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Rosaline "Rose" Hexine Species: Fox Occupation: Traveling cleric Daughter of Lori Hexine the cleric and Adam

Skaa the sharpshooter. Both are "wanted criminals," but are NOT evil. They merely protect the innocent by killing those that are dangerous to others. But the hunted criminals have ties to the corrupted government they live in, so Lori and Adam are hunted down by numberous groups. After Rose was born, she lived her first few years on the run with her parents. Eventually, in order to save her, her parents hid Rose in the very village her mother was raised in. Her mother handed the family spellbook down to her and fled with Adam. Lori died a few days later. Her father is alive, but stays away from his daughter to keep her safe. She spends most of her years in the village, making a few friends. She gets a hammerspace bag that allows her to hide her book and other possesions . Then her village was attacked. It was ambushed by the group who killed Lori, setting the village on fire and killing numberous people with dark magic, including Rose, who was tortured to death with said magic. She is later revived by angels (though she has no memories of the occurance), as it is her destiny to continue the cleric line (and so it was too early for her to die yet.) She manages to escape the building and learn of her ability to absorb small amounts of dark magic (but will be hur t even more then usual by heavy dark spells, and she can't heal herself) Afterwards, the remaining members of the village banish her, and so she roams to wherever, enjoying the sights and friends that she makes. The same group attacks her tutor, after trying to fi ght them off, they have to fleeand they part ways, with the tutor distracting th eir pursuers. She runs into a dark village with corrupted knights of the govt. k illing the last of the people with swords. Rose ditches her sword, now afraid of it. She then meets a tutor who teaches her white magic (she doesn't simply read book s and *poof* learns them, she must meet specific requirements before she can even try to cast the spell. For example, someone who wanted to learn "Cure" in this fashion would have to endure a certain amount of pain at one time) and bits of swordplay. During one of her 'adventures' she is captured by an evil shaman, who mostly practiced voodoo. Here she meets Bowla, a boo who used to serve for Lady Bow while looking for a way to go to the afterlife (she was long dead, and was sick of being earthbound) before she was captured. They both escape, but not before the shaman curses the duo, turning Bowla into a siren and Rose into a doll, shaped like a small fox. Due to the shaman's inexperiance, the curse dulled over time, giving Rose the ability to turn into the small fox, and Bowla the ability to occasionally turn back into her Boo self. Bowla decides to join Rose, as Boos usually

despise Sirens, so she would be banished anyways. Later, Rose finds a powder that she uses to make costumes for her smaller form, gaining some of the abilities of the person the costume was made to look like. S he also learns from a herbalist nearby what plants to grow to make said powder. After fleeing from the guild of thieves into the desert, the duo find an unconsi ous and mutated Mel. They took care of her, and after she woke up she explained her story of her being an ex-thief being mutated by the chaos emeralds due to he r greed. Rose and Bowla help Mel adjust to her body and the duo becomes a trio.

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