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H,I,K,L,M,N HABIT = a behavior that develops as a result of experience and occurs almost automatically.

For instance, behaviours that satisfy psychological cravings ( throught chain smoking ). HALLUCINATION = false sensory experiences such as seeing something, hearing a voice, feeling a touch, etc. HEREDITY = the biological transmission of traits from parents to offspring. HEURISTICS = cognitive strategies, or rules of thumb, often used as shortscuts in solving a complex inferential task. I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught. ( Winston Churchill ) Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. ( C. Gustav Jung ) HYPNOSIS = an altered state of awareness characterized by deep relaxion, susceptibility to suggestions, and changes in perception, memory, motivation and self-control. HYPOTHALAMUS = the brain structure that regulates motivated behavior ( such as eating and drinking ). IDENTIFICATION AND RECOGNITION = two ways of attacking meaning to perception. ILLUSION = an experience of a stimulus pattern in a manner that is demonstrably incorrect but shared by others in the same perceptual environment. IMPLOSION THERAPY = a behavioural therapeutic technique that exposes a client to anxiety-provoking stimuli, through his or her own imagination, in an attempt to extinguish the anxiety associated with the stimuli. IMPRINTING = a primitive form of learning in which some infant animals physically follow and form an attachment to the first moving object they see and/or hear. IN- GROUP BIAS = an evaluation of ones own group as better than others. INHIBITORY INPUTS = information entering a neuron signaling it not to fire.

INSANITY = the legal (not clinical) designation for the state of an individual judged to be legally irresponsible or incompetent. INSOMNIA = the chronic inability to sleep normally; symptoms include difficulty in falling asleep, frequent waking, inability to return to sleep and early morning awakening. INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (IQ) = an index derived from standardized tests of intelligence; originally obtained by dividing an individuals mental age by chronological age and then, multiplying by 100; now directly computed as an IQ test score. INTERNALIZATION = according to Vygotsky, the process through which children absorb knowledge from the social context. KINESTHESIS (KINESTHETIC SENSE) = the ability to sense body position and the movement of muscles, tendons, joints, etc. LATENT LEARNING = the type of learning that occurs, but you dont really see it until there is some reinforcement to demonstrate it. LIBIDO = the term of libido was introduced by Sigmund Freud and is, at a very basic level, sexual desire and urges. The libido, which is a part of the ID, is an energy or force that can come into conflict with the conventions of what is typically considered civilized behaviour. LOBOTOMY = a type of psycho-surgery in which the nerves that connect the frontal lobes to the parts of the brain that control emotions are served. It is a procedure that once was used to reduce uncontrollably violent or emotional people. LSD = a very powerful hallucinogenic drug. ( lysergic acid diethylamide ). LUCID DREAMING = when a person dreaming becomes aware that he is dreaming and is able to influence or control what happens. MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) = is a method used for studying the functions of the brain without surgery. Images are obtained by using a strong magnetic field. MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER = depression is the first reason why people get psychological counseling. Major depressive disorder is classified as a mood disorder in which people have periods of hopelessness and sadness that last for more than 2 weeks and dont appear to have a specific cause. ( a period of intense psychological pain that includes : hopelessness, feeling worthless, loss of pleasure in things that previously were pleasurable, etc. )

MANIA = a mood disorder in which people feel incredibly excited, hyperactive and overly optimistic. Mania is also one part of bipolar disorder, also known as maniac depression in which people turning from being depressed to being maniac. MASOCHISM = gaining pleasure from physical or psychological. The pain can be self inflicted or inflicted by someone else. When the pain inflicted produces sexual pleasure, the infliction of the pain is called sexual masochism or paraphilia. MENTAL AGE = a persons level of performance as it corresponds to their chronological age. MOOD = an overall feeling or mental state such as happiness, anger, tension, anxiety. MORAL REASONING = is the process which determines right or wrong in a given situation. MOTIVATION = a process that acts, guides and maintains behaviours. MOTOR NEURONS = neurons that carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles to make movements. NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY = a person with a narcissistic personality is totally centred on his or her own needs and feelings while ignoring the needs and feelings of others. NARCOLEPSY = is a sleep disorder where the affected individual falls asleep without warning. NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE = refers to the sensations reported by people who have come close to dying or were clinically dead for a period of time. These people report having feelings of total peace or extreme fear, like being in a tunnel, seeing or going towards a light, being in a different time and place. NEEDS = needs motivate us to act and regain homeostasis. NERVES = are the smallest cells in the body and are responsible for carrying information around your body the information they carry is in the form of electrical impulses. NIGHT TERRORS = a disorder that interrupts your sleep. Individuals wake overcome by fear and an increased heart and respiratory rate. Unlike nightmares, night terrors do not occur in REM and there is no recollection of a bad dream. ( REM = RAPID EYE MOVEMENT )

NONVERBAL CUES = communication signals without the use of vocabulary. A facial expression of sadness would be an example of a nonverbal cue. NOVELTY PREFERENCE = refers to the fact that infants are moving likely to pay attention to new objects or people than those they have seen before. NULL HYPOTHESIS = the opposite of the hypothesis being tested. O,P,Q

Observational learning =the process of acquiring information by observing others Oedipus complex =occurs during the phallic stage, and is a conflict in which the boys wish to possess their mothers sexually ,and perceive their father to be a rival in love. *Girls too, have a conflict like this,what is called Electra Complex. Organic amnesia =refers to a loss of memory ,resulting from head trauma substance abuse or epilepsy. *These examples are considered organic causes as opposed to a psychological cause such as a traumatic experience that a person unconsciously denies in order to avoid emotional pain. Othello effect =a person who is actually truthful ,may feel nervous ,anxious,or generally worried that will be not believed by the others. *In this situation ,the person may exzibit fear which to be just like ,the type of nervous behavior a liar may exzibit, when they are afraid of being caught.

Panic attack = panic attacks are symptoms of anxiety disorders where individuals experience brief episodes of intense anxiety. *Psychal symptoms involve increased heart rate ,trembling and adrenaline rushes. Paranoia = is a psychological disorder in which the person has delusion of being persecuted by others or delusion of their own grandeur. Parapsychology =refers to the study of paranormal phenomenon occurrences that appear to violate scientific laws.

Peak experience= an experience in which an individual feel one with the Universe. Phallic stage =one of the Freuds psyhosexual stages development ,where the pleasure is centered around the genital region,and is between 3-7 years. *It is the stage when the child learns that there is a difference between males and females. Philosophy=can be defined as the investigation of the nature ,causes or principies of reality knowledges ,values,based on logical reasoning rather than empirichal methods. Positivism =is a philosophy ,in which people believe that the goal of knowledge is only to describe what people experience . *It also believe that the science should only study, that which is measurable ; Anything that is not measurable or experienced, is irrelevant. Prejudice =there are many different definitions or ideas about prejudice; One of this ideas ,it saying that the prejudice is a negative usually unjustified attitude directed toward people simply becase they are members of a specific social group. *examples :I hate all the rock music lovers! I think that the blondes are all stupides ! I know that the gypsy people are all feefs!...and so on.. Primary process =in Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality,the primary procces works to resolve tension created by the pleasure principal. * Rather than act on dangerous or unacceptable urges ,the id forms a mental image of a desired object to substitute for an urge in order to dettense tension and anxiety. Quantitative data =information that cann be counted or expressed numerically. *This type of data is often collected in experiments ,manipulated and statiscally analyzed;also cann be represented visually in graphs and charts. R,S,

Random assignant = the use of chance procedures in psychology experiments, to ensure that each participant has the same opportunity ,to be assigned to any given group. Reflected appraisal process =is considered one of the development of self concept . *The term refers to the a process where we imagine how other see us. Reliability =refers to the consistency of a measure ;a test is considered reliable if he get the same result repeatedly. *(Test Retest reliability ,Inter-rater rel.,Parallel Formes rel.,Internal Consistency rel.,). Replication =a term referring to the repetition of a research study ,generally with different situations and differents subjects ,to determine if the original study can be generalized to other participants and circumstances. Roschach inkblot test =is a type of projective psychological evaluation created in 1921, by Hermann Rorschach. *Used to analyze personality and emotional functioning ;it is the second most communaly used forensic test after the MMPI. Schizoid personality disorder= a deronic and pervasive condition characterized by disruptive patterns of thought ,behavior and functioning , *This type of personality disorder is believed to be relatively rare and tends to affect more men than women. Schizotypal personality disorder=individuals with this affection usually experience:eccentric perceptios,thoughts and behaviorus Magical thinking; Also including saying that they can read minds or can foretell the future . *The persons with this affection have major difficulties in forming relationschips, severe social anxiety ;they may talk to them-selves,ignores others or react inappropriately. Sensoriomotor stage =in Piaget s stages of cognitive development ,the sensorio-motor stage is a period between birth and age two, during whide an infants knowledge of the world, is limited to his or her sensory perceptions and activities. *Behaviors are limited to simple motor responses caused by sensory stimuli. Skinner box=is a chamber that contains a har of key that an animal can press, or manipulate in order to obtain food or water as a type of reintorcement.

S,T,U,V,W SUPEREGO= according to Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality, the superego is the component of personality composed of our internalized ideals that we have acquired from our parents and from society. *The superego works to suppress the urges of the ID and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically. THEORY= the term is used with surprising frequency in everyday language. The term is often used to mean a guess, hunch, supposition. *A theory is based upon a hypothesis and backed by evidence. It is a concept or idea that is testable. In psychology, theories are used to provide a model for understanding human thought, emotions, behaviors. UNCONDITIONED RESPONSE= is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus. *For example, if the smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus, the feeling of hunger in response to the smell of food is the unconditioned response. VALIDITY= is the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure. *It is valid for a test to be valid in order for the results to be accurately applied and interpreted. WITHDRAWAL= refers to the feeling of discomfort, distress, and intense craving for a substance that occur when use of the substance is stopped. *The withdrawal symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe withdrawal that can be actually life threatening. Y CHROMOSOME= is the sex chromosome found only in males. ZYGOTE= after a female egg is fertilized, it becomes known as a zygote. *The zygote divides through a process known as metosis, in which each cell doubles by dividing into two cells. This stage is the germinal period of development.

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