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PASTHABITS WOULD / USED TO Talk about past epeated actions in the past. habits and states. t sometimes suggests a nostalgic feeling We used to live in Chicago (but we dont row) 'd spend hours with my (Past state) friends by the river 2He used to smcke . (out he doesnt anymore) Would is contracted to 'd (Past ned) 1) REWRITE THE SENTENCES USING WOULD OR USED TO. A-1 HAD SHORT HAIR WHEN | WAS A TEENAGER H-WHEN | WAS LITTLE, | LIVED IN BRAZIL 7) CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION. SIMON NEVER USED TO / WOULD LIKE SNAKES, BUT HE DOESN'T MIND THEM AT ALL DID YOU USE TO / USED TO ENJOY SCIENCE FICTION STORIES? AS A-CHILD, | WOULD / USE TO SIT FOR HOURS WATCHING THE STARTS. | LOVED IT} WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG, DID YOU USE TO / DID YOU USED TO BE SCARED 10 INSECTS? THE TWINS WOULD NEVER / NEVER WOULD GO INTO A ROOM IF THERE WAS A SPIDER IN THERE nome CHMMER UONINAVe 1 IN HEN TA SLIM COCA AIL My TIMC Lanvinc ene

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