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1. Describe in English the language that is generated by the following BNF grammar. <stmt> b <stmt> | z <plunger> <plunger> z <plunger> | f <pretzel> <pretzel> s <pretzel> | s Solution: All strings containing 0 or more b, followed by 1 or more z, then one f and then one or more s. 2. Consider the following BNF grammar. <pop> + <bop> , <pop> = | <bop> <bop> <boop> | ( <pop> ) <boop> x | y | z Which of the strings below is a <pop>? z (x) +y= (+y=) +(x),y= +(x), +y, x== Is it a <pop>? yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no

3. Write a BNF for the following: A set of strings over alphabet {a,b} that read the same from left to right as from right to left (palindromes) Solution: SaSa|bSb|a|b| 4. Write a BNF for the following: {anbn}: every a paired with b on the other side Solution: S aSb | 5. Write a BNF for the following: {anbjan | n 0, j 1}: each 'a' on the left paired with one on the right Solution: S aSa | R R bR | b 6. Write a BNF for the following: {anb3n}: Each a on the left can be paired with three bs on the right Solution: S aSbbb | epsilon 7. Write an unambiguous grammar that generates: "The set of all strings of as and bs containing an even number of bs". Solution: <G> <A> <S> <S> b <A> b <A> S <A> a <A>

8. Consider the following grammar: <S> --> <A> a <B> b <A> --> <A> b | b <B> --> a <B> | a Which of the following sentences are in the language generated by this grammar? 1) baab 2) bbbab 3) bbaaaaa 4) bbaab 9. In the following grammar: S -> X | X % S X -> int | int & X | ( S ) Statement 1 2%3%4 2&3%4 Statement 2 (2 % 3) % 4 (2 & 3) % 4 Does statement 1 equal statement 2? (YES / NO)

10. Consider the following BNF grammar for a language with two operators & and @. <UT> <UT> & <UV> | <UV> <UV> <UW> @ <UV> | <UW> <UW> term What is the associativity of the '&' operator? a. left b. right c. neither d. highest

Which operator has higher precedence? a. & b. @ c. term d. & and @ have same precedence

The grammar is: a. left recursive b. right recursive c. both left and right recursive d. neither left nor right recursive

11. Which of the following grammars G1 and G2 is ambiguous?


<S> x <S> z | x <S> y

G2: |a

<S> x <S> | x <S> y <S>

<S> z | a

a. G1

b. G2

c. both G1 and G2

d. None are ambiguous

CONVERSION FROM EBNF TO BNF AND VICE VERSA BNF to EBNF: (i) Look for recursion in grammar: A ::= a A | B rewrite as: A ::= { a } B (ii) Look for common string that can be factored out with grouping and options. A ::= a B | a Rewrite as: A := a [B] EBNF to BNF: (i) Options: [] A ::= a [B] C Rewrite as: A ::= a N C N ::= B | empty string (ii) Repetition: {} A ::= a { B1 B2 ... Bn } C Rewrite as: A ::= a N C N ::= B1 B2 ... Bn N | empty string

12. Convert the following EBNF to BNF: S A { bA } A a [b] A { } repeat 0 or indefinitely [ ] optional 0 or once

13. Convert the following BNF to EBNF. Assume that <S> is the starting symbol S A | AC C bA | bAC A aA | abA a. S Ab {A} A ab {A} b. S {Ab} A A a [b] A c. S A {bA } A a {b} A d. S A { bA } A a [b] A


BNF: <if statement> ::= <if part> [ <else part> ] Recursive Parser: boolean ifStatement(Token tok) { if (ifPart(tok)) { tok = tokenizer.nextToken(); } else { return false; } elsePart(tok); // ignore result return true BNF: <list> ::= <item> { "," <item> } Recursive Parser: boolean list(Token tok) { if (item(tok)) { tok = tokenizer.nextToken(); while (tok.value.equals(",")) { tok = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (!item(tok)) error(); } return true; } return false; }

14. Prove that the following grammar is ambiguous: <S> <A> <A> <A> + <A> | <id> <id> a | b | c Create the parse trees for a + b + c:

>S< | > A< > A< | >id< |


>S< | > A< > A< + + > A< | >id< |


+ > A< | >id< |


> A< | >id< |


> A< | >id< |


> A< +

> A< | >id< |


The sentential form yields to distinct parse trees; hence, ambiguity. 15. Show the leftmost and rightmost derivation of the following sentence from the given grammar. 2+(3*7+6) E T F E+T T*F | ET | | T/F | T F

number | name | ( E ) Rightmost derivation E E+T E+F E+(E) E+(E+T) E+(E+F)

Leftmost derivation E E+T T+T F+T 2+T 2+F

2+(E) 2+(E+T) 2+(T+T) 2+(T*F+T) 2+(F*F+T) 2+(3*F+T) 2+(3*7+T) 2+(3*7+F) 2+(3*7+6)

E+(E+6) E+(T*F+6) E+(T*F+6) E+(T*7+6) E+(F*7+6) E+(3*7+6) T+(3*7+6) F+(3*7+6) 2+(3*7+6)

Parse tree

Derivation tree


+ )




+ ) (

2 + 6

| 2

| +




| 6


| 3

| 7

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