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Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 61 (3):408-437 (2006)



Laboratoire de Tectonique, Université P. & M. Curie-Paris 6 Case 129, F 75252 PARIS Cedex 05, France. E-mail:
disposición en alturas no cambia; early tansresion--> late regressio y vice versa
Following examination of the evolution of the Jurassic Andean retroarc basin at a global scale for the Central Andes, this paper
analyses the pattern of the regressive process, and discusses some general features concerning Andean Jurassic Paleogeography.
The early Upper Jurassic regression obeys to an exactly reverse pattern as the one evidenced for the Lower Jurassic transgressive
process. Sectors with late transgressions become those with early regressions while those with early transgressions show later
regressions. This fact may indicate that the Norte Chico Isthmus (29°S to 30°30’S) was a precociously emerged zone from the
Bajocian. This carries again a split up between the Tarapacá and Aconcagua-Neuquén basins until their complete drying up in the
Late Oxfordian following their restricted circulation. This evaporitic late stage presents great analogy with the Mediterranean
«Messinian crisis» and gives evidence of a general tectonic and magmatic control on the straits. The local transgressions observed
on the cratonic margin of the central part of these shrinking basins were due to shifting of water masses resulting from the regres-
sive process on the northern and southern margins.
Comparison between the main stages of transgression and regression allows some quantification concerning velocities of dis-
placement of coastlines, specifically lengthwise. The permanence of paleogeographic and structural features over the time argues
for an indisputable tectonic heritage. In the dynamic framework of this typical barred retroarc basin where arc magmatic activity
has contributed considerably to variation on sediment supply and changing bathymetry of the seaways connecting with the Pacific
Ocean, evidence for an assumed global eustatic cycle remains questionable or very subordinated.

Keywords: Jurassic, retroarc basin, trangression, regression, paleogeography, Andes.

itsmo de norte chico en caloviano

RESUMEN: Paleogeografía dinámica de la cuenca jurásica andina: Formas de regresión y consideraciones generales sobre los rasgos principales.
Con posterioridad al exámen de la evolución de la cuenca andina jurásica de retroarco a una escala global para los Andes Centrales,
este trabajo analiza el diseño de los procesos regresivos y discute algunos rasgos generales concernientes a la paleogeografía jurá-
sica de los Andes. La regresión jurásica superior temprana obedece a un diseño exactamente opuesto al evidenciado para los pro-
cesos transgresivos del Juràsico Inferior. Los sectores con transgresiones tardías son aquellos que tienen regresiones tempranas,
mientras aquellos con transgresiones tempranas muestran transgresiones más tardías. Este hecho puede indicar que el itsmo del
Norte Chico (29ºS a 30º30’S) fue una zona precozmente emergida desde el Bayociano. Esto produce nuevamente una separación
entre las cuencas de Tarapacá y la de Aconcagua-Neuquén hasta su completa desecación en el Oxfordiano superior continuando
una circulación restringida. Este estadío póstumo evaporítico presenta una analogía grande con la crisis messiniana del
Mediterráneo y aporta evidencia para un control tectónico y magmático en los estrechos. Las transgresiones locales observadas
en el margen cratónico de la parte central de estas cuencas en reducción fueron debidas a la migración de masas de agua resul-
tantes del proceso de regresión en los márgenes norte y sur. transgresiones locales debido a regresiones generales en Norte y Sur
La comparación entre las principales estadios de transgresión y regresión permite alguna cuantificación concerniente a las veloci-
dades de desplazamiento de las líneas de costa, en especial si longitud. La permanencia de rasgos paleogeográficos y estructura-
les a través del tiempo argumenta a favor de una herencia tectónica indisputable. En un marco dinámico de estas cuencas de retro-
arco con barreras donde la actividad del arco magmático ha contribuido considerablemnete a la variación del suministro de sedi-
mentos y a la batimetría cambiante de los paso de conexión con el Océano Pacífico, la evidencia para asumir un ciclo eustático
global permanece cuestionable o muy subordinada.
retroceso del mar sería netamente tectónico ante falta de evidencia de regresión
Palabras clave: Jurásico, cuenca retroarco, trangresión, regresión, paleogeografía, Andes.

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0004-4822/02 $00.00 + $00.50 © 2006 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 409



INTRODUCTION EVOLUTION OF THE about 180 km (2º30´) between Elqui High

ANDEAN BASIN DURING Cordillera to the Tránsito Cordillera, the
regresion importante en early late Jura
THE MIDDLE AND EARLY regression is mainly Bajocian (Fig. 2).
During the early Late Jurassic, a very impor- LATE JURASSIC: THE This can be inferred from the works of
tant regression occurred in the Andean REGRESSIVE PROCESS Hillebrandt (1970, 1971, 1973 and 2002),
RED retroarc Basin between extra-Andean Westermann and Riccardi (1972 and
KIMME Patagonia (43°45’S) and Northern Chile 1979) and Hillebrandt and Westermann
RIDG Latitude of study area (31°30’ –33°S)
(21° 45’S). This regression resulted first in a (1985) although they gave little attention
regresion en eje de cuenca por yesos OXFORDIANOS
complete drying and emersion, and then, FM AUQUILCO ES REPRESENTATIVA to age of the regression. In these facies of
mainly in the Kimmeridgian, in the deposi- The regression along the basin axis is char- sandy calcarenites, sandstones and red
tion of continental red beds. So, the pur- acterized by the presence of thick U- pelites, rich mainly in bivalves that grade
pose of this paper is to indicate the main pper Oxfordian evaporites (Principal upwards into Upper Jurassic continental
stages of this regression, to examine its Gypsum=Auquilco Fm.) (cf. Fig. 4 of part tuffs and volcanics, Bajocian faunas are
consequences on the dynamic of water I). The underlying bituminous shales of present in the areas of Doña Ana,
masses and to see to what extent the sea- restricted facies have yielded, in the Alma Portezuelo de la Punilla and Quebrada
ways opened through the arc in the Early Negra area, an “Idoceras” (det. Covacevich) Pinto (Hillebrandt 1973). But it is only at
se deberian Jurassic took part in that last process. The fauna indicating the upper part of the the latitude of Quebrada Chanchoquin N TIENE
en teoría REGISTRO
conservar similarity of this regressive process with the Upper Oxfordian. To the north the last out- (28º45´S) that the Lower Bajocian MARINO
estructuras transgressive one raises the problem of the crops are at Portezuelo Yesito (31º36´S) (Singularis and Giebeli Zones = HASTA
heredadas BAJOCIANO
desde permanence and inheritance of paleogeo- (see Fig. 7). Farther north, the area of Laevisucula and Sauzei Zone) is clearly TEMPRANO
de la graphic and structural features. Further- Norte Chico (31º and 26ºS), is character- indicated by Pseudotoites sphaeroceroides
transgresió more, the significance of these straits as ized by the absence of evaporites and an (Tornq.) and Sonninia espinazitensis
potential filters for that barred basin, and in early regression (Jensen and Vicente 1979). Tornquist and Emileia giebeli (Gottsche)
the degree of faunal endemism, and in the NORTE CHICO NO TIENE EVAPORITAS (Hillebrandt 2002).
record of global eustatic cycles in a very North On the other hand, in the Manflas area
active magmatic setting, will be analyzed. Norte Chico Cordilleran area (31º – 26ºS) the Humphriesianum Zone is well estab- EN MANFLAS
Finally, the obvious southward continuity lished by Chondroceras cf. defontii REGISTRO
of the magmatic arc through the North At the latitude of Los Pingos (30º45´S) (McLearn), and the Upper Bajocian by TARDIO Y
Patagonian Cordillera, together with the the regression was supposed to have Lupherites dehmi (Hillebrandt), L.(?) chongi CALLOVIANO
paleogeographic connections between the occurred in the early Callovian (Rivano (Hillebrandt), Duashnoceras cf. caracolense
Chubut and Neuquén basins will be used to 1975) in facies of red sandstones with (Westermann & Riccardi), D. chilense
reject the Dorsal del Chubut assumption. ripple marks, drying cracks, gypsum nod- (Hillebrandt), D. profetaense Hillebrandt,
Instead it will be accepted the notion of a ules and littoral conglomerates, with rare Teloceras (?) sp., Stephanoceras spp. and
North Patagonian Transition between the “Macrocephalites sp., Eurycephalites cf. rotun- Megasphaeroceras sp (Hillebrandt 1970,
Andean and the Magallanes systems. dus (Tornq.), Kamptokephalites sp.” and 1977 and 2002, Jensen 1976; Jensen and
As for the transgressive scheme discussed Vertebrate remains. However, the upper- Vicente, 1976; Westermann and Riccardi,
in the previous paper (Vicente 2005), we most ammonites present in the Mina Los 1979; Riccardi and Westermann, 1991).
will follow the same reasoning at basinal Pingos area were later identified by The thin oolitic limestone with echinoids
scale, i.e. the starting point will be again Riccardi (cf. also Hillebrandt 2002, p. 57) that is at the top of the succession was
our study area of the High Cordillera of as Late Bajocian Megasphaeroceras spp. dated as early Callovian (Hillebrandt
San Juan and Mendoza (31°30’-33°S), and These facies represent the transition to the 1973, Jensen 1976).
then the discussion will be progressively Upper Jurassic red continental succes- Farther north, the Callovian is well devel-
extended to the adjacent northern and sions. It is only at 28º15´S, in the Manflas oped (Fig. 2): first as a level of pink sandy
southern areas. area, southeast of Copiapó, where the limestones with bivalves at the latitude of HAY
Figure 1 depicts the main morphostructur- presence of marine lower Callovian has Río Figueroa and Quebrada La Tola CALLOVIANO
al Andean units the names of the principal been assumed on the basis of 3-4 m thick (27°14´S) (Hillebrandt 1973, Hillebrandt AL NORTE

geographic regions, and the location of marine limestones overlying red sand- and Westermann 1985), and immediately
paleogeographic maps included in this stones and marine Upper Bajocian with to the south at Quebrada Paipote (Vega
paper. These maps are presented in the ammonites (Hillebrandt 1973 and 1977, Redonda) (27°09´S) with greenish, and
stratigraphic order to provide a most Jensen et al. 1976). Definite Lower somewhat sandy, oolitic calcarenites, rich
dynamic and simple paleogeographic view, Callovian with ammonites is present at the in volcanic material and bivalves, bra-
although discussion in the text reasoning latitude of Salar de Pedernales (c. 26º15´S) chiopods, echinoids and Solenopora sp.
will lead often to introduce them in a dif- (Riccardi and Westermann 1991). This last facies is especially well exposed
ferent order. In the intervening area, the distance of in the area of Quebrada San Andrés
410 J. C. . V I C E N T E

Figure 1: Locality map showing main Andean

morphostructural units of interest and areas
covered by paleogeographic maps included in
this paper. CR=Coast Range; CV=Central
Valley; MR=Main Range (=Principal or
Western Cordillera); Limits of Provinces
(=Departments or Regions) of Argentine,
Chile and Peru are also indicated.
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 411


(27°S) (Cisternas and Vicente 1976, Förster and Hillebrandt (1984; see also Sipuca-Quehuita (21º12´S; see also
Cisternas 1977) and Chañaral Alto Gygi and Hillebrandt 1991). Likewise, far- Vergara 1978), and Quebrada Mani
(26°40´S) (Oviedo 1977) where “Reineckeia ther north, at the latitude of Cerri- (21º05´S; see also Muñoz Cristi 1973).
brancoi “ (Steinmann) ) (=? Rehmannia brancoi) tos Bayos (22º35´S), “Aspidoceras (Orthas- Whilst Skarmeta and Marinovic (1981)
suggests Early Callovian (Harrington 1961, pidoceras) sp., Subneumayria (?) sp. and recorded Gregoryceras sp. and Perisphinctes
García 1967, Hillebrandt 1970, Pérez 1978, Rasenia sp.” were recorded by Baeza (1976; s.l. (Middle Oxfordian), in the upper part OXFORDIANO
Riccardi and Westermann 1991). At this lati- cf. Förster and Hillebrandt 1984), and of the marine member of the QUINCHAMALE
tude, the basin had a width of about 65 km, Cubaspidoceras sp. by Gygi and Hillebrandt Quinchamale Formation at the western OESTE FM
taking into account a tectonic shortening of (1991) in levels underlying the evaporites, slope of Sierra Moreno. This has been MORENO SIERRA

about 30% and that the eastern basin margin would indicate the Lower Kimmeridgian confirmed by Gröschke and Prinz (1986)
reached 69°11´W in the La Ola area (Covacevich, written comm. 1975). and Gröschke and Wilke (1986).
(Cisternas 1977 and 1979). Summing up, these data indicate the main- At the latitude of Quebrada Huatacondo
ly Early Kimmeridgian age of the (20º55´S), where García (1967) defined the HUATACONDO
Cordillera Domeyko area (25º40´- 24º30´S) Cordillera Domeyko evaporites (Fig. 2). Aquiuno Formation, the presence of EDAD OXFORDIANA
Marine Oxfordian begins at the southern Finally, we stress the typically Upper Perisphinctes sp. supports an Oxfordian age.
end of this area (Fig. 2). At the latitude of Oxfordian features, i. e. pre-evaporitic The formation consists of finely laminat-
Sierra Exploradora (25º40´-25º50´S), the facies of finely laminated bituminous ed, calcareous turbidites, with micrites
succession is only Lower Oxfordian shales, indicating a change to stratified containing spicules alternating with rede-
(Davidson and Godoy 1976, Jensen et al. water conditions (Busson, 1978) with, posited encrinites. The general analyses of
1976). But immediately to the north, begin- stagnant, hypersaline bottom waters. this belt by Garcia (1967) indicated a
ning at Quebrada Incaguasi (25º36´S), the These anaerobic conditions explain the remarkable northwards increase of the MAS MARINO
marine sedimentation continued almost to remarkable preservation of fishes (Biese marine features in this formation. This, NORTE
the end of the Oxfordian (Hillebrandt 1961, Arratia et al. 1975a and 1975b, Baeza together with the ending of the evaporites
1970, Chong 1973, 1976 and 1977, 1976 and 1979), marine reptiles (Biese at about 21º43´S and, farther north, the
Naranjo and Covacevich 1979, Gygi and 1961, Chong 1973 and 1977) and decapod presence of only a few thin (maximum 10
Hillebrandt 1991), ending with evaporites crustaceans (Chong and Förster 1976, cm) lenticular intercalations, enables us to
as in the Neuquen basin (Principal Förster and Hillebrandt 1984). locate the most restricted part of the basin
Gypsum). At the latitude of Quebrada southernmost between Cerritos Bayos and RESTRINGIDO
Incaguasi, Hillebrandt (1970), Gygi and Area of Antofagasta and Tarapacá Precordillera Sierra de Varas. At the latitude of Cerro ENTRE
Hillebrandt (1991) and Hillebrandt and Farther north, the marine Oxfordian con- Santa Elena (23º43´S) in the Sierra CERRITOS BAYOS Y
Gröschke (1995) identified the tinues with the same facies of finely lami- Moreno, the gypsum is less than 20 m SIERRA DE
Bimmamatum Zone in the upper levels by nated black shales at least as far as the lat- thick (Maksaev 1978); at the latitude of
Lithacosphinctes desertorum (Stehn), itude of Pisagua (19º35´S). It suffices to Cerritos Bayos (22º30´S) it reaches 60 m
Orthosphinctes cf. tiziani (Oppel), Larcheria remember the extensive belt along the (Baeza 1976); exceeds 100 m in the
aff. gredingensis (Wegele), Idoceras cf. Precordillera of Antofagasta and Tarapacá Quebrada Los Yesos, south of Caracoles
neogaeum Burckhardt and Ochetoceras mexi- from Sierra Moreno up to Huatacondo, (23º06´S) (Chong 1973); and is reduced to
canum (Burckhardt). which García (1967) named Aquiuno 50 m at the latitude of Quebrada Sandón DE
At the latitude of Sierra Candeleros Formation, later (Maksaev 1978) included of Sierra de Vaquillas Altas (25º17´S); EVAPORITAS!!!!!
(25º25´S), Naranjo and Covacevich (1979), in the Quinchamale Formation (cf. before disappearing immediately to the
also noted the probable existence of the Ramírez and Huete 1981, Skarmeta and south. In Sierra Candeleros and SierraNO EVAPORITAS
Planula Zone, based on the association of Marinovic 1981). Thus, in the eastern Santa Ana, the regression has no evapor-EN CANDELEROS NI
Idoceras sp. and Physodoceras (?) sp. Chong slope of Sierra Moreno (21º43´S), the ites (Naranjo and Covacevich 1979).SIERRA ANA

(1973, 1976 and 1977), on the other hand, marine upper levels of the Quinchamale Summing up, the Early Kimmeridgian
suggested that the upper levels of the Formation (Maksaev 1978) yielded a evaporitic basin of the Chilean Norte CUENCA EVAPORITICA
marine succession belong in the lower diverse Perisphinctes assemblage dating Grande extended from 21º40´S to DEL
Kimmeridgian, based on the presence of these levels as Oxfordian. Furthermore, 25º20´S, i. e. a distance of ca. 400 km. O TEMPRANO
“Rasenia (Prorasenia) sp., Simaspidoceras sp., marine sedimentation ends at this latitude Finally, north of Huatacondo are three 21°40S Y LOS
Perisphinctes (Virgatosphinctes) sp. and in the form of a notable evaporite level, more important outcrops of marine 25°20
Aulacosphinctoides” in Quebrada El Profeta the last important occurrence at this Oxfordian, the Chacarilla Formation
of Sierra de Varas (24º59´S). Presence meridian (68º56´W). García (1967) dated (20°38’S) south of Pica and the Duplixa
of uppermost Oxfordian to Lower his Aquiuno Formation as (Late) Formation in the Juan de Morales area
Kimmeridgian in this region, with Cubaspi- Oxfordian on the bases of ammonites (20º05´S) respectively described by Galli
doceras cf. caribeanum Myczynski and found in Quebrada de Arca (21º43´S), and Dingman (1962) and Galli (1968) that
Orthaspidoceras sp., was confirmed by Quebrada Sama (21º30´S), Quebrada yielded diverse Perisphinctes and Arisphinctes
acá la sedimentación marina llega hasta el oxfordiano tardío OXFORDIANO MARINO AL SUR DE PICA!!!!
412 J. C. . V I C E N T E

Figure 2: Main stages of the Jurassic regression at the southern end of the Tarapacá Basin.
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 413



(?), and the Pachica Formation at the lati- Of additional interest is the westward facies glomerate (Cecioni and García 1960) con-
tude of Tarapacá (19º51´S) with Perisphinctes change of Bajocian and Callovian levels of firms the importance of paleoarc erosion.
species (Perez 1961, Espiñeira et al. 1984; the Huantajaya Formation into a thick suc- Thus the coastal area differs clearly from
Covacevich 1985) together with Diceras sp. cession (Caleta Ligate Formation) of vol- the Precordilleran area, mentioned above,
(Rudista) and “Inoceramus galoi” [= ? canic sandstones and breccias with graded where the change to Kimmeridgian red
Retroceramus galoi (Boehm)]. In contrast to bedding (pyroclastic turbidites) and beds is gradual. EN PRECORDILLERA EL CAMBIO A RED BEDS KIMM
the southernmost facies, these formations interbedded submarine andesitic flows It remains to mention several outcrops in
have well oxygenated littoral facies with (Silva 1976, his figure 4). This indicates the the Arica interior that are assigned to the
important quartzite levels at the top. proximal presence to the west at that time Los Tarros Formation (Salas et al. 1966) in
Moreover, as anticiped by Cecioni (1970) of a volcanic arc (Figs. 4a and 4b), what the middle course of Quebrada Azapa
the Pachica area has provided good paleos- confirm some paleoslope indicators (Livilcar area) and of Rio Lluta (Millune
lope indicators from the east and southeast. (Cecioni 1970, his figure 5). and Larancagua area). The former outcrop
CERRITOS BAYOS-HUATACONDO. This marine Oxfordian belt extends sub- has shales with calcareous intercalations
Coastal area of Iquique and Arica (20º20´ – continuously northward up to Arica (see bearing Perisphinctes, the second shales and
18º30´S) Fig. 6a) and is called Los Tarros Formation quartzites (Montecinos 1963) in Peruvian
These last outcrops are interesting because (Cecioni and García 1960, Salas et al. 1966, facies (Vicente 1981). The survey done,
farther west, on the eastern slope of the Tobar et al. 1968). It consists of finely lam- together with Davidson, Fuenzalida and
coastal chain of Iquique and Pisagua, is a inated black shales with calcareous concre- Harambour (December 1984) showed:
CORDILLERA second belt of marine Oxfordian, belong- tions yielding Perishpinctes (Orthosphinctes) - In the Livilcar area, black calcilutites and
ing in fact the western basin margin. Thus it gottschei Stehn, P. boehmi Steinm., Ochetoceras shales with Aspidoceratidae (det. Covace-
OESTE DE is possible to estimate the width of the canaliculatum (v. Buch), Gregoryceras sp. and vich) and Perisphinctes sp. (Muñoz et al. 1988)
Oxfordian basin at this latitude to about 75 Progeronia (?) sp., a typically (Upper) are finely laminated, with thin silt levels,
km (see Fig. 6a). The sediments consist of Oxfordian assemblage (although the last suggesting distal turbidites of abyssal plain
TENDRÍA the upper levels of the Huantajaya genus could be Lower Kimmeridgian). The (Td, et, ep). The facies is reminiscent of the
75 KM
DE ANCHO Formation (García 1967, Thomas 1970, specimens of Gregoryceras were later (Gygi lower member of the Ataspaca Formation
Silva 1972 and 1976), which, from Estación and Hillebrandt 1991) referred to G. (G.) of Tacna (Salinas 1986).
Godo (20º20´S) to Cerro Atajaña (19º18´S), aff. riazi (De Grossouvre) and G. (G.) sp., - In the Millune area (middle course of Rio
form a subcontinuous belt of outcrops Middle Oxfordian. OXFORDIANO-KIMM EN ARICA Lluta, heigth 1350 m) is a recurrence of
characterized by facies of shales and finely Localized between the localities described finely laminated black shales and siltstones
YESO EN laminated black marls interbedded at the above are the outcrops of Quebrada Chiza with Posidonia.sp. The succession (Millune oxfordiano en el
valle de arica
SUPERIOREStop with thin gypsum beds. An ammonite (19º 12´ S), east of Cuya. They rest on the Formation of Montecinos 1963) changes hacia arriba
e incluso en el
fauna with Perisphinctes, Orthosphinctes, Cuya volcanics of the Camaraca Formation rapidly upwards into sandstones, producing sur de peru
Arisphinctes, Euaspidoceras, and Gregoryceras (Salas et al. 1966, García 1967) and are over- negative sequences typical of distal tur- correlaciones
AMMONITES was dated as Upper Oxfordian at the lati- lain with weak unconformity by Upper biditic lobules before passing into volcanic estratigraficas
OXFORDIANO tude of Iquique (Thomas, 1970) and, over- Jurassic continental conglomerates of the arenites and breccias of the overlaying turbiditas,
lain by probably Kimmeridgian with Atajaña Formation. The Chiza Formation Saucine Formation. The Millune Formation volcanics
y abbysal plains
KIMMERIDGIA Progeronia (?) and Dorsoplanites (?).The yielded only Callovian “Macrocephalites sp. appears to be similar to the middle to upper en ciertos
lugares más al
Gregoryceras were later (Gygi and Hillbrandt and Reineckeia sp.” (García 1967), but their members of the Peruvian Ataspaca centro de la
1991) included in G (G.) chongi Gygi and presence at lower levels make the Formation, whilst the volcaniclastics of the cuenca
OXFORDIANOHill. and G. (G.) aff. riazi, Middle Oxfordian probable. This is the case imme- Saucine Formation indicate the facies of
MEDIO Oxfordian. At the latitude of Quebrada diately to the south at the latitude of Cerro the Guaneros Formation of southern
Tiviliche, the presence of “Perisphinctes” Atajaña, where the continental succession coastal Peru (Bellido and Guevara 1963,
(Orthosphinctes) sp., Kinkeliniceras sp. cf. sornay rests on black shales with the (Upper) Roperch and Carlier 1992), i. e. influx of
Agrawal and Metapeltoceras sp.” could indi- Oxfordian Perisphinctes harringtoni Leanza the coastal marine arc (Fig. 4a).
TIVILICHE cate the Upper Oxfordian (Silva 1972 and (Cecioni and García 1960). This unconfor-
1976). On the other hand, following mity also caused the Atajaña Formation to Southern Peru (18°- 16°S)
Thomas (1970) we doubt the old record by rest on different rocks (García 1967), such In contrast to the Chilean Norte Grande,
Cecioni (1961) of Lower Tithonian as on Andean diorites intruding into where marine sedimentation ended consis-
Virgatosphinctes from these levels. Revised Jurassic lavas at the latitude of Quebrada tently at the end of the Oxfordian and
sections by Kossler (1998) and Hillebrandt Camarones (19º04´S), and on the Camaraca passed into a characteristic continental
et al. (2000) confirm that there is no evi- Formation lavas (Callovian) at the latitude episode, the marine sedimentation of
dence for Jurassic sediments younger than of Quebrada Victor (18º46´S). The pres- southern Peru was continuous from the
Oxfordian age in the northern part of the ence of some clasts of Andean diorite and Callovian to the Tithonian. The succession
Chilean Coastal Cordillera. of Jurassic limestones in the basal con- consists of thick clastics with flysch fea-
SEDIMENTOS MARINOS MAS JOVENES EN ESTA ZONA al contrario de chile (oxfordiano), la sediemntación marina continuo
414 J. C. . V I C E N T E

Figure 3: Main stages of the Jurassic Regression at the southern end of the Neuquén Basin.
EN CHILE EL OXFORDIANO ESTA MARCADO POR Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 415


grupo yura, en cuenca de arequipa

tures (Vicente 1981, Vicente et al. 1982). progression in basin evolution and of Central Peru (14°- 11°S)
This is the famous Yura Group, which is basin connection with the Chilean Norte At this latitude there was again an early
especially well developed in the Arequipa Grande, where the end of the Oxfordian regression, mainly during the Bajocian. This al norte de
region (Jenks 1948, Benavides 1962, (see Fig. 6a) is marked by a regression. implies the location of the northern end of arequipa se
acaba cuenca
Vargas 1970, Vicente et al. 1979, Vicente According to that hypothesis a zone of the Arequipa basin and the presence to the homónima, hay
1981 and 1989; Vicente et al. 1982) and greatest subsidence must be located just north of a large continental area, whose continentales
whose southermost outcrops are just south of Tacna (18ºS) and then a progres- weathering contributed to the clastic sedi- regresión
across the Chilean border, northeast of sive reduction in depth of the basin mentation (Fig. 4a). The marine Bajocian comienza en
Tacna in the Pachía and Palca area (Wilson should be observed between the latitudes outcrops barely reach beyond Huancayo
huancayo es
and García 1962), and less than 50 km of Arica (18º30´S) and Pisagua (19º35´S) (12º04´S) and belong to the limestones of altura de lima
en longitud
north of the Chilean Rio Lluta outcrops. before a “finger” ending in the the Chunumayo Formation which, at the
In the Pachía and Palca area, the Upper Kimmerigian. Consequently, a more classic locality of southern Huancavelica,
Jurassic marine succession (Ataspaca detailed study of the transitional region yielded a fauna of Sonninia cf. espinazitensis
Formation) consists of a more than 1000 located between Pachia-Palca (17º45´S) Tornq. typical of the lower Bajocian (Sauzei
m thick, fine-grained alternation of and Quebrada Chiza (19º15´S) is needed. Zone) (Westermann et al. 1980). Farther
graywackes and shales, which in the lower We expect to find a regression that north a rapid change occurs to sandy facies al norte
tenemos facies
levels have yielded a Callovian fauna of became progressively younger to the (Cercapuquio Formation) (Mégard 1978). arenosas
Macrocephalitidae and Reineckeia sp. as north and transitional features between Beyond that, Neocomian quartzites y más al norte
well as an Oxfordian fauna with the evaporitic basin of Tarapacá and the (Goyllarisquizga Formation) rest uncon- neocomianas
en disc
Perisphinctes spp. (Wilson and García clastic basin of Arequipa. formably on the Lower Jurassic. angular con el
1962). A preliminary sedimentological The scarceness of outcrops and underes- Towards the south, the regression becomes temprano
analyses of this formation implies a typi- timation of Late Cretaceous tectonics in younger. Thus, 100 km south of
cally prograding turbiditic succession northernmost Chile inhibit interpretation. Chunumayo, at the latitude of Rio Pumani regresión es
TRANSICION(Salinas 1986), with a progressive change We know that in southern Peru Andes (13º43´S) of the Paras region, marine facies mas joven hacia
el sur,
from finely laminated marls, typical of shortening largely increases so that, just persist to the Late Bajocian as shown by the bajociano
DSITALES distal turbidites of abyssal plains or exter- beyond the frontier, the huge northeast- assemblage of Leptosphinctes (“Cobbanites”)
nal margins of turbiditic fans (Td, e), to ward overthrusting of the Arequipa mas- cf. talkeetnanus (Imlay) and Spiroceras orbigny
LOBULOS more sandy facies, similar to lobule sif appears to be present (Vicente 1989). (Baugier & Sauze) collected by Westermann
deposits from intermediate to middle-fan This is supported by the tectonic window et al. (1980). Sixty kilometers to the south-
distributary channels. observed in Palpa (Vicente 1989, his fig- east, in the Paire region (13º51´S) of the
In summary, the analysis of the Yura ure 9) which shows that the volcanic arc Querobamba geological map, Lower
mas al sur es
Group in the Arequipa area (16º - 17ºS) widely overthrusts the retroarc basin and Callovian limestones with Eurycephalites cf. calloviano
(Vicente et al. 1982), the Bathonian- overprints it. Probably that thrust may boesei Burck.resemble, according to
Callovian Puente Formation consists continue into northernmost Chile. Guevara, the Gramadal Formation of
mainly of turbiditic sequences related to Likewise, in the North, at latitude of Arequipa (in Westermann et al. 1980). hay regresiones
the prograding of a submarine fan (León Aplao (16°S) northwest of Arequipa, the Considering that this formation is Lower 2do subetapa?

1981). The paleocurrent and paleoslope noticeable truncation represented on our Tithonian at the latitude of Arequipa
directions (Vicente 1981), and the facies Figure 6a may be tectonic. Another pale- (Chavez 1982), diachronism is evident. This
GEOMETRIA problema de
NW PROXIMALchanges with proximal successions NW of ogeographic problem is that in southern- also shows the need for a detailed biostrati- diacronismo

Arequipa (Yura area) and distal succes- most Peru and in northernmost Chile graphic and sedimentologic study of the
DE FACIES sions in the SE (Chapi area) (Chavez where the Jurassic volcanic arc is in part Yura Group in that intermediate region.
1982), place the deeper part of the basin submarine so that it becomes hard to dif- The Chalhuanca area (14º18´S) appears
towards the SE (Vicente 1981, Vicente et ferentiate between intra-arc basins and especially suitable, as here the Yura Group
al. 1982, Beaudouin and Vicente 1986) the very insular margin of the retroarc. A has facies comparable to the Arequipa
(see Fig. 5). The Pachia-Palca outcrops good example is the striking cross-sec- region (Pecho 1981) and biostratigra-
thus represent the more distal part of the tion of the Azapa canyon, down stream phic information suggests the presence facies marinas
system. Progradation to the SE is fairly of Livilcar, where the counterpart of of marine Callovian, Oxfordian and oxfordianas y
evident as the facies, characteristic of the Junerata Formation of Palpa Tithonian. Furthermore, it may be possible kimmeridgiano?
middle-fan deposits, are mostly Bathonian (=Chocolate Formation of Arequipa) at this latitude to relate, within a mainly lon-
at the latitude of Arequipa (Puente consists of thick pyroclastic turbidites gitudinal feeding context, a deep-turbiditic turbiditas y
Formation) and Oxfordian at the latitude and submarine lava flows. Moreover, system with fluvio-deltaic contributions fluvio
of Tacna (lower member of Ataspaca these reconstructions must not neglect coming from the Sarayaquillo continental viniendo de
Formation) (Beaudoin and Vicente 1986). the extreme fluctuation in time and space basin (Fig. 4a). This basin, an extension of continental
de saraquillo
This raises the problem of southward of the volcanic activity. the Arequipa marine basin, is the only one
416 J. C. . V I C E N T E

Figure 4a: Early Callovian paleogeography and facies distribution of the Arequipa-Tarapacá Basin.
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 417

Figura 4b: Isolation of the Aconcagua-

Neuquén and Tarapacá basins in the Early
Callovian following the emergence of the
Norte Chico Isthmus.



that could have provided the quantity of - Late Oxfordian: immediately south of tuffaceous sandstones, conglomerates and
clastics of cratonic origin for the sedimen- Quebrada Incahuasi (25º36´S); andesitic flows, sometimes submarine,
tation of the Yura Group. This relationship, - Early Kimmeridgian: close to 25ºS, i. e. on which characterize the western slopes of
already inferred by Mégard (1978) with the southern end of Sierra de Varas. Sierra Exploradora (Davidson and Godoy
regard to the Chunumayo and lower In summary, the northwards regression 1976) and Sierra Candeleros (Naranjo and
Sarayaquillo deposits, and illustrated by occurred over ca. 430 km (3º52´S) during Covacevich 1979) and also the Cerro Islote,
Westermann et al. (1980, fig. 9), is very 26 Ma, which implies an average rate of west of Sierra de Varas (Chong 1973)
sistema de llenado important for paleogeographic inferences. regression in the order of 1.6 cm/y. From (24º55´S). margen
oeste de
longitudinal desde el
nnw desde sayaquillo
It implies a longitudinal filling system of the comparison of this rate with the 9 cm/y In conclusion, the western basin margin, cuenca con
a cuenca de arequipathe Arequipa basin from the NNW, quite transgression rate, the regression was slow- more than 650 km long (24º55´ - 30º45´S), actividad
similar to that of the Persian Gulf by the er by a factor of 6. However, it is not pos- is characterised by andesitic material com- constante
la negra
Mesopotamian plain, but under more sible to reduce this regression to simple ing from the La Negra active arc (Jensen et
se sugiere
humid conditions as indicated by the abun- progressive water evaporation. The Callo- al. 1976), to such an extent, that one of the que una de
las razones
dance of plant remains in the Yura Group vian sea was locally transgressive and main reasons for the beginning of restrict- de
of the Chalhuanca region (Pecho 1981). extended beyond the Bajocian sea north as ed circulation in the Andean basin appears restricción
The apparent absence of Sarayaquillo facies well as south of Norte Chico (cf. Copiapó to be the obstruction and closing of straits circulación
de aguas
in the Subandean region farther south is and Aconcagua regions). This indicates tec- by the volcanism. es
also relevant here, because it would justify a tonic control of water displacement. Although there is little doubt about the de los
estrechos y
study of paleochannels in the Sarayaquillo During this entire regressive phase, clearly withdrawal of the waters towards the north, su cierre
Group. This may help to differentiate opposing facies existed between the eastern we also have to consider, in the centre of por el
between lateral and longitudinal prove- (cratonic) and western (insular) margins of the Tarapacá evaporitic basin (Caracoles
En profeta
nances and to better assess the importance the basin. In the western margin is record- and Cerritos Bayos regions), the brief and también
and meaning of the emergence of central ed the volcanic activity of the contiguous ephemeral marine ingression that caused registro de
Peru in relation to the Nevadian move- arc. Thick volcaniclastic continental de- the deposition of the Kimmeridgian car- transgresió
ments (Vicente 1982). posits of western origin systematically bonate facies above the Millonaria Gypsum. n, facies de
overlie the marine successions at the end of These are the Honda Formation (170 m) of seguidas
The main regressional stages: Norte the regression. Thus, we have to consider: the Caracoles area (Harrington 1961, e por
Chico Isthmus and Tarapacá Basin - The conglomerates and sandstones with Montaño 1976), and the lower member rojas en
andesitic material characterising the western (100 m) of the Cerritos Bayos Formation no y
Based on the previous analysis, we conclud- facies during the Bajocian in the Los Pingos (Baeza 1976), both of which represent an titoniano

ed that, as early as Bajocian, the waters of region (Rivano 1975); important succession of intraclastic brec-
Bajociano es la
etapa de regresión the Andean basin began to progressively - The intercalations of andesitic conglom- cias, oolitic and oncolitic calcarenites, and
tanto en el norte
como en el sur withdraw to the north as well as south, erates, breccias and tuffs present in the dolomitic micrites with scarce Ostrea sp. and
desde norte chico starting from the Norte Chico region western Bajocian successions of Alto Myoconcha sp. (Montaño 1976). Considering
transito-el elqui between 29º and 30º30´ S (Transito and Tránsito (Quebrada Las Pircas and the restricted character of this recurrent
Elqui Cordilleras). Since that time, the Quebrada Chanchoquin, Hillebrandt marine ingression in the ultimate, most ingresión
Andean Basin was divided into two separate 1973) and the Manflas area (Quebrada depressed part of the basin, a northern en la zona
subbasins by the Norte Chico Isthmus Cepones and Quebrada Las Maquinas at connection appears probable. This would deprimida
de la
(Jensen and Vicente 1979) (Fig. 4b): the the headwaters of Quebrada Algarrobal, confirm the hypothesis that the Tarapacá cuenca.
ya existía ingresión
división en Aconcagua-Neuquén Basin in the south Hillebrandt 1973; Quebrada Amolanas basin was raised towards the north, and that desde el
2 de la cuenca
andina and the Tarapacá Basin in the north. These and Quebrada Calquis (Jensen and Vicente it was separated from the Arequipa basin by norte.
cuenca de
two basins became progressively restricted,
1976, Jensen 1976); a barrier at the latitude of Sierra Moreno tarapacá
se levanto
y tarapacá until complete evaporation (Jensen et al. - The thick flows of porphyritic andesites (Fig. 6a). cuenca de tarapacá estaría separada de la hacia el
1976, Jensen and Vicente 1979). During interbedded in the marine Bajocian of de arequipa por una barrera en sierra moreno

this last event, the water masses withdrew Sierra de Fraga (Davidson et al. 1976); South (altura de maría elena)---> zona de transferencia???
n s
northward, with the southern basin margin - The Callovian calcarenites and green
DE REGRESIÓN located at (Fig. 2): sandstones, rich in andesitic clasts, of The regressive basin evolution south of our
- Early Bajocian: Tránsito area (28º52´S); Quebrada Paipote (Vega Redonda), area of study, i.e. at the latitude of
- Early Callovian: immediately south of Quebrada San Andrés (Cisternas and Neuquén, remains to be analysed. In con-
Manflas (28º17´S) (Jensen et al. 1976) and Vicente 1976), Quebrada Asientos western trast to the area previously analysed with
Quebrada Paipote (Vega Redonda) belt (Garcia 1967), that at the latitude of good biostratigraphic controls and a rather
(27º08´S); Chañaral Alto include andesitic flows, some well known lithostratigraphy, we have com-
- Early Oxfordian: slightly south of Quebrada with pillow structures (Oviedo 1977); paratively few precise data for the regres-
Carrizo (26º06´S) (Jensen et al. 1976); - Finally, the Callovian-Oxfordian facies of sion ages and the corresponding facies
Figure 5: Dogger extension of the deep turbidite fan of the Arequipa Basin (modified from Beaudoin and Vicente 1986).
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic...
420 J. C. . V I C E N T E

edad de yeso es late oxfordian-kimmeridgian

facies continentales al sur de sierra de vaca muerta son consideradas
equivalentes a auquilco

variations for the Neuquén region, despite Digregorio and Uliana 1980). Souh of Atuel (Stipanicic 1951), Vega de la
the quality and accessibility of its outcrops Zapala the continental facies of the Fortin Veranada (Stipanicic 1966, Gulisano and
(see Fig. 3). 1° de Mayo Formation has been considered Gutiérrez Pleimling 1995b) and Sierra de
Although it was the “birth place” of the as equivalent to the Auquilco Formation Reyes (Groeber et al. 1952, Stipanicic et al.
South American Mesozoic stratigraphy (Gulisano et al. 1984). 1975) indicate the ? Cordatum and
(Bodenbender 1892, Burckhardt 1903, The distance between the northernmost Plicatilis Zones. The age of the gypsum is
Jaworski 1915 and 1925, Gerth 1928, outcrops at Portezuelo del Yesito therefore Late Oxfordian to Early
Groeber 1929, Weaver 1931, Windhausen (31º36´S) of Cordillera de los Sapos in the Kimmeridgian.
1931, Groeber et al. 1952), the understand- High Cordillera of San Juan and the With regard to the boundaries of the
ing of Neuquén geology has been hin- southernmost outcrops of Sierra de la evaporitic basin (Fig. 3):
dered until de 70´s by a lithostratigraphic Vaca Muerta (38º40´S) in southern - The eastern margin, at the latitude of
nomenclature favouring facies continuity Neuquén is 765 km, representing the lon- Neuquén, is well established by several geometría
over variation. This situation changed sub- gitudinal extension of the Aconcagua- boreholes (Digregorio 1972), which locate dimensione
s del
sequently, mainly thanks to the works of Neuquén evaporitic basin (Fig. 4b). the margin close to Añelo (68º 34´ S; see margen
este de la
Gulisano and collaborators who showed Within this context, it should be remem- Gulisano 1992; Legarrreta and Uliana cuenca de
the strong diachronism of many forma- bered that the “Yeso Principal” precipita- 1999). From there, the coast line contin- oncagua
tions and adopted a scheme of deposition- tion was the result of a slow basin evolu- ued NNW and passed close to the eastern
al sequences (Gulisano 1992). Many sedi- tion towards restricted circulation, and slope of Sierra de Reyes (69º40´S). After a
mentological studies with a sequence- ending in oversaturation of the water slight westward displacement at the lati-
stratigraphical approach have been carried mass by elimination of the upper body of tude of Sierra Azul and Bardas Blancas
out in Neuquén and Mendoza (see water and the transition to a one body (69º48´S) where the gypsum is missing
Legarreta et al. 1993 and Legarreta and mass which reached the condition for pre- (Stipanicic 1966, Gulisano 1992) at
Uliana 1999); still missing are detailed cipitation and preservation of calcium Tronquimalal or Potimalal (69º35´S), the
studies on of Late Callovian - Oxfordian sulfide. This major salinity crisis resulted margin followed northward to the latitude
ammonite fauna in order to improve the for the confinement of the basin under of Río Atuel, just east of Arroyo La
biozonation. existe poco conocimiento en resolución tectonic control which reduced drastically Manga (69º35´W); then east of Laguna
en la biozona de amonites calloviano-
oxfordianos en la cuenca de neuquén its connection with the open Pacific. As del Diamante (69º39´W) and, finally to the
Evaporitic basin of terminal Oxfordian pointed by Legarreta and Uliana (1996), Puente del Inca region (69º52´W).
the Auquilco evaporite accumulation fol- - The western margin, beginning at Mallín
yeso principal
del oxfordiano
The southernmost outcrops of the Yeso lowed a geologically sudden (Messinian- de los Caballos, continues NNW, passing
es la formación Principal (Schiller 1912) or Auquilco style) desiccation event. However, the Cuchilla Cura and the NW flank of the dimension
auquilco es y
Formation (Figs. 6a and 6b) (Weaver 1931, very volume of chemically precipitated Vaca Muerta anticline where the gypsum geometría
afloramientos más
al sur están Groeber 1946) are slightly north of rocks implies that the seaways were not is clearly beveled (Lambert 1956, Chotin del
poco al norte de
zapala Zapala in the Sierra de la Vaca Muerta completely closed and so, according to 1975); before following approximately the oeste de
la cuenca
(Groeber et al. 1952, Stipanicic 1966, eustatic fluctuation of sea level, the basin S-N course of Rio Agrio where, at the lat- de
Marchese 1971, Digregorio 1972) at the could continue to be fed for a time, as in itudes of Campana Mahuida (Chotin
northern part of the hill (Fig. 3). The the Mediterranean case (Rouchy 1982). 1975) and Loncopué (Groeber et al. 1952,
boundary must be placed at the latitude of All evidence points to a quick filling of see Gulisano 1992), mixed facies with thin
intercacalaciones Mallin del Rubio (38º40´S), where the the basin. It is therefore probable that gypsum and dolomitic limestones indicate
de red beds
en auquilco Auquilco Formation is represented by a these evaporites were generally coeval proximity of the coast. To the west, the
thin interval comprising stromatolitic throughout the basin and that the thickest area of Lonquimay was undoubtedly ele-
boundstones with thin red intercalations, deposits indicate the deepest parts of the vated at that time, because the upper
but may be missing locally due to erosion basin (Gulisano 1992, Legarreta and Bathonian-(lower Callovian) marls are
(Lambert 1956, Chotin 1975, Digregorio Uliana 1999). This interpretation differs overlain by only 50 m of volcanic sand-
and Uliana 1980, Gulisano and Gutiérrez from previous ones (Groeber et al. 1952, stones with Cidaris sp. and superposed by
hacia el sur
las facies regresivas
Pleimling 1995a). South of this latitude, Digregorio 1965 and 1972, Stipanicic thick Upper Jurassic andesitic flows
no tienen evaporitasthe regressive facies excluded evaporites, 1966), which accepted different ages for (Burckhardt 1900b, Chotin 1975, Suárez et
por lo general
as shown in the sections in and south of the Auquilco Formation and held that the al. 1988, Riccardi and Westermann 1991,
Rio Covun Co (Chotin 1975) at the south- thickest deposits were the marginal facies De La Cruz and Suárez 1997).
ern end of Sierra de la Vaca Muerta of the basin. Regarding the age of this Farther north, the coast line approximate-
(Groeber et al. 1952, Gulisano and precipitation, the youngest faunas collect- ly followed the meridian of Andacollo
Gutiérrez Pleimling 1995a, Legarreta and ed from the pre-gypsiferous levels of the (70º40´W). The dolomitic-calcareous
Uliana 1999), and the boreholes of the La Manga Formation at Arroyo Santa mixed facies with stromatolitic levels and
Plaza Huincul region (Di Gregorio 1965, Elena (Davidson and Vicente 1973), Rio intraclastic breccias (Dellapé et al. 1979) of
extensión longitudinal de cuenca evaporitica de aconcagua-neuquen
765 kilómetros

confinamiento de la cuenca fuertemente controlado por tectónica

circulación restringida pero no totalmente erradicada con el paleo pacífico y eliminación de parte superior
de los cuerpos de agua. depósitos mas gruesos de evaporitas son sectores más profundos, son procesos coevales.
se estiman los retrocesos en los bordes e y sur,
se cotejan con ambientes continentales y lagunales proximos Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 421
barrera carbonatica es facies de vaca muerta paralic= sedimentos marinos y continentales interdigitados
hay caracterísiticas deltaicas y braided channels
en batoniano-caloviano hay una transicion de facies marinas a de planicie
early oxfordian coastline regresion importante por probable levantamiento tectónico

Rahueco, Chacay Melehue and Los Oxfordian coastline south of Zapala and Formations (Bathonian-Callovian) in
Menucos pass gradually into the continen- immediately NW of Plaza Huincul Sierra de Chacai Co has shown that this is
tal facies of Rincón de Piedra (Zöllner and (Digregorio 1972), barely surpassing the a typically paralic - with pronounced delta-
Amos 1973) on the southern end of 39º S latitude. These brown and green ic features - to braided fluvial succession.
mas descrip
ciones de Cordillera del Viento, leaving little doubts marls and shales, interbedded with This marked the quick transition from a
las facies
about the littoral character of these thin beds of green sandstones, da- littoral marine environment, at the base, to
en el borde deposits. Curiously, these so called ted Oxfordian by the presence of the pure continental facies of an alluvial
oeste de la
cuenca “Chacay Melehue facies” (Stipanicic 1966) Peltoceratoides sp. (Digregorio 1972), repre- plain (Lotena Formation), at the top. The
were interpreted to represent the deepest sent the coastal facies of La Manga mostly high-energy, sandy sedimentation
basin deposits (Groeber et al. 1952, Formation (Stipanicic 1966). As on the indicates a quick regression resulting from
Stipanicic 1966); only Marchese (1971), eastern part of the Neuquén basin (east of an important uplift (Rosenfeld and influjo importante
de sedimentos a
Davidson and Vicente (1973) and Añelo) they gradually pass into the medi- Volkheimer 1979). Detailed measurements la cuenca hacia
el este y noeste,
Gulisano et al. (1984) considered that these um- to coarse-grained sandstones of the of the oblique cross-bedding indicate a intercalación con
deposits may be indicative of the evaporit- continental facies of the Sierras Blancas generally eastward and northward pale- callovianos
ic basin’s western margin. Formation (Digregorio 1965). This ocurrent regime in the northern Sierra. NNW-SSE
Further north, at the 35ºS latitude, the “Barda Negra facies” (Stipanicic 1966), This, together with the more frequent LINEA COSTA

coastline was just west of Vergara Villagra, restricted to the basin´s SSE margin, marine influx from the NE and the exis- el input de
i.e. on the 70º30´W meridian, as indicated seems to be a lagoonal paleoenvironment tence of marine intercalations with Middle desde el oeste
by the rapid westward thinning of the gyp- that developed behind the carbonatic bar- Callovian ammonites (Rehmannia patago- fue mas
importante que el
sum in the western limb of the Río rier. This barrier is represented by the niensis, cf. Riccardi and Westermann 1991) del macizo
Vergara anticline (Davidson 1971). It is “Vaca Muerta facies” (Stipanicic 1966) at the anticline of Picun Leufu, suggests a
chacai co marca
andean thrust difficult to farther follow the margin due with its coralline calcarenites and NNW-SSE orientation of the coastline at borde suroeste
dificulta de la cuenca
el seguimientoto the Major Andean Overthrust (Vicente lumachelles with “Gryphaea cf. calceola this latitude. These data emphasize the
dado el
overprint 1970, 1972, 1993 and 1998) which system- Quenst.”, along the eastern basin margin, importance of the western contributions mas al sur se
que genera atically overprinted the western basin mar- from Sierra de Vaca Muerta to beyond compared with those generally mentioned regresion mas
sobre los antigua probable
registros gin. Since precise magnitude of that Malargue via Sierra Azul and Bardas (Groeber et al. 1952) from the southern bajociana
marinos de la
cuenca overhrusting is unknown, it is difficult to Blancas (Stipanicic 1966). North-Patagonian Massif. The continental
assess the exact position of the western In summary, the Early Oxfordian events, area with major weathering was unques-
coastline between 35º and 31º38´S, but 10- at the southern boundary of the evaporit- tionably located to the west, and the
se calcula
que la linea de
15 km west of the overthrust front seems ic basin in the Zapala meridian (70ºW), Chacai Co facies marks the western basin
costa estaría reasonable. The proof of a continuous indicate a northwards regression of about margin, close to its southern end (Fig. 3).
km mas al oceanic communication at the Atuel lati- 30 km, whilst on the eastern margin, at Farther south, in the Piedra Pintada region
oeste de los
tude during this evaporitic phase, on the
actuales registros Bardas Blancas latitude (36ºS), the regres- (40º15´S), the regression was even older sucesiones del
other hand, would require a more detailed sion was 15 km. On the other hand, it is and probably Bajocian (Fig. 3). This cla- jurasico
la conexión study of the underlying deposits and of difficult to asses the coastline variations ssic Lower Jurassic marine succession of overprinted por
permanente arco volcanico
o continua coeval evaporitic successions, in order to west of Codihue at the latitude of Cerro southernmost Neuquén, mainly Pliens- de edad
con el paleo probable entre el
pacífico a record any marine ingressions between the Media Luna where (see Chotin 1975) bachian in age (Damborenea et al. 1975), toarciano y el
la altura de
altuel es evaporitic cycles. But the early pre-Late there are coralline facies resembling those passes continuously upward into a thick bajociano
la poca evide
Bajocian regression (Covacevich and at the southern end of Sierra Vaca succession of pyroclastic volcano-sedi-
cia que hay Piracés 1976) that characterizes the Muerta. The variations of this margin mentary, acid flows, sandstones and con-
que es alta Coastal Cordillera at this latitude, renders were probably smaller than those of the glomerates (Galli 1969) of probably Late
improbable this alternative improbable. cratonic margin according to basic trans- Toarcian - Early Bajocian age. This ended
verse asymmetry of the basin and the the regional marine sediments, which
Early Oxfordian pre-eevaporitic basin active tectonism of the island margin. Digregorio (1972) includes in the Lajas
tectonismo activo y variaciones
Formation. We also point to the existing en parte de
With regard to the previous boundaries of Callovian basin menores estimadas en borde strong analogies between this volcano-sed- chubut ocurre
insular este mismo
the basin, the pre-evaporitic deposits rep- imentary succession and that of extra- overprint sobre
resented by the La Manga Formation and During the Callovian, the southern end of Andean Chubut (Musacchio and Riccardi biofacies del
its equivalents occupied a slightly larger the Neuquén Basin was located farther 1971) in Sierra de Agnia. This analogy
area (Fig. 3; cf. Gulisano 1992). This is south at about 39º15´S (Fig. 3). conduced Riccardi to consider the levels
especially evident in the southern region, Sedimentological analyses performed by with Piedra Pintada fossiles as biofacies of
where the subsurface distribution of the different authors (Rosenfeld 1978, Zavala the same age, i.e. Pleinsbachian. Here the
Barda Negra Formation (Digrego- 1993. Gulisano and Gutiérrez Pleim- marine, tuffaceous Lower Jurassic (Osta
rio 1965) allows us to locate the Early ling 1995a) of the Lajas and Challacó Arena Formation) passes upwards into a
en el calloviano el limite estaba más al sur
422 J. C. . V I C E N T E

hollow separando cuencas

Figure 6a: Late Oxfordian paleogeography and facies distribution of the Arequipa-Tarapacá Basin. The evaporitic Tarapacá hollow was probably
separated from the Arequipa Basin by a shoal ; North of 16°S, the accuracy decrease notably owing to poorer biostratigraphic and sedimentologic
data. Tectonic shortening is not considered in the reconstruction, but its magnitude in Peru suggests that the slantwise intersection of the deltaic
pattern with the volcanoclastic facies hides a major thrust in between.
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 423

Figure 6b: Extension of isolated and restricted

evaporitic basins in Late Oxfordian.
424 J. C. . V I C E N T E
toarciana thick volcanic succession (Lonco Trapial of sandstones and argilites of deltaic ori- regression began in the Early Bajocian. BORDE
a los 43°s
no hay registros Group of Lesta and Ferello 1972). This gin, whilst to the southeast the Challacó Rivano (1975 and 1980), Hillebrandt (2000) DE
marinos del
suggests a late Toarcian age for the regres- borehole shows typically continental red showed for the Los Pingos region of BASIN
ano sion at this latitude (43º45´S). Besides, to sandstones and conglomerates (Digrego- Cordillera Ovalle, that in the Late Bajocian AMENTE
date no paleontological evidences for rio 1972). East of Añelo, before reaching the northern end of the Neuquen Basin DE LOS
Aalenian-Bajocian has been found in either the 68ºW meridian, the coastline changed was located immediately north of Los PINGOS

dominio nerítico
region (Riccardi, written com. 2003). to a NW direction, bypassing the Rio Pingos at 30º52´S. At this latitude the facies
en zapala durante el With regard to the distribution of Negro border of the Catriel region, are typically littoral with conglomerates,
Callovian facies, there exists, south of because the Punta Rosada borehole sandstones and red pelites with intertidal
hacia el norte se
transforman en Zapala, a neritic domain associated with a (68ºW, 38ºS) also showed typically conti- sedimentary structures. This indicates the FINAL
facies batho-callo
de shales deltaic system (Digregorio 1972). Towards nental facies (Digregorio 1972). After end of the gulf, here reduced to no more GOLFO,
the north it quickly passes into the Buta Ranquil, the eastern coastline contin- than 3-4 km in width, and surrounding an DE 3 A 4
Bathonian-Callovian shaly facies of the ued in a N-S direction near the eastern axis of euxinic infra-littoral shales and cal- ANCHO
estas facies
profundas de shales Chacay Melehue Formation (Cangini, slopes of Sierra de Reyes and Sierra Azul, cilutites (Rivano 1975). The petrography of FACIES
un cordon de + de 1968; Digregorio 1972). These relatively before passing Bardas Blancas and imme- the terrigenous deposits differs between the S
700 kilómetros NS RODEAN
y marcan el eje deep facies occur in an essentially contin- diately east of Puchenque and Arroyo La western margin, with andesitic material, and UN EJE
de la cuenca
uous belt, from Paso Pino Solo (38º35´S) Manga, finally connecting with the Puente the eastern margin, with pre-Andean mate- INFRA
calloviana of Lonquimay to Portezuelo Flores del Inca coastline (Fig. 3). rial of rhyolites and gondwanian granitoids. EUXINICO
(desde lonquimay
a san juan) (31º45´S) of Río Pachon and mark the In the Late Oxfordian, the Yeso Principal DEPLETE
axis of the Bathonian - Callovian basin. Main regressional stages in the southern end of the evaporitic basin ended just north of SULFURO
To the east, on the cratonic margin, a wide Neuquén Basin Portezuelo Yesito, by 31º35´S (see Fig. 7).
belt (Lotena Formation) of shelf sandy MAR ABANDONO CHUBUT DURANTE EARLY TOARCIANO This implies a southwards regression of TOXICO
limestones and calcareous sandstones Summing up, a progressive northwards about 120 km in 18 My, i. e. an average VIDA
(Groeber et al. 1952) developed. East- and regression started in extra-Andean Chubut, speed of only 0.6 cm/y, 3 times slower than
northeast-ward, the Chacay Melehue with the following main stages at central- in the southern region (1.8 cm/y).
Formation of the Loncopué region northern Chubut and the southern end of
(38º05´S) with tuffaceous intercalations, the Neuquén Basin:
fluxoturbidites and levels with imbricated - Late Pliensbachian-Early Toarcian: Sierra MAIN FEATURES OF
olistoliths (Rosenfeld and Volkheimer de Agnia region (43º45´S); ANDEAN JURASSIC
1980), and the Chacay Melehue region - Late Toarcian-Early Bajocian: Piedra PALEOGEOGRAPHY
(37º15´S) with tuffs, spilitic lavas with pil- Pintada region (40º15´ S) - southern Sierra
low structures (Zöllner and Amos 1973) de Chacaico (39º25´S);
Permanence of paleogeographic and
and turbidites with deformation struc- - Middle Callovian-Early Oxfordian:
structural features
tures due to slumping (Gulisano and Immediately south of Zapala, at 39º -
Gutiérrez Pleimling 1995a), indicate the 39º10´S;
borde oeste
proximity of an active volcanic arc at the - Middle Oxfordian: Mallin del Rubio lati- We conclude that there were close coinci- CUENCAS
en lonquimay western basin margin. In Lonquimay, tude (38º40´S) - Sierra de la Vaca Muerta. dence and symmetry between the general DE
con arco activo TARAPACA
con turbiditas y Upper Bathonian (-Lower Callovian) This implies a distance of over 650 km in 31 transgressive and regressive movements Y
slumpings NEUQUEN
facies are coastal turbidites with abundant My, i. e. the average rate of regression was at the latitudes of the Andean Basin. This FUERON
slope apunta al
volcanics. The western coastline was west of the order of 1.8 cm/y, 5 times lower than is evident from the observation that the AREAS
este y se of Loncopué, Chacay Melehue and for the transgression. We conclude that the areas of late transgression are the same as SUBSIDENC
con facies de Nacientes del Teno (35º10´S), where the cause of this slow, northward regression those with early regression, whilst those COSNATNE,
lutitas NORTE
(Bathonian-) Callovian consists of green was epirogenic rather than orogenic. with early transgression are the same with CHICO Y
volcanic arenites with many slump levels Furthermore, the rate of the regression late regression. There appears there were EXTRA
indicating an easterly slope (Davidson diminished from the Callovian onwards. areas with permanent uplift trend along FUERON
1971; Davidson and Vicente 1973), and VELOCIDAD DE LA REGRESION ES 5 VECES MENOR
A TRANSGRESIÓN!!!!!!!!!!!1
the basin (Norte Chico Isthmus and CON ALZAMIENT
eastwards (Nacientes de Santa Elena) Main regressional stages in the northern end of the extra-Andean south Neuquen-Chubut) O
interfingers with shaly facies. Aconcagua-NNeuquén Basin and others with subsidence trend (Tarapacá E
The eastern coastline of the southern Basin and Aconcagua-Neuquén Basin).
region followed a SW-NE direction pass- It remains to analyze the regressional fea- This permanent tectonism is all the more SUBETAPA
ing more than 20 km southeast of Plaza tures in the Aconcagua-Neuquen Basin´s surprising as it also persisted during the 2ETAPA
Huincul (Groeber et al. 1952). This is evi- northern end, i. e. north of our study area, Tithonian-Early Cretaceous cycle (Jensen DELANDINO,
dent in the Loma Negra borehole, just and on the Norte Chico Isthmus up- and Vicente 1979). The biostratigraphic
west of that locality, which shows facies lift.Between latitudes 29º and 30º30´S, the control for this later cycle is more con- TRENDS
borde este del sur con orientación SW-NE

Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 425

Figura 7: Stages of the Jurassic regression at the northern end of the Aconcagua-Neuquén Basin.

cise, confirming the similarities in the to lose sight that it was basically a retroarc Late Jurasic Andean regressive phase with
main features of the trangressions and basin on continental crust and became an wide spread Upper Oxfordian gypsum
TITONIANAS regressions. For example, the transgression integral part of an intrinsically active mar- overlain by mainly continental Kimme- antes conocida
occured in the Tithonian at the latitude of gin which behavior is dictated by the con- ridgian a time when in Europe were rela- como:
WTF HERMANO Quebrada Asientos (26º30´S) (Harrington vergence and so by the variations of the tively very high sea-levels. This major Fase
ASIENTOS 1960, García 1967, Pérez 1978), and in the subduction process. regression in the Andean Basin is recog- diastrófica
EPICO Valanginian at the latitude of Copiapó nized from Neuquén to Northern Chile, it es decir,

(28ºS) (Tavera, 1956). Symmetrically, it Dynamic of water masses: regional affected an area of hundred of thousands y
ALCANZO occured in the early Tithonian at the upper tectonics versus global eustasy model of square kilometers and so testifies a
COPIAPO en este
EN course of Río Mendoza (33ºS) where in major episode of uplift on a regional caso al este
Quebrada Vargas we collected (det. Considering the Andean Basin during the scale. According to Hallam et al. (1986) it yconsecuenci

Covacevich, 1973) a fauna with Virgatos- Jurassic in a dynamic context, the progres- expresses a sudden eastward extension of amovimiento

phinctes cf. V. andesensis (Douvillé) and aff. sive connection of the Tarapacá and the volcanic arc. Initially viewed as a sim- arco
“V.” erinoides (Burckhardt), Aulacosphinctes Aconcagua-Neuquén Basins and their ple diastrophic phase (Stipanicic and sobre
sp. and Paraboliceratoides sp. (see also Lo subsequent separation until confinement Rodrigo 1970), it is now considered as a
TITONIANO Forte 1996), whereas at the latitude of Alto become evident, and the main movements genuine orogeny known as the Araucanian HOY HA
BERRIASIANO Limari (31ºS) the age is late Berriasian of the water masses become clear. In par- Event. Its compressive tectonic effects SIDO IDENTIFICA
(Mpodozis and Rivano 1976) on the basis ticular, we try to explain how the regres- have been for a long time underestimated DO COMO
of Spiticeras sp. and Cuyaniceras sp. In our sion in the distal parts may influence the (Vicente 1984). It is clear now that it pro- ARAUCANA
study area, the Early Cretaceous basin is cratonic margins of the central parts of duced a widespread inversion in southern PRODUJO
REPETITIVOS clearly narrowing towards the north. This is the basins, with transgressive facies Neuquen (Ploszkiewicz et al. 1984, UNA AMPLIA
CRETÁCICO especially evident on the western slope of caused by displacement of the water Vergani et al. 1995). The famous uncon- INVERSIÓN
Cordón de la Ramada, where the E and NE masses, so that is unnecessary to infer formity at Cerro Lotena (Suero 1951) is a SUR DE
thinning of the Lower Cretaceous calcare- important tectonic movements on the cra- classical example of that inter-Malmic DESENCAD
ous level and the thickening of a facies of tonic margin. Examples can be found in episode on the Dorsal de Huincul. REGRESIÓ
red sandstones indicate an important NW the Bajocian at the latitude of Copiapó Synsedimentary compressive structures N
ALZAMIENTO inflexion of the coastline. In summary, we (Jensen et al. 1976) and the Callovian in are also present north of Zapala in Sierra ESTO
SIGUE EN found for this time in Norte Chico the the Mercedario region (see also Alvarez de la Vaca Muerta (Zavala 2002) and con- MIGRACIO
same positive tendency as for the Jurassic. 1996 a, b, c, 1997) and the southeastern sidered responsible for the northward LOS
This suggests that a type of analysis simi- part of the Neuquén gulf, i. e. the Lotena migration of the Lajas Formation depocen- DEPOCENT
lar to the one here discussed for the Formation and its associated sedimentary ter. An Intracallovian unconformity shows FORMACIO
marine Jurassic could be performed on subcycle (Dellapé et al. 1979). All this hap- that partial inversion even began in the Late ACTIVAS
the Tithonian-Lower Cretaceous cycle pened even without having to consider Bajocian (Covunco anticline). ESTO
(Andico cycle). any marine ingressions coming from the A symmetrical situation is found at the lat- COMENZAD
That permanence of paleogeographic and Pacific through a strait in the arc or any itude of Norte Chico, in the area of OBAJOCIAN EN EL

structural features along the Central Andes, global sea-level rise. Rivadavia of the Elqui Cordillera. There O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
with reiteration during the Tithonian-Early In that dynamic framework where the the Upper Jurassic continental and vol-
Cretaceous cycle of the same patterns of shifting of water masses appears at first canogenic Algarrobal Formation seals
transgressions-regressions (see Legarreta sight indisputably tectonic, it is clear that unconformably compresive structures SIMÉTRICA
and Uliana 1991), leaves no doubt about the the recording of assumed global eustatic affecting the marine Jurassic (Dedios SE EN EL

EVIDENTE basic regional tectonic control of that cycles remains very subordinate and diffi- 1967, Mpodozis and Cornejo 1988) as NORTE CHICO,
ARCO retroarc basin. Its behavior is closely subor- cult to identify. This is especially so attested by its restoration to horizontal. DISCORDA
MAGMATICA dinate to the tectonic and magmatic activity because the arc magmatic activity seems Evidence of a strong uplift of the Arc is SOBRE
of the volcanic arc which was boundering it to have also contributed considerably in proved by the thickness and coarseness of S
on the West. Insofar as we have shown the variations of sediment supply to the basin the fanglomerates of the Rio Da- MARINOS JURASICOS
importance and remarkable continuity of and later interfered with the generation of mas Formation of Central Chile High UPPER POR

that volcanic arc during the course of a clear signal of eustatic sea-level change. Cordillera, a typical depositional system of JURASICO
Jurassic, it is no longer possible to recon- If we consider the relative sea-level curve alluvial fans developed during the AL
struct the basin on the basis of data coming from latest Triassic to Jurassic proposed Kimmeridgian and interpreted as the prox- AL
only from the cratonic margin even if a by Hallam (1991, his figure 2) for the imal facies of a foredeep against an uplifted FM RIO
wealth of petroleum data are available for Andean Basin and compare it with that volcanic source area (Charrier 1981), which DAMAS,
the Neuquén embayment. It will be neces- established from Europe by Haq et al. graded eastward to the distal red beds of ALUVIALES
sary to pay much more attention to the (1987) or Hallam (1988), obvious dissimi- the Tordillo Formation in Argentina. A
insular margin of the basin if we don’t want larities become patent. The main is the Regarding the Coast Range of the Norte FOREDEEPDE ARCO
obs: red beds incluyen toda la variedad de ambientes deposicionales no marinos:
i.e desiertos, lagos, aluviales, planicies de rios , deltas, etc
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 427
malm hiatus en costa de norte chico y zona central, erosion significativa, meteorizacion (suelos rojos)
discordancia angular notable en depositos neocomianos, disponiendose a veces en el
antearco triasico esquistoso. el plutonismo intenso del jurásico, y las zonas de falla y daño
asociados al emplazamiento borraron los registros sedimentarios + metamorfismo sintectónico

Chico and Central Chile, it is customary to Pliensbachian - early Toarcian, early were tectonic and magmatic.
speak of a “Malm hiatus” (Thomas 1958). Bajocian and early Callovian and his Numerous authors performing sequence-
It comes out by a significant erosion, a attempts to correlate those with episodes stratigraphical analysis have nevertheless
deep rubefaction and a conspicuous of sea-level rises elsewhere in the World, tried to interpret sequence boundaries in
unconformity of the Neocomian beds. these results are too strongly linked to the the Central Andes in term of relative sea-
Locally the erosion is such that these hazards of sampling and the lack of real level fluctuation and to correlate them
deposits lie direct on schistose Triassic of and systematic 3rd-order sequences analy- with the global eustatic chart. This was
the forearc (Moscoso et al. 1982, Rivano sis with paleobathymetric interpretations often attempted with an amazing preci-
and Sepúlveda 1991). The extensive to be considered unquestionable. Without sion as in the case of the Neuquén basin
Upper Jurassic plutonism which intruded taking part in the controversy raised by (Legarreta et al. 1993, Legarreta and
this range (Rivano et al. 1985, Gana and Miall (1992 and 1994) about the Exxon Uliana 1996) and the Domeyko basin
Tosdal 1996) and the syntectonic meta- global cycle chart (Haq et al. 1987) con- (Ardill et al. 1998). It must be pointed out
morphism and shear zones associated cerning its illusory precision “because it is that these attempts were based exclusively
with their emplacement (Godoy and greater than that of the best available on longitudinal correlations without care
Loske 1988, Irwin et al. 1988) must be added chronostratigraphic techniques” and the of the along-strike dynamism specific to
in order to appreciate the entire Araucanian danger of circular reasoning in using it as these basins. Moreover, as concerns the
Orogeny in the midst of the Arc. a template for stratigraphic correlation particular case of the Domeyko basin, it is
The second extensive lowstand pointed since “almost all stratigraphic events can clear from our point of view that these SE HABRIA
out by Hallam’s eustatic curve deals with be found to correlate successfully with authors (Ardill et al. 1998) have greatly LA BATIMETRÍA

the Bathonian. For a long time it was this chart when allowance is made for underestimated the real bathymetry of the DE DOMEYKO
believed in the absence of Bathonian in error”, it is clear that in the Andean context basin and interpreted as erosional
South America and supposed a general an insufficiant attention has been paid to shoreface deposits many typical turbiditic ARDILL HABRIA
regression for that time (Harrington the preponderant part played by regional facies which in no case indicate a basin- DEPOSITOS

1962). But this age was underestimated tectonics on the dynamic of water masses. ward shift in facies and can not be imput- EROSIONALES

corrección for biostratigraphic reasons linked to the Concerning the observed pattern of trans- ed to a forced regression lowstand. Just as, DE SHOREFACE
de edades
de supuesta
endemic character of Andean ammonites gression, it expresses more the post-rift according to Jaillard et al. (1990), they
and the lack of Cardioceratidae and flooding of a subsiding retroarc basin than refer to a marked Upper Oxfordian
en america scarcity of Parkin-sonidae. Recent studies real transgressive pulses. unconformity in southern Peru we never
mediante of continuous stratigraphic sections going Mutti et al. (1994) emphasized the nature learnt about.
de ammonitesfrom Upper Bajocian to Callovian in shaly of the Andean retroarc basin as a typical
facies as in the Domeyko Cordillera or in barred basin with limited connection to Weak endemism in biogeography
the western Neuquén have allowed to the open ocean, whose depositional
establish a zonation on the ground of sequences were strongly controlled by the It is interesting to compare the scheme of
Andean Eury -cephalitinae and to pro- filter or amplifier effect and display pro- longitudinal evolution of the Andean Basin
pose its correlation with the standard duced by the relative elevation, in space with the ammonite paleobiogeographic
zones (Chong et al. 1978, Riccardi 1985, and time, of the sea floor in the seaways data. These are available at the generic level
Riccardi et al. 1988, Riccardi and and straits connecting it with the Pacific from the reviews of faunal relationships
Westermann 1991). These sections, as in Ocean. In particular, their conceptual dia- (Hillebrandt 1970 and 1972, Riccardi 1991a,
our study area in the Río Los Patos and grams show how sea level fluctuations Hillebrandt et al. 1992, Westermann 2000)
Alma Negra Types (Fig. 4 of Vicente occurring below the shoal separating the for the Lower Jurassic (Hillebrandt 1979,
2005), do not show any significant change forearc from the retroarc will not be 2000 and 2002), the Middle Jurassic
in their bathymetry during this stage. recorded in the basin or, on the contrary, (Westermann and Riccardi 1976, 1984 and
However, they were deposited in water filtered (only high stand recorded) when 1985; Westermann 1980, 1981 and 1996;
too deep to record minor fluctuation of fluctuations contain it. That explains the Gröschke and Hillebrandt 1993, Hille-
the sea level. In southern Peru, the distinctive characteristics observed in the brandt and Gröschke 1995) and Oxfordian
en peru Bathonian is even the stage of greatest sequence-stratigraphic setting of the (Stipanicic et al. 1975, Melendez et al. 1989,
el batoniano subsidence in the Arequipa Basin (Vicente Jurassic Neuquén Basin with respect to Gygi and Hillebrandt 1991).
es la
epoca de 1989). Ardill et al. (1998) already have sug- those described in sequence-stratigraphic The rapid transgression with remarkable
subsidencia gested that the fall was of low magnitude models currently in use. Though their continuity of the Andean Basin and the
en la cuenca
de arequipa and notably less than the one argued by model considers mainly eustatic varia- important exchanges through the straits
Hallam (1991). tions, this does not preclude the tectonic (Ibague, Olmos, Taltal and Curepto) may be
Regarding Hallam’s important Andean mobility of these straits. Our analysis sug- related to the character of the faunas: In the
transgressive pulses in the Hettangian, gests that, most likely, the main sea floor “South American Lias, from north to south
early and late Sinemurian, late fluctuations in the seaways across the arc and from east to west, there are not found

otra vez se refuerza control tectónico sobre transgresiones MUTTI ET AL 94, DEFINE AL RETROARCO COMO BARRED BASIN
428 J. C. . V I C E N T E
NO HAY MUCHAS DIFERENCIAS COMPOSICIONALES EN FAUNAS DE y decrecimiento de faunas cosmopolitas y tetis
AMMONITES DE LA MISMA EDAD EN N-S Y W-E esterman y riccardi plantean dos subprovincias de ammonites|

many compositional differences in the basins. However, Westermann and sions may enable to show the presence of
ammonite faunas of beds of the same age” Riccardi (1985, fig. 5) noted a decrease in short marine entrances during the basin’s
FAUNAS (Hillebrandt 1979). The Andean Lower the number of Tethyan and Cosmopolitan drying process.
una provincia
Jurassic ammonite faunas comprise a uni- genera and the occuence of strict There was a lasting Pacific influence dur-
uniforme form province with connections to Tethyan endemics in the Aconcagua-Neuquén ing practically the whole history of the HABRIA
con conecciones
con faunas del faunas –through eastern Tethys first and Basin compared with the Tarapacá Basin Andean Basin. If some differences could UNACONEXIÓN
tetis, a traves del
este del tetis primerothe Hispanic Corridor later-during and so argued for a distinction between be shown between the Tarapacá and DESDE
y el corredor DES DE EL
hispanico luego Hettangian - Early Toarcian times and with two subprovinces (see also Westermann Aconcagua-Neuquén basins for the PLIENSBAC
durante el
hettanguiano al
North America in the Early Pliensbachian - 1996). A similar conclusion is reached by Callovian-Oxfordian, these probably TRAVÉS
toarciano tempranp Toarcian (Hillebrandt 1979, 2002, Riccardi DEL
Damborenea (2002) concerning Bivalves occurred at the specific level. CORREDOR
y con
importante 1991a). Although diversity is relatively low since she notes “further north (northern Finally, these good biogeographic evi- HISPANO
presencia en norte
américa and Phylloceratinae and Lytoceratinae Chile and Peru) there are very few (if dences for sporadic exchange between COMO
en el pliensbachiano
toarciano occur only sporadically, probably as a result any) Austral elements and the Tethyan the eastern Pacific and western Tethys EPICONTIN
of restrictions in faunal exchange through influence is more evident”. So, save the since the Plienbachian bears out the idea SOMERO
baja biodiversidad
the Andean volcanic arc. East Pacific faunal handicap of Tethyan elements to migrate of a Hispanic Corridor (Cratonic proto-
seria producto differentiation reached a maximum in the very south, this compels us to conclude Atlantic) which, as a shallow epiconti-
de restricciones
en el intercambio Pliensbachian and was less pronounced that the straits through the arc had an nental seaway, allowed fauna migrations
a traves del arco during the Toarcian, when most genera and active role in the exchange during that (Smith 1983, Hallam 1983 and 1994,
volcánico andino
some species were pandemic. time. It seems therefore that the faunas Jansa 1991, Damborenea 2000). This
diferenciacion en el During the Middle Jurassic (Westermann migrated freely along the south-eastern leads to look with some reserve the pale-
pacifico este
alcanzó un maximo and Riccardi 1976 and 1985, Riccardi Pacific margin and periodically penetrat- ogeographic map of the western Tethys
en el pliensbachiano
y fue menos 1991b, Hillebrandt et al. 1992, Westermann ed the Tarapacá and Aconcagua- presented and discussed by Bassoullet et
en el toarciano 2000) open faunal connections with the Neuquén basins during the regressive al. (1993) for the Middle Toarcian which
cuando la mayoria
de generos
western Tethys existed at the Toarcian- phase. In this regard, rather than study denies any connection. So, this favors the
y especioes
eran pandémicos
Aalenian boundary, the end of the Early the regressive features on the cratonic Jaillard et al. (1990)’s Tethyan model.
and the beginning of the Late Bajocian, and margin, the way to study how these SE FAVORECE MODELO TETIS DE JAILLARD ET AL 90
conexiones in the late Early-Middle Callovian, whilst straits worked is through the variations in Critics of the Dorsal del Chubut
faunisticas abiertas
con tetis endemic and east-Pacific genera present salinity in the basin and, especially, in the
del oeste
entre el toarciano-
during the Late Bajocian – early Early evaporitic successions. Considering the paleogeographic con-
aaleniano, bajociano Callovian indicate intermittent or restricted Thus, there are reasons for assuming that nections inferred for the late Early
tempano final y
bajociano tardio inicialfaunal exchanges. Late Bathonian-Callovian the so called Bathonian “Yeso Inferior” Jurassic between Neuquén and extra-
calloviano medio
temprano Andean genera were also present in New (Tabanos Formation) (Stipanicic 1966) Andean Chubut (Lesta and Ferello 1972)
periodos endemicos Zealand (Westermann et al. 2002) indicating widely distributed in the Jurassic succes- and the notion of a single Neuquén- conexion
en este del pacifico
bajociano tardio-
an overlap of east-Tethys and east-Pacific sions of W and NW Neuquen (Dellapé Chubut basin in the Late Pliensbachian - neuquen
calloviano temprano; faunas. Diversity shows a maximum in the and Pando 1976 in Dellapé et al. 1979), Toarcian (Fig. 13b of Vicente 2005), we durante
indican periodos de late
intercambios fauna Early Bajocian and a minimum in the (Early) from Rio Atuel (Gerth 1925, Groeber et have to discuss the Dorsal de Chubut pliensbac
o intermitenetes Callovian. This trend is correlated with an al. 1952) to Sierra Vaca Muerta (Groeber concept, introduced by Aubouin and hian-
en late bathonian- increasing number, first of exclusively 1921, Lambert 1956, Stiapanicic 1951), Borrello (1970) and Chotin (1975).
calloviano muy
temprano, generos
endemic, and later of East Pacific and attests to a first salinity crisis in the We submit that the notion of a
presentes en andino Pacific genera. In the Oxfordian, the Neuquen Basin. This was probably Precambrian basement high (dorsal) with
y nueva zelanda
overlap entre Andean fauna bear close resemblances to caused by a brief interruption of the NNW direction, which connected the
de tetis este y those of Europa and the western Tethys. strait communication with the Pacific. north Patagonian Massif with basement
pacifico este.
The almost total absence of the Conditions were similar in the Tarapacá of the coastal region of Concepción at
en oxfordiano “Leiostraca”, Phylloceratidae and Lytocera- Basin, where the carbonate deposits of the latitude of Bariloche, and separated
fauna andina
es cercana con tidae, could also be due to isolation from Honda Formation (Harrington 1961) the Andean Basin from the Magallanes
la del oeste de tetis oceanic influences (cf. Hillebrandt et al. overlying the Millonaria Gypsum in the Basin (relé sur-argentino or of Bariloche,
europea y

se cree tambien
posible aislamiento
1992). Caracoles (Montaño 1976) and Cerritos in Aubouin and Borrello 1970), suffered
del oceano Summing up, it is evident that the faunal Bayos (Baeza 1976) region, point to a from a significant lack of information on
connections recorded until the middle brief post-evaporitic marine ingression. the Patagonian Cordillera. Its definition
Oxfordian (Plicatilis Zone) do not reflect However, it is difficult in this case to as “high zone where (from the end of
distinctly at the ammonitide generic level decide between an eventual origin Triassic onwards) nothing will be sedi-
the regression beginning in the Bajocian through the arc and a more probable mented” ... and furthermore, “not affect-
and resulting in the subdivision of the south-Peruvian marine ingression. A ed by volcanism” and on which should
Andean Basin in two independent sub- detailed study of the evaporitic succes- end ... “as a finger glove” the Andean

caso contrario a neuquen donde se estipulan desconecciones
Dinamic paleogeography of the Jurassic... 429
disposicion andesitica ESTE
y acida OESTE es similar en esta region similar a norte chico

modelo de transicion entre cuencas andinas a lo presente en magallanes control tectonico indiscutible en ciclos transgresion regresion
igual durante transgresion breve del titoniano

Basin (Chotin 1975, p. 75) is barely com- uity of the arc. If the zonation observed heritage (Vicente 2001). Especially as a
patible with current knowledge. at the Norte Chico latitude (Vicente similar study for the Tithonian-Lower
continuidad de It suffices to recall the continuity and 1976) is compared, the acidic belt typifies Cretaceous cycle suggests persistence of
jurasico importance of the Jurassic volcanics the arc westernmost part, as the andesitic this logic.
cordillera nor along the North Patagonian Cordillera belt occurs mostly to the east in extra- In that context, the simple displacement desplazamie
and the indisputable southwards prolon- Andean Chubut. of water masses during the regressive nto de aguas
gation (at least until 47º S) of the calcal- In summary, it is clear that during the process in the distal, precociously uplift- regresion
kaline arc. This is supported by the men- Jurassic a Precambrian dorsal did not exist ed, parts of the basins, may lead to trans- alzamiento
de sectores
tioned record by Cuerda et al. (1981) of a which, beginning in Bariloche, separated gression on the cratonic margins of the de cuencas
Lower Jurassic bivalve fauna in the vol- the Andean system from the Magallanes central part of the basins without having (arco)
cano-sedimentary Aluminé Formation system. Rather there is continuous grad- to consider any additional ingression haber
(39º20´S regarded as Pliensbachian by ual change from one system to the other from the Pacific or any global sea-level transgresion
es en los
Pérez and Reyes (1977), and the dating of as already pointed out (Vicente 1970). It rise. This dynamic view leads to favor bordes
the Piltriquitrón Formation (42ºS) by seems therefore advisable to abandon the tectonics and magmatic activity as main de las
Lizuain (1980), also as Lower Jurassic by supposition of an Andean system that driving forces in the displacement of cuencas sin
a bivalve fauna. The Aluminé Formation was unrelated to the Magallanes system water masses in the Andean Basin, at the de alzas en
los niveles
is securely correlated with the Millaqueo (Aubouin and Borrello 1970), and instead cost of a static view based on global eustaticos
globales o
Formation of the Huemul Group support the more fruitful hypothesis of a eustatic events. That accounts for our del pacifico
(Gonzalez Bonorino 1974) of the Nahuel Patagonian transition favouring the pro- rather critical opinion on attempts to
Huapi southern region and the Montes gressive appearance of alpine tectonic correlate at Andean level boundary
de Oca Formation (Gonzalez Diaz 1979) characteristics. Further work remains to sequences with the global eustatic chart.
for the northern region, as well as with be done to precisely establish where and As regards the paleogeographic maps
the El Fuerte Formation (Greco 1975) of how are represented the forms and lati- presented in this work, it should be noted paleogeográficos
the Monte Tronador region (41º15´S) tudes of features such as flyschs, ophio- that no palinspastic restoration was presentes no
and the outcrops of Cordón de Leleque lites, nappes and regional metamorphism. intended; we only mentioned shortening restauraciones
palinpasticas y
(42º30´S) – not to mention the Futaleufú rates when locally known. There is no solo se exponen

Group of Thiele et al. (1979) for the CONCLUDING REMARKS consensus about shortening values along
tasas de
cuando son
Chilean sector (43º19´S) and the Jurassic the Andean Main Range and estimates conocidas
volcanics described by Haller (1979) for Regression during the upper Jurassic vary considerably from an author to localmente

the Argentinean sector west of Trevelín. obeyed to an exactly reverse pattern as another. This is particularly notable in
continuidad Considering also the continuity of the the one observed during the lower recent works where tectonic models
de arco
volcánico entrevolcanic arc between 43º and 47ºS shown Jurassic transgressive process. Sectors often take precedence over objectivity
43-47 sur
by Haller and Lapido (1980), whose with late transgression became those and do not account for the real tectonic
hace 170 ma activity began in the late early Jurassic with early regression while those with style. Moreover, in spite of some uncer-
actividad desde

(171 ± 5 Ma, K-Ar) and continued until

hasta late jurassic
early transgression show a later regres- tainties, we attached great importance on se debe
the late Jurassic, it is plain to see that few sion. In such a way that the Norte Chico the so called major Andean overthrust importancia
continuacion de
paleogeografia doubts remain about the continuation Isthmus (29°S to 30°30’S) and the extra- which as a retroarc thrust has tectonical- mayor del
overthrust del
39 a 47 sur between 39º and 47ºS of this essential fea- Andean south Neuquén-Chubut area ly overprinted in our opinion most of the arco sobre las
cuencas en el
ture of Andean paleogeography (Lizuain (41°S to 47°S) appear as precociously western half of the basin. Insofar as the sistema andino
y su overprint
1999, Giacosa and Márquez 1999). emerged zones from the Bajocian. This actual structure of the Main Cordillera is
continuidad de Added to this continuity of island vol- carried again a split up between the rather rectilinear when exists obvious dif-
volcanismo en
islas canism is the Cretaceous plutonism of Tarapacá and Aconcagua-Neuquén ferential of shortening along-strike
batolito the North Patagonian batholith as shown basins until their complete drying up in inherited from the Jurassic paleogeogra-
by the absolute ages (Toubes and the late Oxfordian following their phy and when Norte Chico and south
Spikerman 1973, Stipanicic and Linares restricted circulation. In short, there Neuquén areas are viewed as pins for the
1975, Halpern and Fuenzalida 1978, were areas with permanent uplift trend structures, it is clear that unfolding struc- arco jurasico
Gonzalez Diaz and Valvano 1979, along the basin (Norte Chico Isthmus tures reveals a Jurassic Arc convex algo convexo
hacia el pacífico
Gonzalez Diaz 1982, Rapela et al. 1987, and extra-Andean south Neuquén- towards the Pacific between the pin
Latorre 2001). In summary, this was a Chubut areas) and others with subsiding points. Finally, if an analogue must be RECONSTRUIRL
se habla de
true magmatic dorsal that was continuous trend (Tarapacá Basin and Aconcagua- found between the Jurassic Andean
magmatica to the south. The volcanic nature seems Neuquén Basin). That close coincidence Paleogeography and an example of mod-
volcanes to have evolved gradually to more acidic and symmetry between the general trans- ern insular arc, it is with the western part
se volverian
mas acidos types. In fact this development may gressive and regressive movements of the Indonesian Arc that it identifies
con el tiempo
express partly the paleogeographic obliq- demonstrate its indisputable tectonic the best. In particular, location of the
sectores con trends permanentes de alzamiento, norte chico y sur sistema similar en la actualidad!!!!

sectores con hundimiento constante cuencas de tarapaca y aconcagua-neuquen

430 J. C. . V I C E N T E

Sunda strait between the great islands of jurásicos de la Alta Cordillera de San Juan. Carta Geológica Nacional 2(5): 1- 92, Lima.
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Sea looks like the Neuquén Basin. 59-137, Buenos Aires. Biese, W. 1961. El Jurásico de Cerritos Bayos.
Undoubtedly, their is much to get from Alvarez, P.P. 1997. Evolución estratigráfica y Universidad de Chile, Instituto de Geología,
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sequence stratigraphy of the Mesozoic la Academia de Ciencias, 13: 5-44, Cordoba.
Domeyko Basin, northern Chile. Journal of Burckhardt, C. 1900a. Profils transversaux de la
The author is deeply indebted to A. the Geological Society 155: 71-88, London. Cordillère argentino-chilienne. Stratigraphie
Riccardi for his invitation to contribute Arratia, G., Chang, S. and Chong, G. 1975a. et Tectonique. Anales del Museo de La
with this paper. Together with G.E.G. Pholidophorus domeykanus n. sp. del Jurásico Plata, Sección Geología y Minería, 2: 1-136.
Westermann, he had a great part in the de Chile. Revista Geológica de Chile 2:1-9, Burckhardt, C. 1900b. Coupe géologique de la
translation and update of an early Santiago. Cordillère entre Las Lajas et Curacautin.
Spanish draft of this paper. In course of Arratia, G., Chang, S. and Chong, G. 1975b. Anales del Museo de La Plata, Sección
this process we have particularly appreci- Sobre un pez fosil del Jurásico de Chile y Geología y Minería, 3: 1-102, La Plata.
ated his very critical look and disinterest- sus posibles relaciones con Clupeidos amer- Burckhardt, C. 1903. Beiträge zur Kenntniss
ed advices. The manuscript was also icanos vivientes. Revista Geológica de Chile der Jura- und Kreideformation der
greatly improved during the peer-review 2: 10-21, Santiago. Cordillera. Palaeontographica, 50, 144 p.,
process by the helpful and constructive Aubouin, J. and Borrello, A.V. 1970. Regard sur Stuttgart.
comments. The author’research had the la géologie de la Cordillère des Andes: relais Busson, G. 1978. L’unité des faciès confinés en
benefit of long stay as visiting professor paléogéographiques et cycles orogéniques milieu de plate-forme carbonatée. Livre
at the Universities of Chile (Santiago) superposés; le Nord argentin. Bulletin de la Jubilaire J. Flandrin, Document du
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and Peruvian Foreign Offices. This made areas adyacentes entre los 22°30’-22°45’ estructurales desde la Sierra de la Vaca
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