it in a positive and helpful manner.

Give me an example of when you were able to keep a confidence, even when you
were tempted to break it or it would have been easier to break it.

Give me an example of how you acted with integrity (walked your talk) in your job or
work relationships.

Describe a situation where someone was able to successfully rely on you to do your
part to accomplish a goal.

Empathy/Understanding CIient Needs:
Describe a work situation that required you to really listen and display compassion for
someone who was telling you about a sensitive situation.

Tell me about a time when you needed to give feedback to an emotional or sensitive
employee, client or consultant.

Tell me about a time when you had to put in extra effort to understand someone else's
concern. What was the outcome?

Describe a situation where, because you were aware of the nonverbal dynamics of a
person or group, you adapted your communication and turned the situation around.

Tell me about a situation when you sensed something was bothering someone. What
did you do?

Tell me about a time when you offered assistance to someone without being asked.

Easy to Work With:
Tell me about a time when you changed or modified your priorities to meet another
person's or group's expectations.

Tell me how you went about working successfully with someone that you didn't
necessarily like.

Tell me how you went about working successfully with someone that you didn't know
very well.

Tell me about a situation that made you feel frustrated and impatient? How do you
deal with it?

Describe a situation in which you felt criticized. How did you handle it?

Tell me about a time when you disagreed with someone. How was it resolved?

Describe some things that make you angry or frustrated at work and what you do in
those situations.

Who are some key people within your organization who you currently must work on a
regular basis to get your work done? Describe your relationship with these people.

Describe a positive working environment. What do you do to create a positive working
climate every day?

Give me an example of a time someone came to you and was anxious about
something. How did you handle the situation?

Tell me about a time when you were able to establish a rapport with a person that
others refer to as "difficult.

What steps do you take to ensure you properly follow up when necessary?

How do you ensure you respond in a timely manner to phone messages and email

What do you do to ensure your job function is covered in your absence?

Describe how you know you've honored your commitments that you've made to

Has there ever been a time when you promised something at work and were unable to
deliver it? How did you feel about that?

Sharing Information/Communication:
Describe a situation where you had to collect information by asking many people a lot
of questions.

What types of situations do you feel it's best to communicate in person versus in
writing (email, texting)?

Describe a time that you were successful primarily because of your ability to
communicate either verbally or in writing.

Give me an example of a time you had to be excellent at multidirectional
communication in order to be successful at something.

Tell me about an important and impactful report or memo you have written.

Describe a situation where you were able to provide information to someone else that
made a dramatic difference in the outcome of a situation.

Describe a situation where you delayed providing others with information that would
have been valuable to them.

Action Orientation:
Tell me about a time you got enjoyment out of working on something.

Give me an example of a time you had to work on a project or task that you were
absolutely dreading.

Tell me about a time when you decided on your own that something needed to be
done. What did you do?

Give me an example of something you've done in previous jobs that demonstrates
your willingness to work hard.

Tell me about a time that you willingly took on more work even though you were
already busy. How were you able to get everything done?

Tell me about a goal you imposed on yourself at work. Why did you decide on that
particular goal?

Name: ______________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________

SKLLS _______________________________________
LOCATON _______________________________________
OPPORTUNTES _______________________________________
MONEY _______________________________________
AVALABLTY _______________________________________

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